Deed of Heirship and Sale
Deed of Heirship and Sale
Deed of Heirship and Sale
This DEED is entered into and executed by ADELAIDO DAGODOG, of legal age,
Filipino, Widow, and a resident of, barangay Agutayon, Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, hereinafter
called the HEIR- VENDOR, in favor of,
That FELICISIMA ABUDA, widow was the registered owner of a certain parcel of land
known as Lot No. 593, Pls-629, of the Cadastral Survey of Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, covered
by Original Certificate of Title FV-8105, located in barangay Agutayon, Jimalalud, Negros
Oriental, consisting of an area of Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred Eighty Four (32,184)
square meters, more or less;
That FELICISIMA ABUDA died intestate sometime ago, leaving without any
testamentary will nor debts not settled until the present and upon her death she was survived by
her children and only compulsory heirs, and one of them is the vendor herein, ADELAIDO
That Lot No. 593 was subdivided by the Heirs of Felicisima Abuda into two sublots,
namely Lots No.593-A consisting of Six Hundred sixty Seven (667) Square meters and Lot No.
NOW, THEREFORE, invoking the provisions of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court
of the Philippines, the herein Heir-vendor, Adelaido Dagodog does hereby settled and
adjudicated unto himself, Lot No. 593-A, consisting of 667 Square Meters, being a portion of the
whole aforementioned parcel of land, in accordance with his rights, interests and participations
That for and in consideration of the sum of FOURTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (Php
66,000.00), Philippine Currency, in had paid by the Vendee herein, duly represented by its
authorized representative, and receipt in full is hereby acknowledged by the Vendor to his entire
satisfactions and that by virtue of these presents, the herein Heir-Vendor does hereby SOLD,
CEDE, TRANSFER and CONVEY unto the vendee that portion of land that was already
segregated from the whole area, and surveyed as Lot No. 593-A, including all the improvements
therein and which portion of land is particularly described as follows, to wit:
That the vendor herein declares that due notice has been given to all persons affected by
this transaction in compliance with the provisions of the New Civil Code of the Philippines,
pertaining to the rights of the redemptioner and preemptioner, but nobody opted to exercise the
said rights; further the vendor declare that and the said parcels of land is not covered by the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law because the said parcel of land is within the retention
limits of the vendor, and the vendor warrants his title and ownership over the said parcels of
land and will defend the rights of the vendee against any adverse claim whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this ___day of August
2012, at _____________________, Negros Oriental.
1. ____________________________ 2. ________________________________
WITNISS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date, year, and place first above-written.
Doc. No. _______;
Page No. _______;
Book No._______;
Series of 2012 ;