Memorandum of Agreement Amado Garung
Memorandum of Agreement Amado Garung
Memorandum of Agreement Amado Garung
In support of the SCRP, the FIRST PARTY needs to construct 2 major track
railways: the Mainline, a single track railway that will connect Subic Bay Freeport
Zone and Clark Freeport Zone, and is divided into four segments, Subic-to-
Dinalupihan (Segment 1), Dinalupihan-to-Floridablanca (Segment 2), Floridablanca-
to-Porac (Segment 3), and Porac-to-Clark (Segment 4); and the Spurline, also a single
track railway that will connect Port Subic Bay New Container Terminals to the
The FIRST PARTY needs to acquire private lands which will be used for the
Right-of-Way (ROW) of these railways.
1.1 Subject matter. Subject to the final determination of its actual metes and
bounds, the Property subject of this MOA shall be ONE HUNDRED TWENTY
NINE (129) square meters.
TIE LINE: S. 67 DEG 24’ E. 2932.08 M., From BLLM NO 3, CAD 156 TO CORNER
AREA: ONE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE (129) Square meters more less
1.2 Land Value. The SECOND PARTY herein agrees to sell to the Buyer the above
described property in the amount of Php 416.25 per square meter.
1.3 Total Purchase Price. The Total Purchase Price of the property shall be sum of
the total land value amounting to FIFTY THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
NINETY SIX PESOS AND 25/100 (Php 53,696.25), the replacement cost of
BCDA – Alphabiz Corp.
Memorandum of Agreement
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structures and improvements, and the current market value of crops and trees
to be determined at the subsequent Deed of Absolute Sale.
1.4 Earnest Money. The FIRST PARTY shall pay to the SECOND PARTY twenty-five
percent (25%) of the total land value mentioned in Section 1.3 as Earnest
AND 06/100 (Php 13,424.06). Accordingly, this amount shall form part of the
Total Purchase Price of the Property.
Nonetheless, should the sale of the Property not push through for any reason
whatsoever, the SECOND PARTY shall return the Earnest Money to the FIRST
PARTY within fifteen (15) days from demand thereof, or as stated in the demand
letter, whichever is earlier.
1.6 Permit to Enter. Upon payment by the Buyer of the earnest money referred to
in Section 1.4, the SECOND PARTY shall issue a Permit to Enter in favor of the
FIRST PARTY and allow Possession of the Property.
1.7 Deed of Absolute Sale. The SECOND PARTY shall execute a Deed of Absolute
Sale in favor of the FIRST PARTY upon completion of the final parcellary survey,
thereby effectively transferring ownership of the Property to the FIRST PARTY.
The FIRST PARTY, on its part shall pay the SECOND PARTY the balance of the
Total Purchase Price upon submission of all required documents needed by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue and Register of Deeds.
1.8 Clearing of Property. The SECOND PARTY hereby authorizes the FIRST PARTY
to clear the Property of all improvements and crops within ten (10) days from
receipt of the earnest money. Within the said period, an inventory of all
improvements and crops must be prepared by the FIRST PARTY, duly
conformed with by the SECOND PARTY.
1.9 Documentary Requirements. The SECOND PARTY shall provide the FIRST
PARTY, as necessary and applicable, all the documents proving the SECOND
PARTY’s ownership and possession of the Property. A list of those documents is
herewith attached as Annex “B” and forms as an integral part of this MOA.
1.10 Warranties. The SECOND PARTY warrants that he is the owner of the said
property and possesses all the necessary authorizations and powers to sign this
Agreement and the subsequent Deed of Absolute Sale. It shall hold the FIRST
PARTY free and harmless against any damages, claims or suits involving a third
party that may be affected by this transaction.
2.1. Payment of real estate taxes and such other taxes and fees past due and
pertaining to the land, and improvements thereon, shall be for the account of
the SECOND PARTY and shall be deducted by the FIRST PARTY from the Total
Purchase Price and paid directly to the Municipality where the property is
2.2. The titling of the property, registration of the transfer of ownership and all other
action as well as payment of costs, fees and taxes thereof (except Capital Gains
Tax) that are necessary to effect the Deed of Absolute Sale shall be the
responsibilities of the FIRST PARTY. The corresponding Capital Gains Tax shall
be paid by the FIRST PARTY on account of the SECOND PARTY.
BCDA – Alphabiz Corp.
Memorandum of Agreement
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This MOA shall be valid and binding upon the heirs, executors and assigns of
both the contracting parties. Any action or suit arising hereunder shall be brought to
the appropriate court in ____________, all other venues being hereby expressly waived.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in City of _____________, on this _________ day of
_____________, 2020 personally appeared the following:
They are known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and they acknowledge to me that the signatures the affixed confirm their own
voluntary acts and the entities they represent.
SIGNED AND SEALED at the place and on the date stated above.