Enterprise Resource Planning: An Open Source System
Enterprise Resource Planning: An Open Source System
Enterprise Resource Planning: An Open Source System
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 84 – No 17, December 2013
Take comparatively less time in training servers. Equally companies relying on OSS component based
Available source code developments will face a similar situation, but arguably there
High level customization is a better basis for this co-dependent development amongst
Flexibility to the customer in choosing projects in the OSS community.
High security 6. DISCUSSION
Responsive This chapter summarizes the findings that we’ve been
discussing so far.
4. STATUS OF OPEN SOURCE ERP It is a well known fact that ERPs have high cost which
Source forge (hosts open source projects) is the world’s prevents it from spreading to SMEs. Most of the ERPs are
largest Open Source Software development website. A difficult to be customized by end-users thus it prevents
research was made in September 2007 and a similar one was developers to further innovatively improve the system.
made in November. The search showed that 336 Open Source
ERPs were registered in September and by November there - Today’s Open Source ERP systems are suitable for SMEs.
was a rise in registration of Open Source ERPs by 20 (within - Today’s Open Source ERP systems are suitable for large
10 weeks).This clearly shows how much importance organizations.
companies are giving to Open Source ERPs.
For large organizations:
The other way of calculating the importance of Open Source - Large organizations value the aspects related to the
ERPs is by counting the number of downloads of the software flexibility and process improvement that the ERP software is
as such. The consultants of the ERP sector made supposed to bring into the organization more than SMEs (e.g.
recommendations to the SMEs for downloading the software increased organizational flexibility, process improvement and
and giving it a look. The following table describes about improved innovation capabilities)
downloads from six open source ERPs projects. It shows the
interest towards Open Source ERP software has increased 7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
owing to the huge amounts of downloads by the companies RESEARCH
Table 1: for Downloads of Open Source ERP’s Several needs came out of this study, and here is aquick
summary of them:
For large organizations:
ERP - Large organizations value the aspects related to the
flexibility and process improvement that the ERP software is
Novem 1,296,0 401,262 311,96 235,897 149,0 21,116 supposed to bring into the organization more than SMEs (e.g.
ber 27 98 4 10 increased organizational flexibility, process improvement and
improved innovation capabilities).
Septem 1,267,1 300,716 284,42 231,031 138,0 6,953 - Internationality of the software and customer and supplier
ber 13 60 9 64 needs
- Stability and history of the supplier. This includes also the
Dowon +28,938 +100,546 +27,535 +4,866 +10,94 +14,16 current market position of the vendor.
loads 6 3
during - Upgradeability and improvement in ERP packages,
10 including stability of the product and functionality as well as
improved innovation capabilities.
Start of 8/6/ 9/3/ 2006 10/8/ 1/9/ 2006 7/1/ 25/3/2005 - Short implementation time.
the 2001 2005 2003
project - Good support, this includes implementation support
- Integration.
5. FREE AND OPEN SOURCE SYSTEM - Scalability abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might
elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest
OSS ERP: ERP FOR SMEs applications.
Because of the high complexity associated with large
corporations’ business processes, OSS ERP might never be For SMEs:
suitable for them. Instead, SMEs are more suitable candidates - Adaptability and flexibility of the software. This includes
for it. This observation has been verified by surveying OSS technical upgradeability and incorporation of latest
ERP packages available in open source repositories. Almost technologies.
all of them are geared towards the SMEs market. Unlike large
companies, SMEs can more easily adapt themselves to ever- - A short implementation time.
changing business environments. This business agility is one - Lower costs.
of the major strengths that SMEs have.
- Fit with business procedures.
There is another reason why OSS ERP development is
currently viable. The maturity of OSS in general has made it - User-friendliness of the system.
possible that many components, i.e., building blocks, of an - Focus on product characteristics such as the functionality
ERP system can be open-sourced, e.g., DBMS, OS, and web and quality of the products and services, rather than on
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 84 – No 17, December 2013
characteristics of the ERP supplier of the product. - Regarding domain knowledge of suppliers, both OpenERP
and OpenBravo seemed to be more ready than Adempiere
- Integration or in other words the possibility of the product to Regarding common needs between large organizations and
interface with other applications. SMEs:
- Good support from supplier and training. When it comes to upgradeability and improvement in ERP
- Domain knowledge of suppliers. packages, it can be said that all three can meet this need.
When it comes to scalability, all three systems present some
For large organizations limitations. There are still some doubts about the ability of
- Regarding the fact that large organizations value the those systems to handle big volumes or requests because of
flexibility that the ERP software is supposed to bring into the the use of high level of abstraction.
organization, it can be said that all three systems can satisfy
this need. 8. REFERENCES
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