Deodorization Solutions
Deodorization Solutions
Deodorization Solutions
PFT00174EN 0512
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deodorization thinking we develop new and better Alfa Lavals patented breakthrough efficient deodorization solution currently rapeseed/canola
in applying thin-film technology to available both in new installations and sunflower seeds
ideas that later set the standard for the whole industry. modern deodorization processes when extending and updating existing maize/corn
Multitude of uses
Alfa Laval SoftColumn deodorization
solutions are particularly effective in
deodorization of seed oils
An Indonesian first
PT Grahadura Leidongprima is a family-owned business on the island of Sumatra
Essential for top-quality in Indonesia. The company is very successful in the palm oil processing industry.
To cement this position, the company ordered the first SoftColumn deodorization
plant in Indonesia, accompanied by dry fractionation plants.
fats and oils processing This Alfa Laval SoftColumn deodorization installation provides the company with a
processing capacity of 1,000 tonnes of palm oil daily.
Removing undesirable elements Beginning with deaeration The oil is then held in a retention Condensing removed impurities Cooling
When processing edible vegetable oils Before heating the oil, air must be section for a certain amount of time The volatile impurities that have been Finally the oil is cooled in two stages.
and animal fats, it is crucially important removed under vacuum (deaeration) for thermal treatment known as heat removed from the oil are condensed First in the economizer, and then to
to remove any undesirable compounds in order to protect the quality of the bleaching that deals with undesirable in a so-called scrubber unit, using the specified final temperature. It
that can affect flavour, odour, stability product by preventing oxidation. pigments and ensures the stability of recirculated and cooled distillate. then undergoes polish filtration and is
and colour. the final product. The scrubber is either placed on top transferred to subsequent processes,
After leaving the deaerator, the oil is of the stripping section or built as a storage or packaging.
Deodorization is a vacuum steam regeneratively heated in a special heat The length of time the oil is kept in the separate vessel.
distillation process in which steam exchanger, the economizer, by the hot retention section depends heavily on
is passed through such oils at very oil leaving the deodorization column. the desired product specifications.
low pressure and relatively high This ensures that as much heat as
temperature in order to remove any possible is recovered from the hot oil.
such substances still present after
the preceding processing stages. The oil then proceeds to a final heater
where it is brought up to the exact Stripping and retention
temperature required for deodorization, When the oil has reached the Deodorization Vacuum
normally using high-pressure steam. designated temperature, it is fed to Deodorization VHE Final Heater
the deodorization column, which is the Steam
main component used for deodorizing
edible fats and oils. Such a column can Steam Scrubber
When the oil passes through the
SoftColumn Stripping
stripping section, it is exposed to a section Distillate
combination of vacuum and steam steam boiler
Distillate Water
that removes volatiles including free heater tank
Steam Water
fatty acids (FFAs) that have a higher Retention
vapour pressure than the oil itself. If Condensate Citric acid
additive system
present, these volatile impurities affect
the flavour, odour and stability of
Vacuum Steam
edible oils.
Deaerator Citric acid
Oil in
Condensate Water Oil out
Final cooler
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Traditional versus modern Patented technology, better results Less energy Self-cleaning, no odours
In the traditional deodorization The groundbreaking Alfa Laval A special Alfa Laval heat recovery The unique structure of the packing in
approach, the stripping of volatiles SoftColumn design features patented economizer is used to heat the a SoftColumn deodorization column
and heat bleaching are carried out technology that makes the oil flow in a incoming oil, using heat from oil means there is no risk of clogging or Stripping section
simultaneously. However, this means thin film down specially structured already deodorized. This ensures that polymerization. The resultant flow
that the oil is at higher temperatures packing inside the column. less energy is required for heating the pattern and the high turbulence this
for longer and that volatile substances oil to the deodorization temperature. creates, along with optimized oil
are present throughout the treatment Minimum of steam distribution and the completely airtight
process. The steam enters from the bottom Maximum flexibility design, mean the installation is
and flows counter-currently upwards. The SoftColumn design lets you adjust self-cleaning and free of odour.
In the modern Alfa Laval SoftColumn Together with the packing, this ensures the colour of the oil as well as altering
deodorization concept, on the other that the greatest possible oil surface retention time and/or temperature at The same structured packing
hand, the two parts of the area is exposed to both vacuum and any point. Because the stripping and technology is used in the scrubber
deodorization process are kept steam, under consistent, controlled retention sections are separate, it is unit to condense the volatiles removed
separate. This ensures much better conditions. This guarantees that the even possible to operate with different from the oil.
control of the process and fewer volatile impurities are removed rapidly temperatures in each section, providing
side reactions. and efficiently, using only a minimum you with the best possible control of
. of steam thus cutting energy costs. the deodorization process.
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More than the sum of the parts Products division is Latin Americas largest oilseed processor and largest seller of
bottled oils to the retail market. To extend this position, Bunge has invested in the
largest vegetable oil refinery in Latin America. Located in Brazil, this major plant
has a capacity of 1200 tonnes per day.
Complete deodorization concept available in modules
Alfa Laval is responsible for the complete refinery, featuring a neutralization section
with two PX 110 separators, a bleaching installation and a complete SoftColumn
deodorization solution.
A complete Alfa Laval SoftColumn Stripping section Scrubber VHE Final Heater VHE Economizer Design features include
deodorization solution consists of Oil flows evenly down the structured The Alfa Laval Scrubber is a structured The patented Alfa Laval VHE (vacuum The Alfa Laval VHE Economizer sparge steam injected through
four modular sections. These can packing in a thin film while steam packing column designed to condense heat exchanger) Final Heater raises the provides gentle, highly efficient cooling perforated tubes on the bottom of
be installed separately to perform flows counter-currently. This exposes and recover FFAs and other volatiles temperature of the oil to that required of the deodorized oil, producing a the shell, below the heating tubes
particular duties, but they are also the oil effectively to the vacuum and from the deodorization process, and for deodorization, under vacuum and better-tasting oil of higher quality. incoming oil heated in multipass
ideal for combining into one highly stripping steam. to prevent these being carried over sparging steam conditions. The highly U-tubes with high-turbulence flow
efficient deodorizing system that will to the vacuum system. turbulent flow on the shell side of this Due to the patented counter-current shallow channel system with baffles
provide a significant boost to both your Design features include high-efficiency heat exchanger flow pattern and large heat exchange for optimized plug flow
processing capacity and the quality of specially structured packing with Design features include prevents the product overheating surface, VHE Economizer units achieve connection for dosing antioxidant, in
your finished fats and oils products. an extensive surface area reduces structured packing with an extensive on the tube surface. a particularly high heat transfer rate, final channel
the amount of stripping steam contact area that results in high with heat recovery levels in excess of first-in/first-out flow for controlled
needed and cuts down on efficiency and reduces the amount Design features include 80%, in one single unit. cooling under consistent conditions
retention time of recirculation flow distillate required counter-current flow pattern due to completely airtight to prevent
special packing with no stagnant self-cleaning as a result of the special design of heating tubes and Volatiles that continue to form as oxidation.
zones creates a self-cleaning effect turbulent flow baffles on shell side the oil cools are stripped promptly,
that ensures continuous operation. demister located just prior to the special baffle system ensures low and removed by the sparging steam
vapour outlet to ensure that any velocity at vapour outlet and vacuum.
Retention section small droplets are retained. sparge steam injected through
first-in/first-out flow
flexible holding time
internal actuators that use steam as
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Deodorizer upgrades made easy Re-using existing capacity Before After Process know-how Full control
If you currently operate a deodorizer Your existing vacuum system and Oil in One of the key advantages of working Alfa Laval has full control over the
installation and wish to the high-pressure boiler or thermal with Alfa Laval to install, update and entire supply chain associated with the
boost capacity fluid heater can normally be re-used section extend your deodorization installation companys equipment. This means we
VHE Final Heater
improve product quality in an Alfa Laval SoftColumn solution and equipment is our extensive can provide customers with prompt
reduce production costs that is on a larger scale. This is practical experience. responses, excellent availability and
Oil in
achieve greater flexibility possible because it uses less steam lead times that are second to none.
you can simply re-use your existing and recovers more heat at any given Alfa Lavals proven ability to design
deodorizer column by incorporating it capacity. deodorizer and calculate a wide range of Service counts
Existing (retention
into a new, improved Alfa Laval deodorizer section) process configurations to meet Alfa Laval operates with a highly
SoftColumn installation no matter Retrofit in stages specific customer requirements can sophisticated Nonstop Performance
what make your current equipment is. You can also choose to upgrade The retrofit payback provide you with the benefits of our concept made possible by our
Oil out
your processing system gradually, The Imcopa soybean oil refinery in vast body of accumulated know-how. worldwide network of service and
The major Alfa Laval upgrade with new equipment brought online VHE
Brazil decided on an upgrade path spare parts distribution centres in
components are the stripping section, in planned stages. Oil out
Economizer to tackle very high steam costs, plus Engineering services more than fifty countries throughout
the scrubber, the VHE Final Heater and problems with poor heat recovery in Alfa Laval provides a wide range of the world.
the VHE Economizer. These modular A new stripping section can be Example of the companys existing plant. supplementary engineering services
increased capacity:
installations can all be connected to added to your existing tray deodorizer that can help ensure that your new Our expertise ensures that any service
100 MTD 250 MTD
your existing deodorization column, to increase capacity, boost efficiency 300 MTD 500 MTD Benefiting from the Alfa Laval installation comes on line as rapidly work required is carried out with the
with only a brief interruption of and reduce operating costs. This will retrofit concept, Imcopa upgraded and efficiently as possible. absolute minimum of disturbance to
production. enable you both to boost the flexibility an existing deodorizer as well as operations.
of your process set-up and to improve A solution for carryover installing a new neutralization and We can also provide you with
the quality of your end product. If you are having to deal with problems bleaching line, plate heat exchangers, considerable savings by ensuring full
that involve carryover, dirty cooling mixers and a PX 95 separator. compliance with the relevant national
A VHE Final Heater can be installed towers, environmental pollution or This enabled the company to boost and international regulations for design
if the existing heater equipment is no poor distillate recovery, Alfa Laval refinery capacity from 400 to 600 codes, safety procedures and best
longer able to heat the oil to comply can also provide a separate scrubber. tonnes per day. engineering practice.
with your operating requirements.
This can be installed with any existing This retrofit strategy, combined with Alfa Laval engineering services include
A VHE Economizer can be deodorization column and is based Alfa Laval heat transfer technologies, installation design in full accordance
The upgrade advantage incorporated to improve product on the same structured packing enabled Imcopa to reduce overall with international standards
Adopting the individual sections of the quality and save on energy costs. technology as the Alfa Laval production costs by more than installation supervision
Alfa Laval SoftColumn deodorization stripping section. USD 3 per tonne of oil the commissioning and start-up
concept to existing installations brings investment pays for itself in less operator training
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