Openerp/Odoo - An Open Source Concept To Erp Solution.: Abstract-Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Is A Widely
Openerp/Odoo - An Open Source Concept To Erp Solution.: Abstract-Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Is A Widely
Openerp/Odoo - An Open Source Concept To Erp Solution.: Abstract-Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Is A Widely
on Advanced
Abstract—Enterprise Resource Planning [ERP] is a widely II. OPEN SOURCE ERP SYSTEM
used system across all organizations regardless the size. The need
for making rapid decision based on the analysis of the complex Open source ERP’s are currently trending regardless the
data lead to the use of ERP systems. In the beginning ERP size of the organization. This is mainly due to the
systems were limited to large organizations. Later this trend has implementation success rate it gained over the recent years
changed with the advent of open source ERP systems. With its and the added advantages users will get compared to the
added advantage, it started to take over the confidence across commercial ERP system. Some of the core benefits of open
small, medium and large sized industries. There are lots of open source ERP system are listed below [2].
source ERP systems currently available in the market. OpenERP
is one of the prominent system. The beauty of framework, the A. Less Expensive
open source technologies which they used in the system makes the As already explained, open source ERP system minimize
OpenERP unique and efficient. By drawing a detailed business cost of organization in a long run. i.e., open source
comparison between OpenERP and other prominent ERP ERP system does not require any license to run the system.
system, it became very clear that OpenERP meets the expectation There is no maintenance cost associated with open source
above its competitors. And with the introduction of ERP’s as most of them offer community based support. Also,
Odoo/OpenERP 8.0, the OpenERP have taken the ERP system to these ERP’s make use of open source databases, operating
new dimension. They have incorporated a CMS, an e-commerce systems etc. for its implementation which are freely available
system and added business intelligence to the new system. But at
and cost-effective compared to commercial ERP systems.
the same time, the complexity of the system has risen which
should be analyzed and addressed accordingly and that the B. Flexibility
current user should have compatibility to upgrade to new
Open source ERP systems provide more flexibility than
proprietary ERP systems. In many cases, while implementing
Keywords—ERP; Open Source ERP; Enterprise Resource open source ERP system in a large company, a new interface
Planning; OpenERP; Odoo; is created to meet the business needs of the organization
making it less complex in nature. Mostly, this interface will be
I. INTRODUCTION in line with current business process and will far off from the
framework of the system. But whereas in commercial ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning [ERP] is a term widely used system, the existing interface needs to be customized which
in large corporate companies. But its wide acceptance leads to makes the system complex and at times the end-user needs to
the use of such systems both in medium and small scale adjust with the features already present in the commercial
companies. ERP systems are basically high complex systems system creating unwanted resistance from user perspective.
which integrates the various business processes and This flexibility gives open source ERP system to easily
information associated within an organization. The main upgrade to newer version without much hassles compared to
objective of implementing an ERP system is to analyze and to commercial ERP systems [2].
help its users to take real time decision of its business
processes [1]. C. Absolute Ownership
Some of the market leaders in developing & implementing Another benefit of open source ERP system is that the
ERP systems are SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Sage systems etc. organizations have full control over the system they invested
These vendors provide an extensive ERP solution to its and the source code. Everything (both technical and domain
customers at a very high cost. i.e., they have proprietary ERP information) related to open source ERP system is available
software package with them which they customize based on online and further knowledge can be gained from open source
the client requirements. This approach made it difficult for communities. This creates less dependency on the vendor and
small-medium based companies to invest on ERP system. This gives the client more freedom on how to go about the
lead to advent of open source based ERP system which is less implementation. i.e., having technical and domain expertise,
expensive compared to proprietary ERP system and allow organization itself can implement the system or hire a vendor.
compatibility across different platforms, tools, plugins etc.
Limit Value
Max Database Size Unlimited
Max Table Size 32 TB
Max Row Size 1.6 TB
Max Field Size 1 GB
Max Rows per Table Unlimited
Max Columns per Table 250 - 1600 depending on
column types
Max Indexes per Table Unlimited
C. Web Server – CherrPy
CherryPy is an object-oriented framework which follows
python convention. Just like building python application,
developers can easily develop web applications using
CherryPy [10]. Some of the key features of CherryPy are
listed below:
• CherryPy source codes are smaller and structured
making it simple and efficient.
• Provides power tools and plugins which can be used
to build robust web applications using Python.
• Ensures maturity of the web applications by not Fig 2. Model View Controller Architecture [12]
allowing the API to change immediately or allowing
backward compatibility. IV. WHY OPENERP?
As we already know, there are lots of open source and
• CherryPy runs on all platform (Windows, MacOSX, commercial ERP systems available in the market. But after
Linux etc.) which makes it easy to deploy. i.e., it has analyzing and understanding the OpenERP in detail, we can
a HTTP server which is compatible python. clearly identify OpenERP as one of the key solution provider
• CherryPy is a freely available open source in ERP systems. A comparison between OpenERP and other
technology [10]. ERP systems will draw more proof on these aspects [13].
D. Framework – Model View Controller (MVC) Table 2 showcase a comparison between OpenERP and
other well know ERP systems. The following aspects were
OpenERP make use of Model View Controller [MVC] has
taken into consideration while drawing the comparison. Top
their framework. Since ERP systems are complex information
ERP systems like SAP and Microsoft Dynamics NAV were
systems, it is always advisable that data (model) and user-
considered from commercial systems. From open source ERP
interface (view) are separated while building a framework.
systems, OpneBravo is considered since it stands along with
This separation helps in modifying the interface without
impacting the data tables and that the data can be restructured
without affecting the interface. To achieve this separation, The following factors were taken to do the comparison:
MVC has introduced controller as intermediate component
which separates data access and business logic from data • Features & Business Applications
presentation from user interface [11]. • Market Position
Fig 2, explains the MVC architecture in detail. In OpenERP, • Productivity, Ergonomy & Ease of Use
the following opens source technologies are used to represent
Model View Controller framework, • Customizations & Flexibility
• Model: PostgreSQL Tables (data handler) • Technical Quality
• View: XML files (interface) • Total Cost of Ownership
• Controller: OpenERP objects.(act as link between Based on the feedback from around 4319 users, we have
model and View) received different feedback values from various ERP systems
for the features mentioned above [13]. From these feedbacks,
it is clearly evident that OpenERP stand on top compared to
its competitors. SAP retains the upper position in Market
User Feedback in Percentage
Feature Name Microsoft
NO OpenERP OpenBravo SAP
Dynamics NAV
Features & Business
1 84.8% 29.80% 33.52% 78.9%
2 Market Position 47% 38.75% 94.75% 100%
Productivity, Ergonomy &
3 82.6% 41.6% 48.8% 74%
Ease of Use
Customizations &
4 85.2% 34.6% 51.8% 69.6%
5 Technical Quality 78.6% 54.1% 56.1% 75.3%
6 Total Cost of Ownership 96.16% 46.83% 42.33% 62.83%
Position and it is the closest competitor to OpenERP compared vendors along with new Warehouse Management
to other ERP’s. Whereas OpenBravo and Microsoft Dynamics System [WMS] and CMS.,
NAV falls behind the OpenERP in almost all aspects. These
• Different user oriented features like online job offers,
values show that even though OpenERP has steady notable
event booking, quotation generator and electronic
growth, it has still got room for improvement.
signature are brought as frontend application.
The main area where OpenERP needs to concentrate is on
how to improve its market position. OpenERP should make • A major tuning of framework is done by bring new
serious efforts to make the product clearly visible to its users API. Allow backward compatibility to older version
across all dimensions from small - medium to large scale for the current OpenERP 7.0 users.
industries which are widely spread across the globe. Since • Obsolete and unwanted features of the previous
OpenERP is an open source ERP system it has a legal version removed.
obligation share the work flow of the product which includes
an comprehensive document explaining in detail on its VI. CONCLUSION
framework and its associated technologies. In this modern world, ERP systems are indispensable part
V. ODOO – A NEW BRAND FOR OPENERP of most of the organizations. The large data handling and
unavoidable need for decision making analysis lead to the use
We now know that OpenERP 7.0 reaches its expectation as of ERP systems. In the beginning, ERP systems were limited
an ERP system for all the type of users spanning from small to to large organization as they only could afford the high rate for
large scale organizations. But the creators of OpenERP now implementing these systems. But the situation has changed
see things way beyond the ERP system [15]. They want to after the intervening of open source technologies and thus
bring more features like Content Management System for brings forth open source ERP systems. OpenERP is one of the
building interactive website solutions, an integrated E- top open source ERP systems currently available in the market
Commerce for a robust online transaction service and business and after undergoing detailed comparison with other
intelligence efficient project management along with prominent ERP systems, it became evident that OpenERP is
traditional ERP system features. Currently, the three new standing tall against the market leaders in many aspects. With
features standalone to form three separate business entities in the introduction of Odoo, the latest OpenERP have taken the
the corporate world. By combining the three powerful ERP system to new dimension. They have incorporated a
standalone features, OpenERP is taking ERP systems to a new CMS, an e-commerce system and added business intelligence
dimension and they name it Odoo (OpenERP 8.0). to the new system. However, the complexity of the system has
Some of the key features of Odoo (OpenERP 8.0) are: increased dramatically and the possibilities for the existing
user to adapt to the new changes are yet to be analyzed.
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