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ERP Stage 1

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ERP is a computer based system that attempts to unify all systems of departments
together into a single integrated software program based and uses a single database so that
various departments can more easily share information and communicates with each other.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a business solution that provides powerful
analytics using data from various construction processes such as accounting/financial
management, contractor management, equipment/inventory management, human capital
management, project management, vendor management, bid management, Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), scheduling, submittals, asset management, and more.ERP
systems can support a construction company’s work in many ways. Since ERP systems
integrate all parts of a company seamlessly, more proper control is possible. ERP systems are
able to minimize redundancy of data, control the data produced by different departments and
reduce data registration errors.ERP system are sets of packaged application software modules
with integrated architectures used by organizations integrating data and processing
information in real time across their supply chain. The results derived from implementing
ERP system have made them essential part of today’s organization.The construction industry
presents a unique set of challenges different from those of the manufacturing and service
industries. This creates a demand for effective resource allocation, project planning,
employees tracking and most importantly information sharing. Due to their unique
requirements, and the very limited availability of construction industry software in
developing countries, organizations in these countries are generally reluctant to adopt ERP


An Enterprise resource planning system is a fully integrated business management

system covering functional areas of an enterprise like Logistics, Production, Finance,
Accounting and Human Resources. It organizes and integrates operation processes and
information flows to make optimum use of resources such as men, material, money and
In simple words, Enterprise Resource Planning promises one database, one
application, and one user interface for the entire enterprise, where one disparate systems ruled
manufacturing, distribution, finance and sale. Taking information from every function it is a
tool that assist employees and manager’s plan, monitor and control the entire business. A
modern ERP system enhance a manufacturer ability to accurately schedule production, fully
utilize capacity, reduce inventory and meet promised shipping date. It is an integrated
computer-based system used to manage internal and external resources, including tangible
assets, financial resources, materials, and human resources.
It is a software architecture whose purpose is to facilitate the flow of information
between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the
connections to outside stakeholders. Built on a centralized database and normally utilizing a
common computing platform, ERP systems consolidate all business operations into a uniform
and enterprise-wide system environment.

Fig 1.1Enterprise Resource Planning

1.2.1 Benefits of ERP

Following are some of the benefits they achieved by implementing the ERP packages:
 Gives Accounts Payable personnel increased control of invoicing and payment
processing and thereby boosting their productivity and eliminating their reliance on
computer personnel for these operations.
 Reduce paper documents by providing on-line formats for quickly entering and
retrieving information.
 Improves timeliness of information by permitting posting daily instead of monthly.

 Greater accuracy of information with detailed content, better presentation, satisfactory

for the auditors.
 Improved cost control.

 Faster response and follow-.up on customers.

 More efficient cash collection, say, material reduction in delay in payments by
 Better monitoring and quicker resolution of queries.
 Enables quick response to change in business operations and market conditions.
 Helps to achieve competitive advantage by improving its business process.
 Improves supply-demand linkage with remote locations and branches in different
 Provides a unified customer database usable by all applications.
 Improves International operations by supporting a variety of tax structures, invoicing
schemes, multiple currencies, multiple period accounting and languages.
 Improves information access and management throughout the enterprise.

1.2.3 Disadvantages of implementing the ERP systems

1) High implementation cost. It can range from some hundred thousand dollars in small
companies to a billion dollar for large multinational companies (these numbers
including training and consulting).
2) Delay on return on investment. The benefits of ERP may not be shown until after
companies have had it running for some time

1) To study ideas of ERP in construction project.
2) To study current standing of typical procedures.
3) To establish practicableness of ERP.
4) To establish edges of ERP over typical procedures.
Literature Study

Study of ERP and conventional procedures

Study of current scenario about Study of ERP and its

project management functioning for project

Case study- Data Collection

ANALYSIS Data Collection

Analysis of collected data

Results Discussion



Enterprise Resource Planning is important software in construction industry. Various

authors have different contribution in their own respective module. Purpose of this chapter in
report is to highlight the work done on use of ERP and gives some useful terms which will
useful further in this report.

Abhijit N. Bhirud, 2016.

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning can enable companies to optimize their business
processes and allows for necessary management .Thus, ERP can be said as system software
that can integrate several activities in a project & deliver a unison result for bettering
performance & increase profits. A construction ERP system provides Cost optimization,
incorporate design changes, Consistent quality conformance, Reliable, Faster and on time
delivery, Incorporates value engineering, Collaborative work environment, team tracking
facility. The case study relating to ERP implementation by firms operating in the
Infrastructure construction industry is investigated. It is found that to ensure efficient
implementation firms must first have a good reason why ERP should be implemented,
determine the tradeoffs, choose an appropriate re-engineering process, identify and mitigate
risks that may arise. Based on the findings, strategies for managing the implementation of
ERP in the construction industry are developed.
Boo Young Chung et. Al, 2009.
Recently, a significant number of major construction companies embarked on the
implementation of integrated information technology solutions such as enterprise resource
planning _ERP_ systems to better integrate various business functions. However, these
integrated systems in the construction sector present a set of unique challenges, different from
those in the manufacturing or other servicese ctors. There have been many cases of failure in
implementing ERP systems in the past, so it is critical to identify and understand the factors
that largely determine the success or failure of ERP implementation in the construction
industry. The author says that processof developing an ERP systems success model to guide a
successful ERP implementation project and to identify success factors for ERP systems
implementation. BooYoung Chung identifies factors associated with the success and failure
of ERP systems, and develops a successmodel to analyze the relationships between key
factors and the success of such systems. The proposed ERP systems success model adaptsthe
technology acceptance model and DeLone and McLean’s information systems success model
and integrates those with key projectmanagement principles. The goal of the ERP systems
success model is to better evaluate, plan, and implement ERP projects and helpsenior
managers make better decisions when considering ERP systems in their organization.
2.3 C. S. Dudgikar ,2012.
India has finally fallen into the groove as far as globalization is concerned. This has
led to the domestic large and medium sized companies embrace standards and processes that
measure up to global standards. It has become more the reason for IT solutions vendors to
cheer up looking at the requirements of the Indian market. Statistics reveal that there has been
a significant increase in the IT spends of Indian companies in the last few years. ERP was one
of the first IT concepts to hit the Indian market, although with meager success. Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) is software driven business management system, which integrates
all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. The
business environment has become increasingly complex and the marketplace has changed
from local to global. Management is under constant pressure to improve competitiveness by
lowering operating costs and improving logistics. Organizations therefore have to be more
responsive to the customer and competition. And ERP as a business solution aims to help the
management by setting better business practices and equipping them with the right
information to take timely decisions. Construction management is a discipline comprising
systematic approaches to control time, cost and quality of a construction project based on
recorded research and experience. It is found that the majority of construction firms in India
have awareness about the ERP systems but very few organizations have so far implemented
such systems. The major reason is that the implementation of any ERP system needs a huge
investment in time, money and resources. However, when implemented to solve the right
problems, these ERP systems can be a powerful tool for business improvement. The
construction industry is a highly fragmented industry. For developing quality module of ERP,
a resource (5 M’s) based e-Model has been developed. The reports of this module have been
designed in such a manner so as to give the concise and precise knowledge of quality
parameters of a construction project to its various stakeholders such as builder, developer,
contractor, project manager, quality inspector and last but not least the consumer. This paper
even exhibits these reports which inform the various stakeholders and help them deciding the
right quality benchmarks at a right time within a right budget.
2.4 Hans Voordijk et. al. 2003.
In most large Dutch construction firms, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
have replaced nonintegratedinformation systems with integrated and maintainable software.
The implementation of ERPsystems in such firms is a difficult task. So far, ERP
implementations have yielded more failures thansuccesses. This study tries to understand the
factors that lead to the success or failure of ERP in largeconstruction firms by focusing on the
fits between the following pairs of elements in ERP implementations:business and IT
strategy, maturity of the IT infrastructure and the strategic role of IT, and the
implementationmethod and organizational change. The premise of this study is that for an
ERP implementation to besuccessful these elements must somehow fit together. Empirical
research was conducted through a casestudy of three ERP implementations in different
business units of a Dutch-based construction firm.Implementing different systems within one
company is typical of the way large construction firms in theNetherlands have dealt with
ERP. The study shows that the success of ERP implementations depends onconsistent
patterns between: IT strategy and business strategy, IT maturity and the strategic role of
IT,and the implementation method and organizational change.

2.5 Jonathan Jingsheng Shi 2003.

Enterprise resource planning ~ERP! Was originated in the manufacturing industry. It
provides a general working environmentfor an enterprise to integrate its major business
management functions with one single common database so that information can be
sharedand efficient communications can be achieved between management functions. This
paper first briefs the ERP technology, its origin, andits current development in general. Based
on the needs of running a construction enterprise, ERP shows its potential for the
constructionindustry. However, the unique nature of the industry prevents a direct
implementation of existing ERP systems, which are primarilydeveloped for the
manufacturing industry. This paper underlines the importance of the establishment of the
basic theory for developingconstruction enterprise resource planning systems ~CERP!. A
CERP must address the nature of the general industry practice. Fundamentalfeatures are
identified and discussed in the paper. Three-tiered client/server architecture is proposed, with
discussions on the functions
And major components of each tier. Needed research issues are discussed, including CERP
architectures, project management functions,advanced planning techniques, standardization
of management functions, and modeling human intelligence. Construction
managementexamples are incorporated into the discussions.
2.6 Mahmood Ali 2017
Benefits reaped from implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
have made them a critical partof organizations. These systems, which are developed on best
business practices, are sometimes unable to satisfyunique organizational needs, such as those
specific to the construction industry which present a unique set ofchallenges different from
those of manufacturing and service industries. This paper aims to study the development of
in-house ERP system in an organization in a developing country, and seek to explore
andunderstand the development of ERP system designed exclusively around the needs of an
organization. This studyadopts a case study based qualitative research methodology. Primary
data is collected through a series ofinterviews, discussions with the project manager,
development staff and end users. The outcome of the studyshows that through proper
planning coupled with detailed needs analysis, suitable change management strategy,an
experienced project team and selecting the appropriate software development process, any
organization candesign and develop ERP system that caters for the organization specific
needs. Therefore, eliminating the need ofcomplex software customization or altering business
processes. Further, by developing an in-house system, theprobability of a failed
implementation is greatlyreduced thus allowing the organization to focus on its core Business
while benefitting from the new system.
2.7 Piyush Deole, 2013.
ERP is a computer based system that attempts tounify all systems of departments
together into a singleintegrated software program based and uses a singledatabase so that
various departments can more easilyshare information and communicates with each
other.The process of ERP systems includes data registration,evaluation, and reporting.This
research is carried out over two construction firms to identify the major and supporting
factorswhich are required for successful function of ERPsystem in Construction Industry.
Questionnaire wasdesigned to measure these factors using Likert Scale.With the help of
SPSS tool the responses of theemployees from these two firms were measured. The outcome
of SPSS tools facilitated to identify major &supporting factors in successful functioning of
ERPsystem in Project oriented Construction firms.
2.8 Parvathy Mohandas et.al,2013.
ERP is a computer based system that attempts tounify all systems of departments
together into a singleintegrated software program based and uses a single database so that
various departments can more easilyshare information and communicates with each
other.The process of ERP systems includes data registration,evaluation, and reporting.ERP
systems can support a construction company’swork in many ways. Since ERP systems
integrate allparts of a company seamlessly, more proper control ispossible. ERP systems are
able to minimize redundancyof data, control the data produced by differentdepartments and
reduce data registration errors.This research is carried out over two construction firms to
identify the major and supporting factorswhich are required for successful function of
ERPsystem in Construction Industry. Questionnaire wasdesigned to measure these factors
using Likert Scale.With the help of SPSS tool the responses of theemployees from these two
firms were measured. Theoutcome of SPSS tools facilitated to identify major &supporting
factors in successful functioning of ERPsystem in Project oriented Construction firms.
2.9 Rohit Chaudhari et. Al, 2019.
A significant number of major construction companies embarked on the implementation of
integrated informationtechnology solutions such as enterprise resource planning ERP systems
to better integrate various business functions. However,these integrated systems in the
construction sector present a set of unique challenges, different from those in the
manufacturing orother service sectors. There have been many cases of failure in
implementing ERP systems in the past, so it is critical to identify andunderstand the factors
that largely determine the success or failure of ERP implementation in the construction
industry. This paperpresents the process of developing an ERP systems success model to
guide a successful ERP implementation project and to identifysuccess factors for ERP
systems completion. The author identifies factors associated with the success and failure of
ERP systems, anddevelops a success model to analyze the relationships between key factors
and the success of such systems. The goal of the ERPsystems success model is to better
evaluate, plan, and implement ERP projects and help senior managers make better
decisionswhen considering ERP systems in their association. Enterprise resource planning
ERP was originated in the manufacturingindustry. It provides a general working surroundings
for an enterprise to integrate its major business management functions withone single
common database so that information can be shared and efficient communications can be
achieved betweenmanagement functions. The enterprise resource planning software market
has been growing at a very fast pace over the last fewyears and has been predicted to keep
growing rapidly in the long term. Since the functioning of the construction enterprise
isdifferent from other domain industries. There is a need to develop a specific construction
enterprise oriented ERP. The applicationunder development will provide complete solution to
manage the entire functioning of construction firm. Implementing BusinessIntelligence in the
Construction ERP will help managerial staff in decision making. Thus this construction ERP
will contribute inoverall functioning, growth and development of the construction

2.10 Sudhanva Kadoli, 2014.

India is a developing nation, with globalization widely making impact over its
economy. It is observed thatlarge amount of development is mostly concentrated towards the
country’s urban infrastructure. Due to largerpopulation migrating towards cities it is
necessary to accommodate and provide basic infrastructural facilities to theirever increasing
demands. So it is necessary for the construction enterprises to efficiently manage their
functioning andaddress the customer requirements by balancing the functioning of individual
departments in the constructionenterprise. Construction ERP is an ultimate solution to
manage entire enterprise under a single roof. This paperpresents an efficient ERP system to
manage different departments in accordance with for the managerial the companypolicies and
customer requirements. ERP is responsible for integrating business processes within an
enterprise. Thiswill only automate the functioning of Construction Company. To enable
decision making tier of the company basedupon history and future risks BI and DSS are
implemented using feedback logic.
2.11 Syed M. Ahmed.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is now being hailed as a foundation for the
integration ofOrganization-wide information systems. ERP systems link together entire
organization’s operations such as accounting, finance, human resources, manufacturing and
distribution, etc. Moreover, they alsoconnect the organization to its customers and suppliers
through the different stages of the product orthe process life cycle. There are very few studies
conducted about the implementation of ERP systemsin the construction industry, particularly
for the construction contractors. The focus so far has been onclient organizations, engineering
and design firms. The objective of this paper is to investigate thesuitability and the
implementation status of ERP systems in contractor firms. The methodologyemployed is a
mix of literature review, market studies and detailed questionnaire survey. It is foundthat the
majority of contractor firms have awareness about the ERP systems but very few
organizationshave so far implemented such systems. The major reason is that the
implementation of any ERPsystem needs a huge investment in time, money and resources.
However, when implemented to solvethe right problems, these ERP systems can be a
powerful tool for business improvement. The studyshed light on the barriers to the
implementation of ERP systems in the construction industry and alsohighlights valuable
lessons learned and benefits gained by companies that have such systems in place.
2.12 Sergey V. Zykov.
Frequent priority changes in versatile corporation’sdevelopment demand fast and
flexible adaptation ofpersonnel organizational structure to rapidly changingmodern market
with stiff competition. Such adaptationshould be based on strategic software integration, and
isespecially urgent for comprehensive ERP systems thatinvolve a collection of technologies
allowing supportingcomplex production-and-trade cycles.Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
systems enjoy an increasingly wide coverage. However, no trulyintegrate solution has been
proposed as yet. ERPclassification is given. Recent trends in commercialsystems are
analyzed on the basis of humanresources (HR) management software. Aninnovative “straight
through” design andimplementation process of an open, secure, andscalable integrated event-
driven enterprise solutionis suggested. Implementation results are presented.
2.13 Thakare Amol K, 2013.
An Enterprise resource planning system is a fully integrated business management
system covering functional areas of an enterprise like logistic, production, finance,
accounting and human resources etc. It organizes and integratesoperation processes and
information flows to make optimum use of resource such as men, material, money
andmachine. ERP is a global tightly integrated closed loop business solution package and is
multifaceted.In simple words, Enterprise Resource Planning promises one database, one
application, and one userThe Study aims at studying effectiveness of ERP implementation in
construction industry. The Study wasperformed on HIT-OFFICE which is an ERP software
developed by EDSS Pvt. Ltd. The effectiveness of implementationof ERP was studied by
estimating, scheduling, material planning, contractor management and billing in HIT-
OFFICEusing Quotation, Purchasing, Inventory, Study and Accountancy module of the
software. A list of questionnaire wasprepared to collect reviews from Study Managers and
Engineers of various organizations to evaluate the changesoccurred after the application of
ERP. The companies which are ready for huge investment provided they are adaptive
tochange in working system, ERP is the best solution for them as it would result in
optimization of Resources, savings ofTime, Money and most importantly Energy.
2.14 Yu-Cheng LIN.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the latest high-end solution information
technology haslent to business application. Enterprise resource planning systems are highly
complex information systems. Theimplementation of these systems is a difficult and high
cost proposition that places tremendous demands oncorporate time and resources. Many ERP
implementations have been classified as failures because they did notachieve predetermined
corporate goals. The author identifies main success factors critical to a successful
implementation. A summary of successful ERP implementation is presented based on lesson
learned from the interviews with experts and discussed in terms of these key factors.

From the literature reviews, we can say that the implementation of ERP system in
construction project can overcome the various issues regarding the financial management,
resource planning, human resource planning, supply chain management, etc during and at the
commencement of project and it will provide the superior and smooth functioning of work
and less time consuming system for construction project. With the help of the above
information, we can implement and increase the use of ERP in construction project for
effective quality as well as centralized best quality of management. In addition to above work
done in this literature actual work done in residential bunglow building on ERP with start to
end of the project is applied and final report is generated and implemented.


3.1 Introduction

Generally material management is concerned with the planning, identification,

procuring, storage, receiving and distribution of materials. Material management covers a
much wider field and deals with all aspects of material supply, utilisation as well as costs. It
is a body of the knowledge which helps the managers to improve the productivity of capital
by reducing material costs preventing large amount of capital being locked up for larger
periods and improving the capital turnover ratio. Material management is therefore a total
concept involving the overall organizational structure. It can also be defined as the
procurement of right quantity of materials, at the right quality from the right source, at the
right time, for the right price.

First step: Identify common-used

ERP Modules in
construction and validate it by
– Second step: Identify benet
evaluation criteria and
validate it by experts. Six bene t
evaluation crite-
ria of ERP modules (Chung,
Skibniewski 2007) are
validated by the same ERP experts,
namely: 1 – cost
reduction; 2 – increased
efciency; 3 – improved
decision making; 4 – improved
information quality;
5 – improved user satisfaction; 6 –
improved organi-
zational exibility;
– Third step: Evaluate the ERP
Modules against each
benet criteria using the importance
– Fourth step: The overall ranking of
ERP Modules is
found by calculating the total weight
for ERP mod-
First step: Identify common-used
ERP Modules in
construction and validate it by
– Second step: Identify benet
evaluation criteria and
validate it by experts. Six bene t
evaluation crite-
ria of ERP modules (Chung,
Skibniewski 2007) are
validated by the same ERP experts,
namely: 1 – cost
reduction; 2 – increased
efciency; 3 – improved
decision making; 4 – improved
information quality;
5 – improved user satisfaction; 6 –
improved organi-
zational exibility;
– Third step: Evaluate the ERP
Modules against each
benet criteria using the importance
– Fourth step: The overall ranking of
ERP Modules is
found by calculating the total weight
for ERP mod-
First step: Identify common-used
ERP Modules in
construction and validate it by
– Second step: Identify benet
evaluation criteria and
validate it by experts. Six bene t
evaluation crite-
ria of ERP modules (Chung,
Skibniewski 2007) are
validated by the same ERP experts,
namely: 1 – cost
reduction; 2 – increased
efciency; 3 – improved
decision making; 4 – improved
information quality;
5 – improved user satisfaction; 6 –
improved organi-
zational exibility;
– Third step: Evaluate the ERP
Modules against each
benet criteria using the importance
– Fourth step: The overall ranking of
ERP Modules is
found by calculating the total weight
for ERP mod-

Material management process initiates from need generated from site then this
information conveyed to store department and material is ordered in the store, indent is
generated. Vendor selection is to be carried out for the least value and best times. Materials
are received at store department and inspection is carried out.



The process starts from calculating quantities and preparation of estimate of the
project with preparing resources, work item specification and rate analysis. Measurement
planning is done with LBD measurements formula and direct quantity. Estimation is
imported in project. In the project planning bar chart preparation, material quantity planning
is carried out. In the process of project execution work is completed related with inventory.
The process such as requisition of material, price request, and comparison, purchase order
material inward entries on daily basis , issue slip entries and register of site bills this all
process is carried out. After project billing with supplier, subcontractor and client billing,
reconciliation reports are made.



Located at the sacred land of Alandi, Nithyam promises comfort with convenience.
Our 1 & 2 BHK cozy and comfort homes offer the work-life balance for you. Alandi is one of
the fastest growing areas of Pune, an important commercial hub. Located in a place
surrounded by ample greenery, Nithyam is the quintessential dream home of many. It offers
easy connectivity to prime places of leisure and entertainment in the city. Then comes the
distinct price advantage. In spite of being located close to big townships, Mantra Park View
is economically priced. Chakan MIDC, Sant Dyaneshwar temple, all of them are close by. A
home here provides easy access to lifestyle amenities due to its proximity to prime
educational institutes, banks and daily utility stores.

Fig 3.2 3D view Nithyam from outside, Charoli

Fig 3.3 3D view Nithyam from inside, Charoli


 Structure - Rcc Frame Structure Earthquake Resistant Design.

 Masonry - Internal & External Ciporex Block-Brick Work.
 Plaster - Internal Walls- Smoothly Plastered
 Painting - Internal Wall- Superior Finish With Washable Emulsion Paints
 Entrance Lobby - Vitrified Flooring 2′ X 2′.
 Kitchen / Utility - Platform With Granite Top
Fig 3.4 Actual site Photograph-1 of Nithyam

Fig 3.5 Actual site Photograph-2 of Nithyam


1. Abhijit N. Bhirud “Effective Implementation of ERP in Infrastructure Construction

Industry”Volume 4, Issue 2 (March-April, 2016) PP 1-4
2. BooYoung Chung et. al. “Developing ERP Systems Success Model for the
Construction Industry”ASCE / MARCH 2009 PP 1-11
3. C. S. Dudgikar “Development of ERP Module for Quality Management in
Construction Industry” (IJEC), Volume – 1, Issue – 1, August 2012 PP 1-12
4. Hans Voordijk et. al. “Enterprise Resource Planning in a large construction firm:
implementation analysis “Construction Management and Economics (July 2003)
PP 1-12
5. Jonathan Jingsheng Shi “Enterprise Resource Planning for Construction Business
Management” ASCE / MARCH/APRIL 2003 PP 1-8
6. Mahmood Ali “Developing in-House ERP System for the Construction Industry in a
Developing Country: A Case Study” Engineering Management Research; Vol. 6, No.
1; 2017 PP1-12
7. Piyush Deole “Research Analysis for successful functioning of ERP system in
Construction Industry” (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 11, November – 2013 PP 1-6
8. Parvathy Mohandas et.al. “Research Analysis for successful functioning of ERP
system in Construction Industry”(IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 11, November – 2013 PP 1-6
9. Rohit Chaudhari et. al.“Implementation Based ERP Module for Construction Site
Management”(IRJET) Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 PP 1-12
10. Sudhanva Kadoli “An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) For A Construction
Enterprise Along with Business Intelligence (BI)” Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2014
PP 1-7
11. Syed M. Ahmed “Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems In
The Construction Industry” PP 1-9
12. Sergey V. Zykov “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: the Integrated
Approach”ITERA International Group of Companies PP 1-12
13. Thakare Amol K. “Cost Analysis and Project Planning using ERP in Construction
Industry” ISSN: 2278-621X Vol. 2 Issue 4 July 2013 PP 1-15
14. Yu-Cheng LIN “Construction Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation:
Critical Success Factors – Lesson Learning in Taiwan” PP 1-6


Table - Supplier list as per material required

Select 71 A B SALES 9326870818

Select 191 Aakash Bricks 8796959595
Select 257 ACC Limited 9763398253
Select 68 Accurate Powertech India Pvt Ltd 9822602449
Select 80 ADARSH STEELS 9890811888
Select 201 Aditya Transport 9689601113
Select 170 Agarwal Agencies 7066028108
Select 189 Agrawal Traders 9922588622
Select 151 AHLADA ENGINEERS PVT. LTD 9177327799
Select 197 Ajinkyatara Enterprises 9881860640
Select 91 ALOK DISTRIBUTORS 9028177554
Select 206 Alok Inframate Pvt.LTd. 9850982020
Select 162 AMAFHH TRADERS 9422033320
Select 177 Amar Enterprises 9028535311
Select 125 AMNEY GENERATOR 9850980182 / 942208610
Select 106 ANIKET ENGINEERING 9921201096
Select 171 ANKEET HARDWARE STORES 9822291304
Select 249 Aquaproof Anchoring Systems 9822126847
ARELCON RMC Birla Shakti
Select 180 9552795527
Select 138 ARHAM INTERIOR SOLUTIONS 9730306666
Select 84 ARHAMA TRADING 9021636120
Select 159 Arihant Fibrotech 9766070765
Select 127 ASHISH CEMENT PRODUCTS 9822956502
Select 54 ASHOK ENTERPRISES 9860489490
Select 102 ASIAN GRANITO INDIA LTD 9325002845
Select 135 B.P.MARNE 09881510125
Select 87 9823394787
Select 219 BALAJI STONE 8830090397
Select 235 BASIC DOORS 9822188890
Select 218 BHAGWAN ENTERPRISES 9960931516
Select 56 7387002513482
Select 129 BHAKTI DESIGNS 9833585839
Select 157 BHAWANI CHEMTECH 9422013660
Select 237 8380076439
Select 216 Biltech Building Elements Ltd. 9763398253
Select 223 BS HOMESTORE 9921230230
Select 100 9881256494
Select 76 CARE TAKER ENTERPRISES 9890811888
Select 112 CEMETILE INDUSTRIES 9923598862
Select 50 CERATEC 9096900978
Select 123 CHANDAN GRANIMARMO LLP 9922950062
Select 164 9657003384
Select 117 Chunilal Bhikaji Jaliwala 9422365474
Select 96 CITIPLY 9890011989
Select 210 Classic Ceramics 9821562844
Select 153 9766337300
Select 61 DESIGNERS ELEMENTS 02026430099
Select 82 DHUMAL ENTERPRISES 9922754413
Select 33 DNYANESHWAR ENGINEERS 9890410104
Select 49 9011049433
Select 185 Ellora Enterprises 9822021211
Select 65 9822873040, 9850051488
Select 90 EVEREST CONSTRO 8446627175
Select 119 Fun Enterprises 9096172686
Select 140 G B ENTERPRISES 9371512694
Select 95 G.B. Suppliers 9960225061, 9371512694
Select 175 G.S.POWER 9766622389
Select 232 GALAXY STONE 9309829964
Select 44 GANESH WATER TANKER 9881225960, 9028870901
Select 247 GANRAJ ENTERPRISES 9850221919
Select 207 GAVHANE ENTERPRISES 9922807755
Select 28 GAWALI 9423175446
Select 142 GEHLOT AGENCIES 02024264734
Select 215 Globe Construction Chemicals 7387682407
Select 75 GREEN ENERGY SOLUTIONS 9822435419
Select 132 GREEN PLANET SOLUTIONS 9881493606
Select 224 HARI OM MARBLES 7020827925
Select 29 HARI OM READYMIX 9545327777
Select 85 Hariom Sanitaryware 020.32921525
Select 209 Hi Tech Industries 8483933744
Select 248 Hilti India Pvt Ltd. 9970187573
Select 150 24451951
Select 62 9270017321
Select 92 INAMDAR ENTERPRISES 9822434415
Select 139 INDIA CABLES. 9922445597
Select 149 24455400
Select 256 INFRA CORPORATION 8888399401
Select 156 INHAX PRINTING SOLUTIONS 8888345688
Select 145 Iqra Portable Systems Pvt. Ltd. 9594000101
Select 182 J.K.Lalwani and Bros 02024471601
Select 42 J.R DESHMUKH 9552883734, 7588004600
Select 148 JAGESHWAR AGENCY 9860941109
Select 208 Jai Ganesh Enterprises 9975772329
Select 192 Jai Ganesh Stone Crusher 9850834521
Select 239 JAIN TRADE LINKS 9833235303
Select 124 JAINY GLASS VENEERS 9850622999
Select 79 JOHNSON CABLES PVT LTD 9970195541
Select 183 JSW CEMENT LTD 9145351951
Select 81 9373373581
Select 7 K.K.Suppliers 0
Select 116 Kalash Enterprises 9096534555
Select 26 Kalika Steel 0
Select 144 KALPASHEET ENTERPRISES 8007714561
Select 165 KHINVASARA STORES 02024470032
Select 64 KINJAL ENTERPRISES 020.24473348
Select 3 Kohinoor Enterprises 0
Select 186 KRISHNA ENTERPRISES 24497616
Select 251 KUBER ENTERPRISES 9823588403
Select 109 KWALITY TRADERS 9326706156
Select 245 LAXMI ENTERPRISES 9595189696
Select 134 M M BROTHERS 9822028987
Select 214 M. M. ENTERPRISES 9822173447
Select 118 M.D CORPORATION 9370544558
Select 55 M.S.KOKATE 9422080998
Select 67 M/s Patel 9448191112 , 9449801113
Select 137 M/s. Videocon d2h BBCL 9967995241
Select 147 Magical sports Turf 9822001633
Select 146 Magical Wonder Kids 9822001633
Select 195 Mahalaxmi Transport 9822815312
Select 187 MAHAVIR ENTERPRISES 9370313341
Select 34 MANGESH AGENCIES 9822190676
Select 136 97654186009823547067
Select 35 MAULI TRADERS 9423175446
Select 30 9673522777
Select 211 Mayooraa Metal Trade Corporation. 9822053276
Select 77 MEET ENTERPRISES 9822014999
Select 230 MEMOREX HOME APPLIANCES 9881123635
Select 168 Meta Rolls Commodities Pvt Ltd. 9881108873
Select 221 Modernizing Trends Pvt Ltd 8291859594
Select 172 Mohammedi Tools Hardware 9673205554
Select 173 Mono Engineers 9860033354
Select 66 MS MANGALDAS VENICHAND 9822077262
Select 174 nanai transport. 9922588622
Select 107 NATIONAL PLY LAMINATE 94220259329923694124
Select 111 NAVKAR HARDWARE 9819456611
Select 131 NEELAM METALS 9822044556
Select 176 Neminath Electricals 02066029711
Select 166 NEW P.P.C. STATIONARY 02025512506
Select 14 Nilesh Suppliers 98706665
Select 184 Nirman Associates Stone Company 9922033232
Select 200 8975682323
Select 103 NIRMITEE SUPPLIERS 98230052129890732096
Select 254 NISHTHA GRANITE 8087566600
Select 69 NOBLE TRADERS 9766186655
Select 160 OM ENTERPRISES 9890903621
Select 105 OMKAR ENTERPRISES 7588593544
Select 229 OPTIMAL ENTERPRISES 9370313348
Select 179 ORIENT CEMENT LTD 9370313346
Select 70 PARESH ENTERPRISES 9822009495
Select 121 PASSION BRASS FITTINGS 9326706156
Select 101 PATEL GRANITE MARBLES 93231083929579108392
Select 27 PAVAN TRADERS 020.26136021
Select 199 Pavansut Transport 9923157507
Select 122 Pearl Ceraworld India Pvt.Ltd 9096900977
Select 104 POONA CERAMICS 9096900971
Select 89 POONA MARBONEEL PVT LTD 9860501232
Select 238 PRAGATI ENTERPRISES 9604624777
Select 222 PRATIK ENTERPRISES 9011428054
Select 233 PRISM JOHNSON LIMITED 9764441349
Select 188 Prokem Adhesive Co. 8446627175
Select 253 Rahul Trading Company 9822090723
Select 231 9881245432
Select 108 RAMLING VEET KARKHANA 9423003074
Select 99 RATNARAJ STEEL 9860489490
Select 169 RDC Concrete India Pvt Ltd 9766624087
Select 236 RITI CORPORATION 9822188890
Select 212 RIWASA TILES PVT.LTD 9820047317
Select 47 RMC READYMIX INDIA 9823904685
Select 217 ROYAL ENTERPRISES 9967777290
Select 242 RUTVIRA BRICKS 9545209696
Select 213 S G Sales Corporation 9922929687
Select 152 S K Tiles 9850770921
Select 143 S R ENTERPRISES 9503330006
Select 51 S.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 9822854307
Select 181 SA INFRA 9823737576
Select 204 9552052052
Select 202 9552052052
Select 114 SAFE HOUSE SECURITY 9370814546
Select 6 Sai Marble Stone 0
Select 57 SAIRAJ TRANSPORT 9545827878 , 9822571004
Select 78 SAMARTH ENTERPRISES 8805176518
Select 74 9890410104
Select 130 9422341072
Select 120 SATARKAR PAVERS & TILES 9822628656
Select 203 Saurabh Corporatiion 9145351951
Select 32 Semsun Electricals 9970195541
Select 193 Shinde Stone Crusher 9923157507
Select 11 Shiv Sai Water Suppliers 0
Select 161 SHIVAM ELECTRICAL 00000000000
Select 190 Shivam Electricals 02066029813
Select 48 SHIVAPPA PAWAR 9881544626
Select 243 Shivshambo Transport 9890859640
Select 234 SHLOK ENTERPRISES 9822621577
Select 60 9373479090
Select 241 Shree Mahalaxmi Bricks 9850682323
Select 196 Shree Mahalaxmi Stone Company 9822815312
Select 250 Shree Nakoda Sales 9822755558
Select 39 9422006211
Select 38 SHREE SURYA STEEL 9371002422
Select 244 9850121276
Select 40 SHREE VIMALNATH STEEL 9975264726
Select 15 Shreeji Door &Plywod 0
Select 194 9850894801
Select 86 SHRI SAI PACKAGING 9096711117
Select 128 SHRI SAI TRADE LINK 9922904881
Select 141 SHRINATH SAND SUPPLIERS 9371512694
Select 63 SHUBHAM SALES 9421035003
Select 126 SIMPOLO SANITARY WARES 9766114142
SMB Hardware and Paints Sanitary
Select 72 7385767952
and Electrical Goods
Select 228 9819840854
Select 226 STEEL POINT 9325002447
Select 240 STUPA KERAMOS 8452835774
Mr. Jayesh Jain -
Select 73 SUPERIOR GENERAL STORE 02024477213
Select 198 Suyash Transport 9923157507
Select 115 SWAMI TILES 9764350557
Select 88 TANYA CERAMICS NX 9850622999
Select 94 TARUN STEELS 9762123639
Select 97 TEAKPLY 9822395114
Select 220 TECE I Pvt Ltd 8291859594
Select 154 Tech Control Systems Pvt. Ltd. 98230792948446079296
Select 45 TEJ AGENCIES 9960060487
Select 155 The creative Engineers 9822290760
Select 178 THE INDIA CEMENT LTD 9145351951
Select 255 8888399401
Select 158 9822659744
Select 00008 TULIP IN PVT.LTD.  
Select 41 TULIP INN PVT.LTD. 9850051488
Select 246 Ultratech Cement Limited 8669963704
Select 52 ULTRATECH CEMENT LTD 8805885189
Select 36 9373301330
Select 167 V S Timbers and Ply 02026447220
Select 37 VASAVADATTA CEMENT 9503698631/ 9822038051
Select 133 99224179128380039330
Select 225 VIDHYA E ENTERPRISES 9689681198
Select 31 VIPRAJ SALES 9422034231, 9822088574.
Select 252 Vishal Tiles 9850984228
Select 205 VIshwas Sales Corporation 9049453755
Select 46 WELWORTH ENTERPRISES 9850051486
Select 227 YASH ENTERPRISES 9834734655
Select 53 YASH MARKETING 9028756423 , 9324239300
Select 58 YASHRAJ SAND SUPPLIER 9822571004 , 9545827878
Select 83 YASHRAJ STONE CRUSHER CO. 9545827878

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