Instructions For Accreditation:: SET Requirements
Instructions For Accreditation:: SET Requirements
Instructions For Accreditation:: SET Requirements
Vendor Accreditation is a process whereby an Applicant's qualifications are evaluated based on the accreditation criteria of National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP). The process consists of
determining the Applicant's legal existence and its financial, non-financial and technical capabilities.
4. Sign each page of the Vendor Accreditation Form and all attached supporting documents. The authorized signatory/ies affirms and acknowledges that the documents submitted are true, correct and
based on authentic records.
5. The accreditation documents shall be submitted and divided into three (3) separate long press folders:
a. Completely filled-out Vendor Accreditation Form, followed by the accreditation documents which shall be arranged according to the order indicated in the accreditation requirements
b. Copies of Audited financial statements of the applicant and parent company for the last three years (stamped received by BIR or its equivalent in the country of origin) or Notarized Statement
of Interim Assets and Liabilities for newly-created companies (if applicable).
c. List of Completed & On-going Contracts/Projects/Services (C/P/S) Similar in Nature within the last five (5) years (using the standard template) and technical brochures/catalogues.
6. NGCP's Systems & Standards Division shall notify the Applicant the result of the evaluation thru the issuance of a Certificate of Accreditation or a Letter of Regret.
7. Notwithstanding the Applicant's accreditation, NGCP reserves the right to review its qualification and other relevant information prior and after the submission of its bids. Should such review
uncover any misrepresentation or alteration which constitutes downgrading the substance of its qualification and/or technical proposal, the erring Prospective Bidder shall be disqualified from
obtaining the award of contract or such award shall be cancelled, without prejudice to other sanctions that NGCP shall impose.
Accreditation Requirements:
Note: Only completely filled up Vendor Accreditation form with complete copies of vital documents will be processed.
1. Application Letter addressed to Supply Chain Management Group Head
2. Accomplished Vendor Accreditation Form
3. Company profile (please include Previous Business Name/s, if any)
4. Organizational Chart
5. Photograph and Sketch of Business Address (Head Office/Plant/Warehouse)
rev. Acc2017.11v3
Application Letter and Accreditation Form
All supplier information will be treated with strict confidentiality. Page 1 of 3
Vendor Accreditation Form Date Received
(to be filled up by NGCP)
Please fill out the form completely, put "N/A" on blank spaces if not applicable. Please put check mark () on appropriate boxes.
Vendor's General Information
Trade Name:
Business Name:
Business Ownership:
Line of Business: Business Origin:
Category/ies: 1. TAX INFORMATION:
2. Tax type: TIN/Company Registration No.:
3. VAT Inclusive
4. Zero-rated
5. NonVAT Date of Registration:
List of Products and
1. Complete Address
(No.,Bldg Name, Street
(Pls. provide at
2. Address, City, Zip Code):
least 3 supporting
track records):
3. Country: Year Established:
4. Company Email:
5. Website:
6. Telephone:
7. Facsimile:
SEC No./
DTI No. & Validity:
9. PCAB License No.:
Warehouse Address:
Telephone: Facsimile:
Owner's/Shareholder's Profile
Name (ln, fn, mn) Position Contact Number Email % of Ownership
Subsidiary/ies (Please provide a copy of the corporate structure or indicate "N/A" if not applicable.)
Business Name Address Country Contact Number/s
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Application Letter and Accreditation Form
All supplier information will be treated with strict confidentiality. Page 2 of 3
Vendor Accreditation Form Date Received
(to be filled up by NGCP)
Please fill out the form completely, put "N/A" on blank spaces if not applicable. Please put check mark () on appropriate boxes.
For foreign vendors only: Local Representative Office in the Philippines (for supply)
Business Name: Year Established:
Address: No. of Staffs:
Telephone: Contact Person:
Facsimile: Contact Number/s:
Email: PCAB License No:
Website: PCAB Validity:
a. Total Assets
b. Total Liabilities
Net Equity
c. Current Assets
d. Inventories
e. Current Liabilities
*Bank Information
Bank & Branch Account Name Account Number Contact Person Contact Number/s
Note: Provide Certificate of Good Credit standing from at least one (1) active major bank.
Insurance Information Insurance Company
Employer's Liability Insurance
All Risk Marine Cargo Insurance (Ocean and Inland)
Contractor's All Risk Insurance
Third Party Liability Insurance
Workmen's Compensation Insurance
Major Clientelle Address Contact Person Contact Number Email
This is to certify that the above information is true and correct. I also declare that the owners, managers, supervisors,
marketing, sales & accounting personnel of our company are not related to any employee of NGCP up to the third degree of To be filled up by NGCP.
consanguinity. I am also authorizing National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to validate all claims with concerned
authorities. I also certify that I am authorized by my company to sign this document in its behalf. Reviewed By: Checked By: Approved By:
By affixing my signature below, I hereby authorized NGCP to:
a) Collect personal information that can be used to assess the suitability of application for vendor accreditation to National Grid Corporation of the Philippines;
b) Use and disclose personal information to its personnel and/or third party by disseminating data by physical and/or electronic means to conduct:
b.1. Invitations for bidding and official NGCP suppliers’ events
b.2. Product and/or services inquiries
b.3. Reviews related to contracts and performance evaluations
b.4. Continuous improvement with existing internal policies that may affect both consensual parties
c) Keep and store all necessary data provided in physical and electronic records within NGCP’s secured premises;
d) Handle all collected information with utmost confidentiality and ensures that appropriate standards of privacy practice and security are applied to protect personal information against misuse or
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Application Letter and Accreditation Form
All supplier information will be treated with strict confidentiality. Page 3 of 3