In deterministic arbitrage a sure profit can be obtained from being long some
securities and short others
ssss Example:
Cash and carry arbitrage entails making profit from the price differential
between cash and futures market, when the basis is positive (Future is quoting
at a premium).
During the month basis can turn in to premium or discount. However as time
decays future price starts converging cash price and eventually expire at the
Illustration 1
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Derivative Classroom
Arbitrage- Series VIII
Implied Volatility
Profit: (Cash Price of stock- Future Illustration II
Price of stock) * Qty
Suppose Mr. Mehta has 1500 shares of Sesa Goa. Currently Sesa Goa is quoting
ssss at a discount of Rs.10.00. Following trade can be executed
Initiation Reversal
Action Scrip Type Yield(%) Days
Price Price
Pair trading strategy is one of the statistical arbitrage, in which stocks are put
into pairs based on quantitative simulation or market-based similarities. When
one stock in a pair outperforms the other, the poorer performing stock is bought
long with the expectation that it will climb towards its outperforming partner,
the other is sold short.
Corporate action like Open Offer, Buy back, Mergers and Acquisition too provide
various arbitrage opportunities. In open offer and buy back risk – reward is
determined based on acceptance ratio and we can hedged the likely unaccepted
Buying a lower strike Call and selling shares using futures contract. Profitability varies depending on the purchase
higher strike call price of shares, days for acceptance and acceptance ratio.
View: Bullish
Page 2
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