6th Semester Project Poster
6th Semester Project Poster
6th Semester Project Poster
Joydeep Naskar†
Supervisor: Dr. Yogesh Kumar Srivastava†
†School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research (HBNI), Bhubaneswar
This P398 Physis Project is a reading project. In this poster, I have discussed Rel- An electron carrying charge -e, has an intrinsic magnetic moment arising due to its spin: →
The Yang-Mills field is a SU(2) non-Abelian gauge field. The field φ = (φ1, φ2, φ3)
ativistic Quantum Mechanics(RQM) & Classical Field Theory(CFT). In RQM, it
e e e~ is in the internal space and the SU(2) gauge transformations are in this space. Define
covers the Klein-Gordon equation and then moves on to Dirac Equation and its con- µ=2 S= S= σ →
− →
− −
→ →
nection with the Lorentz Group. The algebra of spinors is covered and an example 2m m 2m covariant derivative Dµ φ = ∂µ φ + g W µ × φ . The Lagrangian is given by
of electron magnetic moment is provided. In CFT, it starts with Real Scalar Fields . 2→
1 →
− →
− m − → − 1− → −
and traverses through Complex Scalar and Electromagnetic Fields. Yang-Mills Field In the presence of an electromagnetic potential Aµ = (φ, A), the Dirac equation is given by µ
L = (Dµ φ ) · (D φ ) − φ · φ − W µν · W µν
2 2 4
is studied and the poster is concluded with some geometric insights of Gauge Fields. γ 0(E − eφ)ψ − γ.(p − eA)ψ = mψ The Euler Lagrange equations are given by
We get ∂L ∂L
Klein-Gordon Equation σ.(p − eA)σ.(p − eA) i
− ∂ν [ i
Eu = + mu + eφu ∂(W µ) ∂(∂ν W µ)
In the non-relativistic limit, we get the Hamiltonian H where i is an internal index. We finally get
The Klein-Gordon equation can be derived from special relativity. The 4-momentum
µ µ E 2 ν −
→ −→ν − → →
− →
− −→ →
− →
of a particle is given by p = (E/c, p). It gives an invariant p pµ = c2 − p.p. Let’s 1 2 e~ ∂ W µν + g W × W µν = g[(∂µ φ ) × φ + g(W µ × φ ) × φ ]
H= (p − eA) + eφ − σ.B
∂ , p = −i~∇. For a particle with one component φ (in ~ = c = 1 units)
put E = i~ ∂t 2m 2m −
→ →
− →
− →
And, D W µν = g(Dµ φ ) × φ ≡ g J µ. In the absence of source term,
Dirac equation predicts the correct electron magnetic moment.
( + m2)φ = 0 ν −
→ ν −
→ −
→ν − →
D W µν = 0 −→ ∂ W µν = −g W × W µν
This is the Klein-Gordon equation[1]. Lagrangian Formalism for Fields −
Problem 1: The density is not positive definite. It cannot be interpreted as probability which means that the field W µν acts as a source for itself.
∂φ∗ Consider a field φ(xµ) and Lagrangian density L(φ, ∂µφ, xµ) that has an action S = Ld4x.
ih ∗ ∂φ
(φ −φ ) Geometry of Gauge Fields
2m ∂t ∂t The Euler-Lagrange equation for φ is
Problem 2: Solution contains both positive energy and negative energy. ∂L ∂ ∂L
− µ[ ]=0 For a general n component vector,
E = ±(m2c4 + p2c2)1/2 ∂φ ∂x ∂(∂µφ)
µ µ
∂L ∂ φ − δ L. Noether’s theorem is given by ψ(x) −→ ψ 0(x) = exp[iM aΛa(x)]ψ(x) = S(x)ψ(x)
We define energy-momentum tensor as θν = ∂(∂ ν ν
where a = (1, 2, 3) and M a are 3 generators. ψ does not transform covriantly:
Dirac Equation d
0 3 dQν ∂µψ 0 = S(∂µψ) + (∂µS)ψ. The problem is solved by considering a parallel transport
Jν d x = =0
dt dt of the form δψ is δψ = igM aAaµdxµψ where Aaµ is ”universal influence”. Now
The Dirac equation can be derived from the transformation properties of spinors Dψ = (ψ + dψ) − (ψ + δψ) = dψ − δψ = dψ − igM aAaµdxµψ
under the Lorentz group extended by parity. For a particle with energy E, mass m
and momentum p, γ = E/m, Complex Scalar & EM Fields Dψ aAa dxµψ
= D µ ψ = ∂µ ψ − igM µ
E + σ.p dxµ
φR(p) = φL(p) A complex field is described by two independent components, the complex field (φ) itself and its It defines the covariant derivative for an arbitrary field ψ transforming under a group
complex conjugate (φ∗). Consider the Lagrangian density whose generators are M a.
E − σ.p Now define Aµ = M aAaµ. Then Dµψ = (∂µ − igAµ)ψ. Transforming to a new
φL(p) = φR(p)
m 1 µ ∗ m2 ∗ iso-frame
L = (∂µφ)(∂ φ ) − φ φ i
Define 4-spinor ψ(p) =
and 4 × 4 matrices γ =0 0 1
and γ i = 2 2 Aµ = SAµS − (∂µS)S −1
0 −1
φL(p) 1 0 g
The Euler- Lagrangian equations are given by
0 −σ i This is the rule for gauge transformation of potential.
i . We arrive at the Dirac Equation for massive spin 1/2 particles. ( + m2)φ = 0, ( + m2)φ∗ = 0
σ 0
(γ µpµ − m)ψ(p) = 0 The Lagrangian is gauge invariant under a global U(1) gauge transformation gives a conserved Acknowledgements
Problem 1 Solved: The density j 0 is positive definite. It can be interpreted as proba- µ ∂L ∂L ∗) = i(φ∗∂ µφ − φ∂ µφ∗)
J = (−iφ) + (iφ I would like to thank my project supervisor Dr. Yogesh Kumar Srivastava, whose
bility density. ∂(∂µφ) ∂(∂µφ∗)
expertise, understanding, generous guidance and support made it possible to work
j 0 = ψγ 0ψ = ψ †ψ > 0 The massless electromagnetic field arises naturally by demanding gauge invariance of Lagrangian
on the topic of my interest. It was a pleasure working with him.
Problem 2: From the Dirac equation, the eigenvalues of E are: under local U(1) gauge transformation. The modified Lagrangian is
1 µν
E = ±(m2 + p2)1/2 twice µ ∗ µ ∗ 2 ∗
L = (∂µφ + ieAµφ)(∂ φ − ieA φ ) − m φ φ − F Fµν References
Dirac proposed that all negative energy states are already filled. For spin 1/2 particles, ∂L − ∂ [ ∂L ] = 0, which gives a conserved
The Euler-Lagrange equations for Aµ gives: ∂A ν ∂(∂ν Aµ)
Pauli’s exclusion principle prohibits the particle from entering the ’sea’ of negative µ
[1] Lewis H. Ryder,Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge
energy states. Hence Problem 2 is solved. covariant current
[2] J. J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Pearson
∂ν F µν = −ie(φ∗∂ µφ − φ∂ µφ∗) + 2e2Aµ|φ|2 = −ie(φ∗Dµφ −µ φ∗) = −eJ µ
[3] Goldstein, Poole, Safko. Classical Mechanics, Pearson
[4] Steven Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields II, Cambridge