AModelofParticlesFormingasB ECPAIJ 02 00096
AModelofParticlesFormingasB ECPAIJ 02 00096
AModelofParticlesFormingasB ECPAIJ 02 00096
The paper brings supplementary arguments regarding the possibility of cold particles
forming as collapsed cold clusters of gammons–considered as pairs: γ
= e e
− +
) Marius Arghirescu
Patents Department, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks,
of axially coupled electrons with opposed charges. It is argued physico–mathematically Romania
that the particles cold forming from chiral quantum vacuum fluctuations is possible at
T → 0K , either by a vortexial, magnetic–like field or by already formed gammons, in a Correspondence: Marius Arghirescu, Patents Department,
“step–by–step” process, by two possible mechanisms: a)–by clusterizing, with the forming State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Romania, Tel +4074
0 0 0 5795 507, Email
of preons z = 34me , and of basic bosons:
= z p 7=
z ; z2 4 z , with hexagonal
Received: June 11, 2018 | Published: July 05, 2018
symmetry and thereafter–of cold quarks and pseudo–quarks, by a mechanism with a first
( ) –pre–cluster forming by magnetic interaction and a second step
* ± 0
step of z / q / q
of z / q / q
± 0
) –collapsed cluster forming , with the aid of magnetic confinement, and
b)–by pearlitizing, by the transforming of a bigger Bose–Einstein condensate into smaller
gammonic pre–clusters which may become particle–like collapsed BEC.
In a previous paper1 were presented briefly some basic particle
Vn r () υi Pn =
= V ⋅e=
1 0 − r /η *
/2 ρ n r ⋅ c (1)
; Pn r
() ( ) ()
models resulted from a cold genesis theory of matter and fields2–5 By an electron model with radius: a = 1.41fm and with
of the author, (CGT), regarding the cold forming process of cosmic exponential variation of the quantum volume density and of the
elementary particles, formed–according to the theory, as collapsed magnetic field quanta: ρ µ r ≈ ρ e r () () ρ e ·e
0 − r /η
; η ≈ 0.96 fm ;
cold clusters of gammons–considered as pairs: γ = e e
( − +
) of axially 0
ρ e = 2.22 x 10 kg / m .
14 3
( )
with degenerate charge e = 2 e , (characteristic to the up–quark–
in the quantum mechanics).
k 1 ⋅ ρ µ (r) ⋅ v c ; (k1 =
B =
1.56 x 10
According to this theory,2–5 based on the Galilean relativity,
the magnetic field is generated by an etherono–quantonic mechanism of cold particles forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein
vortex Γ M = Γ A + Γ µ of s–etherons (sinergons–with mass condensate (BEC) without destruction:
ms ≈ 10
kg ) giving the magnetic potential A by an impulse a) by clusterizing and cold collapsing without destruction, from
a gammonic quasi–crystallin pre–cluster Nz,7 or b) by pearlitizing,
density: ps =
r ()
( ρ s ⋅ c )r and of quantons (h–quanta, with mass: by the fragmenting of a bigger BEC.8 The particles cold forming
mh =
h ⋅ 1 / c ≈ 7.37 x 10
kg , formed as compact cluster of by clusterizing may results–according to CGT, in a “step–by–step”
process,7 supposing:
sinergons) giving the magnetic moment and the magnetic induction 0* 0
a1) z / z pre–cluster/cluster forming, with the aid of magnetic
B by an impulse density: pc r = ( ρ c vc )r , the nuclear field resulting confinement, with a metastable equilibrium interdistance between
from the attraction of the quantum impenetrable volume υi of a nucleon gammons with antiparallel magnetic moments: de= a= 1.41 fm
in the total field generated according to fields superposition principle, (Figure 1);
by the Nn superposed vortices Γ µ r of component degenerate * *
a2) z2 / z2 and zπ / zπ are pre–cluster/cluster forming;
electrons of another nucleon, having an exponential variation of
± 0
quanta impulse density, the nuclear potential resulting in the form: a3) ( q / q ) –quark or neutral pseudo–quark pre–cluster/cluster
Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096
A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons ©2018 Arghirescu 262
E γ 2m=
= c
+ Be ⋅ µe (d= ) +
(6) b.
de ≈ a , ⇒ e ≈ ( 2 /3 ) e ;
≈ ( /3 ) e , ⇒ d ≈ ( /3 ) a .
e e
4πε 0a 4πε 0de 4πε 0de 8πε 0de * 2 2
e e
In which we considered a possible degenerate charge, e ≤ e .
* c.
Because for a photon–like gammon its length must exceed its
This interpretation is logical by the fact that the nuclear E–field may diameter proportional with the speed,9 it results that the case a)
split the γ –quantum only if it can act over internal e(e*)–charges of corresponds to a relativist gammon ( v → c ), which–in CGT, may
opposed sign. have simultaneously rest mass and the c–speed, and the case c)
Between e and (2/3)e, considering an electric permittivity correspond to a linked gammon, which is confined inside a bigger
=ε ε 0ε r ≈ ε 0 , we have the next significant possibilities: elementary particle (mesonic or baryonic), the degenerate charge
e =e , ⇒ de =1.5 a ;
* 2
( )
e ≈ /3 e being specific to the up–quark , (p–quark–in CGT).2–5
So the case b) corresponds to a gammonic pre–cluster, in accordance
also with the quantum mechanics.
Table 1 Elementary particles: (theoretic mass) / (experimentally determined mass)
− − + +
µ = 2Z 1 + e = 205 me / µ = 206.7 me − pr = 2p + n = 1836.2me ; ne = 2n + p = 1838.8me ; / pr , ne = 1836.1; 1838.7me ;
o 0 o 0
π = m1 + m1 = 270.4me ; /π = 264.2 me −Λ = s + n + p= 2212.8 me ; / Λ = 2182.7 me
π = m1 + m2 = 273 me ; /π = 273.2 me
( ++ ; + ;0; − )
s +λ + p
± +
(n =
2445.6; 2453.4 me ;/ ∆ = 2411 ± 4 me
± ;0
+ + + − + −
K = m1 + λ = 987 me ; / K = 966.3 me −Σ = v + 2p = 2346.2me ; Σ = v + 2n = 2351.4me ; / Σ , Σ = 2327; 2342.6me
o o o 0
K = m2 + λ = 989.6 me ; / K = 974.5 me −Σ = v + n + p = 2348.8 me / Σ = 2333 me ;
o 0 o − 0 −
η = m2 + s = 1125.6 me ; / η = 1073 me ; −Ξ = 2s + p = 2586.8 me ; Ξ = 2s + n = 2589.4 me ; / Ξ , Ξ = 2572; 2587.7 me ;
− −
−Ω = 3v = 3371.4 me ; / Ω = 3278 me .
The degenerate charge’s radius: re ( e =
/3 e ) for de ≈ a , ( ) and c) resulting that ε r > 1 , so–the charge degeneration may be less
results from (6), according to a CGT’s relation: accentuate, ( e
(a) > ( 2 /3 ) e ) , because the decreasing of the V – e
2 2
re re 2
e 2
* 2S x 4π ⋅ re 2
potential with ε . By the proportionality between n, ε and the quanta
e (a )= ≈ = e
≈ e d = 3 e ; ⇒ re ≈ 0.9di ; Sx= π (re + rv ) ; density, deduced in CGT: n, ε ~ ρ c ,9 because the proportionality:
k k
1 1 a i −2
ρ c ~ r for r > a, it results that:
( ) () ( ) ( )
−2 2
ρ c ~ r , r > a ⇒ ε a / ε de ≈ de / a =2.2 (8)
but in the hypothesis: = ε ε 0ε r ≈ ε 0 . However, the so–called
As consequence, the relation (6) must be re–written in the
“stopped light experiment”10,11 showed that a Bose–Einstein condensate
approximate form:
determine a high slowing of the light passed through it, at a value 2 *2 2 2
vc << c , so for de ≈ a , by the known relation:= n c / vc ≈ ε it 2 e e e e
r E=
2me c= = + Be ⋅ µe (d=
) + (9)
results that we may consider the approximation: = ε ε 0ε r ≈ ε 0 only in 4πε 0a 4πε 0di 4πε 0ε r di 8πε 0di
the case:de=1.5a, corresponding to a relativist gammon, for the case b)
Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096
A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons ©2018 Arghirescu 263
FT (=
a ) Fµ (a ) 1 − ≈ fd 1 − ; T=C fd (10)
TC a TC kB
In consequence, we may approximate the expression of the
superficial tension σ γ = Fγ / 2lγ as being given by the magnetic
interaction force between two adjacent gammonic electrons, according
to the approximation relation:
Fγ Fµ me c
Ti me c
Figure 4 The forming of the z –cluster’s kernel.
0 σ γ = ≈ =fd 2 1 − ; TC =fd =fd ⋅ 5.9x10 K (11)
2 ⋅ l 2a 2a TC kB
() ()
with fd ≈ (1 − Fr a / Fµ a ) ≤ 1 . The equilibrium radius rp of
the pearlitic gammonic pre–cluster results in this case according to the
approximate relation:
2σ γ me c a
Ti TC 8.3x10
rp = = fd 1 − ≈ a ≈ fd [m] (12)
P0 kB Ti TC Ti Ti
3 −9
For T=
TB ≈ 10 K and fd ≈ 1 , it results: rp ≈ 8 x 10 m . When
Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096
A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons ©2018 Arghirescu 264
equation (2):
cluster’s collapse is stopped at di ≈ 0.02 fm , with f µ ≈ 1 it results
− i
Fr (d ) = −∇Vr ' = qs ⋅ E s = S x ⋅ 2ρ r c ⋅ e
0 2 ηr 2
; S x = π rc ; re ≤ di
that ρ r
(T ) / =
ρ (T ) / ρ ≈ ( d / η ) ≈ 0.02 .
e e
(T ) / ρ ≤ 1 , it results that the cluster cannot be equilibrated
i e
and with:
creates the disturbance which generates the scalar density part:
( )
ρ r Ti , according to CGT. This phenomenon explains the fact that
ρ r Ti
( ) η )ρ e ; ρ e
f µ ( di / = ρ=
a ·e
() a /η 14
2.22 x 10 kg / m
3 the quasi–crystallin cluster of electronic centroids of the particle’s
kernel not collapses neither at very low temperatures, explaining the
, resulting that: ( di / η ) ~ Ti .
particle’s lifetime increasing with the temperature’s decreasing.2–5
At low temperatures, because the magnetic moment results– If the internal pre–cluster’s temperature Ti is maintained close to
according to CGT–by the energy of etherono–quantonic winds of the the metastable equilibrium value Ti = TB , the pre–cluster’s collapsing
quantum vacuum, we may take f µ ≈ 1 . For the kernel of a formed may still occur in a strong magnetic field, by the aid of the magneto–
particle, because the superdense centroids of quasi–electrons are
Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096
A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons ©2018 Arghirescu 265
υi 2 υi c mϕ ⋅ B( R ) υi ⋅ c 0 rv
mϕ 1 0
VMG (r)= ρϕ (r ) ⋅ c= = ϕ0 B( R ); ρϕ (r)
= ρϕ = ; m=
2πρϕ rv rϕ ;
2 4π r k1 ⋅ c 4π k1 ⋅ r r 2π ⋅ rϕ r
-40 J ⋅ m
B(R) υi ⋅ c mϕ k1 ⋅ c ϕ0
VMG (r) K M
= ; KM = ϕ0 7.87x10 = ; rϕ =
r 4π k1 T B( R ) B( R )
with ( mφ = 4.27 x 10
kg / m –the fluxon’s binding energy of the nucleons to their neighbours: E b ≈ 40 MeV
consider an atomic nucleus as a (non–collapsed) fermionic condensate In CGT, this phenomenon is equated by multiplying the
with quasi–crystallin arrangement of nucleons, which may explain binding energy between two nucleons with a term depending on
the nucleonic “magic” numbers of maximal stability,2–4 the nuclear
the vibration “liberty” (amplitude) of the nucleon, in the form:
fission reactions–well described by the droplet nuclear model, being
explained by a nuclear local phase transformation at the internal
temperature increasing–determined by the nucleons’ vibrations.
( )
E b Tv= E ·ev
− l /η *
≈ E · 1 − k B Tv / E
b ) , with l ~ k T .
v B v
( ) ( ),
(11), by modifying the volume term: EV = av A and the surface 3
Ae ≈ ( 4π rp /=
3)·N0 ( 4π / 3) rp / a =
, N0 1/a
term E σ = aS A from the Bethe–Weizsäcker semi–empiric
the equations (12) & (19) , for a metastable gammonic BEC,
formula of the nuclear binding energy, based on the liquid drop giving the binding energy in the form:
model proposed by George Gamow, in which A is the atomic number
( )
and aV E b – /5 ε F ≈ 15.8=
= MeV ≈ aS 17.8 MeV –the volume
4π TC Tv
≈ Eb ⋅
3 2
4π 3 TC Tv
Tv (20)
and the surface term coefficiens, given as difference between the EN 1 − − 1 − 1 − ;
3 Tv TC 3 Tv TC TC
Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096
A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons ©2018 Arghirescu 266
Also, in the case of the proton, is more logical that the external
2 2
with E b ≈ E m ≈ fd ·me c ;TC ≈ fd ·me c / k B , ( fd ≈ 0.98 ) , the shell of the impenetrable quantum volume, corresponding in quantum
relation (20) showing that the increasing of the BEC’s temperature mechanics to the gluonic part of the nucleon, has the inertial mass
determines transition to a liquid/like phase and thereafter– given by cold (“dark”) leptons, ln : photons, gammons or also z0–
pearlitization, as consequence of the internal temperature increasing preons (instead partons–as in the standard model of QM), coupled
over the equilibrium value. with oriented (antiparallel) magnetic moments, for example–as a
(quasi)circular chain of coupled z0–preons around the impenetrable
Conclusion quantum volume (explaining a part of the quarks confining force) or
By the paper it is argued that the particles cold forming from also in the middle part of the quantum volume (corresponding to the
quantum vacuum fluctuations–considered in the quantum mechanics, proton’s root mean square radius of its charge, η ≈ 0.86 fm ).
is possible at T → 0K , but usually by clusterizing, in specific According to the previous model, the revised Anderson’s model
conditions, as a “step–by–step” process in which the intrinsic rest of proton, with attached positron having degenerate magnetic
mass/energy necessary for the particles forming: mc2, is acquired moment (CGT),2–4 explains in this case the proton’s charge, e+, by
either by an initial quantum vortex corresponding to an intense the conclusion that the secondary vortexes ξ µ induced by the Γ µ
magnetic–like field, with vortexial energy comparable with those of –vortex of the protonic positron’ magnetic moment at the level of
the ulterior formed particle and with the producing of a dense kernel the superficially distributed internal leptons ln, increases the value of
which may stabilize the quantum vortex, or by a less intense vortex their magnetic moment parallel oriented ( µ l ↑↑ ξ µ ) and diminish
but enough strong for increase locally the density of formed gammons
the ln–lepton’ magnetic moment anti–parallel oriented ( ω ↑↓ Γ µ ),
or z0(34me) preons.
generating a roto–activity of the surface: ω x r =c, with ω ↑↓ Γ µ ,
An argument for the particles forming process by clusterizing is the electronic
Cooper pairs forming in superconductors, at low temperatures, well explained
corresponding to a negative charge, e–, the proton’s charged surface
() ()
by the relation (9) resulted in this case in the form: Ve a ≈ −Vm a and the
attracting and polarizing adjacent vectorial photons (vexons, w±–
in CGT) with opposed magnetic moment, which gives the positive
possibility of fermionic condensate forming at very low temperatures also with +
charge of the proton. At the µe transforming of the proton, the lack
electrons,13 explained in the same way, in CGT. of the protonic positron re–establish the equality between the values
The vortex was identified as the logical way to explain the of the coupled leptonic magnetic moments of the particle’s surface
fermions pairs forming also in other theoretical models,14 but a Sn which becomes neutral by the loose of the previous attracted
−60 −69 polarized vectorial photons which are carried by the released
vortex of etherons with the mass of 10 ÷ 10 kg –considered
positron, being retained at the positron’s surface by the positronic
as particles of the sub–quantum medium, (corresponding to the ‘dark +
magnetic moment, µ e . Extrapolated to the electron’ case, the model
energy’ concept), is not enough to explain the possibility of fermion explains the transforming of a (e–e+) pair into two gamma–quanta by
forming from quantum vacuum, without a quantonic component, the conclusion of reciprocal charge cancelling by polarized vexons
with quantons of energy ε = h·1 15 and having superdense centroids changement, (Figure 6).
which–by vortexial confining, can form a superdense centroid and a
rest mass of the formed fermion. According to CGT,1–5 this mechanism
may explain the background radiation (2.7K) photons forming as
pairs of vectorial photons, in the Cold ProtoUniverse.
The possibility to explain the masses and the magnetic and
electric properties of the elementary particles resulted from the
cosmic radiation, in a preonic model, by a cold clusterizing process
and with only two quasi–crystallin basic bosons: z2=4z0 =136me;
zπ=7z0 =238me, indicates–in our opinion, that after the electrons
(negatrons and positrons) cold forming, the clusterizing was the
main process of the particles forming in the Universe, by at least
two steps: a)–the quasi–crystallin pre–cluster forming (of gammons
or of formed z0–preons or z2–and zπ–zerons) and b)–the pre–cluster’s
cold collapsing, without destruction, with the maintaining of a quasi–
crystallin arrangement of electronic centroids at the kernel’s level, as
consequence of their ‘zeroth’ vibrations–which determines an internal
scalar repulsive field. (
Figure 6 The conversion process: e e
− +
) → 2g .
The particles cold forming by clusterizing, in a Galilean relativity According to the model, the electron radius of 10–18 m
supposes the conclusion that the quantum vacuum contains cold experimentally evidenced by X–rays scattering is the radius of the
gammons and z0–preons as basic “field” which gives inertial mass electron’s kernel.
of the resulted bigger particles, but also bigger leptons, such as pairs
0 As secondary, particular possibility, the particles forming by
of muonic neutrino: ν µ = 6z , (of ring form), which may explain
− + − + pearlitizing supposes the forming of a bigger BEC of gammons, with
the known reaction: e e → µ µ , by the conclusion of the 2v µ 3 44
–neutrino pair splitting in the quantum vacuum by the interaction the concentration of particles: N0 ≈ 1 / a =
3.57 x 10 , (a=1.41 fm),
energy and the forming of ( e − v µ ) couples. in a strong gravitational or magnetic field and at very low temperature
Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096
A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons ©2018 Arghirescu 267
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Citation: Arghirescu M. A model of particles cold forming as collapsed Bose–Einstein condensate of gammons. Phys Astron Int J. 2018;2(4):260‒267.
DOI: 10.15406/paij.2018.02.00096