Gravitational Waves
Gravitational Waves
Gravitational Waves
The existence of gravitational waves is a direct prediction of Einsteins theory of general
relativity, published in 1916. The observation of gravitational wave in September 2015 at The
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has opened a new astronomical
window on the universe, allowing the study of dynamic strong-field gravity, as well as many
other astrophysical objects and processes impossible to observe with electromagnetic radiation.
The review describes the origin, present status and future prospectus of the gravitational wave
Gravitational wave is a central and exotic prediction of general theory of relativity proposed by
Einstein and its detection is a key achievement to the integrity of his work. The first paper about
the idea of gravitational waves was published by Laplace in 1776. After many attempts to
develop a relativistic theory of gravity by various authors, Einstein proposed general theory of
relativity. Soon after his proposal of theory, Einstein predicted that existence of gravitational
waves and estimated its strength.
Gravitational waves which travel with speed of light are quite different from electromagnetic
waves. Electromagnetic waves originate from excited atoms and molecules, whereas
gravitational waves are emitted by accelerated massive objects. Also electromagnetic waves are
easily scattered and absorbed by dust clouds between the objects and the observer, whereas
gravitational waves will pass through them almost unaffected. However the gravitational waves,
often referred as freely propagating ripples in space-time are very feeble and their detection
was not possible till September 2015, when scientists at The Laser Interferometer GravitationalWave Observatory (LIGO) observed gravitational waves, and publicly declared later on 11
February 2016, jointly with Virgo. The signals were detected within just two days of when the
Advanced LIGO detectors started collecting data after their upgrade1. Usually, it happens such
that science motivates the pursuit of new technology and its development. In this case, modern
highly equipped technology was employed in discovering new science.
Some of the potential sources of detectable gravitational waves include binary star
systems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes.
The scientific community has divided such sources into four basic categories:
Binaries. These obviously have a large and varying quadrupole moment, and have the
additional advantage that we actually know that gravitational radiation is emitted from them at
the expected level (based on observations of double neutron star binaries).
Continuous sources. A spinning source can in principle emit gravitational waves at a single
frequency for a long time, so the signal builds up in a narrow frequency bin. As a result,
particularly for high frequencies observable with ground-based detectors, continuous-wave
sources are interesting because they can in principle be seen even at relatively low amplitudes.
Bursts. These refer to events of very limited duration that do not have to have any special
periodicity. An example would be a core-collapse supernova.
Stochastic sources. For these, we think in terms of broad bands of frequency with many
sources, rather than the signal produced by an individual source. Examples include the huge
foreground of double white dwarf binaries in our Galaxy, or possibly a background from the very
early universe.
In this survey paper, the methodology for gathering observations, source modelling and further
data analysis are skipped on purpose, to not to make it too complicated.
I thank Dr. Joe Varghese Yeldho for giving me this wonderful opportunity in the form of
assignment, to dig some information on my topic of interest and present this survey paper, which
will undoubtedly prove to be useful for my future publications.