Calasanz Digital Language Lab User Manual
Calasanz Digital Language Lab User Manual
Calasanz Digital Language Lab User Manual
1 Introduction
2 System Requirements
3 Installation
4 Startup
4.1 Teacher
4.2 Student
6 AV Control
6.1 AV Control Console
6.2 AV System Setup
7 Troubleshooting
1 Introduction
This User Manual guides you through the installation and setup process of the
CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION software. It provides a comprehensive
description of available functions, facilitating interaction between teacher and
students in class.
Please consult our website for upgrade, decoding of license and support at
2 System Requirements
n DirectX9.0 or above
n Windows Media Player 9 or above
n Internet Explorer 6.0 or above
Teacher Computer
n CPU: Pentium IV (Recommend Pentium (4) or higher)
n RAM: XP -512MB / Windows 7 – 4Gigs or higher recommended
n HDD: 1.5GB of available hard disk space
n Teacher Software Size: 36MB
n Windows displays support; Recommend display resolution:
o Single Monitor setting: 1,024x768 or 1,280x1,024
o Dual Monitor Setting: *Primary Monitor – 1,024x768 or 1,280x1,024
*Extension Monitor – 1,024x768 or 1,280x1,024
o Teacher control panel can be movable and drag to any places on desktop,
interface can be resizable to best fit the screen size.
o Multiple Monitors are supported.
o Teacher control panel is designed to display on secondary monitor by
default when multiple monitors are installed in Teacher workstation.
n 100 Mbps Network Interface Card
n On-board or additional display adapter(s) (optional for multiple monitors
support) with 64MB or above video memory
Student Computer
n CPU: Pentium IV
n RAM: XP - 512MB / Windows 7 – 2Gigs or higher recommended
n HDD: 1.5GB of available hard disk space
n Student Software Size: 22MB
n Recommend display resolution: Matched to teacher screen resolution.
1,024x768 or 1,280x1,024
n 100/1000 Mbps Network Interface Card
Sound Card
n Multiple sound cards support
n Full-duplex sound card or USB audio device
Networking Requirements
n At least ONE network connection
n TCP/IP Protocols
◊ Each student and teacher computer must have a unique IP address.
Make sure that no two students and teacher have the same IP address.
Consult with the Network Administrator to verify that the IP addresses
you intended to use will not interfere with other system components.
◊ Set the same subnet mask for all students and teacher.
n Dynamic IP address assignment (DHCP) are supported for both
student’s and teacher’s computer.
n LAN Card: 100/1000 Mbps & supports Wake-on-LAN feature.
n Switch: 100/1000 Mbps; * IGMP filter support recommended
Optional Accessories
n Headset with Microphone
n USB Audio Box
n AV Controller Module
n PCI Video Capture Card (with 320 x 240 resolution and RGB 24 bits
compression capturing format recommended) or USB 2.0 external
capturing device
n USB Web Cam (* disable the microphone of web cam after installation)
3 Installation
2. After naming the Start Menu folder in which the shortcuts are to be placed, the
user is asked whether a desktop icon is to be created.
Choose “Install this driver software anyway” to allow the driver to be installed.
4. In audio mapping, select the appropriate sound cards and record sources.
We recommend that you map the sound card settings to the following:
Mic = Mic
PC = Stereo Mix
LINE-IN =Mic or Line In (depending on type of sound card utilized)
MIC+PC = Stereo Mix
Select “USB08Vista” option if you are using the optional USB Audio Box with
the Windows Vista Operating System. Do not select if you are using the onboard
sound card with Windows Vista Operating System.
5. The audio mapping dialog allows sound source and levels to be selected and
adjusted for each function of the CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION
Software. The settings are similar to the Windows volume control settings. If you
are not sure what settings fit best, it is recommended to use the default settings
by clicking “Load Default”.
6. Next, the system will install the required drives on the computer.
• NOTE: The screen will flicker (to black screen) during this process.
This is normal.
Select the classroom channel. This is an integer between 1 and 200. The
student computers and the teacher computer must have the same class
channel in order for them to communicate correctly. Only student computers
and instructor computers with same class channel will be able to communicate
• NOTE: The Teacher computer can control other student computers
in different classrooms by adding channels in settings part of the
9. Prior to the first time use of the program, connect the license hardware key to the
parallel port or USB port.
Run CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION Teacher and input the license key
under Password tab of Settings.
l You don’t have to input any license password if the License Dongle
is already decoded.
Maximum number of
connecting computers
(Total number of
4 Startup
4.1 Teacher
2. The default class and teacher are named “Public”.
4.2 Student
The CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION Student program will automatically start
once the users (student) logs-on to the computer. The student icon in the
system tray will turn colored from grey to indicate that the teacher session is in
progress. The student can also click on the icon in the system tray in order to access
the Student’s tool bard:
Displays student’s
login name Inputs student name and records
its attendance
The following sign-in dialogue box allows the student to enter their name and
gender. This function can also be invoked in the control panel by the Teacher.
The student will have 60 seconds to enter their name. Once the 60 seconds expires,
the Teacher’s interactive session with the students will begin.
Once logged in, the student’s computer can then be identified by the students’ name.
At this point, the student’s computer is under control of the teacher.
control panel, the Student icon in the system tray will appear in grey .
The Teacher control panel provides the user flexibility in selecting the interface size.
To change the interface size, select the with the mouse pointer the bottom-left hand
corner of the control panel and drag to resize the panel. Release the mouse button
when completed.
To minimize, maximize, close or restore the panel to its previous size you will need
to click on the appropriate button in the upper-right hand corner of the panel:
• After maximizing the panel, click to restore the panel to its previous
In the control panel, there are icons that represent each student computer. A male
or female icon will be displayed to identify gender of the student. The student must
select this option in the Sign-in Dialogue box. By default, the computer name will
be displayed if the student has not entered their name.
The display name can be changed by selecting the Settings icon on the teacher
panel to the following options: “Windows Login Name”, “Student’s Login Name”,
“Student’s Name in AD” or “Student’s Computer Name”. The student icons will then
display the above selected information below the icon:
Online Status
Windows Login Name/Student’s Information
Login Name/Student’s Name in about the
AD/ Student’s Computer Name connected
(Purple Colour represents student student
is in Group1)
The Student icon will appear differently depending on the status of the computer.
The following is a description of the various icons and the accompanying status of
the computer:
Student is online
The Blackout function can be used in the same way as the Lock function in
addition to obscuring the desktop view of the students computer.
5.1.2 Chat
Invoke an IRC-style text chat between
the teacher and the student(s). When
the teacher sends the first message, it
pops up notification on the student(s)
screen. The student can click on the
message to engage in a conversation
with the teacher.
Attendance - This will create an Attendance Log file in a .CSV file-format. The file
will have login and session details.
Clears all selected functions on the control panel (Lock, Remote Control, etc.).
AV Control - This tool allows Teachers to control the optional “AV Controller”. Refer
to section 6.
To access the settings the teacher must select the Start button.
Select Teacher
Align Tools
Shutdown DLL
Class List
New Class
Computer/ Student
Class Search Method
Class Property
In the New Class dialogue box, you will be able to enter the number of
students in your class, number of groups, the teacher name, class name
and subject name for the new class.
• Without a decoded license, the maximum number of students is
limited to 4 only.
• The maximum number of groups is 30.
Double-click each student icon in the seating plan and enter the
Selecting this option will make the new class as the default class and
seating plan. This class will automatically load each time the Teacher
program starts up.
NOTE: Selecting the default seating plan option will copy this new profile
to the public profile. The public profile will be overwritten and you will not
be able to recover it.
Justify the spaces between the selected icons from left to right.
Justify the space between the selected icons from top to bottom.
5.2.5 Power On, Power Off, Restart Windows, Remote Login, Remote
Logoff, Disconnect
These features allow the teacher to efficiently manage the student computers
at the beginning and end of each classroom. To use, please select the student(s)
and click on the following commands:
• Power On or Off, Restart selected or all student computers from the Teacher
• Send a Remote "Log On" to selected or all student computer(s) at the
beginning of class.
• Perform a Remote "Log Off" of the selected or all student computer(s).
• Send a Remote “Disconnect” to turn off the CALASANZ DLL student client.
The Channel ID field relates to the channel field that was set when installing the
student program on the student computer. By adding the various classroom
channels, the teacher can control different classroom or different classroom
configurations. Please ensure that the teacher and the corresponding students are
using the same channel. If you are using the software in different classrooms please
make sure that those corresponding teacher and students are using the same
channel. Each classroom installation should utilize a different channel to ensure
correct communication between student and teacher computers. The teacher can
communicate with different students in other channels by add and selecting those
Channel ID(s) under Channel Setup session.
Audio Setup allows the teacher to configure the audio acquisition devices on
both the teacher’s and student computer (if option is enabled). Click Setup
for the Audio Mapping process. Please see Audio Mapping in the installation
section of this manual.
Seating Plan
Position: If this option is selected it will lock the students icons in place in
the teacher’s control panel. The classroom layout will be locked
Student Icon Name Display Option: This allows the teacher to select the
naming convention that will appear below the student computer in the
teacher’s control panel.
Password Tab
Password Setup: This allows the Teacher to select a password that will be
used to access the Settings window (by selecting the Settings Button on the
control panel.
5.3.3 Monitor
This allows the Teacher to view the student’s screen and to listen to the
selected audio input device simultaneously. The student computer screens
will appear in thumbnails in the Teacher’s control panel. The student’s screen
thumbnails can be resized. The teacher can also select a student and switch to
full screen or remote control with while using the intercom function.
The Student Monitor function allows the teacher to monitor the student
computer in order to view what the students are doing. This feature supports
the monitoring of motion video and PowerPoint presentations.
Note: Monitor can not be used simultaneously with Rotation Monitor function.
The Drawing function (available by dragging the mouse to the top right-hand
corner and selecting draw from the menu) provides a powerful annotation tool.
While the teacher’s screen is being broadcasted, the annotation tools can be
used to highlight the relevant part of the screen in order to draw the student’s
attention. See section 5.11.
“Record” button to start screen capturing. Select a directory and a file name
where you would like to screen recorded to be saved.
Select appropriate record source if you want to record sound along the screen.
Previous Pair - Places the students in pairs using previous pair arrangement.
Group Discussion - Displays a set of tables and the teacher can drag the student
icons into the tables for discussion. The Teacher can also drag one student from one
Table to another Table or even back to the control panel in order to remove them
from conferencing.
Random Group - Group the students at random with the specified group size.
When the function button is clicked, the Teacher can use the Add Table “+” to create
a new discussion Table.
The discussion tables are shown, when appropriate, at the bottom of the main
screen. Drag student icons from the seating plan into the Table and assign them to
different Tables.
Teacher can join discussions with different groups of by clicking with the mouse the
desired Table icon. This is a screenshot of the discussion tables, with four students
in Table 4:
By Right-clicking on the Table and selecting Configure, the Teacher can create a
discussion Topic for each group with an accompanying Display Picture.
Picture display
Discussion Topic
Discussion Contents Configure
Student list
for each
Input text Table
Send button
Save voice and text - Save the discussion contents in *.mp3 and *.txt formats
Voice to all and Text to all - This is available only to the teacher. It enables the
teacher to broadcast their voice and/or text to all the students in all tables.
Display a dialog box that allows the
instructor to change the discussion
table settings. Options include
discussion topic, topic display font
style and picture.
5.4 Application
Show a list of all the applications and browser URL that are currently running on all
students’ computers.
Right-click on the list to display the option to terminate the current/all application(s)
on any or all student’s computers.
Note: This feature only works with IE based browsers and the Internet
Teachers may change access modes at any given time with the following
options located at the bottom of the Web Sites Filter window.
“Approved Only” Allows the specified sites listed in the approved list.
Pressing the following button located at the top right will open the following
Add, Remove, Edit - To create, delete and edit access rule(s) for
Internet URL.
Teachers may change access modes at any given time with the following
options located at the bottom of the Applications Filter window.
Pressing the following button located at the top right will open the following
Add, Remove, Edit - To create, delete and edit access rule(s) for
Opens capturing
device config
l To resize the video-playback window, drag the lower right corner of the
Player in any direction. To use full screen, click the Full Screen control
button of teacher and the student respectively.
the ability to fully control broadcasting from the MOD system, as well as to
allow students to receive different video/audio channels. For details, please
refer to MOD User Manual.
The teacher can use this function to speed up common classroom internet browsing
by controlling the use of the internet browser on all student screens. By default the
teacher has complete control of the browser (students cannot click or type in the
browser window)
Browser Sync
Pressing this button will sync the student browsers with the teachers
browser. This is used primarily when the teacher has allowed students to
surf the internet on their own and requires everyone to return to a
common webpage.
Restriction Button
Pressing the Restriction button will bring up the same
functions as section 5.5.4. Restriction and Web
Sites Filter functions are the same. Web site access
applied within the Internet Co-Browser will appear in
the Web Sites Filter.
Lock Button
Pressing the Lock button gives the option to allow students to
control the Internet Co-Browser by choosing Free Students.
Selecting Lock Students will give control back to the teacher.
5.7 Exam
The EXAM feature enables the Teacher to create exam that can be conducted in the
classroom though the CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION software. This section
will guide the user through the creation of an examination paper, the examination
process, grading and analysis of the results.
Creating a Paper
To begin with, an exam paper has to be created. Click Edit to open the EXAM dialog
Open Paper
Load an existing exam paper. This allows the Teacher to start editing.
New Paper
Create a new exam paper.
When New Paper is selected, the edit dialog box will be displayed. Below is the
dialog box shown with five sample questions. Enter the Name of the paper, the
Author and the Time Limit in hours and minutes. The icons on the left specify the
type question that can be created.
True-or-false question
Fill-in-the-blank question
The commands New Question, Edit Question and Delete Question allow the Teacher
to modify the exam accordingly. When creating or modifying a question, one of the
following dialog boxes will be displayed:
This score box represents the value the student will
be awarded if they answer the question correctly.
The number of possible correct answers that will be
allowed for this question.
This box will contain the question.
Correct Answer
If more than one answer is selected, the student will have to submit the same
selections to be awarded the score (selecting only one of the answers will NOT
award the student the specified score).
Picture or Media
Enables the Teacher to attach an image file or media file (audio or video) to the
To be explained in a later section.
For multiple-choice questions, the choices shown on students’ computers during the
actual examination are deliberately randomized.
5.7.5 Multi-Question
Check the box Multi-Question to create multiple sub-questions based on one topic.
This function is available for all types of question. The Score field in a Multi-Question
will be for each sub-question (and not for the total of the entire list of
Add - Clears the sub-question and answer textboxes for a new question.
Save - Saves the current sub-question and the answer. This will be added to the list
on the right.
Edit - Select a sub-question in the list first, and then click this button to edit. When
done, click Save to update.
When the Teacher has completed entering the questions, they must click on either
Save Paper or Save Paper As. Examination papers are saved in the *.exp format.
Users can preview the paper in HTML format by clicking Preview Paper. The paper is
then shown in the default browser window.
To start the examination, click Open in the CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION
Teacher main window.
If the teacher presses the Pause button, the examination will be paused. The
window containing the questions disappears from the students’ computers
temporarily until the teacher resumes the examination by pressing the Start button.
If the teacher presses the Stop button before time is up, the examination will end.
The teacher then has the option to collect or discard the students’ answers. The
answers are saved in the teacher’s computer in the *.exa format.
To grade the examination, click Grading in the main window. By default, The last
exam will be loaded for grading . You can also load examinations that have been
completed in the past by clicking Open and select the corresponding *.exa file.
To grade fill-in-the-blank and essay questions, click the icon for this question on the
left. The answer typed by the student will be shown. After evaluating the answer,
enter the number of points awarded in the Mark column.
Click Save or Save as to save the grading workbook in an *.exa file. It is possible to
save a partially graded exam which will allow for future grading.
Export Score
Exports an HTML file containing
the scores of each of the students.
Export CSV
Exports a CSV file containing the
answer statistics.
This allows the Teacher to prepare files in advance and distribute them over the
classroom network in order for students to work on. When the lesson ends the
Teacher can collect the student’s work for later review. The File Transfer Feature
allows the Teach File to remotely browse the student’s computer and disk drives,
send files or send and open files to the student computer and retrieve files from
student computer.
The uses of the two file list boxes are similar to Windows Explorer. The two icons at
the top of each dialogue box are “Up One Level” and “Refresh”.
The Teacher can transfer a file to a group or “ALL” by selecting the group or all
students and performing the operation as above. You can also retrieve a file for a
group or all students by following the same operation.
All Call
This enables the teacher to send audio to all students. Students will be able to hear
the Teacher but will not be able to speak with them. This function can be activated
and will have priority over all the other functions.
This enables the teacher to listen to student’s microphone and the sound being
played on their computer. The student will have no warning that their audio is being
This enables the teacher to start a two way audio conversation with one selected
Sends the selected student’s sound to all the selected groups or/and students.
Webcam Monitor
Allows the teacher to monitor and view the webcam of all connected students at
Video Chat
Same feature as Intercom with the addition of webcam video.
Video Conference
Same features as Group Discussion with the addition of webcam video.
When the teacher selects the Teacher Broadcast function under the Instruction tab,
a toolbar will appear on the upper middle section of the teacher’s screen. At the
same time, the teacher’s screen will be displayed on all the selected students’
Opens up a drawing toolbox that enables the teacher to markup their own
screen with an pen. These markups will also be displayed on the students’
(See section 5.11 for a detailed explanation of each of the commands)
Pauses the broadcast function. When Pause is activated, the students’ screens
are frozen and the teacher’s screen is not displayed until Pause is deactivated.
Displays the teacher’s screen in a window on the student’s screen. Students
can adjust the window arrangement and easily follow the Teacher’s
step-by-step instruction with along with their audio and screen.
Allows the teacher to chat with a selected student.
Quits teacher broadcast mode and returns control of the student’s computer to
the student.
When the teacher activates the remote control of a student computer, the student’s
screen will be displayed on the teacher’s computer. The student has control of the
mouse cursor only when the teacher does not move his mouse. Otherwise, the
Teacher will able to remote control the student computer. This toolbar will appear on
the upper-right corner of the screen.
This will open up a drawing toolbox that enables the teacher to markup the
student screen. These markings will also be displayed on the students’
This will lock the student’s keyboard and mouse movements. The Teacher will
have exclusive use of the student’s keyboard and mouse until the lock is
This will control the student’s screen in a window mode. By default, the screen
will be displayed in a full window. Click on the Picture-in-Picture button to
activate the control window.
Quits remote control mode and returns control of the student’s computer to the
The drawing toolbar is invoked when the teacher presses the Drawing button in the
Teacher Broadcasting Toolbar or in the Remote Control Toolbar.
Note: Tools with bold text contain submenu tools see description below
Allows the teacher to select the type of line that can be drawn
Highlighter Marker
Allows the teacher to select the line design and color of the highlighter
Document Tools
When using the drawing tool the teacher can create and save
presentations created with the drawing tools. Other options include
printing, exporting to image and importing office documents.
The teacher can select any of the above pre-created shapes above
• Choose “PC Sound” to change the record input to the teacher’s PC sound.
AV Source Input
The default AV sources are: DVD, VHS, Cassette, Visualizer, DV-CAM, teacher
computer and laptop, etc. When using the AV System, the first six items
correspond to the 6 channels on the AV controller. Teacher Computer and
Laptop refer to the two VGA out ports on the AV Controller.
AV Control
Opens up “AV Control” console. Click “AV Control” button again to
hide the console. See section 6 for a detailed explanation.
Teacher Computer
Select sound source from Teacher Computer (MIC, PC Sound,
MIC+PC Sound).
Select laptop source for Laptop machine (optional)
6 AV Control
The AV Control software panel must be used with the AV controller. The AV
Controller permits the Teacher to control various analogue devices such as a DVD,
VHS, Visualizer, Cassette player. The virtual AV Control console is displayed when
the AV Control command button is selected.
Track Buttons
Function Buttons
Playback Commands
These commands require programming before they can be used. Once the
infrared signals have been pre-programmed, the teacher can control the
various analogue devices by clicking the appropriate.
Track Buttons
Shows track buttons. The track buttons are like the buttons on the remote
control. This permits the user to jump to a selected track.
Function Buttons
Similar to the playback commands, the function buttons require
pre-programming before they can be used. The Mute button is used to turn on/
or off the sound on external amplifier.
7 Troubleshooting
If you experience any difficulties while using the CALASANZ - LANGUAGE
LAB VERSION please read the following helpful trouble shooting section.
check the Question and Answer list below for helpful information.
A1 First, remove the CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION system, restart the
computer, and then re-install the latest version of the HP –DCS LANGUAGE LAB
For the CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION Demo Version, you do not need
to have a hardware key. However, you only will only be allowed to connect a
maximum of 4 students.
When you start the Teacher program with an uudecoded hardware, the system
will be able to operate a maximum of 20 times with 50 users.
To solve this issue, first check with your network administrator and make
certain that there are no restrictions on multicast traffic within the network
segment in which CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION is being used.
Next, check the hardware devices employed in the network segment in which
• If you are using managed switches, make sure that multicast and broadcast
traffic is permitted with no throttling. Unmanaged switches are fine.
• If you are using hubs, make certain that they are not “daisy-chained”; that
one hub is not linked to another. Since hubs cannot balance traffic flow to
machines as switches do, linking of hubs can cause multicast network traffic to
become “out of sync”. This will cause some machines to respond more quickly
than others. This in turn causes the multicast group to fail, and hence
connection will be refused and functions can fail.
Q11 When the Teacher is broadcasting their screen, why can’t the Student
Workstation see it?
A11 If the Student Workstation cannot receive the screen, system display driver
might not be install properly on Teacher Workstation. To remedy this,
reinstall CALASANZ - LANGUAGE LAB VERSION Teacher on the Teacher
Q12 When sound is sent during Teacher broadcast, the Student can not
hear the sound?
A12 First, ensure that the required full duplex sound card is properly installed on the
Teacher Workstation and the Student Workstations.
Please also check the sound card is correctly mapped in the setting section of
the Teacher program.
Q13 Why do the Student icons in the seating plan of the CALASANZ -
LANGUAGE LAB VERSION Teacher panel change to offline status
A13 This may be occurring as a result of the Student Workstation disconnecting and
connecting again after being restarted. It can also be caused by interruption in
the network connection due network overload, power interruption, loose
connections, overloaded CPU among other things.
Q14 After audio mappings have been configured for all functions, why does
the setup not take effect?
A14 Pease ensure that you’ve select the Load Default option when configuring the
functions in Audio Mapping dialog box. Once configured, by restart the Teacher
program in order to load the new settings.
Q15 During full screen broadcast, why does the image become pixilated
and sound fragmented?
A15 A great deal of CPU processing time will be occupied by the system when
broadcasting in full-screen mode. In addition, processing power, network
connection speed and utilization along with memory usage of display card can
also affect the performance of this functions.