Help MixPad
Help MixPad
Help MixPad
NCH Software
Technical Support
If you have difficulties using MixPad Multitrack Recording Software please read the applicable
topic before requesting support. If your problem is not covered in this user guide please view
the up-to-date MixPad Multitrack Recording Software Online Technical Support at
If that does not solve your problem, you can contact us using the technical support contacts
listed on that page.
Software Suggestions
If you have any suggestions for improvements to MixPad Multitrack Recording Software, or
suggestions for other related software that you might need, please post it on our Suggestions
page at
Many of our software projects have been undertaken after suggestions from users like you.
You get a free upgrade if we follow your suggestion.
MixPad Multitrack Recording Software
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3
Getting Started with MixPad ........................................................................................................... 4
Choosing Your Audio Settings ....................................................................................................... 5
Loading an Audio Clip into the MixPad Work Area......................................................................... 7
Positioning, Selecting and Copying Clips ...................................................................................... 8
Using the Navigator........................................................................................................................ 9
Envelope Fade Points (Automation)............................................................................................... 10
Editing Clips.................................................................................................................................... 11
Trimming or Expanding Clips......................................................................................................... 13
Working with Tracks....................................................................................................................... 14
Working with Your Project.............................................................................................................. 16
Bookmarks...................................................................................................................................... 18
Timeline Edit ................................................................................................................................... 19
Recording a Clip............................................................................................................................. 20
Metronome and Pre-roll.................................................................................................................. 21
MIDI Playback................................................................................................................................. 22
MIDI Recording............................................................................................................................... 23
MIDI Editing.................................................................................................................................... 24
Beat Designer ................................................................................................................................. 25
Exporting......................................................................................................................................... 27
Cloud Support................................................................................................................................. 28
History Manager............................................................................................................................. 29
Clip Manager .................................................................................................................................. 30
Effects ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Equalizer......................................................................................................................................... 34
Surround Sound.............................................................................................................................. 36
VSTs............................................................................................................................................... 37
Working with Video ......................................................................................................................... 38
Shortcut Keys Reference................................................................................................................ 39
Support........................................................................................................................................... 41
Related Software............................................................................................................................ 42
Recommended hardware............................................................................................................... 45
NCH Software Suite ....................................................................................................................... 46
Software License Terms................................................................................................................. 47
Google Authorization Process on Windows XP and Vista.............................................................. 50
Screen References
Advanced Recording Options......................................................................................................... 52
Opus Encoder Options................................................................................................................... 53
Audio Stream Index Options........................................................................................................... 54
Detecting MIDI Event...................................................................................................................... 55
Jog Wheel Setup............................................................................................................................ 56
Rename Clip ................................................................................................................................... 57
Select Speed .................................................................................................................................. 58
Stretch or Shrink Clips.................................................................................................................... 59
Customize Tool Tab ....................................................................................................................... 60
Apply Auto Duck............................................................................................................................. 61
Options ~ General .......................................................................................................................... 62
Options ~ Messages....................................................................................................................... 63
Options ~ Metronome ..................................................................................................................... 64
Options ~ Mouse ............................................................................................................................ 65
Options ~ VSTs .............................................................................................................................. 66
Options ~ Project............................................................................................................................ 67
Options ~ MIDI Controller ............................................................................................................... 68
MixPad is a multi-track mixing software package designed for professional audio production.
Simply load existing audio files, or record new files into MixPad, adjust the volumes, pans,
fades, add effects and mix your audio clips down to create a single high-quality audio file. It is
the digital equivalent of using a multi-track recorder and mixing desk.
System Requirements
Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8/10
MixPad is just one component of the NCH Software suite of audio software. If you have not
done so already, why not visit to download and trial our other professional
audio software packages.
Getting Started with MixPad
A MixPad project consists of one or more tracks. Each track has its own set of controls on the
left side of the screen for controlling the overall volume, pan and other playback features of the
Each track can contain an unlimited number of audio clips. Audio clips are the pieces of audio
that you wish to mix together into one file. Whenever you add an mp3 file, import from a CD, or
make your own recording, an audio clip will be added to the currently selected track.
When you have adjusted all the volumes and fades exactly how you want them, you can output
your project to a .wav, .mp3, .gsm or one of many other formats by simply selecting Export
Project as Audio File from the File menu and then choosing the format you wish to save in.
Alternatively, if you are not finished mixing and want to come back to it later, you can save your
project to be reopened for later.
Choosing Your Audio Settings
Supported Devices
MixPad currently features support for playback to ASIO, DirectSound and MME devices and
recording from ASIO and MME devices.
NCH recommends ASIO for both playback and recording. ASIO will provide the best
performance and the lowest possible latency and offer the greatest accuracy when
synchronizing recordings. ASIO will also allow you to play and record from multiple channels of
the same device. If you don't have an ASIO capable sound card then you should choose
DirectSound as your playback option and MME as your recording option.
Another option is to install the driver from ASIO4ALL which provides a layer over the regular
soundcard, allowing it to be used as an ASIO device by software such as MixPad. You can
download it for free from
Open the Options dialog (File --> Options...) and click on the General tab. Here you are able to
set the playback device you would like MixPad to use. If you select an ASIO device then you
will also be able to select which channel to allocate as your primary left and right outputs. This
option is not available for DirectSound or MME drivers.
To set audio options that are specific to an individual track, select the track and click either the
'Audio Options' button under the 'Recording' tab or click the 'wrench icon' button to the right in
the track's control panel.
The Select track's settings displays the track you are editing by it's Track Index number. You
can switch to any other of the tracks listed from the drop down list. If you make a change to the
any of the options below, choose Apply Settings by clicking Apply or click OK to apply those
settings to the track. If you make a change then click Apply , Choose Apply Settings to all tracks
Recording options
Here, you will be able to set the recording device you wish to use for this track. If you choose
an ASIO device you will also be able to select which channels to use for multichannel devices.
To set up recording using an audio device, select the Record using an audio device option and
select the device you want to record. You can specify whether to record as mono or stereo and
if the device can record multi-channel you can specify which two channels will be recorded.
To set up recording using a MIDI device, select the Record using a Midi device option and
select the device you want to record. For more information about MIDI recording, see the
MIDI Recording
topic in this manual.
Here you are able to select the output channel for this particular track. Please note, this is only
available if you have selected an ASIO device as your main playback device (see Setting up
the Project Audio Options, above). If you want to use the default project left and right channels,
you can set these options to Main Output (Left) and Main Output (Right). If you wish to use
different outputs from the default project settings, you can change them here and override the
project settings.
Monitoring Options
If you are using ASIO hardware then you can check the Enable monitoring for ASIO devices
box which will allow you to hear what you are recording through your headphones. However, a
better approach to monitoring your recording is to use your hardware directly. Most external
soundcards will allow you to directly monitor your input via a headphone output. This option will
provide you with the best performance and zero latency."
If you are recording from a MIDI device (such as a MIDI piano keyboard) then you can monitor
your recording using a VST instrument to synthesize the MIDI into sounds. To do this check
the Enable MIDI monitoring via VST instrument for ASIO devices box and select from the drop
down list which instrument you would like to use.
Loading an Audio Clip into the MixPad Work Area
Use one of the following methods to load a clip into a track. Note that MixPad may relocate the
clip to the next track if the clip being loaded will overlap other clips.
For details on recording a track in MixPad see the Recording a Clip topic in this manual.
To open an existing audio file and add it as a MixPad clip, click the Load Clip button in the
toolbar. Browse to the location of the audio file and click Open. Alternatively, you can just drag
and drop the file into the MixPad work area.
You can load an audio track from a CD by selecting the menu option Clip-->Load Clip From
CD. Alternatively, you can click the drop down of toolbar icon Load Clip and select Rip Clip.
MixPad will first attempt to look up the track information for your CD online and then display a
list of available CD tracks for you to choose from. Select one or more track(s) that you wish to
load and then click the Load button.
MixPad comes with a free sound effect library, which includes royalty free sound effects and
music files. During the free trial period, users will be allowed to download three clips from the
library for free, and will gain unlimited access upon purchase of MixPad.
To access the stock library, click the Clip menu item and select Load clip from Stock Library.
You can preview any clip in the library. To download, select the clip and click the Download
MixPad can extract the audio from a video file for use in your mixes. Simply load an existing
video file into MixPad as a clip, as described in the section "Load an existing clip from a
location on your hard drive" above.
Positioning, Selecting and Copying Clips
When you need to select only one clip, just click on the title of the clip you want to select. If you
want to select multiple clips, push the left mouse button down and drag a selection box around
the clips you want to select.
The easiest way to change the position of a clip is by simply clicking on the caption of the clip
window and dragging it to a new location. You can drag a clip to a new location within its
current track or to a new track altogether. If the clip is very small then you may find it useful to
zoom in closer. This will give you a larger caption bar to work with.
If you need to move a clip by very small amounts, you can zoom in very close so you can see
the precise start point of your clip. Or you can use Shift + LEFT/RIGHT key to nudge selected
clips to left or right. The size of the nudge can be configured in the Options dialog's Project tab.
For accurate and consistent positioning of clips, you may find it useful to use the grid lines.
When the grid lines are turned on, clips will snap to the nearest grid line as you drag them. To
override snapping, simply hold down the Shift key as you drag the clip. Alternatively, you can
turn the grid lines off altogether by clicking the toggle button in the tool panel on the bottom left
of the MixPad screen.
You can copy and paste clips to different positions and tracks. Simply select the clip you wish
to copy, press Ctrl+C, select the new location of the clip and press Ctrl+V to paste it.
Alternatively, you can use the copy and paste commands from the Clip menu, or from the right
click menu.
Another way to copy a clip is to hold down the Ctrl key and drag a clip. This will produce a
copy of the clip and allow you to drag it to the new location.
You can also copy and paste multiple clips simultaneously. Select multiple clips by holding
down the Shift key as you select each clip. If you make a copy at this point, all clips will be
You can lock clips to prevent accidental re-positioning of clips while you are editing. Once
locked, a clip can not be moved until you unlock it. To lock the selected clip, click the Lock/Unlo
ck Clip icon on the Clip tab toolbar. Click this button again to unlock the selected
locked clip. When a clip is locked, the padlock icon in the right side of the clip's title bar will
appear locked. If the clip is very small, you may not be able to see the lock icon unless you
zoom in.
To delete a clip from the work area, just click on the "X" icon at the top right corner of the clip
window. You can also select the clip and press Ctrl+Delete. Deleting a clip does not delete the
underlying audio file so you will be able to reload the clip if you change your mind. As with the
lock icon, the close icon may not be visible if your clip is very small.
This feature can let you share audio data between different applications. You can copy one clip
or part of one clip to system's clipboard, and then other applications, Wavepad for instance,
can paste that clip or part of that clip from the system clipboard. Vice versa, if you use
Wavepad to copy some audio to the system clipboard, and then in MixPad , you can use paste
from system to get that audio from the system clipboard.
Using the Navigator
If you are working on a large or complex project, you may find using the navigation control
(bottom left of your project window) helpful for moving around your project. This small control
shows an overview map of your entire project. You can click and drag on the control to quickly
locate the area of your project to which you would like to move without needing to change
zoom settings or scroll around looking for it.
Clips are represented by small rectangles and the boundaries of the currently viewable area (ie
what you can see on your main window) is represented by the outlined lighter colored area.
Envelope Fade Points (Automation)
Working with fade points
Automation allows you to vary the volume and pan of each clip or track over time. By default,
MixPad displays the automation for the volume of a clip. You can swap between Pan, Volume
and No automation by using the drop down menu on each track's control panel (left of the
track). You can add fade points to this envelope by using the left click mouse button.
To edit a fade point click on the point you wish to edit and drag it to a new location. As you
drag the item you should see a bubble tip providing precise information about the new position
of the fade point.
To remove a fade point, move your mouse cursor on the fadepoint and it will be selected
automatically, right click and the fade point will be deleted.
Cross fading
A common usage of fade points is to crossfade two audio tracks to create a smoother
transition between them. MixPad features a short cut option for doing this. Just select the two
clips you wish to cross fade and select Clip --> Cross Fade Selected Clips from the menu. The
clips need to overlap in order for this to work, either on separate tracks or the same track. At
this point you can then edit the fade points as described above to fine tune the fade.
Track Automation
Another usage of fade points is to set up an automation track based on volume, pan and VST
plugins. Suppose you want to vary one parameter of a vst plugin over time. Click the Add
Automation command from the Track tab and choose VST Plugin from the drop menu, choose
a vst plugin file(*.dll), tick parameters from the plugin, and when you are done a new
automation track(s) will be added to that track. Now you can click the line to add and edit the
fade points, which will apply the parameters of the vst at the levels you specify while playing.
Editing Clips
Basic Editing in MixPad
MixPad comes with basic editing tools for arranging your projects. The included editing
functions are listed below. For more advanced editing tools, use the integrated WavePad audio
editor, described at the bottom of this help topic.
Selected Region
Many of the edit functions below apply to a selected region. To select only one clip, just click
on the title of the clip you want to select. If you want to select multiple clips, hold CTRL and
click left mouse button down the clips you want to select. To select a region, hold the left
mouse button and drag a selection box around the region.
Scrub (B)
A useful tool for locating specific sections while editing is the Scrub tool. To playback your mix
in scrub mode, click the Scrub button located in the controls at the bottom of the project
window. You can also press B to toggle scrub on or off. Once playback is in scrub mode, use
the left and right arrows to navigate through the mix. Playback with scrub begins slow and
increases in speed as you hold the arrow buttons down.
Undo (Ctrl+Z)
To Undo is to restore the file to its state before the previous edit function. This is useful if you
want to try an edit or just make a mistake. To undo your last action press Ctrl+Z.
Cut (Ctrl+X)
To 'cut' is to delete the selected region but to keep a copy on the clipboard so it can be 'pasted'
somewhere else. This is useful when moving parts of the audio around in the file.
Copy (Ctrl+C)
To 'copy' is to make a copy of a selected region to the clipboard so you can paste it in another
location. This is useful if you want to duplicate a part of the audio and insert (or mix it) in
another file.
Select the region and then press Ctrl+R. To copy the entire file press Ctrl+C.
Paste ( Ctrl+V)
Paste can only be used after you have used the Cut or Copy functions (above) to take a
selected region to the clipboard.
The paste function replaces the currently selected region (or inserts at the cursor on the
selected track if there is no selection). To replace a selection press Ctrl+V. To insert click on
the position within a track and press Ctrl+V.
Delete (Ctrl+Delete)
To delete the clip or selected region press the button 'Delete' on Editing Tab toolbar. This is
similar to the cut function but a copy is not taken to the clipboard.
To 'trim' is to cut off the beginning or the end of the file. This is useful when you have just
recorded a file but there is silence or noise before the start or after the end.
To trim using MixPad, simply move your mouse cursor over the beginning or ending edge of a
clip. You will see the cursor change from a normal pointer to a double ended arrow. Click and
drag to resize the clip to the length you want.
Another way to trim is to select the clips you want to trim, press and hold CTRL to select a
region which you want to keep, and then click Trim Region, it will trim all the other parts of
selected clips and keep the selected region part.
Silence Region
Silence Region can make the selected region silent. Select the clips you want to edit and hold
CTRL to select a region. Then click the Silence Region button to make the selected region part
of clips silence.
Split Clip
Use this option if you want to quickly split the current clip into two small clips. To do this, click
on the position where you want to split the clip and click the Split Clip button in the Editing tab
Use the Join feature to combine two clips you have just split. After using the Split function
described above, click the Join button in the Editing tab toolbar to combine the clips into one.
The most powerful way to use this feature is to install WavePad Audio Editor , a free version of
which is available from our website at . To Edit a clip, right click the
clip and select Edit Clip from the context menu. The clip will open in WavePad for you to edit.
Once you finish editing the clip, click on the Save button in WavePad and the clips will be
refreshed in MixPad automatically
clips can be locked to prevent them from accidentally being moved, edited, or deleted.
"Lock/Unlock Clip" can be found in the Clip toolbar tab and will lock or unlock the selected clips.
Trimming or Expanding Clips
Trimming or expanding clips is an amazing feature in MixPad. You can trim and expand a clip
from either its beginning or end.
When trimming or expanding the clip, put your mouse to the beginning or end of a clip and the
mouse will change to a double-arrow resize cursor, then as you push down the left mouse
button and drag, the clip will expand or be trimmed accordingly.
Vertical dotted lines in the clip indicate the start point and end point of the original clip, if the
clip has been expanded beyond its original length. As a clip is expanded beyond its original
length, the clip contents will be looped.
You may trim or expand a clip many times, but if you want to expand or trim the clip based on
the current clip, not the original one from file, you can use the context menu "Set as
Trim/Expand base", then the current clip will be treated as base for the later trimming and
After Set as Trim/Expand base has been selected, any vertical dotted lines in the clip will
disappear for that clip, meaning the visible portion of the clip is now the base for later trimming
or expanding.
Working with Tracks
MixPad allows you to work on an unlimited number of tracks. By default, there are five tracks in
the project window, but you can add or delete as many tracks as you need.
To add a new track, press Ctrl+T. Alternatively you can use the "Add track" icon on the Track
tab, or use Track --> Add Track from the menu.
To insert a new track, press Ctrl+Insert. Alternatively you can use the "Insert track" icon on the
Track tab.
To delete a track, select it and then press Ctrl+Shift+Delete. Alternatively you can use the
"Delete track" icon on the right hand side of the project window, or use Track --> Delete Track
from the menu.
You can use Up and Down to select a track or use mouse to click the track you want to select.
Page Up/Page Down can be used to the select first or last track. Ctrl+Up/Down will move the
current selected track up or down.
To record to many tracks at the same time, click the Rec button in the control panel of the
tracks you want to record to. Clicking the Rec button puts that track into record standby mode.
To begin recording all tracks in record mode, click the main record button in the controls at the
bottom of the project window.
Each track in MixPad has its own audio options, covering both input and output devices and
channels. You can set these options by clicking the Audio Options icon in the track window or
you can click the track and select "Audio Options" from the Track menu. Any clips recorded on
this track will then use those settings.
To quickly view the audio options for any track, hover your mouse over the Audio Options icon
in the track window to make the settings appear.
When you are listening to a MixPad project you may wish to only listen to a few tracks at any
one time. For instance, you may wish to listen to a quiet piano piece without hearing a loud
drum track. The mute button M, which is found in the track control panel, allows you to silence
a track. Any track on mute will not play when you play the project. Conversely you can set a
track to solo by clicking the S button, also found in the track control panel. When one or more
tracks are set to solo, only tracks set to solo will be played.
If you have a complicated mix, you may end up with too many tracks. To avoid unnecessary
amounts of scrolling you have the option to collapse the tracks you are not currently editing. To
collapse a track, click the small "-" button next to the track title field in the track control panel.
You can use the pan slider, located in each track control panel, to pan the audio of a track so
that it comes out the left channel only, the right channel only, or anywhere in between. The
effect of the pan slider on the track will combine with any pan specific fade points you have
added to individual clips.
MixPad allows you to build a live effect chain on each track. A live effect chain means that any
effect you apply will be applied during playback, which eliminates the need to wait for your
audio to render with the effect. To create or edit an effect, simply click the Fx button in the track
control panel. MixPad will present you with a window showing the list of effects currently
applied to the selected track. Click Add to add a new effect, or select an existing effect and
click Edit to edit its properties. Select an effect and click Remove to remove the effect from the
Track Colors
You can assign a color to each track, which may help in visually differentiating tracks from
each other. To assign a color, right click on a track and select Track Color from the menu that
appears. A color dialog will appear; click a color to select it and click OK to apply it to the track.
Note that darker shades have a better contrast against the track background, increasing
waveform visibility.
DB Display
DB display is the colorful meter show the DB level when you playing or recording clips. Every
track has a DB display, and you can notice there is a peak red line on db display when you
playing or recording. This helps you to know the exact db level, and you can clear the peak db
red line just simple click on db display.
Mixer Window
The mixer window is a floating window that contains all the track controls in vertical style. It has
the same functions as the track controls in the main window but provides easy access to all
track controls. Click the Mixer button on the Home tab to open. Here, you can control the
master volume as well as each track's volume, and you can also set up every track, including
pan, color, mute, solo, etc.
Explorer Bar
The Explorer Bar contains links to the most-used features in MixPad. You can minimize
sections you don't use often by clicking the heading. To control the Explorer Bar's appearance,
click the View menu and then Explorer Bar.
Working with Your Project
A MixPad project is your entire mix. It is all your tracks and all your clips.
To play a MixPad project move the play cursor to the position you would like to start from and
click the Play button at the bottom left side of the screen. Alternatively, you can press the
space bar as a quick way of toggling between play and stop. Click the Fast-forward and Rewin
d buttons to search through your audio, or click the Go to Start or Go to End buttons to
quickly jump to the start or end of the selected track.
Playing the mix using the Scrub tool can be useful for locating specific sections while working
on your mix. To playback your mix in scrub mode, click the Scrub button located in the controls
at the bottom of the project window. You can also press 'B' to toggle scrub on or off. Once
playback is in scrub mode, use the Left and Right arrows to navigate through the mix.
Playback with scrub begins slow and increases in speed as you hold the arrow buttons down.
In MixPad, if you click the Stop button, playback will stop and the cursor will return to the
position it was before you started playing. This is so you can easily test that your cursor in the
correct location without losing the position of your cursor each time you play.
You can also pause playback by hitting the Pause button or pressing the 'P' key. In this
scenario, playback will stop, but instead of the cursor returning to its original location, it will
stop exactly where it was when you pressed pause. You can then resume playback by
pressing pause again or the play button.
If you hit the Play button while playback is already in motion, playback will restart at the
position the cursor was at when playback was first started.
You can select a specific region of your project if you want to focus your work on that area.
Drag the mouse in the MixPad timeline area and this will create a highlighted region. Now
when you click play, MixPad will start playing from the cursor position, and if currently, the
project is in loop mode, MixPad will loop playing the highlighted area once it reaches the end of
region. If you start playing after the region end, then MixPad will just play to the end of project
instead of looping. To deselect the selection on the timeline, either click the Clear button on the
timeline, or press Ctrl+D.
You can save your project as a .mpdp file with a data folder(same name as project file with a
.ProjectData postfix) and then load it for use again later. When you save a MixPad project, all
audio files are saved into the project's data folder. This means that if you want to move your
project to a different computer or location, the things you need to save are the project file and
associated data folder.
Timeline Modes
The timeline can be viewed in either minutes and seconds or in bars and beats. To toggle
between the two, click the timeline mode button located above the play controls and just right
of the loop button.
To loop a section of your MixPad project over and over, turn loop play mode on by clicking the
loop mode button, located on the Recording tab toolbar (also found just above the Play button
in the lower left corner of the MixPad window). Next, select the portion of your project you want
to loop by clicking and dragging in the timeline area beneath the tracks. When you click play
and the cursor position is before the end of region, MixPad will play from current cursor
position and once reaches the end of selected region, the selected region will loop as long as
the loop play mode button is activated.
In the same area as the timeline mode button (under the tracks), you can assign a new beats
per minute (BPM) to the project and change the time signature. If the timeline mode is set to
bars/beats, adjusting the BPM or time signature will update the markings on the project
Using grid lines will help line up loops and pieces across several tracks. To turn on grid lines,
click the grid lines button to the right of the timeline mode button, just above the play controls.
Note that if you change the BPM, you will have to reset the grid lines by turning them off and
back on again.
Playing a metronome during playback will help you align tracks with the master tempo of the
mix. To toggle the metronome on and off click the metronome button, located below the tracks
in the lower left corner of the project window. Note that you may need to enable the
metronome in the Options dialog on the Metronome tab before the metronome is available for
use from the project window. See the "Options" ~ Metronome section of this manual for more
information on metronome options.
Bookmarks are locations within your project that you might frequently want to return to. For
example, you can use bookmarks to denote different parts of a song you are creating eg. intro,
verse, chorus etc. You can also use bookmarks to create working regions.
The easiest way to use bookmarks in MixPad is via the Bookmark Manager dialog. You can
access this dialog by clicking the Bookmarks button on the Tools tab. You can also interact
with bookmarks by right clicking on the project timeline. Only the most common bookmark
features are available from this point.
Click the Add button in the Bookmark Manager dialog to create a new bookmark at the current
cursor location in your project. You can also fine tune the location of the bookmark by changing
the parameters in the dialog box. You can specify the location of the bookmark by entering the
time in hours/minutes/seconds or using musical timing notation in the form of bars and beats.
You can also specify a color for the bookmark.
To edit a bookmark simply highlight the bookmark and click the Edit button in the Bookmark
Manager dialog. Alternatively you can drag the bookmark on the project timeline to a new
When you want to return to a bookmark you have created, click the Bookmarks button on the T
ools tab, and a list of bookmarks will be shown. Click the bookmark you want to return to.
To navigate between the bookmarks you select the bookmark you want to return to in the
Bookmark Manager dialog.
If you have more than one bookmark in your project you can quickly select the area between
the two bookmarks as a region. Creating a region in this way will allow you to create a section
for looping playback and looping recording. Looping recording is a feature which allows you to
record multiple takes without having to first stop and restart the recording. To select a region
highlight the bookmark which will be the start of the region and click the Select Work Region
button in the Bookmark Manager dialog. Remove the work region by clicking the Clear Work
Region button.
Timeline Edit
Tempo Changes
MixPad supports changing tempo at a specified position. Tempo changes can be only applied
to MIDI files. By default the tempo is 120 beats per minute, and you can change the tempo to
any value between 30 and 280 at a beat position.
For example, if you want to change the tempo to 240 beats per minute at the beginning of bar
12, switch the timeline mode to Beats and measures either from the lower Loop & Grid tab or
by right-clicking the timeline and selecting Time Display Modes -> Beats and Measures. Next,
right-click the timeline, choose Insert Tempo Change, then from the Edit Tempo dialog change
the tempo value to 240 and change the Bar value to 12 and Beat to 1.
Now when you turn on the metronome and load clips to play, you will hear that the metronome
will change speed at the places you specified.
To edit or remove a tempo change, just right-click on the tempo change mark on the timeline
and choose Edit Tempo Change or Remove Tempo Change.
Recording a Clip
The first step to recording a clip is to select your audio input options. Click the Audio Options
icon on the track control panel, which will open the audio options for that track. Select the
device and channels you wish to use. If you have an ASIO capable device, selecting it as the
Device will give you the best possible performance with MixPad. If you have an ASIO capable
sound card with multiple inputs, you can record several different sources into different tracks at
the same time. Simply choose which input you would like to use for each track from the audio
settings dialog.
In the same recording options window, you can also choose which Sample Rate you would like
to use for recording, and whether you would like to record in stereo or mono. Click OK to save
the audio settings.
Now click the Rec button on the track's control panel to place the track into record-standby
mode - MixPad will not start recording yet. Check that the audio level meter, located at the
bottom of the track control panel, is registering an input. If there is no meter reading here, your
audio input devices have not been set up properly.
Finally, press the main record button (found at the bottom with the other project control
buttons), and MixPad will start recording.
You can easily record to multiple tracks by putting more than one track into record-standby
mode. When you press the main record button, any track in record-standby mode will
commence recording.
If in the recording process you are not satisfied with what has been recorded and want to
restart, simply click Rerecord, MixPad will discard everything recorded and restart recording
from beginning.
Multiple take is an advanced feature which allows you to record the same segment several
times. After recording, you will have a multiple-take clip, which is one clip that contains multiple
takes. You can choose the best one and delete all other takes.
To use this feature, select a region on the timeline and enable loop mode, set one or more
track(s) to record mode using sound recorder, then start recording before the region. You will
notice that your recording will loop from the region start to the region end. Each loop will create
a take. When finished, you can use the popup menu to choose the take you want, or you can
press Ctrl + Shift + P (Previous), Ctrl + Shift + N (Next) to choose the previous or next take in
the multiple-take clip.
Metronome and Pre-roll
MixPad has a built in metronome which will tick along at the tempo and time signature
specified in the project Tempo field in the mini-toolbar at the top of the project window. You
can quickly switch the metronome on/off by clicking the metronome button in the same toolbar.
Pre-roll is a feature which allows you to start playback or recording from a position a set
amount earlier than your current cursor position. This is most useful when you are recording
and you want to hear the few bars before the position of your recording.
You can set a separate amount of pre-roll for both playback and recording in the Options
You can quickly enable/disable the pre-roll function by clicking on the button in the mini-toolbar
at the top of the project window.
MIDI Playback
MixPad supports the playback of MIDI files. Unlike most digital audio workstations, MixPad
allows you to add a MIDI clip to any track - it does not distinguish between a MIDI track and an
audio track. This allows you greater flexibility in your mixes.
You add a MIDI clip to your project the same way you add a normal audio clip - either by
dragging and dropping or from one of the Load options under the 'Clip' menu.
It is important to note that a MIDI clip is not an audio file. It is just a sequence of instructions
which can be sent to a synthesizer which can then convert the instructions into audible notes.
As such, if you wish to playback your MIDI clips you will need to select an output device to play
back to. If you have an external MIDI synthesizer then this will be your best option because the
latency is likely to be very low and you will keep good synchronization between your MIDI clips
and audio clips. If you do not have an external MIDI device then you can use the built in
Microsoft synthesizer. Please note that the built in synthesizer has a significant lag which can
make synchronization difficult.
MIDI files can contain more than one MIDI track. If you load a track into MixPad that contains
multiple tracks, MixPad will give you the option to merge all the tracks into one clip, or separate
them out in individual clips.
MIDI volume control is a little bit different from audio. Currently, if you want to control one midi
clip volume, you have to use VST Instrument. Or you can use the master volume control on the
right bottom of MixPad , which controls all the midi device volume and audio volume. You can't
adjust one single midi clip volume directly while playing through midi device.
MIDI Recording
MixPad supports live recording of MIDI input from MIDI capable devices. You can record a
MIDI clip into any of your tracks - even tracks that already contain audio files.
In order to record a MIDI clip you will need to first configure your MIDI input settings:
1. Click the Audio Options icon on the track you would like to record into. You should see the
Audio Options dialog for that track appear.
2. Under Recording Options, select the 'Record using a MIDI device' option.
3. Select the MIDI device you wish to use for recording from the pulldown list.
The rest of the recording process is basically the same as it is for recording audio.
1. Put the track into record-standby mode by clicking the Rec button.
2. Start recording by clicking the MixPad record button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Start playing your MIDI device. You should see the MIDI in light, located in the track control
panel, illuminate every time MixPad receives a MIDI event.
MIDI Editing
MixPad allows you to edit MIDI files using a special MIDI editor window. To edit a MIDI clip,
simply select that clip and press 'CTRL+E' or right click on the clip and select 'Edit Clip' from
popup menu. This will open the clip in the MIDI editor.
Move MIDI notes around - grab the note with the mouse and drag.
Resize the length of MIDI notes - place the mouse cursor over the edge of the MIDI note
until you see the double-arrow resizing cursor.
Delete notes - simply select a note by clicking on it and press Delete.
Property Panel - Property Panel contains 'Selected notes', 'Create notes' and 'Filter' three
parts. You can show or hide 'Property Panel' by clicking the 'Property Panel' on the Setting
Add new notes - Hold down the Ctrl key and click and drag the mouse in the editor where
you would like the new note created. The new note's velocity and channel is determined by
the settings in the Context Panel's 'Create Notes'.
Change the properties of notes - simply select the note you would like to change, or select
the note and press Ctrl+P. You will see the context panel where you can change the
selected notes' property.
Filter -- you can show/hide notes by channels. If you do not want to see all note on channel
0, then just untick check box of channel 0.
Copy & Paste -- After selecting a note by clicking on it, press Copy to save the selection to
the clipboard. By pressing and holding the Ctrl key as you click, you can select multiple
notes at ones. Then click on Paste to add those copied notes on to the rollout. They will be
added where the cursor on the timeline is located.
Quantize and Humanize -- Quantize can let you align notes' start, length etc to divisions.
And Humanize is the reverse of Quantize which introduces random errors for notes' start
position, length etc.
VSTi -- Apply an effect to the MIDI by using Virtual Studio Technology DLL plugins you
have downloaded. For more info please refer to topic "VSTs".
Events List -- Events list window lists all events including program change, controller
change events etc.
You can leave the MIDI editor window open while you work on your MixPad project. Changes
you make to the MIDI clip are immediately reflected in the main MixPad window.
Beat Designer
Beat Designer The Beat Designer is a utility which lets you build a beat track for your project.
To open the beat designer, click the Beat Designer button on the Tools tab. To help get you
started, there is a kit of sounds and patterns available for free download - just click on
File->Download Kits and Patterns.
Tool Panel
The tool panel is located in the bottom-left corner beside the timeline and contains controls for
adjusting the tempo (BPM), time signature and length (in bars) of the beat clip you are
creating. Changing their value will change the scale of the timeline.
Beat Divisions
You can subdivide each beat in a track to create smaller beat durations. So, for your kick drum
you may have a kick every 1/4 quarter note, but for your hi-hat you may have a hit every 1/8
note. To change the beat divisions click on the spanner icon of the track and change the
number of divisions.
Adding a Beat
The sound a track makes is determined by the sound that is assigned to it. You can create and
manage sounds using the Sound tab from the main toolbar. You can assign a sound to a track
by clicking on the button with the trumpet icon. You add sounds to your track by simply clicking
on the division you would like to place a sound.
Tapping a Rhythm
If you'd like to tap a rhythm into the Beat Designer while playing back, you can bind a key to
each track so that when you hit the key, a sound will be placed in the division at the current
cursor position. You can assign a key binding by clicking on the spanner icon of the track.
Pattern Library
A pattern is just a sequence of events played across the tracks of your beat clip. You can save
and load your favorite patterns from the pattern library by using the Save Pattern and Load
Pattern buttons. Patterns can be re-used with different sounds and kits. So you may have a
standard 4/4 rock pattern that you like to begin with, but you can change it up quickly by
assigning different sounds to the tracks.
Kit Library
A kit contains a list of sounds configured for each track. Saved kits can be loaded into the Beat
Designer by selecting the kit from the library list at the left side of the Beat Designer. At any
time, you can save your current configuration as a new kit using the Save Kit button.
Managing Sounds
You can create and modify your library of sounds using the Sound tab.
The simplest form of a sound consists of a single audio file. This file will then be used for all
volume ranges. You can create a more sophisticated sound by assigning different files to
different volume ranges. For example you may have a recording of a cymbal being hit at
different strengths. You can load all these files and then assign each file to its own volume
range. Now when this sound is used, MixPad will use the file belonging to the correct volume
range. Doing this can give a more natural sound to your audio.
The Humanize tool introduces minor randomised timing errors to the onset of each beat to
make it sound more like a human is playing rather than a machine. Click the Humanize button
on the Tools tab and adjust the degree of error you want to introduce, then click the Humanize
button to apply. Setting the degree of error to 0 will clear all errors.
Quantizing is the reverse of humanizing. It will re-align all your beat sounds to exactly on the
beat grid. Clicking this button is the same as using the Humanize feature and setting the
degree of error to 0.
When you are happy with your mix, you will probably want to export it to an audio file, such as
.wav or .mp3, so that it can be played by normal players or burnt to a CD. To do this in MixPad
go to File --> Export project as Audio file. You will see a dialog box called Export Options.
Here, you can use the Browse button to select where, and in which format, you would like your
mixed project to be saved. Once you have selected the location and file type, you can click the
Settings button which will allow you to define the settings MixPad will use when exporting.
Cloud Support
Dropbox MixPad allows you to directly upload and download your project from your Dropbox
account. To upload your project select File->Cloud Upload/Download->Save Project to
Dropbox. This will save all files necessary for your MixPad project to be opened on another
You can upload your final mix directly to your SoundCloud account by selecting File->Cloud
Upload/Download->Upload Mix to SoundCloud.
History Manager
Each time you complete an action with MixPad, MixPad stores that action in a history list. To
revert back to the previous state prior to your last action, you can simply undo the last action
by pressing Ctrl+Z on your keyboard or by clicking the Undo button on the Editing tab. To
manage several steps back, you may want to use the History Manager, found by clicking the Hi
story Manager item in the Edit menu. The History Manager displays a list of all your actions
in the project during the current session. Select an action to preview your project with the
corresponding action, and close the window with an action selected to revert your project back
to that action.
Clip Manager
The Clip Manager is a floating window that shows all clips inside your project. You can open
the Clip Manager by clicking on Clip Manager in the Tools tab. Sometimes clips are very short
and not easy to select, you can open the Clip Manager and select Short Clips. Also you can
right click on Clip Manager and choose the commands from the context menu.
MixPad allows you to build a live effect chain on each track. A live effect chain means that any
effect you apply will be applied during playback, which eliminates the need to wait for your
audio to render with the effect. To create or edit an effect, simply click the Fx button in the track
control panel. MixPad will present you with a window showing the list of effects currently
applied to the selected track. Click Add Effect to add a new effect, the new added effect will be
highlighted which means it is selected and the checkbox before the effect indicates that it is
enabled. If you select an existing effect, you can see and edit all the effects properties. Select
an effect and click Remove Effect to remove the effect from the chain. If you untick the
checkbox next to an effect you can disable the effect but still keep it in your chain.
Once you setup the effect chain, you can save that effect chain to a file by clicking on Save
Effect Chain. You can also load effect chains into a track by clicking Load Effect Chain.
To 'amplify' is to increase the loudness or volume. The volume is entered as a percentage: 100
being no change, 50 being -6dB softer or 200 being +6dB louder.
The chorus sound effect is used to make one voice or instrument sound like 3 voices or
instruments by playing the original with variably-delayed and slightly pitch-changed copies of
the original.
Note: Chorus is a very useful way to make a mono source sound stereo. You should convert
your file to stereo before applying the chorus effect.
A Dynamic Range Compressor limits the volume levels of a sound recording so that it stays
within a certain loudness range. An example of where it is used is in TV broadcasting, where it
ensures that the volume levels of ads are perceived as being louder than the television
program itself, without any change in the actual broadcast volume.
It also has a use for recording audio from one medium to another, where the two mediums are
not capable of handling the same range of volume levels (e.g., A CD can handle a much
greater range than a cassette tape).
The "Threshold" setting works by detecting when the sound recording volume exceeds a
defined decibel level. It then gradually attenuates the sound to bring it down below the dB
level, and does it in such a way that the listener will not be aware the attenuation is occurring.
The "Ratio" setting limits the amount the volume level of the recording increases at any one
time. If, for example, you wanted the volume levels of a recording to only increase by at most
1/4 of the amount they would normally increase, then this would correspond to a Ratio of 4:1.
So if the recording volume level increased by 8dB, then you would only hear a 2dB volume
The "Limit" setting defines at what maximum decibel level the sound recording will be allowed
to rise up to. So if, for example, the Limit was set to 0dB, then you will never hear the volume
level of the recording get louder than 0dB. The Limit setting has similarities to the Threshold
setting, but the main difference is that the Threshold does allow sounds to go above the
defined decibel level (for a short time), whereas the Limit does not.
You will find that the minimum Limit volume you can set is the same as the maximum
Threshold value. This basically means that, in any situation, the sound will start to attenuate at
the threshold level, but will never be heard louder than the limit.
While normally we do everything to reduce distortion, sometimes you want to add it. It is
popular for use with guitars. The distortion is measured between 0.0 (off) and 1.0 (clipping).
The level where it kicks in can also be specified in dB. For a more consistent sound, you
should apply Dynamic Range Compression first before you add distortion.
An echo is a repeat of the sound after a short time. It can sound like the person or instrument
is in a large stadium or is shouting between two mountains. Specify the duration and amplitude
of the echo. The duration is the length of time after which the sound repeats - usually this is
between 400 and 1000ms. The amplitude can be between 1 - 99% (99 being a very loud echo).
A Flanger sound effect is created by mixing a slightly delayed signal that is slowly modulated
over time with the original. You specify the starting delay time (default 5ms), the frequency of
modulation in times per second (default 0.5Hz which is 2 seconds) the depth of modulation
(default 50%) and the wet dry gain (100% for wet, 0% for dry).
The tremolo sound effect is similar to the vibrato effect, except that the amplitude pulsates
rather than the pitch. The higher the Frequency (Hz) set, the more often the pulsation will be
heard, and the higher the Depth (%), the deeper the fluctuation in volume.
As the name suggests, the effect modulates a specified frequency band within the sample,
which results in the characteristic "Wah wah" sound. The effect is a bandpass filter with its
center frequency (not to be confused with the center frequency parameter, below) alternating
between a min frequency and max frequency (specified by the center frequency and depth
parameters) and from max frequency to min frequency. The frequency of alternating direction
is represented as a triangular wave with a frequency specified by the wah frequency parameter.
Resonance: also known as Q or emphasis, this parameter controls the resonant peak of the
bandpass filter. This value determines the sharpness of the wah-wah effect. Higher values
produce more resonant/peaky tones.
Depth: this parameter determines the frequency range swept by the bandpass filter. Its range
is specified as a percentage of the range (0 to center frequency). If the value of the percentage
of the range (0, center frequency) is specified as X, the min and max frequencies are (center
frequency - X) and (center frequency + X).
Center Frequency: This parameter is the center frequency of the bandpass filter sweep, and is
used to determine the min and max frequencies as mentioned above.
Wah Frequency: This is the frequency of alternating the direction of the sweep, or the
frequency of the wah-wah sound. It is the frequency of the triangular wave described above.
High-Pass Filter
A high-pass filter (sometimes called a low cut filter) removes all low frequencies below a
specified Hz. This is useful if you want to make your recording sound 'clearer' or less 'muddy'.
It is very usual to use a high-pass filter of about 300Hz on all voice recordings to improve
Low-Pass Filter
A low-pass filter (sometimes called a high cut filter) removes all high frequencies above a
specified Hz.
Reverb is many small randomized reflections of a sound that come after a set time. It is most
noticeable in when someone is speaking in a room, hall, etc. When you record in a studio,
there is usually very little reverb which can make the recording sound flat. Adding reverb to
your tracks can help to make the recording feel more 'live.' The reverb level is the amplitude -
99 is very wet, 0 is dry. The time can be between 100 and 800ms - 200ms sounds like a small
room or 800ms sound like a large hall.
Pitch Correction
Pitch correction is a powerful tool that can be used to make minor adjustments to a voice's
pitch. Load a voice clip, select the part of the clip that needs to be adjusted, click the Pitch
Correction button on the toolbar to open the pitch correction window.
In the Pitch Correction window, you can see the voice in notes. If needed, add some envelope
points to the red envelope line, and drag the points to increase or decrease the pitch at the
desired places. After adjustment, click the Apply Pitch button and then you will get the
corrected vocal voice.
Surround Sound
An equalizer changes the frequency response of a signal so it has different tonal qualities.
After you add Equalizer effect you will see a panel containing three different Equalizer
representations. Use the tabs at the top to select between the FFT Equalizer, Graphic, and
Parametric Equalizer views.
FFT Equalizer
Left click on any point to create a new band point. To remove a band point right click on it. To
assist you with shaping the Equalizer graph in the way you want, there is a preset list that
displays the most common sorts of filters used in the Equalizer graph. You can choose any
preset filter from the list and then manipulate the filter to achieve the effect you desire. The list
of filters to choose from and how you can shape them are explained below. Note that all fields
where a frequency value is entered can have a maximum value of 20000 (Hertz).
Graphic Equalizer
The Graphic Equalizer uses discrete sliders to set the gain or attenuation of a signal at a
particular frequency. You can select how many sliders you would like to manipulate by entering
a value between 3 and 20 in the box at the top of the display. When you change the number of
sliders you would like to utilize, the frequencies are automatically allocated to best span the
audible frequency range from 20Hz to 20kHz. Selecting presets allows you to easily configure
common filters such as low pass or high pass. Note that when you change the Graphic
Equalizer, the FFT and Parametric Equalizer views are not changed, as the changes in the
three views are not compatible.
Parametric Equalizer
The Parametric Equalizer is similar to the Graphic Equalizer, but with more control. Here you
can adjust the frequency and bandwidth of the individual sliders by left clicking on the
frequency or Q values below each slider. Frequency must be set between 20Hz and 20,000
Hz. The Q parameter must be set between 0.05 and 20. A higher Q causes the gain or
attenuation peak at the frequency to be much sharper, and therefore less likely to impact
adjacent frequency content, while a lower Q applies the modification more smoothly across the
frequency spectrum.
Keeps only those frequencies in the audio above a certain value. Pass Frequency is the point
at which all frequencies above are to be kept, in Hertz. Slope Length is the width of the slope
extending from the pass frequency, in Hertz. Amplitude is the degree that the frequencies
below the pass range are suppressed. 50% means the volume is reduced to one-half, 25%
means the volume is reduced to one-quarter. Maximum value is 100%.
Notch Filter
Attenuates the frequencies in the specified range to very low levels and passes all other
frequencies unaltered. There is no slope - frequencies are either attenuated or not. Start
Frequency is the lower cutoff frequency value, in Hertz. End Frequency is the upper cutoff
frequency value, in Hertz.
Boost/Cut Filter
Either attenuates or boosts frequencies in the specified range and passes all others unaltered.
Start Frequency is the lower boost/cut frequency value, in Hertz. End Frequency is the upper
boost/cut frequency value, in Hertz. Slope Length is the width of the slope extending from the
lower and upper boost/cut points, in Hertz. Amplitude is the degree that the frequencies inside
the boost/cut range are either boosted or cut. 200% means the volume is boosted to twice the
original amount, and 50% means the volume is cut to half the original amount. Maximum value
is 200%. If you are using the equalizer simply to drop lower frequencies, you should always try
the High Pass filter first (Effects menu -> High Pass Filter), because it is better and faster for
very low frequencies.
Surround Sound
Surround Sound The surround sound feature lets you to create a surround sound project. It is
better to use DirectSound Player with a device(headphones, etc) that supports surround sound
to achieve the best effect. To use the surround sound feature, set up the "Project Channels" to
5.1 or 7.1 surround in the General tab of the Options dialog. Then open the Surround Sound
dialog by clicking the Surround Sound button on the Effects tab.
There are two kinds of surround sound: static and dynamic. Static means the position of the
sound source is fixed in 2D space. Dynamic means the sound source position can change
while playing. In MixPad, static surround is used for tracks, and you can configure the position
of each track. Dynamic is used for clips and clip positions can change along with the progress
of playing in percentage.
Choose Static on the surround sound dialog and a list of all track sources will display. You can
select and drag one track source on the radar display. If it is playing, you will hear the
difference immediately.
Choose Dynamic surround sound and use the envelope pan to adjust the position of clip
source. The envelope pan provides two point lines which allow you to control the up/down and
left/right position of clip source. The red line on the envelope pan indicates the time position
(percentage) of the source. You can drag the red cursor and you will notice the source will
move around on the radar display. Note that in dynamic surround sound mode, dragging the
source on the radar display does not alter its settings.
Once satisfied with the project, you can export the project to a "multi-channel" surround sound
in .wav file format. Just click the "Export Project As Audio File" and choose surround on the
popup dialog. Then MixPad will export the surround project to a single multi-channel wav file.
VST and VSTi Plugin Support
MixPad supports Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plugins. You can use these plugins to
enhance MixPad's capabilities. You can use effect plugins to add an effect to one of your
tracks, or you can use instrument plugins to synthesize playback of MIDI files. Other plugins
may provide some type of visual feedback of the audio signal.
VST plugins are available from a wide variety of sources - some are free, while others require
licences. A good place to start your search is here:
To add a VST effect to one of your tracks, click the Fx button in the track control panel on the
left of the track. In the left hand panel of the dialog that opens you should see a sub-heading V
ST Effects . Any valid VST plugins you have installed will be listed underneath this
sub-heading. If there are no items listed here, it means that you either do not have any VST
plugins installed, or you have not configured your VST plugin path. You must tell MixPad
where to look for your VST plugins. You can do this by going to the VSTs tab of MixPad's Optio
ns dialog.
A VST instrument (VSTi) is a special type of plugin which takes MIDI as its input and outputs
audio. You can use VSTis to playback your MIDI clips and you can also use them to monitor
any recordings you make using MIDI hardware. To add MIDI playback or monitoring to a track,
open the track options dialog by clicking on the small spanner icon on the track controls. In the
dialog that opens you should see a MIDI Playback Options option group. Select the radio
button which says "Play MIDI using VST instrument" and then select which instrument you
would like to use.
You can do the same for monitoring MIDI recordings in the Monitoring Options option group.
Select the radio button which says "Enable MIDI monitoring via VSTi for ASIO devices" and
select the instrument you would like to use from the associated pull down list.
Once you have selected a VSTi, you should be able to open your chosen plugins' GUIs via the
two small keyboard icons on the control panel of each track. The button on the left opens the
VSTi currently assigned for playback and the button on the right opens the GUI of the VSTi
assigned to monitoring recordings.
Working with Video
Video Exporting Support
This feature allows you to replace the sound of a video file with your own project. After
preparing the whole project, if you want to replace one video file's sound with your own project,
click the 'Export to Video' button on the 'Mixing' Tab, then the video window will pop-up.
Choose the video file you want to use and choose the export file you want MixPad to create.
Then click 'Export', MixPad will create a new video file which contains the original video file's
video frames and your project's sound.
Shortcut Keys Reference
Project Operations
Track Operations
Clip Operations
Rename clip [F2]
Lock/Unlock clip [Ctrl+K]
Delete fadepoint [Delete]
Choose previous take [Ctrl+Shift+P]
Choose next take [Ctrl+Shift+N]
Nudge Clips Left [Shift+Left]
Nudge Clips Right [Shift+Right]
Play Operations
Record [F5]
Re-record [Ctrl+F5]
Play [Space]
Stop [Space]
Pause [P]
Scrub [B]
Loop mode [Ctrl+Shift+L]
Go to Start [Home]
Rewind [Left Arrow]
Fast Forward [Right Arrow]
Go to End [End]
Zoom Operations
You can contact NCH Software by visiting . Paid
telephone and high priority support is also available for purchase.
You can also get developer and community based support from the MixPad forum page at the
NCH Software forums.
Related Software
MixPad is just one of many great audio software products from NCH Software. You may find
the following list of related audio software useful.
Wavepad Audio Editor . A sophisticated and full featured program for editing audio
recordings. Features...
Supports a number of file formats including wav (multiple codecs), mp3, vox, gsm, real
audio, au, aif, flac, ogg and many more.
Sound editing functions including cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, auto-trim and
Audio effects including amplify, normalize, equalizer, envelope, reverb, echo, reverse,
sample rate conversion and more.
Tools including spectral analysis (FFT), tone generation and speech synthesis.
Audio restoration features including noise reduction and click pop removal.
Supports sample rates from 6000 to 96000Hz, stereo or mono, 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits.
Ability to work with multiple files at the same time in separate screens.
Includes a CD ripper to load audio directly and quickly from CD.
CD burner function allows you to burn your sound files to CD.
Recorder supports auto-trim and voice activated recording.
Easy to use interface will get you started running.
Express Burn CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Writer. Burn your data to CD, DVD or Blu-ray with this
easy to use program. Features...
Writes data CDs (for files), audio CDs (to be played in CD Players) data DVDs and data
Blu-Ray discs (Plus Version Only).
Records CD Recordable (CDR) and CD Re-recordable (CDRW) discs.
Can seamlessly burn audio CDs with no pause between tracks.
Express Burn Plus can burn ISO compliant data DVDs (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R,
Support Joliet and CDA formats.
Data CDs support multilevel folders and long file names.
Audio CDs are recorded with direct digital recording (so perfect audio quality is
For Audio CDs it supports wav, mp3, wma, au, aiff, ra, ogg, flac, aac and a number of
other audio file formats.
Data CDs are fully ISO compliant with Joliet extension.
Includes command line operation for automation and integration with other programs.
Simple, easy to use interface for day-to-day operation.
Express Talk VOIP Softphone . Conduct Voice over IP (VoIP) conversations with Express
Talk. Features...
Lets you make internet phone calls free direct PC to PC, or PC to phone via a VoIP SIP
gateway provider. More information on VoIP .
Supports up to 6 lines on the one phone with the ability to put calls on hold.
Works with a headset or in speakerphone mode with just a standard microphone and
set of speakers.
Includes data compression (GSM, uLaw, ALaw, PCM and G726), echo cancellation,
noise reduction, comfort noise and more.
Uses the standard SIP protocol so it can link to a broad range of telephone gateways,
SIP systems or other internet phone software. See our list of
recommended VoIP . (SIP) service providers
Can be configured to work behind NATs and Firewalls.
Supports caller ID display and logging.
Includes a phone book with quick dial.
Supports call transfer (Business Edition).
Lets you record phone calls to wav (Business Edition).
Allows up to 6 people to join one call using the Call conferencing feature (Business
Allows for quicker and easier communication using the Push to talk intercom (Business
Includes Do not disturb button (Business Edition).
Also features more advanced line configuration options in the Express Talk Business
Works with our VoIP Virtual PBx to create a LAN based PBx for offices or call centers.
Used in conjunction with the VRS Call Recording Software, can record and save phone
calls to MP3, wav and more.
Plays on-hold music to callers on hold. Can also link to the IMS On-Hold Messages
Player Software to create professional mixes of music and messages on the fly.
Twelve Keys Music Transcription Software . Learn to play and transcribe your audio
recordings using this music transcriber. Features...
Express Rip CD Ripper . Rip files from music CDs to audio files like wav or mp3.
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder . Record internet audio streams in perfect digital
quality. Features...
Pure digital recording. No analogue conversion like other internet radio recorders.
Records any sound you can play on your PC.
Lets you listen as you record (optional).
Records Voice Over IP conversations.
Saves files in wav or mp3 format with a wide range of selected codec and compression
Recordings can be searched easily by date, time, duration or format.
Directly links to the WavePad Sound Editor Software so you can edit the files you have
Directly links to the Switch Mp3 File Converter Software so you can convert the files
from mp3 to over 20 other file formats if you need it in another format.
Directly links to the Express Burn CD Burner Software to record to CD.
Very easy to install and use.
Switch Audio Converter. Convert your audio recordings to different audio formats using
this fast and easy conversion tool. Features...
Converts a variety of different audio file formats including wav, mp3, ogg, flac, aac,
wma, au, aiff, ogg, msv, dvf, vox, atrac, gsm, dss and other formats into mp3 or wav,
plus more formats supported.
MPEG Layer-3 encoder supports constant or variable bit rates from 8 to 320kbps with
optional error correction and stereo modes.
WAV encoder support sample rates between 6000 and 196000Hz in PCM or a number
of other codecs.
Up to 32000 files can be converted in one batch.
Optimized CPU usage and efficient code for fastest conversion times.
Switch Sound File Converter integrates directly with other sound software programs
including Express Burn for CD Recording, Express Rip for Direct CD Ripping,
WavePad for Sound File Editing, RecordPad for Professional Sound Recording and
Express Scribe for Typing Voice Recordings.
Can be run from the command line for automation and other programming
Switch audio file converter is intuitive and easy to use interface.
Click here to view a full list of other great software products available from NCH Software.
Recommended hardware
There are lots of hardware and devices that work with MixPad. The following is the
recommended hardwares
NCH Software Suite
This is a useful way to browse all the software available from NCH Software
You can see a set of products by type like Audio, Video and so on and view the product. From
there you can try out the product and it will download and install it for you to trial. If you already
have the product installed then you can click "Run It Now" and the program will be launched for
There is also a list of features for products in the category. Click on a feature, such as "Edit a
Video File", to install a product with that ability.
Search our website for products matching any keywords you type.
You can subscribe to our newsletter for announcements of new releases and discounts. You
can unsubscribe at any time.
See the latest discounts we are offering for purchasing our products.
Software License Terms
This EULA limits our liability and is governed by an arbitration agreement and venue
agreement. Please read below as these terms affect your rights.
1. The copyrights in this software and any visual or audio work distributed with the software
belong to NCH Software and others listed in the about box. All rights are reserved. Installation
of this software and any software bundled with or installed-on-demand from this software,
including shortcuts and start menu folders, is licensed only in accordance with these terms.
2. By installing, using or distributing the software you, on your own behalf and on behalf of your
employer or principal, agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to any of these
terms, you may not use, copy, transmit, distribute, nor install this software - return it to the
place of purchase within 14 days to receive a full refund.
3. This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "as is" and with
no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied except as required by law. If you intend
to rely on this software for critical purposes you must test it fully prior to using it, install
redundant systems and assume any risk.
4. We will not be liable for any loss arising out of the use of this software including, but not
limited to, any special, incidental or consequential loss. Your entire remedy against us for all
claims is limited to receiving a full refund for the amount you paid for the software.
5. You may not use this software in any circumstances where there is any risk that failure of
this software might result in a physical injury or loss of life. You may not use this software if you
do not regularly backup your computer, or do not have antivirus and firewall software installed
on the computer, or keep sensitive data unencrypted on your computer. You agree to
indemnify us from any claims relating to such unauthorized use.
6. You may copy or distribute the installation file of this software in its complete unaltered form
but you may not, under any circumstances, distribute any software registration code for any of
our programs without written permission. In the event that you do distribute a software
registration code, you will be liable to pay the full purchase price for each location where the
unauthorized use occurs.
7. Use of data collected by the software is subject to the NCH Software Privacy Statement
which allows automatic anonymized collection of usage statistics in limited circumstances.
8. Choice of Law. If you reside in the United States, your relationship is with NCH Software,
Inc, a United States company, and this agreement is governed by the laws and courts of
Colorado. If you reside anywhere in the world outside of the United States, your relationship is
with NCH Software Pty Ltd, an Australian company, and this agreement is governed by the
laws and courts of the Australian Capital Territory. Such courts have continuing and exclusive
jurisdiction over any dispute between you and us, regardless of the nature of the dispute.
9. U.S. Customers Only: Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver: PLEASE READ THIS
If you reside in the United States, NCH Software and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and
claims between us. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be broadly interpreted.
References to "NCH" "you," and "us" include our respective subsidiaries, affiliates, agents,
employees, predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns. This arbitration agreement
does not preclude you from bringing issues to the attention of U.S. federal, state, or local
agencies. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against us on your behalf. This
Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration
Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision. This arbitration provision shall
survive termination of this Agreement.
A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written
Notice of Dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to NCH should be addressed to:
Legal Department
("Notice Address"). The Notice must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute;
and (b) set forth the specific relief sought ("Demand"). If NCH and you do not reach an
agreement to resolve the claim within 30 days after the Notice is received, you or NCH may
commence an arbitration proceeding. The amount of any settlement offer made by NCH or you
shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator.
A. The arbitration will be governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary
Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, "AAA Rules") of the American
Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by this Agreement, and will be administered by the
AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at, by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879, or
by writing to the Notice Address. The arbitrator is bound by the terms of this Agreement. All
issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope and enforceability
of the arbitration provision. Unless NCH and you agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will
take place in Greenwood Village Colorado. If your claim is for $10,000 or less, we agree that
you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents
submitted to the arbitrator, through a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing as
established by the AAA Rules. If your claim exceeds $10,000, the right to a hearing will be
determined by the AAA Rules. Regardless of the manner in which the arbitration is conducted,
the arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision. NCH will pay all AAA filing,
administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the notice
requirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or
the relief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose then the
payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. In such case, you agree to
reimburse NCH for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwise your obligation to
pay under the AAA Rules. In addition, if you initiate an arbitration in which you seek more than
$75,000 in damages, the payment of these fees will be governed by the AAA rules.
B. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party
seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's
Further, unless both you and NCH agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more
than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or
class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this
arbitration provision shall be null and void.
C. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, we agree that if NCH
makes any future change to this arbitration provision (other than a change to the Notice
Address) you may reject any such change by sending us written notice within 30 days of the
change to the Arbitration Notice Address provided above. By rejecting any future change, you
are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute between us in accordance with the language of
this provision.
D. To opt out of this Arbitration Agreement and class action waiver send an Opt Out notice to
the Notice Address stating "I am electing to opt out of the Arbitration Agreement and class
action waiver contained in the Legal Terms applicable to my purchase of an NCH product."
Your Opt Out Notice must include the date and proof of purchase. The Opt Out Notice must be
postmarked no later than thirty (30) days after the date of purchase. A separate Opt Out Notice
must be sent for each product purchased.
Google Authorization Process on Windows XP and
Extra steps are required to give MixPad authorization to upload to Google Drive and/or
YouTube when running on Windows XP or Windows Vista:
NCH Sound Library - NCH Sound Library
The NCH Sound Library is a collection of thousands of royalty-free sound effects that can be
added to your project.
Once you have opened the library, you'll see the following:
Folder Tree
On the left hand side, each folder represents a category of sounds. Expand a folder to
either see its subfolders or a list of sounds it contains.
Sound List
On the right hand side, all the sounds in the currently selected category are listed. This will
be empty until a category is selected.
Preview Sound
Select a sound in the list then click the Play button to hear it. When you have finished, click
Select a sound in the list then click the Download button to download the sound (if it hasn't
already been downloaded).
Screen References - Advanced Recording Options
Automatic Recording
The recording can be automatically started when either the Record Control dialog is opened or
when the audio to be recorded reaches the threshold level. Additionally any quiet periods at
the start and the end of the recording that is below the threshold level can be trimmed.
The recording will automatically start when the Record Control dialog is opened, you will not
need to select the record button.
Trim the recording to remove any quiet periods from the start and ending of the recording. Use
the threshold slider to specify the cutoff level. Voice Activated Recording
Automatically start the recording when the audio level reaches the threshold.
Use the slider to set the threshold level for the recording. Used for both the auto trim and the
voice activated start.
Screen References - Opus Encoder Options
Encode audio into the Opus format.
Target bitrate in kbit/sec (6-256 per channel) In VBR mode this specifies the average rate for a
large and diverse collection of audio. In CVBR and Hard-CBR mode it specifies the specific
output bitrate. Default for >=44.1kHz input is 64kbps per mono stream, 96kbps per coupled
In default mode, encoder will choose bitrate automatically. For >=44.1kHz input is 64kbps per
mono stream, 96kbps per coupled pair.
In VBR mode the bitrate may go up and down freely depending on the content to achieve more
consistent quality.
Outputs to a specific bitrate. This mode is analogous to CBR in AAC/MP3 encoders and
managed mode in vorbis coders. This delivers less consistent quality than VBR mode but
consistent bitrate.
With hard-cbr every frame will be exactly the same size, similar to how speech codecs work.
This delivers lower overall quality but is useful where bitrate changes might leak data in
encrypted channels or on synchronous transports.
Downmix to mono
Downmix to stereo
Screen References - Audio Stream Index Options
Some video files may contain several audio tracks, select a audio track to work with.
Screen References - Detecting MIDI Event
Detecting MIDI events
Press buttons, push sliders or adjust knobs on your hardware, you will see the MIDI events
generated by your hardware. That MIDI event will be associated with a command and the
command will be executed whenever that MIDI event happens.
Screen References - Jog Wheel Setup
Jog Wheel Setup
FastForward(Rotate clockwise) all your jog wheels one by one and Mixpad will detect the jog
wheel events and its speed. Jog wheels will be used to control FastForward and Rewind in
Mixpad. If you accidently touch other Controllers(sliders or keys) on your hardware, you can
use Clear All to clear all events and rotate all your jog wheels again.
When you rotate the jog wheel, your hardware will generate a MIDI event which contains the
rotating speed. Generally, the speed is between 65 to 127 if you rotate clockwise and 0 to 63 if
counter-clockwise. For example, 65 means rotating clockwise at the lowest speed and 0
means rotating counter-clockwise at the highest speed. Inside the Jog Wheel group the Start
input means the lowest speed value and End input means the highest speed value. Please
refer to your hardware manual for those values.
Screen References - Rename Clip
Enter a new name for the selected clip in the text field. This will only change the name of the
file within MixPad; it will not change the file name from the location you loaded the file from.
Screen References - Select Speed
You can control the speed the audio plays back at. Normal speed is at 100%, half speed is
50%, and double speed is 200%.
Screen References - Stretch or Shrink Clips
Use this feature to alter the duration of the selected clip without trimming any audio. MixPad
will stretch or compress the clip to meet the specified duration. You can also use the Keep
Pitch Constant option to avoid changing the pitch of the audio.
Screen References - Customize Tool Tab
Custom Tab Select Custom Tab to display a custom tool tab before the Suite tab. You can
add and remove your preferred commands to this custom tab by clicking on the Customize
command. You can use this custom tab for commands which you use most frequently.
Screen References - Apply Auto Duck
Use this feature to apply an auto duck effect to some tracks. MixPad detects the volume of
control track and applies volume reduction to other tracks. It is helpful if you want to lower the
music background track when a vocal track is the main focus and then raise the music
background when the vocal track is silent.
Suppose Track 1 is selected as a control track and the auto duck effect is applied to Track 2,
Mixpad will detect the volume level of Track 1 and once that volume crosses over the threshold
configured a dB reduction, a Fade-In and Fade-out will be applied to Track 2 automatically.
When Track 1s volume is lower than the threshold, Track 2 will return to its original volume
Screen References - Options ~ General
Audio Playback
If you have more than one sound card installed select the sound card that you want MixPad to
use using the Sound Play Device pull down list. If you select an ASIO device you can also
choose which output channels to use.
We suggest to use DirectSound or ASIO device(s) as your playback device, because they
have much better performance and quality than MME. If you choose MME device and try to
start playing again while mixpad is playing, the delay and interruption is obvious.
Offset recordings (adjustment for hardware latency): If the recordings you are making with
MixPad are not perfectly synchronized with each other, then you may have hardware latency
issues. You can specify an offset in milliseconds here which will automatically adjust your
recordings.This option is only available if you are using an MME recorder. The issue of latency
should not affect you if you are using an ASIO capable sound device and selecting the ASIO
drivers for both playback and recording.
Screen References - Options ~ Messages
Warn when deleting a clip
Check this box if you would like to be warned whenever you try to delete a clip from the project
Check this box if you would like to be warned whenever you try to delete a track from the
project window.
Check this box if you would like to be prompted to render your MIDI clips when you change the
pan on a track which contains MIDI clips.
Check this box if you would like to be warned whenever you try to use ASIO device and
DS/MME device at the same time.
Check this box if you would like to be warned whenever you try to move locked clips .
Check this box if you would like to be warned whenever you try to use MME device.
Check this box if you would like to be warned when MixPad is experiencing latency issues with
ASIO hardware.
Check this box if you would like to be notified when you successfully create a beat clip using
the beat designer
Tell me when one or more Beat Designer tracks have no sound assigned
Check this box if you would like to be notified when one or more Beat Designer tracks have no
sound assigned
Screen References - Options ~ Metronome
Choose a custom metronome sound
Check this box if you would like to choose your own metronome sound. Otherwise, MixPad will
use the default metronome sound.
Use the metronome volume slider to control how loud the metronome sound is played when it
is enabled.
Select this box to have the metronome only make a sound while it is in the pre-roll phase. This
can help if you want to be counted into a recording but then would prefer time based on other
already recorded tracks.
Pre-roll settings
Enable Pre-roll
Check this box to have the current pre-roll settings apply to your project
Configure this value from 0 to 280 to decide how many beats before playback. 0 means start
playback immediately.
Configure this value between 0 and 280 to decide how many beats to wait before recording. 0
means start recording immediately.
Screen References - Options ~ Mouse
Zoom options
Choose this option if you would like zoom actions (such as scrolling the mouse wheel) to
center on the current location of the mouse pointer.
Choose this option if you would like zoom actions (such as scrolling the mouse wheel) to
center on the current location of the project cursor.
You can choose how you would like MixPad's zoom to work. There are two options. You can
have the zoom center on the current location of the mouse in which case you should hover
your mouse over the spot you would like to zoom on. Or you can choose to zoom to current
project cursor location in which case you should click on the area of interest before zooming.
This only works for zooming using the mouse scroll wheel - using the zoom slider and
keyboard shortcuts will zoom to the current project cursor.
Screen References - Options ~ VSTs
VSTs are plugin components (usually in the form of *.dll files) which are used to apply effects
or visualisations to your audio. You can read about them in detail here.
On this tab you must select the directory where your VSTs are stored so MixPad will know
where to search.
Screen References - Options ~ Project
Project Settings
Project sample rate: Select the sample rate you would like to use as your project level setting
while recording and playing back using MixPad. If you are aiming for CD quality then choose
Project Channels: If you want to create a surround sound project, please set up the channels
as 5.1 or 7.1 surround. Otherwise please choose Stereo.
Nudge Settings
Set up the nudge offset and use SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT key to nudge selected clips to left or
right. This gives you finer control over movement when trying to adjust clip positions.
Screen References - Options ~ MIDI Controller
Enable MIDI Hardware Control
Check this item to enable control of Mixpad through external MIDI hardware.
MIDI Device
Setup your jog wheels MIDI events and speed. Jog wheels speed values will be used to
determine the rotating direction and rotating speed.
Add Command
Add a command needing to be controlled by MIDI hardware. You can only add commands that
relate to the current track.
Delete Command
Remove a command that wont be controlled by MIDI hardware. You can only remove
commands that relate to the current track.
Click this button to set a MIDI event for the selected command in the list.
Click this button to clear the associated MIDI events for all commands.