DN 6871
DN 6871
DN 6871
VeriFire Tools
Programming and Test Utility
Peripheral Devices
DN-6871:E G-210
VeriFire Tools
System Programming Screen
VeriFire Tools is a programming and test utility with offline
and online capabilities that can greatly reduce installation pro-
gramming time and increase confidence in the site-specific
software. It is Windows based and provides technologically
advanced capabilities to aid the installer. The installer may cre-
ate the entire program for the control panel in the comfort of
the office, test it, store a backup file, then bring it to the site
and download from a laptop into the panel.
The program includes error checks for common programming
mistakes, such as an input point that does not activate any out-
puts, or an output point that is not linked to any inputs. In
online mode, users can perform point read status functions,
edit panel and device labels, and change detector sensitivities.
VeriFire Tools includes a compare database routine that can
also greatly help the installer. When a new program is created,
it may be compared with a previous version and differences
are highlighted. If the program is modified from the panel key-
pad, it may be uploaded into VeriFire Tools, and compared
with the previous version stored on disk. The identification of
program differences greatly helps the installer in testing the
Autoprogramming: After SLC loops are installed on an ONYX
series panel, VeriFire Tools can autoprogram that panel. The
system will read & set addresses for SLC detectors and mod-
ules. The installer can quickly verify these with the program-
ming spreadsheet.
CBE Simulator: VeriFire Tools also offers a simulator that
provides a visual representation of the CBE programming for
any ONYX series panel. After detectors and modules have
been programmed, the simulator allows users to select any
input point and view the output points mapped to it via CBE
Device maintenance report: VeriFire Tools has a device
maintenance report for NFS2-3030, NFS2-640, and NFS-320
panels. The device maintenance report provides valuable
information on FlashScan detectors; chamber values, the per-
cent of drift compensation and last functional test date. This
information is extremely useful in scheduling maintenance and
testing of detectors. For FlashScan modules, the maintenance
report provides the last functional test date.
Network test service: VeriFire Tools can run a communica-
tion test between selected network nodes, to verify network
connectivity. It sends messages from one node to another and
monitors the resulting node-to-node activity to determine
whether any message failures occur. The test procedure
aborts if a real event occurs anywhere on the network.
Product Line Information
VeriFire-TCD: VeriFire Tools CD-ROM and local panel pro-
gramming cable (75554 for DB9-NUP programming and 75672
for USB). Contains programming software for all ONYX Series
panels, Digital Voice Command (DVC), and associated DAA
amplifiers. Includes audio files that can be programmed into
the DVC.
VeriFireUG-TCD: VeriFire Tools Upgrade CD-ROM. Con-
tains latest version (software only).
Note: VeriFire Tools is also available for download from
75554: DB9-NUP Programming Cable.
75672: USB A type to USB B type Programming Cable.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP Professional with SP2 or SP3, Windows
Vista Business/Ultimate Edition (32 bit), or Windows 7 Pro-
fessional/Ultimate (both 32 and 64 bit editions).
For Windows XP Professional Systems:
PC or Laptop with a 300MHz Pentium II 32 bit (x86) pro-
cessor. (Note: 64 bit not supported with XP.)
128 MB RAM (256 MB suggested).
For Windows Vista Business/Ultimate systems:
PC or laptop with a 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) processor. (Note:
64 bit not supported with Vista.)
For Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate systems:
PC or laptop with a 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) pro-
CD-ROM drive.
Mouse and keyboard.
250 MB free disk space (600 MB recommended for audio
XVGA monitor.
Video card capable of supporting 1024 x 768 output resolu-
tion and 16 bit color.
1 serial (COM) port or USB-to-Serial converter (ATEN
Model UC-232A recommended) (Use a USB A to B cable.
USB connection must be less than 10 feet long.)
DB9-NUP cable (P/N 75554) for serial connections sup-
plied with VeriFire Tools. (Serial port recommended for
NFS-3030, NFS-640, and NCA connections.)
USB A type to USB B type cable (Notifier P/N 75672)
supplied with VeriFire Tools. (USB 2.0 port recommended
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VeriFire and ONYX are registered trademarks of Honeywell International
Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Pentium and Intel are registered trademarks of Intel
2013 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use
of this document is strictly prohibited.
This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.
We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.
Made in the U.S. A.
for NFS2-3030, NCA-2, NFS2-640, NFS-320, and DVC
Microsoft Excel 2000, 2003, 2007, or 2010 (to use the
spreadsheet function).
Microsoft Word 2003, 2007, or 2010 (to use the device
maintenance report).
Internet connection (for IP connections and to use email
MAPI compatible email client, such as Microsoft Outlook
or Microsoft Outlook Express (to use email function).
NOTE: VeriFire Tools version 3.21 and earlier supported Windows
98 Second Edition, ME, and NT. Windows 95 not supported.
Digital Audio
USB port (for suggested USB Digital Headset used in audio
Plantronics DSP500 Digital Enhanced USB Headset (rec-
ommended) or your PCs sound card with any standard UL-
approved PC microphone
Goldwave Digital Audio Editor (recommended) or equiva-
lent audio editing software
Audio editing software must be able to save files to .wav format
with the following descriptions:
Fidelity High Quality Standard Quality
Format PCM law
Sample Rate 44100Hz 11025Hz
Bit Depth 16-bit 8-bit
Channel mono mono