Siemens Software PDF
Siemens Software PDF
Siemens Software PDF
Desigo™ Insight
Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2
User’s guide, Volume 1
2017-02-16 Building Technologies
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
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Tel. +41 41-724 24 24 ©Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2000 – 2017 Subject to change
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
Building Technologies 2017-02-16
1 About this document ...........................................................................6
1.1 Before you start ..................................................................................... 6
1.1.1 Trademarks ........................................................................................... 6
1.1.2 Copyright ............................................................................................... 6
1.1.3 Quality assurance ..................................................................................6
1.1.4 Document use/request to the reader ...................................................... 7
1.1.5 Other important documents .................................................................... 7
1.2 Document validity .................................................................................. 7
1.3 Target readers ....................................................................................... 7
1.4 Document conventions .......................................................................... 8
1.4.1 Symbols used ........................................................................................ 8
1.4.2 Typographical conventions..................................................................... 8
1.5 Document structure ............................................................................. 10
2 Security .............................................................................................. 12
2.1 Cyber Security Disclaimer .................................................................... 12
3 System overview................................................................................ 13
3.1 Features of the system philosophy ....................................................... 13
3.2 General system topology ..................................................................... 13
3.3 Software architecture ........................................................................... 14
3.4 SQL database (password guidelines) ................................................... 14
3.5 List of Desigo Insight programs ............................................................ 14
3.6 User access philosophy ....................................................................... 16
4 General operation .............................................................................. 18
4.1 Conventions and style.......................................................................... 18
4.2 Desigo Insight installation modification ................................................. 19
4.3 User privileges ..................................................................................... 21
4.4 Using Help and ToolTips ...................................................................... 21
4.5 Working with the Desigo Insight program window ................................. 22
4.6 Automatic third-party program start based on time ............................... 23
4.7 Navigate between programs ................................................................ 23
4.8 Close application ................................................................................. 24
4.9 Operate the Desigo Insight programs ................................................... 25
4.9.1 Personalize the workspace .................................................................. 25
4.9.2 Common program elements ................................................................. 25
4.9.3 Working with the System Browser ........................................................ 26
4.9.4 View data ............................................................................................. 27
4.9.5 Set up the workspace for Alarm Viewer and Log Viewer ....................... 32
4.9.6 Locate log entries in the System Browser tree ...................................... 33
4.9.7 Print from programs ............................................................................. 39
5 Start Desigo Insight ........................................................................... 41
5.1 Start Desigo Insight .............................................................................. 41
5.2 Login ................................................................................................... 42
5.3 Configure taskbar ................................................................................ 43
5.4 Display system and version information ............................................... 44
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5.5 Manually connect/disconnect a site ...................................................... 46
5.6 System time......................................................................................... 49
5.7 Start programs manually ...................................................................... 51
5.8 Create and delete user ........................................................................ 52
5.9 Lock .................................................................................................... 54
5.10 Logoff .................................................................................................. 55
5.11 Shut down Desigo Insight .................................................................... 56
5.12 Restart Desigo Insight .......................................................................... 57
5.13 Desigo Insight terminal server .............................................................. 57
5.13.1 Connect to the terminal server ............................................................. 58
5.13.2 Start Desigo Insight (Remote Desktop) ................................................ 59
5.13.3 Desigo Insight service .......................................................................... 59
5.13.4 Disconnect connection to terminal server ............................................. 61
6 Working with the Object Viewer ........................................................ 62
6.1 Display detailed data point information from the Object Viewer ............. 67
6.1.1 Change object values and properties from Object Viewer ..................... 71
6.1.2 Override outputs .................................................................................. 71
6.1.3 Enable outputs..................................................................................... 73
6.1.4 Override inputs .................................................................................... 74
6.1.5 Edit Notifcation Class ........................................................................... 74
6.1.6 Change comment required................................................................... 74
6.1.7 Change user designation text............................................................... 75
6.2 Instruction texts to create alarms.......................................................... 76
7 Operate graphics ............................................................................... 79
7.1 Layout of the Plant Viewer screen ........................................................ 79
7.2 Help in Plant Viewer............................................................................. 79
7.3 The navigation bar and the context menus ........................................... 80
7.4 Display/hide the navigation bar ............................................................ 83
7.5 Open graphics pages ........................................................................... 84
7.6 Components of the graphics pages ...................................................... 85
7.7 Graphics operation principles............................................................... 87
7.8 Add comments to pages ...................................................................... 88
7.9 Status indication in Plant Viewer .......................................................... 88
7.10 Handle alarms in the Plant Viewer ....................................................... 90
7.11 Modify object and property values in Plant Viewer ................................ 91
7.12 Display properties of symbols, genies, and graphics pages .................. 94
7.13 List object properties for a graphics page ............................................. 95
7.14 Print from the Plant Viewer .................................................................. 95
7.15 Navigate to other Desigo Insight programs via object or property name
(Send To…) ......................................................................................... 97
7.16 Exit the Plant Viewer .......................................................................... 100
8 Alarm handling ................................................................................ 101
8.1 Principles of alarm handling ............................................................... 101
8.2 Alarm handling-related Desigo Insight applications............................. 105
8.3 What happens when an alarm occurs ................................................ 108
8.3.1 Alarm suppression ............................................................................. 111
8.4 Alarm Viewer: General operation ....................................................... 112
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8.5 Adjust the alarm handling system....................................................... 115
8.6 Route alarm messages to output devices ........................................... 115
8.7 Alarm configuration with System Configurator .................................... 117
8.8 Routing alarms using the Alarm Router .............................................. 137
8.8.1 Alarm Router functions ...................................................................... 137
8.8.2 Edit routing groups ............................................................................. 138
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
Building Technologies Contents 2017-02-16
1 About this document
1.1 Before you start
1.1.1 Trademarks
The trademarks used in this document are listed together with their legal owners in
the table. The use of these trademarks is subject to international and national
statutory provisions.
Trademarks Legal owner
BACnet™ American National Standard (ANSI/ASHRAE
CitectSCADAä Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited see
Microsoft … Microsoft Corporation see
Windows 7
Windows 8 mark/nopermit.htm
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
SQL Server 2008 Express
SQL Server 2012 Express
SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2012
SQL Server 2014
All the product names listed in the table are trademarks (™) or registered
trademarks (®) of their respective owners, as listed in the table. Further to the
notes in this section, and to facilitate the reading of the text, these trademarks will
not be indicated elsewhere in the text (e.g. by use of symbols such as ® or ™).
1.1.2 Copyright
This document may be duplicated and distributed only with the express permission
of Siemens, and may be passed only to authorized persons or companies with the
required technical knowledge.
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Building Technologies About this document 2017-02-16
1.1.4 Document use/request to the reader
Before using our products, it is important that you read the documents supplied
with or ordered at the same time as the products (equipment, applications, tools
etc.) carefully and in full.
We assume that persons using our products and documents are authorized and
properly trained and have the requisite technical knowledge to use our products as
Additional information on products and applications is available:
· On the intranet (for Siemens employees only) at
· At your next Siemens branch office or at your system
· From the support team in the headquarters fieldsupport- if no local POC is available.
Siemens assumes no liability to the extent allowed under the law for any losses
resulting from a failure to comply with the aforementioned points or for the improper
compliance of the same.
This document is valid for the Desigo Insight management station software,
Version 6.0.
This document contains all information relevant to the user when operating the
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1.4 Document conventions
1.4.1 Symbols used
Caution Users with access can change or delete data. When you see the symbol to the left,
data may be lost irretrievably.
Tip The symbol to the left denotes information that helps you properly operate and use
the programs. This information is based on experience; we strongly suggest that
you observe all hints.
Important note: Important information is printed on a gray background.
Introduction The following conventions apply to this document for names of buttons, keys, and
Display of keyboard Keyboard keys are always printed in angle brackets < >.
keys Example: <Shift>, <Shift + N>
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Building Technologies About this document 2017-02-16
Buttons Buttons are displayed in bold.
Example: When you click Cancel, the ...
Example: Apply.
This tells you to click the Apply button.
Menus and menu items Names of menus and menu commands are printed
in bold format.
Example: Click New Meter in the Dimensions menu
Dialog box
Check box
Spin box
Group box
Command The individual steps of instructions that must be performed in a specific order are
sequences separated by a >.
Example: System > Meters > right-click > New Meter.
This tells you to right-click the Meter command in the System menu and then
select New Meter in the menu that opens.
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Mouse click In command sequences, right-click and double-click are mentioned specifically. For
all other cases, left-click the selections.
Date and time format Display of date and time depends on the settings of your Windows installation.
1. Select Start>Settings>Control Panel>Regional Settings.
2. Select the Time tab in the Regional Settings dialog box to define the format.
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Describes the functions available for the logging of events and their retrieval by the
11 Report Viewer
This section describes the functions used to collate plant data to produce a report.
12 Event program (Reaction Processor)
This section describes the functions which influence events transmitted to or
received from the system.
13 Scope
This section describes functions defining user-specific object access.
14 Eco Viewer
This section describes the functions used to assess a plant's efficiency.
15 Project backup
This chapter describes how to back up project data.
16 Frequently asked questions
Common questions relating to the Desigo Insight management station.
Conventions "Operator"
The term "operator" (from the user's point of view) refers in this regard to a
company that operates or maintains one or more buildings.
The term "user" refers to any person who uses the management station for day-to-
day operation. By implication, a user is able to use Desigo Insight applications and
a restricted set of system settings.
The "administrator" is responsible for running the entire Desigo Insight installation
on site. This responsibility includes assigning specific levels of password-protected
access to the various users, and analyzing event data from the system.
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2 Security
2.1 Cyber Security Disclaimer
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3 System overview
Chapter overview This chapter provides an overview of general, user-relevant aspects of Desigo
Topology Desigo Insight offers a wide range of system topologies, so that it can be adapted
to an unlimited number of individual requirements. For this reason, we can only
provide a description of a general system topology.
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3.3 Software architecture
Architecture The following images provide an overview of the internal structure of the Desigo
Insight management station software.
Desigo Insight an SQL database to store data. Siemens requires you to changes
the Desigo Insight default password for the SQL database to prevent Desigo In-
sight from becoming a target of hacker attacks (refer CM110591 Installation and
configuration chapter 6.7.17 SQL System Administrator Password Management).
The customer's IT department is responsible for changing and securing the
edited SQL data.
You cannot restore a lost password.
The management station software comprises all the modules required for efficient
building automation and control.
Taskbar Provides a quick system overview and can be used to launch any Desigo Insight
Plant Viewer Plant Viewer provides a graphical representation of the areas of a building or
buildings, and the associated mechanical and electrical building services. You can
use the dynamic color graphics in Plant Viewer to monitor and operate the system.
Alarm Viewer Detailed display of alarm messages for fast location and elimination of faults. The
list of alarms is automatically updated whenever an alarm event occurs, so that it
always contains the current alarm state of the system.
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Building Technologies System overview 2017-02-16
Alarm Router Alarm Router dispatches the alarm messages to the selected receivers (e.g.
printers, e-mail, fax, pagers or mobile phones).
Time Scheduler Time Scheduler allows central programming of all time-controlled building services
functions, including individual room control.
Trend Viewer Historical and real-time processing of data, for convenient analysis of off-line and
on-line trend data. Used to optimize plant operation.
Log Viewer All user activities, alarms and faults are logged and can be displayed with Log
Viewer for further analysis as required.
Audit Viewer The database Audit Viewer allows you to check the log database's integrity. The
functionality is described in CM110796, Audit trail for critical environments.
Object Viewer Object Viewer provides an efficient means of navigating through the building
automation and control system. Data objects are presented in different views and
can be operated from Object Viewer.
Report Viewer Report Viewer lets you document alarm states, log entries and data point states.
Reaction Processor The Reaction Processor (event program) allows you to create automated reports or
to modify the response of the plant (e.g. modify setpoints).
DB Import Utility Used to import, update or delete engineering data from the automation and control
system to the Desigo Insight system database. Import applied.
System Configurator Tool for the general set-up of Desigo Insight management station. Create and
change user rights as well as user scope.
RS Access Displays online data from INTEGRAL automation station, in particular to change
the time scheduler.
System Information Displays plant state (devices, modems) as well as the management stations.
ECO Viewer The information only indicates how efficiently your plant works. The plant must be
engineered to display and enable the function.
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3.6 User access philosophy
Philosophy The management station software offers a highly flexible means of defining an
environment ideally suited to each user. It is possible to specify which user(s)
should be allowed access to which sites and buildings, and which Desigo Insight
applications each operator may use.
Users in a building can be grouped logically according to their tasks (e.g. caretaker,
building manager, maintenance engineer), each of these “user groups” having a
dedicated set of privileges.
Standby user After logoff, all background Desigo Insight activities continue, the connection is
automatically maintained through a standby user. In the log database, the most
recently logged in user is entered, not the standby user.
Access to applications A user group’s access to a Desigo Insight application can be defined by privileges
individually assigned to all major functions of an application. Locked functions are
displayed (inaccessible), but cannot be selected. Buttons associated with the
locked functions are, however, not displayed in the taskbar. The application
privileges for each user group also include the authorization to start and shut down
an Desigo Insight application.
Page access A user group's access to the pages in Plant Viewer can be defined individually.
Areas can be defined, to which pages can be assigned. Access to a defined area
can then be enabled or disabled for a given user group. This makes it possible to
split the plant responsibility between several operators.
Site access A user group’s access to a site can be defined individually by assigning access
privileges. The table below contains the privileges in ascending order (the smaller
the value, the greater the privilege):
Access level Description
0: No access
1: Internal
2: Service Administration
3: Standard service SBT service staff and qualified plant technicians
are part of this user group.
4: Administration Administration
5: Expert Service staff and persons responsible for plant
operations are part of this user group. Service
technicians must monitor and operate all control
6: Standard mode Plant operators and trained staff are part of this
user group. These users are responsible for the
7: Customer Building operators and security staff are part of
this user group. They operate and sometimes
monitor the plants.
Each privilege includes all privileges from lower levels.
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Scopes Freely definable scopes (e.g. range scope, discipline scope) allow for customizing
project data views (e.g. lighting control visible only to electricians, not heating
Automation system The system can be set up to allow a variety of media (Ethernet, LON, PTP) access
access to the automation system.
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4 General operation
4.1 Conventions and style
General Desigo Insight is operated with the mouse. As a consequence, we do not make
special reference to key commands.
Unless otherwise stated, mouse and keyboard operation is based on the Windows
7 conventions.
Note A mouse or other pointing device is always required. Desigo Insight cannot be op-
erated from the keyboard only.
Mouse operation The left mouse button is normally used to select or select an option.
If you are asked to select or select an entry in the list, this is an instruction to:
· Point to (i.e. place the cursor over) an entry and click the left mouse button.
“Double-click an entry in the list” is an instruction to:
· Point to (i.e. place the cursor over) an item in a list and click the left mouse
button twice in quick succession.
Note The instruction “Click” without further details always refers to a single click of the
left mouse button (see below).
“Click OK” or “Click the OK button” is an instruction to:
1. Point to (i.e. place the cursor on) the OK button and click the left mouse
The instruction “Select File > Print…" or "Select Print …. from file menu" means:
1. Point at File on the menu bar and left-click.
The menu opens.
2. Point at Print on the menu bar and left-click.
The command or function is executed.
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Building Technologies General operation 2017-02-16
The right mouse button is normally used to display context menus, (i.e. short-cut
menus related to a specific item or area on the screen).
The instruction "Right-click Alarm Acknowledge in the Event column and select
Filter by Alarm acknowledge" means:
1. Place the cursor over a selected Alarm Acknowledge entry (see below) and
right-click to display the associated context menu, then
2. Left-click Filter by “Urgent” in the context menu.
Reference For more detail on mouse operation in Plant Viewer graphics, refer to the section
"Plant Viewer operation" in this manual.
Standard keyboard When keyboard keys are referred to by name, the names are shown with an initial
operation capital (e.g. “the Delete key”). Otherwise the keys are shown between angular
brackets <…>.
A plus sign is used between keys to be pressed simultaneously.
<Alt>+<Ctrl>+<1> is an instruction to press all three keys simultaneously.
Step 1 Various modifications during installation are required for Desigo Insight to automat-
Automatic windows ically restarts after a power outage.
Contact your IT Support for the required settings.
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Step 3 1. Start Desigo Insight.
Windows 2. Logon as Administrator.
User logon 3. Click "System Configurator" on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
4. Create the user as a Windows login.
1. Select Desigo Insight building automation and control system in the System
Step 4 Configurator Browser.
Building properties 2. Right-click to open the properties dialog box.
3. Select Windows from the Authentication Mode list box.
Step 5 1. In the System Configurator Browser, select the appropriate user group, e.g.
Site Properties BASIS GRUPPE.
2. Right-click Properties.
3. Select the Site Access tab.
4. Click checkboxes May establish connection and connect at user login.
5. Select the Programs tab.
6. Select the Plant Viewer and click the checkbox Program operates
automatically after user login.
7. Click OK.
8. Close the System Configurator and exit Desigo Insight.
Note After a power outage and automatic startup, the system is available for any user
corresponding to the user profile. Enable the automatic management lock in the
System Configurator and define a short lock-up period (ca. 5-15 minutes). The
setting is located at: Desigo Insight Building Automation System > Desigo In-
sight Management Stations > Log On tab.
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4.3 User privileges
Scope Only authorized users have access to the Desigo Insight system. When you enter
your user name and password, the system checks your user privileges to
determine, for example, the programs to which you have access and the sites to
which you can connect.
No access If a user has not been assigned the necessary privileges to perform a given
operation, this is indicated in one of the following ways:
· The associated menu option may be "grayed out" (dimmed).
· The associated menu option or button may be invisible to the user.
· The user may receive a message indicating that the operation cannot be
Help system The help system in Desigo Insight is modeled on the standard help used in
Windows 7.
Desigo Insight help covers the following:
· Online help.
· Project-specific help (depending on the project).
· Tool tip.
2. Select the appropriate Section of the user's guide or enter a search term.
Tool tip ToolTips are simple text labels which provide brief information about various items
in a program.
They normally appear automatically when the cursor is pointed at a specific item
on the screen. It describes buttons, symbols, etc.
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Displaying ToolTips Example:
Place the mouse pointer over one of the buttons on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
Reference For more detail on special application of tool tips in Plant Viewer, refer to Chapter
"Plant viewer operation“ in this manual.
Basic principles The Desigo Insight program windows are modeled on Microsoft Windows, and can
be manipulated in the same way.
Menu bar Maximize
Toolbar Minimize
Status bar
Restore 1. Click the program button on the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
The minimized program is restored to full size on the screen.
Resize 1. Place the cursor on the frame of the window. The cursor changes from a
pointer to a double-headed arrow.
2. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the frame in either direction
indicated by the arrow.
3. Release the mouse button to end the “resize” operation.
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4.6 Automatic third-party program start based
on time
Program start based on It is possible to have your system configured so that one or more third-party
time programs start at a specified time.
This could be useful for spreadsheet and analysis programs. You might, for
example, want to run a spreadsheet program every Monday morning to check the
hours-run readings from fans and pumps.
Tip Ask your Desigo Insight expert to configure a program so that it starts automatically
at a specified time.
Navigation There are three basic methods of switching between the various Desigo Insight
From User action Result
The Desigo Insight 1. Click the desired program Starts the selected
taskbar button. Desigo Insight program.
Tip First check on the Windows taskbar to see whether the program you need is
already open. If it is, simply click the program button.
Send to This function is available in all Desigo Insight foreground programs. You can use it
in the System Browser view of Object Viewer for example, to go directly to the
Alarm Viewer program from an object signaling an alarm. Once in Alarm Viewer,
you can obtain more information about the alarm and acknowledge or reset it.
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1. Click the Object Viewer on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
Example 1:
2. Expand the view in System Browser until you can see all the relevant data
Object Viewer to Alarm
points in the System View. Active alarms are indicated by a red alarm symbol
on the relevant site, device and object icons.
3. Right-click the object symbol to display a context menu.
4. Point to Send To >.
5. Click the required program (in this case Alarm Viewer).
This operation launches the program if it is not already open. The alarm view is
filtered by object (in other words, only alarms associated with the object is
Reference For additional information on using the System Browser: Refer to chapter "Working
with System Browser" in this manual.
Example 2: You can also use Send To, for example, to jump directly from an item selected in
Alarm Viewer to Plant Alarm Viewer to its location in the plant graphics.
Viewer 1. Open Alarm Viewer on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. If there is no tree structure displayed to the left of the alarm view, click the
System Browser button .
3. Expand the tree view to locate the relevant sites. Active alarms are indicated
by a red alarm symbol on the relevant site, device and object icons.
4. Right-click the object symbol to display a context menu.
5. Point to Send To >.
6. Click the required program (in this case Plant Viewer).
This operation launches the program if it is not already open. The Plant Viewer
page containing the selected object is displayed.
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4.9 Operate the Desigo Insight programs
4.9.1 Personalize the workspace
The programs in the Desigo Insight system allow you to personalize the workspace
to suit your own preferences and specific needs. For example, you can:
· Move, resize or hide the program toolbars;
· Position the Desigo Insight taskbar at the top or bottom of the screen
· Adjust the position and size of program windows
· Choose to display or hide the program toolbar and status bar
In Alarm Viewer, Log Viewer and Reaction Processor you can also:
· Define and save personal filter criteria
· Define and save personal sort criteria
· Select the columns to be displayed
· Define the order and width of columns
· Display/hide horizontal and vertical borders
Common elements The various Desigo Insight programs are designed to make operation easier by
providing the same “look and feel” wherever possible. This section describes
common elements of the following programs:
· Log Viewer
· Alarm Viewer
· Object Viewer
· Trend Viewer
Reference For more information on Plant Viewer graphical user interface, refer to Chapter
"Plant viewer operation“ in this manual. Alarm Router is a part of the alarm
handling system. Refer to the chapter “Alarm Handling” in this manual.
title bar Menu bar Toolbar Tab Pane Contents
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4.9.3 Working with the System Browser
Function System Browser is an ideal tool for navigating through the various levels of your
system. It provides comprehensive information about the automation and control
system hierarchy in all the available sites. The information is displayed in a tree
structure similar to that used in the Windows Explorer.
Site>Device>Object>Property and
status (e.g. alarm)
The System Browser simplifies a series of processes and makes it possible, for
example to:
· Drag and drop data point objects to a view in Trend Viewer.
· Filter information by site, device or object in an alarm view or log view (see the
"Alarm handling" and "Logging" sections of this manual).
· View and modify the values and properties of objects.
· Jump to a weekly time schedule or an exception schedule in the Time
Reference For specific information on the use of System Browser in the various Desigo Insight
programs, refer to the sections on the specific programs in this manual.
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4.9.4 View data
As is the case with System Browser in all other Desigo Insight applications, the
user can decide whether to view the data using the Technical View, User View or
System View.
Select view System Browser provides two identical tree structures, in a format similar to that
used in the Windows Explorer.
1. Select menu View > View.
Technical View Selecting the Technical View gives you a generic view of the automation and
control system.
e.g. Site:A’Ahu’FanEh’Cmd.FbVal.
Partial plant
User Designation View. Choose the User View to display a hierarchical view of the project. The User View
has a project-specific naming convention based on geographical location and type
of equipment and plant. This hierarchical structure is engineered specifically for a
project, and may not be available in all projects:
e.g.: Zurich, Oerlikon, CA1, CM3, VR01, C, CHA.
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Note · The user view is individually created for each building automation system. It is
otherwise empty if not engineered for your plant.
· Desigo Insight supports variable or set user designations that can be defined
individually for each site. Only one type can be defined for the site-independent
part. The project determines which type is used in the project.
· Set
Object Length Length Length
Min/Max Min/Max Min/Max
3/3 4/4 4/4
· Variable
Object Length Length Length
Min/Max Min/Max Min/Max
1-3 : 1-4 - 1-4
UD1 XXX : YYY - Z1
UD3 X : YY - ZZZ3
System View The System View displays all objects of a project in a flat hierarchy (Site->Device-
>Object). Individual objects are listed alphabetically within an automation station.
View created The Technical Designation (technical address) determines the object view. Individ-
automatically ual hierarchies are separated with separators.
Engineered view The object names define the view of engineered objects.
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Symbols The following symbols denote BACnet objects.
Symbol BACnet objects
Input Digital
Output Digital
Setpoint, interim
Schedule Digital
Trend object
Common alarm
Measured value
Automation station
Automation station Alarm info
Automation station S7 (Status)
Notification Class
User profile
Compound, structure element
Control component
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Object properties
Symbol Desigo PX data type
Time and date
Bit set
Array, list
I/O address
Find objects If you have problems finding certain folders, sites, devices or objects in either the
System View or the User View of the System Browser tree, you can use the Find
function described here to locate them.
Frequently used objects can be added to the Favorites folder as described further
on in this section.
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6. Click OK.
7. Enter the short name in the Name field (e.g.: FanSu).
8. Enter a description (e.g. supply air fan) in the Description field.
9. In the Find Hierarchy field, enter the number of hierarchies to be found.
10. Click OK in the Search field to start the search. The Dialog box Find in
<path> opens.
All data points matching the search criteria are listed (name and path).
11. Right-click the desired object and select the corresponding function.
Note Note that when text search criteria are applied to the System View, the ID and des-
ignation of an element are treated as a single text item. In other words, it's not pos-
sible to search for an object designation (displayed in [ ]) independent of the object
ID. As a consequence, the wildcard * at the start of the search string "* supply air
sensor" is required to find, for example, "AHU10 [supply air sensor]".
Tip You can use the search results to navigate in the following ways:
· Drag and drop into System Browser to find the location of the object
· Drag and drop into Trend Viewer to start trend logging directly
· Right-click and select Send To… to navigate to another Desigo Insight program
Wildcards The following wildcard characters are allowed in the search function:
Wildcards Description
* Represents any character or group of characters
? Represents a single character
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4.9.5 Set up the workspace for Alarm Viewer and Log Viewer
Note The workspace settings listed above are stored on a user-specific basis and is
applied automatically when next started by that user.
Toolbar 1. From the View menu, select to show or hide the Log Viewer toolbar.
Status bar 1. From the View menu, select show or hide status bar.
System Browser 1. From the View menu, select System Browser to show/hide the System
Click "Show/hide system browser" on the toolbar.
Define columns 1. Right-click the column title and confirm the dialog box Change Column
2. Select or clear the tick-boxes to display or hide columns:
3. To change the column order, select one of the displayed (enabled) columns
and use the arrow buttons to move it up or down in the list.
4. Click OK to apply the new settings.
Note The Event Group column cannot be hidden. It appears grayed-out (dimmed) in the
list above.
Change column width The sizing of the column width works in the same way as in the Windows Explorer:
1. Point mouse to column divider.
The cursor changes from a pointer to a double-headed arrow.
2. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the frame in either direction
indicated by the arrow.
3. Release the mouse button to end the “resize” operation.
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You can also double-click column divider to modify the column width.
Note The column size cannot be set to zero. Refer to "Define columns" to show/hide
Reset workspace 1. Select Tools > Setup workspace to rest default workspace settings.
Localize entries With this function, sites, devices, objects and object properties associated with a
given log entry can be located in the optional System Browser tree by means of the
Locate function.
The relevant item is selected in System Browser.
Find entries 1. Right-click an event entry (right pane) and select Localize Entry.
2. The element is selected in the Browser window.
(The System Browser opens automatically.)
Scope of the Find As an alternative to the Locate option, entries can also be located in the System
function Browser tree by means of the Find function. This is a text search tool.
1. To invoke the Find dialog box, press <F3>.
From the Edit menu, select Find.
Click "Find" on the toolbar.
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Reference For details of how to use the Find function and the associated search criteria: Refer
to chapter "General Operation" in this manual.
Filter view Filtering the view produces a subset of the complete database. If required, the view
can be filtered by more than one criterion simultaneously.
Filter types There are three basic filter options:
Filter function Description
Filter by “…” Selecting an item in the event list as a filter criterion al-
lows you to display only those events which match the
selected criterion (e.g. only events logged on the select-
ed date, or only “Alarm High” events, or only events re-
lated to “Room 217” etc.
Select from... Lists the available filter criteria based on the contents of
the selected column. The resulting filter is a logic OR
combination of the items selected from the list.
Note that the Date/Time column has pre-defined time
range filters such as “Current Day/Week/Month”, “Last
Day/Week/Month” etc.
Custom filter... You can customize a column filter using a range of spe-
cific filter dialog boxes which vary according to the type of
column selected.
Note You can also use System Browser to filter a view. See further down this section for
a description of this procedure.
Filter by “…” 1. Place the cursor on the field to be used as a filter criterion.
2. Right-click to display the context menu.
3. Select the Filter by “...” command to filter the view by this item.
Tip You can repeat this procedure for each column until the desire information meets
your needs. Also works with select filter and customer-specific filer.
Filter with "Select 1. Place the cursor on a field in the column by which you want to filter the view.
from" 2. Right-click to display the context menu.
3. Choose Select from ... to display the following dialog box:
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1. Left-click the item(s) you want to use as filter criteria.
You can select a combination of options by holding down the <Ctrl> or <Shift>
key while making your selection.
The filtered view is included only events which match one of the selected cri-
2. Click Filter to filter the view.
Custom filter This function cannot be used in the Event Group and Comment columns.
1. Place the cursor on a field in the column by which you want to filter the view.
2. Right-click to display the context menu.
3. Select the Custom Filters to display a dialog box specific to the type of entry.
4. Enter or select the desired combination of filter criteria.
Example 1:
Custom Filter dialog box for the Date/Time column.
Example 2:
Custom Filter dialog box for the text column.
Tip Add an * both before and after the word. This is the only way to ensure that all
entries that meet these criteria are displayed.
Example 3:
Custom Filter dialog box for size and unit columns.
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Example 4:
Custom Filter dialog box for the priority column (priorities selected here correspond to the priorities on
the management station).
Tip The three most recently used filter attributes for each column can be found and
recalled from the context menu (right-click). See also “Operating Log Viewer”
above for the structure of the context menu.
Time/Date filter When you select the Time/Date field, you can select the following options from
Filter by Custom Filter as well as the following:
· Current Example
o Day 07.05.2004
o Week 03.05.2004 – 09.05.2004
o Month May 2004
· Last
o Day 06.05.2004
o Week 26.04.2004 – 02.05.2004
o Month April 2004
Indication of filter A funnel icon on the column header indicates that the event list is filtered.
status Filter display
The currently applicable filter criteria are also detailed on the status bar:
A window appears with the entire search string when you double-click the status
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Remove Filters Remove all filters from a view.
1. Right-click the view. Select View > Remove filter.
Click "Remove Filter" on the toolbar.
Select menu View > Remove Filter.
What is a filter query? Currently applied filters can be saved as a set of criteria referred to as a “filter
These filter queries can then be recalled and applied to a view of the same
In principle, filters are saved on a user-specific basis, but if required, each user can
also apply any existing query saved by any other user.
Recall filter queries Recall filter queries from the Filter menu.
(This displays all queries in the system).
1. Go to the view to be filtered.
2. From the Filter menu select Predefined to display a list of existing personal
queries associated with this view.
If the required query is not in the list, click More to display a list of all defined
queries in the system.
3. Double-click a query in the list or select a query and click Filter.
Note Whenever a filter query is applied to a view, any other active filters are removed
(i.e. filter queries cannot be combined by running them in sequence).
Copy in personal query Global filter queries can be copied to the list of personal queries.
1. Go to the view for which the required query is valid.
2. Select Filter > Predefined to display a list of existing personal queries.
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3. Click More to display a list of all queries in the system.
4. Select queries you want to copy to the list of personal queries.
5. Click Copy.
Rename filter queries 1. Select Filter > Predefined to display the list of existing filters.
2. Select the query to be renamed and click it a second time (slower than a
double click) or right-click and select Rename.
3. You are now in the edit mode. Edit the filter name.
4. Press enter or click into the background of the dialog to complete editing and
accept the new name
5. Click Close.
Indication of sort status When one or more columns in view are sorted arrowhead symbols are displayed in
the appropriate column headings, to indicate which of the columns are sorted, and
in which order (ascending or descending).
Further, a number beside each symbol indicates the sort priority for this column.
If at least one of the columns in the view is sorted, the following icon appears on
the status bar:
A double-click on the “Sort” icon on the status bar opens a field containing full
details of the sort criteria:
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Remove sorting 1. Click the relevant column heading until sorting is removed.
– The column is sorted in ascending order at the first click.
– The second click results in a sort in descending order.
– A third click removes the sort in this column.
The Print Preview button on the toolbar of the individual programs in Desigo
Print Preview
Insight displays each page as it looks when printed.
Working with When you have decided what you want to print (e.g. a filtered and sorted selection
Print Preview of alarms, or a trend view, perhaps),
1. Click Print Preview on the toolbar. In the Print Preview screen you
have the following options:
Text on toolbar Function
Sends the previewed document to the printer. The standard
Windows Print dialog box appears, allowing you to select a
printer, define the print range, specify the number of copies
you require, etc.
Lets you view the next page in a multiple page document.
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comes inaccessible, and Zoom in becomes active.
Closes the Print Preview and returns to the standard docu-
ment view.
Printing a document 1. Click Print in the menu or print on the application toolbar. The Print
dialog box appears.
2. Check that the printer shown in the Printer dialog box is the one you want to
If not, scroll through the list to find the correct printer.
3. Specify the page range where appropriate.
4. Specify the number of copies you require.
5. Click OK.
Print a ‘snapshot’ of the 1. Press <Alt>+<PrtScn>, to copy the selected window screen.
screen OR
Press <PrintScrn> to copy the entire screen to the clipboard.
2. Switch to a word processing program.
3. Select Edit > Paste to insert the clipboard contents into a document.
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5 Start Desigo Insight
Chapter overview This chapter describes how to start Desigo Insight, shut down and how to add or
delete a user with the proper authorization.
Automatic start Your Desigo Insight is normally configured to automatic startup when the computer
is turned on. Installation modifications for automated start or after a power outage
are described in the section "Installation modification".
Manual start 1. Double-click the Desigo Insight icon on the Windows Desktop.
Click Start on the Windows taskbar
2. Point to Programs and then point to Desigo Insight V6.0 to display a further
3. Click Desigo Insight in this menu.
The Desigo Insight “splash” appears, indicating that the program is starting:
Note If any of the programs within Desigo Insight have been configured to run automati-
cally on start-up, there may be a brief delay while these are launched.
Taskbar The startup process is complete when the standard Windows taskbar and the
Desigo Insight taskbar appear on the screen:
The Desigo Insight taskbar
What can be operated Until you have logged in, you have no access to any of the functions of Desigo
after start-up Insight. Selecting any of the buttons on the taskbar at this stage invokes the login
dialog box.
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5.2 Login
Manual 1. Click any of the buttons on the Desigo Insight taskbar to display the Log On -
Shell dialog box.
Standard Special
2. Enter your user name and password. Note that the password is case-sensitive.
3. Click OK.
If your system has been configured to connect to a site or start a Desigo
Insight program automatically, the connection is established or the program is
started when you log in.
Note for Windows users When you log in as a Windows user, this login window does not appear. The
Desigo Insight taskbar opens immediately following startup.
Note After a certain period of inactivity by the user, as shown in the Time to auto-cancel
progress indicator, the dialog box closes.
Change password 1. Click the Desigo Insight button on the Desigo Insight taskbar
2. Select Properties to display the Desigo Insight Settings dialog box.
3. Click Change Password….
4. In the Change Password dialog box, enter your old password in the Old
password field:
5. Enter the new password in the New password field (min. 4 and max. 16
6. Enter the new password again in the Confirm new password field.
7. Click OK.
Note Passwords in Desigo Insight are case-sensitive. Take care with the use of upper
and lower case and check that the <Caps Lock> key is not accidentally on.
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Password If required, a more stringent password policy can be applied. This must be defined
policy under General in System Configurator and activated for the user concerned.
With an active password policy, the following rules apply:
· The password must have at least n characters.
· The password must not have been used previously in the last n passwords.
· The password must not have been used in the last n days.
· The password must include characters from three of the following four
– Upper case letters A…Z
– Lower case letters a…z
– Digits 0…9
– Special characters such as !, $, #, %
Operation When you log in, Desigo Insight checks the privileges associated with your
password. After login, all the programs and menu options to which you have
authorized access is available to you.
Note If your system is configured to start the graphics component of Desigo Insight au-
tomatically, then the Plant Viewer navigation bar appears directly beneath the
Desigo Insight taskbar.
For details, refer to the "Operation of Plant Viewer" section of this manual.
Position You position the taskbar at the top or bottom of the screen.
1. Click the Desigo Insight button .
2. Select Properties… to display the Desigo Insight properties dialog box.
3. In the Taskbar position dropdown list, selec operation Top or Bottom.
4. Click OK.
Note The taskbar is reduced in size if the screen resolution is too low. Click to display
the other applications.
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5.4 Display system and version information
Display This is a special indicator, showing if there is a problem with the local management
station. The symbol is always visible in the Desigo Insight taskbar, even when no
user is logged on.
The image displays the content of the Supervisor Information tab.
1. Click the Desigo Insight button on the Desigo Insight taskbar
2. Select Show > System information.
Click system information , , on the taskbar.
The resulting dialog box gives details of the present state of your system.
Tab Description
Supervisor information Shows present state of databases, storage space, time synchroniza-
tion and Desigo Insight applications.
Device status Shows an overview of connected automation stations and their state.
Modem status Shows an overview of connected modems and their state.
Desigo Insight Information Displays the exact version numbers for all Desigo Insight applica-
Project information Base information on storage location of the various databases for
your Desigo Insight management station.
Note Depending on the state of your system, the system information button may show
the number of critical or warning states, and might look like this, for example:
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Reset warning Desigo Insight shows warnings that must be reset, e.g. if a folder changes
message during operations (storage on server). In this case, you must first adjust the folder
and then acknowledge the warning in the Alarm Router.
Display version 1. On the Desigo Insight taskbar, click Desigo Insight > About Desigo Insight.
information The dialog window displayed gives details of the current version of Desigo
2. Click Close.
Update project data The symbol displays if the project data no longer matches the Desigo Insight
system database.
1. Click "System information" on the taskbar.
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5.5 Manually connect/disconnect a site
Definition of a site A site is an independent (from the user's point of view) and self-contained logical
entity within the building automation and control system. A site is a means of
structuring, and in general, consists of an area which is self contained in terms of
location, function and organization (e.g. a building or a group of buildings).
Manual connection 1. Click Desigo Insight on the Desigo Insight taskbar and select
Click "Site Connect and Disconnect" .
2. In the pane of the Desigo Insight Site Connect and Disconnect dialog box,
click the required site:
3. Select the desired site and click Connect (refer to State of site connection
4. Click Advanced and an additional description of the connection as well as the
communication protocol.
5. Click More to display connection reference dialog for the application and the
reason for the connection.
6. Click Close when the site is connected.
Note Should you receive a message indicating that a connection is not possible, contact
your Desigo Insight expert or your local Siemens Building Technologies office.
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Green arrow displays from man- The connected site has devices that are not
agement station to automation online.
The same symbols are used to display the site connection state in the
Connect/Disconnect site dialog box. Click Connect and Disconnect Sites on
the Desigo Insight taskbar.
Life check Life check allows you to check whether or not the appropriate site is still
communicating with your management station.
1. Click Desigo Insight on the Desigo Insight taskbar and select
Click "connect and disconnect sites" .
2. Click Life Check in the Desigo Insight connect and disconnect sites dialog
The new Life Check time is displayed in the dialog box.
3. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Disconnect site You can force an interruption to a site when the connection to the site is maintained
by an application.
1. Click Desigo Insight on the Desigo Insight taskbar and select
Click "connect and disconnect sites" .
2. Select the corresponding site.
3. Click Advanced in the Desigo Insight connect and disconnect sites dialog box.
4. Select the connection.
5. Click Disconnect Site.
6. Click Yes if you really want to disconnect the connection.
7. Click Close when the desired site no longer displays a connection .
What can be operated When you have established a connection to a site, you are able to:
after connection to a · Operate the system via Plant Viewer graphics
site? · Handle alarms (Reset, acknowledge etc.)
· Operate objects in Object Viewer
· Create and view an online trend in Trend Viewer
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Taskbar information After a site connection is established, your user name appears on the taskbar to
after connection to a confirm your login.
site Further, the following changes are visible on the Desigo Insight taskbar:
Project data in the automation station are Click the system event and use the
newer than in the Desigo Insight database. Device Wizard to update using the
automation station data.
An alarm indicator on the right in the taskbar Open Alarm Viewer (see “Starting pro-
indicates the number of high-level alarms, if grams manually” below) or click the
any. Only alarms in the user scope are alarm indicator to start Alarm Viewer
displayed. (Alarms are displayed only if the with a predefined filter. This removes all
alarm has the indicated priority.) high-level alarm pop-up windows. For
more information: refer to the “Alarm
handling” section.
Displays the plant’s economic efficiency. Check your plant if the leaf is not
green. Start the Eco Viewer based on
the display and filter.
Displayed only if an alarm sound is as- None, suppresses only long sounding
signed to the alarm and when several of alarm sounds.
alarms occur at the same time.
A tree shows that the user scope has Click the symbol to update the data.
changed since login.
Display and go to fire alarms Open Alarm Viewer (see Section "Man-
ually start programs").
Fire alarm
Shut down
Manned operation
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5.6 System time
Overview "System time" refers to the time clock in your building automation and control
system. This includes the time at the PX automation stations and the time on the
management station. You system has several so-called "Real Time Clocks". As a
rule, there is one per management stations and one per PX automation station.
The following options are available for the time master for synchronization:
The first option is the most common. Option 3 may be used if the management
station and the automation stations are in different time zones. In such cases we
differentiate by referring to the management station time and the PX automation
station time.
We usually refer to the time used by the PX automation stations as the "site time".
In options 1 and 3, the PX automation stations are synchronized with a single PX
“master” automation station. If the PX master fails, then a back-up automation
station is used until the master is back in service.
Define time master Define the time master in the System Configurator.
1. Click "System Configurator" .
2. Right-click Desigo Insight building automation and control system.
3. Select the Time Master tab and define the corresponding settings.
Synchronization Synchronization with the management station, where configured, takes place upon
site connection. If the difference between the management station time and the site
time is outside a given narrow band (e.g. 1 minute), then the red “out of range”
indicator is displayed and the time is synchronized. If the difference is
outside of a wider band, e.g. 1 hour, then the same red warning icon is displayed,
but the time is not synchronized (this option prevents inadvertent synchronization
across time zones).
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Check / Change If the system time is incorrect, and the site time is synchronized automatically to
the management station time, then check the management station time. This is
displayed in the lower right hand corner in the Windows taskbar. Double-click this
time display to adjust it using the normal Windows interface. It is then usually
sufficient to connect to site.
In cases where the site time is not synchronized to the management station, you
can adjust the site time as follows:
1. Click Connected Site or on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Select the site and click Properties.
Note Your system has probably been engineered to synchronize the management sta-
tion time automatically with the site time.
If you follow the procedure below and it is not successful, i.e. the site time reverts
to the previous value, this indicates that the site time is being synchronized by the
management station. To alter it, you must alter the management station time via
Daylight savings The switch from standard to daylight savings time is automatic. This function is
time. handled automatically both by the management station via the Windows operating
systems, and, if required, autonomously by the PX automation stations.
Where there is more than one Desigo Insight management station, then just one of
these may be configured as the time master as in option 2 (see above).
Note After changing the time, check the execution times for the Reaction Processor, e.g.
if you are using short intervals (< 1 hour) or if execution time was defined as per
daylight savings/standard time.
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UTC UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is a worldwide reference time, equivalent to
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). UTC may be used in the Desigo PX automation
stations, one advantage being that daylight saving time changes are no longer
necessary and hence the trend data and historical data does not suffer from gaps
or compressions in clock time. The disadvantage is that human operators of the
system prefer to work in “local time”. Check with your local Siemens representative
whether this option has been used in your Desigo system.
Manual start The Desigo Insight programs can be started manually as follows:
1. Click the Desigo Insight button on the Desigo Insight taskbar
2. Point to Desigo Insight Programs
3. Select the desired Desigo Insight program.
Click the relevant program button on the taskbar.
Report Viewer
Reaction Processor
Alarm Router
System Configurator
Database Import Utility
Eco Viewer
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Note You only see buttons for Desigo Insight applications to which you have authorized
Tip You can use ToolTips to check which icon is associated with which program (point
the cursor at a button to display its function).
Why create a user? A user login must be created for each Desigo Insight user to ensure clear
identification of the interaction in Desigo Insight, e.g. acknowledging an alarm. The
user is assigned to a user group based on his or her activities (all have the same
access rights within the group).
Important Create an additional user in the Administrator group only if this group does support
two users.
Create a "Supervisor" group with rights identical to administrator rights to assign
administrator rights to the users.
Note · You can only add or delete a user from the same or lower user group.
· A user may only be a member of one user group. For this reason, each user
must be assigned a clear name.
· The graphic is re-compiled when creating a user. This occurs right after saving
the newly created user and may take several minutes depending on project size.
· You must wait while each user is compiled when setting multiple users one
after the other.
· Click Cancel compile (Note: Dialog box is in the system configurator
background); the graphic must be manually compiled using the Citect
Compiler after all new users are created.
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4. Enter the User name.
The selected user name determines user authentication when starting Desigo
– Desigo Insight user: Select any user name.
– Desigo Insight Windows user: User name is identical to the Windows
user name.
– Windows user: The user name is identical to the windows user and must
be defined as follows.
1. Click User is a Windows user.
Note See documentation "Installation and configuration" for more information on user
groups and users:
8.1.1 Configure general project properties and others.
12.2.3 Logon.
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3. Select Copy user.
4. Enter the name of the new user and configure user properties as described
Tip Before deleting a user, start by deleting only the account privilege.
5.9 Lock
Disabling a session A Desigo Insight session can be locked, in order to prevent any further actions by
the user. In this state, the background activities continue to operate as normal.
1. Click the Desigo Insight button and select Shutdown.
Click the Lock/Logoff/Shutdown button on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Select the Lock option in the Desigo Insight Lock, Log Off and Shut Down
3. Click OK.
The taskbar indicates that the session is in the locked state.
Automatic locking
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After a predefined period of inactivity on the part of the user (definable in System
Configurator, default 15 minutes), Desigo Insight locks automatically to prevent
unauthorized system access.
Note for Windows users Desigo Insight is not automatically locked for Windows users. In this case, the
desktop can be locked via Windows. To do this, select Display Properties >
Screen Saver. Desigo Insight continues to run under the logged in user when the
Desktop is locked under Windows.
Release the lock Log on in the normal way to release the lock.
1. Click any button on the Desigo Insight taskbar. The Unlock - Shell dialog box
5.10 Logoff
What to do before Decide whether you want to shut down Desigo Insight.
logging off · Close any open programs, and
· Disconnect from all the currently connected sites.
3. Click OK. In the log database, the most recently logged in user is entered
upon logout.
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Note After logoff, all background Desigo Insight (e.g. online trend) activities continue, the
connection is automatically maintained through a standby user. User actions are
only possible after the user logs in. If a user from a different user group logs in, this
may cause activities such as online trend, which depend on user privileges, to be
Not for Windows users A Windows user cannot log off Desigo Insight. This is the only way to ensure user
Shut down Desigo 1. Click the Desigo Insight button and select Shutdown.
Insight OR
Click the Lock/Logoff/Shutdown button on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Select Shut Down in the Desigo Insight Lock, Log Off and Shut Down window.
3. Click OK.
Note The user rights of the logged on user (e.g. Administrator) are retained when the
system configurator is still opened during downloading or logging off the Desigo
Insight shell. The previously logged on user rights (e.g. example "Administrator") in
the system configurator is still active if you log on again to Desigo Insight at a lower
user right. Log off and download of the system configurator always depends on the
Desigo Insight shell since the system configurator is a standalone application, i.e. it
can be started without previously starting the Desigo Insight shell
Note Selecting Shut Down closes Desigo Insight on the management station and
disconnect all site connections. Activities such as online trend is terminated (the
data is normally lost). To ensure uninterrupted monitoring of a site, at least one
Desigo Insight station or the Desigo Insight server must be operating.
Windows users A logged in Windows user can shut down Desigo Insight directly via the Windows
taskbar Start -> Shut Down and turn off the PC.
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5.12 Restart Desigo Insight
2. Select Restart.
3. Click OK. Desigo Insight is shut down and restarted.
4. Log in under your user name.
Note When you select Restart, Desigo Insight is ended on the management station. All
site connections are disconnected. Activities such as online trend are ended (data
normally are lost).
Select Restart after you have made changes requiring a restart n the System
General Operation of the Desigo Insight terminal server barely differs from direct operation
of the management station. Applications can be used as per the user's Desigo
Insight user rights.
Note The terminal server requires the corresponding licenses from Microsoft and for the
Desigo Insight terminal server. If the licenses are already used by other users, an
error message is displayed.
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5.13.1 Connect to the terminal server
In a network, any (configured) computer can access the Desigo Insight terminal
1. Select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > Remote
Desktop Connection.
2. The Remote Desktop Connection dialog box opens.
Successful connection If connection is successful, the terminal server toolbar is displayed at the top of the
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
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Connection error If connection to the terminal server cannot be established, the following error
message appears.
Start Desigo Insight 1. Select Start > All Programs > Desigo Insight Vx.x > Desigo Insight.
Desigo Insight starts (startup screen followed by Insight taskbar).
2. Select a button on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
The Log on to - Shell dialog box opens.
3. Enter your user name and password.
Note that the password is case-sensitive.
4. Click OK.
Stay connected, If another terminal server user is already connected to the site, you can secure that
concurrent users connection by selecting Keep connection. This is to ensure that your user login
remains intact and the line is not disconnected when the other user tries to discon-
1. Click Connect and then Close.
General Desigo Insight service runs in the background after starting the Desigo Insight
server. This service is responsible for tasks such as alarm routing even if no user
actively uses Desigo Insight.
Changes with System If the system becomes unstable after changes have been made, try stopping and
Configurator restarting the Desigo Insight service. Click the service icon to stop and restart the
Caution Use the service function only if you are familiar with the function's impact or if the
Siemens service technician tells you to do so.
Status message service The following table shows the status messages for the Desigo Insight service in the
Windows task bar.
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Service active Check the system information in
Desigo Insight Information Desigo Insight und contact Sie-
mens Service.
Service stopped Data cannot be edited or forward-
ed. Contact Siemens Service.
Service started or is If the status does not change after
stopped 60 s, contact Siemens Service.
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Building Technologies Start Desigo Insight 2017-02-16
5.13.4 Disconnect connection to terminal server
Shut down Desigo 1. Click "Log off and shut down" in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
Insight 2. Select Shut down.
3. Click OK.
Note When you click Close (RDT) in the terminal server toolbar, the connection is
disconnected, but the session remains open and the license continues to be
Close (RDT)
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6 Working with the Object Viewer
Chapter overview This section provides all the information required by the user to operate the Object
Viewer (plant data points are displayed in a browser) and the associated plant.
What is the Object The Object Viewer allows you to display detailed information about your building
Viewer? automation and control system, including information about individual objects by
data point name, showing values, units and maximum and minimum limits.
Depending on user rights, object view and operation is unlimited.
Object Viewer
application description
Designation Function
The list box shows the selected view for the objects
Opens a dropdown list box to select a view in the Sys-
tem Browser.
Only available when the System Browser is open.
Back Selects the previously selected object in the System
Browser (reverse sequence).
Shows a list of 20 previously selected objects (reverse
Forward Selects previously selected object in the System
Browser (forward sequence).
Shows a list of 20 previously selected objects (forward
Next Higher Selects the superposed object in the System Browser
Level with regard to the currently selected object.
Open Favorites Shows the list of favorite
Add to Favor- Opens a dialog box to add the selected object to the
ites list of favorite objects.
Properties Opens a dialog box with the properties of the selected
System Brows- Hides the System Browser.
er Shows the System Browser.
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Find Opens a dialog box to enter search criteria to search
for objects in the System Browser.
Refresh View Updates all objects.
Manual refresh is required for the following cases:
- An object property was changed manually.
- A new site was connected.
Disable value No object values are updated. Manual updating is
updates unavailable (i.e. Menu View > View Update).
Update visible Only displayed object values are updated.
Update all val- All object values are updated.
Supress Prop- Hide or show rows for not supported properties.
erty not Sup-
Always on Top Shows the Object Viewer application window on top.
Print Prints the object table.
Print Preview Displays full pages.
Menu bar
Properties Opens a dialog box with the properties of the
selected object.
Page Setup Opens a dialog box for print settings.
Print Preview Displays a print preview.
Print Prints the object table.
Export... Opens a dialog box to determine the export
file (*.csv) for the object table. The data can
be opened, for example, with Excel (values
separated by a comma).
Exit Closes the Insight program Object Viewer.
Copy Copies the System Browser reference for the
selected object to the clipboard.
Paste selection Inserts the contents of the clipboard (e.g. as
an object in the System Browser).
Copy Citect tag. Copies the Citect tag for the selected object to
the clipboard.
Copy Name Refer- Copies the reference name for the selected
ence object to the clipboard.
Find Opens a dialog box to enter search criteria to
search for objects in the System Browser.
System Browser Displays / hides the System Browser pane.
Toolbar Shows or hides the toolbar.
Status bar Shows or hides the status bar.
Technical View Shows objects in the technical designations
structure (TD).
User View. Shows (data) objects in the user signations
System View Shows objects in the system designations
Online View Reads all BACnet objects available on a net-
work. Data can be imported to the database
using the device wizard (see CM110591 Sec-
tion 10 Import BACnet project data).
Always on Top Shows the Object Viewer application window
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on top.
View Update Updates all objects.
Manual refresh is required for the following
- An object property was changed manually.
- A new site was connected.
Options Opens a dialog box to set display options
(application window, toolbar, status bar).
Update mode Determines which object values to regularly
update (i.e. in the object table or under Prop-
erties). Displayed in the status bar.
o Update: Disabled.
No object values are updated. Manual
updating is unavailable (i.e. Menu View >
View Update).
o Update: Visible values.
Only displayed object values are updat-
o Update: All values.
All object values are updated.
o Update visible values: If an object has
more than 300 properties, this option up-
dates all the visible values and ‘Update
All Values’ is grayed out.
Go To
Up One Level Selects the superposed object in the System
Browser with regard to the currently selected
Back Selects the previously selected object in the
System Browser (reverse sequence).
Forward Selects previously selected object in the Sys-
tem Browser (forward sequence).
Add to Favorites... Opens a dialog box to add the selected object
to the list of favorite objects.
Organize Favorites... Opens a dialog box to rename or delete en-
tries in the list of favorite objects.
Favorites Shows the list of favorite objects (maximum
20 entries).
Context menus Right-click the empty table header or outside the table (e.g. below last row)
Context menu Description
Up One Level Selects the superposed object in the System Browser
with regard to the currently selected object.
Update Updates all objects.
Optimize Column Limits column width to display the entire column in the
Width window pane.
Show Grid Opens a dialog box to show or hide grid lines in the ob-
ject table.
Right-click table
Context menu Description
Open Opens the next lower hierarchy.
Value Opens the dialog box with the properties of the selected
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Release Manual Releases manual entry.
Send to Shows the object directly in the selected Insight program.
Copy Copies the selected object's System Browser reference to
the clipboard.
Copy Citect Tag Copies the selected object's Citect tag to the clipboard.
Copy Name Refer- Copies the selected object's reference name to the clip-
ence board.
Properties Opens the dialog box with the properties of the selected
Start Object Viewer 1. Click the Object Viewer on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
System Browser with the automa- The Contents pane provides a detailed overview of the ele-
tion system shown in a hierar- ments selected in the left pane in System Browser.
chical tree structure. Objects are
grouped in folders.
Tip The view in the content window can be optimized to your requirements (refer to
Resizing application windows).
Online View
When selecting the Online View , the entire network is scanned
for BACnet objects and management stations.
Note The display and processing of object in Online View can only occur if the options
Use online view and Change value in online view are enabled under User
Groups > [User group] > Tab Object Access. Changed values in the online view
are not logged in the Log-database.
Symbol Description
Online mode selected.
Displays the IP network with the assigned network names.
Site is imported. At least one automation station is imported. Addi-
tional automation stations cannot, however, be imported at this
Icon displayed on super visior:
The automation station is not up-to-date and a data import can
be run as needed. If you use Scopes: After a data import, you must
update Scopes so that the imported data is displayed in the other
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The automation station is up-to-day and does not require a data
The corresponding hierarchy stage is scanned online for underly-
ing objects.
Site is not imported. No automation station is imported.
Displays the management stations found with the defined man-
agement station designation. The management stations are im-
ported during the scan to the first site found (does not necessarily
need to be the first on the alphabetic list).
· Operating and monitoring of online objects is similar to importing data using the
Device Wizard.
Note: Objects that do not receive text reference via the meta data, displays only
one ID number.
· Online data import is described in document "CM110591 Section 11.3.4 Import
Online Data".
Refresh values Changes of object states and values are normally refreshed automatically in the
Object Viewer.
However, a manual refresh is required in the following cases:
· After manual editing of object properties such as the user designation text
· After connecting a site
On top You may wish to keep the Object Viewer open and on top of other programs,
enabling you to drag and drop several objects into Trend Viewer, for example. To
do so:
1. Select View > Always on Top.
Click Always on top on the object view toolbar.
This switches between enable and disable.
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6.1 Display detailed data point information from
the Object Viewer
Select a data point 1. Display System Browser if necessary by clicking the Show/hide System
Browser button on the Object Viewer toolbar.
2. Expand the System Browser view down the tree to display the required object.
If you have problems locating the required object, use the Find function as
described above.
3. Click the object in the System Browser view to display detailed information in
the contents pane of Object Viewer.
Attribute(s) of the selected object with
Selected object all the available system database information plus the value.
Displaying the object The attributes of an object also indicate the current status by means of an
states abbreviation (e.g. ZY). Double-click the attribute line to open the properties dialog
box. In this dialog box, the state is described in plain text with the associated
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O Manually overwrite PXM10 / PXM20 or PXM10 / PXM20 or
object. Desigo Insight has set
value. Desigo Insight
has set value
Q Default value is Input not connected. No values have been -
R Alarm not yet reset.
S Output module on The switch is set on The physical in-
manual. the output module (no
software function can put/output is decou-
overwrite the value). pled from the pro-
Input module on Default of a certain
manual. value to the applica-
tion program. Press
U Alarm not yet
V Value object over- The object is inter- Alarming is switched
written connected at the in-
put. off via EnEvt
W Object overridden switch panel is Fire alarm active
by external switch. switched off.
X Alarm switched off Object is switched off The fan can be
via EnEvt.
switched on only after
the damper is open
Y Object overridden Fire alarm active.
by safety function.
Z Manually overwrite The fan can be
object by system. switched on only after
the damper is open.
Function history Object Viewer keeps a history of the last 20 objects selected. There are two ways
of navigating to previously selected objects using the History option in Object
Scrolling back and forth through the history:
1. Click Back and Forward buttons on the toolbar to scroll through the
20 entries in the history.
Select Back or Forward in the Go menu, or
2. Press <Alt + Left arrow> or <Alt + Right arrow> to scroll up and down through
the history.
3. Select a certain entry from the history:
You can display the list of history entries before and after your present
4. Click the drop-down button next to the Back or Forward on the toolbar. You
can then select an entry from the displayed list.
Drop-down arrow used to display the history of entries before your current loca-
tion in the process.
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Building Technologies Working with the Object Viewer 2017-02-16
Working with the To simplify navigation to frequently used objects, you can add them to the
Favorites folder Favorites folder.
You can then jump from Object Viewer to one of these objects as follows:
1. Select the Favorites menu in Object Viewer to save your "Favorites".
Click Favorites on the toolbar.
2. From the list select the shortcut to the required object.
Add to Favorites You can add an object to the Favorites folder as follows:
1. Navigate to the required object in the Object Viewer tree and select it.
2. Select Favorites from the menu and Add to Favorites.
Click Add to Favorites on the toolbar.
3. Enter the name of the link.
4. Click OK.
Rename or delete The shortcuts in the Favorites folder can be renamed or deleted as follows:
1. Click Favorites on the object view toolbar.
Select Favorites > Organize Favorites.
2. In the Organize Favorites dialog box, select the shortcut to be deleted or
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3. Click Rename to change the shortcut name.
Click Delete to remove this data point.
4. Click Close to close the Organize Favorites dialog box.
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6.1.1 Change object values and properties from Object Viewer
Before you begin this procedure, make sure you are connected to the site. (You
can check this from the connection indicator on the Desigo Insight toolbar, or by
choosing Connect/Disconnect in the Desigo Insight menu.)
1. Show System Browser.
(See "Show/hide System Browser" earlier in this section.)
2. Select the desired object. Expand the System Browser view as required.
The object is displayed in the content window.
Note When you right-click Name in the dialog box for the Value tab, you can show the
associated logical value for binary and multistate data points.
Note Not all users have the right to override or edit object values or properties. The
linked options are hidden in this case.
Note Objects may only be edited, but never deleted in the Object Viewer, since the dis-
played objects are engineered on the process device. This applies to:
- Data points
- Calendars
- Notification Classes
- User groups
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2. Select the Place data point in manual (i.e. overridden) state checkbox.
Analog values:
Change the value or state with:
– Spin buttons
– Slide
3. Select the priority you want to use to write the output object. Standard priority
for Desigo Insight is 8 (see write priority).
Caution Caution The lower write priority, the more safety precautions in Desigo PX can be by-
passed. This may result in injury or damages due to unintended use!
4. Click Apply or OK. This sends the new value to the field device.
Note Manually overwriting a value means that the value remains valid until the following
· The value is overridden by a higher-priority value.
· The value is overwritten by a same-priority value.
· The value is reset to NULL (see "Enable outputs").
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6.1.3 Enable outputs
Tip You can check the current BACnet priority by clicking the properties of PrioArr.
Setting Description
Yes, Off Value active, Value = Off
Yes, On Value active, Value = On
No, <NULL> This priority is not considered.
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For more information on BACnet write priorities, see Documentation on basics
CM110664, Section 24.
Change comment Enter a text in the comment field for projects requiring a mandatory change
required comment upon change of value. The change of value is activated only after you
click Save Comment.
Note Not all users are authorized to override or change object values or properties. In
these cases, associated options are hidden.
Note Object Viewer only allows for changing, not deleting objects, as the objects dis-
played are engineered in the process unit. This applies to:
- Data points
- Calendar
- Notification classes
- User groups
General The Notification Class is determined using alarm class and alarm processing cate-
gories (AlmCl + AlmFnct = NotifCl). You can edit the properties using the Object
Viewer if you want to edit a Notification Class. Requirement: You must have the
property write rights for the corresponding properties.
See CM110592 Section 3.2.2 Alarms and the automation system Desigo PX.
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Building Technologies Working with the Object Viewer 2017-02-16
6.1.7 Change user designation text
Caution When values or text are modified in Object Viewer, the associated changes
are made in the management station database, but not in the automation
systems. As a result, the information in the management station is no longer
consistent with the information in the automation and control system. It is
essential to carry out a database import, to fix the inconsistencies. It is also
possible that information modified manually in Object Viewer might be over-
written and therefore lost during a future database import.
Only perform these steps if you are fully aware of all the consequences and have
discussed the procedure with your Siemens Building Technologies engineering
specialist (see the previous warning note).
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6.2 Instruction texts to create alarms
Why instructions? Instructions provide the user additional information an event (alarm) or an object in
the user's plant. Informative instructions can help the user eliminate faults faster, at
lower costs and with less stress or to introduce the appropriate measure to
eliminate the fault.
Since the texts are very project-specific, definitions are more logically created by
the plant user (operator).
Create concept Before starting the actual creation of instructions, it is important to consider what
instructions may pop-up numerous times in the plant. Considerable time and effort
are saved if instructions can be assigned to multiple objects.
Text 2 Text 3
Dp Dp Dp Dp
Dp Dp Dp Dp
Select object Instructions can only be created for objects visible in the Object Viewer, e.g.
temperature sensor.
1. Right click the desired object in the System Browser. Select Properties.
2. Click the To Do text tab.
3. Click Configure…. Custom texts are displayed.
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Building Technologies Working with the Object Viewer 2017-02-16
Create text These texts apply across site to avoid the need to newly define texts for each site
in a project.
1. Click New to start the user text editor.
2. Define a unique name in the Name field, e.g. Fire alarm (max. 20 characters)
and describe the appropriate measure in the large text field.
3. Click OK > OK to save the data.
Click OK > New to define the next entry.
Note Only users with the appropriate access can create or change instructions.
Create hyperlink You can create a hyperlink to the supplier data to avoid installing all the data on a
local computer.
Note Hyperlinks to the supplier may change. Adapting the hyperlinks is an absolute must
(refer to text editing).
Note Hyperlinks to folders with a space in the path must be defined with <….> e.g.
<file://c:\My folder\Info.txt>
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Text assignment The corresponding instruction can be assigned to every data point visible in the
object structure.
1. Select the text you want to assign to the object.
2. Click OK. The text is applied in the text dialog.
3. Click OK or Apply to save the data.
Click Cancel to reject the input.
General text The corresponding, additional text can be assigned to every data point visible in
the object structure. The input and assignment is the same as for the instructions.
This general text is, however, only visible in Object Viewer and should, therefore,
only be used with the instruction is not directly related to an alarm, e.g. a reference
to a data sheet.
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Building Technologies Working with the Object Viewer 2017-02-16
7 Operate graphics
Chapter overview This section provides all the information required by the user to operate graphics
(Plant Viewer) and the associated plant.
Start Plant Viewer 1. Click the Plant Viewer on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
Note Your system may be configured so that Plant Viewer is launched automatically
when you start Desigo Insight.
Tool tip If tool tips have been engineered for your system, they appear automatically when
the cursor is pointed at a specific item on the graphics page.
They provide a brief text label describing the function of an icon or button, for
example. In Plant Viewer you can specify the type of text label you want to see
when you point at a graphic object.
In addition to displaying the engineered tool tip text, you can toggle between three
additional options:
· No additional text
· Supplemental technical designation.
· Additional system designation.
· Supplemental user designation.
Display tool tip 1. Right-click the Plant Viewer navigation bar. Select Tool tips.
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2. From the options displayed, choose “Technical Designation”, “System
Designation”, “User Designation” or “None”.
Select: For…
Technical designation … a text label based on the hierarchy of the BACnet ob-
E.g. Site:A’Aoa’FanEh’Cmd.FbVal
System designation … a text label based on the system
e.g. Site:AS10’Vnt10’Fan’Cmd.
User designation … a text description can display, for example: building,
floor, plant type, plant number, data point type and number,
etc. e.g. Siemens’AS01’BZW5’Ahu1’Fan.
3. Move the cursor over an item on the graphics page to display tool tip
information. (Do not click the mouse button.)
Navigation bar The following buttons are available on the navigation bar:
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Select page Opens a list box, from which you can select a
graphics page to open. If engineered accordingly,
the graphics pages may be displayed in a hierar-
chical structure. You may also be able to choose
whether to open the selected graphics page in
addition to, or instead of the currently open
graphics page, depending on your user privileges.
Top Page Opens the “Top” graphics page, i.e. the opening
screen for your system. (This may be a photo of
the building or a map of a building complex, for
System overview Opens the “System Overview” (topology) graphics
page page, if available.
Present overview Opens the "current overview page" of the defined
page graphics page. It is context related, i.e. open vari-
ous graphic pages depending on the queried loca-
Favorite pages Keeps a list of maximum 20 “Favorite” graphics
Special functions:
Buttons Function
Page Setup Defines the layout of the graphics page to be
printed and the printer used.
Print Preview Shows a print preview of the graphics page in the
active window.
Print Prints the graphics page in the active window.
Page data snapshot Displays a text summary of all the objects of the
graphics page in the active window.
Page description Lets you create a text file with your own descrip-
tion of the graphics page in the active window.
Page properties Displays the properties of the graphics page in the
active window.
Reference For information about printing from the Desigo Insight, refer to:
· “Printing” in the “General operation” section of this manual
· “Printing from Plant Viewer” in this section
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Handling multiple windows with the buttons on the Plant Viewer navigation bar:
Buttons Function
Tile Horizontally Arranges all the open graphics pages on the
Tile Vertically The graphics pages can be “tiled” (arranged hori-
Cascade or vertically)
or “cascaded” (overlapping).
Tip All the navigation functions on the navigation bar are also available in the Page
context menu. To display the Page context menu, right-click in the background of a
graphics page.
System context menus To display the System context menu right-click anywhere on the navigation bar (but
not on a button).
The System context menu appears, as shown below:
Saves custom workspace setting upon Defines additional information
exit from Plant Viewer. referenced in ToolTip for graphic
Page context menus To display the Page context menu, right-click anywhere on the background of a
graphics page.
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The navigation commands in the Page context menu have the same functions as
the corresponding buttons on the Plant Viewer navigation bar (see above for a
Show / Hide The navigation bar is displayed automatically when Plant Viewer is started, but it
can be hidden and redisplayed as follows:
1. Right-click anywhere on the background of a graphics page (but not over a
2. Select Show Navigation Bar.
Tip Key combination: Press <Ctrl+N> to show or hide the navigation bar.
Project-specific help The project-specific help allows for defining customized processes, e.g. behavior in
the case of alarm messages.
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Note This project-specific help is not a part of standard delivery by Siemens; it must be
ordered separately as needed.
Navigation methods You can navigate between graphics pages in three main ways:
· Buttons on the navigation bar
· Options in the Page context menu
· Engineered buttons and symbols on the graphics pages. This last method is
described under “Operating the graphics” later in this section.
Note Typically, the total number of windows which can be open simultaneously in Plant
Viewer is limited to ten. Double-click the page name, or select it and click OK to
open the graphics page and close the Select Page dialog box
1. Click Select Page on the navigation bar, to open the Select Page
2. Click + to expand the tree structure.
Double-click the page names.
Select page names and click OK (dialog box closes).
Click Apply to open the graphics page without closing the dialog box.
When enabled, you can keep a previously opened window on-screen or open and
display the selected page in a new window.
Tip Key combination: Press <Alt+P> on the keyboard to display the Select Page list.
Navigate between Use the buttons on the navigation bar as described above under “The navigation
graphics pages bar”.
Add to Favorites It is possible to add frequently-used graphics pages to a list of “Favorite” pages.
This list is easily accessible from the navigation bar. To add a graphics page to the
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1. Open a “Favorite” graphics page (i.e. one to which you know you want to
return to frequently).
Open Favorites
1. Click "Favorites" on the navigation bar to display a drop-down menu.
2. Press <Alt+5> to open Favorite page No. 5.
Tip You can directly access the first 10 graphics pages with the key combination
<Alt+"Favorites number">.
For example, press <Alt+5> to open favorites page number 5.
To access favorites 10 – 19, click the favorites button on the Plant Viewer
navigation bar.
Remove from favorites To remove a graphics pages from the Favorites folder,
follow steps 1 to 2 above but click Remove from Favorites as step 3.
Definition The graphics pages appear in the main area of the Plant Viewer screen, and in
essence, comprise the following:
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Genie Move the mouse cursor over a symbol and right-click.
If the Object context menu opens, this indicates that there is an object linked to that
symbol. Symbols of this type are referred to as Genies.
Display object property sheet. Navigate to other Desigo Insight programs via object
name or property name
Super-Genie Move the mouse cursor across the graphics page. As the cursor passes across an
operable symbols with attached super genie pages and all buttons are shown
outlined with a rectangle. (The default Color of the rectangle is white.)
Frame indicates that this is either a
Genie with referenced super genie, or
a button.
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7.7 Graphics operation principles
Mouse use Because of the significance of the context menus in Plant Viewer, it is important to
note the following conventions for operating the mouse within a graphics page:
Action Result
Right-clicking an operable sym- Executes an action, for example, opens a Super-Genie, operating
bol displays the Object context a button.
Right-click Displays a context menu. The context is defined by the position of
the mouse before the right-click. Right-clicking the navigation bar
displays the System context menu
Right-click the static background and on a symbol: displays the
page context menu
Right-click a Genie: displays the Object context menu
Right-click a Genie: displays the Object context menu
Navigating in graphics Use either the scroll bars or the engineered buttons to navigate within large
pages larger than the graphics pages.
Example of engineered buttons for
navigation of the four fourths of
the graphics page that are larger
than the screen.
Save workstation on You can save the workspace (the open windows and their position) when you close
Exit Plant Viewer. As follows:
1. Right-click in the navigation bar before closing Plant Viewer to display the
System context menu.
2. In the System context menu, make sure that the option “Save Windows on
Exit” is ticked
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Keyboard shortcuts The following default shortcuts are defined in Plant Viewer:
Keys Function
F1 Start project-specific help (if available in your project)
Alt+F4 Close Plant Viewer
Alt+P Open the Page selection menu
Home Open the Top page
Alt+0..9 Open Favorite graphics page 0..9
Ctrl+N Show/hide Plant Viewer navigation bar
Ctrl+P Print page in active window
Ctrl+F Find Tag
F5 Back
F6 Forward
F7 Next Page
Scope It is possible to add individual comments to every graphics page. This feature can
be used for example to describe plant and equipment in detail, to add instructions
or information about localization, or to attach information such as supplier
addresses. The text is saved in an individual file for each graphics page.
Display or add To add or display a comment as described above under “Scope”, follow these
comments steps:
1. Select the desired graphics page.
2. Click the "Page description" in the Plant Viewer navigation bar. The text
editor program starts.
3. Click Yes to create a new file.
4. You can now enter or change comments for graphics pages.
5. Click File > Save or Save under and enter the corresponding file name.
6. Click Save.
7. Exit the text editor.
Genie with alarm The following is just one example of an alarm indicated in Plant Viewer, in this case
symbols a maintenance alarm:
alarm bell
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Alarm symbols The following alarm states can be displayed:
Maintenance For run-time and maintenance events a clock with a spanner symbol is shown:
and operating
hours events Maintenance symbol:
Manual state indication The manual state of an object is indicated with a yellow “hand” symbol:
Fault indication. Communications failures or failures in the automation system that prevent Plant
Viewer from displaying the correct value of an object are indicated by special
symbols in place of the normally displayed value:
Process state The following process plant or object states are displayed in the Super Genie:
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Transient Object is switching status, e.g. from stage 1 to
stage 2.
Default value Default value is assumed.
Automatically The object is in normal state.
Simple object Simply objects with only a physical data point, e.g. valve, damper, can be directly
1. Move the mouse cursor over the alarm bell.
Acknowledge alarm
Alarm reset button.
Exit button.
Hierarchical object Hierarchical objects than are assigned more than one physical data point, e.g. fan,
pumps are acknowledged via an expanded alarm super genie.
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1. Move the mouse cursor over the alarm bell.
Hardware state.
Process state.
Exit button.
Types of operation Plant Viewer is designed to allow you to modify values via the graphical interface.
The various operations can be categorized as follows:
· Modification of values and states via the super genie.
· Modification of values and states directly in the graphics pages using the
standard buttons for operation.
The standard buttons used to operate the different object types are basically the
same in both the super genie and the graphics pages. They are described below. It
is possible that your project may include additional buttons or other elements for
Access rights Depending on access rights, you can view values or change them. Desigo Insight
is designed to gray out buttons with lower access rights or a super genie displays
less information.
Change comment Enter a text in the comment field for projects requiring a mandatory change
required comment upon change of value. The change of value is activated only after you
click OK.
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Example setpoint
With write access Without write access
Example buttons
With write access Without write access
Operation elements
Object type Standard but- Description Process
tons for opera-
Digital value ON button (green) Click to switch equipment on
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slide switch Set new value with slider.
Operate plants Plant control is the easiest way to influence a plant. With plant control you can:
· Turn the plant on/off.
· Adjust setpoint.
· Navigate to schedule.
· Navigate control sequences.
· Acknowledge / reset alarms.
The examples below how plant control can be presented for the user.
Air handling plant
Heating group
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7.12 Display properties of symbols, genies, and
graphics pages
The following properties (depending on object type) are available only if the linked
object can be written to:
· Object value (can be modified if the user has the necessary privileges)
· Range, engineering unit and precision (can be modified if the user has the
necessary privileges)
Caution Note that editing the range (min./max. value) of an object can cause problems
in already engineered Plant Viewer graphics pages !
Reference For general guidelines and details of how to modify object properties from property
refer to “Modifying object values and properties from Object Viewer” in the “General
operation” section of this manual.
If there is more than one object name or property name associated with a
symbol, a list is displayed.
3. Select Properties.
Properties of a 1. Right-click the graphic page background. The context menu opens.
graphics page 2. Select Page properties.
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· Page size Page commands (on entry, on exit and while displayed)
· Window tab:
· Window title
· Parent window
· Child window(s)
· Window mode
· Window position
· Window size
Locate page data You can display a list of objects and their properties on a graphics page.
1. Open the corresponding graphics page.
Note A focus must be on the super genie for super genies. A summary of the data from a
super genie and a graphics page cannot be displayed in the same snapshot.
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2. Check the displayed preview, if necessary using the scroll bars or by zooming
in and out.
Print this preview on
the selected printer Automated header
(Page setup). Toggle Zoom (for the printout).
3. Click Exit on the window title bar to close the page preview window.
Note If you are ready to print directly, you can start printing straight from the preview, by
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7.15 Navigate to other Desigo Insight programs
via object or property name (Send To…)
Navigation You can navigate to other Desigo Insight programs from Plant Viewer via the object
name or property name of the selected symbol.
This feature can be used for example
1. To open Alarm Viewer from a graphics page in Plant Viewer in which an alarm
is indicated, automatically filtering the list of alarms by the corresponding
object name or property name.
To open Trend Viewer and automatically start a trend (online or offline) with
the corresponding object.
Navigation is as follows:
1. In Plant Viewer right-click a genie and select the required object (by object
name or property name)
2. Point to Send To > and select the target program from the list.
Send To Trend Viewer Right-Click the object and click Send To > Trend Viewer. Trend Viewer displays.
A pop-up dialog displays with following options.
Note: This dialog is not displayed for Trend Log Multiple objects or the objects
which do not support trending.
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Send To Actions · View trended series
This action allows you to view the trends using the selected trend log in List of
trendlog objects.This option is disabled when there are no exisiting recorded
trend series.
· Start online trend
This action allows you to set up an online trend for the object sent.
· Setup offline trend
This action navigates to Create trend log dialog box which allows you to cre-
ate the trend log object. This option is enabled when the site of the sent object
contains at least one PX device which supports dynamic trend log object crea-
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tion. Youmust have “Create object” privileges to view this dialog.
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7.16 Exit the Plant Viewer
Exit Plant Viewer Exit the Desigo Insight Plant Viewer as follows:
1. Right-click anywhere in the Plant Viewer navigation bar (no on a button).
Select Exit Plant Viewer.
Click the Exit button on the right corner of the Plant Viewer navigation bar.
Left-click in the Plant View navigation bar in the foreground and press
Save workspace The position of the open graphics pages can be automatically saved when exiting
configuration Plant Viewer. They are then displayed in the same manner when the Plant Viewed
is reopened.
1. Right-click anywhere in the Plant Viewer navigation bar (no on a button).
2. Select Save Window during Exit.
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8 Alarm handling
Chapter overview This section describes how the Desigo Insight alarm system works, and how you
may use it.
What the alarm system Your Desigo system controls your building automation and control system plants.
does Sometimes events occur (e.g. a fault) that is important for the operator to know and
requiring user intervention. The alarm system processes and issues the
appropriate reports (e.g. to a printer or pager) for such events.
Your Desigo system reacts automatically to a fault (e.g. the ventilation plant is
automatically locked during a fire alarm).
An alarm is issued for a control deviation (i.e. a dirty filter triggers only a simply
In both cases the system changes to an alarm state and a corresponding alarm is
issued. The system returns to normal after the cause of the alarm is eliminated and
reset by the user.
Hardware elements of The diagram shows a typical Desigo system reacting to an alarm event. Note the
the Desigo system functions performed by the management station, the PXM10 / PXM20 hand-held
terminal and the receiver.
1 Physical event.
2 The alarm object in the automation stations changes state and sends out an
alarm message.
3 The management stations receives the alarm and forwards it to the receiver.
The new state is displayed in the Alarm Viewer.
4 The printer (alarm receiver) prints the alarm.
Alarm You must differentiate between these two: An alarm message is what is sent to a
messages and receiver, such as a printer.
alarm states An alarm state is the condition an alarm object takes when a measured variable is
outside normal range.
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Alarms and events Alarms are actually a specific type of Desigo Insight event. There are four event
1. Alarm events.
2. System events.
3. User events.
4. Status events.
Events are all things that happen within your Desigo system. They are subdivided
into the categories above on the basis of their character. All events are capable of
being transmitted to one or more “receivers”. They are all assigned a “priority”, i.e.
a level of importance. All events are logged and are viewable in Log Viewer .
Alarm events Alarm events generally constitute a warning, rather than just information. They also
differ from other events in so far as they have a dedicated Alarm Viewer, for you to
check the current status of the source alarm object. By "alarm object" we simply
mean the source of the alarm, which is usually a software element of the PX
automation station. Furthermore, the user interactions “Acknowledge” and “Reset”
may only be applied to alarm objects.
System events System events concern activities of the Desigo Insight software running on the
management station: this does not include the PX automation station hardware.
Typical system events are “Application start” (start Desigo Insight application),
“Communication error” and “ Router job dispatch”.
User events User events are things that you (or your colleagues) have done to the Desigo
system, via the management station. Typical user events are “Alarm acknowledge”,
“Pop-up suppression” and “Time set”.
Status events Status events concern changes in the operation of the PX automation stations,
such as a change from “Stop” to “Run”, and messages from third-party systems.
Interacting with alarms The PX automation stations were programmed to monitor system conditions on
alarm states. A software elements to check contact state is available for each
monitored element (e.g. for each fire protection contact). We refer to this software
element as an “alarm object”. When the contact indicates an alarm, then the alarm
object changes to the alarm state.
These alarm objects always appear on the Plant Viewer graphics when abnormal,
as well as in the Alarm Viewer list. They are not displayed in Alarm Viewer when
they are normal. From either point you can see the immediate state of the
abnormal alarm object, and, according to the programming of the alarm object,
interact with it.
By interact we mean:
· To acknowledge the alarm (state)
· To reset the alarm (so that it returns to the normal state)
All alarm interactions are logged in the log database and can be displayed in the
Log Viewer.
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Simple alarm
Simple alarms (or alarm objects) do not require you to acknowledge or reset, they
simply return to the normal state when the monitored condition (e.g. a dirty filter)
returns to normal.
Basic alarm
More important alarms (e.g. lack of water) must be acknowledged. After the alarm
state is eliminated, the plant is once again released after acknowledgement.
Extended alarm
For an extended alarm (e.g. velocity monitor), the reset returns the plant to normal.
Provided the monitored state returns to the normal range. The idea is that
important alarms are not overlooked when the alarm condition clears. The plant
must be reset to re-start operation.
For the purpose of monitoring operations, the Log Viewer can be reviewed to see
who reacted to a Basic or Extended alarm and when.
Caution A reset and acknowledge with the PXM10 / PXM20 / Desigo WEB of a Basic or
Extended alarm is not logged in the Desigo Insight Log database. So that checks of
the user is not possible at a later date. Do not use these devices in audited
Alarm priorities There are 10 alarm priorities (degrees of importance) numbered from 0 to 9, of
which 0 is the highest priority. We typically do not user all levels in Desigo Insight.
Each priority is allocated a text description, so that the alarm message which
appears at the Desigo Insight management station is easy to understand.
Event classifications These are not used for PX objects in this release of Desigo Insight. There are,
however, used for linked SCADA systems (linked system not from Siemens).
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Event priority Like alarms, the other 3 event types also have a priority: the same priority text
description (e.g. “High”, “Low” etc.) is used for all four. Also like alarms, "Category"
is not used with the other events.
Alarm A number of applications are employed on the Desigo Insight management station
applications for alarm handling:
· Taskbar (Desigo Insight Shell)
Shows a summary of all site alarms
· Alarm Viewer Shows the state of all alarm objects not in a normal state.
· Log Viewer Displays a list of all alarm messages.
· Alarm Router Used to configure which Alarm receiver receives an alarm
· Alarm Pop-up Any events can trigger a pop-up window.
· Plant Viewer Display the present alarms in a pop-up window.
The other 3 events (User, System, Status) use a limited range of the applications
above, being logged and visible via Log Viewer and routable via Alarm Router.
· System information
An information system dedicated to the status of the management station soft-
ware. The information here is only visible via the Information application itself.
Alarm suppression Alarms may be suppressed for commissioning and servicing work so that no alarm
messages are sent. Suppression is normally set using a switch on the panel for the
corresponding plant. A change in state of the switch is maintained in the log data-
base. You can document suppressed alarms using the Report Viewer.
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Navigate You can jump between various Desigo Insight applications using principally Send
between alarm to... as follows:
Note that a filter is applied if you use the taskbar to jump to Alarm Viewer. When
using the Send to... function, select the object of concern before right clicking to
display the option list.
Plant Viewer Plant Viewer gives you a graphical view of the alarm location, showing the status of
nearby plant, and also allows you to interact with it. The alarm itself is selected by
an icon, for example:
Standard Alarm Window You can click the alarm bell icon to display a standard alarm interaction window:
Indication of present
Interaction button
Exit button.
Using this window you are thus able to acknowledge and reset the alarm. The
corresponding buttons are only enabled when appropriate. Acknowledging and
resetting is the same as any other Insight application and PXM10 / PXM20
operator units.
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The meanings of the various icons is as follows:
Note All alarm interactions in Desigo Insight applications are logged, and may be dis-
played in Log Viewer.
Extended alarm user In same cases there is more than one alarm signal pertaining to a single plant item,
interface such as a fan. In such cases clicking the alarm bell icon described above displays
an enhanced interface. Note that the actual display depends upon the privileges of
the user; a lower level user sees somewhat less of the interface than as shown.
The operation of the lower part of this interface is exactly as the standard alarm
window described above.
Source of alarms
Possibilities Reliability
Manual via switch
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Manual switch.
The Reliability icon means that the signal source has become unreliable, perhaps
being open circuit. Operating mode warns if an override has been applied.
Taskbar - alarm These are displayed at the top right hand side of the Desigo Insight taskbar. As
summary icons described in the section on navigation, you can click one of the three symbols at
any time to display the Alarm Viewer. The display for the selected symbol is filtered
by alarm priority.
The alarm priority groupings “High-medium-low”, used in the Taskbar, are nominally
set during engineering. The alarm priorities (see introduction) are typically divided:
Priority Taskbar group Alarm bell stats
0...2 High State not acknowledged
3...6 Medium State acknowledged
7...9 Low State normal,, not reset or normally
not acknowledged
The number in the taskbar icon indicates the total number of alarm objects that are
abnormal within the taskbar group. The alarm bell symbol itself indicates the “worst
case” state of those objects in the taskbar group, where Unacknowledged is worse
than Acknowledged, which is worse than Normal unrest/unacknowledged. The last
state is rather unusual as it groups together the states Normal - unacknowledged
and Normal - unreset. Where there are no abnormal states within a taskbar group,
the icon is not displayed.
Alarm Viewer Alarm Viewer displays all alarm objects in your Desigo system that are not normal.
You may acknowledge and reset alarms from here either singly or in groups (see
the section “Using Alarm Viewer to acknowledge and reset alarms”).
Alarm Viewer is concerned with alarm states, not alarm messages: for the latter
see below.
Log Viewer - Alarm This displays all alarm messages received by the management station, but not
Section alarm states: the latter is displayed by Alarm Viewer. You cannot acknowledge or
reset alarms from here.
Pop-up window The pop-up window displays the alarm object. When an alarm occurs, you can
acknowledge it or switch directly to the Plant Viewer.
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Note When using scopes, the popup window only shows alarms assigned to you.
Alarm Router The Desigo Insight Alarm Router forwards all event messages including alarm
messages to receiver devices, so-called receivers. The following receivers may be
configured for Desigo Insight:
· Printers.
· Fax machine.
· E-mail receiver.
· Pager receiver.
· File.
· Management station pop-up.
Groups of events (routing groups) must be created: it is these that are linked to
receivers using Alarm Router.
When an alarm occurs you are informed via a receiver, such as the management
pop-up (see diagram in “Hardware Elements of the Desigo Insight alarm system”).
Automatic control (e.g. turning off the plant) may only take place at the PX
automation station level.
What you should do We recommend the following measures:
next 1. Acknowledge the alarm.
2. Consult the instruction to introduce the proper measure as necessary.
3. Check the immediately affected plant on-site.
4. Check if any other alarms have been triggered, and check their affected plant.
5. Eliminate the cause of the alarm.
6. Execute the required interaction (reset the alarm objects).
The diagram shows one example of this philosophy and how to navigate between
the various Desigo Insight applications related to the alarm. Of course, if you are
already comfortable operating Desigo Insight, feel free to develop your own
strategies for navigating between the programs.
Check the impacted Plant Viewer is the easiest method to check alarms, since the alarm bell is
plant with displayed for the object in question.
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Pop-up window 1. Click Plant Viewer in the pop-up window to go directly to the Plant Viewer.
Alarm Viewer 1. Right-click alarm entry in the Alarm Viewer and Send to > Plant Viewer in the
context menu.
Log Viewer 1. Right-click alarm entry in the Log Viewer and Send to > Plant Viewer in the
context menu.
Check if other alarms This is most conveniently done via Alarm Viewer. Start Alarm Viewer and order the
have been triggered “time of alarm” column, so that the most recent alarms are visible. You can jump
directly to Plant Viewer by right-clicking the alarm and using Send to.... Alternative-
ly you may display Log Viewer, Alarm tab. The latest entries in the list are on top
by default. You can also jump to the Plant Viewer with Send to.
Resolving the cause of This of course depends up the alarm itself. You must decide on the required
the alarm measure (create instructions for your personnel). Until the source of the alarm is
removed, you are unable to clear the alarm (by resetting it) from the Alarm Viewer.
Acknowledging and You can acknowledge and reset alarms using either:
resetting alarm objects · Plant Viewer
· Alarm Viewer
· in pop-up (Acknowledge only)
The advantage of using Plant Viewer to interact with alarms, is that it shows
diagrammatically the source of the alarm and the effect on the immediate plant.
The disadvantage is that you do not have an overview of all plant alarms and
interaction with alarms is on a one-by-one basis. The opposite is true of Alarm
Viewer, which of course has no graphical element but allows multiple interactions.
Acknowledge / Use the standard or enhanced interface window as described in the section above.
reset alarms You can interact with alarms either singly or in multiples:
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If you make a multiple selection then the interaction symbols are displayed
according to states that are common to that selection. If both buttons are grayed
out, then there is no common interaction available to your selection. Select alarms
that all have the same state to enable a multiple acknowledge or reset.
The alarm states are displayed with symbols and text. The symbols are described
in the section on Plant Viewer.
Acknowledge alarms You can acknowledge the alarm directly in the pop-up window via the
via the alarm pop-up Acknowledge button. Reset is not possible with the pop-up.
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8.3.1 Alarm suppression
Alarms can temporarily suppressed for commissioning and service work. Such
suppressed alarms do not sent alarm messages to the recipients. No messages or
only after the fact, for pending alarm, may be sent depending on the suppressed
Case 1
Case 2
Event is triggered,
for popup, SMS, email
Case 4
Note You can create a report in Report Viewer on objects with status "Alarm sup-
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8.4 Alarm Viewer: General operation
Alarm Viewer displays a list of the states of all alarm objects that are in an
abnormal state. You can acknowledge and reset alarms from here. The layout of
Alarm Viewer is as follows:
The display table can be influenced in the Alarm Viewer. These operations include:
· Ordering of columns
· Filtering the display
· Select which columns are shown in the table
These operations are described in detail in the general handling section of this
User guide.
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Menu bar File
Print Prints the active document.
Print Pre- Displays full pages.
Page Set- Opens a dialog box for print settings.
Exit Quits the Insight program Alarm Viewer.
Find Finds objects matching the specified attributes.
System Displays / hides the System Browser pane.
Toolbar Shows or hides the toolbar.
Status bar Shows or hides the status bar.
Technical Shows objects in the technical designations structure (TD).
User View Shows (data) objects in the user designation structure.
System View Shows objects in the system designations structure.
Remove Displays the alarm table without user-defined filters. BUT:
Filters Filters for the connected sites remain in place.
Remove Redisplays the alarm table with standard settings (column
Sorting “State” sorted in ascending order; no sort icon).
Show Grid- Displays the current gridline view.
Acknowledg Acknowledges the selected alarm(s).
Reset Resets selected alarm(s).
Refresh Reads pending alarms from all connected sites.
Alarms Filter settings and sorting remain.
To Do... Displays help text related to the selected alarm.
Properties Shows properties of the selected alarm.
Connected Filter to connected sites only.
Save… Saves the filter as query.
Prede- Shows predefined filters as query. Filters the alarm table
fined… with the selected filter.
Customized Opens a dialog box to change the display and sequence of
Work- the table columns.
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Filter You can filter the Alarm Viewer table by the same general methods described in the
general handling section.
Save present filters
Filter Connected Sites
Turn off filter List of available filters
The filter effect is also applied if you jump from the Desigo Insight taskbar alarm
summary icons.
Examples of filters you may find useful are:
· All alarms of a specific priority
· All alarms after this morning at 0800
· All alarms pertaining to e.g. the boiler plant.
Alarm “To Do” text This is an optional text note that can be appended to an alarm object, to assist you
in someway with the situation. An example is provided below:
Edit the To Do text This can only be done using Object Viewer. Only users with higher access rights
can create or change instructions as described in the section "Object Viewer".
Alarm Viewer refresh In a large Desigo system, there may be many hundreds of alarm objects. For this
reason, Alarm Viewer does not routinely poll all points just in case they may be in
alarm, rather it reacts to events as they happen. We refer to this as a COV
(Change of Value) mechanism. You can check if Alarm Viewer is up to date via the
Refresh icon:
No new data available.
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8.5 Adjust the alarm handling system
General You can individually configure alarm response based on your operational
requirements with Desigo Insight. For example, you can determine which alarms
are sent where, e.g., SMS to the janitor from Friday, 5:00 pm through Monday, 8:00
The properties can be edited:
– The routing of event (including alarm) messages
– The appearance and sounds of pop-up windows
– The limits which are used for analogue alarms
– The text used for each alarm priority
– The groups used for the alarm summary icons on the Desigo Insight taskbar.
– Which management stations log events and which events are logged.
– The priority of System and User events.
Note Changes in the alarm objects in the PX automation stations for example require a
special engineering tool.
Overview Alarm routing determines the destination of the alarm message. The target device
is referred to the alarm receiver. It is quite separate from alarm state display. All
Desigo Insight management stations in your system display alarm states in Alarm
Viewer, irrespective of where alarm messages are routed to.
Although we refer here to “alarms” the principles apply equally to all event types:
Alarm, system, user and status events.
Routing example Two examples are shown here:
Here we see the simplest case of routing. An alarm message arrives at the
management station. The main attributes of the message are checked against all
of the available routing groups. If there are any matches, these groups become
active within the Alarm Routing Table. In our example one group is activated. The
table is then checked, and the linked receivers then receive the alarm message.
In the following example a time schedule has been added to the Routing Table.
The initial “Check groups” stage is the same. The active group is then checked in
the Time Schedule and routed to the target device at the appropriate times.
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Router configuration Alarm Routing is engineered using System Configurator and Alarm Router
System Configurator is used in this instance for:
· Creating, modifying and deleting Alarm Routing groups
· Adding, modifying and deleting Alarm receivers
· Configuring which management stations log event messages and which event
Alarm messages are always received by the PXM10 / PXM20. this function is not
All event messages, including Alarm messages are routed on the basis of routing
You may create a group “Panic Stations” which comprises all alarm messages of
Priority 0. This group may then be routed to alarm receiver(s) as necessary. You
cannot route an event that is not a member of such a group.
Configure routing of The following instructions actually apply to events of all types, not just alarms. In
event messages general to route an event:
1. Create a routing group (System Configurator ).
2. Create a receiver (System Configuration ).
3. Link the group to a receiver (Alarm Router ). Steps 1 and/or 2 can be
omitted if the elements already exist.
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8.7 Alarm configuration with System Configura-
Create an event routing Event message groups (including alarm routing groups) are created via System
group Configurator. You create the group according to:
· The event type (Alarm, System, User or Status)
· Event priority
· Site
Start System Configurator , and proceed as shown.
1. Right-click "Router Groups" folder.
2. Select Add.
Right-click an existing group and select Copy.
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Route by designation Route by designation groups or classifies alarms by using a portion of the
designation chain as a routing criteria.
Set up routing after After enabling Route after Designation, two decisions must be made.
designation – Designation type: Select the view (technical view, user view, system view) to
complete the designation chain for alarm routing.
– User syntax: (wildcards or regular expression). These options determine how
the chain criteria are applied. The easier option, wildcards operate as follows:
This router group should route all significant alarm events from a given part of a
plant (in this case the extract air fan).
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Global characters allow the user to route all objects belonging to the designation
portion Ahu’FanEx.
Remove You can delete sites with << Remove from the Routed Sites drop-down box.
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In the case of SCADA systems then there are entries, which you may use as
criteria for your routing group.
Remove You can delete categories with << Remove from the Routed Sites drop-down box.
Remove You can delete events with << Remove from the Routed Events drop-down list
Router text Routing via a routing text takes place in three steps:
I. Definition in the System Configurator.
II. Definition in the Object Viewer.
III. Assign in the Object Viewer.
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5. Click OK.
Note When forming router subgroups (e.g.: Intrusion, intrusion in vault, intrusion ground
floor), routing only works when you select the router texts. Routing does not
support wildcards. Thus, when you select e.g. Intrusion, only this router group is
routed to one receiver.
Example: Router text Selected Routing
Intrusion Yes Yes
Intrusion in vault No No
Intrusion ground floor No No
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The used column displays the number of times the text is assigned to data points.
Important: Text routing is accomplished via the Routed Texts list box in the System
Configurator and the Text table in the Object Viewer.
The routing occurs between the Text table in the Object Viewer to the description
for the data point. As a consequence, check that each routing text functions to the
outside at least once!
Delete router group 1. Right-click the Alarm Router Group to be deleted and select Remove.
2. Click Yes.
You can only delete a group when all references to it are removed from Alarm
Overview alarm The following alarm receivers (or even receivers) are available:
receivers · Printers
· Fax machine
· E-mail recipient
· File
· Pager
· Management station pop-up
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1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Click + to expand the browser.
3. Right-click and Add to open the assistants.
4. Create an alarm system.
5. Create an alarm receiver.
6. Link the alarm group with a receiver with the Alarm Router .
Add a new alarm 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
printer 2. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router > Alarm Printer by clicking +.
3. Right-click the Alarm Printer folder and select Add.
The Printer Receiver Assistant opens.
Right-click an existing printer and select Copy.
4. Define your printer.
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Notes Before adding a new alarm printer in System Configurator, you must first install the
alarm printer in Windows (Start > Settings > New Printers).
A single line printer prints alarms line-by-line until the page is full.
(A line printer, by contrast, prints alarm messages line by line until the page is full.)
In the case of a remote alarm printer we suggest that a special alarm routing group
is created to route just urgent alarms to the remote printer.
A line printer (e.g. dot matrix printer) can only be operated locally from a manage-
ment station. In many cases, a character substitution file may also be required.
Create new pop-up 1. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router > Pop-up by clicking +.
window 2. Right-click the Pop-up folder and select Add.
The Properties Pop-up Receiver Properties dialog box opens.
Right-click an existing pop-up and select Copy.
3. Define your pop-up window.
Receiver name Pop-up receiver name (pop-up window), e.g. "Critical Alarms".
Comment Free-flow text.
Management station Pop-up display location.
Control description Define display response (refer to next section).
Edit appearance and You can set the contents as well as the type of display for a pop-up.
sounds of pop-up 1. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router > Pop-up by clicking +.
windows 2. Right-click the corresponding pop-up and select Properties.
The Properties Pop-up Receiver Properties dialog box opens.
3. Click Customized. The Pop-up Control, Pop-up Scheme opens.
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Define scheme Scheme defines the content of the pop-up. Two schemes are defined by default.
Example System
2. Enter a clear designation in the Name field for the pop-up scheme.
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3. Select desired contents in the Available Fields list.
The Available fields use the same descriptors as are visible in Alarm Viewer
and Log Viewer (Alarm tab).
4. Click Add >>.
5. Click to change pop-up display sequence.
6. Click Hide Labels to display just the values.
7. Define the display of the buttons in the same way.
8. Click Preview to check the pop-up appearance.
9. Click OK to exit the preview.
10. Click OK to save the scheme.
11. Click OK to save the pop-up window.
Note If you have modified an existing pop-up scheme then it is implemented as soon as
you restart Desigo Insight. If you have created a new scheme then you must allo-
cate at least one alarm group to it, in order to see it in action (see below).
2. Enter a clear designation in the Description field for the pop-up control.
3. Click Display pop-up window.
4. From the desired scheme from the Pop-up scheme drop-down list box.
5. Select Centered or Custom as the on-screen pop-up position.
6. Option: Click Play sound and select a WAV file. This WAV file plays as soon
as the pop-up appears.
The sound continues to play until the alarm is acknowledged when you click
the Play continuously box.
7. Click OK to save the control.
8. Click OK to save the pop-up window.
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Buttons in pop-up The following table describes buttons available to the Alarm pop-up. They vary
depending on the configuration of the pop-up window:
Buttons Action
Plant Viewer Opens the corresponding plant page in the Plant Viewer. The pop-up
remains on top.
Alarm Viewer Opens Alarm Viewer (filtered to display all alarms with a pop-up for
pending alarms) and is used to reset the pop-up for pending alarms.
Silence For switching the audio alarm. The alarm stays off until a new alarm or
system event occurs.
Report… For INTEGRAL only.
Instruction... Displays the instruction "Help..." linked with the present alarm in a
separate dialog box.
Acknowledge Alarm can be acknowledged when the impacted site is linked and the
alarm must be acknowledged.
Next display When at least one additional message exists, display Next Display
displays the next alarm pop-up.
Close Close closes the alarm pop-up when no further message exists or
Close All Close All to close all messages.
Route alarms to a Pager receivers follow a similar configuration in the System Configurator to e-mail
pager receivers:
1. Define a “modem group”
2. Define a Pager system
3. Define a receiver on that system
4. Configure in Alarm Router
Defining a modem group 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Open the Desigo Insight management station folder by clicking +.
3. Right-click <Computer Name> for the corresponding management station
and select Properties.
4. Select the Modems tab.
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11. Select a modem from the Available modems list.
12. Option: Select the modem in the Selected Modems list and click Configure
special settings. You can further modify the configuration.
Desigo Insight settings thus override Windows settings (settings not visible in
Windows). Click Use Default to reassume Windows settings.
13. Click OK (several times) to save the modem group.
Define a pager receiver 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router > Pagers > Pager Systems by
clicking +.
3. Right-click the Pager Systems folder and select Add.
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Note Multiple script files are available adapted to various pager service providers (D1,
D2 and E-Plus). It is possible to change these files with a text editor, but the
knowledge required to this end is not within the scope of this handbook. Your Sie-
mens representative will be able to assist you here if necessary.
Defining a Pager receiver 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router > Pager > Pager Receiver by
clicking +.
3. Right-click the Pager Receiver folder and select Add.
Message template The message Template defines the actual content of the message. Reference files
are located at: (Installation drive)\ Programfiles\Siemens\Desigo\Insight
You can edit the file with a text editor, but you cannot change the system name.
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{Value} Value
{UnitText} Unit text
{SystemDesignation} System designation
{UserDesignation} User designation
{EventMessage} Event message
{ToDoText} Instruction
Note Depending on the pager or SMS service, only a limited number of characters may
be available for transmission. Thus, send a test message to determine if all
characters are transmitted properly. If necessary, you may need to drop some
information (e.g. system name) from your message file.
Route alarms to e-mail Your Desigo Insight management system routes alarm and/or event messages to
receiver an e-mail receiver. The e-mail system must support SMPT (Simple Mail Transport
Protocol). Routing procedure is the same as other receivers:
1. Create an event routing group
2. Define an e-mail receiver system
3. Define addresses for the e-mail
4. Add the addressees as alarm receivers in Alarm Router.
Define e-mail 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
recipient 2. Open INSIGHT Programs > Alarm Router > E-Mail > E-Mail Systems.
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4. Configure the e-mail receiver system.
System Name Name, e.g. my_e-mail
(applies only to Desigo Insight).
Comment Description
E-Mail Account Use default account:
The Default Mail Account is often set up on a workstation using an e-mail
application such as Microsoft Outlook Express.
Specify Account…:
Configure account in the following dialog box.
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– Open the MS Windows command interpreter (the DOS window in
– Enter SMTP.
Define addresses for the 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
e-mail 2. Open Desigo Insight Programs > E-Mail > E-Mail Receiver by clicking +.
3. Right-click the E-Mail Receiver folder and select Add.
Instead of ADD, you can use the Copy option in the context menu (right-click).
How the message Depending on your e-mail client application, the e-mail appears as follows (here
appears in your e-mail using Microsoft Outlook):
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The From field contains the e-mail address entered in the Mail Account window
(see above). The Subject refers to the subject of the "E-mail receiver” definition,
also above. The time stamp refers to the e-mail transaction, not the time of the
Opening the mail reveals:
Alarm message
Apollo:AS101’ XxAla’XxC101’XxPer’XxMVal’XxMV001
\Mehrzustandswert 001
Alter the appearance of The appearance of the message at the e-mail receiver is governed by the
messages “message template” selected during the e-mail receiver section. Reference files are
located at: (Installation drive)\ Programfiles\Siemens\Desigo\Insight 6.0\Router
For example RdxPrnEx.TXT is:
Alarm Message
You can edit this message template with any text editor program, e.g. Microsoft
Word (in text or HTML format). Formatting (justification, font, font size, color, tab
settings etc.) is faithfully reproduced, provided that your e-mail client software
supports them. Expressions in curly brackets "{}" are variables and cannot be
translated. To display a complete list of all the variables available, open the file
Sample.TXT or Sample.HTM in the same location. This also provides a brief
description of the variables. Graphics (e.g. a logo) can also be incorporated, linked
via an absolute path.
Multiple e-mails of a If you wish to transmit the same alarm message to multiple receivers via the same
single event message SMTP server, using multiple entries in Alarm Router (rather than the “Cc” option of
an SMTP Mail message itself), then you should build in a delay between the
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Delay times can be entered in the Routing Table .
Trouble shooting e-mail Log Viewer contains a message in the event of both successful and unsuccessful
problems e-mail transmission from the Desigo Insight management station to the SMTP
Add a new fax receiver The advantage of the fax receiver is that Desigo Insight functions with or without
logged in user and messages can be sent day and night to any person, as long as
the telephone line is connected and the fax operational.
To add a new fax receiver, start by checking that the Windows Fax Services are
installed. From the desktop, click Start>Settings>Control Panel. Click Add or
Remove Programs>Add/Remove Windows components and install Fax
Services if necessary.
1. Click Start> >Control Panel.
2. Click Hardware and Sound > Add Devices and install the Fax Services as
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6. Click Next.
9. Select Tools > Sender Information. Enter the information for the cover sheet.
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The Fax Management Console is a Windows 7 utility.
To modify the fax settings, click and in the Fax Client Console select
Tools>Fax settings…>Next.
Note The message template determines the contents and format of the alarm message.
(For information on how to modify the message template, see “Altering the appear-
ance of messages” in the e-mail section.).
The program Microsoft Fax generates a line before the alarm message. The alarm
message is also printed with a header and footer from Internet Explorer, which can
be modified via the Explorer menu File > Page Setup.
Trouble-shooting fax You can send a test fax page to the fax device to test functionality.
message transmission 1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router > Fax > Fax Name by clicking
3. Right-click the Fax folder and select Properties.
4. Click Send test page to transmit a test fax page.
During fax transmission, Windows displays a small window.
In this example, the dialing process with the selected number is displayed.
You can end the fax call at any time via the associated button.
Add a new file receiver For control purposes or for eventual expanded alarm functions (is not part of
delivered system), the alarm can be routed to a file.
1. Open the System Configurator in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Open Desigo Insight Programs > Alarm Router by clicking +.
3. Right-click the File folder and select Add.
4. Configure the file receiver.
Receiver name Name, e.g. my_file
(applies only to Desigo Insight).
Comment Description
File path Desire file location.
Max number of files Checkbox selected:
Limits the number of files that can be created.
Message value as Checkbox selected:
prefix The entered text is added before the file name.
Default file extension The entered text is appended to the file name.
Insert in file The entry is written to the same file.
Add time stamp The date and time is added to the file name.
Example: Rdx2004_06_01_15_10_26.txt
Management station Corresponding management station.
Message template Corresponding configuration file (refer).
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Designation replace- Corresponding implementation file.
ment file
Alarm Router display Here we show the main Alarm Router view with the routing table displayed. In
particular we see that the group “All Alarms” is routed to both a printer (“PRINTER-
1”) and a pop-up service (“POP-UP-1”). We also note that both routes are enabled.
The other routing tables “Receiver” and “Pending Jobs” can be displayed by
clicking the toolbar buttons shown in the diagram.
Routing table
The routing table shows the settings for the individual routing groups which
determines the forwarding of event messages. There is one table per management
Table Description
Routing group The Routing Group determines which event messages are
The Routing Group is defined in the system configurator.
Receiver / The receiver determines where and how the event messages
Schedule are issued.
The receiver is defined in the system configurator (e.g. popup
The Schedule determines multiple receivers that take effect at
different times.
Enable Enable determines whether or not this routing table takes ef-
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Repetition Repetition determines when and how often event messages
are re-transmitted to the receiver.
Delay Delay determines when and how long event messages are
delayed transmitted to the receiver.
Comment Text field.
Receiver table
Jobs table
The Pending Jobs table displays all not yet forwarded jobs.
Table Description
Job Number Continuous number (assigned by the system).
Time Job time.
Receiver Receiver of forwarding.
State Forwarding state, e.g. pending.
The schedule determines which receivers are active at what time. Entry occurs in
the Insight scheduler program.
Route a new routing In this case a routing group already exists and a new receiver has been created,
group to a new receiver such as a new alarm printer or alarm pop-up scheme.
1. Open the Alarm Router in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Select Edit > Insert….
3. Select the desired routing group.
4. Select the Receiver option .
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5. Select the target receiver type and name.
6. Click OK. The entry appears in the routing table.
Route event messages Normally, event messages (including alarms) are routed continuously to a receiver
according to a time unless it is “disabled”.
schedule Alternatively, routing can be done according to a time schedule, so that, for
example, alarms are routed to a security printer outside of working hours, and at
other times to a BACS room printer.
The time schedule involved is quite separate from the Desigo Insight Scheduler
application described in a separate section. It may be used for any event receiver,
not just printers.
Procedure overview:
1. Create a routing group.
2. Create an Alarm receiver.
3. Create a Time Schedule in Alarm Router
4. Assign the Time Schedule to the receiver
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4. Define a schedule name, e.g. weekend, and click OK.
5. Select the Weekly Schedule tab.
6. Right-click a weekday. Select Add Period.
7. Configure the period by:
· Define receiver data.
· Specify start day and time.
· Specify end day and time.
8. Click OK.
9. Click and then Yes to save the schedule.
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
Building Technologies Alarm handling 2017-02-16
5. Click and then Yes to save the schedule.
Assign the Time 1. Open the Alarm Router in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
Schedule to an alarm 2. Select the corresponding row.
group 3. Right-click in column Receiver / Schedule.
Select Select Schedule….
Routing event Where you wish alarms to be switched between 2 or more devices, create a new
messages to alternate Time Schedule as above, or open an existing one using the menu option Schedule
devices in time periods > Open Schedule... Then simply add periods so that the entire weekly period is
Receiver 1 from Monday through Friday from 7:00 until 18:00
Receiver 2 von Monday through Friday from 18:00 until 7:00
Receiver 3 from Friday 18:00 until Monday 7:00
The principle can be applied to any number of receivers or time periods but we
suggest you keep it simple.
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Disable routing to a Alarms for a router group can be suppressed so that it is not routed to the
receiver appropriate receiver.
1. Open the Alarm Router in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. To disable the routing to a particular Alarm receiver, simply click the Enable
box shown.
These messages are lost if additional alarms occur while the receiver is disabled.
When the receiver is disabled the messages are stored in a clipboard and routed
once the receiver becomes enabled.
Repeat configuration The "Repeat" function of Alarm Router is required primarily for user with pagers
and SMS. Its purpose is to make certain that a new alarm reaches the receiver
without fail. To ensure that only new, incoming alarms are repeated, but not
acknowledgements or resets, note the following procedure:
· Create a separate routing group for these functions.
· Only the following events must appear in this routing group:
Alarm High
Alarm Into
Alarm Low
Alarm NoFeedback
Alarm Trunk
Alarm Fault
Function of Repeat to-alarm events only as long the alarm remains unacked:
The current event is repeated only while the alarm remains in the
"Unacknowledged" state. There are no further repeats when:
· The alarm is "active" but acknowledged.
· The alarm is no longer present (simple alarm)
· The alarm is no longer present and has been acknowledged (normal and
extended alarms).
If the remaining alarm events (i.e. alarm acknowledge, alarm reset, alarm disable,
alarm return to normal and unknown third-party events) are also to be forwarded, a
separate routing group must be set up for this purpose.
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
Building Technologies Alarm handling 2017-02-16
1. Select the corresponding row.
2. Right-click the Repetition column.
3. Select Enable repetition.
7. Click OK.
Configure delay The "Delay" function in Alarm Router is required primarily for application with
Pager/SMS. Its purpose is to enable a new alarm to be cleared before being
forwarded to a pager/SMS. To ensure that the delay affects only new, incoming
alarms, but not acknowledgements or resets, note the following procedure:
· Create a separate routing group for these functions.
Only the following events must appear in this routing group:
Alarm High
Alarm Into
Alarm Low
Alarm NoFeedback
Alarm Trunk
Alarm Fault
Function of After delay, route to-alarm events only if the alarm is still unacked:
The current event is transmitted after a delay, if the alarm status is
"Unacknowledged". It is not transmitted, if during the current delay:
· The alarm is "active" but acknowledged.
· The alarm is no longer present (simple alarm)
· The alarm is no longer present and has been acknowledged (normal and
extended alarms).
If the remaining alarm events (i.e. alarm acknowledge, alarm reset, alarm disable,
alarm return to normal and unknown third-party events) are also to be forwarded, a
separate routing group must be set up for this purpose.
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1. Select the corresponding row.
2. Right-click the Delay column.
3. Select Enable delay.
7. Click OK.
Create a back-up In the event that a receiver is not available (Fax machine off line, pager receiver
receiver unavailable etc.) then it is possible to create a back-up device. This receives
events from the nominated routing group in the event that the primary device is
This concept does not work for backing up remote or local printers; printer
messages are transferred to Windows, which then handles all printer errors.
To create a back-up receiver, firstly create it under System Configurator using the
normal procedure (see earlier).
1. Open the Alarm Router in the Desigo Insight taskbar.
2. Select View > Receiver.
Click Show receivers to display existing receivers.
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
Building Technologies Alarm handling 2017-02-16
Test routing of alarm It is often useful to check if a new alarm route works, without actually triggering an
messages alarm. This is the purpose of the “User message”.
The test message should be received at the receiver. If not, check the Log Viewer
for specific errors.
Delete queued tasks If alarm tasks cannot be routed to receivers, they remain in the queue until either
sent or manually deleted.
1. Click in the Desigo Insight taskbar to start the Alarm Router.
2. Select View > Open Tasks .
3. Right-click the table Open Tasks.
4. Select one of the following:
Delete all tasks
Delete selected tasks
Delete all tasks for selected receiver
Hide all tasks for selected receiver
Delete filter
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Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division
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Tel. +41 41-724 24 24 © Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2000 – 2017 Subject to change
Siemens Desigo Insight, Operating the management station, V6.0 SP2 CM110588en01_10
Building Technologies 2017-02-16