ECP-203 Controller
Model ECP-203
Points 14-Point Controller
Universal inputs 6
Wireless inputs1 14
Digital (triac) outputs 5
Universal outputs 3
Product Number (EC-Program) CDIP-203X-00
Product Number (EC-gfxProgram) CDIP-203G-00
1. Available when an optional Wireless Receiver is connected to the controller.
Recommended Applications
Model ECP-203
Rooftop Unit
2 Pipe Fan Coil
2 Pipe Fan Coil with Changeover
4 Pipe Fan Coil
Heat Pump Unit
Unit Ventilator
Small Air Handling Unit
Chilled Ceiling
Wireless Receiver (868) - Receiver for EnOcean 868.3MHz wireless-enabled sensors and switches
Note that controllers have one wireless port to support a single Wireless Receiver.
For more information about the EnOcean technology and Open-to-Wireless, refer to the Open-to-Wireless Solution Guide. For more information about the Wireless
Receiver module, refer to the Wireless Receiver Datasheet. These documents can be found on our web site at www.distech-controls.com.
ECP-203 www.distech-controls.com
Supported Platforms
Distech Controls EC-gfxProgram is a programming tool that allows you to Distech Controls EC-Program is unique in the controls industry because it
quickly create control sequences by dragging and dropping block objects and combines a user-friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) with the power and
then linking the objects with a simple click, select and release. Select objects flexibility of a code editor and compiler. The EC-Program configuration tool uses
from an extensive library of over 90 commonly used functions as well as create a special and simplified version of BASIC that has been developed in-house
your own custom blocks. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive and that is custom made to suit control requirements. Refer to the EC-Program
programming environment, HVAC programming could not be easier. Refer to datasheet for more information.
the EC-gfxProgram datasheet for more information.
EC-Scheduler Tool
Distech Controls EC-Scheduler allows users to easily configure a week-based schedule and a special day schedule for holidays. Easily add and remove the
special day event into the calendar by a simple click of the mouse!
RTC Configuration Tool
Distech Controls RTC Configuration Tool allows users to manage the time, date and daylight saving time for use with any device on the network.
Please note that though there is an RTC Configuration Tool, there is no actual RTC in the controller. In order for the correct time and date to be
maintained within the controller as well as to use schedules, it must be updated automatically (through a network binding) or manually by the user.
ECP-203 www.distech-controls.com
Complementary Products
Temperature Sensors
Supported Smart-Sensors (EC-gfxProgram only)
Communicating sensor with 2-line LCD, setpoint adjustment, occupancy override, and room
temperature display
Communicating sensor with 2-line LCD, setpoint adjustment, fan speed control, occupancy override,
HVAC mode selection, and room temperature display
Communicating sensor with 2-line LCD, setpoint adjustment, fan speed control, and room temperature
Communicating sensor with 2-line LCD, setpoint adjustment, fan speed control, room temperature
display, and C/F toggle button
Allure EC-Sensor
Line of discrete sensors
EC-Sensor Room temperature sensor with communication jack
EC-Sensor-O Room temperature sensor with occupancy override button and communication jack
EC-Sensor-S Room temperature sensor with setpoint adjustment and communication jack
Room temperature sensor with setpoint adjustment, occupancy override button, and communication
Room temperature sensor with setpoint adjustment, occupancy override button, fan speed selection,
and communication jack
2-/4-channel wireless light switches (North American models). Available at 315MHz or 868.3MHz.
For a complete list of the Open-to-Wireless EnOcean sensors and switches that are compatible with the ECP-203, refer to the Open-to-Wireless Solution Guide
which can be found on our web site at www.distech-controls.com. For more information on any of the products listed above, please refer to our web site or contact
ECP-203 www.distech-controls.com
Controller Dimensions
Product Specifications
Power Inputs
Voltage 24VAC/DC; 15%; 50/60Hz; Class 2 Input Types Universal; software configurable
Protection 1.85A auto-reset fuse -Voltage 0-10VDC
Typical Consumption 18VA; with 2 triac outputs ON & -Current 4-20mA with 249 external resistor (wired in parallel)
2 outputs with 20mA load @ 12VDC -Digital Dry contact
Maximum Consumption 25VA -Pulse Dry contact; 500ms minimum ON/OFF
Interoperability -Resistor
Communication LonTalk protocol Thermistor 10K Type 2, 3 (10K @ 25oC; 77oF)
Channel TP/FT-10; 78Kbps Range: -40oC to 150oC; -40oF to 302oF
LONMARK Interoperability Version 3.4 Platinum Pt1000 (1K @ 0oC; 32oF)
Guidelines Range: -40oC to 150oC; -40oF to 302oF
Device Class Multi I/O module Pt100 (100 @ 0oC; 32oF)
LONMARK Functional Profile Range: -40oC to 135oC; -40oF to 275oF
- Input objects Open-Loop Sensor #1 Nickel RTD Ni1000 (1K @ 0oC; 32oF)
- Output objects Open-Loop Actuator #3 Range: -40oC to 150oC; -40oF to 302oF
Hardware Potentiometer Translation table configurable on several points
Processor Neuron 3150; 8 bits; 10MHZ Input Resolution 16-bit analog / digital converter
Memory Non-volatile Flash 64K (APB applications) Outputs
Non-volatile Flash 128K (storage) Digital 24 VAC Triac, digital (on/off), PWM, or floating1;
Status Indicator Green LEDs: power status & LON TX software configurable
Orange LEDs: service & LON RX - 0.5A continuous
Communication Jack LON audio jack mono 1/8 (3.5mm) - 1.0A @ 15% duty cycle for a 10-minute period
Environmental - PWM control: adjustable period from
Operating Temperature 0oC to 70oC; 32oF to 158oF 2 seconds to 15 minutes
Storage Temperature -20oC to 70oC; -4oF to 158oF - Floating control: requires two consecutive outputs1
Relative Humidity 0 to 90% Non-condensing - Min pulse on/off: 500msec.
Enclosure - Adjustable drive time period
Material ABS type PA-765A External or internal power supply (jumper selectable)
Color Blue casing & grey connectors
Dimensions (with Screws) 5.7 x 4.7 x 2.0 Universal 0-10VDC, digital 0-12VDC (on/off), floating1 or PWM
(144.8mm x 119.4mm x 50.8mm) - PWM control: adjustable period from
Shipping Weight 0.97lbs (0.44kg) 2 seconds to 15 minutes
Installation Direct din-rail mounting or wall mounting - Floating control: requires two consecutive outputs1
through mounting holes (see figure above for - Min pulse on/off: 500msec.
hole positions) - Adjustable drive time period
Wireless Receiver2 - 60mA max. @ 12VDC (60oC ; 140oF)
Communication EnOcean wireless standard - Minimum load resistance 200
Number of wireless inputs3 14 - Auto-reset fuse
Wireless Receiver (315) - 60mA @ (60oC ; 140oF)
Supported Wireless Receivers
Wireless Receiver (868) - 100mA @ (20oC ; 68oF)
Cable Telephone cord Output Resolution 10-bit digital / analog converter
- Connector 4P4C modular jack
- Length 6.5ft; 2m
Models Supported EC-Smart-Sensor-100, EC-Smart-Sensor-200,
EC-Smart-Sensor-FC, EC-Smart-Sensor-FC-CF
Power & Communication 2-wire
Number of sensors supported 1
ECP-203 www.distech-controls.com
Product Specifications (continued)
Electromagnetic Compatibility Agency Approvals
CE -Emission EN61000-6-3: 2007; Generic standards for UL Listed (CDN & US) UL916 Energy management equipment
residential, commercial and light-industrial Material4 UL94-5VA
-Immunity EN61000-6-1: 2007; Generic standards for
residential, commercial and light-industrial Communication Protocols and Standards
FCC This device complies with FCC rules
part 15, subpart B, class B
4. All materials and manufacturing processes comply with the RoHS directive and are marked according to the Waste Electrical and Electronic
ECP-203 www.distech-controls.com
Functional Profile (with EC-gfxProgram)
Node Object #0 Scheduler Object Type #20020 FreeProg Object Type #20100
Mandatory Network Variables Manufacturer Network Variables Manufacturer Network Variables
nviRequest nvoStatus nviSchedulex nvoSchedulex nviFP_xx (xx=09-12) nvoFP_xx (xx=07-17)
SNVT_obj_request SNVT_obj_status SNVT_tod_event SNVT_tod_event SNVT_count_inc SNVT_count_inc
(changeable type) (changeable type) (changeable type) (changeable type)
Optional Network Variables
nviFileReq nvoFileStat Configuration Properties Manufacturer Network Variables
SNVT_file_req SNVT_file_status Fan-In Support
nvoSchedule Configuration Properties: nviFP_xx (xx=13-14)
nviFilePos Update Rate (SCPTupdateRate) SNVT_count_inc (Hisel & Lowsel)
SNVT_file_pos Network Variable Type (SCPTnvType) (changeable type)
Default Output (SNVT_tod_event)
Optional Configuration Properties nviFP_xx (xx=15-17)
nviSchedule Configuration Properties: SNVT_count_inc (Hisel, Lowsel, Sum & Average)
Network Variable Type (SCPTnvType) (changeable type)
Device Major Version (SCPTdevMajVer) Maximum Receive Time (SCPTmaxRcvTime)
Device Minor Version (SCPTdevMinVer)
Manufacturer Configuration Properties: Free Programmable Internal Points
Location (SCPTlocation)
Object Major Version (SCPTobjMajVer)
nviModify nvoVn1_7
Object Minor Version (SCPTobjMinVer)
UNVT_modify_internal_val UNVT_Internal_var_1to7
Associated File Index (UCPTassociatedFileIndex)
Manufacturer Configuration Properties nvoVn8_14
Hardware Information (UCPThardwareInfo) x = 1 to 2
Real Time Keeper #3300 UNVT_Internal_var_15to21
Configuration Properties Object Major Version Configuration Properties (nviFP_17 & nviFP_18)
Object Minor Version
Location (optional) Associated File Index Network Variable Type
Device Major Version (optional) Maximum Receive Time
Device Minor Version (optional) Weight Average Parameter
Weight Average Maximum In Offset
nviModify Programmable nvoMode
Manufacturer Configuration Properties UNVT_modify_internal_val UNVT_mode_internal_val
Internal Points
Maximum Send Time nvoV1_15
Hardware Information UNVT_internal_var_1to15
6x Hardware Input Object Type #1 UNVT_internal_var_31to45
Network nvoFP_xx (xx=01-06) nvoV46_50_C1_10
Variables SNVT_count_inc UNVT_internal_var_46to50
(changeable type) _const_1to10
8x Hardware Output Object Type #3
nviFP_xx (xx=01-08) Network nvoO1_12
SNVT_count_inc Variables UNVT_output
(changeable type)
Configuration Properties UNVT_CO_1to10_OS_1to4
Network Variable Type
*05DI-DSEP203-21* ECP-203