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Verifire® Tools: Version 8.00 (And Higher) Programming and Test Utility

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DN-60826:B G-211

VeriFire Tools
Version 8.00 (and Higher)
Programming and Test Utility
Peripheral Devices

VeriFire Tools version 8.00 is the next generation program-
ming and test utility for ONYX series products. This latest
platform will replace older versions of VeriFire Tools. This
Windows based utility, with online and offline capabilities,
can be used to create the system programming in the com-
fort of home or office and then downloaded from a laptop to
the system in the field. It includes user customizable views
that can significantly reduce programming times, along with
other new features, such as Project Services for better man-

agement and accountability of system databases.
Version 8.00 (and higher) includes the features, functionality,
diagnostics and reports of legacy versions of VeriFire Tools,
but includes a modern Windows application look and style.
The redesigned user interface maximizes the real estate of VeriFire Tools Programming Utility
the users screen for improved visualization and programming
efficiency; with customized views users can dock/float, pin/
unpin, hide all/show all, arrange new tables horizontally or
vertically, and view multiple services simultaneously. It uses Supported Systems include the NFS-320, NFS2-640,
Microsoft Ribbon control with a user customizable Quick NFS2-3030, NCA-2, DVC (and associated DAL devices),
Access Toolbar, more detailed node tree layouts and full UDACT-2, LCD2-80, NFS-640, NFS-3030, and NCA.
screen mode. To make Point and PAM programming easier
and less time-consuming, universal context menu options are Product Line Information
provided for copy/paste/delete, along with Excel-like sorting/
filtering, find/replace, and device cloning capabilities. VeriFire Tools version 8.00 (and higher): Available for
download from https://esd.notifier.com.
Version 8.00 and higher introduces the concept of Projects
that allows users to consolidate a site's node list into a single 75554: DB9-NUP Programming Cable.
database file and password-protect it for added security. 75672: USB A type to USB B type Programming Cable.
Users can also track any revision changes by versioning their
Projects with detailed descriptive text. Legacy VeriFire Tools Minimum System Requirements
databases can be imported using Project Services.
Windows 7 Professional / Ultimate (both 32 and 64 bit
editions), Windows 8 & 8.1 Professional / Enterprise (both
Features 32 and 64 bit editions).
Simulator to show a graphic representation of inputs and PC or laptop with:
their associated outputs.
1 GHz 32-bit (x86) processor and 2GB RAM, or
Program Validation to identify inputs not associated with
any outputs, or other errors within the system program- 1GHz 64-bit (x64) processor and 4GB RAM.
ming. 250 MB free disk space (600 MB recommended for audio
Compare Nodes to highlight differences between data- storage).
bases, identifying discrepancies to help the installer test Mouse and keyboard.
the system. XVGA monitor.
Network Test to perform a communication test between Video card capable of supporting 1024 x 768 output reso-
selected nodes to verify network connectivity; test aborts if lution and 16 bit color.
a real event occurs anywhere on the network.
1 serial (COM) port or USB-to-Serial converter (ATEN
Autoprogram to command the system to read and enter Model UC-232A recommended.) (Use a USB A to B cable.
the addresses for SLC detectors and modules, quickly ver- USB connection must be less than 10 feet long.)
ify these devices within the utility.
DB9-NUP cable (P/N 75554). (Serial port recommended
Device Maintenance Report for valuable information on for NFS-3030, NFS-640, NCA, and LCD2-80.)
NFS-320, NFS2-640, and NFS2-3030 FlashScan detec-
tors and modules; chamber values, percent of drift com- USB A type to USB B type cable (Notifier P/N 75672).
pensation and last functional test date. (USB 2.0 port recommended for NFS2-3030, NCA-2,
NFS2-640, NFS-320, DVC, and UDACT-2.)
Project Services to create, edit, manage and track data-
base information. Internet connection for remote network connections, email
services, and downloading/updating user manuals from
Online Services for uploading/downloading databases, esd.notifier.com.
update system application code and perform read status
and edit functions. MAPI compatible email client, such as Microsoft Outlook
or Microsoft Outlook Express, to use email services.

DN-60826:B 7/11/2014 Page 1 of 2

Digital Audio
USB port (for suggested USB Digital Headset used in
audio recording).
Plantronics DSP500 Digital Enhanced USB Headset (rec-
ommended) or your PCs sound card with any standard
UL-approved PC microphone.
Goldwave Digital Audio Editor (recommended) or equiva-
lent audio editing software.
Audio editing software must be able to save files to .wav for-
mat with the following descriptions:

Fidelity High Quality Standard Quality

Format PCM law
Sample Rate 44100Hz 11025Hz
Bit Depth 16-bit 8-bit
Channel mono mono

VeriFire and ONYX are registered trademarks of Honeywell International

Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
2014 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use
of this document is strictly prohibited.

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.

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