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At The End of The Lesson, The Learners Are Expected To

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School DIEGO H.


Time & Dates Session 1 Quarter Third Quarter

The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, principle and
A. Content Standards
techniques in manicure and pedicure services.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently performs manicure and pedicure services.
LO1. Clean finger nails and toe nails

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Recognize nail disorder for prepare nail repair;
C. Learning Competencies/
2. Checked and analyzed clients’ hand nail structure and condition
Objectives (Write the
through the use of a checklist
code for each LC)
3. Discuss the value of being tactful in giving recommendation based
on the result of consultation

Procedures of Basic Manicure and Pedicure Services (Consultation
A. Subject Matter and Preparing the Clients)
Integration: Biology, Health
A. References
K to 12 Home Economics Beauty/Nail Care (NCII) Curriculum Guide pg
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages Beauty Care (Nail Care) Grade 9 pg 102-105
3. Textbook Pages NONE
4. Additional Materials from NONE
LR Portal
Training Regulations Beauty Care (Nail Care) NC II pg 30-31
CBC Beauty Care NC II pg 66-68
B. Other Learning Resources https://www.beautystationery.co.uk/products/client-record-card-nail-

Learner’s Expected
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies
A. Reviewing previous lesson Preliminary Activities
or presenting the new (Prayer, Classroom Order, Motivation) Students will recall Lesson 1
lesson Recall the Lesson 1 about nail structure about nail structure and
and conditions and Nail diseases and conditions and Nail diseases
disorders discussed in the First Quarter. and disorders.

Picture Game Bruised nail

Onychorrhexis or Split / brittle
Onychophagy or Bitten Nails
B. Establishing a purpose for Why do we need to consult and prepare A client consultation is
the lesson the clients prior to any nail services? important for keeping a client’s
record card up to date. After all,
Why do we need to consult and prepare skin, hair and nails can change
the clients prior to any nail services? over time, and if your client has
been visiting you for years then
chances are they won’t be in
the same condition as their first
consultation. It creates a client
database where we can
recommend the best practices
in storing client information.

C. Presenting examples/ Examine your own fingernails. Check its Students are expected to
instances of the new structure and analyze its condition. describe the structure of their
lesson nails and its condition based on
What have you observed? their observation.

Introduce the new lesson about; How to State that in preparing the client
prepare a client. there are important procedures
should be taken such as:
Show a video of preparing a client. 1. Client is consulted on
desired nail service
How to prepare a client? activity and specific
requirements and
What are the procedure in preparing the consultation record is
client? agreed and signed
2. Clients’ hand nail structure
Present a video on how to prepare a and condition are checked
client. and analyzed
3. Client is provided with
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGd protective materials for
Rl-3u9Yk hygiene purposes
4. Nail disorder is
In the video that you have just seen, recognized and if
how did they prepare the client? necessary, referred to
appropriate personnel
Or What did they do to prepare the
D. Discussing new concepts Show a sample consultation card used in Students are expected to fill up
and practicing new skills preparing a client. Explain how to fill up their own consultation card
#1 the sample consultation card. based on their analysis of their
own nails.
Activity: Let the student fill up the
consultation card based on their analysis
of their own nails.
E. Discussing new concepts Class do you know what are the shapes Yes Ma’am.
and practicing new skills of the nails? Are these ideal to your Round, square, oval….
#2 desired manicured?

Discuss the different types of nail

shapes. (Show a power point

Activity: Group students into 6 (groups)

according to the variables on the
consultation card. (Broken, Mould/
fungus, lifting, diseased, bitten, normal)
Answers vary….
 What are your
Tact is the ability to tell the truth
 Why is being tactful important in in a way that considers other
giving recommendations and people's feelings and reactions.
feedbacks? It allows us to give difficult
A member will represent the group. feedback, communicate
sensitive information, and say
the right thing to preserve a
relationship. Being tactful
allows us to be honest, while
respecting a person's feelings.

First, tact is important when you

have to deliver bad news or
provide critical feedback,
whether in a personal or
professional situation.
Next, communicating tactfully
strengthens your reputation
and builds your credibility . It
allows you to preserve existing
relationships and build new

A tactful approach
shows character ,
maturity, professionalism ,
and integrity .

Tact also demonstrates good

manners . If you can
communicate with grace and
consideration, you'll stand out
from the crowd and you'll get
noticed for the right reasons.
This can lead to career

Finally, tact can help you to

avoid conflict, find common
ground, and allow others to
save face. It can therefore be
an important asset in
negotiations and in conflict

F. Developing mastery Activity: Students are expected to write

 Choose a partner; their feedback and
 Analyze and check the nail of you recommendations..
 Write your feedbacks/
recommendations, be sure to be

G. Finding practical Give the situation:

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living Supposing you are going to analyze and A notebook will serve as a
check the nail of a client and there is no record book were we can keep
available checklist of record sheet, what data of the client…..
will you do?
What if the client is not in a good mood, If the client is not in the mood,
how will you tell her your hear the client out and
recommendations? empathize with them. People
who are upset need to be
heard, so let the client talk, and
don’t interrupt them. Tell them
in a calm but firm voice that
they need to tone down the foul
language or actions and that
you won’t be able to help them
if their behavior persists.

H. Making generalization and Who can give the importance of the A client consultation is
abstractions about the consultation and analysis of the nails the important for keeping a client’s
lesson client. record card up to date. After
all, skin, hair and nails can
change over time, and if your
client has been visiting you for
years then chances are they
won’t be in the same condition
as their first consultation. It
creates a client
database where we can
recommend the best practices
Why being tactful in giving in storing client information
recommendations and feedback is
important? Does it affect with your First, tact is important when you
relationship to your client? have to deliver bad news or
provide critical feedback,
whether in a personal or
professional situation.
Next, communicating tactfully
strengthens your reputation
and builds your credibility . It
allows you to preserve existing
relationships and build new

A tactful approach
shows character ,
maturity, professionalism ,
and integrity .

Tact also demonstrates good

manners . If you can
communicate with grace and
consideration, you'll stand out
from the crowd and you'll get
noticed for the right reasons.
This can lead to career

Finally, tact can help you to

avoid conflict, find common
ground, and allow others to
save face. It can therefore be
an important asset in
negotiations and in conflict
Being tactful affects
relationship because it allows
us to be honest, while
respecting a person's feelings.

I. Evaluating learning Use rubric to evaluate the

recommendations in the Developng
Have an advance reading on sanitation in
J. Additional activities for
nail salon.
application or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned

___ out of __ students belong to 80% mastery level during formative
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for __ students need remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
__ out __ students have caught up with the lesson
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require _ students need a follow up remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use / discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Christine D. Bara
Diego H. Patigayon National High School

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