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(IPS Brief) State of Pakistan Economy

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This policy brief is contributed by an IPS team led by Fasih Uddin, former chief economist of the Planning

Commission of Pakistan and a veteran member of Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad. He is also the
author of Pakistan’s Economic Journey: Need for a new Paradigm and Pakistan under IMF’s Shadow. Asim
Ehsan, research officer at IPS’ economy desk and Amanullah Khan, former president Rawalpindi Chamber of
Commerce & Industry (RCCI) and Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) have also contributed in the preparation of
this brief.

The PTI coalition government will present its first target. The fiscal deficit is likely to be above 7% of
full-year budget 2019-20 in parliament in mid of next GDP which is mainly contributed by shortfall in tax
month, i.e., June 2019. The current year’s budget was revenues, rise in debt servicing and defense related
prepared by the previous government and expenditures. GDP growth is likely to be way less than
subsequently subjected to minor changes proposed by 5.2% recorded in the previous year and feared to be at
the current government when it assumed power. Thus, around 3% in 2018-19. The main area of concern,
the forthcoming budget should be seen as an important however, relates to external economy and rising
step towards PTI’s objectives including ‘building just prices. The inflation rate in 2018 was 3.9% and in
and equitable society’, as enshrined in the Madinah 2019 it is leaping towards double figures i.e., 9.4%
Charter and visualized by the father of the nation. This (March 2019) and projected to remain high in 2019-
budget should also be seen in the backdrop of current 20. The foreign exchange came down to precarious
year’s economic performance, chronic issues such as
unemployment, poverty, public debt, poor social The GDP growth is likely to be way
services, high level of corruption, poor governance, less than 5.2% recorded in the
low rate of savings and investment, and water and
energy crises. It should be appreciated, however, that
earlier year (2017-18).
while these issues need sustained and long-term
level and external debt repayment liabilities
efforts, the forthcoming budget could be used as
compelled to seek funding from friendly countries and
critical step for setting the direction.
international institutions. Despite funding
arrangements with Saudi Arabia, UAE and China, the
The international institutions (e.g., IMF, World Bank,
government had to negotiate a medium-term
Asian Development Bank) as well as national
arrangement with IMF. The rupee depreciated
institutions (State Bank of Pakistan and Pakistan
substantially while there is also stress owing to steady
Bureau of Statistics) have assessed the state of the
rise in international oil prices. These have adversely
economy during the current year. The Economic
impacted the economy; petroleum prices were
Survey, Annual Plan and other documents that will be
frequently raised resulting in energy and transport cost
released with the Budget in a couple of weeks will
rise. Depreciation also resulted in increase in cost of
give updated position of the economy. Indications are
external debt in rupee. The people suffered due to rise
that, in general, the performance is below the planned

in prices with inflation likely to exceed 9% during the Ports). Fourthly, NFC award and 18th constitutional
fiscal year. This coupled with unemployment, amendment. Lastly, medium-term program finalized
poverty, societal disparity in income and wealth and with the IMF. These are briefly discussed below:
poor social and environmental conditions have made
the life of common man difficult. The current  Notwithstanding the criticism generally
government has taken some initiatives in health, levelled against IMF, the most important
education and housing sectors. Some more may be element in the budget will be the Pak-IMF
forthcoming in the coming years. Mobilization of bailout arrangement. In fact, it will lay down
resources for financing these programs and managing the medium-term framework (3-4years) for
them in an effective way will be a real challenge. fiscal, monetary, exchange rate and balance of
payments policies. The arrangement will be
This government will have a heavy agenda for next closely monitored and periodic disbursement
year and the main burden will fall on the budget. Many of funds will be subject to meeting set criteria
tasks will have to be addressed. On economic front it and benchmarks. The focus of arrangements
will be on stabilization as against accelerating
The flawed approach and practices growth. It is feared that cost will largely fall
of tax collection machinery of the on common man. The government has to
government keeps burdening the remove this feeling by taking appropriate
actions. In order to contain inflation, a
existing tax payers with more taxes campaign of austerity, reliance on
instead of bringing non-taxpayers local/national products and reduce imports
into the tax-paying circles. will be required. Rationalization of taxes on
local products is also a promising initiative.
should attempt a balance between stabilization (fiscal
deficit, public debt, monetary stability, foreign  The 18th constitutional amendment and 7th
exchange reserves, exchange rate, inflation etc.) and NFC Award have changed the fiscal structure.
sustained and inclusive growth. Other areas of While most taxes are collected by the
attention are human development and welfare, Federation, its share is now less than half.
environment and climate change, national security, Many areas such as health, education and
governance and clean society. The focus has to be on housing, about which present federal
such repeatedly highlighted areas as, people’s welfare, government has ambitious plans, are now in
equity, justice and equal opportunities for all. the domain of provinces. Thus, federal budget
should be reviewed along with the provincial
In order to have macroeconomic stability and fast budgets.
economic growth, experts opine that, it is necessary to
sustain GDP growth rate of 7 to 8% for at least 10 The 8th NFC Award is overdue by few years
years without any interruption. To attain such a high and the next budget is based on the 7th NFC
growth-rate it is inevitable to ensure increase in Award of 2010. It is high time to constitute
investment over 20% of total GDP, along with raising the new commission and ensure that the
facto productivity and efficient use of resources. Clear budget for 2020-21 is based on the new
policy and confidence creating measures are the basic Award.
parameters required for investment promotion.

The next year’s budget is being prepared under certain

compulsions. Firstly, commitments made in the PTI
Manifesto as well as aspirations and expectations of
the people. Secondly, security considerations and
obligations arising out of past actions (such as debt
servicing and CPEC commitments). Thirdly, mega
projects planned or in the pipeline (such as Dams and

 It is said that tax system has been reformed yet restraints on public debt under the Fiscal
collection has not improved. Pakistan’s tax to Responsibility and Debt Limitations Act
GDP ratio is less than 10% which is amongst 2005.
the lowest in the world. It is rightly believed
that the country has potential of increasing tax  Revival of agricultural sector is inevitable in
revenues without increasing tax rates. This order to boost the economy of the country. In
can be done by serious tax reforms and this regard, the government should ensure
enhancement of progressive taxes, while availability of credit facilities to whole of the
limiting tax exemptions only to targeted areas. sector in general and to small scale farmers in
particular. Low input cost along with
One budget cannot resolve all improved marketing and storage facilities for
the problems. The budget should agriculture products is recommended in order
be a part of a grand design and it to boost agriculture sector.

should at least be based on a  The loss-making public sector enterprises

three to five years’ vision. (Pakistan Steel Mills, PIA, etc.) are a constant
drain on the budget and banking system.
Something innovative and drastic is required Indecisiveness and status quo are causing
for tapping the potential, eliminating more harm and creating uncertainties. These
corruption, reduction of tax evasion and should be either privatized or restructured and
broadening the tax base. In this context, the made profitable.
Value Added Tax (VAT) is a promising area
which has not been introduced so far under the  Pakistan’s national savings remains very low
pressure of vested interests. This proposal (about 14-15% of GDP) and are one of the
should be revived. A comprehensive scheme
main causes of low economic growth and
of increasing tax base is proposed by FPCCI dependence on external borrowing. Measures
(Federation of Pakistan Chambers of should be taken to discourage conspicuous
Commerce & Industry) which emphasizes on consumption and encourage savings.
enhancement of people’s confidence in
paying taxes. Tax reforms process should
 Factor productivity (Labor, capital, energy,
involve industrialists and businessmen
inputs) in the country is low and wastage of
feedback and views.
material and manpower is high. This
neglected area needs special attention.
 We need higher tax coverage, lower tax rates, Increase in the level of technical education
less reliance on indirect taxation and with more institutes and trainings on very
progressive tax regime. FBR should move strict international standards and
away from predatory taxation and serious methodology are needed. Cost benefit
efforts are required to restore trust of people. analysis criteria should be used in PSDP mega
Tax should be collected from people who do projects instead of political motivations.
not pay taxes and existing tax payers should
not be excessively burdened. Form and
 The government is planning mega
procedures of tax on individuals, in particular,
infrastructure projects such as dams, ports,
need to be simplified and incentives provided
highways, railways and tourism. Serious,
to induce them to pay tax voluntarily. Strong
integrated and consistent efforts are required
institutional framework and initiatives are
to mobilize internal and external resources for
required to revive the system of Zakat and

 Fiscal discipline is a neglected area.

Successive governments have ignored the

 The lack of consistency and perseverance in governments to prefer soft options against the hard
macroeconomic policies pose serious ones. They, for instance, opted for public borrowing
concerns to the national economy. instead of attempting to raise tax revenue. Need of the
hour is a movement for self-reliance and
 Governance and corruption issues are serious comprehensive austerity drive with focus on public
concerns and the emphasis of current welfare and inclusive progress.
government on mega corruption scandals is a
good step. However, more attention is The flawed approach and poor practices of tax
required on smaller segments like, health, collection machinery keeps burdening the existing tax
education and housing etc. The involvement payers with more taxes instead of bringing new
of government officials in hiring and posting taxpayers into the tax circles. Innovative approach is
of people at high level seats without following required to broaden the tax base, monetize the
criteria of competency and fitness for the job economy and encourage people to pay taxes.
would not lead to good governance. These
aspects are in contradiction with Election One budget cannot address all problems, but it should
Manifesto 2018 of PTI which is currently at least set an effective base to achieve national
ruling in center and two provinces. objectives within a medium and long-term framework.
The practice of preparing five-year and perspective
To sum up, the task ahead is difficult and challenging plans should continue so that all development efforts
which requires tough decisions. One of the main are set out in an integrated framework with a long-
causes of current malign is the tendency of the past term vision.

For queries:
Syed Nadeem Farhat
Senior Research Officer
nadeem@ips.net.pk | www.ips.org.pk


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