611 F (Y) PDF
611 F (Y) PDF
611 F (Y) PDF
Finance Department
Audit Branch, Group T
NABANNA, Howrah- 711102
(E- 16907)
It has been experienced that during the fag end of the Financial Year i.e. in the months of
February and March, large numbers of bills are presented before the Treasuries /Pay & Accounts
Offices leading to huge accumulation of bills in those offices. Such a situation may be avoided if
submission of bills is made in a systematic and phased manner. Finance Department issues
guidelines every year in this respect and like previous occasions all the Drawing and Disbursing
Officers and Operators/Administrators of Deposit · Accounts are requested to adhere to the
following schedules for submission of bills/advices in February and March 2023:-
Sl Description Date by which bills/Advices
No are to be submitted to
A Allotment/Sanction issued:-:
Up to 17.02.2023 28.02.2023
Between 18.02.2023 to 28.02.2023 10.03.2023
Between 01.03.2023 to 10.03.2023 17.03.2023
Between 11.03.2023 to 24.03.2023 27.03.2023
Between 25.03.2023 to 27.03.2023 29.03.2023
Between 28.03.2023 to 30.03.2023 30.03.2023
On 31.03.2023 31.03.2023
B (a) Bill on account of arrear salaries & other personal claims 20.03.2023
including retirement benefits
(b) T.A. Bills for Journey completed:-
(i) Before 28.02.2023 13.03.2023
(ii) Between 01.03.2023 to 10.03.2023 20.03.2023
(iii) Between 11.03.2023 to 24.03.2023 28.03.2023
No further personal claims (refer a & b) will be entertained at
Treasuries thereafter.
C Salary bills and Wages bill for the Month ofMarch 2023. 20.03.2023