Name of Work:: Distanc Ein Metre (Chaina Ge) RL of The Stream Bed
Name of Work:: Distanc Ein Metre (Chaina Ge) RL of The Stream Bed
Name of Work:: Distanc Ein Metre (Chaina Ge) RL of The Stream Bed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0.00 93.432 0.00 0.00
2.00 93.150 0.28 0.14 2.00 0.28 0.28 4.00 0.08 4.08 2.020
5.00 92.100 1.33 0.81 3.00 2.42 1.05 9.00 1.10 10.10 3.178
8.00 91.450 1.98 1.66 3.00 4.97 0.65 9.00 0.42 9.42 3.070
11.00 91.050 2.38 2.18 3.00 6.55 0.40 9.00 0.16 9.16 3.027
14.00 90.500 2.93 2.66 3.00 7.97 0.55 9.00 0.30 9.30 3.050
18.00 90.350 3.08 3.01 4.00 12.03 0.15 16.00 0.02 16.02 4.003
22.00 90.200 3.23 3.16 4.00 12.63 0.15 16.00 0.02 16.02 4.003
26.00 90.560 2.87 3.05 4.00 12.21 0.36 16.00 0.13 16.13 4.016
30.00 90.750 2.68 2.78 4.00 11.11 0.19 16.00 0.04 16.04 4.005
34.00 91.420 2.01 2.35 4.00 9.39 0.67 16.00 0.45 16.45 4.056
37.00 91.850 1.58 1.80 3.00 5.39 0.43 9.00 0.18 9.18 3.031
40.00 92.305 1.13 1.35 3.00 4.06 0.46 9.00 0.21 9.21 3.034
42.00 93.430 0.00 0.56 2.00 1.13 1.13 4.00 1.27 5.27 2.295
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Hydraulic calculation Sheet ---- 2 ( Metric Units )
Name of work :
5. Catchment Area :
8. R= A/P = 2.107
Where A= Area of x section of the channel , 90.13 Sqm
P = Wetted Perimeter = 42.79 M
9. Assumed value of n 0.03
10. Mannings Velocity (v) = 1/n x R2/3 x S1/2 = 1.41 M/Sec
11. Discharge.
13. Proposed water way = L = 42.00 M
14. Discharge in cumec per meter width = 3.95
15. (a) Mean scour depth= dsm = 1.34 ( Db2/ Ksf )1/3 = 3.35 M
17.a. Minimum Design founding level = H.F.L. - (16.a) = 87.78 RL (For Abutment)
17.b. Minimum Design founding level = H.F.L. - (16.b) = 84.53 RL (For Pier)