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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,107,527: Stec Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 22, 2000

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,107,527

Stec et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Aug. 22, 2000
54 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF 2,751,418 6/1956 Enos, Jr. ................................. 260/610
HYDROXY-AROMATIC SUBSTANCES 3,647.866 3/1972 Ito ............ ... 260/524
3,803,243 4/1974 Brownstein ............................. 260/610
75 Inventors: Zbigniew Stec; Jan Zawadiak, both of 3,939.211 2/1976 Spector et al. ...................... 260/610 B
Gliwice, Poland; Ulrich Knips, Kamen; 4.013,725 3/1977 Yonemitsu .............................. 260/610
Robert Zellerhoff, Hamminkeln, both 3.37
2- 1 - 2
E. Manga
/1990 Clausen ....
. . 568/575
... 568/798
of Germany; Danuta Gilner, Gliwice, 5,015,786 5/1991 Araki ....... . . 568/798
Poland; Beata Orlinska, Katowice, 5,017,729 5/1991 Fukuhara . ... 568/798
Poland; Jerzy Polaczek, Warsaw, 5,196,598 3/1993 Iwane ...................................... 568/575
Poland; Witold Tecza, Raszyn, Poland;
Zofia Machowska, Warsaw, Poland FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
0308133 3/1989 European Pat. Off..
73) ASSignee: Rutgers Kureha Solvents GmbH, O370729 5/1990 European Pat. Off.
Duisburg, Germany 610293 3/1947 United Kingdom.
626095 7/1949 United Kingdom.
* Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros- 641250 8/1950 United Kingdom.
ecution application filed under 37 CFR 654035 5/1951 United Kingdom.
1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year 754862 8/1956 United Kingdom.
patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. 7571649/1956 United Kingdom.
154(a)(2). 760367 10/1956 United Kingdom
1284326 8/1972 United Kingdom.
1496.227 12/1977 United Kingdom.
21 Appl. No.: 08/821,018
Primary Examiner Michael L. Shippen
22 Filed: Mar 19, 1997 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Hedman, Gibson & Costigan PC
30 Foreign Application Priority Data 57 ABSTRACT
Mar. 20, 1996 PL Poland ..................................... 313419 The process for the production of hydroxy aromatic Sub
(51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... C07C 37/00 stances by means of catalytic oxidation of isoalkyl aromatic
52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 568/741; 568/573; 568/574; Substance with oxygen, and decomposition of the hydrop
568/575; 568/798 eroxide thus formed, is based on the concept that isoalky
58 Field of Search ..................................... 568/577, 798, laromatic Substances are emulsified with an aqueous catalyst
568/802, 573, 575, 741 Solution and brought to a temperature ranging from 50 C.
up to the boiling temperature of the emulsion; thereupon the
56) References Cited oxygen is allowed to act for 2 to 20 hours and the hydrop
eroxide formed decomposed, in the presence of an inorganic
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS acid as catalyst, into an hydroxyaromatic Substance and a
2,302,466 11/1942 Palmer .................................... 260/592
2,628,983 2/1953 Aller ..... ... 260/621
2,628,984 2/1953 Aller ....................................... 260/621 8 Claims, No Drawings
1 2
PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF from 50° C. up to the boiling temperature of the emulsion,
HYDROXY-AROMATIC SUBSTANCES exposed for 2 to 20 hours to the action of oxygen, and the
resulting hydroperoxide is split in the presence of an inor
The invention relates to a process for the production of ganic acid into a hydroxyaromatic Substance and a ketone.
hydroxyaromatic Substances, in particular B-naphthol, Isoalkylaromatic Substances to be used according to the
cumene, p-creSol and resorcin by catalytic oxidation of invention are isopropyl- and isobutyl-aromatic Substances
isopropylated or isobutylated aromatic Substances, and which have a tertiary hydrogen in alpha position to the
decomposition of the resulting hydroperoxide. A corre aromatic ring and are represented by the general formula
sponding proceSS is represented in the following reaction Ar-CHRR' in which R and R' are the same or different and
equation by way of example, for the production B-naphthol represent methyl, ethyl, and propyl. Ar represents phenyl
and its homologues as well as naphthyl and its homologues.
Homologues of phenyl are, for example, toluyl, benzyl or
+ CHFCH-CH xylyl as well as phenyl substituted by one or more methyl or
15 ethyl groups, homologues of naphthyl are the methyl and
ethyl derivatives thereof. To be mentioned by way of
example are 2-isopropyl naphthalene, p-cymene,
CH It has proved, Surprisingly, that by the process of the
/ invention, for example, a conversion of 2-isopropyl naph
Q CH it
thalene to the hydroperoxide of more than 50% is possible
in one reaction Stage, even if the technical raw material
contains 8 to 11% of 1-isopropyl naphthalene. After the
disintegration of the hydroperoxide the B-naphthol yield, for
25 example, amounts to 86%.
CH AS catalyst there are used preferably inorganic or organic
/ copper compounds, inorganic cyanides or organic nitriles
c CH-o-o: I'l-
that activate the oxidation. Especially preferred copper com
pounds are the chlorides, Stearates, acetates, carbonates,
acetylacetones, bromides and copper(I)- and copper(II)-
oxides. These copper compounds are introduced preferably
in an amount of 0.000001 to 0.01 mole per mole of
OH 2-isopropyl naphthalene. The inorganic cyanides and the
+ CH-C-CH organic nitriles to be especially preferably introduced are
Sodium-, potassium- and ammonium-cyanide, acetonitrile,
O chloroacetonitrile, benzonitrile, azo-bis-cyanocyclohexane,
aZO-bis-butyronitrile and tetracyanoethylene.
This process, which is described in H. G. Franck, J. W. 40
These are preferably used in a quantity ranging from
Stadelhofer, Industrielle Aromatenchemie, Springer publish 0.00001 to 0.2 mol per mol of 2-isopropylnaphthalene.
ing house, 1987, cannot be carried out on an industrial Scale, According to an embodiment preferred according to the
however, Since in the oxidation of 2-isopropylnaphthalene invention, alkalihydroxides of alkalimetal carbonates can be
(2-IPN) only a very low conversion is achieved, so that used in an amount of 0.001 to 1 mass %, with respect to the
ultimately the maximally attained hydroperoxide content 45 mass of the catalyst solution. Preferably the hydrocarbon
does not exceed 30%. A further hindrance in performing this phase Stands in a volume ratio of 1:5 to 3:1 to the aqueous
proceSS is providing of a technical raw material as Starting catalyst Solution; according to an especially preferred form
material which is free from, or contains only little, of execution, however, the emulsification occurs in the ratio
1-isopropyl naphthalene. This impairs the conversion of 50
of 1:1.
2-isopropyl naphthalene to the hydroperoxide of the After oxidation is completed, the organic phase is sepa
2-isopropylnaphthalene. If the Staring material contains, for rated from the aqueous phase, diluted with acetone, for
example, 10% 1-IPN, the maximal hydroperoxide-2-IPN example 10 to 200 parts by weight of acetone, and the
concentration in the product amounts even to only 20%. 2-isopropyl naphthalene hydroperoxide contained in it is
The problem underlying the invention, therefore, is the 55 decomposed by warming to a temperature of 20 to 70° C. in
provision of a proceSS for using process Streams containing the presence of an inorganic acid, for example Sulfuric acid.
1- and 2-isopropylnaphthalene without pre-purification of This reaction is preferably carried out at the boiling tem
the Same for the production of compounds of the general perature of acetone, as the organic phase is introduced into
formula Ar0H, such as B-naphthol. 60
the acetone Solution of the inorganic acid. The B-naphthol
This problem is solved by a process for the production of thus formed can be easily Separated out by means of
hydroxyaromatic Substances by catalytic oxidation of extraction with alkaline Solutions or by means of crystalli
2-isoalkyl aromatic Substances with oxygen and decompo Zation or distillation, and the hydrocarbon layer after the
Sition of the formed hydroperoxides, in which the Starting extraction is additionally oxidized with hydrogen peroxide
Substance mixture containing the isoalkyl-aromatic Sub 65 in the presence of an inorganic acid as catalyst, after which
stance is agitated with an aqueous catalyst Solution up to the the additionally obtained hydroperoxides are again decom
formation of an emulsion, warmed to a temperature ranging posed.
3 4
The production of B-naphthol according to the process of 121.9 C. Into the organic layer there are then added, after
the invention has, in comparison to the already known the extraction, 3 cm3 of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution
processes, many advantages. The process procedure accord and sulfuric acid, whereby there is obtained further
ing to the invention makes possible in particular a 50% 2-isopropyl naphthalene hydroperoxide, which yields after
conversion of the 2-isopropylnaphthalene contained in the its decomposition (as above) additionally 0.16 g of
Starting material to the hydroperoxide in one passage, and by B-naphthol.
the additional treatment of the mixture after the Separating EXAMPLES II TO IX
out of the B-naphthol with hydrogen peroxide, this conver
Sion can be increased in one passage to 60 to 70%. " In the same manner as in example I and with use of the
This proceSS can also be used for the production of catalysts, activators and process conditions presented in
phenol from cumene, p-creSol from p-cymene, and resorcin Table 1, there are achieved the conversions, mentioned in
from m-diisopropylbenzene, thus, the products of the pro Table 1, of the 2-isopropyl naphthalene into the hydroper
cess of the invention are within the general formula Ar0H, is oxide of technical 2-isopropylnaphthalene, the characteris
in which Ar has the same meaning as defined before. The tic of which is to be seen from example I.
following examples explain the invention.
In all these cases there are obtained 1.03 to 1.16 g of
EXAMPLE I B-naphthol and in addition about 0.13 to 0.17 g of
B-naphthol after decomposition of the hydroperoxide that
Into a thermostatic glass reactor with a magnetic agitating has arisen during the oxidation of the 2-isopropylnaphthol
mechanism, there are introduced 3 g of technical 2-isopropyl alcohol with hydrogen peroxide.
reaction- conversion of
water phase reaction temperature 2-isopropyl naphthaline
example (3 cm) catalyst + activator surfactant time (h) ( C.) to hydroperoxide %
II 0.3% NaOH CuCl2.H.O. NaCN palmitic acid 12 90 50.9
III 0.3% NaOH copper(II)stearate 12 92 49.9
IV 1% NaOH copper(II)stearate 13 92 50.3
V 1% NaOH copper(II)stearate 13 92 SO.1
VI 1% KOH CuCl2.H2O KCN stearinic acid 12 90 50.7
VII 1% KOH copper(II) nitrate stearinic acid 12 90 50.9
VIII 1% KOH CuO azobisiso- palmitic acid 1O 92 51.3
IX 1% Na2CO. copper(II)stearate palmitic acid 12 90 45.O

naphthalene (Rutgers Kureha Solvents GmbH, Duisburg, What is claimed is:

Germany), purity 90.2%; 1-isopropyl naphthalene content 45 1. A proceSS for producing hydroxy naphthalene Sub
9.0%; 3 cm of 0.3-percent aqueous NaOH solution, 0.001 Stances comprising
g of palmitic acid and 0.0005 g of copper cyanate, all this is emulsifying an isoalkyl naphthalene in an aqueous cata
lyst Solution comprising a catalyst comprising an inor
mixed for 15 minutes at room temperature to emulsion ganic cyanide or organic nitrile; catalytically oxidizing
formation and then warmed to 90° C. 50
the isoalkyl naphthalene in Said emulsion by warming
Said emulsion to a temperature ranging from 50° C. up
Technical oxygen is then Supplied and the emulsion is to the emulsion boiling temperature and exposing Said
heated for 13 hours at this temperature. After the Separating emulsion to oxygen for two to twenty hours to produce
off of the aqueous layer by means of a centrifuge, the organic 55 an organic phase comprising a hydroperoxide and an
layer contains 54.3% of 2-isopropylnaphthalene hydroper aqueous phase;
oxide and 9.3% of 2-isopropylnaphthyl alcohol. Separating Said organic phase from Said aqueous phase;
This layer is then instilled into boiling one-percent Sul adding an inorganic acid to Said organic phase to decom
furic acid Solution in acetone, with Simultaneous separating 60
pose Said hydroperoxide into Said hydroxy isoalkyl
off of the acetone that has formed during the decomposition naphthalene Substance and a ketone.
of the hydroperoxide. After the extraction of the distillation 2. A process according to claim 1 wherein Said isoalkyl
residue with 15% sodium hydroxide solution and the satu naphthalene comprises 2-isopropyl-naphthalene and Said
ration of the extract with 20% sulfuric acid solution there is 65 hydroxy naphthalene Substance comprises f-naphthol.
obtained 1.18 g of B-naphthol which, after Single recrystal 3. A process according to claim 1 wherein the oxidation
lization from diluted ethanol, melts at a temperature of catalyst comprises a copper cyanide in an amount ranging
S 6
from about 0.000001 to 0.01 mole per mole of isoalkyl 6. A process according to claim 1 wherein Said catalyst
aromatic or an organic nitrile in an amount ranging from Solution further comprises a Surface active Substance in an
0.00001 to 0.2 moles per mole of isoalkyl naphthalene amount of 0.0001 to 0.1 part by weight per 100 parts by
Substance. weight of Said catalyst Solution.
4. A process according to claim 1 wherein the oxidation 7. A process according to claim 6 wherein Said Surface
catalyst comprises copper cyanide in an amount ranging
from 0.000001 to 0.01 mole per mole of isoalkyl naphtha active Substance comprises fatty acids or fatty acid Salts.
lene. 8. A process according to claim 1 wherein Said isoalkyl
5. A process according to claim 1 wherein Said catalyst 10 naphthalene is emulsified with an aqueous catalyst Solution
Solution further comprises alkali hydroxides or alkali car in a volume ratio of 1:1.
bonates in an amount ranging from 0.0001 to 1 part by
weight per 100 parts by weight of Said catalyst Solution.

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