Urea Reactor Liner Leakage A Case Study
Urea Reactor Liner Leakage A Case Study
Urea Reactor Liner Leakage A Case Study
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2 authors, including:
Prem Baboo
National Fertilizers Ltd.,India
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Prem Baboo
Sr. Manager (Prod)
National Fertilizers Ltd. India
Sr. Advisor & Expert for www.ureaknowhow.com
Abstract - This paper covers background information on the 30 Urea-I urea –II is 3030 & 3231 TPD respectively. The raw
years old revamped plant; problems experienced at the plant material used includes natural gas, water and power. Three
after many years of continuous operation, e.g., leaks in the SS Numbers Captive power plant of capacity 17 X 3 MW are
316 L (mod) lining due to the combined action of erosion and
used in this complex. Both the plants have consistently
corrosion; basis of the revamp work on the design information
achieved high levels of capacity utilization.
provided by M/S. Saipem a leader in urea production
technology. The urea reactor of Urea line 1 of 11 unit recently REACTORS DETAIL
suffered liner leakage from weep hole Number 34 on dated The all four reactors(R-1) of Urea line 1 &2 plants are 40
28/11/217.This was the second chance of liner leakage meters Height (tan to tan) and ID of the reactor is 2.04
1stleakage was occurred on dated 28th Jan 2006.The line-1 Plant meter. The liner of all reactors has SS 316 L (mod) while
was commissioned in 1988.A total number of 95 weep hole shell of line 1 & line 2 are differing. The line -1 both
provided in 11/21 Reactors. In any segments four number weep reactors are coil layered vessel while 31 unit has multi
hole are interconnected. This paper intended how to detect layered and that of 41 is mono block reactor. Detail as
leakage and repairing of the weld joint and further precaution following tableNo-1.The passivation of reactor liner is done
to prevent the corrosion/erosion. by air which is introduced in CO2 compressor in 1st stage.
The all four Urea reactor have 15 number of high efficiency
Key Words - Urea Reactor, Weep hole, liner, Detection, Helium. sieve trays. These have been provided to prevent the escape
of gaseous CO2, which must react with NH3 in the lower
INTRODUCTION portion of the reactor. These trays also help in preventing
National Fertilizers Limited, a Govt. of India Undertaking, the internal recycling of the reaction products with higher
was incorporated on 23rd August 1974. It is the second specific gravity products formed in the upper part of the
largest producer of nitrogenous fertilizer in the country and reactor. Reactor shell is made of CS with a 7mm liner of
has four operating fertilizer units located at Nangal, SS316L (mod) on the inner surface. Liner of the reactor is
Bhatinda, Panipat and Vijaipur with a total installed capacity cladded to the CS shell and longitudinal seams and
of 32.083 lakh tones Urea.NFL, a Schedule ‘A’ & a Mini circumferential seams are differing in line-1and line-2 urea
reactors. For detecting any leakage in the liner a weep hole
Ratna (Category-I) CompanyThe Vijaipur unit, which is an
monitoring system has been provided. The line-1 urea
ISO 9001:2000 & 14001 certified, comprises of two reactors have 95 numbers of weep holes. And Urea line-2 of
streams.The Vijaipur have two ammonia plant M/S. Haldor 31-Urea reactors has 77 numbers weep holes and 41
Topsoe Technology, Denmark capacity 1750 & 1864 TPD reactorhas 98 numbers weep holes. In the weep hole
for Line-I & line-II respectively and four urea plant of M/S. monitoring system there are two loops of weep holes
Saipem ammonia stripping process, Italy. The Line-I plant covering the entire reactor. Data are following in Table No.-
installed in 1988 and that of line –II in 1997.The capacity of 1, 2 & 3.
Table No.-1
Reactors Specifications
Sr. No. Parameters units Value
1 Working Pressure Kg/cm2 159
Kg/cm2 169 at top
2 Design Pressure
Kg/cm2 169 +full of liquid at Bottom
Kg/cm2 219.7 (Vertical)
3 Hydro Test Pressure
Kg/cm2 224 (Horizontal)
4 Working Temperature 0C 188
5 Design Temperature C 200
6 Liner Material SS 316 L (mod)
7 Shell Material CS
8 Internals & Trays 2 RE 9(25/22/2)
Table No. 2
Sr. No. Specifications 11/21 -Reactor (R-1) 31-Reactor(R-1) 41 Reactor(R-1)
1 Type of vessel Coil Layered Vessel Multi Layered vessel Mono wall Vessel
2 Manufactures M.H.I Japan BHPV(Vizag) L&T
3 Liner, MOC SS 316 L (mod) SS 316 L (mod) SS 316 L (mod)
4 Liner Thickness 7 mm 7 mm 7 mm
SPV 46 Q A 516 GR 70
5 Shell MOC A 516 GR 70
MY56 A 724 GR A
SPV 46 Q=16 Inner A 516 GR 70=10+3
A 516 GR 70=67
6 Shell Thickness, mm MY56=4.5 X 8 LYR A 724 GR A=6X12
SPV 46 Q=8 outer
7 Total THK, mm 67 92 74
8 No. of weep Hole 95 77 98
9 Weight, Ton 190 225 195
Table No. 3
Urea Reactors Trays Detail
Trays No. Material No. of Holes Pitch
1 to 5 (top) 2 RE 69 641 Triangular
6 to 10 (middle) 2 RE 69 1282 Triangular
11 to 15 (Bottom) 2 RE 69 1923 Triangular
Fig. No. 1
As the weep hole leakage was not clear, the exact location the leak could not be found out with Soap solution and ammonia
test.Finally, the DP check and number of the spot, pin point found. All the circumferential Seam and longitudinal seam opposite of
weep hole No. 34 between 4th& 5th trays welding done. After that ammonia is introduced at the pressure of 0.4 kg/cm 2in weep
hole No. 34 and hold up for 10 hrs. and liner and all welding seam checked by phenolphthalein indicator. No leakage was found
and man hole cover boxed up. Start-up activities started and feed in done on dated 01/12/2017 at 11.15 hrs. Total time taken for
this shut down was 72 hrs (3 days) feed cut to feed in. Typical lifetime of the 316L Urea Grade protective layer of a urea reactor is
20-30 years depending upon passivation and plant load number of the tripping of the plant process variations etc. Typical lifetime
of a urea plant is 40-50 years. Every urea reactor will finally operate close to the end of lifetime conditions of the protective layer
meaning that at a certain moment a leak in the protective layer is nearly unavoidable.
Table No. 4
Sr. No. Activities Date Duration Time Parallel Jobs
1 11 Reactor Feed Cut 11.15 0
9 Leakage checking with Inst air and soap 21.15 hrs to 01.15 4 No Leakage found
solution hrs
Leakage checking with Ammonia &
phenolphthalein indicator solution 01.15 hrs to 08.15
10 7 No Leakage found
08.15 hrs to 13.15
11 Finally welding by hit and trial on opposite 5
of W.H. No34, based on DP pin points
Further checking with ammonia &
phenolphthalein indicator solution 13.15 hrs to 23.15
12 10 No Leakage found
13 Man hole cover boxed up 23.15 hrs to 03.15 4 Bottom PT-5 A/B
hrs boxed up
Total Time 72
Fig. No. 2
This programme containing non-volatile memory for setup data, 4 duals and 4 digit display and LED bar for information RS -232
–C serial port
The instrument is housed in a ½ DIN extruded Aluminum rack suitable for control room mounting. A small but highly functional
Keyboard consisting of 4 membrane keys is provided as the as the instrument operator interface electrical and I/O temperature are
instruments rear Via Screw type terminals. The electronics is located on modularly designed board for easy field trouble shooting
and maintenance. All cards are plug in type and segregated by their function Viz –including power supply CPU, A/D display.
All the weep holes have to be checked by passing instrument air every week/fortnight for any leakage and blockage & the
pressure of the testing medium should not be more than 0.5 kg/cm 2
Fig No.-3
Pressure vessels are leak proof containers which contain media under pressure and temperature May be of any shape milk bottles,
shaving cream, tires, tanks, reactors etc. The term pressure vessel referred to those reservoirs or containers, which are subjected to
internal or external pressures.For higher operating pressures and higher temperature, new technologies have been developed to
handle the present day specialized requirements. Multilayer Pressure Vessels have extended the art of pressure vessel construction
and presented the process designer with a reliable piece of equipment useful in a wide range of operating conditions for the
problems generated by the urea processes.
Unit cylinders consist of an Inner shells, steel Inner shells of suitable material are used
Designed to various international codes hoop (3 – 6 mm thk ) coiled around the inner as per process requirement
shell in volute and split outer shell of 6-to 12
mm thickness
Required thickness is calculated as per solid Then thin plates of high T.S. are wrapped
Uninformative priestess can be obtained by
wall construction formulas subsequently no. of on outside of inner shell to obtain required
coiling of hoop around inner shell
layers and their thickness is determined thk.
Vent holes are provided in all layered sections Vent holes are provided in all layered
Cylindrical shells are rolled to desired Dia and
except for inner shell lining sections except for inner shell lining.
welded ( plates THK in the range of 1” to
Layers of different material can be Does not suffer from lack of Does not suffer from lack of
used as per process requirement. uniformity of material. uniformity of material.
Normally uneven corrosion in reactor occurs due to poor feed rate and quality, N/C ratio; high inert; chloride and sulphides and
also iron precipitated water. Lack of passivation. 316 L Urea Grade needs a continuous oxygen supply to assure a passive layer
builds up. Sulphides cause stress cracking in stainless steel. Chlorides are somewhat corrosive to stainless steel. The combination
is not good. It sounds like you might be getting a lot of impurities in there from somewhere. Very small quantities of these things
(other than halides) are not likely to be very much of a problem, but you need to have an analysis made of the sludge you are
getting to determine what all you have in there. Then it will be easier to judge how bad the situation is. With this kind of mix (if
you are getting all of those things) you can get a lot of side reactions. If you have that many anions, you will need to get cautions
from something. It is possible for it to find them in the stainless steel. Passivation air must not be less than 0.3% in compressor
house in third stage. Following points to avoid corrosion/erosion.
Fig. No. 4
Fig. No. 5
Fig. No. 6
CONCLUSION combined to produce an estimation of risk. The results show
My experience says that reactors always leak from the weld that the lining leakage is the most severe risk and the SCC of
joints of liner initially. However, if the leak is not attended layer shells risk is the second. Keep weep holes always open
and carbamate comes in contact with shell. The damages are and inspect for leaks periodically. Urea reactors should be
far beyond imagination. Weld joints are always more shut down immediately when a leakage is detected. Don't
vulnerable to fail. The probability and consequence are use vapour to detect the leakage of urea reactor vessel, in
case it should be used, the vapour quality should be ensured. manufacturer and operator. The legislation and standard
The risk of highly corrosive urea-carbamate solution leaking must be such that these requirements are met.
through these liners always exists in this equipment which
might eventually damage the carbon steel walls. The places LEGENDS
having notches like corners of support cleats or crevices in CS-carbon steel, TPD-ton per hour, MW-Megawatt.
the weld joints are more prone for SCC.The reactor liner SS-stainless steel. SCC –stress corrosion cracking, DP-
leakage is the serious phenomenon. As and when urea Dye penetrating Test. Circ.-Circumferences, Long.-
reactor liner leakage started shut down must be taken as longitudinal. HP-High Pressure, L.S -low pressure
soon as possible otherwise carbon steel corrosion rate is Steam, K.W-High Pressure flushing water. H.W-about
high. The subject of pressure vessel technology is central to Medium pressure flushing water.ID-inner dia.
industries as a whole. The balance of safety with a sound P.W.H.T.-Post weld heat treatment. T.S. -Tensile
economic approach is a major consideration to the designer, strength