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Unlted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,162,407

Turner [45] Date of Patent: Nov. 10, 1992

[54] SILICONE RUBBER SEALANT 4,672,004 6/ 1987 Chllat et a]. ...................... .. 428/447
COMPOSITION 4,704,419 11/1987 Fukayama et al. .
[75] Inventor: Ronald L. Turner, Golden, Colo. 4,755,579
4,708,743 11/1987
7/1988 Letoffe
Schmidt ..............................
.. .. 524/588
[73] Assignee: Investors Diversi?ed Capital, Inc., FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Monument, C010. 1069057 11/1959 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
[21] App]. No.: 665,419 202446 12/1971 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
[22] Filed: Mar. 6, 1991 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
. . Anderson, R. et a1. (1987) Silicon Compounds", Regis
Related Us Apphcatmn Data ter and Review, Petrach Systems, pp. 258-259,
[63] Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 489,689, Mar. 6, 1990, Kirk Qthmer Encyclopedia, chapter Sealants, Sec
abandoned tion Silicones.
[51] 1111.01.5 .............................................. .. coax 5/54 Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia, Chapter Silicon Com
[52] U.S. Cl. ............................... .. 524/108; 428/319.3; pounds, Section Silicon Elnstomers~

524/491; 524/585 Attorney, Agent, or FzrmGreenlee and Winner
[58] Field of Search ............. .. 524/588, 490, 491, 376, [57] ABSTRACT
524/377, 385, 188, 266, 462, 89, 102, 108; - - - - _
523/169; 525/477; 428/3193 447 A sealant composition especially useful for porous ma
tenals such as wood, concrete and mansonry 15 pro
[56] References Cited vided comprising: (a) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane
Us PATENT DOCUMENTS having a molecular weight greater than about 2000; '(b)
3 304 318 2/1967 B d 260/448 2 a mulnfunctional s1lane having functional groups which
, , ra y ............................. .. . - - - _

3,444,225 5/1969 Boissieras et a1. 260/4482 cogdinse ."th guano] groups m the pres? f mm
3,589,917 6/1971 Hedlund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106/12 5} 1 mmsmre at rm temperature 1 or! a mass
3,753,441 9/1973 Nizche at 3]. 525/477 llnked polymer; and (C) a nonaqueous volatile solvent
3,772,065 11/1973 Seller .......... .. 117/123 which is non-reactive with components (a) and (b).
3,832,319 8/1974 Merrill 524/376 - ~ - -
3,879,459 4/1975 Burrill .... ..
3,935,147 l/1976 Godshalk
The :ealam qompogtilcl? Wilde}? sad materials was;
PT_ by coallng 3 1 "18ml ePre 531d male"
4,261,758 4/1981 Wright et a1. 428/447 Wlih Cured Silicone rubber Product
:1338375 7/1982 HaShiFnOm el a1- - 428/447 In a preferred embodiment the composition also con
43332113334132? 2:112:51;----------- 4
4,476,155 10/1984 Niemi _____ __ 427/387 su liming c elatmg agent-1n amount su icrenr to
4,517,375 5/1935 Schmidt 423/447 prevent cure of the 00111130510011 111 the storage container
4,525,213 6/1985 Linn ....... .. 106/2 prior to or during use.
4,525,400 6/1985 Suprenant 428/447 4 - - -
4,544,692 10/1985 Kuziemka .. 524/376 Tl: cmpsmn. may als mpnse adhesm agents
4,546,017 10/1985 Flackett et a1 .. 427/387 5 wants and Plgments
4,631,207 12/1986 Price .......... .. .. 427/387
4,672,003 6/1987 Letoffe .............................. .. 428/447 19 Claims, No Drawings
1 2
condensation products with 0 to 2 alkoxy groups per
SILICONE RUBBER SEALANT COMPOSITION silicon atom in alcohols or hydrocarbons. This agent
makes the masonry hydrophobic and preserves its abil
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED ity to breathe, i.e., does not close the pores.
APPLICATIONS German Patent 1069057 discloses the use of water
This is a continuation-in-part of copending U.S. pa soluble organosiloxanes for impregnating masonry to
tent application Ser. No. 07/489,689, ?led Mar.6, 1990, make it water-repellant, but able to breathe.
now abandoned which is incorporated herein by refer One-component room temperaturegvulcanizable rub
ence. ber sealants have been known to the art since the 1960s.
10 The Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia, under the Chapter
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Title, Sealants, and Section Heading, Silicones,
This invention relates to one-component room tem discloses that these products have a Si-O-Si backbone
perature vulcanizable (RTV) silicone rubber composi and cure by exposure to moisture in the air.
tions used as sealants, especially for porous materials One-component room temperature vulcanizable sili
such as concrete, wood and masonry. The compositions cone rubbers are further described in the Kirk Othmer
of this invention include volatile solvents and cure in Encyclopedia under the Chapter Title Silicon Com
situ after application to form waterproof cross-linked pounds, Silicones, Section Heading, Silicone Elasto
rubber sealants ?lling the pores of said materials. In a mers, as comprising ?uids with silanol end groups
preferred embodiment the sealant comprises a volatile which cure by reactions involving acetoxysilanes. The
or subliming chelating agent in an amount suf?cient to 20 cure is brought about by contact with moisture in the
prevent activity of the metal-containing curing catalyst air. Catalysts may be used to speed the reaction.
prior to application of the sealant to prevent curing in Anderson, R. et a1. (1987) Silicon Compounds, Reg
the can. ister and Review, Petrarch Systems, pp. 258-259, at
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION page 266 discloses that silanol terminated polydimethyl
siloxanes with a molecular weight of 26,000 to 200,000
Silicone compositions are known for use in water may be cross-linked with small quantities of multifunc
proo?ng porous building materials, however, such tional silanes which condense with the silanol groups.
compositions have generally involved relatively low This reference discloses that such silanols are almost
molecular weight silicone ?uids or oils. Such com never used in ?uid applications. The most commonly
pounds are described, e.g., in Anderson, R. et al. (1987) used multifunctional silanes used in one-component
"Silicon Compounds, Register and Review, Petrarch room temperature vulcanizable rubbers are acyloxy,
Systems, pp. 258-259. These oils, although waterproof, enoxy and oxime silanes.
will dissolve and can be removed by appropriate sol Product sheets from three compositions manufac
vents. They can even be physically forced from the
pores by high pressure water. Such oils may also wick 35
tured by Petrarch Systems disclose compositions which
are silicone rubber compositions in nonaqueous volatile
out of the pores and be absorbed by materials in contact
solvents which cure on contact with atmospheric mois
with the impregnated substrate.
Examples of such prior silicone compositions are ture. However, these compounds all have a high per
described in Linn U.S. Pat. No. 4,525,213 which dis cent solids (34% or more), and thus low concentration
closes the use of low molecular weight (100-1000) al of volatile solvent (below 66%). These compositions
kylalkoxysilanes in non-alcohol-containing solvents for are designed to form a protective ?lm over the sub
waterproo?ng concrete and masonry. These com strates rather than penetrate into pores thereof. Protec
pounds react with the cement paste matrix of the sub tion of the porous substrate using the compositions of
strate to form stable hydrophobic reaction products. this invention is 10 to 20 times better per weight percent
Seiler U.S. Pat. No. 3,772,065 describes alcoholic 45 solids than using the Petrarch compositions.
solutions of alkyltrialkoxysilanes and their lower oligo None of the foregoing patents disclose or suggest the
mers as masonry impregnants. use of one-component room temperature vulcanizable
Schmidt U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,517,375, 4,352,894 and rubber intermediates in non-aqueous volatile solvents
4,708,743 describe aqueous solutions of silanols pre which cross-link in the presence of atmospheric mois
pared by hydrolysis of alkyltrialkoxysilanes as masonry 50 ture after application to porous materials such as ma
waterproo?ng agents. sonry, wood or concrete to ?ll the pores and form a
Boissieras et a1. U.S. Pat. No. 3,444,225 describes waterproof seal.
organopolysiloxane derivatives ranging from mobile SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
liquids to highly viscous oils which are stable in ambient
air, and which are used as waterproo?ng and anti-adhe 55 A sealant composition especially useful for porous
sion agents. materials such as wood, concrete and masonry is pro
Brady U.S. Pat. No. 3,304,318 describes a method for vided comprising:
hydrolyzing alkoxysilanes to form siloxanes or silanols. (a) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a molec
Hedlund U.S. Pat. No. 3,589,917 describes a method ular weight greater than about 2000;
for preventing scaling and spalling of concrete compris 60 (b) a multifunctional silane having functional groups
ing applying to concrete a silane of the formula QSiX3 which condense with silanol groups in the presence of
wherein Q is a hydrocarbon or substituted hydrocarbon atmospheric moisture at room temperature to form a
radical and X isa readily hydrolyzable radical, or an cross-linked polymer;
alkali metal monoalkyl siliconate having l-4 carbon (c) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount suf?cient
atoms in the alkyl group. 65 to cause said condensation of said mixture in the pres
German Patent Application 2029446 discloses im ence of atmospheric moisture; and
pregnating agents for masonry and inorganic oxides (d) a nonaqueous volatile solvent which is non-reac~
comprising solutions of alkyltrialkoxy silanes or their tive with the remaining components.
3 4
The sealant composition renders said materials water (d) a non-aqueous volatile solvent which is non-reac
proof by coating and ?lling in the poresof said material tive with the remaining components at a concentration
with cured silicone rubber product. i of at least about 85%;
This composition preferably contains amorphous (e) comprising adding to said composition comprising
silica tillers and has a hardness (shore A) of at least adding to said composition a volatile or subliming che
about 20, and preferably less than that which makes the lating agent in an amount sufficient to prevent activity
product rigid the tensile strength of this composition is of said catalyst, whereby curing of said composition
at least 250 to about 450 or higher, and an elongation occurs upon evaporation of said chelating agent and
about 300% to about 500%. consequent release of said catalyst after application to
Preferably, the composition also comprises a volatile said substrate. }

chelating agent, preferably 1,4-dioxane, in amount suffi Preferably said chelating agent comprises l,4-dioxane
cient to prevent activity of said catalyst so as to prevent in an amount at least equimolar to the metal atoms in
curing of the composition in the can prior to applica said catalyst.
Preferably the composition also comprises an adhe PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
sion agent and a surfactant.
The sealant composition of this invention is a one
A method for waterproofing a material, especially a component RTV silicone rubber solubilized or sus
porous building material, is also provided comprising: pended in a nonaqueous volatile solvent comprising a
(a) applying to said material at room temperature and silanol-terminated polysiloxane, a multifunctional si
in the presence of atmospheric moisture, a sealant com lane, a metal-containing curing catalyst, and the sol
position comprising: vent, and also optionally including an adhesion agent
(l) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a molec and/or a surfactant. in a preferred embodiment, the
ular weight greater than about 2000; sealant includes a volatile or subliming chelating agent
(2) a multifunctional silane having functional groups 25 to tie up the metal atoms in the catalyst and prevent
which condense with silanol groups of said silanol curing of the composition in its storage container.
terminated polysiloxane under said conditions of When applied to a porous substrate, such as wood,
temperature and atmospheric moisture to form a masonry or concrete, the solution penetrates, carrying
cross-linked polymer; the uncured rubber into the interstices of the porous
(3) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount sufficient 30 substrate. As the solvent evaporates, the silicone rubber
to cause said condensation of said mixture in the is deposited in the pores and interstices of the porous
presence of atmospheric moisture; substrate. After drying (and to some degree during the
(4) a non-aqueous volatile solvent which is non-reac solvent evaporation), the material cures by chemical
tive with the remaining components, at a concen reaction, forming a stiff insoluble rubber compound
tration between that sufficient to provide a viscos 35 interspersed throughout the substrate. The substrate
ity low enough to allow penetration of said compo becomes waterproof or water resistant, because of the
sition into the pores of said material and that which water repellency of the silicone. _
will allow effective filling of said pores by said Unlike silicone oils which have previously been used
cross-linked polymer after evaporation of said-sol for such purposes, the material of this invention is mo
vent; and i lecularly bonded to itself to form very large molecules
(b) allowing said'solvent to evaporate and said com which extend through the substrate and are thereby
position to cross-link such that a waterproof seal of said locked into the substrate. It is extremely difficult to
material is formed. ' remove this material from a porous substrate, other than
An improved method comprises adding to said seal by cutting away the portion containing the silicone. For
ant composition a volatile or subliming chelating agent most substrates, a chemical method of removal of the
preferably comprising 1,4-dioxane in an amount equi silicone rubber would destroy the substrate before at
molar to the metal ions in said catalyst and allowing said tacking the rubber.
chelating agent to evaporate after application of said The silanol~terminated polysiloxane component of
sealant to said material, whereby said condensation is the composition of this invention is a polymer having a
prevented prior to said application, and is permitted Si-O-Si backbone terminating with at least one OH
group. The silicone molecules may have substituents
after evaporation of said chelating agent. such as alkyl groups, or substituents which participate
There is also provided a method for temporarily in the cross-linking reactions with the silanol groups,
preventing curing of the one-component room tempera such as acetoxy, enoxy amine, oxime and alkoxy, as is
ture vulcanizable silicone rubber sealant composition understood in the art. Preferably, the silanol-terminated
prior to application thereof to a substrate, and permit~ polysiloxane is a silanol-terminated polydimethylsilox
ting curing of said composition following application to me. These polysiloxanes have a molecular weight
said substrate wherein said silicone rubber sealant com greater than about 2000 and up to about MIMXX), and
position comprises: _ more preferably sufficiently high to be classi?ed as gum
(a) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a molec 60 rather than liquid, e.g., about 26,000 and above, with a
ular weight greater than about 2000; preferable upper limit of about 200,000.
(b) a multifunctional silane having functional groups The multifunctional silane is preferably an acyloxy,
which condense with silanol groups in the presence of enoxy or oxime silane, more preferably an acetoxy si
atmospheric moisture at room temperature to form a lane. Any multifunctional silane may be used having as
cross-linked polymer; 65 substituents reactive group which condense with the
(c) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount sufficient OH groups of the silanol-terminated polysiloxane in the
to cause said condensation of said mixture in the pres presence of atmospheric moisture to form a branched,
ence of atmospheric moisture; ' cross-linked polymer, all as understood by those skilled
5 6
in the art. The percentage of silane in the mixture curing in the can, the solvent should not contain water
should be sufficient to crosslink the polysiloxane so as to and the sealant composition should be kept scrupu
form a rubbery mass by producing atangled chain with lously dry, such as by scaling, to prevent contact with
occasional cross-linked bridges. As is understood by atmospheric moisture until ready to use in order to
those skilled in the art, too much silane can make the prevent premature cross-linking of the components and
cured composition hard and brittle, and too little will degradation of the product.
not allow the mixture to become solid and ?rm. A pre With a low concentration of the silane/polysiloxane
ferred percentage of silane to polysiloxane is about mixture in the solvent, very extensive penetration of
0.1%, and more preferably about 1% to about 5%. substrates which are porous materials by the sealant
Preferably the silane is one which forms reaction prod composition can be obtained, but with less effective
ucts with the polysiloxane which are non-toxic and ?lling of the pores once the solvent has evaporated and
non-corrosive. the rubber has cured. On the other hand, a very high
Silicone oils of high viscosity, e.g., up to about 30,000 concentration may provide a surface layer with little
to 60,000 c.s., can be used to provide inexpensive water penetration of the porous material. To be used on mate
repellency to the products and can be used in an amount rial with large pores, such as lightweight masonry or
up to but not exceeding the amount of the other ingredi weathered wood, a higher concentration of the silane/
ents, so long as the ability to achieve a ?rm set is not polysiloxane mixture can be advantageous. On very
interfered with. A preferred amount of such oils is about dense materials such as concrete or fired brick, a lower
1-2% of the total composition or less. concentration is better, because it penetrates better and
In a preferred embodiment, the silanol-terminated 20 because not so much rubber is needed to ?ll the small
polysiloxane and multifunctional silane are respectively pores of brick or concrete. Preferably the concentration
a silanol-terminated polydimethyl siloxane (Chemical of the silane/polysiloxane mixture in the volatile solvent
Abstracts No. 70131-67-8, incorporated herein by refer is about 2% to about 33% by weight. Concentrations of
ence), and methyltriacetoxysilane (Chemical Abstracts the silane/polysiloxane mixture lower than about 2%
No. 4253-34-3, incorporated herein by reference) as give some protection, but are not nearly as effective on
contained in General Electric Company CRTV 5110, a most substrates as somewhat higher concentrations.
commercially-available one-component RTV silicone Better performance is obtained if the concentration of
rubber intermediate mix. Product information about this the silane/polysiloxane mixture is between about 5%
product is as follows: and about 15%.
30 The concentration of the solvent in the sealant com
position, therefore, should be between that sufficient to
Typical Uncured Properties provide a viscosity low enough to allow penetration of
Color I Translucent said composition into the pores of said material and that
Consistency Pourable
Solids Content Contains no solvent
which will allow effective ?lling of said ports by said
Non-volatiles, % 97% (min) 35 cross-linked polymer after evaporation of said solvent,
(24 hrs/158" F.) preferably at least about 66%, more preferably at least
Flow Self leveling. 4" in 12 sec. about 85%, and more preferably, between about 85%
Viscosity 25,000-35,000 and about 93%.
Tack Free Time 30 minutes
(77 F., 50% R.l-1.) The solvent should be a volatile one which readily
Application Rate 600 evaporates at room temperature after application to the
grn/min. - substrate allowing the silane/polysiloxane mixture to
(Semco gun with #440 cross-link upon contact with atmospheric mixture into a
nozzle 0.125 ori?ce)
Gun pressure 90 i 2 psi solid polymer. Preferably the solvent has a boiling point
Speci?c Gravity 1.05-1.07 between about 50 C. and about 325 C., more prefera
Typical Cured Properties 45 bly between about 180 C. and about 275 C., and most
Properties ' preferably between about 180 C. and about 225 C.
(ASTM pressed sheets cured at 77 F. and 50% RH.) The solvent should be one in which the silane/
' 24 Hrs. 2 Days 7 Days polysiloxane mixture continues to be soluble or sus
pended as the remaining solvent evaporates, until cur
Hardness, Shore A 22 25 27 50 ing takes place and no further segregation of the sol
Tensile Strength, psi 450 500 520
Elongation, % 430 400 350 vent/solute is likely. Useful solvents include petroleum
Tear Strength, Die B, lb/in. 33 33 33 fractions such as standard solvent and naphtha; alco
Linear Shrinkage, % .3 .3 .3 hols, particularly C-C4 alcohols, such as methyl, ethyl,
Acceleration of Cure propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl and tert-butyl alco
Acceleration of cure is accomplished by increasing either the 55 hols; esters including C-C4 esters, such as ethyl acetate,
temperature or humidity or both. methyl acetate, and propyl acetate; chlorinated hydro
A desirable condition for acceleration is a temperature range carbons such as l,1,1-trichloroethane, perchloroethyl
between 130' F. and 140' F. with a humidity (RH) between 70% ene triohloromethane, methylene dichloride and other
and 80%.
halogenated hydrocarbons such as freons; aromatic
hydrocarbons such as toluene, xylene and ethyl ben
The non-aqueous volatile solvent must be non-reac zene; aliphatic hydrocarbons such as hexane, heptane
tive with the silane and the polysiloxane and other ac? and cyclohexane; glycol ethers such as the ethylene
tive ingredients. The purpose of this solvent is to dilute glycolmethyl ether, ethylene glycol butyl ether; propri
the silane/polysiloxane composition by dissolving or etary solvents such as Cellosolve, a product of Union
suspending it to create an easily spreadable composition 65 Carbide, or Dowanol, a product of Dow Chemical
having a viscosity suitable for application to the sub Company; and ketones such as dimethyl ketone and
strate. Unless the composition includes the volatile or ethyl methyl ketone. Mixtures of the foregoing solvents
subliming chelating agent described herein to prevent may also be used.
7 8
Preferably the solvent is one which is non-toxic and an amount at least equimolar to the metal atoms in the
meets environmental regulations. Examples of such catalyst is used, and more preferably, excess chelating
preferred solvents are Stoddard solvent, aliphatic hy agent is used, e.g., l or 2 weight percent, so as to pro
drocarbons, glycol ethers, propyl alcohol and ethyl vide protection against curing even after some preferen
alcohol. Other factors to be balanced in choosing a tial evaporation of the chelating agent in the container
solvent for use in the _ composition of this invention has occurred. Up to one hundred times the molar
include ?ash point, as materials with low ?ash points, amount of catalyst metal of chelating agent may advan
e.g., less than about 100-120 F., are less preferred for tageously be used.
consumer application. Tendency to absorb water is also Any volatile or subliming (i.e., capable of substan
a factor in choosing an appropriate solvent, as the pres tially dissipating within a few hours application to the
ence of water in the composition prior to application substrate, preferably at about the same rate as the vola
causes premature cross-linking and tends to degrade the tile solvent) chelating agent may be used. Suitable che
product. Care must be taken to ensure that the solvent lators include orthophenanthroline, a-a'-dipyridyl and
does not contain water before mixing. Dehydrating 1,4-dioxane, or mixtures thereof. '
agents known to those skilled in the art, e.g., silica gel In a preferred embodiment, the sealant composition
and sodium sulfate, may be used for this purpose. When contains, in addition to the silanol-terminated polysilox
commercially available glycol ethers such as Cellosolve ' ane and multifunctional silane in the volatile solvent, an
and Dowanol are used, for example, these must be dried adhesion agent to aid in bonding of the cross-linked
?rst. However, this factor becomes less important when sealant to the substrate. For this purpose organofunc
the volatile or subliming chelating agents of this inven 20 tional silanes which form molecular bonds with the
tion are used'to prevent premature curing. substrate and also with the cured silicone rubber poly
Despite their low ?ash points and tendency to absorb mer are useful. A preferred adhesion agent is vinyl
water, alcohols are preferred solvents because they are tris(2-methoxyethoxy)silane produced commercially by
cheaper than some alternative solvents. Methanol and Union Carbide under the trade name A-l72. Other
ethanol are renewable resources. Another advantage, 25 such compounds are those which are known to the art
particularly with ethanol, and to a lesser degree with to form molecular bonds between the particular sub
propanol, is the relatively low toxicity of these materi strate and the polymer, such asmercapto functional
als; human health hazard due to vapors of evaporating silanes, e.g., A-189 of Union Carbide, consisting of
solvent are thus minimized. Additionally, because gamma mercap to propyl trimethoxy silane; and amino
lower alcohols are miscible with water, a product for 30 functional silanes such as A-ll of Union Carbide, con
mulated with alcohol provides better penetration of a sisting of gamma amino propyl triethoxy silane.
porous substrate which may not be scrupulously dry The adhesion agent should be present in an amount
than solvents which are totally immiscible with water. providing improvement in adhesion properties without
Catalysts are also used to enhance the reaction. Tin interfering with cross-linking of the polysiloxane/silane
soaps are effective catalysts. The catalyst should be one, mixture, preferably between about 0.1% to about 5%
as will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, which by weight, and preferably about 0.2%. '
enhances the rate of condensation reactions. In the Also in a preferred embodiment of this invention, a
RTV silicone rubbers, metal soaps are often used as surfactant is included in the mixture. RTV rubber tends
catalysts to accelerate the cure. These metal organic to migrate and separate during the evaporation stage of
compounds probably function by facilitating hydrogen 40 the curing. Although the coating is still effective, there
transfer. Tin soaps, zinc soaps, and other metal soaps or can be isolated regions which are less well protected
metal salts of carboxylic acids, tin octooctoate and tita due to this migration. If the protective coating is applied
nates serve in this function. to a smooth, non-porous substrate, such as glass, this
In a preferred embodiment, the sealant composition tendency to migrate and produce an uneven coating is
also contains a volatile or subliming metal chelating 45 quite pronounced. Unexpectedly, it was found that the
agent which ties up the metal atoms in the catalyst so as addition of certain surfactants, especially ?uorocarbon
to prevent curing of the composition while in its storage surfactants, was effective in diminishing or entirely
container prior to application. Previous compositions eliminating the tendency of the components to migrate
had to be used immediately upon opening because they and separate. A preferred surfactant is the 3M product
began to cure on contact with atmospheric moisture. 50 FC-430,a proprietary non-ionic ?uorochemical liquid
However, when the volatile or subliming chelating surfactant. Another useful surfactant is F0740 of 3M, a
agents of this invention are present, the composition non-ionic ?uoroaliphatic polymeric ester.
may be opened for use, closed and reused later. Appli The concentration of the surfactant depends on the
cant successfully allowed his compositions containing exact compound used as well as the intended applica
said chelating agent to evaporate to one-half volume in 55 tion, and can be determined without undue experimen
the container without curing. tation by those skilled in the art. The concentration
The volatile or subliming chelating agent should be should be high enough to effectively prevent migration
one that evaporates or sublimes at room temperature of the curing components but not so high as to cause
after application at about the same rate as the volatile undesirable foaming action when the product is brushed
solvents of this invention for convenience in use; how 60 or shaken. A preferred concentration of F0430 is be
ever, if the chelating agent is slower or faster in dissipat tween about 0.0l% to about 0.1% by weight, more
ing than the solvent this will not interfere with the preferably between about 0.03% and about 0.07%, and
curing reaction. most preferably about 0.06%.
The chelating agent should preferably be present in Pigments may be added to the composition if desired
an amount at least suf?cient to tie in all metal atoms in 65 so long as they are suspendible in the mixture and do not
the catalyst to prevent catalyzation of the cure reaction. adversely react with the other components thereof or
Generally, amounts of chelating agent of at least about change the properties of the cured rubber product. A
0.01% weight of the solvent will be useful, preferably number of pigments are suitable, as will be appreciated
by those skilled in the art, including aluminum powder,
lamp black and pigments opaque to ultraviolet light Volume
which serve to protect substrates such as wood degrad Ingredient Percent
able by ultraviolet light.
The following examples are provided for purposes of 5 . w
Naphtha 93.0
illustration and not by way of limitation of the invention GB RTV 110 5.5
which is de?ned by the terms of the appended claims, Silicon oil 60K cs 0.6
included equivalents which would be apparent to those A-l72 0.08
skilled in the art. FC-430 0.05
10 1,4-Dioxane 0.8
EXAMPLES a-a'-Dipyridyl 0.l
EXAMPLE 1 l,l,l-trichloroethane 93.0
RTV 110 5.5
In a series of experiments, mixtures containing 2.9, 7, Silicon oil 60K cs 0.6
and 25% Silicone Rubber in Stoddard Solvent were A-l72 0.08
applied to thin pine sticks and allowed to cure over FC-430 0.05
night, and weighed. Each stick was then soaked in pure l,4-Dioxane 0.8
a~a'-Dipyridyl 0.08
water for one minute, then wiped dry for 30 seconds
with dry paper towels and weighed. The water uptake
was calculated as a percent of the pine stick weight, and 20 The F0430 is a product of 3M Corporation
was found to vary with the percentage concentration of The A-l72 is a product of Union Carbide Corporation
the silicone rubber in the solvent. The test results fol The formula is mixed by stirring the solvent while
low: adding the silicone gum to the Stoddard solvent in thin
streams, avoiding high shear (whipping air into the
25 mixture). Stirring is continued until all material ap
Percent Silicone Percent Water peared uniform. Exposure to moisture in air is mini
Rubber in Solvent Absorbed
mized during this mixing step. When the material is
0 8.2
2.9 3.3
evenly dispersed, FC-430 and the A-172 are added and
7 1.5 stirred for several more minutes.
25 ' 1.0
Various solvents were tested with a one-part acetoxy
The Percent Water Absorbed can be estimated using a
logarithmic equation: silicone rubber intermediate manufactured by Rhone
Poulenc (R-222). Product information regarding this
Percent Water Absorbed=3.9-0.95 ln (% Silicone), 35 composition is as follows: Unaffected by sunlight, rain,
snow, ozone and temperature extremes. Does not crack
with a regression coefficient of 0.99. This exact equation or become brittle with age. Nonstaining and nonfading.
will hold only for the identical wood splints, under Meets or exceed the requirements of the following fed
identical test conditions, but it does show the general eral speci?cations: TT-S-0Ol543A (COM-NBS) Class
type of results which could be expected under other test 40 A-Federal Speci?cations for Silicone Building Seal
conditions. The higher concentration of silicone rubber ants; TT-S ~00230C (COM-NBS) Class A, on
will give better moisture protection, but with diminish SagFederal Speci?cations for One-component Sili
ing improvement with continued increase in concentra cone Sealants; ASTM C920-79--Standard Speci?cation
tion. for Elastomeric Joint Sealants as Type S, Grade NS,
Class 25, Use NT, C and A; CGSB 9GP9M (Canadian
EXAMPLE 2 Government Speci?cation Board); When properly
The use of alcohol in the product of this invention cured, meets the requirements of FDA regulation num
was found to be technically quite acceptable, forming ber 21 CFR 77.2600.
excellent deposits of well bonded waterproof silicone The formulas of these mixtures are given below, to
rubber on curing. In one test excellent results were 50 gether with some of the test results for these mixtures.
obtained using a solvent consisting of 31% isopropanol 8.21% of silicone rubber was dissolved in 91.5% of
and 69% Stoddard solvent. Stoddard Solvent, 0.05% of FC-430 was added, fol
lowed by 0.23% of A-172. A cedar test coupon was
EXAMPLE 3 coated with this material and allowed to cure 72 hours.
In this Example, the usefulness of surfactants is dem 55 The coupon was then dried in the oven at 40 C. for 8
onstrated. In one test, using 0.06% of 3M product PC hours, allowed to cool, and soaked in pure water. After
430 in the product, vs without any surfactant, the two ten minutes, the coupon had absorbed 6.7% as much
products were applied side by side on clean glass and water as a reference coupon which was dried but had
allowed to dry naturally. After one day the sample with no repellent treatment. After one hour soaking, the
no surfactant had dried, but was separated into an oily coupon absorbed 13% as much water as the untreated
zone and a dry powdery region. The sample with the coupon, and after 16 hours, it had absorbed 30% as
surfactant gave no such separation on drying, and pro much water as the untreated coupon. _
duced a uniform clear, smooth coating of ?rm rubber 4.23% of silicone rubber intermediate was dissolved
over the entire application region. in 90.5% of Stoddard Solvent, 0.03% of FC-430 dis
65 solved in 5% of dried Ethanol was added, followed by
EXAMPLE 4 0.18% of A-l72. A cedar test coupon was coated with
Formulas for preferred sealant materials of this inven this material and allowed to cure 72 hours. The coupon
tion are given below: was then dried in the oven at 40 C. for 8 hours, allowed
11 12
to cool, and soaked in pure water. After ten minutes, the -continued
coupon had absorbed 6.8% as much water as a refer
Rhone-Poulenc 222 Intermediate 4.5 wt. %
ence coupon which was dried but had no repellent Silicone Oil (60,000 cs) 0.4 wt. %
treatment. After one hour soaking, the coupon absorbed FC-430 (3M Corp.) 0.02 wt. %
13.3% as much water as the untreated coupon, and after A-172 (Union Carbide) 0.07 wt. %
16 hours, it had absorbed 30% as much water as the
untreated coupon. with Petrarch Products SE and FF. These Petrarch
3.69% of silicone rubber intermediate was dissolved Products are described as follows:
in 88.1% of Stoddard Solvent, 0.03% of FC-430 dis
solved in 5.3% Ethanol was added, followed by 0.18% Petrarch SE
of A-172. 2.72% of high viscosity silicone oil (60000 Petrarch SE is utilized to protect delicate microelec
centistokes) was added. A cedar test coupon as coated tronic devices, provide conformable seals and gaskets.
with this material and allowed to cure 72 hours. The 1t overcoats silicone rubber and other plastic part pro
coupon was then dried in the oven at 40 C. for 8 hours, viding greater comfort during body contact. By
allowed to cool, and soaked in pure water. After ten products of cure are nonacidic. .
minutes, the coupon had absorbed 6.5% as much water Petrarch SE is a single component solvent dispersion
as a reference coupon which was dried but had no re of a silicone elastomer prepolymer. It cures by activa
pellent treatment. After one hour soaking, the coupon tion of a silane catalyst by atmospheric moisture and
absorbed 12.5% as much water as the untreated coupon, evaporation of a naphtha vehicle.
and after 16 hours, it had absorbed 27% as much water 20
as the untreated coupon.
7.27% of S-222 was dissolved in 77.4% Methyl Ethyl Cured Properties
Ketone and 15.3% of Stoddard Solvent. A cedar test Color Clear
coupon was soaked with this material and allowed to Durometer, Shore A >5
Tensile Strength ' > 50 psi
cure 72 hours. The coupon was soaked in pure water. 25 Elongation > 150%
After ten minutes, the coupon had absorbed 5% as Tear Strength >5 pli
much water as a reference coupon which had no repel Uncured Prooerties
lent treatment. After 15 hours soaking, the coupon ab Form Clear solution
Viscosity 1(11-150 ctsks
sorbed 15.3% as much water as the untreated coupon, Specific gravity 0.81
and after 29 hours, it had absorbed 55% as much water 30 Percent solids 35%
as the untreated coupon. Skin over time, minutes 15
6.12% of silicone rubber intermediate was dissolved Cure time (10 mils) 2 hours
Flash Point 12 C.
in 82.4% Isopropyl Acetate and 11.5 of Stoddard Sol
vent. A cedar test coupon was soaked with this material
and allowed to cure 72 hours. The coupon was soaked 35 Petrarch SE is applies by dipping or brushing parts.
in pure water. After ten minutes, the coupon had ab Solvent is removed by ambient or forced air evapora
. sorbed 4.7% as much waster as a reference coupon tion. The maximum recommended coat thickness is 10
which had no repellent treatment. After 15 hours soak mils. Greater ?lm thickness can be achieved by addi
ing, the coupon absorbed 15% as much water as the tional dips following solvent evaporation. Once con
untreated coupon, and after 29 hours, it had absorbed tainers are opened they must be purged with dry air or
59% as much water as the untreated coupon. nitrogen to prevent gelation.
7.85% of silicone rubber intermediate was dissolved Petrarch FF
in 70.3% Methylene Chloride and 21.8% of Stoddard
Solvent. A cedar test coupon was soaked with this Petrarch FF is a source of ?ller-free silicone rubber in
45 a tough bulk ?lm form. It exhibits high bond strength to
material and allowed to cure 72 hours. The Coupon was
soaked in pure water. After ten minutes, the coupon had a wide range of substrates including other silicones,
absorbed 4.4% as much water as a reference coupon silica, metals and solvent compatible plastics and ?bers.
which had no repellent treatment. After 1L hours soak In biomedical equipment, Petrarch FF coatings reduce
ing, the coupon absorbed 12.2% as much water as the physiological interaction including protein adsorption
untreated coupon, and after 29 hours, it had absorbed and clot initiation. In optical devices it provides a clear
41.4% as much water as the untreated coupon. mechanical barrier that seals and gaskets without
5.74% of silicone rubber intermediate was dissolved scratching or initiating notch failure.
in 40.2% pre-dried Ethylene Glycol Butyl Ether, Petrarch FF is a moisture-activated silicone RTV
17.2% of Methylene Chloride and 36.9% of Stoddard dispersed in a solution of tetrahydrofuran/dioxane. In
55 the presence of atmospheric moisture a condensation of
Solvent. A cedar test coupon was soaked with this
material and allowed to cure 72 hours. The coupon was silicone prepolymers to a high molecular weight rubber
soaked in pure water. After one minute, the coupon had occurs. The byproduct of the reaction is acetic acid,
absorbed 5.9% as much water as a reference coupon which imparts a vinegar-like odor. The s'ystemis de
which had no repellent treatment. After } hours soak signed for wet out and adhesion to polar substrates.
ing, the coupon absorbed 20.5% as much water as the
untreated coupon absorbed in ten minutes.
EXAMPLE 6 Tensile Strength >100 psi
Elongation > 150%
A comparison was made of an embodiment of the Durometer, Shore A >8
present invention having the following formula: Tear Strength >5 pli
Uncured ProErties
Percent solids 48-52%
Trichloroethane 95 wt. % Viscosity 350-44.!) ctsks
-continued re?ects the fact that the water repellent nature of the
Speci?c gravity 0.97
material is throughout the body of the test coupon,
Skin over time 30-45 minutes rather than just on the surface. By repeated applica
Cure time (10 mls) 6-8 hours tions, the pores can be entirely ?lled by use of the pene
Flash Point 0 trating sealer, but only the surface can be entirely ?lled
using the coating sealers. .
. Petrarch FF is applied by dipping or brushing. Sol Petrarch Product SS is described as follows:
vent is allowed to evaporate. Cure is at room tempera
Petrarch SS
The three products were tested together for compari Petrarch SS provides clear, cured ?lms where the
son. Cedar coupons 2" square, about 2 thick, were highest level of purity and the lowest irritation and
soaked for 30 seconds in each product, then wiped off toxicity potential are required. The product develops
with a soft cloth and allowed to cure for three days. The good adhesion to silicone substrates.
weight gain due to the cured rubber in the wood was Petrarch SS is a ?ller-free moisture curable silicone
measured. The weight of the original product necessary rubber dispersed in an ordorless volatile silicone sol
to provide that much rubber was also calculated, and vent. It is free of any acid or basic (nitrogenous) by-pro
these weights were related to the original weight of the duct's.
wood coupons.
The coupons were soaked in water for one minute,
then wiped dry of surface moisture with a soft cloth. Cured ProErties
After one minute conditioning, the weight of water Color Clear
taken up by the coupons was measured. The water was Hardness, Shore A 15
related to the original weight of the coupon, and to the Tensile Strength 50-100 psi
Elongation ISO-200%
weight of the absorbed rubber. A control coupon (un Refractive Index l,400-l,4l0
treated) was included in the tests. The results of the Mm
measurements and calculations are given in the Table: Percent Solids 3438%
Viscosity 100-250 ctsks
Speci?c Gravity 0.83
Petrarch Petrarch Lifetime Skin-over time 1-2 hours
FF , SE Commercial Control Cure time 8 hours
Coupon weight 10.155 7.669 3.45 10.778 Flash point 0
Weight of .3456 .1335 .0369
cured product
Solids content 49.] 33.0 8.0 Application is accomplished by dipping, brushing, or
of product spraying, the solvent is removed by evaporation. The
Weight of .704 .405 .527 35 ?lm is allowed to cure under normal ambient condi
raw product
Water absorbed .0313 .0213 0.0314 1.0054 tions, 20 -27 C., 2070% relative humidity.
Water as % of .31 .28 .39 9.3 These ?ndings with respect to Petrarch products SE
coupon weight and FF, indicate that Petrarch Product SS (which is
Weight of solids 11.0 6.27 .51 -
per wt. of water
unavailable from the manufacturer) having a percent
solids listed as 34-38%, would have properties similar
to the SE product, and provide protection in the range
The two Petrarch products are much higher in solids of l/l0 that of the penetrating sealants of this invention.
content, i.e., much lower in solvent concentration What is claimed:
which is approximately 100% minus percent solids, 1. A sealant composition for porous materials com
than the claims made for the sealants of this invention. prising:
They are also much higher in viscosity, which retards (a) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a molec
penetration into porous substrates. During the applica ular weight greater than about 2000;
tion of the SE and FF products, it was noted that they (b) a multifunctional silane having functional groups
tended to remain on the surface. When the surface coat
which condense with silanol groups in the presence
ing is allowed to dry and then cure, a water resistant
of atmospheric moisture at room temperature to
coating results. Such coating is far more susceptible to
damage through erosion, abrasion or other light physi form a cross-linked polymer wherein said silane is
cal damage, as well as by exposure to temperature ex selected from the group consisting of an acetoxysi
tremes. lane, an enoxy silane and an oxime silane in an
The product of this invention, on the other hand, amount sufficient to crosslink said polysiloxane;
penetrates instantly into a porous substrate, and follow (c) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount sufficient
ing drying provides thorough protection. It cannot be to cause said condensation of said mixture in the
abraded off the substrate, since it is throughout the presence of atmospheric moisture;
material, and it is protected from degradation due to (d) a non aqueous volatile solvent which is non reac
UV exposure or other weathering effects by being inter 60 tive with the remaining components at a concentra
nal, rather than a surface coating. tion of at least about 85% weight percent of the
Similar protection from water absorption was ob silane/polysiloxane/solvent mixture.
tained for the short treatment with all three products. 2. A sealant composition for porous materials com
However, the protection obtained per unit weight of prising:
cured product is far greater with the penetrating seal 65 (a) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a molec
ant, with over twenty times as much solids being re ular weight greater than about 2000;
quired for the FF, and over ten times as much for the (b a multifunctional silane having functional groups
SE products, as for the product of this invention. This which condense with silanol groups in the presence
15 16
of atmospheric moisture at room temperature to least about 85 weight percent of the silane/
form a cross-linked polymer; polysiloxane/solvent mixture.
(c) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount suf?cient 16. A method for waterproo?ng a porous material
to cause said condensation of said mixture in the comprising:
presence of atmospheric moisture; 5 (a) applying to said material at room temperature and
(d) a nonaqueous volatile solvent which is nonreac in the presence of atmospheric moisture, a sealant _
tive with the remaining components at a concentra composition comprising: 7 -

tion of at least about 85 weight percent of the sila (1) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a mo
ne/polysiloxane/solvent mixture; and lecular weight greater than about 2000;
(e) a volatile or subliming chelating agent in an (2) a multifunctional silane having functional
amount sufficient to prevent activity of said cata groups which condense with silanol groups in
the presence of atmospheric moisture at room
lyst. temperature to form a cross-linked polymer;
3. The composition of claim 2 wherein said polysilox (3) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount suffi
ane has a molecular weight greater than about 26,000. cient to cause said condensation of said mixture
4. The composition of claim 2 wherein said chelating in the presence of atmospheric moisture;
agent is selected from the group consisting of 1,4-diox (4) a non-aqueous volatile solvent which is non
ane, a-a'dipyridyl, orthophenanthroline, and mixtures reactive with the remaining components at a
of two or more of said chelating agents. concentration of at least about 85 weight percent
5. The composition of claim 2 wherein said chelating 20 of the silane/polysiloxane/solvent. mixture;
agent comprises 1,4-dioxane. (b) allowing said solvent to evaporate and said com
6. The composition of claim 4 wherein said chelating position to cross-link such that a waterproof seal of
agents is present in at least an amount equimolar to the said material is formed.
metal atoms in said catalyst. 17. The method of claim 16 wherein said volatile or
7. The composition of claim 2, wherein said volatile 25 subliming chelating agent comprises l,4-dioxane in an
solvent comprises stoddard solvent. amount equimolar to the metal ions in said catalyst and
8. The composition of claim 2 wherein said volatile allowing said chelating agent to evaporate after applica
solvent comprises an alcohol. tion of said sealant to said material, whereby said con
9. The composition of claim 2 wherein said volatile densation is prevented prior to said application, and is
solvent comprises 1,1,l-trichloroethan'e. 30 permitted after evaporation of said chelating agent.
10. The composition of claim 2 wherein said volatile 18. A method for temporarily preventing curing of
solvent comprises an aliphatic hydrocarbon. the one-component room temperature vulcanizable
11. The composition of claim 2 wherein said volatile silicone rubber sealant composition prior to application
solvent comprises a glycol ether. thereof to a substrate, and permitting curing of said
12. The composition of claim 2, wherein said solvent 35 composition following application to said substrate
is at a concentration between about 85 and about 97 wherein said silicone rubber sealant composition com
weight percent of the silane/polysiloxane/solvent mix prises:
ture. (a) a silanol-terminated polysiloxane having a molec
13. The composition of claim 2 also comprising an ular weight greater than about 2000;
organofunctional silane adhesion enhancer. _ 40 (b) a multifunctional silane having functional groups
14. The composition of claim 2 also comprising sur which condense with silanol groups in the presence
of atmospheric moisture at room temperature to
factant. form a cross-linked polymer;
15. A sealant composition for porous materials com (0) a metalcontaining catalyst in an amount sufficient
prising: >
to cause said condensation of said mixture in the
(a) silanol-terminated polydimethylsiloxane; presence of atmospheric moisture; p1 (d) a non
(b methyltriacetoxysilane in an amount sufficient to aqueous volatile solvent which is non-reactive with
crosslink said silanol-terminated polydimethylsi the remaining components at a concentration of at
loxane; - least about 85 weight percent of the silane/
(c) a metal-containing catalyst in an amount suf?cient polysiloxane/ solvent mixture;
to cause said condensation of said mixture in the said method comprising adding to said composition a
presence of atmospheric moisture; ' volatile or subliming chelating agent in an amount
(d) a volatile or subliming chelating agent comprising sufficient to prevent activity of said catalyst,
1,4-dioxane in an amount equimolar to the metal whereby curing of said composition occurs upon
ions in said catalyst; and . 55 evaporation of said chelating agent- and consequent
(e) a non aqueous volatile solvent selected from the release of said catalyst after application to said
group consisting of compositions which are non substrate.
reactive with components (a) and (b) consisting of 19. The method of claim 18 wherein said chelating
C1-C5 alcohols, glycol ethers, stoddard solvent, agent comprises 1,4-dioxane.
aliphatic hydrocarbons at a concentration of at 60 Q t i t 0


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