2 Synthesis
2 Synthesis
2 Synthesis
• Top down approach refers to slicing • Bottom up approach refers to the build up of
or successive cutting of a bulk material a material from the bottom: atom by atom,
to get nano sized particle. molecule by molecule
• Atom by atom deposition leads to formation of
Self- assembly of atoms/molecules
and clusters
• These clusters come together to form self-
assembled monolayers on the surface of
All the synthesis/deposition techniques are divided into two
categories based on the phase of starting material
Top-Down approach Bottom-Up approach
In Top-down techniques, All the Bottom-up techniques,
the starting material is solid state the starting material is either
gaseous state or liquid state of
Top-down refers to the traditional workshop or microfabrication method where tools are used to cut, mill and shape
materials into the desired shape and order.
Bottom-up refers to methods where devices 'create themselves' by selfassembly. Chemical synthesis is a good
example. Bottom-up should broadly speaking be able to produce devices much cheaper than top-down methods, but
getting control over the methods is difficult when things become larger and more bulky than what is normally made by
chemical synthesis. Of course nature has had time to evolve and optimize self-assembly processes that can do
Top-Down approach Bottom-Up approach
• Expensive technique
Bottom – Up Synthesis
• Two approaches
– Physical Processing : thermodynamic equilibrium
• generation of supersaturation
• nucleation
• subsequent growth
– Chemical Processing: kinetic approach
• limiting the amount of precursors for the growth
confining in a limited space
Growth Kinetics: Nucleation and Growth processes
Synthesis of nanoparticles is a combination of two stage process,
nucleation and growth.
Most phase transformations begin with the formation of numerous small particles (clusters)
of the new phase that increase in size until the transformation is complete.
• Nucleation is the process whereby nuclei (seeds) act as templates for crystal growth.
Phase Transformations
• Transformation rate
• Kinetics of Phase Transformation
– Nucleation: homogeneous, heterogeneous
– Free Energy, Growth
Nucleation is the first step in the formation of either a new thermodynamic phase or a new
structure via self-assembly or self-organisation.
Nucleation is typically defined to be the process that determines how long we have to wait
before the new phase or self-organised structure, appears. Nucleation is often found to be very
sensitive to impurities in the system.
RF or DC signal
Atoms of Target (source) materials are ejected or sputtered by high energy ion
bombardment of high-energy noble gas atoms, commonly Argon, produced by a high
voltage DC or RF glow discharge. These ejected sputtered atoms (due to momentum
transfer) form a thin film coating after condensing on substrate kept as anode plate
Sputtered atoms ejected from the target have a wide energy distribution, typically up to tens of eV.
Advantages- Limitations-
• Non-thermal process, no heating reqd. • controlling Deposition parameters is difficult
• low vacuum(10-3 torr) is needed. • High cost
Thin Film Deposition by sputtering process
The sputtering process consists of the bombardment of the target material by fast moving, heavy, inert gas ions from a
plasma. The bombarding ions cause atoms to be ejected from the target material by momentum transfer between the
colliding ions and the target atoms. The process is schematically shown in Figure 3.1a, where a number of processes are
shown to occur when the ions collide with the target material. Some of the bombarding ions are reflected back and are
neutralized, but may still be sufficiently energetic to reach the substrate were the film is being deposited. This can be a
source of substrate bombardment (back scattering) which can effect the resulting properties of the film. The majority of
the colliding ions tend to induce sputtering by ejecting atoms of the target material by momentum transfer. This is a
secondary collision process, as shown schematically in Figure 3.1a. The ejected atoms will have random directions but, as
discussed in Chapter 4, the sputtering process can induce texture in the resulting films due to the sputtering conditions.
Secondary electrons which are emitted either join the oscillating plasma gas, which cause the continuous ionization of the
gas to sustain the incident ions needed for sputtering, or they liberate their energy in the form of heat on colliding with the
substrate or other parts of the chamber. The sputtered target atoms which are deposited at the substrate form the
resulting thin film. The basic processes occurring at the surface of the substrate are shown in Figure 3.1b.
The mobility of the incident atoms arriving at the substrate is highly dependent upon the sputtering parameters (pressure
and power), the temperature of the substrate, the distance between target and substrate, and the surface.
Figure 3.1: An illustrative diagram showing the sputtering process at the target (a), and film formation at the substrate (b).
Schematic of thin-film growth based on DC sputtering technique. The processes include (a)
migration of single atoms on substrate, (b) aggregation of single atoms, (c) nucleation to form
nanoparticles, (d) growth of nanoparticles, (e) coalescence of nanoparticles, and (f) formation of
continuous film.
Bottom-Up approach
Plasma Processing methods
In general, plasma processing involves chemical and physical reactions between particles and
solid surfaces in contact with the plasma. Some examples are plasma etching, thin film
deposition, protective coating, surface hardening, ion implantation etc.
• Arc discharges technique:
plasma of inert gases is produced by DC (direct current) glow or arc discharges,
In this electric arc discharge method, material is vaporized between two electrodes by arc produced by applying
very high voltage (50-100V) across the electrodes. This ionizes the inert gas and plasma is generated (temperature
6000oC), due to which metal atoms are evaporated and get condensed on water cooled substrate.
Later the substrate is heated to remove the impurities.
This method is applicable for high melting point elements and transition metals.
In this method, a solid metal rod is ablated using a Nd:YAG laser (high Power) in a chamber
containing Ar gas. In the plasma that results from the laser ablation, metal atoms are evaporated
and condensed on water cooled substrate.
Later the substrate is heated to remove the impurities.
NPs of Iron, gold, palladium, and compounds of sulphide are pepared by this method.
Advantage: • High temperature method
• capable of High deposition rate of 2-3 g/min • low quality of material deposited
Bottom-Up approach
Chemical vapor Deposition:
Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is a chemical process used to produce high-purity, high-
performance solid materials. The process is often used in the semiconductor industry to
produce thin films. In a typical CVD process, the wafer (substrate) is exposed to one or more
volatile precursors, which react and/or decompose on the substrate surface to produce the
desired deposit.
Plasma Enhanced CVD-
The energy source (RF/ Microwave power) is
• RF-plasma enhanced CVD intended to generate a plasma in which the
• Microwave Plasma Enhanced CVD gases are broken down to form reaction
Bottom – Up Synthesis
Chemical Methods:
langmuir-blodgett films
Sol-gel method:
Dip coating method
Spin coating method
amphiphilic molecules
Synthesis Approach
TEM Studies
Nearly monodispersed and highly crystalline CdSe quantum dots can be synthesiszed by colloidal
Size ~ 5 nm
2 nm
50 nm 20 nm 70
Number of Particles