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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1


Properties of nucleus to give NMR signal:
All the nucleus their isotopes present in periodic table are not NMR active. For a nucleus to be NMR active it
should full fill/possess.
Non-zero Nuclear spin:
On the basis of spin number, nucleus can be divided into two types
Non-zero Nuclear Spin

Magnetic Nuclei Non-magnetic Nuclei

I 0 I=0
NMR active NMR inactive
Mass number of non-magnetic nuclei will be completely divisible by 4.
e.g. 16O, 12C, 32S
If not divisible by 4, then NMR active
To obtain a good quality NMR signal from magnetic nuclei
It should have good natural abundance and less quadrupole moment.
On the basis of these two factors, magnetic nuclei can be classified as
Magnetic Nuclei

Non-quadrupole magnetic Nuclei Quadrupole magnetic Nuclei

Major axis
Spherical Shape Non-Spherical Shape
I= Minor axis

Conc. Nuclei Dil. Nuclei

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North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
The NMR signal of non-quadrupole magnetic nuclei will be sharp
In case of qudrupole nuclei due to less relaxation time, the NMR signals will be broad and sometimes it will
not appear all.

(band width)

If more, less t relaxation time v constant

frequency (signal width)

t = more then v = less.

For quadrupolar nuclei t = very less. So, transition occurs so fast that signal becomes so broad.
If t = more i.e. relxation time is more then sharp signals.
Atomic Atomic
I Mass Number Example (I)

1 1 5 1
Half-integer Odd Odd or even 1 H , 17
8 O ,
7 N
2 2 2
Integer Even Odd 1 H(1), 14
7 N(1),
5 B(3)

Zero Even Even 6 C(0), 16
8 O(0),
16 S(0)

Quadrupole enhances relaxation:

The signal width in NMR is associate with the relaxation time of nucleus with exclusion principle.
Presence of quadrupole moment creates fast relaxation of nucleus (less t ) resulting broad ............... of
NMR signals.
Non-quadrupole magnetic nuclei with high natural abundance is conc. nuclei.
H 1 s 99.8%
2 www.careerendeavour.com
P 31 s 100%

F 19 s 100%
Rh101 100%
1 1
The nuclei having spin number more than i.e. I are known as Quadrupolar nuclei.
2 2
Recording of NMR spectrum for quadrupolar nuclei is always challenging.
Since, the quadrupolar moment of nucleus causes broadening of NMR signal.
The broadening of NMR signal is due to very less relaxation time t for quadrupolar nuclei

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 3

The quadrupolar nuclei having less quadrupole moment less broadening.

Quadrupole effect is only when there is gradient (concentration difference i.e. asymmetric electric field) in
electric field.
If symmetrical electric field no quadrupolar effect.
For example:
(i) The effect of quadrupolar broadening becomes negligible. If the nuclei is present in spherical electronic
(ii) 15N-NMR spectrum of NH3 shows broad (Quartet) signal due to axial electronic environment.
But 15N-NMR of NH +4 shows sharp signal.

H Tetrahedral

Non-spherical symmetry N is in spherical symmetry sharp signal
broad signal
(Axial Symmetry)

(iii) 1H NMR spectrum of NH3:

Gives broad signal
But 1H NMR of NH4+ gives sharp signal.

Dilute Nuclei:

13 1
C s 1.1% 15 N 1
2 0.37%

199 1 29 1
Hg s 16% Si 5.1%
2 2

Table - Properties of some nuclei with non-zero spin

Resonance frequency (MHz)
g value
Nucleus in field of 2.3487 T
1/2 100.00 5.585
3 10.75 0.6002
3/2 32.08 1.792
1/2 25.14 1.404
1 7.22 0.4036
1/2 10.13 0.5660
5/2 13.56 0.7572
1/2 94.07 5.255
1/2 19.87 1.110
1/2 40.48 2.261
3/2 9.80 0.5472
3/2 8.16 0.4555
1/2 4.05 0.2260
1/2 37.27 2.082
5/2 20.00 1.118
1/2 17.83 0.996

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NMR Phenomenon:
Nucleus clockwise
Nuclear spin
S 2

Before magnetic field energy same

After magnetic field energy difference.



In the absence of external magnetic field the nuclear spin energy level remain degenerate. As we apply the
external magnetic field the degeneracy of spin energy level get break. The nucleus which are aligned with
external magnetic field will remain in lower energy level and the nucleus apposing the ext. magnetic field will
be in higher spin energy level.
The distribution of nucleus into lower and higher energy level will be according to Botlzmann equation.


N B0 = 0

B0 S

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 5

g N N B
2 3


gN N B 1 2
1 1 g N N B
2 2
g N N B
2 0
1 E hv g N N B I 1 3
I I 1
2 1
m1 +1 2 g NN B 1
2 2
g N N B g N N B
2 2

3 2
g N N B
Figure : Splitting of nuclear spin energy levels in a magnetic field of strength B

The separation of energy levels E will be directly proportional to the applied magnetic field. The popu-
lation difference [number of nucleus in ground state and number of nucleus in excited state] between the
energy levels will be directly proportional to the applied magnetic field strength.
The NMR signal strength will be directly proportional to the population difference.
Apart from spin motion, the nucleus starts precessional motion due to external magnetic field, which is also
known as gyroscopic motion.
The frequency of gyroscopic motion will be known as pressional frequency.
Where, = Gyroscopic ratio for nucleus
P.F . MHz

B0 Tesla , MHz / Tesla
If B0 = 1 Tesla then = P.F.. www.careerendeavour.com
Gyromagnetic ratio will be precessional frequency of a particular nucleus at 1 Tesla magnetic field.
H 42.576 MHz / T
C 10.705 MHz / T
P 17.236 MHz / T
F 40.053 MHz / T


Radio frequency

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
6 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Magnetic Nuclei


2n Sharp signal
reflection time short
(t = short)

Conc. Nuclei Dil. Nuclei

1 13
(1H, 19F, 31 P, 10 Rn) C = 1.17
Spin = N = 0.37%
Si = 5.1 %

Where, Q = Quadrupolar, QN = Non-quadrupolar

When we external magnetic field to the sample the degeneracy spin energy level for break resulting the
population difference according to Boltzmann equation.
The nucleus starts precessional motion in the external magnetic moment and spin motion remain unaffected.
P.F . B0
the precessional frequency will be equal to B0
For generating NMR signals we needs to apply radio frequency pulse perpendicular to direction of exter-
nal magnetic field.
When PF will become equal to the applied radio frequency resonance will occur, the nuclear transition
from ground state spin energy level to excited state spin energy level will result NMR signal.

Pulse interval
0 Time

(Less energy population gap)

R.F. B0 x due to low energy (radio frequency) population

(overall magnetic field) create

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 7

90 maximum on (+) x-axis

+ 270 maximum on () x-axis



In NMR the energy gap between spin energy level is lowest compared to other spectroscopy due to least
energy gap the (appr. 8 ppm/tesler)
Population difference is also very small but it is much sufficient to produce NMR signal.
Due to least energy gap the spin energy levels are very sensitive for saturation so we always apply the
radio-frequency in the form of pulse.
During pulse time spin transition will occur resulting the NMR signal and during pulse interval relaxation of
nuclear spin will happence to recreate the population difference.
A good quality NMR signal can be obtain as average signal of 15-50 pulses for H-NMR
P.F. = B0


1. Calculate the PF of H (proton) at 5T magnetic field

1 T = 42.57 MHz
Soln. PF = B0
PF = 542.57 MHz = 212 MHz

2. Calculate the value of required magnetic field to resonate 19F nucleus with 500 MHz radio frequency
Soln. PF = 500 MHz (Resonat energy)
P.F . 500
0 12.5 T
The P.F. of a proton on a NMR specrophotometer is 300 MHz. Calculate the PF of C-nucleus on the same
Soln. P.F H B0

P.F . 300 MHz

= 42.57

P.F . 300
0 7.02 T
= 10.705 [ for C]

0 7.02 T
P.F . 0 = 10.70 7.02
PFBC 75.4 MHz

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
8 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
In NMR the sensivity of nucleus can be reflected as result of sample requirement and NMR recording time.
For high sensitive nucleus the sample requirement and NMR recording time will be higher
The two major factor decide the sensitivity of nucleus
(i) -Gyromagnetic
(ii) N.A. (natural abundance)
The nucleus having higher gyromag. ratio and higher N.A. are more sensitive.
If is higher then separation of energy level for Tesla mag. field will be high.

15 mg
15 mg

C = 10.705, 1.1% H = 42.57, 99.85%

resulting higher population difference, high number of possible transition and intense NMR signal.
Higher natural abundance of nuclei will provide high conc. of NMR active nuclei in the sample to produce
high instance signal.

e.g. N . A. 400 MHz Relative sensitivity

C 10.705 1.1% 30 minutes/spectrum 1.710 4
max . ratio 1H 42.57 99.85% 30 minutes/spectrum 1.0

The most sensitive NMR nuclei is proton [H] because it has maximum and almost 100% natural abun-
As a standard way we always report the sensitivity of NMR active nuclei with respect to proton and which
is known as relative sensitivity.

Nomenclature of NMR instrument:

Nomenclature of NMR instrument is on proton.
TMS = Tetramethyl Silane Proton = 400 MHz
The nomenclature of intrument as per standard system can be given according to precessional frequency of
TMS protons on that instrument.

400 MHz instrument means TMS protons resonate at 400 MHz precessional frequency on this instrument.
Problem: The operating frequency of NMR instrument is 500 MHz. Calculate the precessional frequency of
C, 31P, 19F on this instrument.
Soln. Operating frequency = 500 MHz for proton.
PF = B0
PF 500
B0 11.7 Tesla
C PF13C 11.7 10.705 125 MHz
PF for 31P = 11.7 17.235 = 201 MHz
PF for 19F = 11.7 40.053 = 468 MHz
Now, maximum 900 MHz NMR instrument is available
Therefore, magnetic field is fixed. So, we cannot make instrument upto 1800 MHz.
Why magnetic field fixed
Therefore, maintaince is very high i.e. we have to pay for it.

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 9
Classical Magnet (Superconductivity): Large size magnet
After this discovery we can generate high magnetic field.

Liq. He
Liq. N2 outer
(Inner jacket)
jacket 300 MHz
Sample tube

Superconductivity is not equal to zero. So, we have to maintain the heat treatment.
Problem: It is possible to create 900 MHz operating frequency instrument for proton but it is impossible to
generate 900 M Hz operating frequency for 13C. Why?
Soln. 900 MHz instrument PF = B
900 MHz
B 21 Tesla
For 13C generate magnetic field = ?
900 MHz
B 84 Tesla magnetic field
(But limit is only 25 Tesla)
To resonate a proton at 900 MHz, we need 21 Tesla magnetic field which is the maximum limit of magnetic field
present available and to resonate 13C at 900 MHz, we need 84T magnetic field is practically impossible to
Sensitivity of nucleus for NMR :
The nucleus C give large signal peak i.e. more sensitive.
The sensitivity of nucleus means intensity of signal with respect to applied magnetic field.
High sensitive nucleus gives intense signal with less amount of magnetic field. Proton is maximum sensitive i.e.
lucky for scieintist.
The factors affecting sensitivity:
(1) Gyromagnetic ratio (2) Natural abundance
(1) Gyromagnetic ratio:
The nucleus having higher gyromagnetic ratio (r)

E = 42.57 MHz E = 10.7 MHz

1 13
H at 1 Tesla C at 1 Tesla
(Almost 1/4th of 1H)

High ratio, sensitivity more.

Since, energy gap more. Population gap = more, number of transitions = more.
More intense signal.
Have higher separation between spin energy have resulting the higher population difference.

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
As per Boltzmann equation:
Signal intensity population difference

i.e. Sensitivity Gyromagnetic ratio

(2) Natural Abundance:

The nuclear having higher natural abundance will be more sensitive.
For e.g. 1H natural aboundance = 99.987
Natural Abundance Relative Sensitivity
H 99.98% 42.576 1
13 4
C 1.1% 10.705 1.710
C nucleus is almost 400 times less sensitive than proton 1H nucleus.

Proton is the maximum sensitive nucleus. Since, it has maximum gyromag. ratio (r) and almost 100% natural
abundance thats why the name of NMR instrument will be according to the operating frequency of proton (1H).
Problem: A magnetic nuclei resonates with 300 MHz precessional frequency at an NMR instrument of oper-
ating frequency 500 MHz. Calculate the Gyromagnetic ratio for the nucleus.
Soln. NMR instrument frequency P.F. = 500 MHz
H, = 42.576 MHz
500 MHz
P.F. = B B 11.743
42.576 MHz
Resonating frequency = 300 MHz
300 MHz
B = 11.743 25.54 MHz
Problem: Preessional frequency of Deuterium on NMR instrument is 50 MHz. Calculate the preessional
frequency for 31P at same instrument.

D 6.536
P 17.235

Soln. P.F. for Deuterium = 50 MHz www.careerendeavour.com

50 MHz
D 6.536 MHz B 6.536 MHz 7.64

P 17.235, B 7.64
P.F. 17.235 7.64 131.64 MHz
Problem: Calculate the frequency of nuclear spin energy levels for 14N nucleus in a magnetic field of 15.4
Soln. B = 15.4 Tesla
1.9331 10 7 rad sec 1 T 1
P.F. = B 15.4 1.9331 107 29.769 10 7 297.69 106
100 MHz instrument.
What happens when sensitivity increased

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 11
Since, on increase instrument sensitivity the amount decreases.
For e.g. 100 MHz 600 MHz
Less sensitive More sensitive
and natural abundance = constant for 13C.
100 MHz 600 MHz
C 45 min 1015 min
Spectra50 mg sample 2025 mg
If magnetic field = increases population difference increases sensitivity increases.
Therefore, on increasing sensitivity on increases
Magnetic field we get spectra is less time.
i.e. sample quantity less and required time for spectra decreases
600 MHz instrument is important for dilute nuclei. Its cost is so much high as compare to 100 MHz.
The sensitivity of dilute nucleus can be enhanced by increasing the magnetic field. Increases in sensitivity
means requirement of less amount of sample and less NMR recording time.
For e.g. At 100 MHz instrument 13C = one 13C
NMR takes 45 minutes and 600 MHz takes 1015 minutes.
For working on cancentrated nuclei 300 MHz instrument is sufficient but for dilute nuclei = 600 MHz.


1. The g N value for F19 nucleus is 5.256. Calculate the resonance frequency when it is placed in a magnetic field
of strength 1.0 T (tesla) and N is 5.0504 1027 JT1. Also calculate relative population in two spin state at
Soln. The resonance condition from (9); hv g N N B , hence,

g N N B 5.256 5.0504 1027 JT 1 1.0T g NN B

Gyromagnetic ratio
h 6.626 1034 Js h

4.006 107 s 1 40 MHz

1 1
The relative population in M I
and M spin states from (10)

n1/ 2 5.256 5.0504 1027 JT 1 1.0T

e gN N B / kBT exp
n1/ 2 1.38 1023 JK 1 300 K
2. A NMR spectrometer operating at a 60 MHz frequency gives proton spectra at a field of 1.4092T. At what
field would the 11B spectrum be observed at 60 MHz. (For 11B, I and g = 1.7920).
Soln. v = Operating frequency = 60 106 hz
E g N N B 1.7920 5.0504 1027 JT 1
and B
h h 6.626 1034 Js 1
60 106 6.626 1037 Js 1
B 27 1
43.93 101 4.393T
1.7920 5.0504 10 JT

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
12 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
3. Find the frequency at which a proton NMR spectrometer should be operating under a magnetic field 1.8.
T (g = 2.7245 2 and N = 5.0504 1027 JT1)

1 1
Soln. E g N N B for transition for M I in proton
2 2

E 2 2.7245 5.0504 10 27 JT 1 1.8T

h 6.626 1034 Js 1

7.48 107 Hz 74.8MHz

4. Sketch the NMR spectra of
Cl2 Cl



Relative intensity 2:1 CH2:CH B

A spectroscopic technique that gives us information about the number and types of atoms in a molecules.
Hydrogen using 1H NMR spectroscopy Carbon using 13C-NMR spectroscopy
Phosphorus using p-NMR spectroscopy Silicion using 29Si-NMR spectroscopy
19F NMR, 119Sn NMR and 195 pt NMR.
5. The uncertainty in the NMR frequency of a compound in liquid state (relaxation time =1s) is 0.1 Hz. The
uncertainty in the frequency (in Hz) of same compound in solid state (relaxation time 104 s ) is
(a) 10 4 (b) 100 (c) 1000 (d) 103

Soln. (c) From Heisenberg uncertaintity principle,

h h 1
E . t h . t . t
4 4 4
Or .t constant ...(i)
(where t = life time or Relaxation time and uncertainty in frequency
0.1 Hz 1sec constant ...(ii)

And Hz 10 4 constant ...(iii)

From equation (ii) and (iii)
0.1 1 104 103 1000
6. What magnetic field strength is required for proton magnetic resonance at 220 MHz, Given: Thefactor g
for proton is 5.585.
Soln. Since, V N gB

South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 13

V 220 10 s 6.626 10 J s
6 1 34

We have, B 5.171 5 T
N g 5.047 1027 J T 1 5.585
7. Calculate the precessional frequency of a proton in a field of 1.5 T.
N gB
Soln. The precessional frequency is given by v

5.047 10 J T 5.851.5 T 6.38 10
27 1
s 1
6.626 10 J s 34

8. Calculate the value of gyromagnetic ratio .

2 N g
Soln. Since,
2 3.14 5.047 10 27 J T 1 5.584
We have,
6.626 10 34
J s
9. Calculate the angular momentum and magnetic moment values for a proton. Given: g = 5.585
Soln. We have, L I I 1

And m g N I I 1
For proton, I = 1/2. Thus, we have
11 h h 0.866 6.626 10 J s 0.913 7 1034 J s
L 1 . 0.866
2 2 2 2 2 3.14

And m 5.585 N 1 4.837 N
2 2

4.837 5.047 10 27 J T 1 2.441 10 26 J T 1


South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255
14 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

8 1 1
Given H 2.7 10 T s . The resonance frequency of a proton in magnetic field of 12.6 T is close to

3.14 [NET Dec. 2013]

(a) 60 MHz (b) 110 MHz (c) 540 MHz (d) 780 MHz
2. The nuclear g-factors of 1H and 14N are 5.6 and 0.40 respectively. If the magnetic field in an NMR spectrom-
eter is set such that the proton resonates at 700 MHz, the 14N nucleus would resonate at [NET June 2015]
(a) 1750 MHz (b) 700 MHz (c) 125 MHz (d) 50 MHz
3. In comparision to the frequency of the EPR transition, the NMR transition frequency is [GATE 2001]
(a) much higher (b) much lower (c) almost same (d) none of these
4. For any NMR active nucleus, the magnitude of radiofrequency required for observing nuclear magnetic reso-
nance phenomenon depends on
(a) Strength of the magnetic field.
(b) Choice of the nucleus
(c) Both on magnetic field strength and choice of the nucleus.
(d) The nuclear enegy levels.
5. The sensitivity of a 600 MHz NMR spectrometer is more than that of a 60 MHz spectrometer because
(a) Population of spin states is directly proportional to the applied magnetic field. [GATE 2003]
(b) Population of spin states is inversely proportional to the applied magnetic field
(c) According to the Boltzmann distribution law, the excess population in the lower spin state increases with
increasing applied magnetic field.
(d) The spectral scan width is more for a 600 MHz spectrum compared to a 60 MHz spectrum.

6. In NMR spectroscopy, the product of the nuclear g factor (gN), the nuclear magneton N and the magnetic
field strength (B0) gives the [NET June 2013]

(a) energy of transition from to state (b) chemical shift

(c) spin-spin coupling constant (d) magnetogyric ratio


South Delhi : 28-A/11, Jia Sarai, Near-IIT Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, Ph : 011-26851008, 26861009
North Delhi : 33-35, Mall Road, G.T.B. Nagar (Opp. Metro Gate No. 3), Delhi-09, Ph: 011-65462244, 65662255

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