Nanotechnology PPT R22
Nanotechnology PPT R22
Nanotechnology PPT R22
Characterization techniques
Quantum Confinement
Depending on the dimension of the confinement, three kinds of.
confined structures are defined: quantum well (QW), quantum
wire (QR) and quantum dot (QD)
Basics Cont..
Advantages: Disadvantages
It produces very fine powder (10-30 nm). It is a very noisy machine
It is suitable for toxic substances, both It is a slow process
wet and dry grinding. Soft, tacky, fibrous material cannot
The milling process can be done in an be milled by this method
inert atmosphere.
Top down methods …
Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)
CVD process consists of the following
The precursor is vaporized either by
resistive or inductive heating
The hot atoms collide with cold
The reactants undergo
chemical reaction
Undergo condensation through
nucleation and form small clusters
inside reaction chamber
Clusters are allowed to condense on a
moving bell arrangement with
scrapper to collect the nano particles
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Easy to control the particle growth High cost and high temperature
Composite structures can be formed technique
Top down methods …
Advantages Disadvantages
Suitable for non conducting or High temperature technique
high melting materials Not suitable for low melting
Bottom up methods …
Chemical Precipitation
Chemical reaction
Crystal growth
Bottom up methods …
Combustion method
Low cost and low temperature Disadvantages:
Difficult to control the particle growth
Highly porous materials can be prepared
Difficult to stop the formation of new
Can get single sized particles
Characterization Techniques
Characterization and analytical techniques are methods used to
identify, isolate or quantify chemicals or materials, or to
characterize their physical , electrical, optical properties.
What is XRD?
XRD is an important technique to characterize the structure
of crystalline material. It can be used to determine either the
lattice parameters, arrangement of individual atoms in a
single crystal, or the phase analysis in case of polycrystalline
materials and compounds.
Principle: XRD is based
on constructive interference of
monochromatic X-rays
X-rays are generated by a cathode
ray tube.
Filtered to produce
monochromatic radiation.
Collimated to concentrate and
directed towards the sample.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
The principle of SEM is to use a focused beam of high-
energy electrons to generate a variety of signals at the
surface of sample. These signals are collected by
detectors to form images of the sample displayed on a
cathode ray tube screen.
Gold particles
Nanotechnology in medicine