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Dust Collector Fact Book

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Dust Collector Facts

the past several decades, industrial
facilities in a wide variety of industries
have deployed dust collection systems
as part of its manufacturing process.
As technology and filtration techniques
have improved, these systems have
changed and evolved to become more
sophisticated, and at times complex.
This Dust Collection Facts booklet is a
guide to help you select the right type
of dust collection technology to use in
your facility.

Aerodyne ®

Dust Collector Facts
What is a dust collector?
Baghouses and
A dust collector is a mechanical device 4. Dust description* – The better you
cartridge collectors used to remove dust from an air stream. describe your dust the better your dust
The dust collection system consists of a collector will operate. Example a sticky
are the most common hood (or air collection device), the dust dust will bind a cartridge collector
collector, the motive fan and any inter- which will require frequent cleaning
dust collectors out there. connecting ductwork, stack, dampers, and/or replacing of the cartridges.
controls, etc. Aerodyne Environmental While cyclones are well suited for
However, depending manufactures cyclone dust collectors sticky particulate.
and the dust handling valves (airlocks) a. SG or density of the dust/particulate
on your application, a mounted on the dust collectors. – the greater the density, the easier
To properly specify a dust collector, it is to remove.
cyclone, wet scrubber, certain information is required: b. Dust/particulate loading (lbs/hr) –
or ESP may be better 1. Dust collector type – Cyclone, amount of dust.
baghouse, etc. c. Particulate size distribution (microns)
suited for your application. 2. Airflow (CFM) – The amount of – how big is the dust (smaller dust
air going through the collector. The is removed in baghouse but larger
A cyclone requires less airflow is critical to sizing a dust dusts can be effectively removed in
collector and without airflow no a cyclone).
maintenance and utilities collector can be sized. d. Fibrous, abrasive, hydroscopic,
3. Temperature, pressure, humidity granular, tendency to bridge, sticky,
than most other collectors, of airflow – Higher temperature, etc. (dust with these properties can
pressure, and humidity will affect wreck havoc on baghouses and
so picking the correct dust collector materials of construction, cartridge collectors.
size and may require special valves 5. Removal efficiency required – The
collector can save money and controls greater the removal efficiency, the
more expensive the design will be.
and headaches. 6. Materials of construction required
– from carbon steel to stainless and
high alloy steel, the materials of
construction affects price. Process
conditions (temperature, gas/air
composition, dust composition and
humidity) can require specific materials
of construction. (Example: salt in a
humid environment requires stainless
steel to prevent corrosion.)

* If unknown, a pilot unit can often be rented from the manufacturer to test on your existing system.

Aerodyne ®

ENVIRONMENTAL www.dustcollectorhq.com
What kind of dust collectors are there?
A baghouse consists of a vessel with
many filters (bags) inside. The bags are
located in rows and mounted on a tube
sheet. The tube sheet separates the dirty
b. A baghouse will usually have a
controller that measures the pressure
drop and tells the solenoids when
to pulses.
c. The pressure drop across a bag house
Moisture can cause binding with the
bags and maintenance problems.
f. Maintenance – Baghouses require a EN
lot of maintenance. The filters must be
replaced regularly. Most of the time
air from the clean air. Dirty air enters the is usually 5–6˝ W.C. (Water Column) replacing the filters requires confined
bag house near the bottom. The dirty but will increase as bags get older. space entry and is a very dirty job.
air is forced through porous bags which d. The filters are available in standard g. Most baghouses require compressed
have a built up filter cake. Clean air goes bag and pleated filters. The pleated air (high expense) and have solenoid
through the filter/bag and leaves through filters have greater surface area valves to control the compressed air.
the top of the vessel. than a standard bag, but they can h. Common problems in a bag house
Baghouse facts: bridge easier. include broken bags, broken solenoids
a. The filter cake does the majority of the e. Bag material – Bags and filters are and over use of compressed air.
dust removal. As the filter cake builds available in many materials including i. The more a bag is pulsed/ cleaned
up, the pressure drop across the bags cotton, wool, polypropylene, Teflon, the more wear and tear on it and the
increases. and glass/fiberglass. Bags are not good quicker it will fail.
with fibrous and sticky particulate.





Aerodyne ®

ENVIRONMENTAL www.dustcollectorhq.com
Dust Collector Facts
What kind of dust collectors are there?
Cartridge Collectors Cartridge collector facts:
Cartridge collectors are used in the a. Cartridge collectors are similar to e. They are used for easier applications
following applications: grinding, baghouse except a cartridge is utilized. and are unsuitable for some
sandblasting, welding fumes, laser applications.
b. The cartridges are pleated and
and plasma cutting fumes, graphite, have greater surface area available f. Since the filters are pleated they
pharmaceutical powders, acid fine than bags. lose efficiency quickly when binding
chemical powders.
c. The cartridges are easier to change (a build up of solids across the
When dusts are difficult to handle, than bags. pleats) occurs.
hygroscopic, or high temperature, a g. The cartridge collector requires the
d. A cartridge collector is less expensive
baghouse is a better alternative for same accessories as a bag house.
than a bag house but has more
trouble free dust collection and longer
filter life.




Aerodyne ®

ENVIRONMENTAL www.dustcollectorhq.com
What kind of dust collectors are there?
The cyclone is the simplest design of all
dust collectors. It is a mechanical way
to remove dust from an air stream. The
cyclone uses centrifugal and gravitational
and forces them to the cyclone wall. The
clean air exits the outlet through the
cyclone top. Captured particles are drawn
by gravity into the hopper. The airlock
discharge allows the particles to exit
d. The normal cyclone will remove a

cyclone will get 99% removal EN

wide range of particulate. A standard

efficiency in the 25–35 micron range.

High efficiency models get as low as
forces to force the dust to the vessel walls the hopper. 5–10 micron, but much higher DP
and then let gravity collect it. The cyclone (Differential Pressure).
Cyclone facts:
requires only a discharge valve and fan e. Aerodyne Environmental Cyclones are
a. Cyclones are often used as pre-filter
for operation. Cyclones require very little unique. Our cyclones are available in
for other dust collector.
maintenance. horizontal along with vertical designs.
b. Cyclones are often used when Our GPC is a compact design that
How a cyclone operates products can’t be contaminated or is is ideal as a pre-filter for baghouse/
Dust-laden air enters near top of vessel. valuable and customers don’t want to cartridge collector. Our S-Collector is
The air stream will slowly rotates down throw it away in filters (example gold designed for abrasive, hydroscopic,
the vessel walls to the vessel bottom. The and silver). wet, sticky, fibrous applications.
air flows in a downward spiral against the c. The cyclone is the lowest cost solution
cyclone body’s wall. Centrifugal forces out there and requires very little
separate the particles from the airflow maintenance.







Aerodyne ®

ENVIRONMENTAL www.dustcollectorhq.com
Dust Collector Facts
What kind of dust collectors are there?
ESP (Electro Static Precipitator)
ESPs uses high voltage to electrically
charge particulate in the air. The charged HIGH VOLTAGE
particulate is collected on charged POWER SUPPLY
plates as air stream passes. ESPs use METAL
large amounts of electricity and can get COLLECTION
collection efficiencies as high as 99% for PLATES
many applications. ESPs provide good
removal of sub-micron particulate. ESP DIRTY AIR CLEAN AIR
are expensive and require high operating
and maintenance costs.

Wet Scrubbers
Wet Scrubbers are available in a variety CLEAN AIR
of designs including cyclones, venturi,
packed towers, cloud chambers and
fluidized beds
a. The wet cyclone is just like a regular
cyclone except that they spray water
in the cyclone. When a particle
hits a water droplet the water drop
surrounds the particle and the total
size increased. This makes it easier SPRAYERS
to remove the particulate from the
air stream
b. A venturi forces the airflow through DIRTY AIR
a small diameter with water droplets.
This increases the chances of dust
being captured by the water. Normally
a cyclone or packed tower is then
used after the venturi to collect the
dirt mist. Pressure drop can be high,
meaning high operational costs.

Aerodyne ®

ENVIRONMENTAL www.dustcollectorhq.com
Where are dust
What kind of dust collectors are there? collectors used?
c. Packed towers use packing to intercept All wet scrubbers work with the same
the particulate. The packed tower general principle and that is to spray dust ■■ Power plants
has the dirty air stream entering from with water and then collect the dust
the bottom while water is sprayed and water droplet in a slurry. The water ■■ Steel mills
from the top. Packed towers can plug droplets are usually collected in a mist ■■ Chemical plants
depending on the particulate. eliminator and/or packed tower. Wet
d. A cloud chamber uses very fine water scrubbers can usually get better removal ■■ Foundries
efficiencies and have a lower chance of
particles to intercept the dust and
plugging. They will also allow you to ■■ Woodworking shops
remove it from the air stream. The
mist is collected in a packed bed or remove vapor (ex. H2S) concurrently with ■■ Machine shops
mist eliminator. the particulate. The main disadvantage
e. A fluidized bed is similar to a packed
of the wet scrubber is that you create ■■ Mines and quarries
a slurry that needs to be disposed of
tower except the packing fluidizes
or treated. ■■ Fiberglass plants
upon operation. The fluidized bed uses
larger amounts of recycle water than ■■ Grain silos
a packed tower. Fresh water/slurry is
sprayed from the top.
■■ Food processing
■■ Pharmaceuticals
■■ Furnaces
■■ Labs
Type Removal Advantages Disadvantages
Cyclone – Dry 5–10 micron Low maintenance Will not remove smaller
Low operating cost particulate
Baghouse 2–3 micron Industry standard High maintenance
Removes small particulate High operating costs
Filters plug
Cartridge Collector 2–3 micron Less expensive than High maintenance
baghouse High operating costs
Filter plug
Wet scrubber Sub-micron High removal efficiency Creates slurry
High maintenance
High operating costs
ESP Sub-micron High removal efficiency High maintenance
High operating costs

Aerodyne ®

ENVIRONMENTAL www.dustcollectorhq.com
Double Dump

Aerodyne Environmental’s industrial dust collector

products feature unique, low-maintenance designs that will
enhance the performance of your processing operations.
S Collector
Our dust collectors, which work horizontally or vertically,
can extend the life of your baghouse or cartridge filters. And,
Aerodyne offers a variety of durable material handling valves
for every application, including the Vacu-Valve Trickle Valve
System, a cost-effective solution to rotary valves.

Aerodyne Environmental has been specializing in solving dry

material handling problems for more than 60 years through
such products as high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors and
low-cost, low-maintenance dust collection valves. Our unique
line of dust collectors and our wide variety of airlock valves can
operate in a multitude of applications. Aerodyne operates under
the corporate motto, “Clean Our World®,” addressing material
Knife Gate
handling challenges through innovation, customer commitment
and environmental stewardship.

Aerodyne ®

17387 Munn Road
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
(440) 543-7400
(440) 543-7404 Fax

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