Duct Types
Duct Types
Duct Types
Dust particles are considered s an attribute to Measured in cubic feet of air per minute
dust capturing system. For that there are
Air temperature
several characteristics that are considered in
the particles. Measured in Fahrenheit of degree Celsius
• Particle size and distribution Used to determine the type of gasket and filter
• Shape media needed
• Physical characteristics
• Amount of duct emitted Static pressure
Particle size describe how coarse or fine Pressure (or head) generally measured in
particles are and is normally defined by their inches of water (inches water gauge).
upper and lower size limits. The pressure is known as the static pressure
Particle sizes are measured in microns and generally created by fan.
below 10 μm are harmful for human health. Static pressure is the difference between the
Large particles are easy to collect, and they are pressure in the ductwork and the atmospheric
aided with the gravity. pressure.
Shape of the particles affect how they are Negative pressure would want to collapse the
collected and how they are release from the walls of the duct and the positive pressure
collection media. would want to expand the duct walls.
Aerodynamic diameter is used to describe Used to overcome the head losses of the
particle diameter. Aerodynamic diameter of a system.
particle is the diameter of a spherical shape • Frictional resistance to airflow in the
particle that has s density of 1000 kg m-3 (the ductwork
standard density of a water droplet) and the
• Fitting (frictional losses) and the
same settling velocity as the particle.
resistance of obstacles such as cyclones
Airflow and dust control and dust collectors (shock losses)
To control air flow in a ventilating system, must Static pressure is measured by inserting a pitot
manage tube into the ductwork, perpendicular to the
side walls, to determine the difference between
• Air flow velocity atmospheric and duct pressures.
• Air quantity
• Temperature Velocity pressure
• Basic principles of static pressure and The pressure requires to accelerate the particle
velocity pressure from rest to a particular velocity. Only exists
when air is in motion.
Air velocity
Always act in the direction of the air flow and
Measured in feet per minute
only has a positive value.
It impacts the size of particles that carried by
the airstream
Effective of the hood is determined by its ability
to induce an inward airflow pattern for the dust
– laden air in the work environment.
Relationship between static, velocity and When one compares a blowing system to an
total pressure. exhaust system, the air velocity is at this
approximate 10 percent level at only one duct
diameter from the exhaust inlet.
Capturing hood
Ex: -
• a hood should be placed above hot
processes to trap rising gases and heat.
• A grinding wheel or woodworking
machine should be equipped with a
partial enclosure to trap the flying
Capturing velocity particles where they spin off.
The ventilation system removes contaminants Flanges or baffles should be used around the
by "pulling" the air (and the contaminant) into hood opening to increase the capture
the exhaust hood and away from the worker or effectiveness and reduce ventilation air
the source. Airflow toward the hood opening requirements.
must be fast or high enough to "catch and
transport" the contaminant until it reaches the
hood and ducts. The required air speed is
called the "capture velocity".