Redecam Bag Filters
Redecam Bag Filters
Redecam Bag Filters
Bag Filters (baghouses) have been our core product for over 30 years. With our own proprietary technology, our Bag Filters
offer the highest particulate removal efficiency on the market, far exceeding the most stringent emissions regulations
worldwide. Our secret has been to constantly evolve with technology and search for improvements to provide our customers
with optimum air filtration solutions.
We offer multiple Bag Filter models for flow rates from DPM-Model Bag Filters are suitable for high flow rates (above 1.5 million m3/hr or 883,000 ACFM) and high inlet dust
10,000 m3 to 3,000,000 m3 (353,000 ft3 to 105,000,000 ft3) burden applications (up to 1000 g/Nm3 or 0.44 gr/ft 3). Examples include installations with 2-fan kiln systems, in cement
mills or on separators. In such cases, there is a need for efficient dust pre-separation to reduce the dust burden reaching
and for dust loads of 1 g to 1 kg (0.035 oz to 35 oz). the bags.
A wide central hopper is used to decrease the axial gas velocity so that a dust
pre-dropping action takes place. Suitable baffles between the gas inlet and the
central hopper ensure a uniform gas flow and velocity across the hopper cross-
Our DPD-Model Bag Filter section. Indeed the gas, after being largely pre-separated of its dust, rises
up in the central hopper and passes through our unique Distribution
Screen, which acts as another dust separator. This screen disperses the
DPD-Model Bag Filters are suited for high flow rates (above 1.5 million m3/hr or 883,000 ACFM) and medium inlet dust gas/dust evenly throughout the filter bag compartments, resulting in
burden applications (up to 200 g/Nm3 or 0.087 gr/ft 3). Examples include installations with 3-fan kiln circuits, clinker a highly efficient process. This translates into a lower pressure drop,
coolers or our Dual-Input Integrated System, as well as solutions in large power plants or integrating flue gas treatment. fewer cleaning cycles, a longer bag lifetime and significant compressed
air savings, meaning lower energy consumption.
This model has compartments placed in pairs on either side of a large central duct. The central duct contains separate
ducts for the inlet (dirty) gas and the outlet (clean) gas.
While the air-to-cloth ratio is of utmost importance for DPM-Model Bag
The baffles (pipes and perforated plates) are specially designed for each project to ensure the ideal permeability and Filters, the can velocity has no impact on the design since the gas flow to
orientation in order to obtain a uniform gas velocity throughout each pair of compartments. As particles are captured, bags is horizontal. Access is made on one side of the bags in order to avoid
they enter hoppers through isolation dampers, designed to provide superior airflow control in severe environments. the gas rising after mixing with the dropping dust.
This new technology extends our air pollution control offering, as our Extreme High Temperature Bag Filter (EHT-Bag Amongst our innovations are systems in
Filter) can remove both solids and tars while withstanding temperatures of up to 850°C (1562°F). It can even treat peak which one Redecam Bag Filter is used to
Raw mill
temperatures of up to 1000°C (1832ºF). dedust gases from two or more process Clean gas
sealing sets have readjustable bayonet locks and are flexible.
Extreme High The design of our EHT-Bag Filter is not unlike our regular Bag Filters,
Temperature Bag but the filter material and the sealing technology are very different. The
Filters can withstand temperatures of up Redecam is a market leader in carrying out retrofit and transformation
filters in the EHT-Bag Filter are rigid with a consistency like cardboard,
to 1000°C (1832ºF) solutions: they are among our specialties. Many existing bag filters
and they don’t need a cage inside as they are self-supporting.
and electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become obsolete, either
due to their age or their lower performance than current standards
require. However in several cases, existing bag filters can be
upgraded or retrofitted (taking out what’s inside, keeping the casing
and installing new Redecam components inside).
OUR EHT-BAG FILTER: Transformations are also possible. This means changing an existing
ESP into a Bag Filter, or vice-versa.
Oil & Gas industry (gasification) Advantages:
Cement industry (clinker cooler) 1• Lower CAPEX than replacing with a new model
Biomass and WTE (incineration)
2• Emissions can be reduced to well under the world’s strictest
emissions limits
Metals & Mining (aluminum 3• Transformations can be made within the existing footprint
calcination, melting process and
separation of precious metals)
4• Minimal ductwork modifications/additions
5• Reuse of existing ancillary equipment
Continuous laboratory tests and on-site work experience inspired us to develop the most advanced, user-friendly and Our Bi-Jet Bag Cleaning System increases the volume of air that is forced into the bag inlet, while reducing the consumption
efficient bag fixation system on the market: our Simple Pressure System (SPS). Our SPS guarantees that the tightness of of compressed air. How? We use a Dual Venturi arrangement: one pipe is located downstream of the nozzle and the other,
the casing between the dusty and clean sides is 100% effective. above the bag inlet. This system minimizes the dispersion of compressed air during the injection phase, thus increasing
the volume of air forced into the bag. In turn, this reduces the quantity of air needed to pulsate the bag and achieves a
higher flow velocity than in systems equipped with one Venturi.
To prevent dust leakage at weak points, we increased the
contact surface area of the bag against the tube sheet Compressed air injection
by extending and contouring the tube sheet opening. Redecam offers both online and offline/semi-
The surface contact is therefore not limited to the pure offline cleaning systems. We recommend
thickness (typically 4 mm or 5/32”) of the plate, but is Venturi our online system for most customers as it
extended to the entire internal surface of the drawn hole provides less stress on mechanical devices
(around 18 mm or 45/64”). (since its compartments do not close during
cleaning operations) and consequently
reduces power consumption. Our online
system maintains both a constant pressure
across the filter and a constant dust flow
Simple Pressure toward the dust discharge system. Compared
Our Simple Pressure
System offers quick
System collar to an offline filter that operates at the same Cake
air-to-cloth ratio, a filter cleaned with an dispersed
and easy installation online process has less cloth surface area.
Your process parameters are key in selecting an appropriate
Bag Filter design. Our engineering team has 30+ years of
experience in surveying the output and needs of various plants,
and will study yours to find an appropriate solution to reach
your desired emissions reductions.