Operational Manual: SFM-1 (QM - 3SP2) High Speed Shimmy Ball Mill
Operational Manual: SFM-1 (QM - 3SP2) High Speed Shimmy Ball Mill
Operational Manual: SFM-1 (QM - 3SP2) High Speed Shimmy Ball Mill
Operational Manual
MTI Corporation
860 South 19th Street, Richmond, CA 94804, USA
Tel: 510-525-3070
Fax: 510-525-4705
Web site: www.mtixtl.com
MTI Corporation
9. Common Failures and Simple Repair & Maintenance of Ball Mill ------------ P.16
MTI Corporation
1. Purpose
QM series planetary ball mills could grind or mix solid particles of different granularities and
materials, suspension and paste with dry and wet methods. If a vacuum ball milling tank is used, it
will be possible to grind and mix samples in vacuum or inert gases. In addition, this series of ball
mills is widely applied to the fields such as geology, metallurgy, soil, building materials, chemical
industry, light industry, medicine, electronics, porcelain, battery and environmental protection and
so on.
Along with the high-speed development of science and technologies, and the wide application of
nano materials, the mechanical alloying (MA) discovered in 1980s endows QM series planetary
ball mills with new missions. The basic process of mechanical alloying is that the powder and
particles of several kinds of metallic and non-metallic elements are repeatedly mixed, crashed and
cold welded in ball mill, gradually refined to nano level in the process of ball milling, and form a
nucleus of alloy phase in solid state, which has made some substances difficult to realize alloying
with traditional melting process actually materialize alloying in the process of milling, and made
many units using the ball mills manufactured by our plant realize many kinds of alloy powder,
such as nano crystalline hard alloy, Nd60Fe20Al10CO10 non-crystalline alloy powder, and
Al2O3/Al compound powder and so on.
2. Operational Principle
QM series planetary ball mill has four ball milling tanks on a big tray, and when this big tray
circumvolve (revolution), it will drive ball milling tanks to circumvolve (rotation) surrounding its
rotor axis to form epicyclic motion. The drive ratio of revolution and rotation is 1:2 (one circle of
revolution will make two circles of rotation). As for the functions of epicyclic motion, the milling
ball and milling materials inside the tanks impact with each other under the functions of
eccentricity, and break up, grind and mix testing samples.
3. Characteristics
A. QM-3SP2 gear drive planetary is manufactured with self-lubricating reinforced engineering
plastics by our plant, which ensures mechanical strength and reduces noises at the same time.
This product is a patented product of our plant with a patent number of ZL022202595.
B. Interval operation function: To prevent the property and quality of milling materials from
being affected by overheating generated by ball milling, this machine could automatically
control the time of each state as per the circulating mode of “operation – shutdown –
4. Technical Parameters
Model: QM – 3SP2
Matchable ball milling tank:
Capacity (capacity of single tank, unit: ml): 50, 100, 250, 400, 500
Material: Stainless steel, agate, nylon, polyurethane, polytetrafluoroethylene, hard alloy (YG8)
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and porcelain and so on.
Type: Ordinary tank, stainless steel vacuum tank, stainless steel vacuum cover (used together
with ball milling tanks of agate, nylon and porcelain etc. for pumping vacuum). The
capacity of vacuum ball milling tanks is not over 250ml.
Maximum charge of ball milling tank: three fourths of the cubage of the tank (including milling
Granularity of materials fed: Soft materials ≤ 10 mm; other materials ≤ 3 mm.
Granularity of materials reclaimed: The minimum could be up to 0.1 um.
Rated rotating speed: Revolution (big tray) 290 turns / min ± 10%; rotation (ball milling tank):
580 rotations /min ± 10%.
Operational mode: Ball mill is controlled with frequency converter, and has five operational
modes in total:
1. Unilateral operation with shutdown at non-fixed time;
2. Unilateral operation with shutdown at fixed time;
3. Positive and negative alternate operation with shutdown at fixed time;
4. Unilateral interval operation with shutdown at fixed time;
5. Positive and negative alternate interval operation with shutdown at fixed
Mode of speed control: Frequency converter: 0~50Hz; resolution: 1 Hz; and limited speed of
this machine: 0~45Hz.
Control method: 0~42Hz (0~530 turns / min): make manual adjustments at any time, 0.1~100h
operation at fixed time, 0.1~50h positive and negative revolution at fixed time,
0.1~100h interval operation at fixed time, and 0~100 times of restarting
Model of electrical machinery: Y802—4
revolutions / min.
External size of ball mill: 750 X 460 X 590 mm.
Net weight of ball mill: 130KG.
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5. Structure Sketch
Figure 1
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Please see figure 2 for structure theory.
Gear Drive Planetary Gear Train
Figure 2
6. Operational Procedures
7.1. Examination
After tearing open the container, check if the machine is lacked of some accessories
according to packing list, and if the ball mill, power pack and ball milling tank are damaged
in transportation.
7.2. Reading
Read the User’s Manual carefully, carry out non-load test running of the ball mill as per the
steps described in the Manual, and check if the operation of frequency converter and ball
mill is normal.
7.3 Loading Tank
It’s possible to load tank if the above items are checked and proved qualified.
a. Loading milling tank: To enhance the efficiency of ball milling, milling balls of
different sizes are loaded into the tank, with big balls for breaking up coarse milling
materials, and small ones for milling and grinding such materials to make them reach
required fineness.
In the following table are number of balls equipped for ball milling tanks of various
specifications (only for reference).
Cubage of Tank
50 100 150 250 300 400 500
Ball φ6 50 100 150 250 280 320 400
(Piece) φ 10 8 16 24 40 48 80 100
φ 20 2 3 6 8
Note: The optimal numbers of balls equipped are the experience data obtained by users from
practice according to the nature of milling materials and the required fineness.
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b. Loading milling materials:
Requirements on granularity of milling materials before ball milling: The granularity of
short materials shall be no bigger than 10mm, and that of the other materials shall be
less than 3mm generally. The loading of materials shall be no higher than three fourths
of the cubage of the tank (including milling balls).
7.4. Loading Ball Milling Tank
Immediately after loading of tank, we could install ball milling tanks inside the puller cover
of ball mill. It is possible to install 4 ball milling tanks at the same time, or install 2 ball
milling tanks symmetrically, and it’s forbidden to install only 1 or 3 ball milling tanks. After
installation, make use of two force-applying bushing (accessory of this machine) to tighten
V-type bolt and lock nut in succession to prevent milling tanks from loosening in the
process of ball milling.
Note: It’s forbidden to knock at bolts and nuts with hammer when tightening them.
After loading of ball milling tanks, put on the protection cover and turn on the safety
switch to make the ball mill operate normally. If any unexpected accident occurs in the
process of ball milling, the protection cover will loosen or fall off, the safety switch will
be off, and the ball mill will stop running immediately. In such conditions, it’s necessary
to eliminate accidents first, put on the protection cover again, and then restart up the
After completion of ball milling, loosen the lock nut and V-type bolt with force-applying
bushing successively, and pour the testing samples and milling balls into the sieve
(accessory of this machine) at the same time to make balls separate from milling
Before ball milling over again, please check if the puller cover is loosened first, if it is,
it’s a must to tighten the screws to avoid any accident.
Attention shall be paid to the unloading of ball milling tank. Due to the mutual impact
between milling balls and between milling balls and ball milling tank in the process of
ball milling, the temperature and pressure inside the tank after long-time ball milling will
be very high. So, it’s necessary to cool down the ball milling tank before unloading it
after completion of ball milling, so as to prevent milling powder from being blown out by
high pressure. Some metal powder has ultrafine granularity after ball milling, and inside
the tank is nearly vacuum state. In such conditions, if the tank cover is opened abruptly
and the milling materials are poured out, such materials will be oxidized drastically and
combusted. Therefore, after ball milling of active metal powder, it’s a must to open the
tank slowly after sufficient cooling, pause for a moment, and then pour out the milling
materials. And reclaiming materials inside vacuum glove box will exert better effects.
7. Power Setting
1. Motor selected: Y802 220V. Please see the wiring diagram of
electrical appliance as shown in figure 3 for details. The wiring of this machine has already
been conducted before it leaves the factory, so it shall not be changed at random.
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2. Transmission system: speed regulation by frequency variation is adopted with the scope of
frequency variation between 0~45Hz.
3. Rated rotating speed: Revolution 0~290 turns / min; rotation: 0~580 turns / min;
corresponding frequency: 0~45Hz. The frequency converter displays the speed of rotation.
Function Ex-factory
Function Description Set Scope
Code Value
Cd01 Number of poles of electromotor 02 ~ 14 04
Operating method
Cd02 Note: “0” indicates unilateral operation, and “1” 0~1 0
indicates alternative operation.
Cd03 Operating timing control
0~1 0
Note: “0” indicates non-fixed time (continuous), and “1”
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indicates fixed time.
Cd04 Time setting for alternative operation
0.1 ~ 50.0 0.5
Note: Take hour as the unit.
Cd05 Upper limit frequency
0.01 ~ 50 45
Note: Take Hz as the unit.
Cd06 Lower limit frequency
0 ~ 50 1
Note: Take Hz as the unit.
Cd07 Accelerating time
Note: The time from starting 0.5Hz to 50Hz with second 0.1 ~ 3600 10
as the unit.
Cd08 Decelerating time
Note: The time from 50Hz to stopping 0.5Hz with 0.1 ~ 3600 15
second as the unit.
Cd09 Setting of the drive ratio of coefficient dragged 0.10 ~ 200.00 0.43
Cd10 Display method
Note: “0” display frequency with power switched on, 0~1 0
and “1” display rotating speed with power switched on.
Cd11 Operational method
Note: “0” indicates positive rotation, and “1” indicates 0~1 0
reverse rotation.
Cd12 Fixed operating time
0.1 ~ 100.0 0.1
Note: Take hour as the unit.
Cd13 Current display correction
0.1 ~ 10 9
Note: Take A as the unit.
Cd14 Interval shutdown time of alternative operation
Note: The interval time of negative and reverse 0.0 ~ 100.0 0.1
alternative rotations with hour as the unit.
Cd15 Operational interval shutdown time
Note: Circulating startup time in unilateral operation 0.1 ~ 100.0 0.1
with hour as the unit.
Cd16 Number of restarting for operation 0 ~ 100. 0
Other description: Frequency converter will operate normally when X1-COM on the row of
frequency converters of free stop and operation is short connected. When X1-COM is broken off, the
frequency converter will stop freely.
9.1.7. Explanation on the operation and functions of contact panel:
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Figure 4
1. Turn on the power supply switch, and LED will display “P. OFF”, and will display in a
flicker way “50.00”, Hz indicator light turns on.
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3. Press menu selection and switching button MENU/ESC, LED will display the function code
4. Press function selection and saving button ENTER/DATA, LED will display the current value
of the function code “Cd01”, such as “04” (digit in ones place flickers). If modification is
necessary, it’s possible to press ▲ or ▼ to set the value required. After setting, press the
button ENTER/DATA once again, the value set will be confirmed and saved, and the next
function code “Cd02” will be displayed at the same time. If this button is not pressed, the
value already set will not be recognized by the frequency converter, and the previous value
will remain effective.
5. According to the demands of ball milling techniques, set each function code one by one as
per the abovementioned method.
As for data setting, it’s possible to press shift button ◣◣ to make LED flicker display
corresponding to the digit of data already set, so as to finish the data setting quickly.
6. After setting Cd16, press the button ENTER/DATA to confirm and display “-b—“; after
pressing the down button ▼, LED displays “Cd16”. If you continue pressing the button ▼,
function code will decrease from Cd16 to Cd01 one by one.
Note: In the process of setting, if LED displays the symbols such as “-b— ”, “-R—”,
“-P—”, “-H—”, “-d--”, and “-c--” etc., these are all the other functions of frequency
converter and have nothing to do with the functions of ball mill, and you only need to press
the button ▼ continuously to return to “Cd16”.
7. Explanation on function code: ① Cd01, Cd05, Cd06, Cd07, Cd08, Cd09 and Cd13 are
fixed ex-factory values and shall not be changed, or the correctness of such parameters as
rotating speed and current etc. will be affected.
② Setting Cd07 and Cd08 is to keep a delaying interval between the positive and reverse
alternative operation of electric machinery. Over mall setting value will possibly affect the
life of electric machinery.
③ When Cd10 setting is “0”, LED display shows the frequency after the frequency
converter is started up; and when the setting is “1”, LED display shows the rotating speed
after the machine is started up.
④ When Cd11 setting is “0”, LED display shows positive rotation (ball mill turns
clockwise) after the frequency converter is started up; when the setting is “1”, LED display
shows reverse rotation (ball mill turns anticlockwise).
8. The start-up temperature of cooling axial fan of the frequency converter is 43℃. When the
working temperature of the frequency converter is over 43℃, the axial fan will turn on
automatically; on the contrary, when the working temperature is lower than 43℃, it will turn
off automatically.
9. If the frequency converter is confirmed to work normally after the abovementioned
operations, it’s possible to continue the non-load test running of ball mill.
10. Put on the protection cover of ball mill, switch on the safety switch, and press the operation
order button RUN, the operation indicator light will turn on and the ball mill will begin test
11. Press the up button ▲ and down button ▼ for accelerating and decelerating testing of the
ball mill.
12. Adjust the rotating speed of the ball mill to the maximum rated rotating speed, and make it
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operate for some time before judging if the operation sound of the ball mill is normal.
13. After everything is proved normal, press the stop order button STOP/RESET to make ball
mill stop freely, and LED will restore its flicker display.
14. About 5 seconds after the power switch is switched off, “P. OFF” will appear and then
Example 3: Positive and reverse alternative operation with shutdown at fixed time.
Carry out positive and reverse alternative operation of some testing sample every 1.5h, and the
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machine will shut down automatically 15h later.
Setting: 1. cd02, set the operational method as alternative operation “1”.
2. cd03, set the control in operation as fixed time “1”.
3. cd04, set the alternative operating time as 1.5h.
4. cd12, set the operating time as 15h.
5. cd14, set the interval time of alternative operation as “0.0”.
6. cd16, set the number to operation and restarting times as “9”.
7. Press MENU/ESC button to make the display conduct flicker display.
8. Press RUN button to make ball mill begin to work.
9. Same as the previous example, set the rotating speed or frequency as per related
10. The machine will stop automatically 15h later, switch off and disconnect the power
Note: In operation, the function code cd16 displays countdown, such as the countdown 9~0
displayed in this example.
Example 5: Positive and reverse alternative interval operation with shutdown at fixed time.
Some testing sample requires 0.8h operation in positive direction before 0.5h shutdown, and
then 0.8h operation in reverse direction, and finally shutdown of the machine after 20 times of
repeated operation.
Setting: 1. cd02, set the operational method as alternative operation “1”.
2. cd03, set the control in operation as fixed time “1”.
3. cd04, set the alternative operating time as 0.8h.
4. cd14, set the interval shutdown time of alternative operation as 0.5h.
5. cd16, set the number to operation and restarting times as “19”.
6. Press MENU/ESC button to make the display conduct flicker display.
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7. Press RUN button to make ball mill begin to work.
8. Same as the previous example, set the rotating speed or frequency as per related
9. The machine will stop automatically after 20 times of alternative circulation, and
then switch off and disconnect the power supply.
MTI Corporation
Failure Failure Type Possible Cause of Failure Countermeasure
frequency converter with another one
with bigger capacity.
0E-1 Over voltage for 1) The input voltage is abnormal; 1) Check the input electrical source;
accelerating 2) Start up the working electric machinery 2) Set the starting mode A-00 as rotating
operation of (non-speed tracking startup). speed tracking restart mode.
0E-2 Over-voltage for 1) Time for deceleration is set too short; 1) Adjust the decelerating time;
decelerating 2) Potential energy load or load inertia is 2) Connect braking resistance
operation of relatively big; externally;
frequency 3) The input voltage is abnormal. 3) Check the input electrical source.
0E Over voltage for 1) Abnormal change happens to input voltage. 1) Install input reactor;
constant speed 2) Check the input electrical source.
operation of
FTL 1) Instant over current of frequency 1) Please refer to the countermeasure
Failure of power converter; against over current;
module 2) Inter-phase or ground short circuit of 2) Check the output connecting line
three-phase output of frequency and conduct wiring again;
converter; 3) Dredge air duct or change fan;
3) The frequency converter is not well 4) Seek for technical support.
ventilated or the fan is broken;
4) Short through of bridge arm of power
0H 1) Ambient temperature fails to meet 1) The working environment of
Overheating of specification requirements; frequency converter shall meet
radiator of 2) Ventilation of frequency converter is specification requirements;
power module poor; 2) Rectify and improve the ambient
3) Failure of fan; ventilation and heat dissipation
4) Temperature testing circuit is damaged. environment of frequency converter;
3) Change fan;
4) Seek for technical support.
0L 1) V/F curve setting is improper; 1) Adjust V/F curve;
2) The voltage of grid is too low; 2) Check the input voltage of grid;
Over loading of 3) Long-time operation of general electric 3) Select electric machinery
electric machinery with big load at low speed; specially for frequency converter if
machinery 4) The over-load protection coefficient of long-term low-speed operation is
electric machinery is not set properly; required;
5) Locked operation or over big load of 4) Set the over-load protection
electric machinery. coefficient B-18 of electric machinery
MTI Corporation
Failure Failure Type Possible Cause of Failure Countermeasure
5) Adjust on-load working
conditions or select frequency converter
with matching capacity grade;
6) Adjust the wiring of code wheel
or change the direction function setting
of code wheel.
EMS Failure of 1) Failure terminal of external equipment 1) Check the reasons for the operation
exterior works; of failure terminal of exterior
equipment equipment.
CPU Electromagnetic 1) Single-chip machine is severely interfered. 1) Press STOP/RESET button for reset.
interference 2) Seek for technical support.
2 2
CPUE E PROM failure 1) E PROM is severely interfered in 1) Press STOP/RESET button for
reading and writing; resetting.
2) E PROM is damaged.
STOP Locking for Double click the button STOP/RESET on the 1) Double click the button
emergency stop panel, stop the machine urgently, and lock the STOP/RESET on the panel to relieve
operation control. locking for emergency stop.
NOTE: ① In the process of ball milling, the mutual impacting between milling balls as well
as milling ball and tank wall will make the temperature of the tank wall rise, which is a normal
phenomenon and doesn’t belong to over-heating protection of frequency converter. If the temperature
has influence on the nature of milling materials, users could adopt internal operation method for ball
milling or other cooling methods.
② If users could not eliminate failures of frequency converter by themselves, they could
contact our plant or the manufacturer of frequency converter directly.
MTI Corporation
4. The noises of ball milling are lightened or disappeared abruptly in the normal operation of ball mill.
In such conditions, it’s necessary to shut down the machine immediately, pull out the power line, and
rotate the ball milling tanks with hands. If it’s found that one or several ball milling tanks not able to
rotate freely, it shows that gears are damaged and shall be replaced.
5. If metal friction noise or abnormal smell appears in the normal operation of ball mill, it’s necessary
to shut down the machine immediately, and pull out the power line. Pull the puller cover with hands. If
the axis is loosened, it shows that the bearing is worn and shall be replaced.
6. Methods for private repair:
Figure 5
1. V-belt 3. Screw hole
2. Big pulley 4. Hexagon bolt
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