Memorandum of Deposit of Title Deeds
Memorandum of Deposit of Title Deeds
Memorandum of Deposit of Title Deeds
Signature of the Borrower/s
1. Mr _____________________________________________________stated that the Company
has granted / agreed to grant /lend certain credit Loan to the extent of Rs. _________________
(Rupees ______________________________________________________ ) In
aggregate(“Loan”) at the request of the Borrower and the Mortgagor/s on the condition that the
Mortgagor/s create mortgage over the properties mentioned in Schedule. Shri
______________________________________________________________ accordingly has
deposited the documents of title, evidences, deeds and writings more particularly described in
the Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter called the “Title Deeds”) with an intention to create
mortgage by way of deposit of title deeds in favour of the company to secure the Loan.
ADDRESS :____________________________________________________________________
1. ______________________________ 1. _______________________________________
2. ______________________________ 2. _______________________________________