Setup Sheets Tutorial
Setup Sheets Tutorial
Setup Sheets Tutorial
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Table of Contents i
Setup Sheets Tutorial
ii Table of Contents
This document contains numerous references to the SOLIDWORKS CAM UI.
Users are therefore expected to have at least a basic-level understanding of how
toolpaths and NC codes are generated using the SOLIDWORKS CAM application.
In case they aren’t, then it is recommended that they go through the SOLIDWORKS
CAM manuals viz. Mill Tutorial, Turn Tutorial (depending on their machining
requirements). These manuals can be accessed from the SOLIDWORKS Help
menu by clicking on the Help menu and selecting SOLIDWORKS CAM>>Tutorials.
Location of the Default Style Sheet Template Files available in SOLIDWORKS CAM
The Style Sheet files are located deep within the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation
A UI-language specific version of each Style Sheet template is provided within
SOLIDWORKS CAM. Hence, the location of Style Sheet files is language specific i.e.
it depends on which language mode SOLIDWORKS CAM is currently being run.
For example, if the installed SOLIDWORKS CAM application can be run in English,
French, German and Japanese mode, then the corresponding language versions of each
Style Sheet will be available. These Style Sheets are located within a language-
specific folder within the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation folder.
Present within the language-specific sub-folder of the SOLIDWORKS CAM
Installation folder is the Setup_Sheet_Templates sub-folder. As Style sheet templates
are machine specific, two sub-folders named Mill and Turn are provided within this
folder. These folders contain Style sheet template files specific to Mill and Turn
modules respectively.
For the English language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the folder location of the Style
sheets files for Mill module will be:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\English\Setup_Sheet_Templates\
For the French language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the folder location of the Style
sheets files for Turn module will be:
Drive:\ Program
The Setup Sheet Options dialog box is discussed in detail in the next chapter.
ii. Selecting the Do not show this dialog option on the Setup Sheet Options dialog
Condition: No Setup Sheet has been generated before executing the View command
If no Setup Sheet was previously generated for the current part or assembly file, then on
executing the Setup Sheet>>View command, a Warning message indicating the absence of
the Setup Sheet will be displayed.
XML: SOLIDWORKS CAM generates the WIP images (depending on the options
selected) and transfers the machining information about each operation to an XML file
that can be displayed as an HTML file in a web browser. An XSL style sheet will be used
to merge the XML content with HTML formatting to determine the appearance of the
web page.
Note: XML-based Setup Sheets generated can only be viewed in the Internet
Explorer web browser. They cannot be viewed using any other web
Save to
This field indicates the location where the Setup Sheet in XML format will be saved. Click
on the Browse button to the right of this field to choose a location other than the default
For more details, read the section: Location of the Default Style Sheet Template Files
available in SOLIDWORKS CAM in Chapter 2 of this document.
The image are generated in a ‘PartImages’ sub-folder under the main folder with the name of
the part or assembly file.
The default folder location path will be as follows:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\<xxxx>\Setup_Sheet_Images
\Example_1.SLDPRT\<Part Images>
When this option is unchecked, no part or assembly images will be generated in the Setup
Note: Do not rename a WIP image file generated for a Setup Sheet. If you rename
the WIP image file, then that image will not be subsequently displayed in
the Setup Sheet as the naming convention has been disturbed.
‘OK’ button
When you click on this button:
If a Setup Sheet for the active part/assembly doesn’t exist, then the Setup Sheet will be
generated and displayed.
If a Setup Sheet for the active part/assembly was previously generated at the
SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager level and is now generated at the Setup level or
vice versa, then the Setup Sheet will be generated and displayed.
If a Setup Sheet has already been generated for a part/assembly (even if a different
Style sheet template was applied) and the command to generate a Setup Sheet is
executed for the part/assembly once again, then a Warning Message will be displayed
indicating that the Setup Sheet for the active part/assembly already exists.
i. Click Yes within the Warning Message dialog box to replace the existing Setup
Sheet with a newly generated Setup Sheet.
ii. Click No within the Warning Message dialog box to replace the existing Setup
Sheet with a newly generated Setup Sheet.
iii. Click Cancel to cancel the Setup Sheet generation command.
When an XML-based Setup Sheet is generated on clicking the OK button, the following two
files are saved within the target folder location that was indicated in the Setup Sheets options
dialog box:
a. The Setup Sheet in XML file format.
b. The Style sheet template for the Setup sheet in *.xsl format.
you want to
Ensure operations and toolpaths generate Setup Sheet
Operations under a
are generated for the part/ particular Setup
for all operations or only
assembly for which the Setup operations under a
Sheet is to be generated.
particular Mill /Turn
Type ‘XML’
Select the Style Sheet from the Select the option ‘Generate WIP
dropdown list. Images’
Click the OK button.
Flowchart explaining steps for generating Setup Sheets using SOLIDWORKS CAM
Note: The steps to be followed for generating Setup Sheet in Mill and Turn mode
are similar. For the purpose of conciseness, the tutorials illustrated in this
document are for Mill parts only.
4. The Setup Sheet Options dialog box is displayed. In this dialog box, set the following
Type is set as XML.
The Save To: field indicates
the default location where the
generated Setup Sheet will be
saved. If you wish to change
this location, click on the
Browse button to the right of
this field. The Browse to
Folder dialog box will be
displayed. Use this dialog box
to assign the desired location
for saving the Setup Sheet.
The Style sheet path: field
indicates the default location
of the folder containing
Sheet templates. If the location
is displayed in the field,
proceed to the next step. In
case this field is blank, click
on the Browse button to the
right of this field and specify
the default location of the
folder containing Style Sheet
The Style sheet: dropdown list
displays the list of Style Sheet
Setup Sheets Options Dialog box
templates available for the Mill module of SOLIDWORKS CAM. Select the Mill
Operations and WIP template as the Style sheet from this dropdown list.
Ensure that the View on Save option is checked.
Ensure that the Generate WIP Images option is checked.
Ensure that the Generate part / assembly images and Generate tool images options
area checked.
5. Click on the OK button to generate the Setup Sheet.
6. The generated Setup Sheet will be displayed in the Internet Explorer web browser.
7. The top part of the generated setup sheet displays the general information (Material,
Stock size, Unit, Date, Setup name, Setup origin, etc.).
8. For operations listed in the Setup Sheet, details displayed include Speed, Feed, Z Feed
Rate, Tool Description, etc.
1. Center Drill 1
2. Drill 1
3. Rough Mill 1
4. Contour Mill 1
5. Center Drill 2
6. Drill 2
7. Rough Mill 2
8. Contour Mill 2
9. Rough Mill 3
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\<xxxx>\Setup_Sheet_Images
<xxxx>: This sub-folder has a naming convention that indicates the language mode in
which SOLIDWORKS CAM application was run when the Setup Sheet was
Since the nomenclature for an XML-based Setup Sheet is based on the solid part/assembly
for which it was generated, it can be easily distinguished from other Setup Sheets within the
folder location.
- For the French language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the default folder location of the
Style Sheet templates for Turn module will be:
formatting and parametric values displayed within the XML-based Setup Sheet will be based
on this copy of the Style Sheet template.
Parameter’s Label Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for the Parameter
within XML Setup Sheet label and its dynamically retrieved value
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
Company Name <td>
<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoCompanyName"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoDateTime"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_WorkPiece'">
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceMaterial"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_WorkPiece'">
<td>Stock Size</td>
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceLength"/>,
Stock Size
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceWidth"/>,
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceHeight"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
Author <xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoAuthor"/>
Red font indicates the beginning and end tags for the section of code associated with Setup-related
Blue font indicates dynamic parametric values retrieved from the solid part and assigned to parameter.
Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="name() = 'MillSetupSheetAttr'">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
Setup No. <xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_SetupAttr'">
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrSetupNo"/>
Setup Name <xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrSetupName"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrCoordX"/>,
Setup Origin <xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrCoordY"/>,
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrCoordZ"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrMachTime"/>
Machine Time (Mill)
Red font in the reference code indicates the beginning and end tags for the section of code associated with
Setup-related information.
Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="name() = 'MillOperation'">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
Operation <xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Operation'">
<xsl:value-of select="@OperationName"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Tool'">
Tool Station No. <xsl:value-of select="@ToolStnNo"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Operation'">
Operation Desc <xsl:value-of select="@Description"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Tool'">
Tool Description <xsl:value-of select="@ToolComment"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillHolderLibrary'">
Holder Description <xsl:value-of select="@HolderComment"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillHolderLibrary'">
Holder Number <xsl:value-of select="@HolderNumber"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
Speed (RPM) <xsl:value-of select="@MillSpindleSpeed"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
Feed <xsl:value-of select="@XYFeedRate"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
Z Feed Rate <xsl:value-of select="@ZFeedRate"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinType != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Type <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinType"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinAmt != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Amount <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinAmt"/>
Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Operation'">
<xsl:variable name = "imageUrl">
<xsl:value-of select="@ImagePath"/>
Image of WIP </xsl:variable>
<img src= "{$imageUrl}" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="400">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_ToolImagePath'">
<xsl:variable name = "imageUrl">
<xsl:value-of select="@ToolImagePath"/>
<xsl:if test="$imageUrl !=''">
Image of Tool
<img src= "{$imageUrl}" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="150"
align="Top" hspace="100">
Note: You can also insert code within the Style Sheet template to display user-
defined images.
Patent Notices
SOLIDWORKS® 3D mechanical CAD and/or Simulation software is protected by U.S. Patents
6,219,049; 6,219,055; 6,611,725; 6,844,877; 6,898,560; 6,906,712; 7,079,990; 7,477,262;
7,558,705; 7,571,079; 7,590,497; 7,643,027; 7,672,822; 7,688,318; 7,694,238; 7,853,940;
8,305,376; 8,581,902; 8,817,028; 8,910,078; 9,129,083; 9,153,072; 9,262,863; 9,465,894; and
foreign patents, (e.g., EP 1,116,190 B1 and JP 3,517,643).
eDrawings® software is protected by U.S. Patent 7,184,044; U.S. Patent 7,502,027; and Canadian
Patent 2,318,706.
U.S. and foreign patents pending.
Legal Notices 41
Setup Sheets Tutorial
42 Legal Notices