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Setup Sheets Tutorial

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Setup Sheets Tutorial

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Product Name: SOLIDWORKS CAM 2018

Setup Sheet Tutorial


1. Setup Sheets: An Introduction ............................................................ 6

What are Setup Sheets? ............................................................................................. 6
Setup Sheet Feature of SOLIDWORKS CAM ............................................................. 6
Types of Setup Sheets generated in SOLIDWORKS CAM......................................... 6
1. Setup Sheet in Simple Text File Format with *.set file extension................................ 6
2. XML-based Setup Sheets .......................................................................................... 6
Pre-requisites for generating XML-based Setup Sheets............................................................ 6

2. SOLIDWORKS CAM Templates for XML-based Setup Sheets .......... 8

Default Style Sheet Templates for XML-based Setup Sheets ........................................... 8
File Format of the Style Sheets .................................................................................................. 8
Location of the Default Style Sheet Template Files available in SOLIDWORKS CAM ............. 8
Examples .............................................................................................................................. 8
Customized XSL Style Sheet Templates ................................................................................... 9

3. Generating Setup Sheets ................................................................... 10

Generating Setup Sheets by executing commands .................................................. 10
i. Setup Sheet Commands on SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager context menu ........ 10
The Setup Sheet>>Generate command on the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager context
menu......................................................................................................................................... 10
Disabling display of the Setup Sheet Options dialog box ................................................... 10
The Setup Sheet>>View command on the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager context menu 11
Condition: No Setup Sheet has been generated before executing the View command ..... 11
ii. The ‘Generate Setup Sheets’ command on context menu of Part Setup ................. 11
Differences between Setup Sheet command at SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager Level and
Setup Level .............................................................................................................................. 12
a. Scope of operations covered ....................................................................................... 12
b. Nomenclature of generated XML-based Setup Sheets ............................................... 12
Settings for Setup Sheets in SOLIDWORKS CAM Options Dialog box .................... 13
In the General Tab.......................................................................................................... 13
Show Options before generation .............................................................................................. 13
In the File Locations Tab ................................................................................................ 13
Setup sheet images folder ....................................................................................................... 13

4. Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box ..................................................... 14

Displaying the Setup Sheets Options dialog box ............................................................ 14
Settings available in the Setup Sheet Options dialog box ......................................... 15
Type ............................................................................................................................... 15
Save to ........................................................................................................................... 15
Style sheet path.............................................................................................................. 15
Default Style sheet path ........................................................................................................... 15
Style sheet path for customized Style Sheet templates ........................................................... 16
Style sheet dropdown list ................................................................................................ 16
Style sheets for Mill Parts ......................................................................................................... 16
Style sheets for Turn Parts ....................................................................................................... 16

Table of Contents i
Setup Sheets Tutorial

‘View on Save’ option ..................................................................................................... 17

Size of images in pixels .................................................................................................. 17
‘Generate WIP Images’ option ........................................................................................ 17
‘Regenerate all images’ option ................................................................................................. 17
‘Update images for new operations’ option .............................................................................. 17
Generate part / assembly images ................................................................................... 17
Generate tool images ..................................................................................................... 18
Naming Convention of the folders ............................................................................................ 18
Naming convention for WIP images ......................................................................................... 18
‘Do not show this dialog’ option ...................................................................................... 19
‘OK’ button ..................................................................................................................... 19

5. Generating Setup Sheets ................................................................... 20

Flowchart illustrating generation of Setup Sheets ..................................................... 20
Tutorials on Generating Setup Sheets ...................................................................... 20
Tutorial : Generating XML-based Setup Sheet with 2D images of WIP ..................... 21
Steps to generate Setup Sheet ................................................................................................ 21
Generated Setup Sheet ........................................................................................................... 23
WIP Models in the Setup Sheet ............................................................................................... 24

6. Viewing Saved XML-based Setup sheets ......................................... 28

Location of XML-based Setup Sheets ...................................................................... 28
Folder location of XML-based Setup Sheets ................................................................... 28
Viewing XML-based Setup Sheets ........................................................................................... 28
Deleting XML-based Setup Sheets .......................................................................................... 28

7. Customized XSL Style sheet Templates ........................................... 29

Location of the Style Sheet Templates ..................................................................... 29
Location of the Default Style Sheet Templates ............................................................... 29
Location of Style Sheet associated with generated Setup Sheet .................................... 29
Renaming/Reassigning Style Sheet applied to an XML-based Setup Sheet ................... 29
Renaming a Style Sheets associated with an XML-based Setup Sheet ................................. 30
Reassigning a Style Sheets associated with an XML-based Setup Sheet .............................. 30
Editing the Style Sheet Templates ............................................................................ 31
Editing Info displayed in XML-based Setup Sheet .......................................................... 31
Choosing the Style Sheet template to be edited ............................................................. 31
Displaying Company’s Name in the Setup Sheet Heading Section ................................. 31
Editing a default Style Sheet to display Company Name......................................................... 32
Editing Part Related Info displayed in Setup Sheet ......................................................... 32
Reference Code in Style Sheet template for Part Related Parameters ................................... 32
Legend ................................................................................................................................ 32
Replacing dynamically retrieved values with Static values ...................................................... 35
Setup Info and Machining Time ...................................................................................... 35
Legend ................................................................................................................................ 35
Details of the Operations (Mill, Turn) .............................................................................. 36
Legend ................................................................................................................................ 36
WIP Images and Tool Images ........................................................................................ 40

Legal Notices ............................................................................................... 41

ii Table of Contents
This document contains numerous references to the SOLIDWORKS CAM UI.
Users are therefore expected to have at least a basic-level understanding of how
toolpaths and NC codes are generated using the SOLIDWORKS CAM application.
In case they aren’t, then it is recommended that they go through the SOLIDWORKS
CAM manuals viz. Mill Tutorial, Turn Tutorial (depending on their machining
requirements). These manuals can be accessed from the SOLIDWORKS Help
menu by clicking on the Help menu and selecting SOLIDWORKS CAM>>Tutorials.

Skill Sets Acquired from this Manual

 Generating XML-based Setup Sheets
 Viewing Saved Setup sheets
 An understanding of the differences between Setup Sheet command
executed at SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager Level and Setup level
 An understanding of the settings for Setup Sheets in SOLIDWORKS CAM
Options Dialog box
 An understanding of the settings available in the Setup Sheet Options dialog
 Customizing/Editing Style Sheet Templates

Skill Sets Required for creating Templates

 To create/edit customized Style sheet templates for XML-based Setup
Sheets, an intermediate-level proficiency in XSL (Extensible Style Sheet
language) and HTML is necessary.
Setup Sheets Tutorial


What are Setup Sheets?
A ‘Setup Sheet’ is a printable file that contains information that the CNC Machinist (machine
tool operator) can use to set up the part and the tools required to machine that part. It
provides an overview of the NC program for the CNC Machinist.
A Setup Sheet usually includes the following information:
i. Machine details
ii. Setup details such as Setup origin and Setup Name
iii. Controller
iv. Estimated machining time
v. Part material and Stock size
vi. Operations
vii. Feeds, Speeds, Z Feed Rate
viii. Tooling information for Tools used to machine the part

Setup Sheet Feature of SOLIDWORKS CAM

The ‘Setup Sheet’ feature of SOLIDWORKS CAM allows you generate Setup Sheets for a
solid part/assembly for which CAM data has been generated. This feature for generating
Setup sheets is provided in two forms:
i. Auto-generation of a simple text file
ii. Generating Setup Sheets documents by executing commands associated with the
‘Setup Sheet’ feature.

Types of Setup Sheets generated in SOLIDWORKS CAM

1. Setup Sheet in Simple Text File Format with *.set file extension
During post processing, SOLIDWORKS CAM automatically creates a simple text file
with the same name as the NC program and a *.set extension.

2. XML-based Setup Sheets

With XML-based setup sheet, SOLIDWORKS CAM generates the WIP images
(depending on the options selected) and transfers the machining information about each
operation to an XML file that can be displayed as an HTML file in the Internet Explorer
web browser. An XSL style sheet will be used to merge the XML content with HTML
formatting to determine the appearance of the web page.
Pre-requisites for generating XML-based Setup Sheets
 If generating a Setup Sheet at Mill Setup or Turn Setup level, then toolpaths must
be generated for all the operations under that Mill or Turn Setup.

6 Setup Sheets: An Introduction

Setup Sheet Tutorial

 If generating a Setup Sheet at SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager level, then

toolpaths must be generated for all the operations for the current part/assembly.
This includes operations listed under different Mill Setups and Turn Setups.
 The Internet Explorer web browser must be installed as XML-based Setup Sheets
can only be viewed in this browser.

Setup Sheets: An Introduction 7

Setup Sheets Tutorial



Default Style Sheet Templates for XML-based Setup Sheets

A Style sheet template is used to define the visual layout (style) an HTML or XML-based
A set of default Style Sheet templates is provided within the SOLIDWORKS CAM
application. These templates are UI-language specific and further classified to be machine
specific. Whenever an XML-based Setup Sheet is generated, a Style Sheet has to
compulsorily be associated with it. Once the XML-based Setup Sheet is generated, its visual
layout is determined by the associated Style Sheet file.

File Format of the Style Sheets

The default Style Sheets files are in XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) format.
SOLIDWORKS CAM supports only XSL-based Style Sheet templates for the XML-
based Setup sheets. In case you define any customized Style Sheet template, then that file
too should be in the XSL format.

Location of the Default Style Sheet Template Files available in SOLIDWORKS CAM
The Style Sheet files are located deep within the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation
 A UI-language specific version of each Style Sheet template is provided within
SOLIDWORKS CAM. Hence, the location of Style Sheet files is language specific i.e.
it depends on which language mode SOLIDWORKS CAM is currently being run.
For example, if the installed SOLIDWORKS CAM application can be run in English,
French, German and Japanese mode, then the corresponding language versions of each
Style Sheet will be available. These Style Sheets are located within a language-
specific folder within the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation folder.
 Present within the language-specific sub-folder of the SOLIDWORKS CAM
Installation folder is the Setup_Sheet_Templates sub-folder. As Style sheet templates
are machine specific, two sub-folders named Mill and Turn are provided within this
folder. These folders contain Style sheet template files specific to Mill and Turn
modules respectively.
For the English language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the folder location of the Style
sheets files for Mill module will be:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\English\Setup_Sheet_Templates\
For the French language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the folder location of the Style
sheets files for Turn module will be:
Drive:\ Program

8 SOLIDWORKS CAM Templates for XML-based Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial

Customized XSL Style Sheet Templates

Though a set of Style Sheet templates is already provided within SOLIDWORKS CAM,
you can define your own customized Style Sheet templates to suit your Facility’s/ Firm’s
requirements. Alternatively, you can edit the already available Style Sheets to suit your
Refer Chapter 7: Customized XSL Style Sheet Templates of this document to:
 Gain a thorough understanding how to edit the default Style Sheet template files to
suit your Facility’s/ Firm’s requirements by referring the code snippets provided for
all the part-related parameters.
 Refer the syntax/reference code for retrieving values for various CAM and CAD
parameters while editing/creating a customized Style Sheet template.

SOLIDWORKS CAM Templates for XML-based Setup Sheets 9

Setup Sheets Tutorial


Generating Setup Sheets by executing commands
The command to generate Setup Sheets is provided in the SOLIDWORKS CAM UI. These
commands are available as:

i. Setup Sheet Commands on SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager context

The Setup Sheet command is available on the context menu of the SOLIDWORKS CAM
NC Manager item in the SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation tree.
After generating toolpaths for the solid model, right-click on the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC
Manager item in the SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation tree and select Setup Sheet
command on the context menu. You will observe that there are two commands available
on the cascading menu viz. Generate and View.

The Setup Sheet>>Generate command on the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager

context menu
When you select this command, under default settings, the Setup Sheet Options dialog
box will be displayed. This dialog box allows you to set the options for generating WIP
images to be display in the Setup Sheet for each operation.

Setup Sheet>>Generate command on the context menu


The Setup Sheet Options dialog box is discussed in detail in the next chapter.

Disabling display of the Setup Sheet Options dialog box

You can disable the display of the Setup Sheet Options dialog box (whenever this
command is executed). This can be done by:
i. Removing the check mark from the Show Options before generation option on the
General tab in the SOLIDWORKS CAM Options dialog box.

10 Generating Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial

ii. Selecting the Do not show this dialog option on the Setup Sheet Options dialog

The Setup Sheet>>View command on the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager

context menu
The Setup Sheet>>View command on the context menu of the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC
Manager item in the Operation tree allows you to view the Setup Sheet that has
previously been generated for the solid part or assembly file.
Depending on whether the Setup Sheets have been generated or not, the Setup
Sheet>>View command will yield different results.

Condition: No Setup Sheet has been generated before executing the View command
If no Setup Sheet was previously generated for the current part or assembly file, then on
executing the Setup Sheet>>View command, a Warning message indicating the absence of
the Setup Sheet will be displayed.

Warning Message displayed when Setup Sheet does not

exist for the solid part file
You need to generate a Setup Sheet with desired settings and then execute this
command to view the Setup Sheet.

ii. The ‘Generate Setup Sheets’ command on context menu of Part

The Generate Setup Sheets command is available in the context menu of the Mill Setup/
Turn Setup in the SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation tree. After generating toolpaths for
the solid model in SOLIDWORKS CAM, right-click on the Mill Part Setup or Turn Part
Setup item in the Operation tree and select Generate Setup Sheets… command on the
context menu.
Executing this command displays the Setup Sheet Options dialog box. Edit the settings as
required and then click on the OK button in this dialog box to generate the Setup Sheet.
This command functions the same as the Setup Sheet>>Generate command in the context
menu of the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager item explained in the previous section.

Generating Setup Sheets 11

Setup Sheets Tutorial

Generate the Setup Sheet on Mill Part

Setup context menu
Differences between Setup Sheet command at SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager Level
and Setup Level
The differences between the Setup Sheet command executed at SOLIDWORKS CAM
NC Manager Level and Setup level are:
a. Scope of operations covered
Executing the Setup Sheet>>Generate command at SOLIDWORKS CAM NC
Manager level covers all operations under different Mill/ Turn Setups while executing
the Generate Setup Sheets… command at Setup level covers only the operations under
that particular Setup.
b. Nomenclature of generated XML-based Setup Sheets
If the Setup Sheet>>Generate command is executed at SOLIDWORKS CAM NC
Manager level, then the name of the XML-based Setup Sheet will be identical to the
solid part/ assembly for which it was generated.
If the Generate Setup Sheets command is executed at Mill or Turn Part Setup level,
then the nomenclature syntax for the XML-based Setup Sheet will be:
If the name of the solid part is Sample.sldprt and the name of the Mill Part Setup level
(at which the Setup Sheet command was executed) is Group1, then the name of XML-
based Setup Sheet generated will be: “Sample.Group1.xml”

12 Generating Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial

Settings for Setup Sheets in SOLIDWORKS CAM Options Dialog

When you select the SOLIDWORKS CAM Options command on the SOLIDWORKS CAM
Command Manager, the SOLIDWORKS CAM Options dialog box is displayed. Setup Sheet
settings options are available in the General tab and File Location tab of the SOLIDWORKS
CAM Options dialog box.

In the General Tab

Show Options before generation
When this option is checked in the General tab of Options dialog box, the Setup Sheet
Options dialog box displays when you select the Generate Setup Sheets command at the
SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager or Mill Part Setup level.
When this option is not checked, the dialog box does not display.

Setup sheets group box in the General tab of SOLIDWORKS

CAM Options dialog box

In the File Locations Tab

Setup sheet images folder
Specifies the folder location where the XML based Setup Sheet images are stored when
you generate WIP images for Setup sheets.
If you wish to change this location, click on the Browse button to the right of this field.
Use the Browse to Folder dialog box to assign a location other than the default location.

Setup sheet image folder path in the File Locations tab of

SOLIDWORKS CAM Options dialog box

Generating Setup Sheets 13

Setup Sheets Tutorial


Displaying the Setup Sheets Options dialog box

The Setup Sheet Options dialog box is displayed when you select:
i. The Setup Sheet>>Generate command in the context menu of the SOLIDWORKS
CAM NC Manager item in the SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation tree.
ii. The Generate Setup sheets… command in the context menu of the Mill Part setup or
Turn Part Setup items in the SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation tree.

Setup Sheet Options dialog box

14 Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box

Setup Sheet Tutorial

Settings available in the Setup Sheet Options dialog box

Following are the various settings available in the Setup Sheet Options dialog box:

 XML: SOLIDWORKS CAM generates the WIP images (depending on the options
selected) and transfers the machining information about each operation to an XML file
that can be displayed as an HTML file in a web browser. An XSL style sheet will be used
to merge the XML content with HTML formatting to determine the appearance of the
web page.
Note: XML-based Setup Sheets generated can only be viewed in the Internet
Explorer web browser. They cannot be viewed using any other web

XML selected as Setup sheet Type

Save to
This field indicates the location where the Setup Sheet in XML format will be saved. Click
on the Browse button to the right of this field to choose a location other than the default

‘Save to’ field for indicating location of Setup Sheet

Style sheet path

This field indicates the folder location where XSL-format Style sheet templates are saved.
The Style sheets available within this folder location are displayed in Style sheet dropdown
Default Style sheet path
Since a set of default Style sheet templates are available in SOLIDWORKS CAM, the
Style sheet path will, by default, point to the folder location containing the Style sheet
template files located within the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation folder. This default
Style sheet path is UI-language specific and machine-specific.

Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box 15

Setup Sheets Tutorial

For more details, read the section: Location of the Default Style Sheet Template Files
available in SOLIDWORKS CAM in Chapter 2 of this document.

Style sheet path for customized Style Sheet templates

In case you intend you use a customized Style Sheet template other than the default ones
available in SOLIDWORKS CAM and they are stored in a folder location which is
different from the folder location of the default Style Sheet files, then click on the Browse
button next to the Style sheet path and set the folder location path. The Style sheet
template(s) within the selected folder location will be displayed in the Style sheet
dropdown list.

Style sheet dropdown list

This dropdown list contains the names of the XSL Style Sheet templates. These templates are
files picked from the folder location indicated in the Style sheet path field. Since Style sheet
templates are machine specific, only templates specific to the machine selected for the active
part/assembly will be selected.
For example, if a Mill Machine is selected for the active solid part/assembly, then only Style
sheet templates specific to Mill will be listed.
Click on the Style Sheet dropdown list to view the other available Style sheet templates. By
default, the first template listed in the dropdown list will be selected. To select another Style
Sheet template, click on the name of the desired Style sheet template from the dropdown list.
The selected Style Sheet template will be used to merge the XML content with HTML
formatting to determine the appearance of XML-based Setup Sheet.
Depending on the machine selected for the active solid part/ assembly, the following Style
sheet templates are available in the Setup Sheet Options dialog box:

Style sheets for Mill Parts

 Mill Operations
 Mill Operations and WIP
 Mill Operations and WIP(xslt)
 Mill Operations(xslt)
 Mill Tooling Mill Style Sheet Templates
 Mill Tooling(xslt)

Style sheets for Turn Parts

 Turn Operations
 Turn Operations and WIP
 Turn Operations and WIP(xslt)
 Turn Operations(xslt)
 Turn Tooling Turn Style Sheet Templates
 Turn Tooling(xslt)

16 Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box

Setup Sheet Tutorial

‘View on Save’ option

When this option is checked, the Setup sheet is displayed immediately after it is generated.

Size of images in pixels

These settings are enabled only in the Generate WIP images option is checked. They allow
you to determine the width and height of the WIP images.

‘Generate WIP Images’ option

WIP images for each operation can be created automatically by checking the Generate WIP
images option in Setup Sheet Options dialog box.
If this option is checked, SOLIDWORKS CAM generates the Setup Sheet by running the
Toolpath Simulation in the background and creating a WIP image of each operation based on
the current solid part’s orientation and magnification.
When images are generated, the simulation runs in Tool mode to produce more accurate
images and the Setup Sheet generation may take longer depending on the number and type of
If the part contains multiple 3 axis toolpaths, it may take considerable time to simulate. If you
want to avoid this, we recommend that you disable Generating WIP images option. Instead,
generate the required images manually in Toolpath Simulation using Turbo mode.

‘Regenerate all images’ option

If an existing Setup Sheet has already been generated and this option is chosen, then all
the WIP images will be regenerated. The regenerated images will replace all previous
images generated automatically or manually.

‘Update images for new operations’ option

The Update images for new operations option will be disabled if the Setup Sheet is being
generated for the first time. If the Setup Sheet for the current solid part already exists in
the folder location for Setup Sheets, then this option will be enabled.
When a Setup sheet is generated, SOLIDWORKS CAM executes the toolpath simulation
and images for newly added operations are generated. Use this option while regenerating
the Setup Sheet.

Generate part / assembly images

The Generate part / assembly images option will generate images of the SOLIDWORKS part
or assembly. Click on the Option button and select the desired orientation from the displayed
list. These orientations will be applied on the setup levels. The default options for Mill Part
Setups and Turn Setups are already defined in SOLIDWORKS CAM.

Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box 17

Setup Sheets Tutorial

Machine / Setup level Default Orientations

Mill - Setup XY
- Isometric
Turn - Turn ZX
- Isometric

The image are generated in a ‘PartImages’ sub-folder under the main folder with the name of
the part or assembly file.
The default folder location path will be as follows:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\<xxxx>\Setup_Sheet_Images
\Example_1.SLDPRT\<Part Images>
When this option is unchecked, no part or assembly images will be generated in the Setup

Generate tool images

The Generate part / assembly images option will generate images of the tools used for every
operation in the part or assembly file. The image are generated in a ‘ToolImages’ sub-folder
under the main folder with the name of the part or assembly file.
The default folder location path will be as follows:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\<xxxx>\Setup_Sheet_Images
\Example_1.SLDPRT\<Tool Images>
When this option is unchecked, no tool images will be generated in the Setup Sheets.

Naming Convention of the folders

<xxxx>: This sub-folder has a naming convention that indicates the language
mode in which SOLIDWORKS CAM application was run when the
Setup Sheet was generated.
<Part name>: This sub-folder has a naming convention that indicates the name of
the solid part for which the WIP images were generated. <Part
name> folder thus indicates the name of the part.
Naming convention for WIP images
Each WIP image file name corresponds to the operation name. All the default Style sheet
templates available in SOLIDWORKS CAM are designed to display WIP image files
based on this naming convention.

Note: Do not rename a WIP image file generated for a Setup Sheet. If you rename
the WIP image file, then that image will not be subsequently displayed in
the Setup Sheet as the naming convention has been disturbed.

18 Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box

Setup Sheet Tutorial

‘Do not show this dialog’ option

You can disable the display of the Setup Sheet Options dialog box by checking this option.
To enable the display, check the Show Options before generation option on the General tab in
the SOLIDWORKS CAM Options dialog box.

‘OK’ button
When you click on this button:
 If a Setup Sheet for the active part/assembly doesn’t exist, then the Setup Sheet will be
generated and displayed.
 If a Setup Sheet for the active part/assembly was previously generated at the
SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager level and is now generated at the Setup level or
vice versa, then the Setup Sheet will be generated and displayed.
 If a Setup Sheet has already been generated for a part/assembly (even if a different
Style sheet template was applied) and the command to generate a Setup Sheet is
executed for the part/assembly once again, then a Warning Message will be displayed
indicating that the Setup Sheet for the active part/assembly already exists.
i. Click Yes within the Warning Message dialog box to replace the existing Setup
Sheet with a newly generated Setup Sheet.
ii. Click No within the Warning Message dialog box to replace the existing Setup
Sheet with a newly generated Setup Sheet.
iii. Click Cancel to cancel the Setup Sheet generation command.
When an XML-based Setup Sheet is generated on clicking the OK button, the following two
files are saved within the target folder location that was indicated in the Setup Sheets options
dialog box:
a. The Setup Sheet in XML file format.
b. The Style sheet template for the Setup sheet in *.xsl format.

Setup Sheets Options Dialog Box 19

Setup Sheets Tutorial


This chapter contains tutorials to illustrate the generation of Setup Sheets.

Flowchart illustrating generation of Setup Sheets

and open the part/ assembly.

you want to
Ensure operations and toolpaths generate Setup Sheet
Operations under a
are generated for the part/ particular Setup
for all operations or only
assembly for which the Setup operations under a
Sheet is to be generated.
particular Mill /Turn

Right-click on SOLIDWORKS Right-click on the Mill or Turn

CAM NC Manager item in the Setup in the SOLIDWORKS CAM
SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation All operations Operation tree and select
tree and select Generate>>View Generate Setup Sheets
command on the context menu. command on the context menu.
The Setup Sheet Options dialog
box is displayed.

Type ‘XML’

Use the ‘Save to’ field to indicate

the location where the generated
Setup Sheet is to be saved.

Select the Style Sheet from the Select the option ‘Generate WIP
dropdown list. Images’

Set the size for the WIP images in

Do pixels
you want to
WIP images
in Setup Sheet?

Click the OK button.

The Setup Sheet is displayed.

Flowchart explaining steps for generating Setup Sheets using SOLIDWORKS CAM

20 Generating Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial

Tutorials on Generating Setup Sheets

In this chapter, the provided Tutorial illustrates how to generate XML-based Setup Sheets
containing 2D images of WIP. (2D images of WIP generated on applying default Style Sheet

Note: The steps to be followed for generating Setup Sheet in Mill and Turn mode
are similar. For the purpose of conciseness, the tutorials illustrated in this
document are for Mill parts only.

Tutorial : Generating XML-based Setup Sheet with 2D images of WIP

To generate a Setup Sheet, the toolpaths for all the operations must be generated.
For the purposes of illustration, in this tutorial, a sample Mill part for which toolpaths have
already been generated will be used. The default Style sheet template will be applied to the
XML-based Setup Sheet to be generated. Applying the default Style Sheet template results in
generation of 2D images of stock, WIP and finished part in the Setup Sheet.
Steps to generate Setup Sheet
1. Open the part Setup_Sheet_Sample.SLDPRT
present in the following folder location:
201x\CAM Examples\Tutorial_Parts\Mill


2. Click on the SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation

tree tab.
Observe that there are 16 operations listed under
the Mill Part Setup. The black-colored font of the
operation names indicate that toolpaths have
already been generated for the solid part.
3. Right click on the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Operations listed in the
Manager item in the SOLIDWORKS CAM SOLIDWORKS CAM Operation
Operation tree and select Setup Sheet... from the context menu. Further,
Generate... from the cascading menu.

Generating Setup Sheets 21

Setup Sheets Tutorial

Selecting Generate command from the cascading menu

4. The Setup Sheet Options dialog box is displayed. In this dialog box, set the following
 Type is set as XML.
 The Save To: field indicates
the default location where the
generated Setup Sheet will be
saved. If you wish to change
this location, click on the
Browse button to the right of
this field. The Browse to
Folder dialog box will be
displayed. Use this dialog box
to assign the desired location
for saving the Setup Sheet.
 The Style sheet path: field
indicates the default location
of the folder containing
Sheet templates. If the location
is displayed in the field,
proceed to the next step. In
case this field is blank, click
on the Browse button to the
right of this field and specify
the default location of the
folder containing Style Sheet
 The Style sheet: dropdown list
displays the list of Style Sheet
Setup Sheets Options Dialog box

22 Generating Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial

templates available for the Mill module of SOLIDWORKS CAM. Select the Mill
Operations and WIP template as the Style sheet from this dropdown list.
 Ensure that the View on Save option is checked.
 Ensure that the Generate WIP Images option is checked.
 Ensure that the Generate part / assembly images and Generate tool images options
area checked.
5. Click on the OK button to generate the Setup Sheet.
6. The generated Setup Sheet will be displayed in the Internet Explorer web browser.
7. The top part of the generated setup sheet displays the general information (Material,
Stock size, Unit, Date, Setup name, Setup origin, etc.).
8. For operations listed in the Setup Sheet, details displayed include Speed, Feed, Z Feed
Rate, Tool Description, etc.

Generated Setup Sheet

Partial display of the generated Setup Sheet

Generating Setup Sheets 23

Setup Sheets Tutorial

WIP Models in the Setup Sheet

For the solid part used in this tutorial, sixteen operations with corresponding toolpaths have
been defined. Whenever a Setup Sheet is generated, the WIP model after the execution of
each operation listed in the Operation tree will be displayed in it.
The below table illustrates the 16 WIP models displayed in the Setup sheet for the example
part (Setup_Sheet_Sample.SLDPRT) under consideration.


1. Center Drill 1

2. Drill 1

3. Rough Mill 1

4. Contour Mill 1

24 Generating Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial


5. Center Drill 2

6. Drill 2

7. Rough Mill 2

8. Contour Mill 2

9. Rough Mill 3

Generating Setup Sheets 25

Setup Sheets Tutorial


10. Contour Mill 3

11. Rough Mill 4

12. Contour Mill 4

13. Rough Mill 5

14. Rough Mill 6

26 Generating Setup Sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial


15. Contour Mill 5

16. Face Mill 1

Generating Setup Sheets 27

Setup Sheets Tutorial


Location of XML-based Setup Sheets
XML-based Setup Sheets generated are saved in the target folder location indicated in the
Setup Sheet Options dialog box.

Folder location of XML-based Setup Sheets

The default folder location where XML-based Setup Sheets are saved is:

Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\<xxxx>\Setup_Sheet_Images
<xxxx>: This sub-folder has a naming convention that indicates the language mode in
which SOLIDWORKS CAM application was run when the Setup Sheet was
Since the nomenclature for an XML-based Setup Sheet is based on the solid part/assembly
for which it was generated, it can be easily distinguished from other Setup Sheets within the
folder location.

Viewing XML-based Setup Sheets

Within the folder location containing Setup sheets, the desired XML-based Setup Sheet
can be viewed in the Internet Explorer web browser.

Deleting XML-based Setup Sheets

If you wish to delete an unwanted Setup Sheet from the folder location, you need to delete
both the Setup Sheet file (*.xml) and the folder containing its WIP images. The folder
containing the WIP images can be identified easily as its folder name is identical to the
name of the solid part/assembly file for which the Setup Sheet was generated.

28 Viewing Saved XML-based Setup sheets

Setup Sheet Tutorial


Though a set of Style Sheet templates is already provided within SOLIDWORKS CAM, you
can define your own customized Style Sheet templates to suit your facility’s/ firm’s
requirements. Alternatively, you can edit the already available Style Sheets to suit your
This chapter provides the syntax/reference code for retrieving values for various CAM and
CAD parameters while editing/creating a customized Style Sheet template.

Note: At least an intermediate-level knowledge of XSL (Extensible Style Sheet

language) and HTML is necessary for editing the code within existing Style
Sheet templates.

Location of the Style Sheet Templates

Location of the Default Style Sheet Templates
The default Style Sheet templates are located deep within the SOLIDWORKS CAM
Installation folder in the Setup_Sheet_Templates sub-folder.
- For the English language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the default folder location of the
Style Sheet templates for Mill module will be:

- For the French language mode of SOLIDWORKS CAM, the default folder location of the
Style Sheet templates for Turn module will be:

Location of Style Sheet associated with generated Setup Sheet

When an XML-based Setup Sheet is generated after clicking the OK button in the Setup
Sheet Options dialog box, two files are saved within the target folder location that was
indicated in this dialog box:
a. The Setup Sheet in XML file format.
b. The associated Style sheet template for the Setup sheet in *.xsl format.
Note: Once an XML-based Setup Sheet is generated, a copy of the Style Sheet
template associated with it is saved in the same folder location as the Setup
Sheet. The visual rendering and formatting of the XML-based Setup sheet
will be based on this copy of the Style sheet template.

Renaming/Reassigning Style Sheet applied to an XML-based Setup Sheet

Whenever an XML-based Setup Sheet is generated, the copy of the Style Sheet template
(*.xsl) applied to the Setup Sheet is saved to the same folder location. The visual rendering,

Customized XSL Style sheet Templates 29

Setup Sheets Tutorial

formatting and parametric values displayed within the XML-based Setup Sheet will be based
on this copy of the Style Sheet template.

Renaming a Style Sheets associated with an XML-based Setup Sheet

If another XML-based Setup Sheet is generated after applying the same Style Sheet template
and saved to the same location, then the existing copy of the Style Sheet template within this
folder is overwritten.
While this is not an issue if the default templates were used, it certainly would be if the
customized Style Sheet template meant for particular Setup Sheet were to be overwritten. It
can lead to assigned parametric values/dynamically derived values being overwritten.
The simplest solution would be to ensure that every Setup Sheet is generated and saved
within separate folder locations.
An alternative solution would be to rename the associated Style Sheet template in order to
prevent the overwriting of the template. Once renamed, the coding of the XML-based Setup
Sheet must be updated to refer to the renamed Style Sheet.
Following are the steps:
i. Open the folder location where the XML-based Setup Sheet file is saved.
ii. Rename the Style Sheet file (*.xsl) file associated with the Setup Sheet. It should be
preferably renamed to bear the same name as the Setup Sheet so as to enable easier
iii. Right-click on the XML-based Setup Sheet and select Open with>>WordPad.
iv. Observe the second tag within the displayed code. This tag references the Style Sheet
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="StyleSheetName.xsl"?>
v. Replace the Style Sheet name within the quotes.
vi. Save and close the file.

Reassigning a Style Sheets associated with an XML-based Setup Sheet

The time required for generating the Setup Sheet for some complex solid parts is high. If you
want to assign a customized Style Sheet template to an XML-based Setup Sheet, then instead
of regenerating the Setup Sheet after applying the desired Style Sheet template, the
alternative and simple solution would be to change the referenced Style sheet template within
the XML-based Setup Sheet’s code.
Following are the steps:
i. Open the folder location where the XML-based Setup Sheet file is saved.
ii. Place a copy of desired Style Sheet template file (*.xsl) within this folder location file
associated with the Setup Sheet.
iii. Right-click on the XML-based Setup Sheet and select Open with>>WordPad.
iv. Observe the second tag within the displayed code. This tag references the Style Sheet
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="StyleSheetName.xsl"?>
v. Replace the Style Sheet name within the quotes with the name of the new Style Sheet.

30 Customized XSL Style sheet Templates

Setup Sheet Tutorial

vi. Save and close the file.

Editing the Style Sheet Templates

Editing Info displayed in XML-based Setup Sheet
To edit the values displayed within the XML-based Setup Sheet, you need to edit the Style
Sheet template file (*.xsl) associated with it. The Style Sheet template associated with an
XML-based Setup Sheet contains code to dynamically retrieve part-related and CAM data-
related parametric values from the solid part/ assembly.
While editing/creating Style Sheet templates, you might need to:
i. Edit/insert code for Parameter labels;
ii. Edit/insert code for dynamically retrieving values for the parameters;
iii. Assign static values to parameters where dynamically retrieved values are not

Choosing the Style Sheet template to be edited

If you are editing one of the default Style Sheet templates available in SOLIDWORKS CAM
to suit your firm’s requirements, you can edit it at two levels:
 If you want to assign values to parameters that are to be reflected in all future Setup
Sheets which will be generated, you need to edit the applicable Style Sheet template
within the Setup_Sheet_Templates sub-folder of the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation
 If you want to assign values to parameters that are to be reflected only for a particular
Setup Sheet and not to any other Setup Sheet, then you need to edit the copy of the
Style Sheet template that was applied to the Setup Sheet.

Displaying Company’s Name in the Setup Sheet Heading Section

The default Style Sheets present within SOLIDWORKS CAM can be edited to display your
company name.
 If you want your Company Name to be reflected in all future Setup Sheets generated by
applying default Style Sheet templates, then edit those Style Sheet templates present in
the SOLIDWORKS CAM Installation folder.
The typical location of the default Style Sheet Templates is:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\English\Setup_Sheet_Templates
 If you want your Company Name to be reflected only in a specific Setup Sheet, then, after
the Setup Sheet is generated, edit the copy of the Style Sheet template associated with that
Setup Sheet. This template copy is always present in the same folder location as the
generated XML-based Setup Sheet that it renders.
The default folder location where XML-based Setup Sheets are saved is:
Drive:\Program Data\SOLIDWORKSCAMData\Lang\English\Setup_Sheet_Images

Customized XSL Style sheet Templates 31

Setup Sheets Tutorial

Editing a default Style Sheet to display Company Name

i. a. If you wish your Company name to appear in all future Setup Sheets, browse to the
default folder location of the Style Sheet templates.
b. If you wish your Company name to only for a particular Setup Sheet, then generate the
Setup Sheet and browse to the folder location where the Setup Sheet has been saved.
ii. Right-click on the Style Sheet template file (*.xsl) and select Open with>>WordPad.
iii. Observe the tags containing the first body section immediately after the <head> tag
section ends. A sample section is shown below:
<TR align="center">
<TD style="FONT: 23pt Times">
Your Company Name here
iv. Replace the text (highlighted in blue) between the tags with your Company name.
v. Save and close the file.
vi. The changes will be reflected when you open/refresh the XML-based Setup Sheet file.

Editing Part Related Info displayed in Setup Sheet

Following are the part-related parameters displayed within the Setup Sheet:
 Company
 Date/Time
 Material
 Stock Size
 Author
 Keywords
 Comments
 Title
 CNC Machine
 Programmer
 Units
 Subject

Reference Code in Style Sheet template for Part Related Parameters

The below table provides reference to the code within the Style Sheet template file (*.xsl) for
the part-related parameter labels and their dynamically retrieved values.
This reference code is useful if you plan to edit an existing Style Sheet template or create
your own customized Style Sheet template.
 Red font in the reference code indicates the beginning and end tags for the section of code associated with
part-related information.
 Brown font indicates static text which the label name of the particular parameter. Note that these label
names can be edited to suit your requirements by editing just one line of code. That one line of code is
indicated in brown color font in the below table.
For example: To change the label “Material” to “Stock Material”, edit the code as follows:

32 Customized XSL Style sheet Templates

Setup Sheet Tutorial

Original line of Code: <td>Material</td>

Edited line of Code: <td>Stock Material</td >
 Blue font indicates dynamic parametric values retrieved from the solid part and assigned to parameter.

Parameter’s Label Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for the Parameter
within XML Setup Sheet label and its dynamically retrieved value
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
Company Name <td>
<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoCompanyName"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoDateTime"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_WorkPiece'">
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceMaterial"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_WorkPiece'">
<td>Stock Size</td>
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceLength"/>,
Stock Size
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceWidth"/>,
<xsl:value-of select="@WorkPieceHeight"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
Author <xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoAuthor"/>

Customized XSL Style sheet Templates 33

Setup Sheets Tutorial

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">

<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoKeywords"/>
Parameter’s Label Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for the Parameter
within XML Setup Sheet label and its dynamically retrieved value

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">

<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoComments"/>

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">

<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoTitle"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MchParams'">
<td>CNC Mach</td>
CNC Machine <xsl:value-of select="@MchName"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">
<xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoProgrammer"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Doc'">
<xsl:value-of select="@Unit"/>

34 Customized XSL Style sheet Templates

Setup Sheet Tutorial

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_CustomInfo'">

Subject <xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoSubject"/>

Replacing dynamically retrieved values with Static values

While editing/creating Style Sheet templates, you can replace the dynamically retrieved
parametric value with static values wherever required. This is especially useful if the
dynamically retrieved values are null values and you wish to assign values to such
For example, the dynamically retrieved value displayed for the Parameter ‘Company’ is
usually a null value. You can assign static text string value (for example, “Dassault
Systemes”) by replacing the one line of code as follows:
Original Code within Style Sheet template
<td><xsl:value-of select="@CustomInfoCompanyName"/></td>

Edited Code within Style Sheet template with Static value

<td>Dassault Systemes</td>

Setup Info and Machining Time

The below table provides a reference to the code within the Style Sheet template file (*.xsl)
for the dynamically retrieved values of Setup Sheet parameters. This reference will be useful
if you choose to edit the code for Setup-related parameters within an existing Style Sheet
template or when you create a new Style Sheet template.

 Red font indicates the beginning and end tags for the section of code associated with Setup-related
 Blue font indicates dynamic parametric values retrieved from the solid part and assigned to parameter.

Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="name() = 'MillSetupSheetAttr'">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
Setup No. <xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_SetupAttr'">
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrSetupNo"/>
Setup Name <xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrSetupName"/>
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrCoordX"/>,
Setup Origin <xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrCoordY"/>,
<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrCoordZ"/>

Customized XSL Style sheet Templates 35

Setup Sheets Tutorial

<xsl:value-of select="@SetupAttrMachTime"/>
Machine Time (Mill)

Details of the Operations (Mill, Turn)

The next table provides a reference to the code within the Style Sheet template file (*.xsl) for
the dynamically retrieved values of Operation parameters. This reference will be useful if you
choose to edit the code associated with Operation parameters in an existing Style Sheet
template or when you create a new Style Sheet template.

 Red font in the reference code indicates the beginning and end tags for the section of code associated with
Setup-related information.

Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="name() = 'MillOperation'">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
Operation <xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Operation'">
<xsl:value-of select="@OperationName"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Tool'">
Tool Station No. <xsl:value-of select="@ToolStnNo"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Operation'">
Operation Desc <xsl:value-of select="@Description"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Tool'">
Tool Description <xsl:value-of select="@ToolComment"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillHolderLibrary'">
Holder Description <xsl:value-of select="@HolderComment"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillHolderLibrary'">
Holder Number <xsl:value-of select="@HolderNumber"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
Speed (RPM) <xsl:value-of select="@MillSpindleSpeed"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
Feed <xsl:value-of select="@XYFeedRate"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
Z Feed Rate <xsl:value-of select="@ZFeedRate"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinType != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Type <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinType"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinAmt != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Amount <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinAmt"/>

36 Customized XSL Style sheet Templates

Setup Sheet Tutorial

<xsl:if test="@LeadinAmtPercent != 'N.A.'">

Lead in Amount(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinAmtPercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinAdditionalAmt != 'N.A.'">
Additional Lead in Amount <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinAdditionalAmt"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinOverlap != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Overlap <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinOverlap"/>
Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="@LeadinOverlapPercent != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Overlap(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinOverlapPercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinOverlapAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Lead in Overlap
<xsl:value-of select="@LeadinOverlapAdditionalAmt"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinArcRadius != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Arc Radius <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinArcRadius"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinArcRadiusPercent != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Arc Radius(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinArcRadiusPercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinArcRadiusAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Lead in Arc
<xsl:if test="@LeadinArcAngle != 'N.A.'">
Lead in Arc Angle <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinArcAngle"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutType != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Type <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutType"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadOutAmt != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Amount <xsl:value-of select="@LeadOutAmt"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutAmtPercent != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Amount(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutAmtPercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutAdditionalAmt != 'N.A.'">
Additional Lead out
<xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutAdditionalAmt"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutOverlap != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Overlap <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutOverlap"/>

Customized XSL Style sheet Templates 37

Setup Sheets Tutorial

<xsl:if test="@LeadoutOverlapPercent != 'N.A.'">

Lead out Overlap(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutOverlapPercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutOverlapAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Lead out
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutArcRadius != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Arc Radius <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutArcRadius"/>
Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutArcRadiusPercent != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Arc Radius(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutArcRadiusPercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutArcRadiusAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Lead out Arc
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutArcAngle != 'N.A.'">
Lead out Arc Angle <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutArcAngle"/>

<xsl:if test="@LeadinClearance != 'N.A.'">

Lead in clearance <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinClearance"/>

<xsl:if test="@LeadinClearancePercent != 'N.A.'">

Lead in clearance(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadinClearancePercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadinClearanceAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Lead in
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutClearance != 'N.A.'">
Lead out clearance <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutClearance"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutClearancePercent != 'N.A.'">
Lead out clearance(%) <xsl:value-of select="@LeadoutClearancePercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@LeadoutClearanceAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Lead out
<xsl:if test="@PassClearance != 'N.A.'">
Pass clearance <xsl:value-of select="@PassClearance"/>

38 Customized XSL Style sheet Templates

Setup Sheet Tutorial

<xsl:if test="@PassClearancePercent != 'N.A.'">

Pass clearance(%) <xsl:value-of select="@PassClearancePercent"/>
<xsl:if test="@PassClearanceAdditionalAmt !=
Additional Pass clearance
<xsl:value-of select="@PassClearanceAdditionalAmt"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Relation'">
Mach Depth <xsl:value-of select="@RelationMachDepth"/>
Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">
<xsl:if test="@BottomAllowance != 'N.A.'">
Bottom Allowance <xsl:value-of select="@BottomAllowance"/>

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">

<xsl:if test="@SideAllowance != 'N.A.'">
Side Allowance <xsl:value-of select="@SideAllowance"/>

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_MillOperParams'">

Tool Protrusion Length <xsl:value-of select="@MinToolProtusionLength"/>

<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Relation'">

Minimum X <xsl:value-of select="@MinX"/>
Maximum X <xsl:value-of select="@MaxX"/>
Minimum Y <xsl:value-of select="@MinY"/>
Maximum Y <xsl:value-of select="@MaxY"/>
Minimum Z <xsl:value-of select="@MinZ"/>
Maximum Z <xsl:value-of select="@MaxZ"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Relation'">
Tlp Len <xsl:value-of select="@RelationTlpLen"/>
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Relation'">
<xsl:value-of select="@RelationTime"/>
Time (MIN)

Customized XSL Style sheet Templates 39

Setup Sheets Tutorial

WIP Images and Tool Images

The next table provides a reference to the code within the Style Sheet template file (*.xsl) for
the inserting images of WIP and tool used for each operation. This reference will be useful if
you choose to edit the display code for images within an existing Style Sheet template or
when you create a new Style Sheet template.

Parameter within XML Reference code within Style Sheet template (*.xsl) for dynamically
Setup Sheet retrieving the parametric value
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_Operation'">
<xsl:variable name = "imageUrl">
<xsl:value-of select="@ImagePath"/>
Image of WIP </xsl:variable>
<img src= "{$imageUrl}" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="400">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:if test="name() = 'rep_ToolImagePath'">
<xsl:variable name = "imageUrl">
<xsl:value-of select="@ToolImagePath"/>
<xsl:if test="$imageUrl !=''">
Image of Tool
<img src= "{$imageUrl}" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="150"
align="Top" hspace="100">

Note: You can also insert code within the Style Sheet template to display user-
defined images.

40 Customized XSL Style sheet Templates

Setup Sheet Tutorial

Patent Notices
 SOLIDWORKS® 3D mechanical CAD and/or Simulation software is protected by U.S. Patents
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Product Names for SOLIDWORKS Products and Services

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The Software is a “commercial item” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (OCT 1995), consisting
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 Portions of this software © 1986-2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All
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 This work contains the following software owned by Siemens Industry Software Limited:
D-Cubed® 2D DCM © 2016. Siemens Industry Software Limited. All Rights Reserved.
D-Cubed® 3D DCM © 2016. Siemens Industry Software Limited. All Rights Reserved.
D-Cubed® PGM © 2016. Siemens Industry Software Limited. All Rights Reserved.
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 Portions of this software © 1998-2016 Geometric Ltd.
 Portions of this software incorporate PhysX™ by NVIDIA 2006-2010.
 Portions of this software © 2001-2016 Luxology, LLC. All rights reserved, patents pending.
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Legal Notices 41
Setup Sheets Tutorial

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 Portions of this software © 2008 Solversoft Corporation.
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 Outside In Viewer Technology, © 1992-2012 Oracle
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Copyright Notices for eDrawings Products

 Portions of this software © 2000-2014 Tech Soft 3D.
 Portions of this software © 1995-1998 Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
 Portions of this software © 1998-2001 3Dconnexion.
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 Portions of this software © 2016 Altium Limited.

42 Legal Notices

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