Mastercam Solids Tutorial
Mastercam Solids Tutorial
Mastercam Solids Tutorial
March 2018
March 2018
© 2018 CNC Software, Inc. – All rights reserved.
Software: Mastercam 2019
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Use of this document is subject to the Mastercam End User License Agreement. The Mastercam End User License
Agreement can be found at:
Introduction 5
Exercise 5: Resizing the Foot Holes 99
Conclusion 131
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—Introduction
Mastercam Solids features functions for creating and editing solid models, with support for both history-based and
brick solids (no history tree). When you create a solid model in Mastercam, all operations appear in the solids history
tree, where you can edit the solid model in many ways. This information is stored in the Solids Manager.
Mastercam’s Model Prep functions let you modify solid models lacking a history tree. Mastercam can identify indi-
vidual geometry elements and even entire features. Using Model Prep functions such as Push/Pull, Move, and Split
Solid Faces, you can make changes to a solid, despite having no access to the model’s original wireframe.
Tutorial Goals
l Create a solid model from wireframe geometry.
Each folder includes a set files marked with numbers and are the results of each exercise. For example, Mark-
erTray01 is the result of Exercise 1 and is in the state the part should be in when starting Exercise 2.
The only exception is the file used for "Using the Solid Hole Function" on page 53. You will be reusing the same part
to create different holes.
WARNING: Screen colors in the tutorial pictures were modified to enhance image quality; they may not
match your Mastercam settings or the tutorial results. These color differences do not affect the lesson or
your results.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—Introduction
l The tutorials cannot be used with Mastercam Demo/Home Learning Edition. The Demo/HLE file format
(emcam) is different from Mastercam (mcam), and basic Mastercam functions, such as file conversions and post-
ing, are unavailable.
l Each lesson in the tutorial builds on the mastery of the preceding lesson's skills. We recommend that you com-
plete them in order.
l Additional files may accompany a tutorial. Unless the tutorial provides specific instructions on where to place
these files, store them in a folder that can be access from the Mastercam 2019 workstation, either with the
tutorial or in any location that you prefer.
l You will need an internet connection to view videos that are referenced in the tutorials. All videos can be
found on our YouTube channel:
l All Mastercam tutorials require you to configure Mastercam to work in a default Metric or Inch configuration.
The tutorial provides instructions for loading the appropriate configuration file.
Mastercam Solids features tools you need to create solid models, using functions with dynamic preview so you can
see the results as soon as you edit parameters. In this chapter, you will create a marker tray using the Extrude,
Draft, Fillet, and Shell functions.
l Learn to use the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell functions.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
b. Choose Configuration from Mastercam's Backstage View to open the System Configuration dialog
d. Click OK.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
Mastercam performs an extrusion on the selected chain and displays the Solid Extrude function panel.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
6. Set the extrude Distance to 2, and press [Tab] or [Enter] to accept the new setting.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
7. Click OK and Create New Operation to finalize the extrude operation and begin a new one.
8. Chain the inside rectangle, and click OK in the Chaining dialog box.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
10. Your part should now look like the following picture.
The Add boss option creates the extrusion as new material on the part.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
14. The graphics window updates to show the draft on the extrusion. If you have difficulty seeing the draft on the
part, toggle the Draft option several times, watching how the part’s geometry changes.
15. In the Solid Extrude function panel, click OK to create the operation.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
2. Turn on the Upper Block Wireframe level, by clicking in its Visible column.
The part displays new geometry, as shown in the picture below. This geometry was previously created for
you and provides the basis of the new bosses.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
4. Chain the two new rectangles, and click OK in the Chaining dialog box. The selection order does not matter.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
6. Click the blue arrow, and then hover your mouse. A ruler displays, that lets you set the extrude distance.
7. Using your mouse wheel, zoom in closer to the ruler. Mastercam displays smaller increments on the ruler.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
8. Move your mouse up over the ruler until it snaps to 25 mm, and then click to set the new distance. If you
prefer, you can also type values.
When you move your mouse over the ruler, the selected value snaps to the ruler's increments. When you
move the mouse outside the ruler, no snapping is in effect.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
9. In the Solid Extrude function panel, ensure that Add boss is selected.
10. Click the Advanced tab, and notice that Angle is still set to 5.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
3. The part becomes partially transparent, allowing you to see the two rectangles from level 4 that are hidden
under existing geometry.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
5. Chain the two new rectangles and click OK in the Chaining dialog box.
6. The two chained rectangles are extruded, as shown in the picture below.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
7. In the Solid Extrude function panel, change the operation to Cut body, and select Through all.
The Cut body option is the opposite of Add boss, removing material from the part rather than adding it.
11. Now you can see the effect of the two new cuts more easily.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
3. Chain the new geometry, and click OK in the Chaining dialog box.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
6. Extrude cuts the shape specified by the chained geometry through both sides of the boss, giving the results
shown below.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
1. In the Levels Manager, turn on level 5, and turn off levels 2, 3, and 4.
2. Mastercam displays the geometry that you need to create the handle.
3. Select the left-hand portion of the Wireframe Quick Mask button, found along the right side of the graphics
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
8. Mastercam trims the line, leaving the handle merged with the main part of the tray.
11. Click the plus sign (+) next to the item in the tree.
Mastercam opens the list to show the operations you created to generate the solid.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
By adding the handle, you changed the geometry that makes up the tray’s base, which means that the
extrude operation must be regenerated.
The Solid Extrude function panel opens, so you can make changes to the operation.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
19. The chain is then added to the operation, cutting the handle opening.
20. If the chaining arrow is not pointing down, right-click Chain 2, and click Reverse.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
21. Click OK and Regenerate to both finalize and regenerate the operation.
OK and Regenerate saves you from going to the Solids Manager to regenerate.
4. Select the face indicated in the picture below, and click OK in the Solid Selection dialog box.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
5. Select the top face of the same wall (as indicated in the picture below) for the reference face. The draft is cre-
ated relative to the reference face.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
Note: Translucency has been turned on for the picture above in order to show you the edges to be selec-
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
5. Set Radius to 5.
The function panel closes, and the Solid Selection dialog box opens.
1. Turn the Face filter back on and turn off Edge selection.
2. Select the ten faces shown below, and click OK in the Solid Selection dialog box.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
3. Notice the yellow warning that appears in the upper-right corner of the graphics area. This indicates that
there is a problem with your current settings.
6. The warning no longer displays and you get the result show in the following picture.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
Note: The marker tray part has many other edges that should be filleted. However, to avoid a lot of repetition, this
tutorial leaves those steps out.
1. Rotate the view so you can see the bottom of the part.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—1: Using the Extrude, Draft, Fillet, and Shell Functions
3. Select the part’s bottom face, and click OK in the Solid Selection dialog box.
If you have trouble selecting the part’s bottom face, turn off all filters in the Solid Selection dialog box
except for Face.
In this chapter, you will be using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean functions to create a spindle. These functions also
have a dynamic preview so you can see the results as soon as you edit parameters.
l Learn to use the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean functions.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
2. So you do not overwrite the original, save the file as SpindlePartial-XXX, where XXX is your initials.
4. Chain the geometry as shown below, and click OK in the Chaining dialog box. This is the chain that is going to
be revolved.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
5. Select the line indicated below. This line is your axis of rotation.
6. The first selected chain is the revolved around the axis of rotation chain.
7. Click OK to create the operation. There does not need to be any parameter changes.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
3. Chain the circle (chaining direction does not matter), and click OK in the Chaining dialog box. This is the chain
to be sweeped.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
4. Chain the line indicated in the picture below. This line is the sweep’s along curve.
5. Mastercam sweeps the circle along the line forming the new solid shown in the picture below.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
2. Click Add Selection under Tool Bodies to select the tool body.
6. Click Select Target Body to select the main body of the part.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
3. Select the edge indicated in the picture below, and then click OK in the Solid Selection dialog box.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—2: Using the Revolve, Sweep, and Boolean Functions
4. Set Distance to 5.
Mastercam's Solid Impression allows you to create a new solid body that is a negative impression of a selected
closed body. In this chapter, you will create a solid impression by selecting a wireframe chain which then projects to
the solid body. The depth of the projection is from the wireframe chain to the bottommost face of the selected solid
or solid face.
l Create an impression from a solid.
2. So you do not overwrite the original, save the file as ImpressionDemo-XXX, where XXX is your initials.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—3: Using the Solid Impression Function
6. Select the solid body, and then click OK in the Solid Selection dialog box.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—3: Using the Solid Impression Function
7. Solid Impression creates a new solid body above the original geometry.
8. Delete the original solid body and rotate the new one to see the solid impression.
The Hole function automates the creation and editing of holes in solids, saving you from creating circles and extrud-
ing them. You select the hole positions, dimensions, and type. In this chapter, you will create holes, experimenting
with creating holes with planes, and how to create and use presets.
Hole saves time by not requiring you to create wireframe geometry and multiple extrude operations for simple
holes. It allows you to correctly represent the bottom of a hole as it will be machined, and not just as a flat bottom.
You create multiple holes in one operation, and can utilize a library of standard and user-created sizes to save time.
In this chapter, you will be reusing the SolidsHole part file to create holes of different sizes and types.
l Create a basic hole.
l Create a preset.
2. Save the file under the new name SolidHole01-XXX, where XXX is your initials.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
5. There are now five points displayed that you will use to create holes.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
10. Press [Enter]. You will now have a hole that cuts into the side of the part.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
14. This removes the angle from the bottom of the hole, leaving it flat.
15. Set Bottom angle back to 118 to remove the flat bottom.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
This sets the style of hole you are creating. You can create a counterbore, countersink, counterdrill, or a
taper hole.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
19. The Hole Style grid automatically updates to include information that is important for a counterbore hole
The Diameter stays the same, but the Counterbore diameter is twice that amount. The Counterbore
depth is also the same as the Diameter.
21. The Counterbore diameter and Counterbore depth values automatically update. Counterbore diameter is
now 16, and Counterbore depth is now 8.
You will notice that the other values do not change. Changing the Diameter will change the counterbore val-
ues, but changing the counterbore values does not change the Diameter.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
Next, you will modify the hole operation to create more holes.
1. Select the Solids tab, if the Solids Manager is not currently open.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
5. There are now a total of five holes being created in one operation.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
9. Select OK and Regenerate on the Hole function panel to accept these changes and regenerate the oper-
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
5. Three wireframe circles display on the front face of the solid and the other point geometry is hidden.
This will extend the holes entirely through the target body.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
This sets the plane orientation to the current CPlane, which is now Front. Plane Orientation displays the cur-
rent plane or vector location the holes will be placed on.
The points on the front face of the solid have been selected.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
17. You can see the points going all the way through the part, because Through all has been selected.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
This has you select a line, edge, or two points to specify the hole direction.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
8. Right-click in the graphics window and select GView, Trimetric (WCS) to change the view.
Note: Make sure that your cursor matches the image above. If you do accidentally select the endpoint of the
line, ensure that you select the endpoint on the opposite side to complete the vector selection.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
11. Select the endpoint of the line is touching the face of the boss and press [Enter].
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
15. You have now created a hole by using a vector line, as shown below:
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
15. You now have three holes on the chamfered solid face.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
7. Enter Counterdrill 5 for the Name, and set the Category to Counterdrills.
8. Click OK. You have now added the counterdrill hole to your Counterdrills category template.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
11. Turn on level 6, and turn off all other levels except for level 1.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
16. The parameters are then automatically updated to the selected preset. You will notice that the Type has been
changed to Counterdrill, and the parameters match from the previous exercise.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
19. Window select the points on the top of the face and press [Enter].
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—4: Using the Solid Hole Function
20. You will now have points placed at the top of the face, with parameters saved in the presets.
Model Prep provides functions, such as Push/Pull, Move, and Split Solid Faces, that let you edit solids with no his-
tory tree. When you use Model Prep functions, Mastercam recognizes edges, faces, and even complete features,
giving you the power to make changes without the operations or wireframe used to create the solid.
In this chapter, you will be modifying the above part based on new specifications that have to be made. The
required changes are as follows:
l Reduce the part’s center hole diameter to 20 mm and add a 30 mm counter bore, 2 mm deep.
l Align the opening on the vertical wall with one of the feet.
l Modify a part using various Model Prep functions
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
2. Save the file as FlangeDemo-XXX, where XXX is your initials. This prevents you from saving over the original
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
6. Draw a circle centered on the part, with a diameter (100) that matches the outermost circular edge of the
You will use this circle as helper geometry to separate the feet from the main body of the part.
7. Select Split Solid Faces on the Model Prep tab. This function splits single faces into multiple faces that you
can manipulate separately.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
8. Right-click in the graphics window, and select Isometric (WCS) to rotate the part view.
The circle projects down onto the selected face, indicating where the face will be split.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
10. Ensure that Wireframe is selected and Project using construction plane is not selected.
11. Click OK and Create New Operation to finalize your choices and begin a new Split Solid Face operation.
12. The top face of the feet is split from the rest of the part. The arrows in the picture indicate the split on the
front feet.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
13. Hold down your mouse wheel and move the mouse to flip the part as shown below.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
15. Select Project using construction plane on the Split Solid Face function panel.
The circle projects onto the face based on the construction plane, so you can split the face from the bottom.
16. Click OK to create the operation. The back face of the part is also split.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
The Push-Pull function panel opens. Push-Pull extends bosses or produces cuts based on selected faces or
features. You can also use Push-Pull to create fillets from edges or to remove fillets.
This is the foot you will remove from the part. The foot is highlighted and a red single-axis arrow control is
placed on its face.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
4. Click the red arrow, drag downward to remove the foot, and click again to set the change.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
Note: The first time you press [Enter], Mastercam shows the result and gives you a chance to type another
value. The second time, Mastercam accepts the entry, and closes the entry field.
5. Click OK and Create New Operation to finalize your choices and begin a new Push-Pull operation.
6. Rotate the view to show the bottom of the part, and select the bottom faces of the three feet.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
7. Click the red arrow, and enter -2.5 into the box that appears.
10. Push-Pull reduces the foot height by 2.5 mm, leaving the feet centered on the rim, as you can see by rotating
the part to view the edge.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
The Move function panel opens. The Move function moves (and sometimes resizes), rotates, or copies solid
features or faces.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
3. Use window selection to select all of the faces of the left-hand foot.
4. Rotate the view and check that you did not miss any faces.
5. Return to top view after you have ensured that all of the faces have been selected.
6. Click the gnomon’s button to change from geometry manipulation mode to gnomon manipulation mode.
The gnomon’s current location is the center of rotation for Move. The gnomon manipulation mode lets you
specify a new center of rotation.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
7. Click the ball at the gnomon’s origin, and place the gnomon at the center of the part.
8. Click the gnomon’s button again, to change from gnomon manipulation mode back to geometry manipulation
You can now use the gnomon as a tool for rotating the selected foot into a new position.
Note: The image shown on the gnomon’s button indicates the gnomon’s mode. In the pictures below, the left
icon indicates geometry manipulation mode, and the right icon indicates gnomon manipulation mode.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
The selected foot rotates with the mouse movement, as shown in the picture below.
11. Click OK and Create New Operation to finalize your changes and begin a new Move operation.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
13. Switch to gnomon manipulation mode, and move the gnomon to the center of the part.
14. Switch back to geometry manipulation mode, and rotate the gnomon 30 degrees clockwise (-30 degrees).
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
16. Your part should now look like the picture below.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
3. On the Selection Bar, turn off the Edge Selection filter. Only Face Selection should be on.
You can now more easily select the holes without accidentally selecting the hole edges.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
Note: When you move your mouse pointer outside of the ruler, you can select any value. When you move
your mouse pointer over the ruler, the displayed value snaps to the ruler increments.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
1. Select Push-Pull.
3. Click the red arrow, type 10, and press [Enter] twice.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
6. Create a 30 mm diameter circle at the center of the part by using Circle Center Point.
You will use this circle to split the part’s inner face at the diameter needed for the counter bore.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
If the circle is laying completely on top of the solid, you would have to turn off the face filter in general selec-
tion to pick the circle. When the circle is positioned over empty space it can be selected without changing the
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
9. Click the circle and then the part’s inner face, as shown below.
10. Ensure that Wireframe is selected, and Project using construction plane is deselected.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
14. Click the portion of the newly split face shown in the picture.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
15. Click the red arrow, type -2, and then press [Enter] twice.
2. Double-click the top face of the vertical wall, as shown. The entire feature is selected.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
You have now set the gnomon for 2D rotation around the Z axis.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
The gnomon’s X axis rotates to center on the opening in the vertical wall, as shown (in top view).
7. Ensure that the Snap to AutoCursor positions option is selected in the function panel.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
9. Move your mouse cursor to the center of the hole in the lower foot, as shown.
Because you have Snap to AutoCursor positions on, you can easily snap the mouse to the hole’s exact cen-
ter, which should be an angle of -20 degrees.
10. Click to set the angle, and then click OK in the function panel.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
11. The opening in the wall is now aligned with the hole in the foot, as shown.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
3. Click the gnomon’s button to select gnomon manipulation mode, and place the gnomon at the center of the
4. Switch back to geometry manipulation mode, and rotate the geometry -12.5 degrees.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
6. Select all three faces of the opposite side of the wall opening.
7. Click the gnomon’s button to select gnomon manipulation mode, and place the gnomon at the center of the
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
8. Switch back to geometry manipulation mode, rotate the selected geometry 12.5 degrees.
By rotating each side of the opening by 12.5 degrees, you added 25 degrees to the opening, while main-
taining its centering on the foot’s hole.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
3. Drag the ball on the bottom of the arrow to the bottom of the part, as shown in the picture below.
The reference-point ball marks the zero point from which the control's setting is measured.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
4. Place the mouse pointer over the arrow. You see that the part’s height is 35 mm as measured from the ref-
erence-point ball you placed at the bottom of the part.
5. Select all of the wall’s six top faces, selecting the largest one last, which places the arrow in the correct ori-
These are the faces that you will move upward to increase the wall’s height.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
You can change the reference point at any time. Just click the ball and move it as needed, including snapping it
to other geometry.
9. Push-Pull changes the wall's height to 50 mm, measured from the bottom of the part.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
2. In the Selection Bar, turn off Face Selection, and turn on Edge Selection.
4. Click the red arrow, type 10.0, and press [Enter] twice.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—5: Modifying a Part with Model Prep
You have now finished modifying the flange part to meet the new specifications.
The following two exercises are challenge exercises meant to test your skills and knowledge for both Mastercam
Solids and Model Prep functions. Follow the directions provided to re-create the part file shown. If you have trouble
with any step, refer to the accompanying videos.
l Create a pressure plate part.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
2. So you do not overwrite the original, save the file as PressurePlate-XXX, where XXX is your initials.
3. Extrude the outside rectangle and the six large circles downward by 15 mm.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
5. Use Shell to cut out the center rectangle to a thickness of 10 mm. Make sure to select only the face.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
10. Use the Solids Manager to change the 3 mm bottom fillet to 2 mm and to add 2 mm fillets to the twelve ver-
tical edges of the rounded tabs.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
In this challenge, you work on the file named ShippingPullTab, included with this tutorial. In most cases, this is
the only file you need to complete the challenge. However, a set of files named ShippingPullTab03 through
ShippingPullTab07 are also included with this tutorial and are the results of each of the challenge steps. For
example, ShippingPullTab03 is the result of Step 3.
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—6: Challenge Parts
Mastercam Solids Tutorial—Conclusion
Congratulations! You have completed the Mastercam Solids Tutorial! Now that you have mastered the skills in this
tutorial, explore Mastercam's other features and functions.
You may be interested in other tutorials that we offer. Mastercam tutorials are being constantly developed, and we
will add more as we complete them. Visit our website, or select Help, Tutorials from the File tab.