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CRISPR Handbook

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CRISPR Handbook

Enabling Genome Editing and

Transforming Life Science Research

GenScript USA Inc.
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Phone: 1-732-885-9188
Toll-Free: 1-877-436-7274
Fax: 1-732-885-5878

*Updated September 2016 to include new

CRISPR library and ribonucleoprotein
technology and workflows
CRISPR Reagents and Services Table of Contents
from GenScript
This handbook describes CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and other research
CRISPR Plasmids
applications for CRISPR technology.
Broad Institute designed all-in-one/dual,
non-viral/viral vectors for Cas9 and gRNA
The CRISPR Genome Editing Revolution
Evolution of Genome Editing Technology 2
Synthetic crRNA & Cas9 Protein
pre-designed or custom crRNAs, tracrRNAs, Discovery of CRISPR in Bacterial Immune Systems 4
and Cas9 protein for rapid, efficient gene Expanding CRISPR/Cas9 Recognition Sequences 7
Improving Cleavage Specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 System 8
Inducible Cas9 Expression 10
CRISPR gRNA Libraries
Broad Institute designed GeCKO v2 and SAM libraries for Cas9 & gRNA Vector Delivery Options 10
genome-scale loss-of-function and gain-of-function screens. Advantages of CRISPR Genome Editing 12
Pathway-focused gRNA libraries for molecular pathway screening.
Genome-wide and Pathway-focused Screens Using CRISPR Libraries 13

Mammalian Cell Line Gene Editing

CRISPR gene editing to generate knock-out cell Expanding the Research Applications for CRISPR
lines. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Chromatin Immunoprecipitation 14
CRISPR Technologies for Transcriptional Activation and Repression 15
Microbial Gene Editing Epigenetic Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 16
Bacterial and yeast gene knock-in/out editing
using CRISPR technology. Live Imaging of DNA/mRNA with CRISPR/Cas9 17
CRISPR/Cas9 Therapeutic Applications 18

Genome-wide gRNA Databases

Search for Broad Institute pre-validated gRNA sequences in References 20
humans and mice using our free online database.

gRNA Sequence Design Tool Putting CRISPR into Practice: Workflows and Case Studies
Construct your own gRNAs using our free online design tool developed Part II of our CRISPR Handbook will be released next week! Our next chapter
by the Broad Institute. Sequence design is compatible with humans,
pigs, dogs, rabbits, mice, rabbits, chickens, zebrafish, C. elegans, D. contains workflows and case studies to help you start using CRISPR/Cas9
melanogaster, and more species. technology in your research. Please sign up to receive a copy:

Click Here to Sign up

To download this handbook as a PDF, please visit

www.genscript.com 1
The CRISPR Genome Editing Revolution use of genome editing was first widely popularized in the early 2000s, the
concept of genome editing was originally born more than a decade earlier. Gene
editing was first used In 1989, when researchers targeted specific genes in
The ability to manipulate DNA is a biologist’s greatest tool – making it possible to mouse embryonic stem cells using homologous recombination (HR) to generate
define the relationship between a gene, its mRNA and protein products, and their knock-in and knock-out mutations1 (Figure 1). Since HR occurs infrequently in
functions. By inhibiting gene function or altering gene expression, genome editing mammalian cells, the initial targeting frequencies were low (1 per 3×104 cells);
can provide tremendous insight into the basis of disease or identify new targets for however, this work provided a foundation for how genes can be targeted and
medical intervention. Over the last 20 years, advances in genome editing altered.
technologies have evolved to allow precise genome manipulation in cell lines and
animal models. Of these new technologies, perhaps the most exciting is
While HR alone rarely results in gene integration in mammalian cells, the
CRISPR/Cas9, a gene editing system adapted from the bacterial immune system that
introduction of double-strand breaks (DSBs) into the genome can increase
is efficient, rapid, and easy-to-use. CRISPR/Cas9 technology allows targeted knock-in
recombination rates significantly2. DSB resolution occurs by either or
and knock-out of any gene within the genome. In this handbook, we will discuss how
error-prone non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or HR (Figure 2). If no donor
CRISPR technology has fueled a genome editing revolution and how it has been
DNA is present, resolution will occur by NHEJ, resulting in insertion or deletion
adapted for other biological applications.
mutations (indels) that will ultimately knock-out (KO) gene function.
Alternatively, if donor DNA sequences are available, the DSBs will be repaired by
HR, resulting in gene knock-in (KI)3.

Evolution of Genome Editing Technology Figure 2: DNA repair by targeted genome editing
Double-Strand Break
Genome editing technology allows for the direct manipulation of the genetic
code, giving researchers the ability to delete, insert or replace DNA. While the

Figure 1: Advancements in genome editing

1989 1998 2009 Donor DNA

HR-mediated Zinc-finger nucleases Transcription-like effector
targeting (ZFNs) nucleases (TALENs)
Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) Homology directed repair (HDR)
First study describing Discovery of zinc-finger DNA binding proteins
genome editing via proteins that can target discovered in Xanthomonas
HR in mouse ES cells. specific DNA sequences. bacteria.

Insertion/deletion mutations (indels) Precise alteration/correction

Knock-out Knock-in

As the need for relevant animal disease models rose, so did the need for more
1992 2000 2013
Cre-lox Bacterial CRISPR/Cas CRISPR/Cas genome sophisticated and efficient genome editing tools. Cre-lox technology came into
editing use in the early 1990s, contributing greatly to the development of transgenic
The Cre-lox editing The CRISPR defense mouse models4,5. The Cre-lox system allows scientists to control gene expression
technology was success- system is first identified First demonstration that
fully used for site-specific in prokaryotes. the CRISPR/Cas system can both spatially and temporally, using a site-specific DNA recombinase Cre, which
recombination in mice. be used for mammalian
cell genome editing.

2 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 3
recognizes 34-bp loci called loxP6. Cre-mediated recombination leads to the Figure 3: Mechanism of CRISPR-mediated immunity in bacteria
knock-out of targeted genes between loxP sites. But while easier to control than
homologous recombination, the Cre-lox system becomes less efficient as the
genetic distance increases between loxP sites7.
viral DNA
Starting in the late 1990s, newer and more effective genome editing techniques Cas9
employing DSB-mediated repair came into use, including zinc-finger (ZF) and

DNA is cleaved and new
spacer unit is inserted
transcription activator-like effector (TALE) nucleases8-10. Both of these systems
use DNA-binding proteins with nuclease activity that bind to DNA and create repeat + spacer

site-specific DSBs. While effective, these methods require extensive expertise in TracrRNA Cas complex
protein engineering, which has been a bottleneck for many research labs using crRNA-tracrRNA-
this technology11. These advances in genome editing technology revealed specific Cas complex

prerequisites required for broader genome editing applications in research: the

technology needs to be efficient, effective, affordable, and be easy-to-use. +


Discovery of CRISPR in Bacterial Immune Systems viral DNA

viral DNA
In the late 1980s, researchers discovered the clustered DNA repeats, that would
become known as CRISPRs. In 1987, while studying the iap gene in Escherichia
coli, researchers at Osaka University also accidently cloned a series of interrupted
clustered repeats in the gene’s 3’ flanking region12. By 2000, additional
sequencing studies had shown that these interrupted clustered repeats were Experimental work in recent years has revealed the mechanism of action for
widespread in both bacteria, archaea, and mitochondria13. CRISPR/Cas-mediated immunity. The CRISPR/Cas adaptive immune system is
composed of two main phases: immunization and immunity (Figure 3). In the
In 2002, researchers dubbed these repeats, CRISPRs (clustered regularly immunization phase, Cas proteins form a complex which cleaves foreign, viral
interspaced short palindromic sequences), and identified nearby DNA18. This foreign DNA is then incorporated into the bacterial CRISPR loci as
CRISPR-associated or cas genes14. These cas genes were consistently found repeat-spacer units18. In the immunity phase, following re-infection, the repeat
adjacent to CRISPR loci and displayed motifs characteristic of both helicases and spacer units are transcribed to form CRISPR RNA (crRNA) precursors19. The Cas9
endonucleases14. The presence of multiple chromosomal CRISPR loci and endonuclease is then guided by trans-activating crRNAs (tracrRNA) to bind with
invariably adjacent endonucleases suggested both that CRISPRs are mobile crRNA precursors20. A mature crRNA-Cas-tracrRNA complex is formed following
elements and that Cas proteins play a role in their genomic integration. In 2005, cleavage by RNAse III20. The mature crRNA serves as a small guide RNA, which
researchers from three independent groups confirmed that CRISPR spacers are upon infection will pair with viral DNA, triggering Cas cleavage and interference
derived from viral and extrachromosomal sources15-17. Together, these findings of the viral DNA19,21,22.
led researchers to conclude that theCRISPR/Cas system functions in bacterial
adaptive immunity against foreign genetic elements.

4 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 5
The specificity of CRISPR/Cas for foreign DNA is triggered by the presence of a GenScript offers Broad Institute-validated gRNA/SpCas9 Vectors for gene editing
short 3-5 base pair sequence known as a protospacer adjacent motif (PAM)23. in mammalian cells. SpCas9 editing allows for knock-out or knock-in mutations in
PAM sequences lie adjacent upstream of “protospacers,” the foreign DNA any gene.
genomic target sequences23. These motifs allow Cas endonucleases to discern
between bacterial self DNA and invading non-self DNA, and are essential for
Cas-mediated cleavage and targeting24,25.
Expanding CRISPR/Cas9 Recognition Sequences
Figure 4: CRISPR/Cas system for genome editing in mammalian cells One limitation of the first CRISPR genome editing protocol was the constraint on
genomic sequences that could be targeted. The SpCas9 enzyme requires the
CMV Human codon optimized Cas9 SV40 TK pA presence of a PAM sequence "NGG" at the end of the gRNA 20-mer recognition
sequence29. Guide RNA expression was driven by the U6 human pol III promoter
+ due to its transcription initiation efficiency. But U6 initiates transcription from a
U6 Target gRNA scaffold TTTTTT guanosine (G) nucleotide, forcing U6-expressed gRNAS to be selected from
genomic sequences that fit the pattern GN19NGG – which might occur
infrequently in a gene of interest.

One strategy for expanding CRISPR/Cas9 sequence recognition was to drive gRNA
expression using a different promoter. The H1 promoter can initiate transcription
Cas 9
from A or G; therefore, H1-driven gRNAs can also target sequences of the form
AN19NGG, which occur 15% more frequently than GN19NGG within the human
Target DNA genome29. This small change in the gRNA expression cassette more than doubles
the number of targetable sites within the genomes of humans and other
Target Sequence
Another strategy has been to remove restrictions on the PAM sequence, as the
SpCas9 requirement for NGG presents a tight constraint. One approach has been
to use protein engineering techniques to create novel engineered Cas mutants
that recognize alternative PAM sequences30. By analyzing structural information,
Since their initial discovery, five different CRISPR/Cas system types have been bacterial selection-based directed evolution, and combinatorial design,
characterized in bacteria26. In 2013, researchers adapted type II Streptococcus researchers developed several Cas9 variants that can recognize alternative PAM
pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) for genome editing in mammalian cells25,27. But, instead sequences, including NGA and NGCG, NNGRRT, and NNHRRT30.
of interfering with invading DNA, the CRISPR/Cas9 system can be used to create
DSBs in endogenous genes to either trigger a KO mutation via NHEJ, or if cleaved In addition to alternative PAM variants, there has also been increased interest in
in the presence of donor DNA, a KI mutation via HR. Cas9 alternatives for CRISPR-mediated gene editing. One example is the
exploration of Francisella Cpf1 (FnCpf1), a type 2 nuclease that lacks the HRH
The CRISPR/Cas9 system is relatively simple domain present in SpCas931. Unlike traditional Cas9 nucleases, this enzyme
GenScript offers Broad
and requires only two components, the recognizes a different PAM sequence (5’-TTN-3’), features a shorter crRNA, and
Institute-validated gRNA/SpCas9
Cas9 endonuclease and a fused does not require a tracrRNA31. In addition, Cpf1 cleaves DNA is a staggered
Vectors for gene editing in
crRNA-tracrRNA transcript, known as a pattern, which can be beneficial for primary cell editing31. And due to the smaller
mammalian cells. SpCas9 editing
guide RNA (gRNA)25. The gRNA combines size of Cpf1, the enzyme is easier to package into vectors, making it ideal for in
allows for knock-out or knock-in
the functionality of its crRNA-tracrRNA vivo gene editing applications31.
mutation of any gene.
components, acting as both a targeting
apparatus to DNA target sequences

6 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 7
Improving Cleavage Specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 System Figure 5. Increasing specificity through paired guides: Nickase or RFN

While specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 system is governed by gRNA sequence

complementation, CRISPR/Cas9 complexes are tolerant of several mismatches RNP editing using synthesized crRNA oligo
with their targets32. DSBs have been observed at sites containing five or more Synthesized crRNA
mismatched nucleotides relative to the guide RNA sequence33. Due to the Synthesized crRNA
variable activity of the CRISPR/Cas9 system major efforts have been undertaken Synthesized tracrRNA
in recent years to improve cleavage specificity.
Cas9 protein

In 2014, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard pioneered one of the earliest PAM site
studies for modeling gRNA binding specificity34. Researchers examined all Synthesized tracrRNA
possible targetable sites present in 6 mouse and 3 human genes, creating 1,841
gRNAs in total, and quantified their ability to knock out gene expression34. Based
on the results a predictive model of gRNA activity was constructed. This model New strategies to improve CRISPR efficiency and specificity involve modifications
enabled the development of a gRNA design tool publicly available at: to the Cas9 endonuclease itself. Cas9 contains two catalytic domains, RuvC and
http://portals.broadinstitute.org/gpp/public/analysis-tools/sgrna-design. HNH. Broad Institute researchers have recently shown that mutations to catalytic
residues D10A in RuvC and H840A in HNH, cause Cas9 to create single strand
Later in 2016, a second generation model was designed by the Broad Institute in nicks as opposed to double strand breaks28.
collaboration with Microsoft35. The second generation model utilizes an
algorithm that better models on-target activity, as well as a Cutting Frequency By utilizing nickase mutants (Cas9n) with
Determination (CFD) score to predict off-target activity35. These new tools are paired gRNAs, it is possible to obtain target
GenScript offers Broad
also publicly available at: specific knock out mutants (Figure 6).
Institute-validated gRNA/Cas9
http://portals.broadinstitute.org/gpp/public/software/sgrna-scoring Targeting Cas9n to two loci within close
Nickase Vectors for gene editing
in mammalian cells. Use paired
proximity, but on opposite strands, causes
Another strategy used to improve the nicking for maximized
GenScript’s synthetic crRNA/Cas9 the endonuclease to nick both strands and
cleavage specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 create a DSB, eventually resulting in a
service delivers pre-duplexed
system is the direct transfection of
crRNA:tracrRNA oligos and Cas9 mutation. Although each gRNA used might have off-target binding sites
crRNA/Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) into
protein ready-for-use. This throughout the genome, Cas9n only catalyzes single strand breaks (SSBs) at each
the cell. Recent experiments have
service offers high-efficiency gene of those locations. SSBs are preferentially repaired through HR rather than NHEJ,
observed that off-target binding of Cas9 is
editing, with low off-target which will decrease the frequency of unwanted indel mutations. Paired nicking
concentration-dependent36. By delivering
effects. has been demonstrated to reduce off-target activity by 50-1,000 fold in cell
optimized concentrations of Cas9 protein,
as opposed to ubiquitously or
differentially expressing DNA plasmids, the persistence and expression levels of
Cas9 can be limited. When Cas9 is combined with duplexed crRNA:tracrRNA and Figure 6. Increasing cleavage specificity through paired nickase
delivered into cells the RNP complex is able to cleave chromosomal target DNA
immediately after delivery (Figure 5)37,38. The RNP complex is then quickly Double-Nicking Cas9n D10A mutant
removed by the cell’s endogenous degradation machinery, further limiting sgRNA 1 N-bp sgRNA offset Cas9n
off-target cleavage.
Target 2
5 3
3 5
Target 1
sgRNA 2
5 overhang

8 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 9
Upon further analysis of the Cas9 protein structure, Broad Institute researchers Figure 7. Optimized lentiviral vectors for CRISPR genome editing inmammalian
discovered a positively charged groove between the HNH and RuvC domains, cells
which likely stabilizes non-target DNA within the enzyme and ultimately increases
the likelihood of off-target cleavage40. Working under the hypothesis that
neutralizing this interaction would reduce the attraction between Cas9 and Option 1: An all-in-one vector, pLentiCRISPRv2, enables CRISPR editing in any cell type of
non-target DNA, the group replaced the positively charged amino acids within to interest without generating stable Cas9-expressing cell line first.
groove to alanine40. This Cas9 mutant, named “enhanced” SpCas9 or eSpCas9,
was also able to reduce off-target effects without compromising on-target cleave AmpR LTR
HIV-1 ψ
efficiency40. O
ri HIV-1 cPPT
U6 promoter

G(N)20 gRNA

gRNA scaffold

Inducible Cas9 Expression pLentiCRISPR v2 EFS promoter


In order to make Cas9 active only at specific times or in specific tissues, several

research groups have engineered CRISPR/Cas9 systems that are inducible or


conditional. For example, spatial and temporal control of genome editing can be R
s 9
P2A Ca
accomplished using a photoactivatable Cas9 (paCas9), created by splitting Cas9 DYK

into two fragments each fused to a photoinducible dimerization domain41. Upon

blue light irradiation, paCas9 dimerizes and becomes active, creating targeted
genome edits via NHEJ or HDR only while the optical stimulus is present41. Option 2: A two-vector system; sequential transduction with, and selection for,
pLenti-Cas9-Blast followed by pLentiGuide-Puro, shows 10-fold higher efficiency compared
to pLentiCRISPRv2.
Tissue-specific genome editing can be accomplished by using tissue-specific G(N)20 gRNA

promoters to drive Cas9 expression. Many mouse strains have been developed gRNA scaffold
that stably express Cre recombinase under the control of tissue-specific specific ri
HIV-1 ψ
U6 promoter EF1a
O mo
promoters. These can easily be crossed with mice harboring a Cre-driven Cas9 HIV-1 RRE
HIV-1 RRE te

cassette to enable tissue-specific genome editing upon delivery of guide RNAs42. HIV-1 ψ



Heritable tissue-specific Cas9 expression has also been achieved in a variety of


EFS promoter
model animals other than mice, including zebrafish, sea squirts, and fruit flies43-46. pLentiCas9-Blast


Tissue-specific promoters are also useful for constraining Cas9 activity after in 8.3kb
vivo delivery via AAV vectors, which can infect many different cell types47.




s 9
P2A Ca
Am p R
Cas9 & gRNA Vector Delivery Options
CRISPR/Cas9 system components can be delivered in vivo using modified viral
vectors or any number of non-viral drug delivery systems. Some of the most
Modified recombinant AAV particles are attractive for transduction because of
widely-used model systems for biomedical research are primary mammalian cell
their low immunogenicity and capability to infect both quiescent and dividing
cultures or hard-to-transfect cell lines in which transfection efficiency can be
cells48. While AAV vectors are a preferred vehicle for in vivo gene delivery the
quite low. For these cell types lentiviral vectors are preferred (Figure 7).
size of the SpCas9 gene (>4 kb) exceeds the typical cargo limit of AAV vectors.
Solutions that have been developed to date include:

10 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 11
• Creating transgenic animal lines
GenScript offers Broad
Genome-wide and Pathway-specific Screens Using
that express Cas9, either
constitutively or in an inducible Institute-validated gRNA/SaCas9 CRISPR Libraries
manner, and then to deliver only Vectors for gene editing in
mammalian cells. Use SaCas9 for In addition to single- and multi-gene targeting, CRISPR has been adapted for
the guide RNAs and any necessary
AAV packaging and transduction. genome-wide screening to discover genes whose inhibition or aberrant activation
inducer at the time of the
can drive phenotypes implicated in disease, development, and other biological
• Developing a split-Cas9 system using split-inteins49.
Genome-scale CRISPR knock out libraries
• Use smaller Cas9 orthologues from other species, such as Staphylococcus GenScript offers Broad Institute
(GeCKO v2 libraries) in mouse and humans
aureus (SaCas9), which are small enough to be packaged along with a sequence validated GeCKO v2
enable rapid screening of loss-of-function
single guide RNA expression cassette into a single AAV vector50. Libraries to accelerate your
mutations51. GeCKO v2 libraries express a
mixed pool of CRISPR guide RNAs that genome-wide screening efforts.
target every gene and miRNA in the
Advantages of CRISPR Genome Editing genome. Each gRNA is cloned into a lentiviral vector optimized for high-titer virus
production and high efficient transduction of primary cells or cultured cell lines.
The advent of CRISPR has revolutionized genome editing – not only for its cost After transduction, deep sequencing can be performed to assess gRNA
effective specificity, but also for its ease-of-use in any lab, regardless of molecular representation in the cell pool prior to screening. After selection, a second round
biology expertise. Unlike ZF and TALE nucleases, CRISPR/Cas9 does not require of sequencing is performed to identify the gRNAs that were lost or enriched over
protein engineering for each gene being targeted. The CRISPR/Cas9 system the course of the screen. Genes identified with multiple gRNAs enriched
requires only a DNA construct encoding the target specific gRNA and Cas9, and if represent positive hits. A detailed GeCKO screening protocol may be found on
knock-in is being performed, the donor template for HR. In addition, multiple the GeCKO Genome Engineering website: http://genome-engineering.org/gecko/
genes can be edited simultaneously with CRISPR, vastly increasing the efficiency
of your experiments. The key differences and advantages between the most GeCKO v2 libraries were designed to contain 6 gRNAs targeting each gene within
common DSB-mediated genome editing technologies are summarized below the genome, 4 gRNAs targeting each miRNA within the genome, and 1,000
(Table 1). control (non-targeting) gRNAs. GeCKO v2 libraries are also available as two
half-libraries, A and B, each containing 3 gRNAs per gene. The gRNA sequences
Table 1: Key differences between TALENs, ZFNs, and CRISPR/Cas
are distributed over three or four constitutively expressed exons for each gene
and are selected to minimize off-target genome modification.
(transcription activator-like CRISPR/Cas
(zinc finger nucleases) Pathway-focused gRNA libraries have also
effector nucleases)
been developed for targeted screening of GenScript offers Broad Institute
Target Protein: DNA Protein: DNA (gRNA-Cas9): DNA
specific molecular pathways. sequence validated
Pathway-focused gRNA libraries were Pathway-focused gRNA Libraries
Proteins containing Zinc finger DNA binding 20nt crRNA (CRISPR RNA)
DNA-binding domains that motifs in a ββα fused to a tracrRNA and designed using gene targets identified to assist in screening specific
Construct recognize specific DNA configuration, the α-helix Cas9 endonuclease that through the Drug Gene Interaction molecular pathways.
sequences down to the base recognizes 3 bp segments recognize specific
pair in DNA sequences to the base pair Database by the McDonnell Genome
Institute at Washington University in St. Louis. All gRNA sequences have been
Easy: pre-designed and validated by the Broad Institute.
Difficult: - all-in-one gRNA-Cas9
Design -Need a customized protein for each gene vector system
feasibility sequence - multigene editing is
-Low delivery efficiency feasible

12 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 13
Expanding the Research Applications for CRISPR CRISPR Technologies for Transcriptional Activation and
CRISPR/Cas9 technology has been adapted for many research applications beyond Several research groups have harnessed the specificity and easy
than genome editing, such as: re-programmability of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to create targetable CRISPR/Cas9
• CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Chromatin Immunoprecipitation ribonucleoprotein complexes that can either activate (CRISPRa) or interfere
(CRISPRi) with transcription of any desired coding region within a genome54-56.
• CRISPR Technologies for Transcriptional Activation and Repression
• Epigenetic Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 These systems fuse dCas9 to a well-characterized transcription-regulatory
domain, using pre-designed guide RNAs to direct the complex upstream of the
• Live Imaging of DNA/mRNA with CRISPR/Cas9
transcription start site. By using inactivated dCas9 protein, the complex can be
• CRISPR/Cas9 Therapeutic Applications targeted to specific loci without cleaving or altering the genomic DNA. After Cas9
binds the targeted DNA sequence, the fused transcription-regulatory domains are
then able to recruit repressive or activating effectors to modify gene expression.

The laboratory of Feng Zhang at the Broad

GenScript offers Broad
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Institute has pioneered use of the
Institute-validated SAM Vectors
CRISPR/Cas9 Synergistic Activation
Mediator (SAM) system in gene activation for transcriptional activation in
Purification of specific genomic loci is vital for the characterization of
assays. The SAM system enables robust mammalian cells.
chromatin-associated proteins and RNAs. Modifications to the CRISPR/Cas9
system allow for flexible targeting and isolation of these genomic regions52. A transcriptional activation of endogenous
nuclear localization signal and epitope tag can be introduced into catalytically genes targeted by guide RNA that binds within 200 bp upstream of the
inactive Cas9 (dCas9) to create a DNA-binding protein that can be targeted by transcription start site57.
CRISPR guide RNAs52. Existing CRISPR gRNA databases and design tools allow for
targeting to any gene of interest. The CRISPR/Cas9-chromatin complex can then Studies using the SAM system to activate gene expression show an increase in
be purified with traditional chromatin immunoprecipitation (CHiP) techniques transcription of up to 3,00057,58. The SAM system has multiplexing gene activation
and exposed to mass spectrometry for further characterization. ability, and has been shown to activate the transcription of as many as 10 genes
concurrently57. In addition, SAM has been demonstrated to activate non-coding
CRISPR-mediated CHiP techniques have been utilized to identify proteins elements, such as long intergenic non-coding RNAs57.
associated with the interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) promoter region in
response to interferon γ stimulation53. In this study, researchers purified 15 SAM can also be used for discovery
research to identify the genes that drive GenScript offers Broad Institute
associated proteins including histone deacetylase complex proteins, which have
phenotypes of interest in disease models sequence-validated SAM Libraries
previously been implicated in interferon γ-mediated gene expression, as well as
or developmental/differentiation process to promote your genome-wide
transcription factors, histones and other DNA-associated proteins53.
by using a genome-wide SAM gRNA library activation screening efforts.
CRISPR-mediated CHiP holds a number of advantages over traditional CHiP for gain-of-function screening . The

methods. While large scale assays require the use of multiple antibodies against screening process is similar to the GeCKO loss-of-function library screening
each DNA-binding protein or the creation and expression of epitope-tagged techniques, but the library is designed to activate transcription rather than edit
proteins, the modular nature of the CRISPR/Cas9 system requires only a single the genome. The human genome-wide SAM library contains 3 distinct guide
antibody against the tagged-Cas9 protein for purification. In addition, the RNAs each targeting one of 23,430 coding gene isoforms with a unique
CRISPR/Cas9 system is unaffected by issues stemming from low, differential or transcription start site in the human reference genome, for a total of 70,290
toxic gene expression. guides.

14 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 15
Figure 8. CRISPR/Cas9 In Vivo Applications epigenetic alterations are often necessary and sufficient to drive the
transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells, and play roles in later steps of
Traditional CRISPR/Cas9 Editing Using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, epigenetic editing has now become feasible.
Utilizing inactive dCas9 as a DNA-binding domain platform, fused enzymes such
gRNA as DNA methylases, histone acetyltransferases, and deacetylases (HATs or
HDACs), can be targeted to alter the epigenetic state at precise locations within
Cas9 the genome. Researchers have used this approach, to fuse the catalytic core of
human acetyltransferase p300 with dCas9, and shown this system to be sufficient
gRNA: DNA Double-Strand
Base Pairing Break for acetylation of histone H3 lysine 27 at specific target sites and to robustly
Target Sequence
activate transcription of target genes61. Cas9 epigenetic effectors (epiCas9s) can
also be used for genome-wide screening to discover novel relationships between
epigenetic modifications, chromatin states, and phenotypes such as, cellular
Alternative CRISPR/dCas9 Applications differentiation or disease progression62.

DNA Imaging RNA Imaging CRISPRi CRISPRa Epigenetic Control


Live Imaging of DNA/mRNA with CRISPR/Cas9

Repressor Activator Modifier
Protein Protein

DNA visualization is an important application in understanding a variety of
cellular processes, such as replication, transcription, and recombination, and the
interactions between DNA and associated proteins and RNA. Two techniques are
commonly used for DNA imaging, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and
fluorescent tagging of DNA-binding proteins. FISH uses fluorescently tagged
nucleic acid probes to bind and visualize DNA63,64. While this technique offers the
flexibility to target specific sequences through base pairing of the nucleic acid
probes, it cannot be used for live imaging because of the requirement for sample
Epigenetic Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 fixation. Conversely, proteins tagged with a fluorescent label can be used for live
imaging, but are limited by their fixed target sequences, restricting their use
Epigenetic modifications to genomic DNA and histone proteins have been shown
mostly to repetitive DNA sequences, such as telomeres65.
to play increasingly critical roles in biological processes. Epigenetic marks, such
as methylation or acetylation, at specific genomic loci and histone residues can New advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology offer the benefits of both live imaging
either be inherited or acquired, and can influence gene expression. Recent and easy target sequence customization and flexibility. Inactivated dCas9 can be
studies have used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to investigate the roles and tagged with fluorophores for imaging both repetitive DNA elements and
targets for these epigenetic marks. In one such study, researchers performed protein-encoding genes, enabling us to observe chromatin organization
CRISPR-mediated knock out of all three active DNA methyltransferases present in throughout the cell cycle66. In addition to live DNA imaging, the CRISPR/Cas9
human embryonic stem cells, to characterize viable, pluripotent cell lines and system can be used for live RNA imaging as well. Modifications to the gRNA
study the distinct effects on the DNA methylation landscape59. sequence allow for mRNA recognition and tracking67. Using CRISPR-mediated
RNA imaging techniques, researchers have been able to visualize the
But researchers increasingly need methods for introducing epigenetic
accumulation of ACTB, CCNA2 and TRFC mRNAs in RNA granules67. These new
modifications at desired genomic loci, in order to model diseases and test
applications improve existing methodologies
hypotheses regarding potential therapeutic strategies. For example, specific

16 www.genscript.com www.genscript.com 17
CRISPR/Cas9 Therapeutic Applications Gene editing can provide new strategies and therapeutic applications
against infectious viral diseases. HIV has been effectively eliminated in
Both well-established pharmaceutical companies and new start-up biotech patients using gene therapy to delete receptors essential for viral cell
entry and infection. Recent studies using CRISPR technology have
companies are racing to create CRISPR-based therapeutics. Compared to other HIV and shown that mutations in CCR5 and CXCR4 receptors in both induced
strategies for gene therapy, CRISPR genome editing is thought to be faster, less Viral Diseases pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and primary CD4+ cells can lead to HIV
expensive, and potentially far safer. Autologous CRISPR cell therapies that use resistance in lineages derived from these cells75,76.
genome editing to correct a mutation in a patient’s own cells hold promise in
FTO is one of the most strongly linked genes to obesity. Certain FTO
circumventing the rejection issues present with transplant therapies that require genetic variants correlate significantly with obesity and heavier weight.
donor matching. CRISPR genome editing is especially promising for diseases that Researchers have shown that CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in
Obesity and techniques can convert obesity-promoting FTO variants to normal
can be tackled by modifying cells that can easily be removed from a patient, Metabolism variants in adipocyte precursor cells77. Treated cells display increased
which allows for additional screening to ensure no off-target genome metabolic activity and reduced expression of IRX3 and IRX5, genes which
modifications during genome-editing. determine cell fate as white adipocytes for fat storage.

New studies using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated immunotherapy are being

used to combat metastatic lung cancer at Sichuan University and
myeloma at the University of Pennsylvania68,69. Researchers will be using
the CRISPR/Cas9 system to knock out the PD-1 gene in T-cells extracted
Cancer from patients. PD-1 is an important down-regulator in T-cell activation
Immunotherapy and functions as an immune checkpoint. After knockout of PD1, the
modified T-cells will be released into the bloodstream to target cancer.
PD-1 inhibition offers a promising approach for cancer treatment. Last
year alone, the FDA approved two new antibody-based therapies which
target PD-1, nivolumab and pembrolizumab.

Recent reports indicate that CRISPR/Cas9 may be an essential tool to

improve cell differentiation. CRISPR technology and has been used to
Tissue derive a variety of cell types for transplantation, including muscle cells
for the treatment of muscular dystrophy and hematopoietic stem cells
for the treatment of sickle cell anemia70,71. Together these results
demonstrate that CRISPR/Cas9 technology can be applied for directed
cell differentiation and implantation.

Huntingtons disease is an inherited neurological condition caused by

accumulation of mutant Huntingtin protein within the brain which
results in cognitive impairment, dementia and death. Using mouse
Gene models, researchers have shown that CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing can
knock-out production of these mutant proteins72. CRISPR/Cas9 editing is
sufficient to reduce mutant protein production by up to 90% and shows
promise as a therapeutic solution. Additional studies are ongoing using
humanized huntingtin genes.

Insect-borne diseases such as malaria and zika pose enormous health

concerns across the world. To combat the spread of insect-borne
diseases, researchers have modified CRISPR/Cas9 into highly efficient
“gene drive” systems which can spread disease resistance genes to
Malaria and entire populations. To create a gene drive, researchers have package
Insect-borne disease resistance genes together with CRISPR gRNA and Cas9
Diseases components into a single DNA construct. After insertion, the gene drive
autonomously replicates into both parental chromosomes, and is
inherited by ~99.5% of progeny73,74. Advances in gene drive technology
offer immediate solutions for the eradication of these diseases.

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