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Admin Law Digest

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Ejera vs. Merto, G.R. No. 163109.

Jan 22, 2014 premature, because the legal issues she seemingly raised were
admittedly interlaced with factual issues, like whether or not Merto
Issue: Does the case of petitioner fall under the exceptions on had issued Office Order No. 008 because of her having attacked him
exhaustion of administrative remedies? in her protest against Kirit as the appointee to the position of
Ruling: NO. It is true that the doctrine of exhaustion of Supervising Agriculturist, and whether or not her reassignment
administrative remedies is not an ironclad rule, but recognizes constituted banishment from her office in Dumaguete City. She
exceptions, specifically: (a) where there is estoppel on the part of further averred that the reassignment had been whimsical and
the party invoking the doctrine; (b) where the challenged indiscriminate, an averment that surely called for factual basis. It
administrative act is patently illegal, amounting to lack of ought to be beyond question that the factual issues could only be
jurisdiction; (c) where there is unreasonable delay or official settled by a higher policy-determining provincial official like the
inaction that will irretrievably prejudice the complainant; (d) where Provincial Governor by virtue of his authority, experience and
the amount involved is relatively so small as to make the rule expertise to deal with the issues. The Provincial Governor should
impractical and oppressive; (e) where the question involved is have been given a very meaningful opportunity to resolve the
purely legal and will ultimately have to be decided by the courts of matter and to exhaust all opportunities for its resolution before
justice; (f) where judicial intervention is urgent; (g) where the bringing the action in court.45cha nroble slaw

application of the doctrines may cause great and irreparable

damage; (h) where the controversial acts violate due process; (i) The rule is that judicial intervention should only be availed of after
where the issue of non-exhaustion of administrative remedies has all administrative remedies had been exhausted. The Judiciary must
been rendered moot; (j) where strong public interest is involved; not intervene because Office Order No. 008 and Office Order No.
and (l) in quo warranto proceedings.44chanr obleslaw
005 both concerned the implementation of a provincial executive
policy. Moreover, the non-observance of the doctrine of exhaustion
The exceptions did not cover the petitioner’s case. In her complaint, of administrative remedies resulted in the complaint having no
she assailed Office Order No. 008 on three basic legal grounds, cause of action.47Hence, the RTC and the CA correctly dismissed the
namely: (a) the re-assignment, being “whimsical and case.
indiscriminate,” violated the Omnibus Rules on Appointments and
Other Personnel Actions; (b) Merto had no power to investigate her,
considering that the Provincial Governor was the “proper
disciplining authority;” and (c) whether the letter of Merto requiring
her to explain her refusal to follow Office Order No. 008 should be
under oath. Still, her immediate resort to the RTC remained
Villafuerte vs. Robredo, G.R. No. 195390, Dec. 10, 2014 only where the act of the administrative agency concerned was
performed pursuant to its quasi-judicial function, and not when the
Issue: In challenging the validity of an administrative issuance assailed act pertained to its rule-making orquasi-legislative power.
carried out pursuant to the agency’s rule making power, must
administrative remedies be first exhausted?

Ruling: There is likewise no merit in the respondent’s claim that the Banco de Oro vs. Republic, GR no 198756, Jan 13, 2015
petitioners’ failure to exhaust administrative remedies warrants the
Issue: Does direct resort to the court to challenge the 2011 BIR
dismissal of the petition. It bears emphasizing that the assailed
issuances were issued pursuant to the rule-making or quasi- Rulings violate the non-exhaustion of administrative remedies?
legislative power of the DILG. This pertains to "the power to make Ruling: In exceptional cases, however, this court entertained direct
rules and regulations which results in delegated legislation that is recourse to it when "dictated by public welfare and the
within the confines of the granting statute."29 Not to be confused advancement of public policy, or demanded by the broader interest
with the quasi-legislative or rule-making power of an administrative of justice, or the orders complained of were found to be patent
agency is its quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory power. nullities, or the appeal was considered as clearly an inappropriate
This is the power to hear and determine questions of fact to which remedy."164
the legislative policy is to apply and to decide in accordance with
the standards laid down by the law itself in enforcing and In Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc. (PHILRECA)
administering the same law.30 In challenging the validity of v. The Secretary, Department of Interior and Local Government,165
anadministrative issuance carried out pursuant to the agency’s rule- this court noted that the petition for prohibition was filed directly
making power, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative before it "in disregard of the rule on hierarchy of courts. However,
remedies does not stand as a bar in promptly resorting to the filing [this court] opt[ed] to take primary jurisdiction over the . . . petition
of a case in court. This was made clear by the Court in Smart and decide the same on its merits in viewof the significant
Communications, Inc. (SMART) v. National Telecommunications constitutional issues raised by the parties dealing with the tax
Commission (NTC),31 where it was ruled, thus: treatment of cooperatives under existing laws and in the interest of
speedy justice and prompt disposition of the matter."166

Here, the nature and importance of the issues raised167 to the

In questioning the validity or constitutionality of a rule or regulation investment and banking industry with regard to a definitive
issued by an administrative agency, a party need not exhaust declaration of whether government debt instruments are deposit
administrative remedies before going to court. This principle applies substitutes under existing laws, and the novelty thereof, constitute
exceptional and compelling circumstances to justify resort to this or performed by either branch [or in this case, organ of
court in the first instance. government] before a court may come into the picture."106

The tax provision on deposit substitutes affects not only the PEACe Petitioners’ exercise of their rightto speech, given the message and
Bonds but also any other financial instrument or product that may their medium, had understandable relevance especially during the
be issued and traded in the market. Due to the changing positions elections. COMELEC’s letter threatening the filing of the election
of the Bureau of Internal Revenue on this issue, there isa need for a offense against petitioners is already an actionable infringement of
final ruling from this court to stabilize the expectations in the this right. The impending threat of criminal litigation is enough to
financial market. curtail petitioners’ speech.

Finally, non-compliance with the rules on exhaustion of In the context of this case, exhaustion of their administrative
administrative remedies and hierarchy of courts had been rendered remedies as COMELEC suggested in their pleadings prolongs the
moot by this court’s issuance of the temporary restraining order violation of their freedom of speech.
enjoining the implementation of the 2011 BIR Ruling. The
temporary restraining order effectively recognized the urgency and Political speech enjoys preferred protection within our
constitutional order. In Chavez v. Gonzales,107 Justice Carpio in a
necessity of direct resort to this court.
separate opinion emphasized: "[i]f everthere is a hierarchy of
protected expressions, political expression would occupy the
highest rank, and among different kinds of political expression, the
Diocese of Bacolod vs. Comelec, G.R no. 205728, Jan 21, 2015 subject of fair and honest elections would be at the top."108
Issue: For failing to bring the matter first to the Comelec en banc or Sovereignty resides in the people.109 Political speech is a direct
its division, did petitioners violate the principle of exhaustion of exercise of the sovereignty. The principle of exhaustion of
administrative remedies? administrative remedies yields in order to protect this fundamental
Ruling: No. The argument on exhaustion of administrative remedies
is not proper in this case. Even assuming that the principle of exhaustion of administrative
remedies is applicable, the current controversy is within the
Despite the alleged non-exhaustion of administrative remedies, it is exceptions to the principle. In Chua v. Ang,110 this court held:
clear that the controversy is already ripe for adjudication. Ripeness
is the "prerequisite that something had by then been accomplished On the other hand, prior exhaustion of administrative remedies may
be dispensed with and judicial action may be validly resorted to
immediately: (a) when there is a violation of due process; (b) when
the issue involved is purely a legal question; (c) when the debated by the publicin the manner they feel would be effective is
administrative action is patently illegal amounting to lack or excess one of those cases.
of jurisdiction; (d) when there is estoppel on the part ofthe
administrative agency concerned; (e) when there is irreparable
injury; (f) when the respondent is a department secretary whose Paje vs. Casino, GR No. 207257, etc, Feb. 3, 2015
acts as analter ego of the President bear the implied and assumed
approval of the latter; (g) when to require exhaustion of Issue: can the acts of an agency (DENR) and validity of its issuance
administrative remedies would be unreasonable; (h) when it would (ECC) be challenged via the writ of kalikasan
amount to a nullification of a claim; (i) when the subject matter is a
Issue: was there failure to exhaust administrative remedies?
private land in land case proceedings; (j) whenthe rule does not
provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy; or (k) when there are Ruling: Yes. It is worth noting that the Rules on the Writ of Kalikasan
circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial intervention."111 allow the parties to raise, on appeal, questions of fact— and, thus,
(Emphasis supplied, citation omitted) constitutes an exception to Rule 45 of the Rules of Court— because
ofthe extraordinary nature of the circumstances surrounding the
The circumstances emphasized are squarely applicable with the
issuance of a writ of kalikasan.118 Thus, we shall review both
present case. First, petitioners allegethat the assailed issuances
questions of law and fact in resolving the issues presented in this
violated their right to freedom of expression and the principle of
separation of church and state. This is a purely legal question.
Second, the circumstances of the present case indicate the urgency In general, the proper procedure to question a defectin an ECC is to
of judicial intervention considering the issue then on the RH Law as follow the appeal process provided in DAO 2003-30 and the Revised
well as the upcoming elections. Thus, to require the exhaustion of Manual. After complying with the proper administrative appeal
administrative remedies in this case would be unreasonable. process, recourse may be made to the courts in accordance with the
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies. However, as
Time and again, we have held that this court "has the power to relax
earlier discussed, in exceptional cases, a writ of kalikasan may be
or suspend the rules or to except a case from their operation when
availed of to challenge defects in the ECC providedthat (1) the
compelling reasons so warrant, or whenthe purpose of justice
defects are causally linked or reasonably connected to an
requires it, [and when] [w]hat constitutes [as] good and sufficient
environmental damage of the nature and magnitudecontemplated
cause that will merit suspension of the rules is discretionary upon
under the Rules on Writ of Kalikasan, and (2) the case does not
the court".112 Certainly, this case of first impression where
violate, or falls under an exception to, the doctrine of exhaustion of
COMELEC has threatenedto prosecute private parties who seek to
administrative remedies and/or primary jurisdiction.
participate in the elections by calling attention to issues they want
As previously discussed, in the case at bar, only the allegation with CudiavsPma GR no 211362 Feb 24, 2015
respect to the lack of an EIA relative to the first and second
amendments to the subject ECC may be reasonably connected to Issue: Pending Pres. Aquino’s resolution of Cudia’s appeal, should
such an environmental damage. Further, given the extreme urgency the court decline jurisdiction for non-exhaustion of the full
of resolving the issue due to the looming power crisis, this case may administrative process?
be considered as falling under an exception to the doctrine of Ruling: In general, no one is entitled to judicial relief for a supposed
exhaustion of administrative remedies. Thus, the aforesaid issue or threatened injury until the prescribed administrative remedy has
may be conceivably resolved in a writ of kalikasan case. been exhausted. The rationale behind the doctrine of exhaustion of
More importantly, we have expressly ruled that this case is an administrative remedies is that “courts, for reasons of law, comity,
exceptional case due to the looming power crisis, so that the rules and convenience, should not entertain suits unless the available
of procedure may be suspended in order to address issues which, administrative remedies have first been resorted to and the proper
ordinarily, the Court would not consider proper in a writ of authorities, who are competent to act upon the matter complained
kalikasan case. Hence, all issues, including those not proper in a writ of, have been given the appropriate opportunity to act and correct
of kalikasan case, were resolved here in order to forestall another their alleged errors, if any, committed in the administrative
round of protracted litigation relative to the implementation of the forum.”74 In the U.S. case of Ringgold v. United States,75 which was
cited by respondents, it was specifically held that in a typical case
subject project.
involving a decision by military authorities, the plaintiff must
Ruling: No. As previously discussed, in the case at bar, only the exhaust his remedies within the military before appealing to the
allegation with respect to the lack of an EIA relative to the first and court, the doctrine being designed both to preserve the balance
second amendments to the subject ECC may be reasonably between military and civilian authorities and to conserve judicial
connected to such an environmental damage. Further, given the resources.
extreme urgency of resolving the issue due to the looming power
crisis, this case may be considered as falling under an exception to Petitioners essentially raise the lack of due process in the dismissal
the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies. Thus, the of Cadet 1CL Cudia from the PMA. Thus, it may be a ground to give
aforesaid issue may be conceivably resolved in a writ of kalikasan due course to the petition despite the non-exhaustion of
case. administrative remedies. Yet more significant is the fact that during
the pendency of this case, particularly on June 11, 2014, the Office
of the President finally issued its ruling, which sustained the findings
of the AFP Chief and the CRAB. Hence, the occurrence of this
supervening event bars any objection to the petition based on damage; (h) where the controverted acts violate due process; (i)
failure to exhaust administrative remedies. where the issue of non-exhaustion of administrative remedies has
been rendered moot; (j) where there is no other plain, speedy and
adequate remedy; (k) where strong public interest is involved; and
United Overseas Bank vs. HLURB Board, GR no. 182133, June 23, (1) in quo warranto proceedings.13 re darclaw

The situation in paragraph (e) of the foregoing enumeration obtains
Issue: Is the issue on “whether non-compliance with the clearance in this case.
requirement with the HLURB nullifies the entire mortgage contract”
a purely legal question and an exception to the rule on exhaustion The issue on whether non-compliance with the clearance
of administrative remedies? requirement with the HLURB would result to the nullification of the
entire mortgage contract or only a part of it is purely legal which will
Ruling: The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies is a
have to be decided ultimately by a regular court of law. It does not
cornerstone of our judicial system. The thrust of the rule is that
involve an examination of the probative value of the evidence
courts must allow administrative agencies to carry out their
presented by the parties. There is a question of law when the doubt
functions and discharge their responsibilities within the specialized
or difference arises as to what the law is on a certain state of facts,
areas of their respective competence.11 It has been held, however,
and not as to the truth or the falsehood of alleged facts. Said
that the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies and the
question at best could be resolved only tentatively by the
doctrine of primary jurisdiction are not iron-clad rules. In the case of
administrative authorities. The final decision on the matter rests not
Republic v. Lacap,12 the Court enumerated the numerous exceptions
with them but with the courts of justice. Exhaustion of
to these rules, namely: (a) where there is estoppel on the part of
administrative remedies does not apply, because nothing of an
the party invoking the doctrine; (b) where the challenged
administrative nature is to be or can be done. The issue does not
administrative act is patently illegal, amounting to lack of
require technical knowledge and experience, but one that would
jurisdiction; (c) where there is unreasonable delay or official
involve the interpretation and application of law.14There is, thus, no
inaction that will irretrievably prejudice the complainant; (d) where
need to exhaust administrative remedies, under the premises.
the amount involved is relatively so small as to make the rule
impractical and oppressive; (e) where the question involved is
purely legal and will ultimately have to be decided by the courts of
justice; (f) where judicial intervention is urgent; (g) where the
application of the doctrine may cause great and irreparable
Ocampovs Enriquez, GR no 225973, etc, Nov. 8, 2016 jurisdiction. There has been of late a proliferation of administrative
agencies, mostly regulatory in function. It is in favor of these
Issue: Did the petitioners violate the doctrine of exhaustion of agencies that the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is frequently
admin remedies in challenging before the SC the issue of the invoked, not to defeat the resort to the judicial adjudication of
interment of the late Pres. Marcos at LNMB? controversies but to rely on the expertise, specialized skills, and
Ruling: No. These exceptions in diocese of bacolod are present in knowledge of such agencies in their resolution. The Court has
these consolidated cases. First, these cases involve reviewing the observed that one thrust of the proliferation is that the
act of another constitutional organ, that is, the President's exercise interpretation of contracts and the determination of private rights
of discretion in allowing Ferdinand E. Marcos' burial at the under contracts are no longer a uniquely judicial function
LibinganngmgaBayani. Second, these Petitions raise constitutional exercisable only by the regular courts.31
questions that would be better decided by this Court, as well as The doctrine of primary jurisdiction has been increasingly called into
issues relating to public policy that may be beyond the competence play on matters demanding the special competence of
of the lower courts. These cases are likewise of first impression, and administrative agencies even if such matters are at the same time
no jurisprudence yet exists on this matter. Thus, the Petitions within the jurisdiction of the courts. A case that requires for its
cannot be dismissed by invoking the doctrine of hierarchy of courts determination the expertise, specialized skills, and knowledge of
and exhaustion of administrative remedies. some administrative board or commission because it involves
technical matters or intricate questions of fact, relief must first be
obtained in an appropriate administrative proceeding before a
San Miguel vs. Perez GR No. 166836 Sept. 4, 2013 remedy will be supplied by the courts although the matter comes
within the jurisdiction of the courts. The application of the doctrine
Issue: what is the doctrine of primary jurisdiction? Is it applicable to
does not call for the dismissal of the case in the court but only for its
this case?
suspension until after the matters within the competence of the
Ruling:Doctrine of primary jurisdiction is applicable administrative body are threshed out and determined.32

That the action for specific performance was an administrative case To accord with the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, the courts
pending in the HLURB, instead of in a court of law, was of no cannot and will not determine a controversy involving a question
consequence at all. As earlier mentioned, the action for specific within the competence of an administrative tribunal, the
performance, although civil in nature, could be brought only in the controversy having been so placed within the special competence of
HLURB. This situation conforms to the doctrine of primary the administrative tribunal under a regulatory scheme. In that
instance, the judicial process is suspended pending referral to the
administrative body for its view on the matter in dispute. it is the COA and not the RTC which has primary jurisdiction to pass
Consequently, if the courts cannot resolve a question that is within upon petitioner’s money claim against respondent local government
the legal competence of an administrative body prior to the unit. Such jurisdiction may not be waived by the parties’ failure to
resolution of that question by the latter, especially where the argue the issue nor active participation in the proceedings.
question demands the exercise of sound administrative discretion
requiring the special knowledge, experience, and services of the
administrative agency to ascertain technical and intricate matters of West Tower vs First Phil. Industrial Corp, GR no 194239, June 16,
fact, and a uniformity of ruling is essential to comply with the 2015
purposes of the regulatory statute administered, suspension or
dismissal of the action is proper.33 Issue: is the Court fully equipped w/ the knowledge to finally resolve
the Writ of Kalikasan or should it avail of the special knowledge and
expertise of admin bodies under the doctrine of primary
Aklan vs. Jody King, GR NO. 197592, Nov. 27, 2013 jurisdiction?

Ruling: The DOE is specially equipped to consider FPIC's proper

Issue: is the doctrine of primary jurisdiction applicable in this case?
implementation and compliance with its PIMS and to evaluate the
Ruling: The doctrine of primary jurisdiction holds that if a case is result of the various tests conducted on the pipeline. The DOE is
such that its determination requires the expertise, specialized empowered by Sec. 12(b)(l), RA 7638 to formulate and implement
training and knowledge of the proper administrative bodies, relief policies for the efficient and economical "distribution,
must first be obtained in an administrative proceeding before a transportation, and storage of petroleum, coal, natural gas."48
remedy is supplied by the courts even if the matter may well be Thus, it cannot be gainsaid that the DOE possesses technical
within their proper jurisdiction.22 It applies where a claim is knowledge and special expertise with respect to practices in the
originally cognizable in the courts, and comes into play whenever transportation of oil through pipelines.The specialized knowledge
enforcement of the claim requires the resolution of issues which, and expertise of the foregoing agencies must, therefore, be availed
under a regulatory scheme, have been placed within the special of to arrive at a judicious decision on the propriety of allowing the
competence of an administrative agency. In such a case, the court in immediate resumption of the WOPL's operation. In a host of cases,
which the claim is sought to be enforced may suspend the judicial this Court held that when the adjudication of a controversy requires
process pending referral of such issues to the administrative body the resolution of issues within the expertise of an administrative
for its view or, if the parties would not be unfairly disadvantaged, body, such issues must be investigated and resolved by the
dismiss the case without prejudice. administrative body equipped with the specialized knowledge and
the technical expertise.54 Hence, the courts, although they may Ruling: We find that the CA erred when it affirmed the Decision of
have jurisdiction and power to decide cases, can utilize the findings the IPO. While it is an established rule in administrative law that the
and recommendations of the administrative agency on questions courts of justice should respect the findings of fact of administrative
that demand "the exercise of sound administrative discretion agencies, the courts may not be bound by such findings of fact
requiring the special knowledge, experience, and services of the when there is absolutely no evidence in support thereof or such
administrative tribunal to determine technical and intricate matters evidence is clearly, manifestly and patently insubstantial; and when
of fact." there is a clear showing that the administrative agency acted
arbitrarily or with grave abuse of discretion or in a capricious and
whimsical manner, such that its action may amount to an excess or
Somboonsakdikul vs. Orlane, S.A. G.R. No. 188996, Feb. 1, 2017 lack of jurisdiction.63 Moreover, when there is a showing that the
findings or conclusions, drawn from the same pieces of evidence,
Issue: As in this case, should the courts of justice respect the were arrived at arbitrarily or in disregard of the evidence on record,
findings of fact of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) --- an they may be reviewed by the courts.64 Such is the case here.
administrative agency?

Ruling: The dissent is correct in emphasizing that We defer to the

findings of fact of administrative agencies considering their ALFI vs. Garin GR No. 217872, April 26, 2017
specialized knowledge in their field. And We, as a matter of fact, Issue: were the certification proceedings conducted by the FDA in
acceded to the DOE' s conclusions on the necessity of the conduct the exercise of its “regulatory powers” and, therefore, beyond
of the various activities and tests enumerated in Sec. Petilla's letter
judicial review?
to this Court dated August 5, 2014. Hence, Our directive for the DOE
to immediately commence the activities enumerated in said Letter, Ruling: On the argument that the certification proceedings were
to determine the pipeline's reliability, and to order its reopening conducted by the FDA in the exercise of its "regulatory powers" and,
should the DOE find that such is proper. therefore, beyond judicial review, the Court holds that it has the
power to review all acts and decisions where there is a commission
of grave abuse of discretion. No less than the Constitution decrees
ISAA vs Green Peace, G.R. No. 209271 Dec 8, 2015 that the Court must exercise its duty to ensure that no grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction is
Issue: were the doctrines of primary jurisdiction and exhaustion of committed by any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
admin remedies violated in this case? Such is committed when there is a violation of the constitutional
mandate that "no person is deprived of life, liberty, and property
without due process of law." The Court's power cannot be curtailed
by the FDA's invocation of its regulatory power.

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