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Compania General vs. Board Digest

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THE BOARD OF judgment are to be exercised, either as to time or manner, the body entrusted with the
PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONERS duty must exercise it, and cannot delegate it to another.
G.R. No. L-11216/ MAR 6, 1916 / MORELAND, J./ADMIN LAW-LEGISLATIVE The Legislature seems simply to have authorized "the Board of Public Utility
Commissioners to require what information the board wants. It would seem that the
NATURE Petition for Review of an Order of the Board
PETITIONERS Compania General De Tabacos De Filipinas
Legislature, by the provision in question, delegated to the Board of Public Utility
RESPONDENTS Board of Public Utility Commissioners Commissioners all of its powers over a given subjectmatter in a manner almost
absolute, and without laying down a rule or even making a suggestion by which that
SUMMARY. Compania General, a common carrier of passengers and merchandise by water, power is to be directed, guided or applied.
was ordered by the Board to present a detailed report of its finances and operations, pursuant As stated in Interstate Commerce Commission vs Goodrich Transit, “The Congress
to Act. No 2307, which granted the Board such authority. Compania asked the SC to review may not delegate its purely legislative powers to a commission, but, having laid
such authority, which the Court held to be an undue delegation of legislative power, whereby down the general rules of action under which a commission shall proceed, it may
the Board was given too much discretion. require of that commission the application of such rules to particular situations and
DOCTRINE. We believe that the Legislature, by the provision in question, has abdicated its the investigation of facts, with a view to making orders in a particular matter within
powers and functions in favor of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners with respect to
the matters therein referred to, and that such Act is in violation of the Act of Congress of July
the rules laid down by the Congress”. In that case, the general rules had been laid
1, 1902. We believe that the Legislature, by the provision referred to, has not asked for the down for the guidance of the commission, the latter only having to carry out the
information which the State wants but has authorized the board to obtain the information details. This case illustrates the conferring of authority as to the execution of the law,
which the board wants. which is completely valid, as opposed to the delegation of the power to make the
law. Dowling vs Lancashire Insurance Co. furthers that the law must be complete, in
FACTS. all its terms and provisions, when it leaves the legislature, so that, in form and
 Petitioner is a foreign corporation organized under the laws of Spain and engaged substance, it is a law in all its details, in presenti, but which may be left to take effect
in business in the Philippines as a common carrier of passengers and merchandise in futuro. As held in Merchants Exchange vs Knott, in essence, the delegation of
by water. The Board dictated an order requiring petitioner to present a detailed legislative power is pure and simple despotism.
report of its finances and operations of its vessels in the Philippines in the form of
In the case at bar the provision complained of does not lay "down the general rules of
annual reports, upon hearing and service of an order for petitioner to show cause
why such reports should not be required of them. action under which the commission shall proceed," nor does it itself prescribe in
 The Board relied on Sec. 16 of Act No. 2307 for its authority which states that: detail what those reports shall contain. Practically everything is left to the judgment
o “the board shall have power, after hearing, upon notice, by order in and discretion of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, which is unrestrained
writing, to require every public utility as herein defined – as to when it shall act, why it shall act; how it shall act, to what extent it shall act, or
o (e) to furnish annually a detailed report of finances and operations, in what it shall act upon.
such form and containing such matters as the Boars may from time to We believe that the Legislature, by the provision in question, has abdicated its
time by order prescribe. powers and functions in favor of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners with
 Petitioner questioned the Board’s authority on the ground that Act No. 2307 was respect to the matters therein referred to, and that such Act is in violation of the Act
invalid as constituting an unlawful attempt on the part of Legislature to delegate of Congress of July 1, 1902. We believe that the Legislature, by the provision
legislative power to the Board. referred to, has not asked for the information which the State wants but has
authorized the board to obtain the information which the board wants.
1. WON there was a delegation of legislative power to the board – YES.
There was undue delegation of legislative power the board, as its exercise was DECISION.
sufficiently provided for. The order appealed from is set aside and the cause returned to the Board with instruction to
Act No. 2307 failed to lay down the general rules of action under which the Board
was to proceed, and did not prescribe in detail the contents of the reports it required.
Everything was left to the judgment and discretion of the Board rendering the Act
arbitrary, special legislation, and violative of the constitution. It did not indicate what
specific information the State required and instead authorized the Board to require
whatever information it wanted. This amounted to the Legislature’s abdication of its
powers and functions to the Board—as held in Birdsall vs Clark: if discretion and

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