Heirs of Pedro Escanlar vs. Court of Appeals
Heirs of Pedro Escanlar vs. Court of Appeals
Heirs of Pedro Escanlar vs. Court of Appeals
178 E EC E A A ED
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180 C A A
He f Ped E ca a .C f A ea
1 B C F I a N O a,B a 55.
2 O a S 28, 1972 S a P N . 7-7279.
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WHEREAS, at the time of the signing of the Contract, VENDEES has (sic)
onl FIFTY THOUSAND (P50,000.00) Pesos a ailable thereof, and as
not able to secure the entire amount;
WHEREAS, the Vendors and one of the Vendees b the name of Pedro
Escanlar are relati es, and absolute faith and trust e ist bet een them,
herein during economic crisis, has not failed to gi e monetar succor to
the Vendors;
WHEREAS, Vendors herein understood the present scarcit of securing
a ailable each (sic) in the amount stated in the contract;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTY
THOUSAND (P50,000.00) Pesos, Philippine Currenc , the balance of TWO
HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND (P225,000.00) Pesos to be paid
by the Vendees on or before May, 1979), the Vendors herein, b these
Presents, do hereb CONFIRM and AFFIRM the Deed of Sale of the
Rights, Interests and Participation dated September 15, 1978, o er Lots Nos.
1616 and 1617 ( sh-pond) of the Kabankalan Cadastre in fa or of the
VENDEES, their heirs and assigns.
That pending the complete pa ment thereof, Vendees shall not assign,
sell, lease, nor mortgage the rights, interests and participation thereof;
3 On August 2, 1979, the probate court approved the contract of lease of all the
properties of the estate dedicated to rice production. On August 9, the court approved
the contract of lease over Lot No. 1617 in Special Proceeding No. 7-7279.
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That in the e ent the Vendees fail and/or omit to pa the balance of said
purchase price on Ma 31, 1979 and the cancellation of said Contract of
Sale is made thereb , the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND (P50,000.00) 4 Pesos
shall be deemed as damages thereof to Vendors. (Italics supplied)
4 E hibit B.
5 E hibits 9-A; 9-G; 9-FF; 9-KK; 9-RR; 9-XX; 9-YY; 9-AAA; 9-BBB; 9-CCC; 9-
DDD; 9-EEE; 9-FFF; These ere evidenced b hand ritten receipts for installments
like P112.50 (one cavan of rice), P451.50 (3 cavans of rice and 1 pig), et al.
6 Thus, in a receipt dated December 27, 1979, Fredisminda Cari-an ackno ledged
receipt of P45,625.00. Carmen Cari-an and Generosa Martine each received the
same amount. E hibits 2-6.
7 The amount of P34,218 as deposited per Order issued b Judge Oster aldo
Emilia. E hibit 8, Records, p. 23. Nell Chua vda. de Cari-an received the rest of
their share less attorne s fees and commission.
Opposition to Motion for Approval dated Januar 5, 1982.
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He f Ped E ca a .C f A ea
b he co r in he ame in e a e proceeding . The cer i ca e of
i le o er he eigh lo old b he heir of Nombre and Cari-an ere
la er i ed in he name of re ponden Ne Sarro a Ch a and
Paq i o Ch a.
The rial co r allo ed a hird-par complain again he hird-
par defendan Paq i o and Ne Ch a on Jan ar 7, 1986 here
E canlar and Holgado alleged ha he Cari-an con pired i h he
Ch a hen he e ec ed he econd ale on Sep ember 21, 1982
and ha he la er ale i illegal and of no effec . Re ponden Ch a
co n ered ha he did no kno of he earlier ale of one-half
por ion of he bjec13 lo o E canlar and Holgado. Bo h par ie
claimed damage .
On April 28, 1988, he rial co r appro ed he Ch a mo ion o
le a fo r h-par complain again he po e Ja me.
Re ponden Ch a alleged ha he Ja me ref ed o aca e aid lo
de pi e repea ed demand ; and ha b rea on of he illegal
occ pa ion of Lo No . 1616 and 1617 b he Ja me , he ffered
ma eriall from ncollec ed ren al .
Mean hile, he Regional Trial Co r of Himama lan hich ook
cogni ance of Special Proceeding No. 7-7279 (In e a e E a e of
G illermo Nombre and 14 Vic oriana Cari-an) had rendered i deci ion
on Oc ober 30, 1987. The proba e co r concl ded ha ince all he
proper ie of he e a e ere di po ed of or old b he declared
heir of bo h po e , he ca e i con idered ermina ed and he
in e a e e a e of G illermo Nombre and Vic oriana Cari-an i
clo ed. The co r held:
As regards the arious incidents of this case, the Court nds no cogent
reason to resol e them since the er object of the arious
12 P J B a T. P a a S a P N . 7-7279, E 3-D.
13 I a ,a a Ca a T Da a (C Ca N . 389)
a P E a a,Fa H a a E Ja a a Pa
C a a N Sa a-C a a R D N O a
R a T a C N O a J 1988.
14 E 31 a .
1 5
1) Declaring the follo ing contracts null and oid and of no effect:
a) The Deed of Sale, dated Sept. 15, 1978, e ecuted b the plaintiffs
in fa or of the defendants Pedro Escanlar and Francisco Holgado
(E h. A, Plaintiffs)
b) The Deed of Agreement, dated Sept. 15, 1978, e ecuted b the
plaintiffs in fa or of the defendants, Pedro Escanlar and Francisco
Holgado (E h. B, Plaintiffs)
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c) The Deed of Sale, dated April 20, 1983, e ecuted b the defendants
in fa or of the fourth-part defendants, Dr. Ed in Ja me and Elisa
Tan Ja me
d) The sale of leasehold rights e ecuted b the defendants in fa or of
the fourth-part defendants.
15 S P34,218.75 O a S 7, 1982 S a P N . 7-
7279. E 8, R , . 23.
1 7
date until the propert shall ha e been deli ered to the spouses Dr.
Paquito Chua and Ne Sarrosa-Chua;
6) Ordering the defendants and the fourth-part defendants to
immediatel acate Lots Nos. 1616 and 1617, Kabankalan
7) Ordering the defendants and the fourth-part defendants to pa
Pe i ioner rai ed he ca e o he Co r of Appeal . Re ponden
co r af rmed he deci ion of he rial co r on Febr ar 17, 1995
and held ha he q e ioned deed of ale of righ , in ere and
par icipa ion i a con rac o ell beca e i hall become effec i e
onl pon appro al1 b he proba e co r and pon f ll pa men of
he p rcha e price.
Pe i ioner mo ion 1for recon idera ion a 20denied b re ponden
co r on April 3, 1995. Hence, he e pe i ion .
1. We di agree i h he Co r of Appeal concl ion ha he
Sep ember 15, 1978 Deed of Sale of Righ , In ere and
Par icipa ion i a con rac o ell and no one of ale.
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The di inc ion be een con rac of ale and con rac o ell i h
re er ed i le ha been recogni ed b hi Co r in repea ed
deci ion , according o J ice J.B.L. Re21 e in L B ke age C .,
I c. . Ma i i e B i di g C ., I c., pholding he po er of
promi or nder con rac o ell in ca e of fail re of he o her par
o comple e pa men , o e raj diciall ermina e he opera ion of
he con rac , ref e he con e ance, and re ain he m of
in allmen alread recei ed here ch righ are e pre l
pro ided for.
In con rac o ell, o ner hip i re ained b he eller and i no
o pa n il he f ll pa men of he price. S ch pa men i a
po i i e pen i e condi ion, he fail re of hich i no a breach of
con rac b impl an e en ha pre en ed he obliga 22 ion of he
endor o con e i le from acq iring binding force. To ill ra e,
al ho gh a deed of condi ional ale i denomina ed a ch, ab en a
pro i o ha i le o he proper old i re er ed in he endor n il
f ll pa men of he p rcha e price nor a ip la ion gi ing he
endor he righ o nila erall re cind he con rac he momen he
endee fail o pa i hin a 23ed period, b i na re, i hall be
declared a deed of ab ol e ale.
The Sep ember 15, 1978 ale of righ , in ere and par icipa ion
a o 1/2 por ion i di i of he o bjec lo i a con rac of
ale for he follo ing rea on : Fir , pri a e re ponden a eller
did no re er e n o hem el e he o ner hip of he proper n il
f ll pa men of he npaid balance of P225,000.00. Second, here i
no ip la ion gi ing he eller he righ o nila erall re cind he 24
con rac he momen he b er fail o pa i hin he ed period.
Prior o he ale, pe i ioner ere in po e ion of he bjec
proper a le ee . Upon ale o hem of he righ , in ere and
par icipa ion a o he 1/2 por ion i di i , he remained
25 O nership, under Roman la and the legal s stems based on it, such as the
Civil La of the Philippines based on the Spanish Civil Code, cannot be transferred
b mere agreement. N n n di ac i , ed adi i ne d minia e m an fe en .
Tradition or deliver is needed to pass o nership. As a mode of acquisition of
propert , it consists in putting a thing at the disposal of the person to hom one
ishes to conve it. The normal mode of accomplishing this is b eal adi i or
actual ph sical handing over of the thing b the transferer to the transferee. In
contrast, there ma be s mbolical tradition, belonging to the class called feigned or
ctitious tradition, one of hich is adi i b e i man here the bu er, being alread
in possession of the thing sold due to some other cause such as lease, merel remains
in possession after the sale is effected, but no in concept of o ner.
26 Also Article 1496 of the Civil Code.
27 Dissenting opinion of Justice Flerida Ruth P. Romero in Vi a an Sa mill
C m an Inc. . CA, 219 SCRA at 397 (March 3, 1993) citing Hanl n .
Ha e mann, 40 Phil. 796 (1920).
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30 Acebed . Abe ami , 217 SCRA 193 (Januar 18, 1993) citing G Ong . CA,
154 SCRA 276 (September 24, 1987).
31 When there are t o or more heirs, the entire estate of the decedent is o ned in
common b such heirs prior to its partition. Article 1078, Civil Code. J. VITUG,
32 Article 493 of the Civil Code, G Ong . CA, a. and Phili ine Na i nal
Bank . CA, 98 SCRA 207 (1980).
33 Article 1370 of the Civil Code provides: If the terms of a contract are clear and
leave no doubt upon the intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning of its
stipulations shall control. If he d a ea be c n a he e iden in en i n
f he a ie , he la e hall e ail e he f me . (Emphasis added.)
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192 C A A
He f Ped E ca a .C f A ea
gi e effec o he deed of ale e en i ho co r appro al. Receip
and accep ance of he n mero in allmen on he balance of he
p rcha e price b he Cari-an and lea ing pe i ioner in po e ion
of Lo No . 1616 and 1617 re eal heir in en ion o effec he m al
ran mi ion of righ and obliga ion . I a onl af er pri a e
re ponden Cari-an old heir hare in he bjec lo again o he
po e Ch a, in Sep ember 1982, ha he e ame heir led he
ca e a bar for he cancella ion of he Sep ember 1978 con e ance.
Wor h con idering oo i he fac ha al ho gh he period o pa he
balance of he p rcha e price e pired in Ma 1979, he heir
con in ed o accep pa men n il la e 1979 and did no eek
j dicial relief n il la e 1982 or hree ear la er.
Second, e hold ha he req i i e appro al a ir all
rendered impo ible b he Cari-an beca e he35 oppo ed he
mo ion for appro al of he ale led b pe i ioner and ed he
la er for he cancella ion of ha ale. The proba e co r e plained:
(e) While it is true that Escanlar and Holgado led a similar motion for the
appro al of Deed of Sale e ecuted b some of the heirs in their fa or
concerning the one-half (1/2) portions of Lots 1616 and 1617 as earl as
No ember 10, 1981, et the Court could not ha e fa orabl acted upon it,
because there e ists a pending case for the rescission of that contract,
instituted b the endors therein against Pedro Escanlar and Francisco
Holgado and led before another branch of this Court. Until no , this case,
hich attacks the er source of hate er rights or interests Holgado and
Escanlar ma ha e acquired o er one-half (1/2) portions of Lots Nos. 1616
and 1617, is pending resolution b another court. Other ise, if this Court
meddles on these issues raised in that ordinar ci il action seeking for the
rescission of an e isting contract, then, the act of this
34 I a a , a a
a a a .A 1371, C C .
35 P a a a S 1978 a N 10,
1981. T Ca -a Ja a 5, 1982.
1 3
Court ould 36be totall ineffecti e, as the same ould be in e cess of its
In he in an ca e, he eller ga e he b er n il Ma 1979 o pa
he balance of he p rcha e price. Af er he la er failed o pa
in allmen d e, he former made no j dicial demand for re ci ion
of he con rac nor did he e ec e an no arial ac demanding he
ame, a req ired nder Ar icle 1592. Con eq en l , he b er
co ld la f ll make pa men e en af er he Ma 1979 deadline, a
in fac he paid e eral in allmen o he eller hich he la er
accep ed. Th , pon he e pira ion of he period o pa , he eller
made no mo e o re cind b con in ed accep ing la e pa men , an
ac hich canno b be con r ed a a ai er of he righ o re cind.
When he eller , in ead of a ailing of heir righ o re cind,
accep ed and recei ed dela ed pa men of in allmen be ond he
period ip la ed, and he
36 E hibit 20-B, Order dated Februar 28, 1985, penned b Judge Bernardo T.
Ponferrada. E hibits, pp. 69-71.
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37 Angele . Cala an , 135 SCRA 332 (March 18, 1985) also citing De G man .
G ieb, 48 SCRA 68, here the Court held that said right to rescind as forfeited b
the vendors ho received dela ed pa ments ithout protest or quali cation.
3 TSN, June 16, 1989, pp. 4-11.
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3 E hibits 2-6.
40 TSN, June 11, 1986; October 8, 1986, pp. 6-33; August 25, 1986, pp. 5-27.
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Pe i i g a ed, j dg e e e ed a d e a ide. Ca e
e a ded ia c .
198 C A A
T a C ba , I c. .C f A ea
C g 2023 Ce a B S , I c. A g e e ed.