Solid Flow Simulation
Solid Flow Simulation
Solid Flow Simulation
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Table of Contents
Using This Book ........................................................................................................... 2
What is SolidWorks Software?..................................................................................... 2
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................. 2
Conventions Used in This Book ................................................................................... 4
Before You Begin ......................................................................................................... 4
Add a Folder to the Design Library Path...................................................................... 8
Engineering Design and Technology Series
PhotoWorks™ ....................................................................................................79
Activate PhotoWorks.................................................................................................. 80
Create a Configuration for Rendering ........................................................................ 82
Appearance ................................................................................................................. 85
Rendering.................................................................................................................... 90
Modify the Appearance .............................................................................................. 91
Scenes ......................................................................................................................... 92
Decals ......................................................................................................................... 94
Edit the Decal ............................................................................................................. 98
Output Options.......................................................................................................... 100
Analysis ............................................................................................................105
Modify the Rear Wing .............................................................................................. 106
Calculate the new Mass ............................................................................................ 108
Apply the Measure tool ............................................................................................ 109
Stress Analysis of the Axle....................................................................................... 111
Design Analysis ........................................................................................................ 111
Stress Analysis.......................................................................................................... 111
User Interface............................................................................................................ 112
Analyze the Axle-A Part........................................................................................... 113
SolidWorks SimulationXpress.................................................................................. 116
Applying a Load ....................................................................................................... 119
Assigning Material.................................................................................................... 123
Running the Analysis................................................................................................ 125
Viewing Results........................................................................................................ 127
Running a Report...................................................................................................... 130
Optimizing the Model............................................................................................... 131
SolidWorks Flow Simulation ................................................................................... 135
Viewing the Results.................................................................................................. 153
Changing the Design................................................................................................. 167
Examine the Results ................................................................................................. 169
More to Explore........................................................................................................ 175
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Lesson 1
Before you begin the F1 in Schools™
Design Project you should review and
complete the following SolidWorks
Tutorials that are integrated in the
SolidWorks software under the Getting
Starting folder:
Q Lesson 1 - Parts
Q Lesson 2 - Assemblies
Q Lesson 3 - Drawings
Click Help, Student Curriculum to
access the Race Car Design Project
folder. Click Help, Instructors
Curriculum to access the Educator
As an alternative, you can complete
the following lessons from An
Introduction to Engineering Design
With SolidWorks:
Q Lesson 1: Using the Interface
Q Lesson 2: Basic Functionality
Q Lesson 3: The 40-Minute
Running Start
Q Lesson 4: Assembly Basics
Q Lesson 5: Drawing Basics
Prerequisites 3
Lesson 1: Introduction SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Convention Meaning
Bold Sans Serif SolidWorks commands and options that you select, appear
in this style. Example 1: Extruded Boss/Base means
click the Extruded Boss/Base tool from the Features
toolbar. Example 2: View, Origins means click View,
Origns from the Menu bar menu.
Typewriter Files and Folder names appear in this style. Example 1:
Race Car Design Project. Example 2: Sketch1.
17 Do this step. The steps in the lessons are numbered in sans serif bold.
3 Results.
The contents of the Race Car Design
Project SolidWorks folder is now
accessible through the SolidWorks Design
Note: Visit for updated
design requirements and specifications
along with free SolidWorks software.
Lesson 2
Designing the Race Car
Important Design
Within the framework of the
F1 in Schools™ Design
Project contest
specifications, there are a
few factors to keep in mind
when it comes to building a
winning car. These are:
Q Friction
Energy used to
overcome friction is
energy that isn’t being
used to accelerate your Race Car. Sources of friction include:
• Wheels and axles: if the wheels do not spin freely, the Race Car will be
• Misaligned axles: if the axle holes are not drilled perpendicular to the
centerline of the car, the car will have a tendency to turn to the left or right.
This will cost you speed and the contest!
• Misaligned screw eyes: if the screw eyes are not positioned and aligned
properly, the guideline can drag on them, the car body, or the wheels. This
can slow the car dramatically.
• Bumps or imperfections in the rolling surface of the wheel. The more
perfectly round and smooth the wheels are, the better they will roll.
Q Mass
There is a finite amount of thrust produced by a CO2 cartridge. It stands to
reason that a car with less mass will accelerate quicker and travel down the
track faster. Reducing the mass of your car is one way to build a faster car.
Keep in mind that the contest specifications stipulates a minimum mass of
55grams for the vehicle.
Q Aerodynamics
The air exerts a resistance, or drag, as the car tries to move through it. To
minimize drag, your car should have a smooth, streamlined shape.
Note: Check in the back of this lesson for a summary of the required design
requirements for your Race Car assembly. Visit for
updated design requirements and specifications.
About Balsa
Balsa trees grow naturally in the humid rain
forests of Central and South America. Its
natural range extends south from
Guatemala, through Central America, to the
north and west coast of South America as
far as Bolivia. However, the small country
of Ecuador on the western coast of South
America, is the world’s primary source of
balsa for model building.
Balsa needs a warm climate with plenty of
rainfall and good drainage. For that reason,
the best stands of balsa usually appear on
the high ground between tropical rivers.
Ecuador has the ideal geography and
climate for growing balsa trees.
Balsa wood imported into North America is
plantation grown. Don’t worry about
destroying the rain forests by using balsa –
it grows incredibly fast. In 6 to 10 years the
tree is ready for harvesting, having reached a height of 18 to 28 meters (60 to 90
feet) and a diameter of about 115 centimeters (45 inches). If left to continue
growing, the new wood on the outside layers becomes very hard and the tree
begins to rot in the center. Unharvested, a balsa tree may grow to a diameter of
180 centimeters (6 feet) or more, but very little usable lumber can be obtained
from a tree of this size.
Use balsa wood with a clear conscience. The rain forests aren’t being destroyed to
harvest it.
About Balsa 13
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Insert Fillets
1 Insert a Fillet Feature.
Fillets creates a rounded internal or external face on the
part. You can fillet all edges of a face, selected sets of
faces, selected edges, or edge loops.
Click Hidden Lines Removed from the Heads-up
View toolbar.
Click the Fillet tool from the Features toolbar. The
Fillet PropertyManager is displayed.
Click the Manual tab in the Fillet PropertyManager.
Click the Constant radius Fillet Type box.
Enter 3mm for Radius.
Click the 8 edges on the top right of the car. The selected
edges are displayed in the Items To Fillet box.
Rotate the car with the middle mouse button to view the left side of the car.
Click the 8 edges on the top left of the car.
Click the top front edge of the car. The selected edges are displayed in the
Items To Fillet box.
Insert Fillets 31
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Rotate the car to view the bottom with the middle mouse button.
Click the bottom edges of the car. Do not select the two back curved edges or the
two back straight edges as illustrated. The selected edges are displayed in the
Items To Fillet box.
Do not select
the two back
curved edges
or the two back
straight edges.
32 Insert Fillets
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Insert Fillets 33
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
34 Insert Fillets
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Insert Fillets 35
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Create an Assembly
Create an assembly with the Race Car Block.
Insert the Wheels and Axles.
1 Create an assembly.
Click the Make Assembly from Part/Assembly
tool from the Menu bar toolbar.
Click OK to accept the default Assembly
template. The Begin Assembly
PropertyManager is displayed.
The Race Car Block part file is listed in the
Open documents box.
2 Locate the Component.
Click OK from the Begin Assembly
PropertyManager. The(f)Race Car Block is
displayed in the assembly FeatureManager design
tree as fixed.
3 Deactivate the Planes.
If needed, click View, un-check Planes from the
Menu bar menu.
36 Create an Assembly
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Create an Assembly 37
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
38 Create an Assembly
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Create an Assembly 39
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Insert Mates
An assembly is a document in which two or more parts and other assemblies (sub-
assemblies) are mated together. Parts and sub-assemblies are called components
in an assembly. Mates are used to create relationships between components. Faces
are the most commonly used geometry in mates. In this case the existing sub-
assemblies are mated to build an assembly based on the car part you created.
There are three types of mates; Standard Mates,
Advanced Mates and Mechanical Mates.
Standard Mates
Q Coincident
Q Parallel
Q Perpendicular
Q Tangent
Q Concentric
Q Lock
Q Distance
Q Angle
Advanced Mates
Q Symmetric
Q Width
Q Path Mate
Q Linear/Linear Coupler
Q Distance/Angle Limit
You can select many different types of geometry to create
a mate:
Q Faces
Q Planes
Q Edges
Q Vertices
Q Sketch lines and points
Q Axes and Origins
Note: In this section, position the model to view the correct
sketch entity. Apply the Zoom to Area tool in the
Heads-up View toolbar, the middle mouse button, and the
f and z keys.
40 Insert Mates
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
The selected
planes are
displayed in the
Click Add/Finish
Mate to accept
the mate.
Insert Mates 41
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
42 Insert Mates
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Click Add/Finish
Mate to
accept the mate.
Insert Mates 43
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
44 Insert Mates
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Insert Mates 45
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
46 Insert Mates
SolidWorks Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Insert Mates 47
Lesson 2: Designing the Race Car SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Note: The Balsa Block is 223mm x 50mm x 65mm. If you plan to use a fixture to
machine your car, you must make sure that your design is no longer that 210mm.
Most fixtures have a nose plate that holds the front of the Balsa Block and if
your design is too long, it can/will end up breaking the endmill or possible
damaging the fixture.
9 Return to the
Click the FeatureManager tab.
10 Save the model.
Click Isometric from the Heads-up
View toolbar.
Click Save from the Menu bar. You are finished with the assembly. Review
below for some of the dimensional rule requirements for the CO2 Cartridge
Race Car assembly. In the next lesson, you will create an Race Car assembly
drawing with dimensions.
Lesson 3
Create an Assembly Drawing
SolidWorks enables you to easily create drawings of parts and assemblies. These
drawings are fully associative with the parts and assemblies they reference. If you
change a dimension on the finished drawing, that change propagates back to the
model. Likewise, if you change the model, the drawing updates automatically.
Drawings communicate three things about the objects they represent:
Q Shape – Views communicate the shape of an object.
Q Size – Dimensions communicate the size of an object.
Q Other information – Notes communicate nongraphic information about
manufacturing processes such as drill, ream, bore, paint, plate, grind, heat
treat, remove burrs and so forth.
4 Set Document
Click Tools,
Options, or click
Options from
the Menu bar
Click the
Properties tab.
Select ANSI for
drafting standard.
Note: Unit system is MMGS
(millimeter, gram, second).
5 Set Annotations Font.
Click the Annotations folder.
Click the Font button. The
Choose Font dialog box is
displayed. Select the drawing
Select Century Gothic from
the Font box.
Select Regular from the Font
Style box.
Check the Points box from the
Height area.
Select 16.
6 Close the Choose Font
dialog box.
Click OK.
7 Return to the graphics area.
Click OK.
Insert a Front, Top, and Right view using the View Palette.
1 Insert a Front view.
Click the View Palette tab from the Task Pane.
Drag the *Front icon into Sheet2 in the bottom left
corner. The Front view is displayed. The Projected
View PropertyManager is displayed.
2 Insert a Top view.
Click a position directly above the Front view. The
Top view is displayed.
3 Insert a Right view.
Click a position directly to the left of the Front view.
The Right view is displayed.
Create an Exploded
Assembly view
1 Return to Sheet1.
Click the Sheet1 tab at
the bottom of the
graphics area to return to
2 Create an Exploded
Right-click inside the Isometric view.
Click Properties. The Drawing View Properties dialog box is displayed.
Check the Show in exploded state box.
Lesson 4
PhotoWorks is a best-in-class rendering solution for creating photorealistic
images from 3D CAD models. Utilize PhotoWorks to help your colleagues
visualize your designs more easily. PhotoWorks contains advanced visualization
effects such as user-defined lighting, and an extensive library of appearances and
textures as well as background scenery.
PhotoWorks allows you to render a model in an existing scene with lights. You
select one of the studios and the scene and lights are automatically added and
scaled to the size of the model. By default, images are rendered to the graphics
area. You can also save images to a file in a variety of formats for printed
materials and web pages.
With PhotoWorks you can define and modify the
following elements of a rendering:
Q Scene
Q Appearances
Q Decals
Q Lighting
Q Image output formats
Activate PhotoWorks
Rendering is the process of
applying the appearances, scene,
lighting, and decal information to
the model.
1 Open the Race Car Assembly.
Click Open from the Menu
bar toolbar.
Browse to the location of the
Race Car assembly in the
PhotoWorks folder or use your
assembly that you created.
Open the Race Car assembly.
The Race Car assembly is
displayed in the graphics area.
80 Activate PhotoWorks
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Activate PhotoWorks 81
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
PhotoWorks can use the appearance you applied when
modeling the Race Car for the rendering. However,
that isn’t always what’s best for a rendering. For
example, when you modeled the Race Car Block,
balsa material was used so we could calculate the mass.
And to do that, you needed the correct material
properties such as density.
In the case of a rendering, you are more interested in
what the car looks like, not what it is made of. So even
though PhotoWorks can render engineering materials
such as steel, copper, aluminum, and plastic, you can
also apply and render materials such as rubber, leather,
fabric, paint, etc.
Appearance 85
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
86 Appearance
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Appearance 87
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
88 Appearance
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Appearance 89
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Rendering is the process of applying
the appearance, scene, lighting, and
decal information to the model. Full
rendering applies all options set
within PhotoWorks.
Note: Performing any operation that
changes the view (zoom, pan or
rotate) will remove the rendering.
1 Render the model.
Click the Render tool from the PhotoWorks toolbar.
View the model in the graphics area.
90 Rendering
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Click Save .
PhotoWorks scenes are made up
of the things we see in the
rendering that are not the model.
They can be thought of as a virtual
box or sphere around the model.
Scenes are composed of
backgrounds, foreground effects,
and scenery. PhotoWorks has a
number of predefined scenes to
make initial renderings quick and easy.
92 Scenes
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Scenes 93
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Decals are artwork that are applied to the model. They are in some ways like
textures in that they are applied to the surface of the part, feature, or face.
Decals can have parts of the image masked out. Masking enables the material of
the underlying part to show through the decal image.
Decals can be made from a variety of image files including but not limited to:
Q Windows bitmap (*.bmp)
Q Tagged Image File (*.tif)
Q Joint Photographic Expert Group (*.jpg)
1 Apply a decal.
Click the New Decal tool
from the PhotoWorks toolbar.
The Decals
PropertyManager is
If required, click the
tab in the Task Pane.
Click a position on the right
side of the Race Car
Block as illustrated.
94 Decals
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Decals 95
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
96 Decals
SolidWorks Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Decals 97
Lesson 4: PhotoWorks™ SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Click Save .
4 Review the Render Manager.
Click the Render Manager tab.
Expand each folder. View the results.
Output Options
Rendering to the computer screen is generally done for two basic reasons:
Q To visualize the effects of appearances and scenes. This is generally an
intermediate step en route to the final output.
Q To capture the image with screen capture software for use in other programs.
The images for this manual were made as screen captures.
This is rarely the final output though.
Render to a Printer
Rendering directly to a printer is useful for creating a hard copy image of a
project. This is a limited option because you cannot add captions, put multiple
images on a page, or manipulate the image. Rendering to a printer is not useful for
illustrations in Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint® because the hardcopy would
have to be converted into a graphics file.
Some common uses of printer renderings might be for:
Q Lobby displays of products before production begins;
Q Display boards at conferences;
Q Project reports.
To obtain rendered output from a printer, you must use the PhotoWorks print
command, not the SolidWorks print command.
Rendering to a File
The most useful output method is to render the image to a file. Image files can be
used for many purposes, including web pages, training manuals, sales brochures,
and PowerPoint® presentations.
Rendered image files can be further manipulated with other software to add
lettering, effects or make adjustments beyond the capabilities of the PhotoWorks
software. This is known as the post-production phase.
File Types
Images can be rendered to the following file types:
Q Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
Q TIFF (*.tif)
Q TARGA (*.tga)
Q Mental Ray Scene file (*.mi)
Q JPEG (*.jpg)
Q PostScript (*.ps)
Q Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps)
Q Silicon Graphics 8-bit RGBA (*.rgb)
Q Portable pixmap (*.ppm)
Q Utah/Wavefront color, type A (*.rla)
Q Utah/Wavefront color, type B(*.rlb)
Q Softimage color (*.pic)
Q Alias color (*.alias)
Q Abekas/Quantel, PAL (720x576) (*.qntpal)
Q Abekas/Quantel, NTSC (720x486) (*.qntntsc)
Q Mental images, 8-bit color (*.ct)
resolutions from 200 dpi to 400 dpi. For books, the range is generally from 175
dpi to 350 dpi. PowerPoint presentations are normally 96 ppi.
If the output will be to a printer, and you want to make the image look like a
photograph, you may need 300, 600 or 1200 dots per inch.
Multiply the printer resolution in dots per inch (dpi) times the desired size in
The correct number of pixels can be calculated and entered directly, or you can
specify the size of the image in inches or centimeters and the dots per inch and let
PhotoWorks calculate the result.
Example #1
Suppose we want to include a rendering of the Race Car in a Microsoft Word
report which we are going to print on a 300 dpi printer. We want the image to be 5
inches wide and 3.75 inches high.
Multiplying the size of the desired image times the printer’s dpi gives 1500 by
1125 pixels.
1 Render to file.
For good print quality, render
this image as a TIFF file. This
will result in a large file but
with excellent definition.
Click Render to File from
the PhotoWorks toolbar.
Set the Look in directory to the
Race Car folder.
Select 8-bit RGBA TIFF for the
Name the file Race
Select Fixed aspect ratio.
Select Inches for Image size.
Enter 5.00 for Width.
Enter 3.75 for Height.
Example #2
Suppose we want to incorporate our rendering into a PowerPoint presentation.
PowerPoint presentations generally use images that are 96 dip. We want the image
to be 5.5 inches wide.
5 - = -----------------------------
To maintain the same aspect ratio, calculate the correct height: ---------
3.75 NewHeight
Solving, we get 3.75 × 5.5 = 5 × NewHeight or 20.625 = 5 × NewHeight = 4.125
Multiplying the size of the desired image times 96 dpi gives 528 by 396 pixels.
This yields a file size of about 816 KB.
2 Save and close.
Save and Close all open files.
Lesson 5
Design Analysis
After building your design in SolidWorks, you may need to answer questions like:
Q Will the part break?
Q How will it deform?
Q Can I use less material without affecting performance?
In the absence of analysis tools, expensive prototype-test design cycles take place
to ensure that the product’s performance meets customer expectations. Design
analysis makes it possible to perform design cycles quickly and inexpensively on
computer models instead of testing costly physical prototypes. Even when
manufacturing costs are not important considerations, design analysis provides
significant product quality benefits, enabling engineers to detect design problems
far sooner than the time it takes to build a prototype. Design analysis also
facilitates studies of many design options and aids in developing optimized
Stress Analysis
Stress analysis or static analysis is the most common design analysis test. It
predicts how the model deforms under loading. It calculates displacements,
strains, and stresses throughout the part based on material, restraints, and loads. A
material fails when the stress reaches a certain level. Different materials fail at
different stress levels. SolidWorks SimulationXpress™ uses linear static analysis,
based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), to calculate stresses.
Linear static analysis makes the following assumptions to calculate stresses in the
Q Linearity Assumption. Means that the induced response is directly
proportional to the applied loads.
Q Elasticity Assumption. Indicates that the part returns to its original shape if
the loads are removed.
Q Static Assumption. Implies that loads are applied slowly and gradually until
they reach their full magnitudes.
User Interface
SolidWorks SimulationXpress guides you through six steps to define material
properties, restraints, loads; to analyze the part; optimize the part; and to view
your results. The SolidWorks SimulationXpress interface consists of the following
Welcome tab: Allows you to set the default units and to specify a folder for
saving the analysis results.
Fixtures tab: Apply fixtures to faces of the part.
Loads tab: Apply forces and pressures to faces of the part.
Material tab: Applies material properties to the part. The material can be assigned
from the material library or you can input the material properties.
Run tab: You can select to analyze with the default settings or change the settings.
Optimize tab: Optimize a model dimension based on a specified criterion.
Results tab: View analysis results in the following ways:
Q Show critical areas where the factor of safety is less than a specified value.
Q Display the stress distribution in the model with or without annotation for the
maximum and minimum stress values.
Q Display resultant displacement distribution in the model with or without
annotation for the maximum and minimum displacement values.
Q Show deformed shape of the model.
Q Generate an HTML report.
Q Generate eDrawings files for the analysis results.
Start Over button: Click this button to delete existing analysis data and results and
start a new analysis session.
SolidWorks SimulationXpress
Once the part is open in SolidWorks, you can launch the SolidWorks
SimulationXpress application and start your analysis right away. On the Options
dialog box, you can set the default system of units and the destination folder for
the analysis results.
Systems of Units
The following table lists the quantities used by SimulationXpress and their units
in different systems of units:
Applying a Fixture
1 Apply a fixture.
The Fixtures tab is activated. The Fixture section
collects information on where the Axle-A part is
fixed. You can specify multiple sets of fixtures. Each
set can have multiple faces.
Click the Add a fixture button. The Fixture
PropertyManager is displayed.
Applying a Load
Using the Loads tab, you can
specify the loads acting on
the part. A load can either be
a force or a pressure.
You can apply multiple loads
to a single face or to multiple
faces. The direction of a force
can be specified with respect
to planes or normal to
selected faces. The pressure is
always applied normal to
selected faces.
Applying a Load
1 Apply a load.
Click Next. Collect information on loads acting
on the Axle-A part. You can specify multiple
sets of forces or pressures. Each set can have
multiple faces.
2 Select a load type.
Click Add a force. The Force
PropertyManager is displayed.
4 Specify the
direction and
magnitude of the
Click the Selected
direction box.
Click Top Plane
from the fly-out
Check the Reverse
direction box. The
force arrows point
5 Apply a Force.
Enter 1N.
Click OK from
the Force
View the updated
Study tree.
Assigning Material
The response of the part depends on the material it is
made of. SimulationXpress must know the elastic
properties of the material of your part. You can pick a
material from the SolidWorks material library or
define your own material properties.
SimulationXpress uses the following material
properties to perform stress analysis.
Elastic Modulus (EX). For a linear elastic material,
the elastic modulus is the stress required to cause a
unit strain in the material. In other words, stress
divided by the associated strain. The modulus of
elasticity was first introduced by Young and is often
called the Young’s Modulus.
Poisson’s Ratio (NUXY). Extension of the material in
the longitudinal direction is accompanied by shrinking
in the lateral directions. For example, if a body is
subjected to a tensile stress in the X-direction, then
Poisson’s Ratio NUXY is defined as the ratio of lateral
strain in the Y-direction divided by the longitudinal
strain in the X-direction. Poisson’s ratios are dimensionless quantities. If not
defined, the program assumes a default value of 0.
Yield Strength (SIGYLD). SimulationXpress uses this material property to
calculate the factor of safety distribution. SimulationXpress assumes that the
material starts yielding when the equivalent (von Mises) stress reaches this value.
Mass Density (DENS). The density is mass per unit volume. Density units are lb/
in3 in the English system, and kg/m3 in the SI system. SimulationXpress uses the
mass density to include mass properties of the part in the report file.
Assigning Material
1 Assign Material to the part.
Click Choose Material. The Material dialog box is
Select 2024 Alloy.
Click Apply.
Click Close. View the updated Study tree. A green
check mark indicates that material is applied to the part.
2 Run the analysis.
Click Next. The Run tab is displayed.
Viewing Results
Viewing results is an essential step in the
analysis process. This is the step in which you
evaluate how good your design is at
withstanding the specified working conditions.
This step should lead you to make important
decisions about whether to accept the design and
move to prototyping, make further
improvements on the design, or try additional
sets of loads and fixtures.
SimulationXpress uses the maximum von Mises
stress criterion to calculate the factors of safety.
This criterion states that a ductile material starts
to yield when the equivalent stress (von Mises
stress) reaches the yield strength of the material.
The yield strength (SIGYLD) is defined as a
material property. SimulationXpress calculates
the factor of safety (FOS) at a point by dividing
the yield strength by the equivalent stress at that
Running a Report
SolidWorks SimulationXpress provides the ability
save a report of your results. This ensures the
information is well documented for future work on
this or similar projects.
Choose between these two report methods:
Q HTML Report
Q eDrawing File
The benefits of fluid flow analysis are energy conservation and heat transfer.
Energy Conservation: The overall stress load of an engine can be lessened
by analyzing its structure and weight, while a fluid flow analysis can gather
combustion efficiency data to improve the power output.
Heat Transfer: Refers to the physics of the exchange of energy in the form of
temperature. For example, in a nuclear reactor, the radioactive degradation does
not directly produce electrical energy. It is the heat energy which is transmitted
into water to produce steam which drives the turbines to produce electricity.
Fluid flow analysis is used in many fields of the manufacturing industry:
Q Aerodynamic design and machine
Fans and power generating windmills
Q Cooling and heating
Predicting the potency of a temperature transfer
Q Fluid centered machines
Pumps, compressors, and valves
Q Electrical devices
Personal computers and exothermic measurements of precise electrical
Q Transport machinery
Cars, ships, and airplanes (engines are another)
Note: An internal analysis examines enclosed flow pathways while an external analysis
examines open flow paths. You would use an internal analysis for something like
an exhaust manifold for an automobile engine.
Click Next>.
Note: SolidWorks Flow Simulation has a database library of several liquids and gases
which is called the Engineering Database. With this database you can create your
own materials.
SolidWorks Flow Simulation can analyze either incompressible liquids or
compressible gases but not both during the same run. You can also specify other
advanced physical features which the program should take into account.
Click Next>.
Computational Domain
SolidWorks Flow Simulation
calculations are performed inside a
volume called the Computational
Domain. The boundaries of this
volume are parallel to the global
coordinate system planes. For
external flows, the size of the
Computational Domain is
automatically calculated based on
the size of the model.
In the illustration at the right, the
black box represents the
Computational Domain.
3 Results.
The resulting Computational
Domain is displayed in the
graphics area.
Setting Goals
You can specify the following four
engineering goals:
Q Global Goal
A physical parameter
calculated within the entire
Computational Domain.
Q Surface Goal
A physical parameter
calculated on a user-specified face of the model.
Q Volume Goal
A physical parameter calculated within a user-specified space inside the
Computational Domain, either in the fluid or solid.
Q Equation Goal
A goal defined by an equation with the specified goals or parameters of the
specified project’s input data features as variables.
6 Preview the
Click the Insert Preview tool
on the Solver toolbar. The
Preview Settings dialog
box is displayed.
Select Right Plane for Plane
Select Contours for Mode.
Click the Settings tab.
Select Pressure for Parameter.
Click OK.
View the results.
Close the Preview window.
7 Resume the
Close the
Click the
button on the
8 Completion.
The status bar at
the bottom of
the window
indicates when
the Solver is
Flow Trajectories
Flow trajectories are
displayed as flow
streamlines. Flow
streamlines are curves
where the flow velocity
vector is tangent to that
curve at any point on the
Tip: They are analogous to the
streamers of smoke in a
wind tunnel.
1 Inserting a flow
Click the Flow
Trajectories tool from
the Flow Simulation
CommandManager. The
Reference option is active.
Right-click Clear
Selections in the
Selection box.
Click the ten flat surfaces
of the Race Car Block.
Click the face of the four
Enter 50 for the Number
of trajectories.
Quantitative Results
The preceding examples of
Surface plots and Flow
trajectories are excellent
tools for visualizing how air
flows around a body.
However, they are more
qualitative than quantitative.
Let’s move on to a more
quantitative interpretation of
Note: Microsoft® Excel is needed
for the next section.
1 Create a Goals plot.
Click the Goals tool
from the Flow
Simulation tab. The
Goals dialog box is displayed.
Click the Add All button.
Click OK.
2 Excel spreadsheet.
Microsoft® Excel is launched and a spreadsheet opens. Pay particular attention to
the first three columns. They show the name of the goal, the units (gram-force, in
this case) and the value.
Note: To make it easier to do meaningful comparisons between the two sets of results,
we want to use the same size Computational Domain. Also, resetting the domain
would require us to redefine the symmetry conditions. That would be extra work.
5 Reset Mesh settings.
Do you want to reset mesh settings? Click Yes.
6 Run the solver.
Click Run from the Flow Simulation
CommandManager toolbar.
Quantitative Results
Note: Microsoft® Excel is needed
for the next section.
1 Create a Goals plot.
Click the Goals tool
from the Flow
Simulation tab. The
Goals dialog box is
Click the Add All button.
Click OK.
2 Excel spreadsheet.
Microsoft® Excel is
launched and a spreadsheet
opens. Pay particular
attention to the first three
columns. They show the
name of the goal, the units (gram-force, in this case) and the value.
Percentage Improvement
To find the percentage of improvement use this formula:
⎛ InitialValue – FinalValue⎞
-------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = PercentageChange
⎝ InitialValue ⎠
More to Explore
Using what you have learned, explore some additional design modifications. Or,
better yet, start developing your own car body design. Using SolidWorks Flow
Simulation as a virtual wind tunnel, you can experiment with many different ideas
and approaches before you ever commit to cutting wood.
Browse the Internet for ideas about designing your car. One excellent source is:
Click on Showroom.
With SolidWorks and SolidWorks Flow Simulation together you can easily
explore many design variations. Have fun!