Surface Modeling
Surface Modeling
Surface Modeling
Chapter 15
Surface Modeling
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter you will be able to:
• Create Extruded surface.
• Create Revolved surface.
• Create Swept surface.
• Create Lofted surface.
• Create Planar surface.
• Create Fill surface.
• Create Radiated surface.
• Offset the surfaces.
• Trim the surfaces.
• Untrim the surfaces.
• Extend the surfaces.
• Knit the surfaces.
• Fillet the surfaces.
• Create a Mid-surface.
• Delete Holes.
• Replace the faces.
• Delete the faces.
• Move and Copy the surfaces.
• Thicken the surface body.
• Create thicken surface cut.
• Create a surface cut.
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Surface modeling is a technique of creating a planar or non planar geometry of zero thickness.
This zero thickness geometry is known as surface. The surfaces are generally used to create
models of complex shapes. You can convert surface models in solid models. You can also
extract a surface from a solid model using the tools available for surface modeling. This
chapter explains the surface modeling tools available in SolidWorks. Using these tools, you
can create complex shapes as surfaces and then convert them in solid models, if required.
Most of the real world components are created using solid modeling. But sometimes, you
may need to create some complex features that can only be created by surface manipulation.
This manipulation of surfaces is done using surface modeling. After creating the required
complex surface, you can convert it into a solid model. The reasons why you need to convert
a surface model into solid model is because a surface is a zero thickness geometry, and so it
has no mass and no mass properties. In real world design, many times you need mass and
mass properties of a model. The other reason is that you can generate the section view only if
the model is solid.
In SolidWorks, the surface modeling is done in the Part mode and the tools used for surface
modeling are available in the Surfaces toolbar. This toolbar is not available by default in the
Part mode. Therefore, you need to invoke it by choosing View > Toolbars > Surfaces from
the menu bar. The tools used for surface modeling are also available in the menu bar. Choose
Insert > Surface from the menu bar to invoke the surface options. You will notice that some
of the tools available in the Surfaces toolbar are the same as those discussed in solid modeling.
These tools are extrude, revolve, sweep, and loft.
The above mentioned tools and the other advanced surface modeling tools are discussed
Figure 15-2 shows a closed sketch and Figure 15-3 shows the surface created by extruding the
closed sketch. Figure 15-4 shows an open sketch and Figure 15-5 shows the surface created by
extruding that open sketch.
Figure 15-2 A closed sketch Figure 15-3 Surface created by extruding the closed
Figure 15-4 An open sketch Figure 15-5 Surface created by extruding an open
Figure 15-7 shows an open sketch for creating a revolve surface. Figure 15-8 shows the resultant
revolve surface.
Figure 15-7 Sketch for creating a revolve surface Figure 15-8 Surface created by revolving a
sketch through an angle of 270-degree
You can also select the guide curves while creating the sweep surface. All the other options
used to create a sweep surface are similar to those discussed while creating the solid sweep
feature. Figure 15-10 shows an open profile and an open sketch and Figure 15-11 shows the
resultant sweep surface. Figure 15-12 shows a closed profile and an open path and Figure 15-13
shows the resultant sweep surface Figure 15-14 shows an open profile and closed path and
Figure 15-15 shows the resultant sweep surface.
Figure 15-10 Open profile and open path Figure 15-11 Resultant sweep surface
Figure 15-12 Closed profile and open path Figure 15-13 Resultant sweep surface
Figure 15-14 Open profile and closed path Figure 15-15 Resultant sweep surface
Figure 15-16 shows a closed profile and a closed path and Figure 15-17 shows the resultant
sweep surface.
Figure 15-18 shows the profile, path, and the guide curves and Figure 15-19 shows the resultant
sweep surface.
Figure 15-18 Profile, path, and guide curves Figure 15-19 Resultant sweep feature
Remember that if you need to create the loft surface with open section, then all the sections to
be lofted must be open. Similarly, if you need to create a closed lofted surface, then all the
sections must be closed. The combination of closed and open sections in a loft surface is not
possible. Figure 15-21 shows two open sections to be lofted and Figure 15-22 shows the resultant
lofted surface.
Tip. You do not need to add Pierce constraint if you are lofting the sections using
the centerline.
Figure 15-25 Sections and centerline Figure 15-26 Resultant lofted surface
Figure 15-27 shows two sections and the guide curves and Figure 15-28 shows the resultant
lofted surface.
Figure 15-27 Sections and guide curves Figure 15-28 Resultant lofted surface
After invoking the Planar Surface PropertyManager, you need to select the bounding entities.
The bounding entities can be sketch, edges, or curves. Select the bounding entities, the name
of the bounding entity is displayed in the Bounding Entities rollout. After selecting the
bounding entities, choose the OK button from the Planar Surface PropertyManager. A planar
surface will be created using the selected entities.
The Filled Surface tool is used to create a surface patch along N number of sides.
The sides to be selected for creating a fill surface can be the edges of the existing
model, 2D or 3D sketch entities, or 2D or 3D curves. The difference between planar
surface and fill surface is that you cannot create planar surface using 3D curves or edges. For
example, the 3D edge created in Figure 15-30 cannot be used to create planar surface. But
you can fill this gap by creating a fill surface on the 3D edge.
To create a fill surface, choose the Filled Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar. The Fill
Surface PropertyManager is displayed as shown in Figure 15-31 and you are prompted to
select the bounding entities and set the options. Select entities which will define the boundary.
The selected entities are displayed in green and the callouts attached to them are also displayed.
After selecting the last entity that will close the current selection chain, the preview of the
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surface is displayed in the drawing area and the mesh is also displayed. Now, choose the OK
button from the Fill Surface PropertyManager. Figure 15-32 shows the preview of the fill
surface along with the mesh and Figure 15-33 shows the resultant fill surface.
Figure 15-32 Preview of the fill surface along Figure 15-33 Resultant fill surface
with mesh
The surface model used in the above example is created by trimming the surface. You will learn
about trimmed surfaces later in this chapter.
The other options available in the Fill Surface PropertyManager are discussed next.
Edge settings
The options available in the Edge settings area are used to define various parameters to
specify the references with respect to the selected edges, type of curvature, and so on. These
options are discussed next.
Alternate Face
The Alternate Face button available in the Edge settings area is used to specify the face
reference to be included while creating a fill surface for controlling the curvature of the
fill surface. This option is only used when you are creating a fill surface on a solid body.
Curvature Control
The Curvature Control drop-down list is used to define the type of curvature you need to
apply on the fill surface that you are creating. There are two types of curvatures that you
can apply, these two types of curvatures are discussed next.
The Contact option is selected by default and is used to create a patch using the fill
surface option within the selected patch boundary.
The Tangent option is used to create a patch using the fill surface option within the
Figure 15-34 shows the circular edge selected as patch boundary. Figure 15-35 shows
the fill surface created using the Contact option selected from the Curvature Control
drop-down list. Figure 15-36 shows the fill surface created using the Tangent option
selected from the Curvature Control drop-down list.
Figure 15-35 Fill surface created using the Figure 15-36 Fill surface created using the
Contact option Tangent option
this check box is not selected, the current curvature setting is only applied to the edge of
the boundary selected in the Patch boundary display area.
Optimize surface
The Optimize surface option is used to create the simplest patch of surface along the
selected patch boundary. The Optimize surface check box is selected by default. When
you create a surface patch using the Optimize surface check box selected, the time taken
to create the surface is less and the model rebuilds faster. When you clear this check box,
the Resolution Control rollout is displayed as shown in Figure 15-37. The slider available
in this rollout is used to specify the resolution of the fill surface. The higher the resolution,
better will be the quality of the surface and the more time it will take to rebuild the model.
Lower the resolution, the quality of the surface will not be good. However in this case, the
rebuilding of the model will take lesser time.
Show Preview
The Show Preview check box is selected by default and is used to display the preview of
the fill surface created using the selected patch boundary.
Preview Mesh
The Preview Mesh check box is selected by default and is used to display the mesh
surface in the preview of the fill surface. This option is only available if the Show Preview
check box is selected earlier.
Constraint Curves
The Constraint Curves rollout is used to define the constraint curves while creating the fill
surface. To create a fill surface using the constraining curves, invoke the Fill Surface
PropertyManager and then select the patch boundary. Now, click once in the Constraint
Curves area of the Constraint Curves rollout to invoke the selection mode and then select
the constraint curves. The constraint curve to be selected can be a sketched entity, edge, or a
curve. The select constraint curve is displayed in red and the callout is displayed attached to
it. The name of the selected entity is displayed in the Constraint Curve display area. The
preview of the fill surface modifies as you select the constraint curves. After specifying all the
constraint curves, choose the OK button from the Fill Surface PropertyManager.
Figure 15-38 shows the sketches selected for patching the boundary and the constraint
curves. Figure 14-39 shows the resultant fill surface.
You will observe that the selection is active in the Radiate Direction Reference display area.
Therefore, first you need to select a plane or a planar face parallel to which the surface will be
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radiated. The selected reference will be highlighted in green and an arrow symbol normal to
the selected face will be displayed. Now, the selection mode in the Edges to Radiate display
area is invoked and you need to select the edges along which the surface will be radiated.
Select the edges. The name of the selected edges is displayed in the Edges to Radiate display
area and the arrows showing the direction in which the surface will be radiated is also displayed
attached to the selected edges. Now, set the value of the distance of the surface to radiate in
the Radiate Distance spinner. After setting the radiate distance, choose the OK button from
the Radiate Surface PropertyManager.
The Propagate to tangent faces check box is used to radiate the surfaces along all the edges
that are tangent to the selected edge.
Figure 15-41 shows the radiate direction reference and the edge to be selected. Figure 15-42
shows the resultant radiated surface with the Propagate to tangent faces check box selected.
Figure 15-41 Reference and edge to be selected Figure 15-42 Resultant radiated surface with the
Propagate to tangent faces check box selected
Now, select the face or surface that you need to offset. The selected face or surface is highlighted
in green and its name is displayed in the Surface or Faces to Offset display area. The preview
of the offset surface with the default value is also displayed in the drawing area. Set the value
of the offset distance using the Offset Distance spinner. You can also flip the direction of the
surface creation using the Flip Offset Direction button available on the left of the Offset
Direction spinner. After setting all the parameters, choose the OK button from the Offset
Distance PropertyManager. Figure 15-44 shows the surface selected to offset and Figure 15-45
shows the resultant offset surface.
Figure 15-44 Surface selected to offset Figure 15-45 Resultant offset surface
Tip. If you need to extract a surface from the solid or a surface body without
specifying the offset distance, then invoke the Offset Surface PropertyManager
and select the surfaces that you need to extract. Set the value of the Offset Distance
spinner to 0 and choose the OK button from the Offset Surface PropertyManager.
The Trim tool radio button is selected by default. The trimming of surfaces using this option
is discussed next.
When you invoke this tool, you will notice that the cursor is replaced by the trim tool cursor.
Select the trimming surface using this cursor. You can select a surface, sketch, or an edge. The
selected entity is highlighted in green and the name of the trimming surface is displayed in
the Trimming Surfaces display area. The selection mode in the Pieces to keep display area is
active and you are prompted to select the pieces to keep. Also, the cursor is replaced by the
surface body cursor. Move the cursor on the surface that is being trimmed, the pieces of the
surface on which you place the cursor are displayed in blue. Select the piece or pieces of the
surface to keep. The selected pieces will be displayed in yellow and their names will be displayed
in the Pieces to keep display area. Choose the OK button from the Trim Surface
Figure 15-47 shows the trimming surface and the piece to keep after trimming. Figure 15-48
shows the resultant trimmed surface. Figure 15-49 shows the sketch selected as a trimming
surface and Figure 15-50 shows the resultant trimmed surface.
The other method of trimming a surface is known as Mutual trim method. In this method,
you need to select two surfaces as trimming surfaces. To trim the surfaces using this method,
invoke the Trim PropertyManager and then choose the Mutual trim radio button from the
Trim Type rollout. You are prompted to select the surfaces to trim, followed by the pieces to
keep. Select the trimming surfaces and then select the pieces to keep, refer to Figure 15-51
and choose the OK button from the Trim PropertyManager. Figure 15-52 shows the resultant
trimmed surface.
Figure 15-49 Sketch selected as trimming surface Figure 15-50 Resultant trimmed surface
Figure 15-51 Surfaces to trim and the pieces to Figure 15-52 Resultant trimmed surface
There are two methods of untrimming the surfaces. In the first method, you will select the
face that you need to untrim and in the second method you will select the edges of the
trimmed portion of the surface. Both these methods are discussed next.
All edges
The All edges radio button is selected by default. Therefore, all the internal and
external edges of the selected surface are extended to be untrimmed. Figure 15-55
shows the surface to be selected and Figure 15-56 shows the untrimmed surface using
the All edges radio button selected.
Figure 15-55 Surfaces selected to untrim Figure 15-56 Resultant untrimmed surface
with the All edges radio button selected
Internal edges
The Internal edges radio button is used if you need to patch only the internal edges
of the selected surface using the Untrim Surface tool. Figure 15-57 shows the
untrimmed surface created with the Internal edges radio button selected.
External edges
The External edges radio button is used if you need to patch only the external edges
of the selected surface using the Untrim Surface tool. Figure 15-58 shows the
untrimmed surface created with the External edges radio button selected.
You can also specify the percentage of distance to which you need to extend the surface
depending on the edges type selected from the Face untrim type area of the Options
Figure 15-57 Resultant untrimmed surface Figure 15-58 Resultant untrimmed surface
with the Internal edges radio button selected with the External edges radio button selected
rollout. The Distance spinner is used to define the percentage distance of extension of
surface. The preview of the surface extension is displayed in the drawing area.
Extend edges
The Extend edges radio button is selected by default and it extends the edge to
create a corner to untrim the trimmed surface.
Connect endpoints
The Connect endpoints radio button is used to patch the trimmed surface by joining
the endpoints of the selected edge.
Figure 15-60 shows the edge to be selected for untrimming a surface. Figure 15-61 shows
an untrimmed surface created using the Extend edges check box selected. Figure 15-62
Figure 15-61 Untrimmed surface created Figure 15-62 Untrimmed surface created with
with Extend edges radio button selected Connect endpoints radio button selected
Figure 15-64 shows the edge selected to extend the surface. Figure 15-65 shows the preview of
the surface being extended by selecting the edge with the Same surface radio button selected.
Figure 15-66 shows the face selected to extend the surface. Figure 15-67 shows the preview of
the surface being extended by selecting the face with the Same Surface radio button selected.
If any edge of the selected surface is merged with another surface, the surface will not be extended
along that edge.
Figure 15-66 Face selected to extend the surface Figure 15-67 Preview of the extended surface
with the Same surface radio button selected
Figure 15-68 shows the edge selected to extend the surface and Figure 15-69 shows the preview
of the surface being extended with the Linear radio button selected. Figure 15-70 shows the
face selected to extend the surface and Figure 15-71 shows the preview of the surface being
extended with the Linear radio button selected.
Figure 15-68 Edge selected to extend the surface Figure 15-69 Preview of the extended surface
Figure 15-70 Face selected to extend the surface Figure 15-71 Preview of the extended surface
with the Linear radio button selected
You are prompted to select the surfaces to knit. Select the surfaces that you need to knit, the
names of the surfaces are displayed in the Surfaces and Faces to Knit display area. After
selecting all the surfaces and faces choose the OK button from the Knit Surface
2. While applying the face fillet to the surface, you need to define the direction in which you
need to add the fillet.
3. You cannot use the Keep features option while filleting a surface.
4. You cannot select the surface using the FeatureManager Design Tree to fillet all the
edges in a surface.
You can only fillet the edge of the surface which is created using the intersection of the two
surfaces. You need to make sure that if the edge is created using two surfaces then you must knit
them before filleting them. You will learn more about knitting the surfaces later in this chapter.
Creating a Mid-Surface
Toolbar: Surfaces > Mid-Surface
Menu: Insert > Surface > Mid Surface
The Mid-Surface tool is used to create a surface between the two offset faces of a solid
model. You can define the placement position of the surface in terms of percentage
from the face selected first. The faces to be selected to create a mid surface should be
offset from each other, such as two parallel faces or two concentric curved faces. To create a
mid surface, choose the Mid-Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar. The MidSurface1
PropertyManager is displayed as shown in Figure 15-73.
You are prompted to select face pairs manually or use Find Face Pairs to automatically recognize
face pairs. Select the face between which you need to create the surface. The first selected face
will be highlighted in green and the second selected face will be highlighted in red and the
names of the selected faces will be displayed in the Face pairs display area. You can also set
the position of the mid surface. By default, the mid surface is placed in the middle of the
selected faces. You can also define the percentage distance of the placement of the mid surface
using the Position spinner. The position of the mid surface is defined from the first
selected surface. After setting all the parameters, choose the OK button from the Mid-Surface1
Figure 15-74 shows the offset faces being selected and Figure 15-75 shows the mid surface
created in the middle of the selected faces.
The Find Face Pairs button is used to find the faces that are adjacent to the selected face. The
options available in the Recognition threshold area are used to filter the faces depending on
the wall thickness of the face searched using the Find Face Pairs option. Using the Threshold
Operator drop-down list, you can set the mathematical operator such as >, <, =, and so on.
Using the Threshold Thickness spinner, you can specify the threshold thickness.
The Delete Hole(s) radio button is selected by default. Using this option, the empty area of
the selected contour is patched and it also maintains the tangency and curvature with the
surrounding surfaces. You will notice that the icon of the DeleteHole is displayed in the
FeatureManager Design Tree. If you select the Delete Feature radio button, the feature
associated with that contour is deleted. After selecting this option, when you choose the OK
button from the Choose Option dialog box, the Confirm Delete dialog box is displayed and
you are informed about the name of the feature to be deleted and the names of the dependent
item that will also be deleted.
Figure 15-77 shows the edge of the closed contour to be selected. Figure 15-78 shows the hole
deleted using the delete feature option.
Figure 15-77 Edge to be selected to delete the hole Figure 15-78 Resultant surface
Select the face that you need to replace, the name of the selected face is displayed in the
Target faces for replacement area. Now, click once in the Replacement surface(s) display
area to invoke the selection environment in this area. Now, select the replacement surface,
the name of the replacement surface is displayed in the Replacement surface(s) display area.
Choose the OK button from the Replace Face1 PropertyManager.
Figure 15-80 shows the target face that is to be replaced and the replacement surface.
Figure 15-81 shows the resultant replaced face. Figure 15-82 shows the solid body after hiding
Figure 15-81 Resultant replaced face Figure 15-82 Model after hiding the surface
delete a face, choose the Delete Face button from the Surfaces toolbar. The Delete Face
PropertyManager is displayed as shown in Figure 15-83.
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Now, you need to select the face or faces to be deleted. The name of the selected face is
displayed in the Faces to delete display area. Since the Delete and Patch radio button is
selected by default in the Options rollout, the preview of the patch to be created after deleting
the faces is displayed. If the preview of the patch is not displayed, it is confirmed that deleting
and patching the selected face is not possible. In this case, you need to select the Delete radio
button from the Options rollout so that the face is only deleted and not patched. After setting
all the parameters, choose the OK button from the Delete Face PropertyManager.
Figure 15-84 shows the face selected to be deleted. Figure 15-85 shows the face deleted with
the Delete and Patch radio button selected. Figure 15-86 shows the face deleted with the
Delete radio button selected and it forms a surface body.
Tip. You can also delete a face by selecting a face and then invoking the shortcut
menu. Choose the Delete Face option from the shortcut menu. The Delete Face
PropertyManager is displayed.
You can also delete the surface bodies using the Delete Body PropertyManager. The procedure
of deleting the surface bodies is similar to that discussed for deleting the solid bodies.
Figure 15-85 Face deleted with the Delete and Figure 15-86 Face deleted with the Delete radio
Patch radio button selected button selected and it forms a surface body
The Thicken PropertyManager is invoked as shown in Figure 15-87. You are prompted to
select surface to thicken. Select the surface that you need to thicken. The preview of the
thickened body with default values is displayed in the drawing area. Using the buttons available
in the Thickness area, you can specify the side on which you need to thicken the surface.
Using the Thickness spinner, you can specify the wall thickness. After setting all the parameters,
choose the OK button from the Thicken PropertyManager.
Figure 15-88 shows the surface body and Figure 15-89 shows the model after adding thickness
to the surface body.
Figure 15-88 Surface to thicken Figure 15-89 Model after thickening the surface
Tip. If the surface model that you need to thicken consists of multiple joined surface
bodies, then you first need to knit the surfaces together and then add thickness to
You are prompted to select surface to thicken. Select the surface that you need to use as the
cutting tool and then specify the parameters for defining the side in which you need to add
the thickness and the thickness of cut. The preview is displayed in the drawing area. Now,
choose the OK button from the Cut-Thicken PropertyManager. If the thicken cut results in
creation of multiple bodies, the Bodies to Keep dialog box as displayed. Using this dialog
box, you can define the bodies that you need to keep.
Figure 15-91 shows the surface selected for creating thicken cut. Figure 15-92 shows the
resultant thicken cut.
Figure 15-91 Surface to be selected Figure 15-92 Resultant thicken surface cut
You are prompted to select cutting surface. Select the cutting surface, the name of the selected
surface is displayed in the Selected surface for cut display area. An arrow is also displayed
that indicates the direction of material removal. Using the Flip Cut button, you can flip the
direction of material removal. Now, choose the OK button from the SurfaceCut
PropertyManager. Figure 15-94 shows the surface selected to create a surface cut. Figure 15-95
shows the resultant surface cut after hiding the surface body.
Figure 15-94 Surface selected to create the Figure 15-95 Resultant surface cut after hiding
surface cute the surface body
Tip. If the surface cut results in the creation of multiple bodies, then the Bodies to
If you create a thicken surface cut or a surface cut on multiple solid bodies, then the
Feature Scope rollout is displayed and you can specify the bodies on which you
need to add this feature.
Tutorial 1
In this tutorial, you will create the model shown in Figure 15-96. Create this model using the
surface modeling tools available in SolidWorks and then add the wall thickness to the surface
model. The views and dimensions of the model are shown in Figure 15-97.
(Expected time: 1hr)
a. Create the base surface of the model by revolving the sketch using the Mid Plane option
to 180-degree, refer to Figures 15-98 and 15-99.
b. Create the second feature, which is an extruded surface feature located at the sides of the
base feature, refer to Figures 15-100 and 15-101.
c. Using the trim tool, trim the extruded surface, refer to Figures 15-102 and 15-103.
d. Add the fillet to the trimmed base surface, refer to Figures 15-104 and 15-105.
e. Create a plane at an offset distance of 40 from the Top plane.
f. Create a lofted surface by lofting the section created on the newly created plane and the
curve projected on the base surface, refer to Figures 15-106 through 15-110.
g. Create a planar surface on the top of the lofted feature and trim the base feature using
1. Start SolidWorks and create a new SolidWorks document in the Part mode.
2. Invoke the sketcher environment using the Front plane as the sketching plane and create
the sketch of the base surface as shown in Figure 15-98.
3. Choose the Revolve Surface tool from the Surfaces toolbar. The Surface-Revolve
PropertyManager is invoked.
4. Select the Mid-Plane option from the Revolve Type drop-down list and set the value of
the Angle spinner to 180.
Figure 15-98 Sketch of the base surface Figure 15-99 Base revolved surface
2. Create the sketch of the second surface feature as shown in Figure 15-100. You may have
to apply Horizontal or Vertical relations between the points of the ellipse.
3. Choose the Extruded Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar. The Surface-Extrude
PropertyManager is displayed.
4. Set the value of the Depth spinner to 40 and choose the OK button from the
Surface-Extrude PropertyManager.
1. Choose the Trimmed Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar to invoke the
Trim Surface PropertyManager.
2. Select the Mutual trim radio button from the Trim Type rollout.
Figure 15-100 Sketch of the second surface feature Figure 15-101 Extruded surface
4. Now, click once in the Pieces to Keep display area to invoke the selection mode. Select
the pieces to keep as shown in Figure 15-102.
5. Choose the OK button from the Trim Surface PropertyManager. The model after trimming
the base surface is displayed in Figure 15-103.
3. Set the value of the Radius spinner to 5 and choose the OK button from the Fillet
PropertyManager. Figure 15-105 shows the model after adding the fillet.
Figure 15-104 Edges selected to fillet Figure 15-105 Resultant fillet feature
2. Invoke the sketching environment using the newly created plane as the sketching plane.
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3. Create the sketch as shown in Figure 15-106 and exit the sketching environment.
Next, you need to create a projected curve. First, the sketch of the curve will be created on
the newly created plane and then you need to project this curve on the base surface.
4. Invoke the sketching environment with the newly created plane as the sketching plane
and create the sketch as shown in Figure 15-107 and exit the sketching environment.
Figure 15-106 First sketch for loft surface Figure 15-107 Sketch to create projected curve
5. Choose Insert > Curve > Projected from the menu bar to invoke the Projected Curve
6. Select the Sketch onto Face(s) option from the Projection Type drop-down list.
7. Select the second sketch created on the newly created plane and then click once in the
Projection Faces display area to invoke the selection mode.
8. Select the base surface from middle and select the Reverse Projection check box. Choose
the OK button from the Projected Curve PropertyManager.
Figure 15-108 shows the model after creating the sketch and the projected curve.
9. Choose the Lofted Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar. The Surface-Loft
PropertyManager is displayed.
10. Select the loft section as shown in Figure 15-109 and choose the OK button from the
Surface-Loft PropertyManager.
Figure 15-110 shows the model after creating the lofted surface.
Figure 15-109 Section selected for lofted surface Figure 15-110 Resultant lofted surface
1. Choose the Planar Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar to invoke the
Planar Surface toolbar.
2. Select the edges as shown in Figure 15-111 to create the planar surface.
The name of the selected edges is displayed in the Bounding Entities display area.
3. Choose the OK button from the Planar Surface PropertyManager. Figure 15-112 shows
the resultant planar surface.
Figure 15-111 Edges selected to create the planar Figure 15-112 Resultant planar surface
1. Choose the Trimmed Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar to invoke the
Trim Surface PropertyManager.
2. Select the lofted surface as the trim tool and select the base surface as pieces to keep.
Figure 15-113 shows the model after trimming the base surface using the lofted surface.
Figure 15-113 Model after trimming the base surface using the lofted surface
1. Choose the Knit Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar to invoke the Knit Surface
2. Select the base surface, lofted surface, and the planar surface. The name of the selected
surfaces is displayed in the Surfaces and Faces to Knit display area.
Next you need to add the required fillets. The final surface model after adding fillets is
shown in Figure 15-114.
1. Choose Insert > Boss/Base > Thicken from the menu bar to invoke the Thicken
2. Select the surface model and set the value of the Thickness spinner to 2.
Figure 15-115 shows the final model after thickening the surface. Figure 15-116 shows
the FeatureManager Design Tree of the model.
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\My Documents\SolidWorks\c15\c15-tut01.SLDPRT.
Tutorial 2
In this tutorial you will create the cover of the hair dryer shown in Figure 15-117. You will
create this model using surfaces and then you will thicken it. The views and dimensions of the
hair drye are displayed in Figure 15-118. (Expected time: 1.5 hr)
a. First, you need to create the base surface. The base surface is created by lofting the open
sections along the guide curves, refer to Figures 15-119 and 15-120.
b. Create a planar surface to close the right face of the base surface, refer to Figures 15-121
and 15-122.
c. Next, you will create the basic structure of the handle of the hair dryer cover by creating
a lofted surface between two open sections, refer to Figures 15-123 through 15-125.
d. Next, you will trim the unwanted portion of the lofted surface used to create the handle,
refer to Figures 15-126 and 15-127.
e. You will create a planar surface to close the front face of the handle, refer to Figure 15-128.
f. Extrude the elliptical sketches to create the grips of the handle and then trim the unwanted
surfaces, refer to Figures 15-129 through 15-132.
g. Create dip on the top surface of the hair dryer, refer to Figures 15-133 throught 15-138.
h. Trim the surface to create the air vents, refer to Figure 15-139.
i. Knit all the surfaces together and add the required fillets to the model, refer to
Figure 15-140.
j. Thicken the surface, refer to Figure 15-141.
2. Create three planes at an offset distance from the Right plane, refer to Figure 15-119.
3. Next you need to create the sections and the guide curves to create a lofted surface as
shown in Figure 15-119.
4. Using the Lofted Surface tool create the lofted surface as shown in Figure 15-120.
5. Next, you will create a planar surface to close the right face of the base surface.
6. Invoke the sketching environment by selecting the Plane3 as the sketching plane.
7. Create a closed sketch to create the planar surface as shown in Figure 15-121.
8. Invoke the Planar Surface PropertyManager and choose the OK button from this
PropertyManager to create the planar surface as shown in Figure 15-122.
Figure 15-121 Sketch for creating the planar Figure 15-122 Resultant planar surface
2. Invoke the sketching environment using the newly created plane as the sketching plane.
3. Create an open sketch as shown in Figure 15-123 and exit the sketching environment.
4. Now, invoke the sketching environment using the Front plane as the sketching plane.
5. Create an open sketch as shown in Figure 15-124 and exit the sketching environment.
6. Using the Lofted Surface tool create the lofted surface as shown in Figure 15-125.
1. Invoke the Trim Surface PropertyManager and choose the Mutual trim radio button
from the Trim Type rollout.
2. Select the surfaces as trimming surfaces and the pieces to keep as shown in Figure 15-126
and choose the OK button from the Trim Surface PropertyManager.
1. Invoke the sketching environment with the plane created at an offset distance from the
Front plane as the sketch plane.
Figure 15-126 Trimming surfaces and the pieces Figure 15-127 Resultant trimmed surface
to keep
1. Invoke the sketching environment using the Top plane as the sketching plane.
2. Create the sketch for extruding the surface to create the grips as shown in Figure 15-129.
3. Invoke the Surface-Extrude PropertyManager and extrude the sketch to the depth of
25mm. The extruded surface is displayed in Figure 15-130.
Next, you need to trim the portions of the extruded surface and the handle to obtain the
desired shape of the grips.
4. Invoke the Trim Surface PropertyManager and choose the Mutual trim radio button
from the Trim Type rollout.
5. Select the trimming surfaces and the pieces to keep as shown in Figure 15-131.
6. Choose the OK button from the Trim Surface PropertyManager. Figure 15-132 shows
the resultant trimmed surface.
Figure 15-131 Trimming surfaces and the pieces Figure 15-132 Model after trimming the surfaces
to keep
tools. These include offsetting the planes, creating lofted surface, trimming and creating
planar surface.
2. Invoke the sketching environment using the newly created plane as the sketching plane.
3. Create the sketch as shown in Figure 15-133 and exit the sketching environment.
4. Choose Insert > Curve > Projected from the menu bar and project the newly created
sketch on the base surface. The model, after projecting the surface, is displayed in
Figure 15-134.
5. Create a plane at an offset distance of 6 from the newly created plane at an offset
distance in the downward direction.
6. Now, invoke the sketching environment using the newly created plane as the sketching
plane and create the sketch as shown in Figure 15-135. Exit the sketching environment.
7. Invoke the Lofted Surface tool and create the lofted surface using the sketch and the
projected curve created earlier.
8. The lofted surface after hiding the base surface is displayed in Figure 15-136. To hide the
surface bodies, expand the Surface Bodies folder and select the surface. Now, right-click
to invoke the shortcut menu. Choose the Hide Surface Body option from the shortcut
9. Using the Trim Surface tool, trim the base surface using the newly created lofted surface.
The model, after trimming the surface, is displayed in Figure 15-137. Next, using the
Planar Surface tool, create a planar surface as shown in Figure 15-138.
Figure 15-137 Model after trimming the surface Figure 15-138 Planar surface
1. Select the newly created planar surface as the sketching plane and invoke the sketching
3. Using the Trim Surface tool, trim the planar surface in order to create the air vents.
The surface model after creating the air vents is displayed in Figure 15-139.
1. Choose the Knit Surface button from the Surfaces toolbar. The Knit Surface
PropertyManager is invoked and you are prompted to select the surfaces to knit.
2. Invoke the FeatureManager Design Tree flyout and expand the Surface Bodies folder.
5. Add all the required fillets to the surface model. The model after adding the fillets is
displayed in Figure 15-140.
1. Choose Insert > Boss/Base > Thicken from the menu bar. The Thicken
PropertyManager is invoked and you are prompted to select surface to thicken.
2. Set the value of the Thickness spinner to 2 and select the surface model from the drawing
area. The preview of the thickened model is displayed in the drawing area.
3. Choose the OK button from the Thicken PropertyManager. Save the model.
The final model is displayed in Figure 15-141. The FeatureManager Design Tree of the
model is shown in Figure 15-142.
Answer the following questions and then compare your answers with the answers given at
the end of this chapter.
3. The __________ tool is used to create a surface patch by extending the existing surfaces.
4. The __________ tool is used to offset the selected surface or surfaces to a given distance.
6. You cannot patch the faces of the solid model deleted using the Delete Face tool. (T/F)
8. You cannot create a filled surface by selecting a 3D sketch as patch boundary. (T/F)
9. The Curvature Control drop-down list is used to define the type of curvature you need to
apply while creating the fill surface. (T/F)
Answer the following questions:
2. To extend the surface in the linear direction to an existing surface, invoke the Extend
Surface PropertyManager and select the __________ radio button from the Extension
Type rollout.
4. The __________ tool is used to delete the faces of a surface or a solid body.
5. The Mid-Surface tool is used to create a surface between the selected faces.
7. Which button from the Surfaces toolbar is used to invoke the Replace Face1
8. The face or surfaces selected to offset are highlighted in green. In which display area are
their names displayed?
9. Which rollout is used to define the constraint curves while creating the fill surface?
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10. In which display area of the Replace Face PropertyManager, the name of the face selected
to be replaced is displayed?
Exercise 1
In this exercise, you will create the model shown in Figure 15-143. You need to create this
model using surfaces. After creating and knitting all the surfaces you will add the required
thickness to the model. The views and dimensions of the model are shown in Figure 15-144.
(Expected time: 1hr)
In this model you will have to knit the surfaces first and then fillet the edges.
Exercise 2
In this exercise you will create the model of the binoculars shown in Figure 15-145. You need
to create this model using surfaces. You need to create a closed surface model and then knit
all the surfaces together and then solidify it. The views and dimensions of the model are
shown in Figure 15-146. (Expected time: 1hr)