Comparison of STAAD Pro & ETABS S.No. Description Staad Pro Etabs
Comparison of STAAD Pro & ETABS S.No. Description Staad Pro Etabs
Comparison of STAAD Pro & ETABS S.No. Description Staad Pro Etabs
4 Bending moment & It gives BMD & Shear BMD & Shear forces are
Shear forces forces to the centre line ofcalculated from face of
columns column accurately.
5 Floor Loading Difficult to apply floor load
Easy to apply floor load even
for odd shape. for irregular panels.
6 Floor loads It can generate Floor It cannot generate Floor
Loads easily. Loads. You have to model
slabs as plate element &
mesh it and apply floor loads
on it.
7 Live load reduction It does not have Live Live load Reduction for
Load Reduction facility. upper floors is available.
We have to define
command prompt to do
the same.
8 Earthquake analysis It cannot generate Auto lumping of masses for
Earthquake lumping of earthquake. Earthquake
masses. force can be applied on any
angle (Not just X or Y alone.
9 Time saving options Member property, loading It has time saving options
can be given by cut One storey, Similar storey
section with range by and All storey.
selecting new view.
10 Column design Column design with cross Design columns with cross
section of T,L, + shape section of any arbitrary
are not possible. shape(including T,L, +)
11 Schematic It does not have It display reinforcements
representation of schematic representation area, % of steel on column
Reinforcement details of reinforcement on & beam frames.
columns & beams
S.No. Description STAAD Pro ETABS
12 Diaphragm action It does not have It have diaphragm
diaphragm facility for action(with earthquake loads
wind & earthquake & wind loads automatically
automatically applied on the diaphragm
13 Report It gives analysis & design It does not give such
report documentation in a documentation report.
good manner.