Shear Behavior of Self Compacting R.C. I-Beams
Shear Behavior of Self Compacting R.C. I-Beams
Shear Behavior of Self Compacting R.C. I-Beams
d/7 )b d/M wV 120 + f ( V
w u u c c
.. Eq. (3)
S d f Av V
y s
/ . Eq. (4)
Vc and Vs are shear transfer capacity of concrete and shear reinforcement respectively;
Mu and Vud are factored moment and shear force; w = As/bwd is the longitudinal bottom
reinforcement ratio; As is the longitudinal bottom reinforcement area; bw is the width of the
web; d is the effective depth; Av is the vertical shear reinforcement area, S is the spacing
between the vertical stirrups reinforcement; is the compressive strength of concrete and
the yield strength of shear reinforcement
According to clear span to effective depth ratio (ln/d) the main variable in this research ,
Eq.(3) will be used since the shear stress at cracking will depend on the bending moment and
shear force at critical section ratio (Vud/Mu)and the longitudinal steel ratio (w) that lead to
reduce the shear crack and improved the ultimate strength.
Table (4) compared the ultimate shear strength obtained from tested of SCC beams with that
obtained by using the ACI 318-08 provisions, by the inspection of Table (4) shown below it
can be noted that the ultimate shear strength predicated from ACI 318-08 is lesser than the
experimental values because of the SCC will improved durability, and increased bond
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
Table (4): comparisons of tested results
Nominal shear
strength (Vn kN)
Ultimate shear
)tested (Vu kN
2.654 14.127 37.5
1.6866 31.719 53.5 A11
2.269 31.719 72 A12
2.474 31.719 78.5 A13
2.603 16.1328 42 B10
1.454 33.725 58 B11
2.372 33.725 80 B12
2.66 33.725 85 B13
2.543 17.273 44 C10
1.764 34.866 61.5 C11
2.380 34.866 83 C12
2.495 34.866 87 C13
5. Results
capacity of the tested beams Load . 5.1
The relationship between the applied load and the deflection for the tested beams is shown in
fig.(3) to fig.(6). At every stage of loading, the deflection at mid-span is obtained by dial gage
at mid span, it can be noticed that:
During the early stage of loading no interface slip is recorded and this continue until the
applied loading is equal to first crack loading approximately, Beyond the first crack
loading each beams behaved in a certain manner.
The ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams with stirrups increased when the compressive
strength increased as shown fig.(7). The ultimate shear strength increase about
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
22.536%.15.27%and 10.828% when the compressive strength increased from (29.36 to
49.2 MPa) at clear span to effective ratio (ln/d) 5.84, 5.5 and 5.05 respectively as shown
in table (5) .
The ultimate strength of SCC I-beams without stirrups increased when the compressive
strength increased as shown in fig.(8), the ultimate shear strength increased about 17.33%
when the compressive strength increased from (29.36 to 49.2 MPa).
The ultimate shear strength decreased when The clear span to the effective depth ratio
(ln/d) increased as shown in fig (9), the ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams increased
about 46.728%,46.551%and 41.462% when the clear span to the effective depth (ln/d)
decreased from (5.84 to 5.05) at compressive strength (fc) 29.36, 41.42 and 49.2 MPa
respectively as shown in table (6)
The ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams with stirrups is greater than SCC I-beams
without stirrups as shown in fig.(10),the ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams with
stirrups increased about 42.66%, 38.09% and 39.77% as compared with ultimate shear
strength without stirrups at compressive strength 29.36,41.42 and 49.2 MPa respectively,
as shown in table (7).
5.2 Failure mode
As expected, all the tested beams failed in shear as shown in fig.(7),the diagonal crack form.
The beams remains stable after such cracking. Further increase in shear force will cause the
diagonal crack to penetrate into the compression zone at the loading point, until eventually
) 8 (
crushing failure of concrete occurs there
Fig.(3) load deflection curve for SCC I- beams with stirrups at
Compressive strength ( )=29.36 MPa
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
Fig.(4) load deflection curve for SCC I- beams with stirrups at Compressive
strength ( )=41.42 MPa
Fig.(5) load deflection curve for SCC I- beams with stirrups at
compressive strength )=49.2 MPa. (
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
Fig.(6) load deflection curve for SCC I- beams without stirrups at clear span to
effective depth ratio (Ln/d) =6.086
Fig.(7) effect of compressive strength (fc) for SCC I- beams with stirrups on the
ultimate shear strength.
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
) for SCC ( ) effect of compressive strength the ultimate shear strength. 8 Fig.(
beams without stirrups on - I
Fig.(9) effect of clear span to the effective depth ratio(ln/d) on the ultimate
shear strength.
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
Fig.(10) effect of absence of stirrups on the ultimate shear strength
on the percentage increased in ) of compressive strength ( effect : Table (5)
the ultimate shear strength.
Percentage of
increased %
Ultimate shear
capacity (Vu)
strength (
Clear span to
effective depth
ratio (ln/d)
------- 37.5 29.36
6.08 Without stirrups 12 42 41.42
17.33 44 49.2
------- 53.5 29.36
With stirrups
8.411 58 41.42
22.535 61.5 49.2
------- 72 29.36
5.652 11.111 80 41.42
15.277 83 49.2
------- 78.5 29.36
8.280 85 41.42
10.828 87 49.2
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
Table (6:) effect of clear span to effective depth ratio (ln/d) on the percentage
increased in the ultimate shear strength
Percentage of
increased %
Ultimate shear
Clear span to
effective depth
ratio (ln/d)
strength (
------- 53.5 6.08
With stirrups
34.579 72 5.652
46.728 78.5 5.217
------- 58 6.08
37.931 80 5.652
46.551 85 5.217
---- --- 61.5 6.08
49.2 34.959 83 5.652
41.463 87 5.217
Table (7): effect of absence of stirrups on the percentage increased in the
ultimate shear strength.
Percentage of
increased %
Ultimate shear
capacity (Vu)kN
strength (
------- 37.5 29.36 A10
42.66 53.5 29.36 A11
------- 42 41.42 B10
38.09 58 41.42 B11
------- 44 49.2 C10
39.77 61.5 49.2 C11
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
Fig. (11) crack pattern of SCC I-beams
Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 16, No.4, Dec. 2012 ISSN 1813- 7822
6. Conclusion
Base on the results of this experimental investigation of evaluation of shear strength of SCC I-
beams, the following conclusion are drawn:
The workability requirement for successful placement of SCC necessity that the
concrete should exhibits excellent deformability and proper stability to flow under its
own weights without segregation and blockage.
The ultimate shear strength predicated from ACI 318-08 is lesser than the experimental
The ultimate shear strength decreased when the clear span to the effective depth ratio
increased, the ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams increased about
46.728%,46.55%and 41.462% when the clear span to the effective depth (ln/d)
decreased from (5.84 to 5.05) at compressive strength (fc) 29.36, 41.42 and 49.2 MPa
respectively .
The ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams with stirrups increased when the
compressive strength (fc) increased, The ultimate shear strength increase about
22.536%.15.27%and 10.828% when the compressive strength(fc) increased from
(29.36 to 49.2 MPa) at clear span to effective ratio (ln/d) 5.84, 5.5 and 5.05 respectively.
The ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams without stirrups increased when the
compressive strength increased, the ultimate shear strength increased about 17.33%
when the compressive strength increased from 29.36 to 49.2 MPa.
The ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams with stirrups is greater than SCC I-beams
without stirrups ,the ultimate shear strength of SCC I-beams with stirrups increased
about 42.66%, 38.09% and 39.77% as compared with ultimate shear strength without
stirrups at compressive strength 29.36,41.42 and 49.2 MPa respectively.
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