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13 September 2012
SEC Opinion No. 12-16
Re: Marketing and Sale of
Discount Coupons
'A_r:T. ,YS~4iMA~I;,~._I!!I~.
RANUlif ;G.:V~P.AYOS'1~R. ,and~
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It appears that:
The Blackwell E~cyclopedia of Management defines coupons as "x x x a sales
promotion device which try to persuade buyers/customers to purchase. They may
offer a discount on th~ first or subsequent purchase of a product/service, or they
may need to be colle?ied in order to be redeemed against a future purchase or to
receive gifts or cash."l I
Based on the fepregoingdiscussion, coupons, as well as electronic vouchers,
for that matter, may b! considered as advertisements.
Now, moving t. the next issue: Does the marketing and sale of discount
coupons for goods a~nservices through the internet constitute advertising, and is
thus subject to the thl percent (30%) maximum foreign equity limit In advertising
entities as mandated the 1987 Constitution?
. . .
. I
1 The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marketing~ The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, 200 Edition, (United
Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing L~" 2005), s.v. ~Coupons".. .
Z The Consumer Act of the PhilippInes. Approved 13 April 1992.
3 Jeffrey F. Rayport and Bernard JI.Jaworski, Introduction to e-commerce (Boston: McGraw-Hili Irwin Marketspaceu, 2005),
203. i
4 No. 95 av. 5048 (lBS), 27 Febtary 1998.
5 Ibid. ;
~Iy to Puno &Puno Law Offices
Re: tI~ lind Sale of Discount Coupons
" Page 3 of 4
In your letter, you informed us that (1) the subject corporation is engaged in
the operation of the voucher platform on the internet, and (2) it is the
voucher/coupon merchant that dictates the conditions and duration of the vouchers,
while the design of the voucher placement is at the corporation's discretion.
On the other hand, if the corporation is merely involved in the design of the
voucher placement, i.e., in writing, preparing, or producing the commercial
messages or materials and selecting and recommending the medium or media to be
used as the vehicle for disseminating such messages to the public, it must comply
with the thirty percent (30%) maximum foreign equity limit requirement of Section
Article XVI of the 1987 ConstitutionlO and List A (16) of Executive Order Number
11, 11
General Counsel
8 Section 11, Article XVI, 1987 Constitution. "The ownership and management of mass media shall be limited to dtlzens of the
P i I . es or rations coo eratives or clati wholl and . ana e b such citizens. x x x" (Emphasis
supplied). .
9 Eighth Regular Foreign Investment Negative List. list A: Foreign Ownership is limited by mandate of the Constitution and
specific laWs. No foreign equity. 1. Mass media, except recording (Art. XVI, Sec. 11 of the Constitution; Presidential
Memorandum dated 04 May 1994).
10 section 11, Article XVI, 1987 Constitution. "x x x Only Filipino dtlzens or corporations or associations at least seventy per
centum of the capital of which is owned bv such dtizens shall be allowed to engage in the adVertising Industry. x x x"
(Emphasis supplied).
11 Eight Regular Foreign Investment Negative Ust. List A: Up to Thirty Percent (30%) Foreign Equity. 16. Advertising (Art XVI,
Sec. 11 of the Constitution).