Adhoc pg3
Adhoc pg3
Adhoc pg3
· .
In order to minimise the time lag for handing over the RO at ~A'sIte
(compariy Ownedj leased)! Corpus Fund Retail Outlets as well as
terminated Retail Outlets, Industry is procuring (and and developing the
Outlets. In order to ensure that these facilities do not Idle, these were
being operated presently on
COCO basis in line with the guldeUnes issued
by the MInistry from time to time in this regard.
Since MOP&Ng vide its letter dt.l0.7.2002 have advised abrogated the
guidelines including the one banning appointment of ad-hoc dealerships,
the following transparent procedure is proposed for selection of ad-hoc
:~ dealers.
ROs at lA' site! Corpus Fund locations/ terminated locations be operated
through existing Retail Outlet dealers on a temporary basis tiII such time a
regular dealer Is selected through the due Selection process. The tenure
.of such operation will be one year with renewal' option of one year to
obviate the possibility of such dealers manipulating delay ln appointment
of a regular dealer. Wherever Dealer Selection is not completed within 2
years nme, a fresh selection will be carried out for continuing such
temporary operation. In no case, the tenure will be -extended beyond 2
years. The temporary operation will automatically get terminated on
selection of a regular dealer even prior to the expIry of the tenure as
stated above. The statutory lIcences will be in the name of the dealer and
he will be responsible for all aspects of running of the ROs. .
The detailed modalities of such operation will be as under: i.·,
(I) 'A' site! Corpus Fund locations where the facilities are
developed and ready for commissioning.
2. Eligibility :
(m) The dealer should not be having adhoc dealershIp for any
·.other Rem" Outlet. 1- ...I ~
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