Brief of Dtls of Direct Selling PDF
Brief of Dtls of Direct Selling PDF
Brief of Dtls of Direct Selling PDF
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Smart Value Products And Services Limited (SVPSL), is an Indian company that uses a multi-level
marketing model to sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty, and home
care markets & in its commitment to make every life it touches better, is slowly but surely
inching towards it. Smart Opportunity describes the unique business and marketing plan which
makes available the products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location.
SmartValue provides a unique and wonderful platform to join as an associate in this Smart organization. A
proposition to get connected to the world by being a part of the Computer & Internet revolution which
would help one run his/ her own business from the comfort of one's home/ office or anywhere else. And
you get the opportunity to work for a noble cause of spreading computer literacy, retailing of Health &
Wellness, Lifestyle products.
Join as an associate, purchase products (minimum 100 ·Smart Miles) from basket (Health & Well ness/
Education/ Lifestyle) and reach new heights of success.
(·Smart Mile is a unit defined by SmartValue on the basis of the types and value of the products. Smart
Miles vary from product to product)
The Sales and Marketing Plan is designed in such a way that a SmartValue Independent Business
Associate (IBA) can earn maximum benefits from both merchandising profit and Sales Incentives.
Your earning benefits from this opportunity are in direct proportion to your ability to sell SmartValue
wi 1.Merchandising Profit: You can earn money in terms of Merchandising Profit (MP). Merchandising
Profit means you can buy the products from the company at an Associate Price (AP) and sell at Maximum
wi Retail Price (M.R.P.) to the customers. The differential amount of MRP and AP is your Merchandising
Profit (MP=MRP-AP).
MRP Associate PrIce Me~lSIng Pr_
Nourish KoIwm Plus (5ClOm1) 799 599 200
wi Nourish Pro~ln _ r (500gm) 1599 1199 400
2.Sales Incentive Plan: During the validity of your IBA ID as soon as you personally accumulate 100
miles on purchasing or selling of SmatValue products on your IBA ID, you will be eligible for miles
."j accumulation of the products purchased and sold by yourteam of IBAs for sales incentive .
."j Once you become eligible for sales incentive plan, following is the way to earn sales incentive.
."j Group sales incentive: Based on the volume of products purchase by you & your team of IBAs, miles will
be accumulated in your IBA ID. Based on the miles accumulated every week, group sales incentives will be
paid to you as per the eligibility criteria " and as per group sales incentive plan as mentioned below.
Qaup 5IIes tIM rMIft Plan
HlSt step of 900 IIIiIeli 4800 /-(RI!lIII Early Advanblge Offer IIdow)
Second ~ of 900 miles and abcM! upto
."j 4700/-for ewory 900 miles
4500 miles
."j ~Adt OJ!! 0IIi!r: ~ . . . . . . aIf!r spIh5 die ftI5t 900 IIIIIes InID 3 sIIII5 al3GO lilies
HlSt 300 miles 1600
Second 300 miles 1600
...J Third 300 miles 1600
..J • Weekly Group Sales Incentive will be paid based on the miles accrued as per the sales and marketing plan
After 4500 miles, the Group Sales Incentive will be paid as per the step rate" of that week. All payable
r,.I Sales Incentives under Sales and Marketing Plan or any other plan/offer are inclusive of service tax. All
payments shall be subject to TDS and other applicable statutory deductions as per the law time being in
.,) force. AllIBA's shall submit their PAN details to the company to receive Sales Incentive. No commission
will be paid for referring IBAs. Merchandising profit and sales incentive will be paid to IBAs as a
.,) commission, proportionate to the sale of Company p drfdi iss ion to IBAs will be paid only
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through NEFT, as such alllBAs who earned commission shall submit required documents to register for
NEFT.* Visit website www.smartvalue.bizformoredetails.
• SmartValue IBA ship is not an employment/ job and also not a monthly income guarantee scheme .
Income as a sales commission from SmartValue is directly proportionate to the sale of SmartValue
products. No commission will be paid for referring people to become an IBA of Company.
Be aware of the company's Product Exchange & Refund Policy. In case you or your customer find the
purchased products or not entirely to your / customer satisfaction, you /customer can exchange the
products within 180 days from the date of purchase of the products or you / customer can claim refund of
the Product cost within 45 days from the date of purchase by returning the products purchased in
saleable condition along with the original invoice. Subject to company's terms & conditions.
Please visit SmartValue website for updated price list and offers provided from time
to time.
We encourage you to buy and use our products. We are so sure of the quality and value-for-money of
these products. We encourage you to sell our products once you yourself are completely satisfied with
In addition to financial benefits, you'll also gain peer recognition, pride in having helped others get a
better lifestyle, more free time to yourself, the joy of working with friends and family and, of course, the
freedom of being your own boss and running your own business.
The plan is designed in such a way that you earn maximum benefits from both merchandising profits and
Incentive Plan.
Your ability to earn benefits from this opportunity is in direct proportion to your ability to recommend
and merchandise the products to the customers.
The plan is based on Smart Miles accumulated on purchase/sale of different products. It may be noted
that the relationship between the price and the number of Smart Miles associated varies with different
products. The miles system has been developed in such a way that the Sales Incentives are based on the
type of products sold rather than the volume.
Please follow the below steps to become Independent Business Associate (IBA):
01. Logon to the website
02. Click on the Register Now link
03. Fill up the online registration form and submit it
04. You will be shown a Welcome Message along with a unique Smart ID
05. Click on Submit button
A Smart ID is unique six/seven digit number which will be allotted to every member who registers on the
website as an Associate. Please use this ID for all the communications with
• Company copy of duly filled and signed (Applicant and Sponsor both) SmartValue Independent Business
Associate Registration Form (Please read the terms and conditions carefully before signing the form).
• One Passport size photograph.
• Age Proof- Should be minimum 18 years old.
Group Miles: Group Miles are the Miles accumulated to you based on first time products purchase by
your team IBA. 100% of the Group Miles (upto first 100 miles)will be accumulated to you for your Group
Sales Incentive.
Group MyMlles: Group My Miles are the Miles accumulated to you based on repeated purchase(after first
100 miles) of products by your team IBA. 100% of the Group MyMiles will be accumulated to you for your
Group Sales Incentive as Group MyMiles.
Personal MyMlles: Personal MyMiles are the Miles accumulated to you based on repeated purchase of
products personally by yo u. 100% of Personal MyMiles will be accumulated to you for your Group Sales
Group Sales Incentive: Based on the volume of products sold by your team of IBA's, miles will be
accumulated in your IBA id. Based on the miles(Group Miles and Group MyMiles) accumulated every
week, Group Sales Incentive will be paid to you as per the eligibility criteria and as per Group Sales
Incentive Plan.
The Sales Incentives is calculated on the principle: "Higher the accumulated Miles, more the Sales
Incentives ". Within this broad principle, the company has a progressive Sales Incentives structure. Such a
structure is beneficial to both associates and the company as it results in the highest sales. At high volume
levels, the total accumulated miles of an associate depends significantly on the miles of team Associates.
Your Sales Incentives depends on the miles (Group Miles and Group MyMiles) accrued by you, subject to
the condition (Balancing Criteria) that the ratio of miles on your weaker side to those on the stronger side
must be 1:2 or more. 1:2 is also written as 0.5; Similarly 3:4 can be treated as 0.75, which is higher than
0.5. Therefore a ratio of 3:4 is considered 'more' than 1:2; on the other hand, a ratio of 1:3 is treated as
'less' than 1:2.
What happens ifmy miles are not balanced, if the ratio is less than 1:2?
In case, miles on one side are more than double the miles on the weaker side, then the number of eligible
miles on the stronger side are limited to double the miles on weaker side. For instance, if you have 4800
miles on the left side, and 1200 miles on the right side, the ratio is 1:4 which is less than 1:2. So, on the
stronger side, left in this case, the number of eligible miles would be limited to 2400 miles, double the
1200 miles on the weaker side. More examples make this point clear.
For the first 4,500 eligible miles, currently the Group Sales Incentives is paid as follows:
•Flrst'goo miles Rs.4800 {with an 'earlijadvantage offec)o" ,
Please note that the above are the amounts what you are eligible for. The Government of India stipulates
certain statutory deductions on Sales Incentives payments, which will be deducted by the company before
making a Sales Incentives Cheque/ ECS in your favour.
10% of the weekly Group Sales Incentive will be given in terms of Merchandising Voucher and remaining
in terms of Cheque, For first 900 miles Sales Incentives, Merchandising Voucher is not applicable.
'Early advantage offer entitles breaking up the first 900 miles in to three slabs of 300 miles each, Please
check the website of the company or contact your referrer to find out if this offer is currently on. Sales
Incentives payable under the Early Advantage offer is as follows :
fIrst '300 mIles .Rs. 1600
Second 300 mIles Rs. 1600
ThJrd 300 mIles Rs.1600
Since Group Sales Incentives are paid in 'steps' of 900 miles, those miles for which Group Sales Incentives
was not paid will be carried forward to the next week. This is done for each leg separately, Suppose that
you have 600 miles on each side, For the given week, 450 miles from each leg are considered and the
balance 150 miles on each leg are carried forward in the next week. Further suppose that yo u get sales of
200 in the left leg. and 800 in the right leg in the next week. The total eligible miles, and those further
carried forward, would be:
from week to week, and is set such that the overall sales incentives paid by the company is capped at Rs.
45 per unique Mile of sales. This cap, is reviewed from time to time .
Since the variation in the step rate makes planning of your work and income difficult, the company has a
Motivational Step Rate for those with limited business. For those associates who have already received
Group Sales Incentives for 4500 eligible miles, but whose weekly eligible miles are only of one step, that
'.I is, 900 miles, Group Sales Incentives is calculated at the Motivational Step Rate. In case your sales
increase to 2 steps (1800 miles), your Group Sales Incentives would be calculated as per the actual Step
Rate. After receiving Group Sales Incentives at actual Step Rate for a few weeks, if your sales again drop
down to the single step in any given week, Sales Incentives for the week is calculated at the Motivational
Step Rate. Thus, the Step Rate applicable after accumulating 4500 eligible miles depends on the number
of steps in a given week.
Currently, effective 16th July 2011, the Motivational Step Rate is for Single Step is Rs. 3,400/-, which is as
'..J usual paid after statutory deductions. The difference between the Motivational Step Rate and the actual
Step Rate is funded by the top 10 earners and the company. Please note that this is reviewed every
..." quarter.
The willingness to work harder, bestows rewards upon you. You are raised to the higher levels where you
become the member of SmartValue Achievers Club.
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Guideline for the IBA's
Smart Value Products And Services Limited (SVPSL) provides c 8lIideline (Do's and
Don'ts & becomes a part and parcel of the bye laws) which binds the a ,deeds of an [BA
in the market place. The [BA is under obligation to follow these gtJid tines and anything is
I...- found contrary; IBA shall be immediately terminated .
'- DO'S
and receipt;
.; 7.5. Time and place for inspection of the sample and delivery good;
'wi 7.6. Information of his/her rights to cancel the order and / or to return the product
in saleable condition and avail full refund on sums paid;
7.7. Details regarding the complaint redressal mechanism;
.... 7.8. The IBA shall keep proper book of accounts stat';';.,"'r ....
.; products, price, tax and the quantity and such othe etails
.... goods sold by him/her, in such form as per applicable law.
DON'TS " "
The IBA shall not mislead any participan fa pay any entry/registration fee, cost
of sales demonstration equipment and materials or other fees relating to
... participation;
2. The IBA shall not use mislead·ng. dell tive or unfair recruiting practices,
'w including misrepresentation ef a al 0 otential sales or earnings in their
1.,,1 interaction with prospective (lr existing (hrect sellers;
'W 3. The IBA shall not make any fattual representation to a prospective direct seller
that cannot be verified or make anY 'promise that cannot be fulfilled;
4. The IBA shall not present any advantages of direct selling to any prospective
'W direct seller in a false or deceptive manner;
.... 5. The IBA shall not make or Cause, or permit to be made any representation
relating to its direct selling business including remuneration system and IBA
agreement or to the goods or services being sold by himself which is false or
The IBA shall not engage-in or cause or permit any conduct that is misleading or
likely to mislead with regard to any material particulars relating to its direct
selling business including remuneration system or to the goods or services being
sold by' himself;
7. The IBk shall not use or cause or permit to be used, fraud, coercion, harassment,
or undonscionable or unlawful means in promoting its direct selling practice
including remuneration system and IBA agreement and others;
8. The IliA shall not provide any benefit to any person for the introduction or
recruitment of one or more persons as direct sellers;
9. The IBA shall not require the direct sellers to pay any money by way of minimum
monthly subscription or renewal charges;
..J 10. The IBA shall not:
.,.J 10.1. Use misleading, deceptive and / or unfair trade ractices;
'wi 10.2. Use misleading, false, deceptive, and / or unfair recruiting practices,
including misrepresentation of actual or potential sa es or earnings and
'wi advantages of Direct Selling to any prospective ifre · el er, in their
interaction with prospective direct sellers;
10.5. Knowingly make, omit, engage or cause or permit to be made any
'w' representation relating to the Difect Selli g operation including
remuneration system and agreement be een tile Direct Selling entity and
the direct seller or the goods and/or services being sold by such direct seller
'wi which is false and/or misleading;
'w' 10.6. Require or encourage dir ct s Hers recruited by the first mentioned
direct seller to purchase goo nd 1- 0 services in unreasonably large
Provide any literature and / or training-materia not restricted to collateral issued by the
Direct Selling Entity to a prospective and Lor existing direct sellers both within and
outside the parent Direct Selling entity, which has not been approved by the parent Direct
Selling entity;
Code of conduct
Smart Value Products And Services Limited (SVPSL) is a 'i?ompany incorporated
under Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at M-1?' Second Floor, Lajpat
-...J Nagar -II, New Delhi-ll0024. Its wide range of products whi h sef in the fields of
Educational Books & DVD's, Health & Well ness, Lifestyle, erson orne care
'wi under the brand name 'SmartValue' for individuals, small a d enterprises
and small-home offices.
1..,,/ Objectives
I. The objective of Company, Code of Conduct shall
1".1 operation and discipline among the IBAs of SVPSL.
II. To organize and to unite all IBAs of SVPSL and to regu ate their relation with
the Company and prospective IBAs.
1.,.1 III. To secure fair trade practice and profession 'SID It the IBAs.
IV. To address the grievances of customeFS and IBA:s of SVPSL.
'wi V. To prevent false promises, miss-commitme ts, lse assurances and unlawful
I.,.. activities.
VI. To maintain professionalism, ecency (iignity and discipline during the
...,) course of business activities.
VII. To provide effective and pro er com unication.
VIII. To create awareness about e o's-&.Don'ts.
10.1 Smart Value Products And Services Limited (SVPSL) Code of Conduct is a set of
rules, regulations and guidelines that the·all Independent Business Associates (IBAs)
'wi of SVPSL shall abide. The rules and regulations along with the guidelines detailed in
1,.1 the Code of Conduct by the Com.pany shall bind all IBAs of SVPSL. This Code of
Conduct provides, complaint redressal mechanism, procedures to be followed by all
IBAs during the sale of Company products and business promotion of the SVPSL,
Do's & Don'ts for IBAs and about disciplinary action against of suspension which
may be extended to the termination from IBAship with or without notice.
This code of ethics or bye laws of the SVPSL is divided into two parts viz. first part
declares definitions of business terminology and other business details while
second part establishes binding principles which regulates and or binds the
behaviour/ethics/acts etc. of an IBA as per SVPSL's policy at market place & breach
of any principles (or whatsoever name is called) attracts disciplinary actions.
Part-A (First-Part)
.1) Definition- "SmartValue" is the brand name of "Smart Value Products
And Services Limited" Company.
1.1. Company means 'Smart Value Products And Services Limited'
, <wi
..,,; 1.2. SVPSL Business means the business as an Independent
.,.I Business Associate (IBA) with SVPSL Company Products.
1.3. SVPSL Company Products means all p"oducts of Educational
.... Books & DVD's, Health & Well ness, Lifestyle, Personal and
Home care including literature and 0 r usiness support
'w materials made available by the Com pan 0 I s.
.... 1.4. SVPSL Sales and Marketing Plan . he
.., Program on products, guideline,
procedures and policies regarding present;ation of SVPSL
.... 1.5.
products, the SVPSL business as mended.from time to time .
Independent Business Associate (IBA) 'n short called as an
.... "Associate" or "Business associate 's a ompany authorized
person on submission of application either an individual or
.... group of individuals or a valid legal enti , ,as per the law of the
land, who is interested to p chase-th SVPSL products and/or
'-' promote the business of the Company. The person or entity
.... which was registere ' b): submitti g filled-in and signed IBA
application form, whic is free ofcost, is eligible to become an
.... Independent Busmess JiSsociate subject to terms and
.,I conditions .
1.6. IBAs are independen usiness persons/entity operating on
their own ve-sponsibili and have no employment, no
....""" guaranteed finaneia mitments, no master and servant
relation o,( ,sjmilar relationship with SVPSL or any of its
.... 1.7.
affiliated companies .
User / Preferred Customer are a person, who purchases SVPSL
.... products el"clusively for their own use purpose and they have
no iriterest. ,in. -the Sales and Marketing plan. They are not
.... eligible to e~rn any Smart Miles in order to gain commissions
.,I or any other benefit.
1.8. Inactive anq Active an IBA who is not participating in Smart
..,,; Value Business promotion activities for 30 consecutive days
.... and lor not made a sales activity of at least SO miles on
his/her/their own in one English calendar month will be
.... treated as Inactive IBA. Those who will not fall under the
inactive IBA category will be treated as an active IBA.
..,) 1.9. Business Year is a financial year which begins from April 1st
and ends with March 31st of the following calendar year.
1.10. Referrer / Sponsor are a SVPSL IBA, who introduces or refers a
.... new IBA to the SVPSL Business in his/her team .
1.11. Cross Referring / Sponsoring means that an IBA sponsoring /
.; referring an existing or prospective customer or IBA belonging
to or swayed by another IBA team to his/her team.
"-' 1.12. Cross-line IBA-ship means an existing IBA again becoming an
...., IBA in another IBA's group .
,.; 1.13. Market means the territory of India and will expand subject to
W the Company's decision.
1.14. The Code of Conduct guidelines for I~~ for the purpose of
'wi business activities, complaint and grievance redress
Associate (IBA) of SVPSL which is free
2.1. Shall be a citizen of India.
2.2. Shall be a major as per the statutory rovisions governing in
'wi India.
2.3. Shall not be an unsound min or-men lIy retarded.
""" 2.4. Should not be sentenced by any competent court for grave
2.5. Shall be legally entitle to do
Law time being in 0 ceo
-.,I 3) Registration of IBA-ship
3.1. Registration- The pre ibell format placed on the Company
'wi website, along with Co of Conduct and user agreement
Every prospective IBA all fill up and submit the online
'-' registration form which is free of cost by furnishing the details
0,.; as required by accepting the terms and conditions mentioned
'wi 3.2. Application- Every prospective IBA shall get registered by
necessarily filling up the physical IBA application form (duly
'wi signed) by accepting the terms and conditions provided in the
IBA application form, code of conduct and online agreement
'-' 3.3. Acceptin,g or' Rejecting of Application- It is a privilege of the
'''; Company either to accept or reject the application submitted
by an applicant. If the application is not filled in completely or
the details furnished by the applicant are not true in nature or
not interested to accept the same keeping view of business
'-' interest, the Company is at liberty to reject the application
',.,I without assigning any reason.
3.4. Date of Authorization- An application shall be considered as
'wi accepted when an IBA receives the confirmation of his / her
registration via e-mail or his IBA ID got activated.
4) Renewal- IBA-ship is free & for lifetime of an IBA but the continuation
'wi requires at least one transaction of any amount within a period of
three years. In case of no transaction is found for consecutive three
'-' years than the IBA ship would be auto terminated.
'wi 5) Transfer of IBA-ship- No IBA-ship will be tran ferred to another
person once it is suspended or termi ct~ is non-
' eI 6)
transferable except in case of succession. Subject to participation in
sales and business development activities, commissions will be paid
to successor otherwise successor is not entitle : '6 claim commission.
Corporate as an Independent Business Associate- Any corporation
whether it is a proprietary concern or partners i co cern or Limited
or private limited Company registered as per. the la of the land can
.... become an IBA of SVPSL subject to the n [InS
statutory provisions. In case of a partnershi
r uired under
copy of the
.,) partnership deed along with the resolution IS required. In
case of a Company, to become an IBA, 't requires related documents,
duly attested by the Managing Directo IDn'ecto 0 he said Company
Iw supported by a resolution of the Board 0 D·rectors. Change of
authorized signatory on behalf of the firm 0 Company can be made
Iw' on proper representation: no thi ,ii-p,arty transfi r will be allowed.
7) Group Accidental Death Insuranc icy'
7.1. At present the Company pro 'dIng group accidental death
'ttII insurance policy at fuee COSt-fOf a sum of Rs. 1 (one) Lac to
its Independent Business ssocia es who purchased specified
'-' miles worth of ~Fodu within one month through an
,..., insurance Company
7.2. The said policy risk over will start from only after 4 to 8
,.., weeks from the day, of -Fha sing of Company products by an
IBA or/and from <late of submission of a renewal
~ application of the IBA-ship as the case may be subject to terms
and conditions. '
7.3. Insurance claim will be given to the nominee as per the details
.... provided. .In case nominee details not available in the record
the provisiqns of the Indian Succession Act or any other law
i0oi time beingjl1cforce will be applicable.
7.4. The insurance claims shall be entertained subject to the Terms
and Conditions of the insurance Company. The SVPSL
'cJ Company is not liable for any nature of claims in this regard as
the policy will be issued by the Insurance Company only.
lei 8) Retail Store - An IBA who works in or owns a retail store must operate
'wi his or her SVPSL business separate and apart from the retail store.
Such IBA must secure customers and deliver products to them in the
'.,I same manner, as SVPSL IBAs, who have no connection with a store.
19) Smart Value Dealership- the IBA who obtained dealership shall
adhere to the terms and conditions of the dealership agreement apart
lwI from the agreed terms and conditions as an IBA. In case failed to do
so, disciplinary action will be initiated. Every dealer shall obtain
!wi appropriate and necessary permissions\ sanctions for doing business
from local authorities and shall indemnify the Company for all
legal/statutory compliances. Dealership Agreement is co-existent,
!wi concurrent and coterminous along with the IBA-ship.
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10)Presentation of SVPSL Sales & Marketing Plan inviting Prospective
wJ IBAs or customer- When inviting a prospect to hear the presentation
of the products of SVPSL or/and Sales and ~keting Plan, a SVPSL
'wi IBA shall not use the following invitation ethods directly or
indirectly or induce other IBAs to do so.
'w 10.1. Imply that it related to an employment 0 po
.... 10.2. Imply that the invitation is to a social en~
10.3. Disguise the invitation as a 'market ·u ey"
,.) 10.4. Promote the event as a 'tax seminar.
.... 10.5. Without informing the Company, arne and etails.
10.6. Stating that it is the best oppo nity w·thout efforts/ strain
Iw and get quick rich scheme.
10.7. Any other misleading reason to invite.
.... 11) First Contact with Prospective Customers an
11.1. At the first contact with pr s ecti e customers and IBAs, an
IBA should:
11.2. Introduce him/her se fb name-and details .
11.3. He/She should make . /,.per self'known in suitable fashion as
a SVPSL IBA an ho provide information concerning
his/her name, address n ontact number as well as detailed
information of the Com any.
11.4. Explain to the')n'ospectlve BAs about the SVPSL Business as in
,.,. accordance with h P E Code of Conduct, Online Agreement
and Registr<!tion Form terms & conditions.
11.5. IBAs shall, not make any false income representations to
promote. SVPSL products and in seeking participation of a
to.' prospectivemA in SVPSL Sales and Marketing Plan.
11.6. The inviting'JBA must comply with the following guidelines:
.... 1) Must useconly SVPSL Authorized literature.
2) IBA shall. not produce, sell and / or distribute any business
promotiQn material/literature which are deceptively
similar' to literature or material published and distributed
by SVPSL to its IBAs or which could create the impression
to an ordinary prudent man in society that such literature
or material belongs to SmartValue or that its publication or
distribution is authorized by SVPSL.
3) Shall not say that SVPSL business IBA-ship is a "get-rich-
quick" or easy money opportunity in which it is easy to
'-' achieve success with little or no expenditure of effort or
.... time.
4) Shall not present the SVPSL business plan or solicit
participation in the plan through mass mailings,
telemarketing, national advertising, computer
communications or any other means by which person-to-
.... person contact with the prospective IBAs is not present.
'-' 9
-.I The effective communication is permitted subject to
.,.I approval of such media communication from the Company.
12)Obligations are not Allowed- No IBA shall rep sent that there is any
.... obligation for him/her to purchase the product and/or related
.... services under SVPSL sales and marketing plan I' b made to believe
that by the said purchase they will get earnings as' y: f e Company
..... receives any reasonable or credible informa 'OR a y sale has
been made out on the obligations or false I'e n ti ns, the IBA-
'.,.J ship of such an IBA will be terminated' mediately without any
.... notice .
13)Signboard- An IBA of SVPSL has to seek: witten approval from the
Company for using SVPSL's Signboard display in his/her/their
'- personal office premises irrespective of wh t er it is visible to the
l.,..- public or not For seeking approval, the IBA s ould send a detailed
description of the signboard, size ana IOGa' n of the signboard. The
Company reserves the right to withdrn permission to display
'.,J SVPSL's name, if the standar tea are-not met.
14)Sign on Vehicle- an IBA rna tfie SL trade name, trademark,
'-' logotype, design or sym 01 0 any vehicle only with prior written
consent from the Compa . Only; ose stickers that are officially
launched by the Company are permitted.
'.,J lS)Telephone- No IBA ifpermitte t list his or her personal telephones
in the name ofthe Company:
.... 16)Accounts with the Banks- No IBA is permitted to open any account
with the banks iii the name of Smart Value Products And Services
Limited or SVPS Ltd., or issue cheques by name of the Company or use
.... any logos, which express or imply the involvement of the Company.
Violation of the same will be resulted in punitive action.
17)Product Exchange and Refund Policy:
...., 17.1. In case IBA or customer find the purchased products defective
or not entjrely to their satisfaction, IBA/ customer can
'-' exchange the products within 180 days from the date of
purchase of the products or the IBA/ customer can claim
'wi refund of the product cost within 4S days from the date of
purchase by returning the products purchased in saleable
'-' condition along with original invoice subject to deduction of
handling charges. IBA's shall provide the same information/
'* option of Product Exchange and Refund Policy to their
I.,.J 17.2. Senior IBA shall indemnify the Company in such cases of
failure to observe the refund policy.
...., 17.3. In case of any complaint about products or its related by any of
the customers/IBAs, the concerned senior IBAs shall inform
fool the Company about the complaint in detail.
17.4. If the customer/IBA requests either for product exchange or
for refund the Senior IBA shall offer the customer/IBA for
refund of money subject to deduction of handling charges or
>...,! can offer for exchange with alternative available products. In
case if it is in specified time, subject to and conditions.
Part-B (Second-Partl
1".1 Any information and or facts or anything having si il r na r; i relation to
breach of these rules of conduct either already occurred II nded to be
occurred on a future date; received by SVPSL either by way, of complaint (submitted
by any IBA/employee of SVPSL/others to SVPSL.) or SV-PSI!. possesses such
information from any sources; SVPSL on its own motion may 0 der for investigation
'-' and upon the receipt of such investigation report mall initi te any disciplinary
action either suspension or termination from IBAship th or without notice
'-' depends upon the gravity of breach of these rules of cond ct.
Suspension from IBAship confirms immed'ate'Seiz e of all the activity (Such
'-' ordering product, taking meeting of his sales team, sponsoring new IBA, change of
'wi IBA's information or training and promotion ·vities · y SVPSL or any other IBA)
and also stoppage of bonus and commissio all inc uding but not limited to the any
I.W or all erstwhile or future incomes/ incentiveY ards from the date of issuance of
..J such suspension notice .
Any disciplinary action either suspe ion or termination from IBAship with
',.I or without notice depends upon the gravity, f breach of these rules of conduct
...., either already occurred or preten ed1:o be-oc . rred on a future date .
Issuance of notice requiI:es reply from the notice within 15 days from date of
',.I receipt of such notice & in the absence of such SVPSL may initiate disciplinary action
as per SVPSL Company policy. Primarily issuance of notice is a tool to give
I,.J reasonable opportunity of being heard to the notice, but fails to do so attract the
...., disciplinary action as mentioned in such specific notice .
On receipt of the explanation of an IBA in accordance with the notice, facts
1..,1 known from the verified sources and on the basis of facts of enquiry conducted by
SVPSL appropriate and final decision will be taken in which the decision for
cancellation/expulsion of IBAship of IBA may be taken.
SVPSL has reserved its rights that for the si milar fault can take any decision
(the decision will be taken keeping in consideration that under these circumstances
the IBA has committed this fa ult) or SVPSL has full and unconditional rights and
immunities to evaluate any breach as a special breach and may initiate disciplinary
action accordingly.
As per the policy of SVPSL if any notice fails to file/submit his/her reply
within prescribed time limit the SVPSL has full and unconditional right to terminate
his/ her IBAship from the SVPSL. In the event that SVPSL terminates an IBAship in
pursuant to these Rules of Conduct, the IBA will have no claim against SVPSL arising
out of 0 in respect of the termination or disciplinary action and or whatsoever
name called.
1.2. An IBA shall never indulge himself in any kind of malpractice, negligence & in
...; other activity which is not permissible / acceptable by the society at large in
..> order to promote SVPSL products or related services and shall not induce to
.,; lure the prospective customer.
4. An IBA shall not induce prospective IBA's to purchase goo s-promising them,
'<IIi he/she can reduce or recover the purchase price by referrin more prospects
for similar purchase.
S. An IBA shall promote SVPSL nutritional products, food / . i ta
'<rIi as only nutritional and food / dietary supplements only.
6. An IBA shall not represent that SVPSL nutritional products a foo '/ dietary
..,J supplements are drugs, made for diagnose, prevent dise e, u e
for any nature of illness or disease.
... 7. Maximum retail price is printed on each product and D-l( IBA cannot sale the
product on the over retail price.
... 8.
No IBA is allowed for packing and repacking of the SVPSL p oduct and also he is
not allowed for making any change in the leve f roduct or. Its price.
An IBA neither can export the SVPSL products or can gtv to such person who
... 10 .
may export the product.
An IBA shall inform the prospective tha in me' d'rectly proportionate to
is not entitled to get
commission for referring other prosp 've 's in 0 SVPSL business and will get
11. An IBA shall not collect cash from any of t · prospective / Customer for buying
."J SVPSL produtts either part or full cost 0 the p oducts or for any other purpose
in the name of the SVPSL. SVPSr: does ot uthorize any IBA to collect any
cash/DO from any IBA or prospective, any IBA finds to be involved in any
similar activities may be terminated with immediate effect. Every IBA is
supposed to purchase the products from SVPSL's authorized retail outlet and or
Smart Shoppe by his own. In case any amount is transferred and or deposited
and or handed-over to other IBA on account of product purchase; SVPSL can
never be held liable to make good any kind of losses incurred in this relation to
any party involved in such non-permissible transaction.
12. SVPSL Products and its Brand-Name can never be used in conjunction with any
type of fundraising activity by any party. Fund-raising includes the solicitations
for the purchase of SVPSL products based on the representation that all or a
portion of the gains, proceeds or profits generated by such will benefit a
particular group, organi2;3tion, or cause. Any program, activity or promotional
event organized by SVPSL should not be utilized for any other personal
promotion or personal financial benefit.
13. An IBA shall not promote APLL educational programs to those who are not
eligible to enrol i.e. he/she must have attended minimum 10th class
14. No IBA of SVPSL by using his identity card can claim that he is an employee of
SVPSL. This Identity Card has been issued to the IBA that he can carry out the
business 'of days in any branch regarding his business transactions.
15. No IBA has been given any special rights by the SVPSL. No IBA can claim at any
place that he can avail franchise rights or IBAship of SVPSL in any area (City,
Town or Village). An IBA cannot claim his special rights upon any area or part.
16. An IBA shall not make any false assurances or promises such as saying that it is
easy money and/or quick money, guaranteeamonthly income or job assurance
etc. ,<-
17. An IBA shall not campaign as an employee of the SVPSL and s all not express or
imply that the relations of an IBA with the SVPSL are either m te and servant
'- or employee and employer.
I.- 18. An IBA shall not do the business of other companies ha 'ng s-im!la nature of
business like SVPSL, with or without using business platform f S ' PSL during
I.,' subsistence of the -IBAship.
19. An IBA shall not promote educational programs to e custo e s, if the APLL
'- education centre is not available in their city/town or is not withi 20 kms from
the prospective /student residence area.
'- 20. This is the responsibility of an IBA that he should mamtain privacy and
'- secretary of the SVPSL's activities and follow lltivacy policy f the SVPSL.
21. An IBA shall not give/provide and or submit a . ~ talse.-or ake information and
or documents in application form as well as with otbe correspondence with
I.,. the Company.
22. An IBA shall not refer to any testimonial 's not authorized / true,
I., obsolete / no longer applicable in any manne. hich may mislead the prospect
23. An IBA shall comply with all local, natio ah stat I ws, rules and regulations to
'-' do his/her business as IBA to sell or pro te SVPSL products in the market.
..... The SVPSL is not responsible for any natur of liability for acts and deeds of
either as an individual or as an IB~~--_.rJI
An IBA shall be sole responsible;p~rson/entity to pay all applicable taxes either
I.,. on sale of SVPSL products /service made by him/her/it or on income derived
from said sales or business promotion.
In case of any dispute arising. be.tween an IBA and SVPSL; the same shall be
'-' referred for adjudication to a., single arbitrator, duly appointed by the Smart
Value solely in accordance with. the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996,
whose decision shall be. final and binding upon all parties to the arbitration. All
disputes are subject the jurisdiction of the competent Courts situated in New
Delhi irrespective of having concurrent or similar jurisdiction by any other
courts in India or abroad .
• •
1:- Becoming an IBA of SVPSL is free of cost and you are paying Company Products
and it is not an INVESTMENT Company.
2:- You must pay through DEMAND DRAFT only name and IBA ID on the
back side ofthe DD and keep a copy ofthe same.
3:- APLL Educational Programs will be av,,,,au,,, 'onllV'-a,t' F'IXED PREDEFINED Centres only.
4:- You must not promote APLL educational Df()!!r'arils tt,,+h,p students, if the APLL centre is
not available in their residence 20 kms from their residence
5:- You must not offer a job guarantee after completion of any APLL Educational Program
and must educate the students that the employment after the programs entirely depends
on their individual efforts.
6:- Doing the business is only optional ~d not mandatory. Do not believe on any guarantee
or projections of gross or net earnings; a,s every IBA's earning depends solely on his/her
individual efforts on selling the. pr,o ducts: which varies from person to person.
7:- SVPSL IBA-ship is NOT A JOB/GET RICH QUICK SCHEME and does not guarantee any
fixed monthly salary/income.