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Division of City Schools

San Carlos City District IX

San Carlos City, Pangasinan
GRADE 12 GAS Personal Development

Name of Student: _________________________________ Score: _____/50

Date: ___________ Parents signature:_______

I. Multiple Choice. Read the following statements carefully. Choose the letter that best describes the
statement then ENCIRCLE the answer that best fits to the question. Strictly no erasures or alterations.
1. It refers to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions a. a. a.
a. Personal relationship b. Love c. Social relationship d. Relationship
2. It is considers as the basic unit of the society.
a. Father b. Mother c. Family d. Responsibility
3. Research shows that healthy relationships can help you except one:
a. Be healthier c. Deal with Stress
b. Depression d. Live longer
4. What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or blood?
a. Family b. Kinship c. Network d. Tribe
5. This is actually an issue that all teenagers and adults must be aware of.
a. Cancer Infections b. Pregnancy c. Sex d. Sexually Transmitted Infections
6. What is all about partnership in terms of relationship?
a. romantic partnership including marriage are closed relationships formed between two people
b. essential component in any discussion of relationship but this varies greatly from person to person
c. can be thought of as close tie between two people that is often built upon mutual experiences
d. both a and c
7. What is all about family in terms of relationship?
e. romantic partnership including marriage are closed relationships formed between two people
f. essential component in any discussion of relationship but this varies greatly from person to person
g. can be thought of as close tie between two people that is often built upon mutual experiences
a. both a and c
8. It is the cornerstone of all healthy relationship.
a. Honesty b. Kindness c. Patience d. Respect
9. A family consisting of parents and children, along with grandparents, grandchildren, aunts or uncles,
cousins, etc.
a. Adoptive family b. Blended family c. Extended family d. Foster family
10. Which of the following describes step families?
a. A family member is separated from the rest of the family.
b. A family that moves regularly to places where they have employment.
c. A family that consists of members from two or more previous families.
d. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, and remarriage
11. Which of the following does not describe a happy family.
a. Having good communication every day. c. A family that keep on hurting each other
b. Doing some household chores even its not your duty d. Members who are voluntarily doing chores.
12. What do you call a family unit consisting of at most a father, mother and dependent children. It is considered
the traditional family.
a. Adoptive family b. Blended family c. Extended family d. Nuclear family
13. A family where one or more of the children is legally a temporary member of the household. This
temporary period may be as short as a few days or as long as the childs entire childhood. What kind of
family structure is these?
a. Adoptive family b. Foster family c. Migrant family d. trans-racial adoptive family
14. An old man went to live his son, daughter-in-law, four-year old grandson and his brother. What type of family
is they have?
a. Blended b. Extended c. Foster d. Nuclear
15. What does nuclear family consist?:
a. Father and Mother only c. Father and children and a widowed mother
b. Community, Family, Peers, Society d. Father, mother and Children
16. A pictorial display of a persons family relationship and medical history .
a. Henogram c. Family Tree
b. Genogram d. Both b and c
17. Which of the following word does NOT belong to the group
a. Thank you
b. Please
c. Forgive me
d. I hate you
18. Community activity is part of ______________?
a. Civic Responsibility c. Peer Responsibility
b. Group Responsibility d. Organizational Responsibility
19. You can learn to deal with challenges, communicate with different people and build up your life skills and
abilities in a supportive environment. This refers to your ________?
a. Self-concept b. Self-confidence c. Self-esteem d. Self-reflect
20. Servant-leadership has which of the following characteristics?
a. Aspire to lead c. Desire to serve
b. Desire to accept challenging job d. Initiate actions
21. Which of the following is not the element of servant-leader?
a. Concern with success of all stakeholders c. Focus on serving followers
b. Employ a clear chain of command d. Self-reflection
22. Which of the following is best described a servant-leader?
a. A servant-leader can follow their whims and fancies.
b. A servant-leader is responsible and willing to serve others.
c. A servant-leader is someone who works for other peoples interest and not for his own hidden agenda.
d. A servant-leader puts others concerns first and foremost above own self-interests and motives.
23. A leader with the natural feeling that wants to serve, manifests itself in the care to make sure that other
people's highest priority needs are being served. These is called
a. first servant b. followership c. leader first d. servant leader
24. Involving in community activities, can give a lot of personal rewards and feelings of achievement. The
following achievements are examples of what you can get from being involved in community activities
a. role models b. self-confidence c. skills d. vices
25. Research shows there are four main types of relationships that influence ones career. Below are the four
main types EXCEPT
a. Community b. culture c. parents d. peers
26. To really succeed in life, our children need to learn more than management techniques, accounting, reading,
writing and geometry. This refers to:
a. Emotional Legacy c. Spiritual Legacy
b. Intellectual Legacy d. Social Legacy
27. A strong emotional legacy demonstrates:
a. Courtesy c. Stable relationship
b. Social interaction d. Unconditional love
28. This becomes a guide and provides direction, which comes from you, not someone else.
a. Personal Career c. Personal Mission Statement
b. Personal Goal d. Personal Timeline
29. It is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the course of a lifetime.
a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Work
30. It is a position an individual holds doing specific duties.
a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Work
31. It is defined as the similar work for which people have similar responsibilities and for which they develop a
common set of skills and knowledge.
a. Career b. Job c. Occupation d. Work
32. Which of the following strong factors that influences our career choices?
a. Gender b. Life Roles c. Race and Ethnicity d. Skill and Abilities
33. Which of the following statement is the theory of Krumboltzs Social Learning and Planned Happenstance?
a. Addresses factors related to experiences with others and in previous work situations
b. Creating occupational profiles for specific jobs as well as identifying differences, matching individuals to
occupations based on differences
c. Directly addresses the fact that each play multiple roles in our lives
d. Establishes a classification system that matches personal characteristics and personal preferences to
job characteristics
34. A theories that are expanding as programs related to career choice are developed for all ages.
a. Career counseling theories c. Social Learning Theory
b. Social Cognitive Career Theory d. Supers Lifespan Theory
35. What myth describe the ingredients of fulfilling career also includes passion and commitment to growth.
a. Career assessments / counselors will not be of any use for me
b. Once I choose a career Ill be stuck in it forever
c. Making a lot of money will make me money
d. Selecting whats hot at the moment is safe

II. True or False: Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise F if false.

______36. It is important to work on communicating our feelings in relationships.
______37. To love someone, we must love our self-first.
______38. Trying to understand where other people are coming from rather than judging them helps us build
and maintain relationships.
______39. Having a good relationship does not contribute anything to us having good health.
______40. When people listen deeply and let us know that they recognize the feeling behind our words, more
likely than not, our relationship is doing well.
______41. In our relationships, it is vital that we practice forgiveness when a loved one has hurt us.
______42. Our loved ones cannot help us when we deal with stress.
______43. Using positive methods to resolve conflict will more likely help us maintain good relationships.
______44. Expressing gratitude to our friends and family help us maintain good relationships.
______45. Genogram is the same as family tree.

II. Enumerate the following:

A. Three types of Personal relationship


B. Examples of relationship that you have as an individual


Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

TVL Teacher Head Teacher I Principal II
Division of City Schools
San Carlos City District IX
Guelew Integrated School
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Second Quarterly Assessment

Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/50

Date: ______________
I. Multiple Choice. Read the following statements carefully. Choose the letter that best describes the
statement. Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer. Strictly no erasures or
alterations. Good luck!

_____1. A self service wherein guest have to line up to get their own food.
a. Cyclic Menu b. Buffet c. A la Carte d. Static Menu
_____ 2. Which of the following steps must be the first thing to welcome and greet the guest?
a. Ask them if buffet or a la carte
b. Acknowledge new guest as soon as they arrive
c. Ask them if they prefer smoking or non-smoking area
d. Bidding Goodbye and say thank you
_____ 3. A type of menu where you can have free choices from the card.
a. Cyclic Menu b. Buffet c. A la Carte d. Static Menu
_____ 4. What is table d Hote ?
a. This menu has fixed selling price c. A free choice menu from the card
b. They prepare same menu everyday d. None of the above
_____ 5.Soup is a liquid form food and it must be served _________.
a. Very Hot b. Cold c. Warm or Hot d. Always Hot
_____ 6. It is the primary dish in a meal consisting of several courses and consider as the most substantial meal.
a. Appetizer b. Soup c. Salad d. Main Course
_____ 7. A French word of Menu
a. Minite b. Minute c. Minutus d. Menutus
______8. Which is NOT true about white wine .
a. Its color can be straw yellow c. Its color can be yellow green
b. Produced by the alcoholic fermentation. d . Best example of Sparkling wine
_____ 9. It is the first step in presenting the wine to the guest .
a. Name of wine b. Alcoholic content c. Year of process d. Complement for
_____ 10. This wine is considered as the oldest known type of wine .
a. Red Wine b. White wine c. Sparkling wine d. Rose wine
_____ 11. It is an expression of dissatisfaction of the costumers.
a. Home service b. Room Service c. Guest Complaints d. Guest Request
_____ 12. Which of the following will be served last in the restaurant?
a. Appetizer b. Salad c. Soup d. Dessert
_____ 13. In setting the table, the position of bread plates must be _____.
a. 11 oclock b. 12 oclock c. 2 oclock d. 3 oclock
_____ 14. Which meal is typically the most popular for room service?
a. Breakfast b. Dinner c. Lunch d. Brunch
_____ 15. If you overhear a customer complaining about something, the best action to take is to:
a. Walk away and wait for the costumer to call you over and complain
b. Walk towards the table and ask the costumer if they are enjoying their meal
c. Take a smoke break in order to ensure that the costumers complaints to someone else so that you dont
have to deal with them.
d. Just ignore the costumer and continue serving
_____ 16. Which of the following is TRUE about the old saying
a. Costumer is always wrong
b. Costumer is always right
c. The customer is right some of the time and wrong some of the time, depending on the situation.
_____ 17. What is the first thing you should offer after seating the guest?
a. bread b. water c. dessert d.main course
_____ 18. This service is also known as cart service that involves table side preparation.
a. American b. English c. French d. British
_____ 19. . What is one of the steps to resolving customer service complaints?
a. Listen to their problem c. Ask how they would like to have problem resolve
b. Symphatize with their situation d. All answers are correct
_____ 20. His main duty is to clear and bussed the table after the costumers done with their meal.
a. Barboy b.Busboy c. Cashier d. receptionist
_____21. A characteristics and behavior of an intellectual type of complainants
a. They are generally older in age b. They just keep on talking
b. They shows anger and look un comfortable d. having an angry facial expression
_____22. A hotel service enabling guests to choose menu items for delivery to their hotel room for consumption
there, served by staff.
a. Room Charge b. Room Service c. Home Credit c. Reservation
_____23. How will you handle guests needs with restrictions on allergies?
a. Inquire the restriction/allergies
b. Suggest alternative food items
c. Suggest food or beverage that would trigger his/her allergies
d. Both a and b
____24. A convenient way to order your breakfast in advance and commonly hang it outside the room.
a. Door knock Menu c. Door Lock Menu
b. Door Knob Menu d. Door Menu
____25. What is the best assistance can be provided to costumers as they leave a table?
a. Unfold the napkin and place it on their lap
b. Give a bottle of wine
c. Ask them about their order
d. Escort the costumer to the door
____26. A two types of modes of payment under room service.
a. Cash or Credit c. Cash or Room Charge
b. Cash or Change d. Cash or Debit
____27. What will you do upon reaching the guestroom?
a. Knock on the door / activate the doorbell c. Greet the guest
b. Set the table accordingly d. Get the payment
____28. How will you handle a guest with signs of intoxication requesting for more bottles of hard drinks?
a. Suggest or offer food and beverage that could lower the blood alcohol content such as hot soup. Coffee,
and carbohydrate rich food
b. Ask him to go away and go home
c. Dont give him any beverage just let him sleep
d. All of the above
____29. A sales technique where a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades or
other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale.
a. Upgrading c. Upselling
b. Reselling d. Recalling
____30. A man/woman employed in a restaurant or place of amusement to receive, seat, or assist patrons.
b. Host c. Host/Hostess
c. Hostess d. Server

II. A. Arrange the Sequence of service in ORDER : 1 (first step ) 10 (last step)

CLEARING THE TABLE C. Give the sequence in Serving food

v B. Arrange the sequence of presenting the wine (1-5 )
Good complement for _____ Alcoholic Content
Name of wine Wine Flavor
Year of processing
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:
TVL Teacher Head Teacher I Principal II
Division of City Schools
San Carlos City District IX
Guelew Integrated School
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Second Quarterly Assessment
GRADE 12 Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

Name: _________________________________ Score: _____/50

Date: ________________ Parents signature:_______

I. Multiple Choice. Read the following statements carefully. Choose the letter that best describes the
statement. Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer. Strictly no erasures or alterations. Good
____1. It is an act of killing member of ones family by members of ones extended
a. Massacre c. Honor Killing
b. Honor Crime d. Suicidal
____2. What is all about Hachiko?
a. story of great love and respect between a college professor and the puppy he rescues on a snowy
night. .
b. It's a very gentle film that quickly engages the audience as it introduces a heroic dog, a man with a
loving heart, and an idyllic setting
c. It talks about the judicial killing among animals.
d. Both a and b.
____3. An Antropologist whose article focuses on what is right.
a. William Sumner c. John Paul Sartre
b. William Summer d.Mothershead
____4. The branch of ethics that seeks to understand the nature of ethical properties, statements, attitudes, and
a. Ethics c. Normative
b. Perspective d. Meta- Ethics
_____5. The power or right to act , speak or think as wants without hindrances ?
a. Freedom c. Ethics
b. Morality d. Notion
____6. A natural or intuitive way or acting or thinking.
a. Sensitivity c. Instinct
b. Emotional feeling d. Senses
____7. Our own version of hero dog whose upper snout was badly damaged.
a. Kabang c. Kabanga
b. Bagang d. Hachi
____8. A branch of Philosophy that deals with the systematic questioning and critical examination .
a. Ethics c. Normative ethics
b. Meta Ethics d. Perspective
____9. An article/ work of Sumner about the notion of what is right .
a. Stranger c. Folds
b. Folkways d. Kingdoms
____10. An opposite personality trait is punctuality or the habit of being late
a. Habitual Tardiness c. Early Bird
b. Maniana Habit d. Late comers
____11. What is Maana habit all about?
a. the action of delaying or postponing something c. the soul
b. habit of being late or delaying arrival d. None of the above
____12. A choice that is made without deploying our powers of reasoning and rational. These are frequently made
by younger persons.?
a. Authentic Decision c. Logistic decision
b. Impulse decision d. Natural
_____13. Which of the following statement is NOT as normative ethics ?
a. Murder is wrong
b. My dad was a Man of Integrity
c. Conflict of interest must be handled carefully
d. Where do moral values come fromwhat is their source and foundation?
_____14. They are the ones nowadays who experience impulsive decision making.
a. Teenagers c. Children
b. Old Age d. Matured ones
______15. In philosophy, what is an argument?
a. A factual disagreement between people.
b. Giving reasons for a belief.
c. A shouting match
d. Any verbal attempt to persuade.
_____16. A principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior..
a. Freedom c. Morality
b. Sanction d. Mortality
_____17.A settled or regular tendency opractice or especially one that is hard to give up
a. Habit c. Argument
b. Instinct d. Judgment
____18. Which of the following best describes the moral lesson in the Hachiko movie .
a. Loyalty c. Friendship
b. Faithful d. All of the above
____19. A Greek word of deontological ethics and its meaning.
a. Phien- love c. teo -goal
b. Dein- duty d. Sophie- wisdom
____20. It applies critical analysis to specific events to determine what is right or wrong, and what people ought to
do in a particular situation.
a. Moral Judgment c. Moral Ethics
b. Moral Reasoning d. Moral Evaluation
____21. A choice made based on a persons ethics, manners , characters and what they believe is a proper
a. Moral Judgment c. Moral Ethics
b. Moral Reasoning d. Moral Decision
____22. What do we mean by Utilitarian approach?
a. Assesses an action in terms of its consequences or outcomes.
b. a moral principle that holds that the morally right course of action in any situation is the one that
produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected.
c. Its focus is to have a positive outcome
d. It usually referred to the theological ethics
____23. A German philosopher who made an exhaustive elaboration of deontological ethics.
a. Immanuel Kant c. John Paul Satre
b. Emmanuel Cant d. William Sumner
____24. A term coined by social scientists as a short-hand description for a variety of human interactions.
a. Perspective c. Intersubjectivity
b. Socialization d.Philosophy
____25. A prime example of intersubjectivity that implies a shared feeling of care and affection, among others.
a. Love c. Care
b. Respect d. Trust
____26. Which statement best describes stereotyping?
a. also has been used to refer to the common-sense
b. re traits assigned to groups of people based on their race, nationality and sexual orientation, to name a
c. actions are morally neutral when considered apart from their consequences
d. both a and B
___27. A scenario wherein you have to choose between your love one and your mom who is drowning in the
beach. This scenario will classify under ________
a. Moral Judgment c. Moral Ethics
b. Moral Decision d. Curiosity
_____28. A Spanish word which means self love; a sense of self-esteem or self respect that prevents a person
from swallowing his pride.
a. Amor pripo c. Self esteem
b. Amor Propio d. Self Confidence
_____29. Which of the following scenario that best describes amor propio?
a. Robert and Joe are walking down the street, on their way to meet some friends at the park. Joe has a
bag of marijuana in his coat pocket.
b. An abandoned wife will refused to seek financial support from a husband who has abandoned her no
matter how financially destitute she is on this principle
c. You have witnessed a man rob a bank, but then, he did something completely unusual and unexpected
with the money
d. All of the above
_____30. When someone is willing to give up other values like money to pay expensive beauty products or to have
surgical operation in order to achieve beauty is commonly known as________.
a. Moral Ethics c. Value Experience
b. Moral Value d. Values

II. True or False: Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise F if false.

____31. Amor propio is the same with self esteem.
____32. You must accept others before accepting your self.
____33.Money can be considered as value only.
____34. Humans are the highest creation of God.
____35. Deontology states that an act that is not good morally can lead to something good.
____36. Normative ethics is meant to give an answer to the question.
____37. Freedom can be defined as someone will control you in making decision.
____38. Hachiko movie talks about the kingdom of animal itself excluding humans.
____39. According to Kant,morality is affected by rational thought moreso than by emotion.
____40. Its is better to decide clearly to a situation when you are angry and bad mood.

III. Enumerate the following.

A. 4 Elements of Love

B. 2 General Approach in Ethics


C. 4 freedoms that you exercise as a person


Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

TVL Teacher Head Teacher I Principal II
Division of City Schools
San Carlos City District IX
Guelew Integrated School
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Second Quarterly Assessment
GRADE 12 Contemporary Philippine Art in the Region

Name of Student: _________________________________ Score: _____/50

Date: ____________ Parents signature:_______

I. Multiple Choice. Read the following statements carefully. Choose the letter that best describes the statement.
Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer. Strictly no erasures or alterations. Good luck!

____1. It includes writing intended for the masses and those that find favor with large audiences.
a. Popular Music c. Popular Art
b. Popular literature d. Popular Dance
____2. A free online storytelling community where users post written articles, stories, fan fiction, and poems, either
through the website or the mobile app
a. Wattpad c. News paper
b. Komiks d. Magazines
____3. A ,morning parade in barangay or town fiesta
a. Caracol c. Parada
b. Harana d. Fiesta
____4. They are patterned with existing formulas of: boy meets girl , rich girls fails in love with poor boy, or the love
triangle formula.
a. Love Stories c. Fantasy
b. Horror d. Day dreaming
____5. Filipino pop songs were popularized
a. 1950s c. 1970s
b. 1960s d. 1980s
____6. An old Filipino courtship tradition of serenading women.
a. Harana c. Singing contest
b. Parada d. Painting
____7. Philippine independent cinema started
a. 1995 b. 1996 c. 1997 d. 1998
____8. What is all about independent film?
a. a feature film that is produced outside of the major film studio system
b. usually refers to the common current of thought of the majority
c. being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies
d. both a and c
_____9. They are good marketing avenues for film makers to let the general public experience team work.
a. Film Festival c. Film group
b. Film Maker d. Film movie
____10. Filipino all male shadow play group, best known for being the winners of first season Asias Got Talent
a. Jabbawokees c. Philippine All star
b. El Gamma Penumbra d. Street Dancers
____11. Ronald Ventura was known for his application of multiple layers of ___________.
a. Mixed Media techniques c. Mixed Midea anime
b. Mixed media arts d. Mixed martial arts
____12. It covers created integrative artful masterpiece with new media.
a. New Image Arts c. Palanca award
b. New ideas Craft d. New media art
____13. Ai Ai delas Alas, Vic Sotto and Vice Ganda are classified comedians under ______
a. Horror c. Creative
b. Slaptiks d. Snappy
____14.What is all about Kiko Ecoras work all about?
a. It covers created integrative artful masterpiece with new media.
b. his work is express in canvass and interpreted by individual
c. who enjoy broad acceptance through prestigious national and/or international recognition
d. who have been recognized his/her work on the other country.
_____15. A new media Filipino artist who merge various fields and disciplines by playing multiple roles as producer.
. a. Ronald Ventura c. Annie cabigting
b. Kiko Escora d. Tengal Drilon
____16. Filipino comic book cartoonist and graphic novelist who created the characters Darna
a. Marcus Ravelo c. Carlo Caparas
b. Mars Ravelo d. Carlos Caparas
____17. It usually refers to the popular contemporary music in the Philippines
a. Mainstream c. Ballad
b. Alternative d. Traditional
____18. It is usually social realist and/or advocacy-oriented.
a. Popular Music c. Popular Art
b. Popular literature d. Popular Dance
____19. Producer company of the Ahcy Breaky Heart .
a. Quantum film c. Star Cinema
b. Regal Film d. Star MAgic
____20. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Mainstream .
a. a feature film that is produced outside of the major film studio system
b. term being used for the current influx of films that exude both mainstream and indie
c. being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies
d. both a and b.
____21. A well known artwork of Ronald Ventura
a. The stranger c. The movie maker
b. High 5 d. High 4
____22. In what country does Annie Cabigting has been included in the Prague Biennale
a. Czech Republic c. London
b. United Arab Emirates d. Paris
____23. A street concert with a 50 feet AV installation
a. Musiklaban c. Musikabante
b. Musikalye d. Musikako
____24. They are commonly reffered to songs popularized since 1960s.
a. Filipino Pop Song c. The Band
b. OPM d. Filipino popularized songs
____25. A film maker who won in the international critics prize in Berlin film festival.
a. Kidlat Tahimik c. Ronald Ventura
b. Annie Cabigting d. Mars Ravelo
____26 . It is the term being used for the current influx of films that exude both mainstream and indie qualities.
a. Independent Film b. Mainstream c. Maindie d. Maindea
_____27. A featured film that is produced outside of the major film studio system.
a. Independent Film b. Mainstream c. Maindie d. Maindea
____28. Which of the following is true about indie movie?
a. You have freedom to do what you want
b. Could go viral through facebook
c. 100% profits
d. Not known globally
____29. The following are disadvantages of mainstream movie EXCEPT one.
a. Labels can be exploiting the artists.
b. Artists are not really authentic.
c. They dont get much say.
d. You can have your own independence
____30. A total art work, installations which are often interactive and affect different senses.
II.A. Classify the following movies write IF ( Indie) , M for (Mainstream) and MD ( MAindie)

____31. Ang Babae sa Septic Tank

____32. That thing Called Tadhana
____33. The achy Breaky Heart
____34. Serbis
____35. Heneral Luna

B. Write PL if its Philippine Literature , PM for Philippine Music , and PD for Philippine Dance
____36. Wattpad
____37. Pilita COrales
____38. Darna
____39. El Gamma Penumbra
____40. Harana

III. Enumerate the following

3 Big Production Company
1. 4.
2. 5.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

TVL Teacher Head Teacher I Principal II
_____1. A new media Filipino artist who merge various fields and disciplines by playing multiple roles as producer.
. a. Ronald Ventura c. Annie cabigting
b. Kiko Escora d. Tengal Drilon
____2. Filipino comic book cartoonist and graphic novelist who created the characters Darna
c. Marcus Ravelo c. Carlo Caparas
d. Mars Ravelo d. Carlos Caparas
____3. . It usually refers to the popular contemporary music in the Philippines
c. Mainstream c. Ballad
d. Alternative d. Traditional
____4. . It is usually social realist and/or advocacy-oriented.
c. Popular Music c. Popular Art
d. Popular literature d. Popular Dance
____5. Producer company of the Ahcy Breaky Heart .
c. Quantum film c. Star Cinema
d. Regal Film d. Star MAgic
____20. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Mainstream .
e. a feature film that is produced outside of the major film studio system
f. term being used for the current influx of films that exude both mainstream and indie
g. being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies
h. both a and b.
____6. . A well known artwork of Ronald Ventura
c. The stranger c. The movie maker
d. High 5 d. High 4
____7. In what country does Annie Cabigting has been included in the Prague Biennale
c. Czech Republic c. London
d. United Arab Emirates d. Paris
____8. . A street concert with a 50 feet AV installation
c. Musiklaban c. Musikabante
d. Musikalye d. Musikako
____9. They are commonly reffered to songs popularized since 1960s.
c. Filipino Pop Song c. The Band
d. OPM d. Filipino popularized songs
____10. A film maker who won in the international critics prize in Berlin film festival.
c. Kidlat Tahimik c. Ronald Ventura
d. Annie Cabigting d. Mars Ravelo
____11. . It is the term being used for the current influx of films that exude both mainstream and indie qualities.
b. Independent Film b. Mainstream c. Maindie d. Maindea
_____12. . A featured film that is produced outside of the major film studio system.
b. Independent Film b. Mainstream c. Maindie d. Maindea
____28. Which of the following is true about indie movie?
e. You have freedom to do what you want
f. Could go viral through facebook
g. 100% profits
h. Not known globally
____29. The following are disadvantages of mainstream movie EXCEPT one.
e. Labels can be exploiting the artists.
f. Artists are not really authentic.
g. They dont get much say.
h. You can have your own independence
____30. A total art work, installations which are often interactive and affect different senses.

____13. It includes writing intended for the masses and those that find favor with large audiences.
c. Popular Music c. Popular Art
d. Popular literature d. Popular Dance
____14. . A free online storytelling community where users post written articles, stories, fan fiction, and poems,
either through the website or the mobile app
c. Wattpad c. News paper
d. Komiks d. Magazines
____15. . A ,morning parade in barangay or town fiesta
c. Caracol c. Parada
d. Harana d. Fiesta
____16. They are patterned with existing formulas of: boy meets girl , rich girls fails in love with poor boy, or the
love triangle formula.
c. Love Stories c. Fantasy
d. Horror d. Day dreaming
____17. Filipino pop songs were popularized
c. 1950s c. 1970s
d. 1960s d. 1980s
____18. . An old Filipino courtship tradition of serenading women.
c. Harana c. Singing contest
d. Parada d. Painting
____19. Philippine independent cinema started
b. 1995 b. 1996 c. 1997 d. 1998
____8. What is all about independent film?
e. a feature film that is produced outside of the major film studio system
f. usually refers to the common current of thought of the majority
g. vc being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies
h. both a and c
_____20. They are good marketing avenues for film makers to let the general public experience team work.
c. Film Festival c. Film group
d. Film Maker d. Film movie
____21. Filipino all male shadow play group, best known for being the winners of first season Asias Got Talent
c. Jabbawokees c. Philippine All star
d. El Gamma Penumbra d. Street Dancers
____22. Ronald Ventura was known for his application of multiple layers of ___________.
c. Mixed Media techniques c. Mixed Midea anime
d. Mixed media arts d. Mixed martial arts
____23. It covers created integrative artful masterpiece with new media.
c. New Image Arts c. Palanca award
d. New ideas Craft d. New media art
____24. Ai Ai delas Alas, Vic Sotto and Vice Ganda are classified comedians under ______
c. Horror c. Creative
d. Slaptiks d. Snappy
____25. .What is all about Kiko Ecoras work all about?
e. It covers created integrative artful masterpiece with new media.
f. his work is express in canvass and interpreted by individual
g. who enjoy broad acceptance through prestigious national and/or international recognition
h. who have been recognized his/her work on the other country.

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