Cibse Swimming Poolpdf
Cibse Swimming Poolpdf
Cibse Swimming Poolpdf
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CIBSE Technical Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - 6th and 7th September 2011
1 Background
There are several thousand indoor swimming pools in the UK. Many are operated by
or on behalf of local authorities, many by hotels and leisure businesses as well as a
fair number which are private domestic units. They generally consume vast amounts
of energy, much of it wasted. There appears to be a widespread lack of
understanding of why so much energy is consumed and how best to reduce it.
Operators are naturally reluctant to make adjustments to heating and ventilation
systems for fear of harming their businesses and the health, safety and comfort of
their clients. This steady-state model was developed to provide operators with a
clearer understanding of how pools work, and the scale of the potential savings.
Indoor swimming pools do not behave like normal dry buildings. They are more like
boilers, the evaporation of water playing as key role in energy use. The energy
required to evaporate water (the Latent Heat of Vaporisation) is about 540 times
more than that needed to raise the temperature of water by one degree Celsius (the
Sensible Heat), and very much more than that required to heat air. It is not
surprising therefore to find that the energy involved in this process dwarfs the
conventional heat loss through the building fabric and in dry building ventilation.
The problem with indoor pools is that they need to be heated to about 30C to
provide a comfortable bathing environment. Even small deviations from this
temperature lead to discomfort and complaints. Unfortunately the level of
evaporation at this temperature is quite high, so that most of the heat which is used
to heat the pool water ends up in the hot wet energy-rich air above it. In the absence
of ventilation, this air would become saturated with water, so that condensation
would occur if it came into contact with any surface at a lower temperature.
Ventilation systems are therefore installed in order to dilute the water vapour in the
air to below that concentration which is critical to condensation on exposed surfaces.
The net effect is that the ventilation drives out the energy which has been used to
maintain the water at 30C. In addition the cold inlet air has to be heated to maintain
an air temperature near to the water temperature. Clearly the less the ventilation, the
less is the energy loss, but the higher is the risk of condensation, with its consequent
risk of damage to the building fabric.
The level of activity in swimming pools affects the rate of evaporation since the
surface area exposed to the air increases due to splashing, etc. Activity varies widely
during the day, and ceases altogether overnight, which means that the level of
ventilation needed to provide the desired dilution effect varies significantly. However,
many pools, (including a large number of public pools, which were built during the
1960s and early 1970s when energy was relatively cheap), have single-speed
ventilation systems. This means that for much of the time the amount of energy-rich
air blown out of the building is far more than it needs to be, hence the waste.
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CIBSE Technical Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - 6th and 7th September 2011
A variety of measures can be taken to reduce energy consumption, including the use
of pool covers which can be rolled out overnight, the use of variable-speed fan
motors, de-humidification systems, heat recovery units, improved insulation, etc.
However, the investment costs need to be justified, and some indication of the
savings is crucial to securing the capital funding. The model provides a robust basis
for estimating these savings. It has been developed from first principles and
incorporates some experimental data from well-respected sources.
2 Methodology
The approach is based on assuming the pool building is similar to what is known in
the field of Chemical Engineering as a Two-Phase Continuous Stirred Tank
Reactor, but with no reaction and with water and air as the two phases. Heated air
(and some water vapour) enters the vessel and mixes evenly with the air and water
vapour inside. Water is added to the vapour phase by evaporation from the liquid
phase, and the air, together with the enhanced water vapour burden, is expelled.
heat Water
Mass and heat balances over the building at any time, would enable the water
vapour concentration in the pool air and the heat load to be calculated, provided the
rate of evaporation could be determined.
A means of estimating the evaporation rate, and hence the rate of heat loss from the
pool water, has been found which takes account of the activity within the pool in
terms of the number of bathers. This method requires the values of several
properties of wet air at different temperatures and water contents (relative humidity,
saturation vapour pressure and enthalpy), and these properties have been built into
the model. For any set of temperatures there is a unique combination of relative
humidity and ventilation rate, and these are derived through iterative solution of the
heat and mass balance equations.
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The best model for estimating the rate of evaporation from a pool is the subject of
some conjecture and is discussed at length by Charles C. Smith, in a paper in
the ASHRAE Transactions (1998)1 They postulated two formulae (shown below)
derived from measurements made at a large swimming pool, and claim them to be
more accurate than the ASHRAE formula previously accepted 2.
W is the rate of evaporation in pounds per hour per 1,000 square feet of surface area
v is the air velocity at the water surface in feet per minute
pw is the saturation vapour pressure at the water temperature in mm Hg
pa is the saturation vapour pressure at the dew point in mm Hg
Y is the latent heat at pool temperature in BTU/lb
ER is the evaporation ratio between an active pool and an inactive pool
C is the number of bathers per 1,000 square feet.
The important contribution made by Charles C. Smith et.al1 was to provide a means
of differentiating between an active pool and a static one. Until then the ASHRAE
Handbook2 had only provided a general expression for evaporation. Smith
predicted 26% less evaporation than the ASHRAE Handbook2 during inactivity and
26% more with typical bathing intensity. Their equations (converted into metric units)
were therefore used in the model to compute a profile of the evaporation from a pool
over a 24 hour period. The results for a typical municipal pool are shown below.
Main pool
Nursery pool
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CIBSE Technical Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - 6th and 7th September 2011
The key variables in equation 1 are the saturation vapour pressures of water in the
air immediately over the water surface. These physical properties, together with the
enthalpy (or energy content) of the wet air, can be obtained from psychrometric
charts publicly available. However, for modelling purposes a digital form is needed.
Data were therefore extracted from a standard chart (using intervals of 5C for air
temperature and 10% for relative humidity) and an algorithm used to linearly
interpolate between these within the model. A psychrometric chart showing how
energy content, partial pressure and other physical properties of damp air vary with
temperature, etc., is shown below:
Curve of constant
relative humidity %
Water vapour
pressure mm Hg
Dew point C
Air flow x inlet air enthalpy + heat supplied in air heater bank
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The data used in these balances include the outside and inside air temperatures and
the water temperature. A set of dry air flow rates is assumed, and for each of these,
the total heat flowing into the building from outside in the air is calculated using the
digitised chart data.
The heat lost from the pool by evaporation is derived from the equations 1 and 2
above for a range of assumed relative humidity values. The saturated vapour
pressures and enthalpy are found using the digitised chart data. The number of
bathers and the pool surface area are required in the computation.
The heat flowing out of the pool is calculated for each of the assumed dry air flow
rates and relative humidity values by adding the heat inflow and evaporation heat.
The heat supplied to the air heater is obtained from the difference for each case.
The mass balance for the water is also calculated for a range of ventilation rates and
relative humidity values. Then the value of relative humidity which is common in both
the heat and the mass balance at the same ventilation rate is found by iteration. The
heat load at this relative humidity and ventilation rate is also calculated. A set of
values of heat load and relative humidity are thus determined.
Conditions vary over the day because the number of bathers fluctuates. In the early
morning many pools are used by swimming clubs for training. This is often followed
by a slack period, then pensioner groups, and school classes which come and go.
During mealtimes only a few members of the public may be present, whilst activity
may peak during early evening. The pool performance is therefore calculated at
hourly intervals using observations made at several pools, and then an annual cost
is derived for a given set of parameters.
Because of the many variables which affect performance of a pool, a way was
sought to summarise this in a single chart. For any specific pool of known water
surface area the total heating cost can be derived as a function of the relative
humidity, assuming this could be fixed by installing a suitable ventilation control
system. This is done by performing multiple iterations over a range of ventilation
rates. The solutions to the heat and mass balances provide a curve of the relative
humidity and the annual cost for a given set of conditions (Figure 4). The use of pool
covers, for example, is accommodated by reducing the evaporation rate by 95%
during the overnight period. Also the impact of any heat recovery built into the air
handling unit is accommodated in the heat balances.
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3 Assumptions
For the purposes of the modelling exercise, the sensible heat losses through the
walls and roof have been ignored. This is because they are likely to be small (5 to
10%) compared to the ventilation and evaporative heat losses.
The model assumes the surface air velocity to be zero. Many pools have ceiling
mounted vents, but even those which have vents nearer to the pool surface are
generally designed to minimise the surface velocity. This assumption is invalid in the
case of open-air pools and pools where the doors are left open.
The air near to the water is assumed to be at the same temperature and humidity as
the air in the pool hall. This may not always be the case, and stratification is often
suspected in pools with ceiling mounted inlet and outlet vents. However, adjusting
the model to compensate for this would involve a degree of complexity which would
not be justified.
The outlet air stream is assumed to have the same concentration and temperature
as the perfectly mixed air within the pool (as per the Continuous Stirred Tank
Reactor model).
It is assumed that the contaminants (e.g. chlorine) in the water and air have no
impact on the physical properties, as derived from the published psychrometric data
for pure water and air mixtures.
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CIBSE Technical Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - 6th and 7th September 2011
3.6 Seasonality
The model takes into account the variability of the activity of a pool during the day,
and assumes an annual average outside temperature and air humidity. The annual
results are arrived at by multiplying the daily results by 365 rather than by applying a
seasonal variation to the daily data. Seasonal effects can be examined by using
appropriate data for different ambient conditions and pro-rating the results.
Energy unit costs appropriate to each site can by input, together with the assumed
boiler efficiency. The evaluation results shown below assume a fossil fuel price of
3p/kWh and a boiler efficiency of 80%.
4 Results
The main focus has been on using the model to understand pool ventilation and to
inform pool operators how to save money. Some savings can be made by simple
adjustments, such as switching ventilation to low-speed or off overnight during the
summer. Other savings require capital investment or involve other additional costs.
The model has therefore examined the impact of different scenarios in order to
quantify these changes.
A typical municipal pool is 25m x 12m and has a nursery or teaching pool of about
6m x 10m. The centre is normally open from about 8am until 10pm, although club
activities mean that on some days the pool is in use from about 6am.
Many pools have pool covers which are rolled out at the end of the day to reduce the
evaporation overnight, but there are instances of covers remaining out of use, or not
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CIBSE Technical Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK - 6th and 7th September 2011
The majority of pools have a once-through ventilation system with inlet and exhaust
fans running at constant speed 24/7. Some have a low-speed setting which can be
switched from the control panel, whilst some have automatic switching using a timer,
(though many of these are no longer serviceable). There has been some retro-fitting
of air handling units with variable-speed fan drives, although in some cases these
have not been linked into a closed control loop. Some of the forty year old
installations originally incorporated heat-pump dehumidification and heat recovery by
condensing the water vapour in the air, but most of these are no longer in service
due to the cost of maintenance.
There are a number of suppliers of modular air handling units for retro-fitting, which
incorporate variable speed fan control together with some degree of heat recovery
from the exhaust air using a heat exchange section. Some also incorporate a
dehumidification option. This enables the latent heat of vaporisation in the damp air
to be recovered by condensing the water vapour on a cold coil. The energy
recovered is used in a hot coil to heat the inlet air.
The model enables all of these options to be evaluated, and for rational choices to
be made which are appropriate to each site.
Without cover
With pool cover
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Relative humidity set point %
Figure 4 shows the effect of relative humidity on the overall cost of heating a typical
municipal pool. This shows that significant savings on operating costs can be
achieved by increasing the humidity level. This means increasing the risk of
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condensation and damage to the building fabric. Whilst many pools are set up to
operate around a figure of 50% RH, there is no sound basis for this and each pool is
different. The key factor is the exposure of the wet pool air to cold surfaces such as
glazing, structural steel, and un-insulated roofing. The results show that by being
able to increase the humidity level from 50% to 60%, for example, through better
insulation, glazing and cladding, a saving of about 10,000 per year could be made.
Figure 4 also shows a second, lower curve, representing the costs when a pool
cover is used overnight. The difference between the two curves diminishes
somewhat as relative humidity increases, but lies in the region of 10,000 per year.
This gives about a two-year payback for a typical cover installation.
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Relative humidity set point %
Figure 5 shows the same curve for high pool activity and for low pool activity levels.
In a fixed speed system the design would probably have been based on the higher
activity level, which in most cases means that the ventilation is too high for much of
the time, and certainly overnight. Variable-speed fans, if correctly implemented with
a control loop based on humidity measurements, would reduce the ventilation when
appropriate, such as when activity in the pool falls away. The difference between the
annual costs at high and at low activity levels during the day is about 20,000, plus
the electricity cost savings associated with lower fan speeds. With fixed speed
ventilation, half of this cost is wasted if the pool is slack for half the time it is open.
Variable-speed fans automatically compensate for low evaporation levels when the
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pool cover is applied overnight, and allow the pool to be operated at an increased
humidity level with less added risk (through better control).
Without cover
40,000 With pool cover
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Relative humidity set point %
Figure 6 shows how the level of heat recovery affects running costs. The very high
levels of heat recovery achieved by heat pump dehumidifiers appear at first sight to
offer huge financial savings. However, these need to be balanced against the
electricity consumed in their operation. Unfortunately with a coefficient of
performance of about 3, and an energy unit cost ratio of about the same, the
financial benefits are small if anything.
5 Conclusion
The swimming pool model has been derived from heat and mass balances over a
building containing a large area of evaporating warmed water. The rate of
evaporation has been calculated using formulae reported in the ASHRAE
Transactions (1998)1 which is based on measurements of water loss and heat use of
an actual indoor pool, and which take into account the level of pool activity. The built-
in physical property data are extracted from standard psychrometric charts and used
by interpolating between data points. The scenarios examined have provided robust
justifications for changes in pool operations designed to save energy. Other
publications3,4 have addressed this topic but are not reviewed here. The following
table summarises in broad terms the justifications for changes to a typical 1960s
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12,000 5,000 30,000 1.8
20,000 (16,800) 20,000 6.3
Note that benefits are for independent investment measures and care should be
taken when summing them.
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4. ASHRAE Winter 2011 Collection, Manual SPS HVAC Design for Swimming
Pools and Spas, ACCA, Product Code 96761.
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