Ach As Per Cibse Guide - A
Ach As Per Cibse Guide - A
Ach As Per Cibse Guide - A
because the thermal steady state is not normally reached. (Amendment) Order 1980(25) prohibit the use of fuels or
It is often convenient for their resultant temperatures to electricity to heat premises above 19 °C. This does not
be similar to those of adjoining spaces. mean that the temperature in buildings must be kept
below 19 °C but only that fuel or electricity must not be
The summer comfort temperatures given in Table 1.5 used to raise the temperature above this level. In Table 1.5,
apply to air conditioned buildings. Higher temperatures for some applications, the recommended winter design
may be acceptable if full air conditioning is not present, temperatures exceed 19 °C. In these cases, it is assumed
and guidance on this may be found in section 1.4.2, with a that the recommended temperatures can be maintained by
detailed discussion of the adaptive approach in section 1.6. contributions from heat sources other than the heating
system. These may include solar radiation, heat gains
The Fuel and Electricity (Heating ) (Control) Order from lighting, equipment and machinery and heat gains
1974(24) and the Fuel and Electricity (Heating) (Control) from the occupants themselves.
* See section 1.4.3. for additional data and variations due to different activities and levels of clothing.
† Higher temperatures may be acceptable if air conditioning is not present, see section 1.3.1.
‡ See also chapter 8, Table 8.2, which gives requirements for specific pollutants.
§ Illumination levels given thus: 200–500 indicate that the required level varies through the space depending on function and/or task. Illumination levels
given thus: 300/500, indicate that one or the other level is appropriate depending on exact function. Illumination levels in this table give only a general
indication of requirements. Reference must be made to the table of recommended illuminances in the SLL Code for lighting(33) and CIBSE/SLL Lighting
Guides for design guidance on specific applications (see notes to individual entries).
¶ See also Table 1.11.
[1] Based on PMV of ±0.5 [17] See CIBSE Guide B(39), section 2.3.6.
[2] Assumes no smoking. For spaces where smoking is permitted, see [18] Refer to SLL Code for lighting(33)
section 1.7.2. [19] Design for clothing and activity levels appropriate to nurses
[3] Based on comfort requirements for check-in staff [20] Refer to Lighting Guide LG4: Sports(40)
[4] Local illumination may be required for specific tasks [21] As required for removal of heat and moisture
[5] Dimming normally required [22] Based on comfort requirements of staff
[6] Follow computer manufacturers’ recommendations if necessary, [23] Study tables and carrels require 500 lux
otherwise design for occupant comfort
[24] Conditions required for preservation/conservation of exhibits may
[7] Refer to Lighting Guide LG7: Office lighting(34) override criteria for human comfort; abrupt changes in temperature
[8] Refer to The Building Regulations: Part F1: Means of ventilation(35) and humidity should be avoided.
[9] Podium may require special consideration to cater for higher activity [25] Critical conservation levels may apply, refer to Lighting Guide LG8:
level Lighting in museums and art galleries(41)
[10] Refer to Lighting Guide LG5: The visual environment in lecture, [26] Performers may have wider range of met and clo values than
conference and teaching spaces(36) audience, along with higher radiant component, necessitating
[11] The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992(37) special provision
require 13 °C where there is severe physical effort [27] Dependent on use
[12] In the UK, air conditioning is not normally appropriate for this [28] Design for most critical requirement for each parameter
application. Cooling may be provided by local air jets. Some [29] Special provision required for check-out staff to provide conditions
applications (e.g. steel mills, foundries) require special attention to as for small shops
reduce risk of heat stress
[30] Audience may require special consideration depending on likely
[13] As required for industrial process, if any, otherwise based on clothing levels
occupants’ requirements
[31] 2 °C above pool water temperature, to a maximum of 30 °C
[14] Depends on difficulty of task
[32] Depends on production requirements
[15] Refer to Lighting Guide LG1: The industrial environment(38)
[16] Filtration should be suitable for the areas to which these spaces are