CIBSE Noise Ratings
CIBSE Noise Ratings
CIBSE Noise Ratings
NR Value
Concert halls, opera halls, studios for sound reproduction, live theatres (>500 seats).
Bedrooms in private homes, live theatres (<500 seats), cathedrals and large churches,
television studios, large conference and lecture rooms (>50 people).
Living rooms in private homes, board rooms, top management offices, conference and
lecture rooms (20-50 people), multi-purpose halls, churches (medium and small),
libraries, bedrooms in hotels, etc., banqueting rooms, operating theatres, cinemas,
hospital private rooms, large courtrooms.
Public rooms in hotels, etc., ballrooms, hospital open wards, middle management and
small offices, small conference and lecture rooms (<20 people), school classrooms,
small courtrooms, museums, libraries, banking halls, small restaurants, cocktail bars,
quality shops.
Toilets and washrooms, drawing offices, reception areas (offices), halls, corridors,
lobbies in hotels, etc., laboratories, recreation rooms, post offices, large restaurants, bars
and night clubs, department stores, shops, gymnasia.
Kitchens in hotels, hospitals, etc., laundry rooms, computer rooms, accounting machine
rooms, cafeteria, canteens, supermarkets, swimming pools, covered garages in hotels,
offices, etc., bowling alleys, landscaped offices.
The ratings listed above will give general guidance for total services noise but limited adjustment of certain of these
criteria may be appropriate in some applications.
The intrusion of high external noise levels may, if continuous during occupation, permit relaxation of the standards but
services noise should be not less than 5 dB below the minimum intruding noise in any octave band to avoid adding
a significant new noise source to the area.
Where more than one noise source is present it is the aggregate noise which should meet the criterion.
The table is reproduced from the CIBSE guide, section A1: Environmental criteria for design (1986) with the permission
of the CIBSE, London.