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Method Statement To Test Transformers
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How to test the transformer of a building
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How to test the transformer of a building
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CORANGEBEAM Construction Sc 8h Doc Ref. 085 Rev.0 Effect m CONTRACTOR SUBMISSION (CS) [Consutont: Lteinal Consuting Engineers _|oln Contractor FAN Fos 0: (Mr, Andrew Goh/ Me. San Wei Jian __ JORANGEBEAM Construction Sdn Bhd LI-ZAINAL cknowledge copy |Name: Mr. Lai Teck Keong Sgt: signature: La Teck Keong Head of Project loots bate 22106/20%0 [action by Joacrs Project Ref, Noz OBC/144 [ais boc, Ret: $3-08C-€.mST-0023-Rev.0 Altachment: ives 48 Page LINO Isublect: Submision of. nce Tes! (FAN) -ronstormer [oc Matadals Submision Galye otalogue jehod Statement otation fomple esign Report / Design Calculaton|_fite Diary rest Report erifcate ert Tes! Form [Alor Aperovat []For Action [Jor Enderserment [For information ror Record [] As Requested "A Avoroved B- Approved with comments.(Wotk is clowed to proceed subiect lo complionce with the comments) C-Reiected, Revise ond Resubmit |comment Please ceer atfahed — documeet [Commented Approved Sia Date br: Eo Cc 23 ooa0 Orginal Copy: Copied to: wa waya Pas Se wetsensanen ucnaeeneer “Pt Prepared BY nasnaurants [Gita totings semnaa 5 (donc named Arahovon! [Sor wero sone oO u-2oina! Consuting Engnaes Perunding Kos TK Sch. ha Ctouston Design stcio Scr. Bh. [Ei reresra motayso Sen. es let Teco wiaochnnt gw tochmen! Propet HSE PanHIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD, { Document No: IMS 01 | HVTL ono Revision No. ‘TRANSFORMER ROUTINE TEST Date of Issued: 24 February 2020 ‘TEST METHOD STATEMENT Page: | of 7 RATIO TEST & VECTOR RELA’ NSH! The purpose of the voltage ratio testis to measure the turn ratio between primary and secondary windings in order to verify that the transformer is behaving as designed. The measurement is conducted at al tap positions and pphases. AC the same time, the vector group is determined by verifying the phase shift across the transformer. ‘An Automatic Transformer Ratio Tester is used. By using such equipment, it compares the voltage developed on the low voltage side of the transformer when the high voltage side is energized at the rated voltage. The comparison is affected by null balance upon a potential divider across the high voltage winding. The wiring connection of ratio testis shown in Figure 1 The measurement is taken as follows:- HV Terminal RY ¥B BR RY YB BR oR LV Terminal a yon ben ny yb be Based on IEC 6076-11 clause 14.2.2 / IEC 60076-1 clause 11,3, the no load voltage ratio shall within the declared ratio. WINDING RESISTANCE in order ‘The purpose of the DC resistance testis to measure the resistance ofthe primary and secondary windings to check that the transformer is behaving as designed. The measurement helps to identify any defects in ‘manufacturing such bad joint or fault materials. In addition it is necessary to use as reference for future ‘measurements for:~ 1, Caleulation of PR losses 2. Calculation of Winding temperature atthe end of a temperature rise test Measurement of winding resistance is made by using # Transformer Resistance meter. Since the value of resistance is temperature dependent, the temperature of the windings at which the measurement was made is recorded. DC current is applied to HV and LV terminals, the measurement is only taken when the current become stationary (saturated) to avoid measurement error. The circuits illustrated in Figure 2 ‘The measurement is taken as follows:~ 1. RYand ry 2. ¥-Band y-b 3. BeRand ber [As for the procedure, standard IEC 60076-11 clause 14,2. / IEC 60076-1 clause 11.2 are referred. The value of ‘winding resistance shall met the manufacturer design. No particular value of resistance is specified. While, the ‘winding resistance value may directly affect the value of load loss measurement. ‘SEPARATE SOURCE AC ND V‘ TAGE This testis commonly called Pressure test and itis designed to stress the major insulation of the transformer. The purpose of this testis to verify thatthe Thsulation withstand the voltage that it might experience during services. ‘This is achieved by stressing the whole winding insulation to earth with a voltage greater than that in service. In other words, iti to test insulation between the windings and clearance of the windings and side of tank at arated frequency 50Hz. The test circuit is shown in Figure 3. ‘The testis conducted with a single phase alternating voltage that is nearly as possible to sine-wave form, The transformer shall withstand the test voltage as per IEC 60076-I1 clause 14.2.5 / JEC 60076-3 clause for period of 60 sesends and no collapse of test vltage oscured.HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD, { Document Nou TMS 01 HVTL enn Reon ‘TRANSFORMER ROUTINE TEST Date of Issued: 24 February 2020 TEST METHOD STATEMENT Page: 2 of 7 / SHORT DURATION INDUCED AC WITHSTAND VOLTAGE TI The test commonly known as an over potential test and itis designed to stress the inter-turn, inter-coil and inter= limb insulation of the windings under the voltage greater than that it will likely to experience in service. During. the test, all major insulation to earth and between windings are stressed. The testis conducted with a three phase alternating voltage applied to one winding and induces in the other winding that remains open circuit. The circuit diagram for the over potential test ona transformer with fully insulated winding is shown in Figure 4 In order to keep the flux density and magnetizing current to normal proportions, the test is carried out at the frequency equal to or more than twice the normal operating frequency. The test duration is based on the test frequency selected, which can be defined as follows Test duration (seconds) = 120x Rated Frequency Test Frequency ea er ee NO LOAD Loss ‘The purpose of the no load test isto measure the fixed losses (iron loss) and no load current of the transformer: The measurements are made while one of the windings (HV winding) is left open and the other winding is applied by a rated voltage at rated frequency. The test circuit is shown in Figure S During the test, the no load current (Js) and the no load losses (Ps) are measured. Measured no load loss and no load current will be corrected to rated voltage and current as per IEC 60076-11 clause 14.2.4 / IEC 60076-1 clause 11S, By comparing the measured values with the design values and that of similar transformer design, the manufacturing defects, poor quality material or fault particularly those associated with the core can be identified ei amar ee Epenrrpee Lec perenne ae retried — ae wow LOAD Loss ‘The purpose of load loss or copper loss testis to measure the load losses, short circuit impedance and impedance voltage of the transformer: The load loss consist of sum of the resistance lasses, Px of the windings which is determined from the winding resistance measurement and the current flowing plus all stray losses due to eddy current of the windings. Meanwhile, the impedance voltage comprises of effective resistance component corresponding to the leakage flux linkages on the winding. ‘Testis conducted in which the primary winding is energized by rated current and causes the rated current to flow in the winding couples while secondary winding is short circuited. The test circuit is illustrated in Figure 6. The load loss and the impedance voltage are measured simultaneously. Noted that, the load loss and impedance voltage ‘will be corrected to the reference temperature in accordance to IEC 60076-11 clause 14.2.3 / IEC 60076-1 clause re By comparing the measured values with the design values and that of similar transformer design, the manufacturing, defects, poor quality material, or faults particularly those associated with the coils can be identified. The value ofthe losses Of oad syn short repettgh normally subjected to a guaranteed value (designed value) of manufacturer. The deviation revit impedance from the guaranteed vale shall not exceed the 15% and 10% tolerance "Hal losses, Coraee 11.) ,HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. [Document Nox TMS 01 HVIL on Revsin Nos ‘TRANSFORMER ROUTINE TEST Date of Issued: 24 February 2020 TEST METHOD STATEMENT Page: 3 of 7 j 7,) INSULATION RESISTANCE we The purpose of the testis to check the winding for any defects or foreign bodies that can create a short cireuit or high impedance path between the winding to earth and between windings The insulation resistance of each winding to another windings and each winding to earth is measured with a 2,5kV DC insulation tester. The test circuit is shown in Figure 7. The temperature of the oil and windings is noted since the insulation resistance varies with temperature. ‘The mensrement taken aos the following eins See TR test? Dein i ora fa nine 2) HY termina to Earth erin 3 3) LV terminal to Earth terminal 5) PARTIAL DISCHARGE TEST (FOR CAST RESIN TRANSFORMER ONLY, ‘The purpose of the testis to measure partial discharge (PD) which may oceur inthe transformer insulation structure Generally, PD oveurs in air bubbles or gaps left in insulating media at the surfaces of twa different insulators Eventually, PD will lead to degradation of the insulating material, ‘The test is conducted by stressing all three phase winding of the transformer with test voltage indicated in IEC {60076-11 clause 14.2.7. A phase to phase pre-stress voltage of 1.8 Ur shall be induced for 30 second where Uris the rated voltage, followed without interruption by a phase to phase voltage of 1.3 Ur for 3 minutes, during which the partial discharge shall be measured. The test circuit is as shown in Figure 8. ‘The partial discharge measurement shall be carried out after all dielectric test once completed, Based on the given standard, the testis considered successful ifthe partial discharge value measured is lower than lope. Gr hat is the flor wy Pose the In the tet inched StelanecttHVITL HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. (660859-7) ‘TRANSFORMER ROUTINE TEST Document No. TMS OF Revision No. Date of Issued: 24 February 2020 TEST METHOD STATEMENT Page: 4 of 7 FIGURE 1: RATIO AND VECTOR RELATIONSHIP, FIGURE 2 : WINDING RIHIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. Document No. TMS 07 HVTL un) Reson Na TmaYsfonwernovtive rest! [Dates 3 bay 30 TEST METHOD STATEENT Page: Sf 7 : leases FIGURE 4: INDUCED OVER VOLHIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. [Document No: TMS 01 HVTL (660859-P) Revision No. 1 TRANSFORMER ROUTINE TEST Date of Issued: 24 February 2020 ‘TEST METHOD STATEMENT Page: 6 of 7. 9 | == a 4 omen 2 bo - : = Y aba FIGURES “W F) sit, tial [4 ul FIGURE 6: LOAD LossHIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. (650889-P) ‘TRANSFORMER ROUTINE TEST Document No.: TMS 01 Revision No.: | Date of Issued: 24 February 2020 TEST METHOD STATEMENT. Page: Tof 7 FIGURE 7 : INSULATION RESISTANCE, Hoge transformers ord mi 4 FIGURE 8: PARTIAL DISCHARGEHVTL ‘TEST DATA SHEET ( Pees [Customer: Thvee PhaseTrensformer fTest Certificate No, Ser ee tar {Teme ase fe ? fen Sv a ? Ee ES fetes at hem ame é se es oe : eee] EO} sot 19 Fan te 3 facta fs aaa z =a Sa feaross earremert of wining rence tome @ sama eg z z ST oe = = br easement of eager eed {reaps bn ed SO TOE besa a ete fv a8 = few ae —— i peosrement fads and ren Goes cama ES | Vs] oR ra r esSTATt a [P| te ee ee Pe Tao | 5 cara — ETS easement ftndoe and impedance vgs: Snare ry seoues.a = Fema Se SG (LS at SOT aan —aT (| tape [mews fos | oo Pate | Aces [Cs —[ te [aC a Sparate-seureevotage wiotndtast ‘ruc ove vooge Withstand et | mera Sans one ee Petree ae | rf [ret onwatge Pesce ops ; > Tra Rect { sanoer tp cr thas, Reattace Nott ( Pomacn prams TORT Tea fowssroarehew ods et oe fe eiee Ys cig & aos eo roma ae FESR paren taste zone ps st efs Gepane, Come “SHEA RELATE SMERLIAD SOC RONTNETOUD TBAT : vorsn[9009 Gt “i a pormd ey pon de. “HORAN ENM LANE *L (Gostersa wna ven an mY weer aaa sO waa “9 umpc a 0s Caco wa HUE tore ma RL WERE % STO tuna proton a SS al (a wea ar Sewn at BE : ees eae oe SSE ieee ay —— eae Th pquigwonsaumy y Tiarrat SS OPO sea on 0 wmpmene nar ——) ee $01 aps es | 2H 0c Aamansd 0 apes Aspens, 7" OF Asuonboag PoE Ozr/O0OTT SSA Pe tera iiepet ete te ean eg su os = omen] oN GOR mpm t oman ant vAX ro te aa caeaaee ere = i OV eomes-omamdeg “Ov peompuy _soumstsay wor ‘suonmoyroads 1onpOid Ye BE Hak Honbere di |-seepestt tis ee = lea iF seed T-EBLOOIIZCSS-OFEIL9Z ON YEG ‘T6IEGOZOT = ON [eMES a meee Aes ss anaes 2a eat “is LMOdTA LSALINILAOU ARYL 75100202 oN Yac a ig a | RET sa arene ee Le [a ome Sree par 5 mee = aot wo ewe ia en poten To0-| Sor [sor | ao-| smn — “eanvnwacemy *L [wo [we | ae | sree es : 7 iss 87 t é ©] Ghana na Rag OSTEND Sa ae ee ‘een | SRSMMTETEM OO RAAT SL ae | WY | wanes Pnseigpiacinsie nen amen ried ‘seme “9 SORE septgmeipins an ERE ‘aon ue Ge sos SN cosome maMLiRE IE when “5 RTO amare RP amon as raw bu Weave smnecm BeMnRZODRE CE ee a oie arusioduo| TE sBeyon Sndde, HWE *— oe wma [on sz gmmam i wumsaeisy — ——ayNY ones a hacer sent, BU aie a i ee on eee sere mm TH 00Z— Ktenbany Asm 01 apy Kapu0295, 7H OS Aorenbosgpomy ik ‘Ozw/000TT nen pene a iret we oo OR HE ompmepe z smanmren vat capone on wien A om Sopa gmom me kon eee eeereesee wwe - = OW saetsien—| laaes Paonia -eCeer merce a a oven | Somes pe HE anuays wae a = re - . —- ” PERLOOTIZASS*TEELLIZ £00 "ON Ie — = cI TOIEDOEDE oN mos mt Ty oan we ad i “SS LOMA LSAL INILAOM SRL ‘iReport No.IN-GZ-5301-200003-03, Page 1 of 10 Non-negotiable Inspection Report (Non-negotiable) Inspector: Gentle Huang Inspection location: _Wusha Industrial Zone, Foshan Gily, Guangdong, PRC Date of inspection: _Mar.03, 2020 eee goatee ae west autores sore. The reo sha not be ered ace nt wt tn ut 0521 vezfoe ce 20] Te 620) 8885 Fae.) 27S) Member! the SGS Group (SSSA)Report No-IN-G7-5301-200003-03 Page 2 of 10 Non-negotiable Contents Background information. 2. Instrument. 3. Document review. 4, Visual quality check 5. Witness measurement of coil weight 6. Witness DC resistance test of coils Mark on coils ss Photos... “Ta eporeuldbe nae wihout auharzed sgn. The apo shart produced escept ul wth! tien aproval of sx, Atertion im draunta na imtation analy ncameitenson soasaiecicton eevee aeinedites titan fh cna cr appearance oe coemen aman ana andes ay aoe oe _Easencnngtana ec anrnnrcternneh ro beeen ten renin ameautet tt eee oem ma nan 220 215] Me) RDIREES Fax 0 REEOND Ppacragon.con amber of ine SGS Group (SS SA)Report No-IN-GZ-6301-200003-03 Page 3 of 10 Non-negotiable 1. Background informat — ‘SGS order No | IW-GZ-5302-1900056 Coordinator: | Julia zhu Telophone: | +86 0)20 29093407 Description of commodity Low Voltage Winding of 2 sets Dry-Type Transformer Buyer Eee ‘Ablecon Power System SdnBhd Seller 7 ‘SUNTEN ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO., LTD Wusha Ind. Zone, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong 528300 P-R. China PIL No. NA LC No. NA Subject to Hem Satisfactory | Non-conforming | Rejected buyer's evaluation, Document review e Visual quality check ° Nature of Wines measurement of inspection: . col weight Winess OC resistance teat of cll Mark on cols . 2. Instrument During the inspection, the following instrument calibration status has been checked for inspection: No. Name IDNo. | Measuring Range | __Calbrated Certificate No. + | Digtalindcsting weghing instrument | cortse-ers | 20-3000KG | vatdio2020.0630 | Fs + 1900406 2 DG resistance tester 14990574 -20K01 Vata te 2020.10.31 | 201901187222K-0001 tango sneer Rensearny fa sGumhou ae schyees Domenie ns: - SS chiSedampanas Samos ee eerie 20" 2015] ees x 20ND Copeman Member othe SS Group (S68 SA)Report No-N-GZ-5301-200003-03 Page 4 of 10 Non-negotiable 3. Document review 3.4 Reference documents 34.1 Copper oi's quay certicate 3.1.2 Conductive bars qualty certicate 3.1.3 Inspection reper provided by foctory 3.1.4 Datals for document review was as follows: Copper fol Copper fol fot | Tensile ee poe AIL | Hardness lacs% Inspection specication Purchase | test (Rm) Resut siandard C (Thickness'Waatn) | _orderNo. [MPa | % HV | Measurement | Regurerent a cariee3- 113'600mm,72 | cxxz002081 ms | aaa | or 1008 208 zor, | Accoptatie Grate am $87100-094 chemical composition (36) Element a Fe Pe a 8b 3S As Resut GB Siendard 290.9 | <0.0050 |
institutes recognize the validity of each other's calibration and measurement certficates forthe quaties, rates and the measurement uncertainties specified in Appendix C (or detals vist tb: www igor) Calibrated by: On behalf of Senior Director yy SYAZWAN MUHAMAD AYUB Copyright ofthis report is owned by the National Metrology Institute of Malaysia and may nol be reproduced other than fll excape withthe prior written approval of National Metrology Instute of Malaysia,Issued to Calibration Date Job No Certificate No Name of Instrument Serial No. C Model Manufacturer Calibration Procedure Environment Conditions Uncertainty Procedure Page 2 of 3 HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN BHD LOT 6, JALAN PERMATA 2 ‘ARAB-MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 71800 NILAI NEGERI SEMBILAN 17 September 2019 Nim2019 ~1512 NMIM-3586-E-19 ‘Automatic Transformer Ratio Tester 18606 ATRT—03 Vanguard instruments CP-081-1301 & WI-081-1301 Temperature: 21°Cto25°C Humidity 58 %th to 66 %rh, ‘The uncertainties stated in this certificate have been evaluated in accordance with JCGM 100:2008 Evaluation of Measurement Data ~ Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. The expanded uncertainties are based on estimated confidence probability of approximately 95% and have a coverage factor of k = 2 unless stated otherwise. Comparison against voltage transformer Measurement Standard Used: Description Voltage Transformer Maker/Model No. Tokyo Minato/MT-110 00776 KRISS Note: 9érh is used as shorthand for % relative humidity Cayrght ofthis rapor i ownes bythe National Metrolgyisthute of Vaya and may not be oprResults: Certificate No.: NMIM-3586-E-19 Page No. 3/3 HL 29,993, 0.03 0.05 “| 30 | H2 29,994 “0.03 0.05 18 = 29.996 0.02 0.05 HL 59.998, : 0.02 0.05 A 100.01 0.01 0.06 100 H2 = 100.01 0.01 0.05 b ‘Actual value = Indicated Ratio — (error of indicated ratio) bythe National Metrology net END OF RESULTSTerms and conditions relating to measurement and calibration certificates 1. This certificate whether in whole or any part thereof, or short abbreviations shall not be Published or used in any manner by the applicant or its representative to advertise the Products on the print and electronic media or in brochures and advertisements without specific written permission of Senior Director, National Metrology Institute of Malaysia (NMIN), of which the Senior Director has the right to give consent to all statements in any a form of publicity. 2. This certificate is a Measurement and Calibration Certificate, and it is NOT a Certificate of ‘Quality Assurance or a Certificate of Approval. This certificate is a certificate of measurement and calibration ONLY for equipment sent to NMIM. 3. This certificate contains results obtained during the measurement and calibration work. The Measurement Uncertainty does not include the change in the capability of the equipment during post-calibration operation, the change in environmental conditions and effect of vibrations experienced during transport or laboratory's capability to repeat the measurement and calibration. 4. Additional certificates will be issued to customers at a fee determined by NMIM. Applications for the original or additional certificate by a third party will not be entertained unless a formal consent has been obtained from the respective customer to allow NMIM to do so. C 5. It is the responsibilty of the customers to determine the calibration schedule of ther equipment, taking into account the equipment’ requency of usage and ievel of precision ir pune by the National Metrology iatiute of alia and may not be reproduced ofCAL aioe nas CALTECH LABORATORY SDN BHD (280502-A) ‘casa NO. 51-GRD., Lebuh Bukit Kecl 2, Taman Sri Nbong, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Tal: 04-6437882 (Hunting Line) Fax: 04-6497863 Certificate Of Calibration Customer : HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. Fipm Pte? Address * LOT6 JALAN PERMATA 2, ARAB-MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL PARK, | 71800 NILAI, NEGERI SEMBILAN, MALAYSIA. Desi + TRANSFORMER RESISTANCE METER Manufacturer : VANGUARD INSTRUMENT CO. INC. Certificate No. ‘AEI9-2911 Model + WRM-10P Received Date 22-JULY-2019 Serial No. 98044 Calibration Date + 22JULY-2019 Asset/IDNo. Issued Date 2 23IULY.2019 Job No. : JE87608 Environment Conditions Ambient Temperature asec Relative Humicity 49 %RH- 52% RI Calibration Procedure: M0033 Recelved Condition :Visualy found in god serviceable condition Intl testing found the instrument o be within its specieetions for the parameters tested without any adjustment. Returned Condition: emcalibrated and was found thin its specifications for parameters tested. Refer to calibration data for use Recalibration date specified by customer + 22JULY-2020 ‘The ser should be aware that any numberof factors mey cause this instrument to dif out of ealibration before the specified calibration igerval as expired. The results contained herein conformed thatthe instrument calibrated meets the specications forthe parameters tested which include the ‘measurement uncertainties unless otherwise stated ‘The expanced uncertainties are based on an estimsted confidence probability approximately 95% and have a coverage factor of k= 2 unless otherwise stated, albration Standards / Equipment Standards Description ‘Serial No, Date Traceability Certificate No Four-Terminal Pat Standard Resistor Set 3143100262. 22-May-2020 NMUJNIST 191511-000 Standard Resistor ons, s-Mar2020 NIST coo1eKi9 Digital Mulimeter 2823A14946 18-Jan-2020 NMIMINIST/NMC(SG)NPLINROPTB C0029 enn Arprovedsiguioy: —-Tun10xc (Calibration Manager) page | of 2 This certificate(s issued in accordance with the conditions of accrediation granted by SAMM which has assessed the measurement capabiliy ofthe laboratory and its traceability to recognized national standards and tothe units of measurement realised at the corresponding notional ‘standards laboratory. Copyrigh of ths certificate ts owned by Caltech Laboratory Sdn. Bhd. and shall not be reproduced exc in, Without rhe writen approval ofthe laboratoryCALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION : TRANSFORMER RESISTANCE METER, MANUFACTURER : VANGUARD INSTRUMENTS CO. INC. MODEL : WRM-10P I. RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST. Applied | Input | __Value ‘Accuracy Limits vi Ima CV.120011 ma | tome CV. 240.11 mo 100m CV.3+11ma 500 mi CV.45.1ma | 12, AV 1510.1 ma, | 2a AV.2£00310, 0a AV.3£0.169 | 1000 AV.4= 160 | v2 oma =| GV.3 41.1 ma 500 mi CV.4 45.1 m2 19 AY.1210.1 m0 20 | av.2200310 | 102 | av.320169 | 100.0 AV.42162 * Calibrated Value (C.V.) & Actual Value (A.V.)- Refer tothe attachment. CALIBRATED BY : TH TIONG CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19-2911 CAL. DATE : 22-JUL-2019 SERIAL NO. : 98044 Measured Vale Meas. Before Adj. | AerAdi. Uncertainty (2) m2 1.008 i 0.00066 mst 10.08, 7 0.0060 ma.) 102.2 - 0.058 ma 509.6 = | 0.058 m2 | 399.4 7 0.05 Q 2.061 ; o.000s8 2 100s é 0.0058 2 1013 3 oassa | 0.0060 mer i 0.058 ma - 0.058 ma s | 0.059 ma - 0.00058 0 - 0.0038. 0 - 0.088 0 page 2 0f2ATTACHMENT DESCRIPTION : TRANSFORMER RESISTANCE METER MANUFACTURER; VANGUARD INSTRUMENTS CO. LTD. 1. CALIBRATED VALUE (C.V,) FOR RESISTANCE Applied Value Ima 10ma Applied Value 100 ma 500 ma, CAL. DUE DATE: 22-MAY.2020 _Calibrated Value (C.V.) cv.1 cv.2 (00086 ma 10.0035 ma CAL. DUE DATE : 05-MAR-2020 Calibrated Value (C.V.)_ CV.3 = 0.101310 CV. 4 = 0,50528.2 - ACTUAL VALUE (A.V.) FOR RESISTANCE ‘Applied Value 19 20 02 100.2 ‘Actual Value (A.V) AV.1 = 994.3 mo. AY.2 AV.3 AY. 4 = 100.0776 MODEL : WRM-10P page | of |GH TNBR QATS Sdn. Bhd.» eee Certificate of Calibration sane Date Of Issue: 13 February 2019 Certificate No: TNBR-HVC-2019-006, Issued By: TNBR QATS Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 979289-M) No.l Jalan Air Hitam ‘Kawasan Institusi Penyelidikan, Bandar Baru Bangi, Page 1 of 3 pages 43000 Kajang, APPROVED SIGNATORIES : Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. ‘Abu Sufian Abu Bakar ‘Tel: 603-89225000 Fax: 603-89268828/9 Sharni Dato’ Ahamad Sabki Issued High Voltage Test Lab Sdn. Bhd. Date of Received : 12" February 2019 Lot 6, Jalan Permata 2, Arab Malaysian Industrial Park, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan Die Calibrated Instrument eee re vaLun eLDVoLaerE Model No. : FRC-100 Manufacturer : BEIJING FENGYUAN Con jon of Calibrated Item: HV test system is in good operating condition Date of Calibration: 12" February 2019 Calibration Method: IEC 60060-2/2010 using the reference method Environmental conditions: ‘Temperature (°C) 274-294 Relative humidity (%) 60-64 ‘The expanded uncertainties are based on an estimated confidence probability of not less than 95% and have a coverage factor of k=2 unless stated otherwise Calibration Standard(s) Used : ‘Reference standard Traceable Cert. No. AC voltage divider CM100 NMIM NMIM-2760-E-18 AC/DC Peak Voltmeter DMI 551 080918-02 NMIM NMIM-2022-E-18 High Voltage Testing Laboratory TNBR QATS Sdn. Bhd. ‘This certificate is issued in accordance with the conditions of accreditation granted by SAMM which has assessed the ‘measurement capability of the laboratory and its traceability to recognized national standards and to the units of ‘measurement realized at the corresponding national standards laboratory. Copyright of this certificate is owned by the issuing laboratory and may not be reproduced other than in full except with the prior written approval ofthe Head of the issuing laboratoryCertificate of Calibration TNBR-HVC-2019-006 srgoneo at Page 2 of 3 pages sino ie 1. Place of calibration The calibration was performed by the High Voltage Laboratory, TNBR QATS Sdn. Bhd. at High Voltage Test Lab Sdn. Bhd. 2. Results of calibration 2.1 Voltage Specific Points ‘The voltage comparison between customer meter and reference equipment at SOHz is according to Table 1: Quantity : Upaie Frequency = 50Hz Assigned scale factor = 1.021 3.034 3.048 0.014 046 1,005 +063 10.103, 10.391 0.288 217 1.000 +097 28.000, (29.321 1.321 451 1.047 ‘+£0.57 70.160, 71.581 1.421 199 1.020 £0.56 97.76 100.8 3.04 3.02 1.031 £043 Actual value = customer’s meter + correction “unknown scale factor, apply 1.00 for catculation Table 1: Deviation from reference value Linearity ‘The linearity of the AC voltage measuring system is according to Table 2. 3-100 Peak/V2 voltage 212 Table 2: Linearity The linearity graph is shown in Figure 2. : Calibrated by sumo uiuosien “en Bats Sus Ba ‘The expanded uncertainties are based on an estimated confidence probability of not less than 95% and have a coverage factor of k=2 unless stated otherwiseCertificate of Calibration TNBR-HIVC-2019-005 “greece Page 3 of 3 pages SAMMENO. 184 High Vottage Voltage source divider oM 100 1STAGE ‘Measuring instrument =a MISS Figure 1 : Calibration setup for High Voltage AC measuring system The UT values versus REF values (Peak/v2 Volt g 8 Reference (kV) 8 8 60.00 . 100.00 DUT (Ky) Figure 2: Linearity graph ‘The expanded uncertainties are based on an estimated confidence probability of not less than 95% and have a coverage factor of k=2 unless stated otherwiseCALTECH LABORATORY SDN BHD (280502-a) Ms sone 17028 NO. 51-GRD., Lebuh Bukit Kecil 2, Taman Sri Nibong, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, cates Tel 0446457862 (Hunting Line) Fax: 046837863 Certificate Of Calibration Customer : HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN. BHD. Address ! LOT 6, JALAN PERMATA 2, ARAB-MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL PARK, 71800 NILAI, NEGERI SEMBILAN, MALAYSIA. Description POWER ANALYZER Manufacturer YOKOGAWA, Certificate No, : AEI9.2908 Model 2 WTS00 Received Date 224ULY.2019 Serial No. 2 91M133499 Calibration Date: 22JULY-2019 Asset/IDNo. = Issued Date } 23JULY-2019 Job No. : JE87609 Environme s Ani 1 wee Relative Humidity: 47%RH- 50% RH Calibrat : Moo1d Received Condition forthe parameters tested without any adjustment Returned Condi Mem calibrated and was found within its specifications for parameters tested, Refer to calibration data for use, Recalibration date specified by customer + 22JULY.2020 ‘The user should be aware that any numberof factors may cause this instrument to drift out of calibration before the specified calibration Interval has expired. ‘The results contained herein conformed that the instrument calfrated meets the specification forthe parameters tested which include the measurement uncersaintes unless otherwise stated. “The expanded uncertainties are based on an estimated confidence probability approximately 95% and have a coverage factor of k= 2 unless otherwise tate, Calibration Standards / Equipment Used eran ace, de eta eae cae cae Hosea lil seem samannerninene coin catbeaed By; rrrrona “Ey Secine et ct tin rience ‘calbeasNiay {ealba alos ita This certificate is issued in accordance with the conditions of accreditation granted by SAMM which has assessed the measurement capability oft laboratory and its traceability to recognized national standards and tothe units of measurement realised atthe corvesponding national standards laboratory. Copyright ofthis cerca Is owned by Caltech Laboratory Sd. Bhd, and shall not be reproduced excep in fll, without the weiter approval ofthe laborataryCALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION : POWER ANALYZER ‘MANUFACTURER : YOKOGAWA MODEL: WT-500 CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19-2904 CAL. DATE : 22-UL-2019 ‘SERIAL NO. : 91M133499 ELEMENT: I 1, AC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST ‘Applied ‘Measured Value Meas. Range Value Accuracy Limits Before Adj. | After Adj. __ Uncertainty (2) | ¥ ¥ sv lov, sone 9,965 w 10.035 9980 = 0.0028 10 V, 200 Fiz 9943 to 10.057 9.990 : 0.0028 v soy | 20,50 199291020071 19.981 i 0051 v 20 V,, 200 Hz 19.887 (020.113 19.961 : 0.0051 V | 30,200 Hz 29.873 030.127 29.970 0.0074 v wv | 40V, 50H 39.859 040.141 39.938 : oo | 40V, 20082 39.774 to 40.226, 39.970 - 0.014 V eevee ree peerrvee eae teers : a | 50,200 Hz 49.760 to 50.240 49.960 - 0.017 V | GOV, 50H | 59820%060.170 9.949 ; 0.020 v 0, 200 Hz 45 t0 60.255 59.901 = ov Tov | 10, son 99.72 v0 100.28, 99.82 : 0033 V 1100 V,, 200 Hz 99.58 10 10042 99.90 035 1sov 150 V, 50 Hz 149.58 t0 15042 149.83 - ows v | 150-v,200 Hz 149.36 0 150.64 14991 : oss v 300 300, 50 Hz 289.15 0300.85 29987 : 0.093 V 300V,200Hz | 298.7310301.27 239.86 i 0093 V e0ov 600,50 Hz 598,30 0601.70 599.16 : 028-v 600V,200Hz $97.45 1002.55 599.12 - 028V ky ky 1000 1000 V,S0Hz 0.9972 to 1.0028 0.9986 : 0.00047 kV 1000 V,200 Hz 099580 1.0042 09987 : 0.00047 kv caupeaTen ey Ti T0NG page2 of 7CALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION: POWER ANALYZER MANUFACTURER : YOKOGAWA MODEL: WT-500 ELEMENT: 1 |2.AC CURRENT MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST — hangs Valu S00 soma, SoH stom, 200 He tA 1A, Sota 1A, 2001 C 2A | 2a\sone | 2A, 2002 ‘Accuracy Limits mA 498.59 10 SOLAL 497.88 to 502.12 4 0.9972 to 1.0028 0.9958 to 1.0042 1.9943 to 2.0057 1.9915 to 2.0085 CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19-2904 CAL. DATE : 22-JUL-2019 SERIAL NO. : 91M133499 ‘Measured Value Before tA After Adj er 97 : 500.01 - 0 : 09998 1.9994 : 1.9994 7 Meas. | Uncertainty (+) | oz7ma | 027 mA o.on046 A | 00046 4 | 0.00099 a | 0.000994 | SA SA,S01z | 498590501 | 49980 ; 0.0038 A Abie | semmesiaa | ag 0033 1A 1OA,S0HHz 9972 10.028 : 0061. 1A,200Hz | 9,958 10 10.042 7 0.0091 4 204 204, 30Hz T9943 10 20.087 ___ 19.992 = DOA 20A,200Hz | 199151020085 | 19.988 O07 A eee gee eee eH 3. AC WATT MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST 7 7 i Nominal | ‘Applied Measured Value Meas. Range | Value | __ Value | Accuracy Limits | Before Adj. | After Adj. _ Uncertainty (:) | kW kW IkW | IKW — 1000V,1A,S0H2z | 0997210 1.0028 0.9993 : 0.00065 kW | 1000. V,1.A,200Hz 0.9943 10 1.0087 0.9994 : 0.00065 kW C | Pa Ta Tow V0, sorte | oar noes 9991 : TO07T [100,104,200 Hz] 9985 w 10087 9.989 7 OTT KW 20KW | ISKW | 1000V,ISA,S0Hz| 14.951t015.049 14.986 : 0.019 kW 1000 V.15 4,200 Hz| 14901 10 15.099 14.986 e 0.022 kW 20KW | 20KW | 1000V,20A,50H2 | 199431020057 | 19.994 = 0.024 kW 1 ToO0V,20A, 200Hz 19872013 | T9992 7 TORT EW CALIBRATED BY: TH THONG Yl page3 of 7CALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION: POWER ANALYZER MANUFACTURER : YOKOGAWA. MODEL: WT-500 ELEMENT: 2 1. AC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST Isv sov | | ov | 1oov 150 300V 600 1000 Applied Value lov, 50 Hz 10V, 200 Hz 20V, 50 Ha 20 V,, 200 He. 30V, $0 Hz 30 V, 200 Hz, 40.V, 50 Hz 40 V,, 200 Hz. SOV, 50 Hz, 50 V , 200 Hz 60V, $0 He. 60 V, 200 Hz 100 V, 50 Hz. 100°V , 200 Hz 150.V, 50 He 150V, 200 Hz 300, $0 He 300,200 Hz 600V, 50 Hz 600. , 200 Hz 1000 V , So Mz 1000 V , 200 Hz caupeaven py: ru-r0Ne 9.965 t0 10.035 9.943 to 10.087 19.929 to 20.071 19.887 to 20.113, 29.915 to 30.085 29,873 to 30.127 39,859 10 40.141 39.774 10 40.226 49.844 to 50.156 49.760 to 50.240 59,830 to 60.170 59.745 t0 60.255 99.72 t0 100.28 99.58 to 100.42 149.58 to 150.42 149.36 to 150.64 299.15 to 300.85 298.73 t0 301.27, 598.30 to 601.70 597.45 to 602.55 kw 0.9972 to 1.0028 0.9958 to 1.0042 CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19-2904 CAL. DATE: 22-1UL2019 SERIAL NO. : 91M133499 Measured Value [Meas Before Adj. ' After Adj. | Uncertainty (4) | v 9.983 0.0028 9.991 0.0028 V 19987 | 0.0081.v 19.967 | oo0s1 v 29.952 | 0074 29.964 0.0073 39.953, oid v 39.984 | oo v 4926 | 0017 v 49.979 017 Vv 59.971 | 9020v 59.913, 0.020 V 99.86 | 0033 v 99.95 | 0033 v 149.89 | 004s v 49.94 0.048 V 299.97 | 0093 v 299.96 | 0.093 V 399.38, | 028 v 399.56 028 Vv Ww 0.9990 0.00087 KV 0.9991 0.00047 KV page 4 of 7CALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION : POWER ANALYZER, CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19-2904 MANUFACTURER : YOKOGAWA. CAL, DATE: 22-JUL-2019 MODEL: WT-500 ‘SERIAL NO, ELEMENT: 2 2. AC CURRENT MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST | Apied T ‘Measured Value | Ne Range | Value Accuracy Limits Before Adj. | After Adj. | Uncertainty 4) ‘mA mA | 500 mA | 00mA,S0Hz 498591050141 499.54 : 027 mA | 500mA,200Hz 497.8810502.12 499.92 : 0.27 mA | A A | 1A 1A,s0 Hz 0.997210 1.0028 | 09998 0.00046 A, 1A, 200 Hz, 0.9958 0 1.0042 | 049994 7 0.00046 A. 2A 2A,50Hz 1.9943 02.0057 | 1.9971 7 0.00099 A, 2A, 200 Hz 19915 102.0085 1.9991 : 0.00099 A. 5A | 3A,50Hz 4985910 5.0181 49927 : 0.0038 A 5A, 200 Hz, 497881050212 | 49972 : 0.0083 A loa 1A, S0 Hz 9.972 to 10.028 9.983 - 0.0061 4 | | 10A,200Hz —9958t0 10042 | 9.986 - 0.0091 4 | 208 | 2A,Sonte | 199431020087 | 19970 = | 0022.8 | | 204.2008 | I9g91sw020085 | 19986 | | 0027 o peer LSE ELEC cere EeePC eee 3.AC WATT MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST Pree | Nominal ‘Applied | Measured Value Meas Range | _Vabe Vas __|_AcauneyLinis_ Before ag. | Aer Ad. | Unesriny () kw we TKW | TkW | 1000V,1A,50Hz | 099721010028 0.9995 | : 0.00065 kW | | 1000V,1A,200Hz | 0994310 1.0057 0.9994 : 0.00065 kW | 1OKW | 1OKW | 1000V,10,50Hz | 9.97210 10028 | 9.991 7 0.0077 kW | 1000V,10,200Hz| 99431010057 | 9.991 + oon kW anew | sew | looov,tsA,sons | \4sstie so | 14989 . 0.019 kW | 1000V,154,200Hz| 1490110 15.099 14.986 - 0.022. kW 20KW | 2kW | 1000V,20A,50Hz | 19.943 to 20.057 19.986 - 0.024 kW | 1000 v, 20 A, 200 Hz) 19.887 020.113 19.987 - 0.029 kW | CALIBRATED BY: TH TIONG page 5 of 7. CALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION: POWER ANALYZER CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19.2904 MANUFACTURER : YOKOGAWA, CAL. DATE :22-JUL-2019 MODEL : WT-500 ‘SERIAL NO. : 91M133499 ELEMENT: 3 1, AC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST _ Applied | Measured Value Meas. Range Value Acouracy Limit __ Before Adj. | After Adj Uncertainty (4) _ | v v sy lov, 50 Hz 99651010035 | 9.982 : 0.0029 V 10V,, 200 H 9.943% 10037 | (9.988 - 0.0029 V 3ov | .20V, 50H 19928 to 20.071 19.985 - 0.0081 -V | 20V,200H2 | 198871020113 | 19.968, 2 0.0081 V | 30V,50Hz | 29.915 10 30.085 avoo | 0.0073 C 30,200 Hz 298731030.127 | 29.960 s 0007 V ov 40,50 Hz s9ssvio40.1dt | 39980 |e ony 40V,200H2 | 39.774 040.225 39.9% : ooiav SOV, 50 He 49.844 to 50.156 49018 - ooi7v 50,200 Hz 49.760 to 50.240 won| ooi7v 60 V ,50 Hz 59.830%060.170 | 59.966 - | eoa0v 60 V,, 200 Hz 59.745 19 60.285 59.05 : 0.020 ov | 100, sont se721010028 | 9988 - | 083 v | 100 v,, 200 Hz 99.58 to 100.42 99.94 : 0.033 V Isov | 1s0V, 50H 149.58 to 150.42 149.87 - 0.048 V | 150.V, 200 He 149.36 to 150.64 49.89 : anss v | 300V 300V,50Hz | 299.15 to 300.85 299.93 - 0.093 V0 | 300 V 200 He 298.73 0301.27 239.90 : 0.993 V | 600v | 600V,50Hz 598.30 to 601.70 399.26 = 028 V | 600 V , 200 Hz 597.45 to 602.55 599,75 - 028 V Cc ky av 1000 V_ 1000 V , SO Hz 0.9972 to 1.0028 0.9989 | - 0.00047 kV 1000V,200Hz 0.9958 to 1.0042 09990 | =| 0.00047 a CALIBRATED BY : TH TIONG "| page 6 of 7CALIBRATION DATA DESCRIPTION: POWER ANALYZER ‘CERTIFICATE NO. : AE19-2904 MANUFACTURER : YOKOGAWA CAL, DATE : 22-JUL-2019 MODEL : WT-00 SERIAL NO. : 91M133499 ELEMENT: 3 2. AC CURRENT MEASUREMENT ACCURACY TEST ] Applied | ‘Measured Value Renge Value Accuracy Limits | Before Adj. | After Adj aa | m | oma | 500 mA 500 mA, 50 Hz | 498591050141 | 500.00 | - | 0.27 mA | sooma. 2008 | sp7ssiosoziz | 49970 «| == | oz ma | A A | 1a | 1a,sonz | osortetons | os 0.00046 4 1A,200Hz —098s8t010062 0999 = O.00046 A 2a 2A, 50H 1.9943 102.0057 | 1.9996 = | 0.00099 4 5A | SA, sor 49859105014 | 4.9947 7 0.0038 A | 5A,200H2 | 497881050212 | 4.9940 4 0.0053. 1A 10, S02 9.972 1 10028 9.99 7 0.0061 4 10A,200Hz | 99581010082 | 9995 - 0.0091 A | A 20A,S0Hz 19.943 1920057 | 19.985 : 0.022. | 20A.200Hiz | 19sist20085 | 19970 7 027 A ‘Nominal Applied | ‘Measured Value Meas. | Range | Value Value | Accuracy Limits Before Adj. | After Adj, Uncerainy (+) | ww kw 1kW | 1KW | 1000V,1A,50Hz | 09972101.008 | 0.9998 - 6.00065 kW | | 1000.V,1A,200Hz | 09943 101.0087 | 09997 - 0.00065 kW JOKW | IOKW | 1000V,10.A,50Hz | 9.97210 10.008 9992 : 0.0077 kW 1000 V,10.A,,200 Hz | 9,943 wo 10.087 9.998 - 0011 kW KW ISKW 1000, 15A,S0He | 14.9811015049 | 14.991 7 0019 kW 1000V,15.A,200 Hz) 14.9010 15.099 | 14.988 7 0.022 kW 20KW | 20KW | 1000V,20A,S0Hz 19.943 1020057 19.995 7 0.024 kW 1000V,20A,200Hz 19.8871020.113 19.983 7 0.029 kW caurrareD ay 1H Honey page 7 of 7Kenn SIMS TB SENDA seno1 MAHI SON. BHD. cone FZ no 6,6, 108 1, ALAN KaPaR 2788, MEGAH INDUSTRIAL PARK SExSVEN ar, coi Sis SELANGOR DARULENAN MALAYSIA (ee “TEL: 03-5101 7388 FAX: C3-5101 0375 EMAL: :marketog@sendinahiccom Website: warw-sendimaticcom CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION Certificate No. M19779437 Date of Issue: 13 Sep 2019 Issued By + Sendi Mahir Sdn Bhd Pear | co Pea ‘AMG Customer HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN BED LOT 6, JALAN PERMATA 2, ARAB MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL PARK, ‘71800 NEGERI SEMBILAN Instrument + Infrared Thermometer Calibration Date + 13 Sep 2019 Manufacturer =; FLUKE Recalibration Date + 13 Sep 2020 ‘Specified By Customer Model Type : 62MAX era: The er sould be aware tat ry amber f fort { ‘ony ease tis esrament et ot of elation fre the Sera No) 124200088 ‘Specie caltraion iva as exo. Capacity 5 30~s00°c Resolution 01°C Calibration Environment Condition: Condition Upon: Good in Physical Condition Temperature B.110240 °C Receiving Relative Humidity. 1 471050 Yah Condition Upon Calibrated and Tested Serviceable. Returning Calibration Method : Internal bration Procedure(s) ICPT 9 Calibration Venue : This Instrument has been calibrated at Sendi Mahir Sdn Bhd Calibration Result: The result as following page(s). The expanded uncertainties are based on an estimated confidence probability of approximately at 95% and have a coverage factor of k=2 unless stated otherwise. Reference Standards) Used + Reference Standatd Name Serial No Cairation Due Date “Traceable To 'BLACKBODY & RTD Toa 11 0542019 TNMIMOY) “THERMOCOUFLE (R) T0s0 8 apr2020 NMC(SG) Caliratod By Approved Signatory Mohd Fait ‘Mohd Azlan {pny oe arc vgn ne at Tey doe ‘lpi facts vod by en abn od mac peed eae ee ting arly. The eos ef ton promadoy en ake SBaSIM). ISB} < SENDI MAHIR SDN. BHD. (sso:20-7 aS NO. 6,8, 108 12, JALAN KAPAR 27/8, MEGAH INDUSTRIAL PARK 4 ‘SEKSYEN 27, 40400 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA. ‘st oc TEL 09-9191 73 PAK; 02-5101 6875 EMAIL enguiy@eondimanrcom ; marketing@senderahircom Webs: wirw CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION CertificateNo : — SM19779437 Page 2 of 2 Pages ‘Technical Information Sensor Type : Infrared. Manufacturer Specification: N/A Readability : 0.1 °C Emissivity : 0.95 Calibration Distance : 400 mm Calibration Results: All Unit In: Accuracy Test ‘Nominal Value Source Emissivity = 0.95, Before Adjustment +07 +10 +13 +29 +44 Measurement Uncertainty: + 0.5 °C ( Rangeo-so'e) 1.3 °C. (Range 150 200°C) = 14°C. (Range 200 00°C) Note I: User instrument Reading = Temperature Reading - Correction Note 2: To derive Temperature Reading = User Instrument Reading + Correction ‘Note3: Interpolation = Reading in between 2 test point may be derive by interpolate and plot a straight line {graph where Temperature Reading(x-axis Vs. Correction(y-atis} Note 4: Uncertainty = Parameter assoclated with the result of measurement, that characterises the dispersion of the value that reasonably be attributed to the measurand. Nowe 5 Ifno adjustment was done refer to ‘Correction before adjustment’. f adjustment was done refer to ‘Correction after adjustment to derive true value Nowe 6 : NIA = Not Available Note 7 This instrument has been calibrated follow reference standard ASTM E1256 : 2017 as a general guideline‘SENDI MAHIR SDN. BHD. (333:3e-7) LES NO. 6,8, 106 12, JALAN KAPAR 27169, MEGAH INDUSTRIAL PARK, “oan ance acs ‘SEKSYEN 27, 40400 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA. si ‘TEL: 03-5101 7388 FAX: 09-5191 0575 EMAIL: enouiy@sencimanircom ; marketing@sendimanircom Website: wwwnsendimaticcom CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION Certificate No. : ~—SM19779436 Date of Issue: 20 Sep 2019 Issued By + Sendi Mahir Sdn Bhd Page 1 ti ‘an sn Customer : HIGH VOLTAGE TEST LAB SDN BED LOT‘6, JALAN PERMATA 2, ARAB MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL PARK, 71800 NEGERI SEMBILAN Instrument + Thermohygrometer Calibration Date + 20Sep 2019 Manufacturer =: KT Recalibration Date : 20 Sep 2020 id Specified By Customer Model Type # Taal Remark : The user should be aware that any numbers of fectors| ny eause his nstrument to dif out of elation belie the SaMING + KineasesaT {pet elation inca has expe. Capacity : 8 Resolution OIC; 196th Calibration Environment Condition: Condition Upon: Good in Physical Condition ‘Temperature 1 231t0235 °C Receiving Relative Humidity #471050 %th Condition Upon: Calibrated and Tested Servieeable, Returning Calibration Method : — Intemal Calibration Procedure(s) ICPT4 Calibration Venue: This Instrument has been calibrated at Sendi Mahir Sdn Bhd Calibration Result : The result as following page(s). The expanded uncertainties are based on an estimated confidence probability of approximately at 95% and have a coverage factor of ke? unless stated otherwise Reference Standard(s) Used : Reference Standard Name Seriat No Catioration Due Date ‘Traceable To [RTD & PRT CW THERMOMETER Ton 28 an 2020, TNMIMMY) ‘THERWOHYGROMETER ros 2 oa12019, NMIM(MY) Calibrated By: faced Approved Signatory: ‘Nor Asikin ‘Mohd Azan Tesco ued nace with be odin of aceon graced he SANM whic sede meas asi fhe bora ice 0 ‘seozed aul soc an the us of mentees etd eon oa unas ray Tee tls oalwates famed Sa Be ‘ep the piu equtat a te ine te. They do ola emp tut Si Mas Sdn Bh apreven coomencst eons te eters le ces heaps hat Sera Sn Din my may gues he equ peramate acai, Telos msn Net SANE sees Sone ‘syorerife a onl e te SAND Asean Shs of ear bemtnOpis sn npg hls ore ae epee onsM een, (epyrih ofthis cere owned bye ung boar and ma eb edad ate asa al ecm wide or wanes eel es e: Temperature: Volumetric; Electrica! & O and Photometric measurementsnh SMSB S ENDI ceno1 MAHIR SN. BHD. cxore7 TAF ER v0.5.8 108 12.sacanapan cz, wecas NoUSTAUL PARI . wasn vs SEKSYEN 27, 40400 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA sees CA TEL: 02-101 7288 PAX: 095101 TS EMAIL: enqury@sendmahiccom Webste: ww sendimaticcom Certificate No: SM19779436 Page 2 of 2 Pages Technical Informati Readability : Ol °c ; 1 %rh Manufacturer Specification : NA Calibration Results Accuracy Test Calibration Humidity : 40%rh (15 ~ 20°C) Temperature c Calibration Humidity : S0%rh (25 - 35°C) ‘Temperature ee a Reading Before Adjustment ‘After Adjustment 15 03 NA 20 Os NIA 25 06 NIA 30 09 NIA 35 od NIA Measurement Uncertainty : + 02 Humidity Sork Calibration Temperature : 25°C Measurement Uncertainty : + 20 Grh Note 1s User Instrument Reading = Temperature/Humidity Reading - Correction Note 2: To derive Temperature/Humidity Reading = User Instrument Reading + Correction Note 3: Interpolation = Reading in between 2 test point may be derive by interpolate and plot a straight ine graph where Temp, Reading(x-axis)Vs.Correction(y-axis) Note 4: Uncertainty = Parameter, associated withthe result of measurement, that characterises the dispersion of the value that reasonably be attribuied to the measurand, Note 5: tfno adjustment was done refer to ‘Correction before adjustment’ If adjustment was done refer to Correction after adjustment to derive true value. Note 6 =, N/A = Not Available.BADER CALIBRATION CONTINUATION OF CERTIFICATE 9 Expiey Date | Conditions of Test Temperature: 22 °C 2° Humidity: 43% 5% The unit under test was calibrated in accordance with CATS Pty. Ltd. Quality Management Procedures The instrument was allowed to stabilise in the laboratory environment for no less than 30 minutes prior to testing, This calibration was performed in accordance with IEC 60270:2000 Annex A — Performance test on a calibrator. Reference Equipment Description ‘Serial Number Calibration Date LeCroy 6100A LCRY0604P 17835, 20/02/2020 Uncertainty Measurement uncertainties at the time of test are calculated in accordance with the methods described in UE-001, using a coverage factor of k=2, corresponding to a confidence level of approximately 95%. Nano Coulomb's +3 % Rise Time 23% Frequency £0.01% Resistance 20.1% Note 1, Output charge results were determined as a calculated charge from the following formula: a= fiat = Fy Jenin 2. The value of Rm is approximately 50 0 port No J007941-CATS10454 Pope: 2 of 3 Date of issue: 14/08/20, "Equloment Reibilty Depends on Peroce Testing®CALIBRATION, CONTINUATION OF CERTIFICATE ou Selected | Load Calculated Charge (C) Range | (©) | Before Adjustment | After Adjustment 5 pC 50 422 p 20 pC 50. 19.0 p 100 pC 50 98.9 p 500 pC. 50 504 p Pulse Rise-Time Selected | Load Measured ime (S) Rany {Q) | Before Adjustment | After Adjustment | just tor Adju: 5 pc 50, 35n 20 pC 50 57 100 pC 50. 7.051 500 pC. 50 8.47 n Ise Re Period Selected | Load Measured Period (S) Range __| (©) [Before Adjustment | After Adjustment 5 pC 50, 150m 20 pC 50, 7.50'm 100 pC 50 1.50 500 pC. 50 1.50 m: Report No: J007941-CATS10454 Page: 3 013 Date of ssue; 4/05/20 “Equipment Reliability Deponds on Poriode Testing*BARE REI CALIBRATION, CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE LoIc Loc-5 Description: Partial Discharge Calibrator Serial Number: 1780 For: Global Testing Services 36 Bannick Court CANNING VALE WA 6155 Order Number: Order By: Steve Tolly Date of Test: 13/03/20 The tests reported within this docurnent were carried out using calibrated test ‘equipment to the NATA accredited calibration laboratory whose accuracies are traceable to national standard of measurement maintained by or on behalf of the Division of Applied Physics, CSIRO. This document shall not be reproduced except in full > Tested By Authorised Signatory SAA Stephen Arrow Report No: JO07841-CATS10454 Page: 10f3 Date of issue: 14/03/20, Calibration and Testing Services «P6100 6 {Unt 8/48 May Holman Drive, nfo@calbrain, an, WA, 6054
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The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
Brene Brown
4/5 (1142)
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
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Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Chris Voss
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The Glass Castle: A Memoir
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The Glass Castle: A Memoir
Jeannette Walls
4.5/5 (1752)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
4/5 (629)
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
4/5 (946)
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
4.5/5 (482)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
4/5 (1067)
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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Meik Wiking
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
4.5/5 (444)
Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Tóibín
3.5/5 (2037)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
4.5/5 (4971)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
4/5 (99)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
4/5 (4273)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
4/5 (1971)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
3.5/5 (2283)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
4/5 (1957)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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4.5/5 (125)
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
4.5/5 (1935)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
4.5/5 (236)
The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
3.5/5 (2619)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
3.5/5 (233)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
4/5 (4060)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
3.5/5 (142)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
3.5/5 (830)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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Marriage As God Intended
100% (1)
Marriage As God Intended
3 pages
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1 page
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
4/5 (45)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
4.5/5 (2520)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M L Stedman
4.5/5 (790)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
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Chilled Water System Schematic
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Chilled Water System Schematic
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Sump Pump Flow Rate
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Sump Pump Flow Rate
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BP Checklist
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BP Checklist
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Syabas Water Demand
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Syabas Water Demand
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Hitachi 2. Toshiba 3. Mitsubishi 4. Schindler 5. Otis 6. Kone 7. Fujitec 8. Dover 9. Thyssenkrupp
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Hitachi 2. Toshiba 3. Mitsubishi 4. Schindler 5. Otis 6. Kone 7. Fujitec 8. Dover 9. Thyssenkrupp
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Basic Approved Equipment Standards Fire Protection System
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Basic Approved Equipment Standards Fire Protection System
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Syabas Water Tank
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Example of BMS Schematic Diagram
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Example of BMS Schematic Diagram
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Development of ASHRAE ' S
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Development of ASHRAE ' S
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Hose Reel Pumpset Operation
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Hose Reel Pumpset Operation
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Singapore Film Festival - Brochure
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
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